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Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Many of our top scientists have been kidnapped! Agents have seen missle silos on a Carribean Island! We believe that Scumlord is responsible! Our only hope is to send James Bond Jr. " "James, Scumlord has to be stopped at all costs. Your first task is to find and disable his defense missles." Janes is flown in under cloud cover. When the plane reaches the island James bails out...and parachutes down to the island below. "I'm going in!" -=-=-=- Level 1 -=-=-=- Time Limit: 45:00 You start on the top of the base. Go right but be careful because there are land mines. There is one land mine then some safe ground then three land mines in a row with only a little bit of safe ground in between. When you come to a hole drop down into it to enter the base. You will fall through two screens and land on a trampoline. Quickly get off and go to the right and duck while hiding behind the wall. On the far right side of the room, on the other side of the water pit is a big guy with a gun. His bullet explodes after it hits a surface so if you don't duck you will get hit. Wait for the bullet to explode. Once it does run through the door to the left. You will be in a small room with a door on the far left side. But to get there you'll have to get over a pit of acid. Don't worry though because there are moving platforms you can jump from to get to the other side. In the next room you are below a huge missle. You will have to make your way to the top of the missle and disable it. At the bottom is a soldier. Take care of him and move past him to the ladder against the left wall. You will be on a platform next to the thruster of the missle. Wait for the fire to go away and quickly jump from the platform below the thruster to the platform on the other side. Climb up the ladder to reach another platform with another soldier on it. Defeat him and he drops ammo. Go to the left and jump onto the platform with the computer on it. You will have to solve a puzzle now inorder to diable the missle. The trick to this puzzle is the controls. A is used to move the light on the left vertically and B is used to move the light at the top parallel. This is important because it is how the blocks will move. "Well done, you've disabled the missle!" Drop back to the bottom of the silo. Go through the door on the right back into the acid room. Jump from platform to platform to reach the door on the right. Once back in the room you fell into you'll have to defeat the big guy. Defeat him and jump across the water to the right side of the room. Climb up the laddder and then jump onto the trampoline. Keep jumping on it to land on the trampoline on the right wall high up. Be careful as you jump because there is a jetpack guard. Once you land on the high up right trampoline keep shooting the jetpack guard to get him out of the way. Now drop all the way down and jump onto the first trampoline. Keep pressing A to gain height then jump to the trampoline to the left. Now jump up onto the trampoline that is above you and on the left wall. Once on this one jump onto the stone ledge. Jump up into the next screen. While jumping hold down left on the d-pad so that you will land on a stone ledge as you enter into the next screen. The jetpack guards are hard to hit so you may as well just ignore them. The stone ledge is directly below a trampoline that you will need to get onto. To get onto it, jump off of the stone ledge to the right and while in midair hold down on left on the d-pad to land on the trampoline. Once on it begin to jump and land on the next closest trampoline. Jump from this one to the one against the left wall. Then jump onto the one in the middle of the screen. There are two paths you can take. The one on the right will bring you to a set of trampolines that will bring you to a dead end with a pick up for extra points. The path on the right will bring you to a path similar to the one on the right except you need to go this path to continue your progress. On the left path keep jumping until you reach a moving platform then when you reach the top defeat the soldier to recieve the snorkel. With the snorkel in hand you can now go through the water pit back at the bottom. Just drop all the way down through the screens now. Once at the bottom stand on the ledge overlooking the water. Hold down and select to change into your scuba diving gear. Then jump into the water and swim down into the next screen. *Note* The controls for scuba diving are different than the normal controls. Consult the Controls section for more details. Swim down and to the left. Be careful as you move to the left because there is a mine near the path going down. Swim down into the next room and avoid or shoot the fish. Go through the door at the bottom left corner of this room to go into the next screen. As soon as you enter a land mine above explodes. Swim up and at the top of the path leading down is another mine. Blow it up and then follow the path down. Be careful because there are huge bubbles that come up from below. At the bottom of the tunnel on the right is a door into the next screen. There will be a mine that explodes above. Swim up into the open area to refill your oxygen supply. Then swim along the path to the right. Go up at the end of the path to enter the next screen. Go to the left and jump up to the floor above. Go to the right and use the ladder to get into the next room. Go to the right and wait for the thruster to stop. When it stops run to the left. On the left side jump onto the platform and go up the ladder. At the top of the ladder is a soldier. Defeat him to pick up ammo. Climb to the top and defeat a solider. Disable the missle by using the computer. "Well done. You've disabled the missle!" Go through the water and return to the first room where you fell down at the beginning. Go up the ladder on the right. Then jump from trampoline to trampoline to the left and get up into the next screen. Then keep going up until you reach the trampoline in the middle of the screen. Jump to the right. Drop down onto the pipe with a door leading into the next screen. In the next room you will be able to see two demo-men on barrels. The top one drops a grenade. With them both gone continue to the right. There will be a dog patrolling on the ground and another demo-man. Defeat them both and climb up the ladder in the top right corner into the next screen. In the next screen is an acid pit to the left and a Big Jetpack Guard to the right. You don't have to bother going to the right. Jump from platform to platform across the acid to the left. On the other side climb up the ladder into the next screen. You will be in a room full of barrels. You will have to jump from barrel to barrel to get to the top. Along the way you will have to fight Demo-men and soldiers. At the top right is a ladder into the next screen. You will emerge on the surface. To the left and right are soldiers. You will need to go right into the next screen. Run all the way to the right in the next screen and avoid the tiki head enemies. In the next screen are three demo-men. Defeat them and climb up each ledge. At the top you will have to fall through an invisbile door way at the top ledge on the right. Keep guessing your way down to the bottom so that you fall into another part of the base. You will fall into a room with a recording machine at the bottom. Go down the ladder and go into the next screen on the right. In the next screen is another missle. At the bottom of the silo is a soldier. Defeat him and go up the ladder to the right. Jump to the middle ledge below the exhaust of the missle and them jump to the ledge on the left. Climb up the ladder. At the top is a jetpack guard. Defeat him and use the computer. Now to solve this puzzle. Press right once. Press B three times then press down. Press A and B both one time then press right. Press B once and press down twice. Press A twice and then left. Press A twice and then left. Now press down twice. Press B once and then up and then right. Press B once more. Now press up. Press left once. Then hit B three times and then up. Finally hit A once then right. The missle has been defused. Now return to the room with the acid and moving platforms. Once back go to the right side of the room and defeat the big guy with jet pack. Whe he is killed a moving platform along the right wall appears that will bring you up to the door. In the next screen is a demo-man and a dog. You will need to kill the dog. With it gone a platform appears in the middle of the two blocks to the right. Jump to the far right and go down the ladder. You will land at the bottom of a room. Go to the left alonf the hall. Jump on the ledge and then onto the trampoline to get on the top of the platform. Go to the right and stop at the edge. Wait for a moving platform and jump on to get to the right doorway. Move along the hallway on the othrer side to reach a moving platform to bring you to the bottom. Go to the door leading down to the left. You will have to destroy the blocks that are in the way with your grenades. Destroy the blocks and drop into the next screen. Get past the jetpack guard to the right. Continue going right until you come to the flame pipes. Wait for the fire to go out then drop down to the bottom where there is a ladder. Take it to the next screen. Go to the right and switch to scuba gear and go through the water. Follow the path down and to the left. Go into the next screen. Drop all the way down into the room on the left. Go into the next screen. Swim through the hall with bubbles coming from the floor. On the other side go up into dry land. Jump over the wall and defeat the robot guard. A moving platform appears. In the next screen climb up to the top and go on the left side and drop down to dismantle the missle. Time to solve another slider puzzle. Solve the puzzle to defuse yet another puzzle. This is a little more complex than the last puzzles but it shouldn't be to difficult. With the bomb defused return thorugh the water to the room with the hall to the right. Go through the hall into the next room. In the next screen is a guard robot and some ammo. Defeat the robot and a platform to the door in the top right corner will appear. You will be in a room with a floor of acid. Get to the door at the bottom right corner. In the next room is the final missle. Go up the ladder to the top. Jump from platform to platform to reach the computer. Time to solve another "great" puzzle. "Well done James! You've completed your mission. Now find the teleport..." Now to get out of here. Return to the acid room and jump all the way to the top of the blocks and go up the ladder at the top. Climb up the pipes to the top to reach another ladder. At the top you can go either left of right. For now go to the right. You will have to fight a big jetpack guard to make an elevator appear to reach the ladder. In the next room is a robot guard. Defeat him for another platform to appear that brings you to the door into the next room. In the next room destroy the small object on the wall. Return to the room where you could go left or right and now go left. Kill the two jetpacks guards to make an elevator appear. Ride it up and climb the ladder into the next room. In the next room kill the roboguard and then jump on another elevator and enter the next room. This room appears to be a dead end at first but upon further inspection is another object on the wall as with the other room. In the small crawl space on the left is the location. Jump and shoot at it to destroy it. With both destroyed the teleporter appears. You will teleport above ground. There will be a tower waiting. Begin to shoot at it until it seperates into four floating heads. Destroy each of the heads until all four are gone. With the boss defeated run to the right and off of the screen. The Passcode to Start on Mission Two is 033481 Once Scumlord learns of James' attempt to foil his plans he tries to launch all his missles. But James has already disabled the Guidance Systems! "Curse you Bond! You may have disabled my missles, But I still have the World Domination Device!" "So that's what you're up to!" "Colonel, Scumlord has built some kind of Super Weapon called the World Domination Device." "James, we know. Intelligence says that the blueprints have been hidden in the safes in Scumlord's Office Complex." "You must find them and get them to us as soon as you can." "Be careful James there may be booby traps." "Okay Colonel..." -=-=-=- Level 2 -=-=-=- Time Limit: 25:00 Note* Doors that you can only see their outline can be entered by standing infront of them and pressing down on the d-pad. As soon as the level starts you will be shot at. Take out the thug to the right and then go through the door. In the next room go to the left ladder and climb up it and go through the door. After entering the next room kill the large robot guard for an elevator to appear. Go up the stairs to the right and pass through the doorway to enter the next room. Destroy the chicken robot then go down the ladder. At the bottom go through the door. You will be in a small room. Destroy the two turrets in here then return to the starting point room. Climb up the ladder on the left wall. Jump over the ledge and kill the dog. Enter into the next room. In here along the ceiling will be a row of turrets and at the bottom of the room is a thug. To make life easier head to the bottom of the room first. Time your movements to avoid the shots from the turrets and drop to the bottom floor and kill the thug. Now go to the right wal and jump and shoot at the left wall that hangs down. Shoot the object on the wall to destroy all of the turrets. Go through the door on the right side of the room. Above you in the next room will be some turrets. Drop to the bottom floor and take cover from the turrets under one of the ledges. Shoot and destroy the chicken robot in the bigger part of the room. After destroying it an elevator will appear. Use it to reach the door on the top right corner. In the next room there will be a turret to your immediate right. Destroy it and drop down a floor to destroy another turret. Run through the door into the next room. There will be a chicken robot in here. Destroy it for a moving platform to appear. Jump onto it and then to a ledge in the top right corner of the room so you can find your first safe. Each safe will have a randomly generated combonation so you're on your own for this one. Opening a safe is basically all trial and error. You have nine tries to find the right combonation. I recommend pressing A once then Right on the d-pad and press A again to change numbers. Then press Right after going through each dial to a small box and press A. After pressing A the numbers you chose will be tested. If they stay a solid white that means it is the correct number. If it flashes still then it is incorrect. Solve for all four dials to open the safe and get a blueprint. After opening the safe you'll get your first of six blueprint. "Well done. You've found a blueprint!" Now go onto the left ledge and go through the door. In this room will be a chicken robot on the bottom floor. Climb down the ladder and destroy it then an elevator will appear. Ride it to the left ledge to find another safe. Refer to the last tactic to open it then return to the last room. "Well done. You've found a blueprint!" Go through the doorway to the left. In the next room will be a pod droid in the top section of the room and a turret on the bottom section left wall. Destroy the pod robot for an elevator to appear then drop down. Don't bother with the safe it has a bomb inside. Destroy the turret then go through the door. In the next room destroy all of the enemies and ride the elevator to the second floor. Before getting onto the lift go all the way to the right wall and open another safe using the same method as before. "Well done. You've found a blueprint!" With blueprint in hand get onto the elevator and ride it up. In the next room only go to the right if you want an extra life. I won't explain how to get it because it is straight foward. Go through the door on the left. Go through the first door you come to. This is a small room with a safe in the bottom left corner. Destroy the box robot and the turret on the right wall for an elevator. Get on it and jump onto the ledge on the left. Kill the demo man then climb down the ladder and open the safe. "Well done. You've found a blueprint!" Return to the last room and jump from the small ledge to a platform in the top left corner. Go through the door on the ledge. After entering the next room go down the ladder to the left. At the bottom kill the dog and go to the right. First climb onto the ledge and go through the door to get a clock. It will add time to the timer. Then return to the previous room and go through the doorway on the right. In the next room stay along the top section to reach a safe. Open it as you have on all the other safes. Then drop down and kill the dog and destroy the turret. "Well done. You've found a blueprint!" Go through the doorway on the right. Kill the robot chicken and an elevator will appear. Ride it to get over the wall. Drop down on the other side and then open the safe. Return to the room where you got the Clock for extra time. Go through the door to the right of the one you come through. "Well done James! You've completed your mission. Now find the teleporter..." Run into the next room to the right. Go down the ladder and kill the chicken robot thats in the next room. An elevator will appear that will rise up to a ledge with the teleporter. Jump onto the elevator and go through the teleporter to finish the level. The Passcode to start on Mission Three is 258600 "Colonel, I'm flying back with the Blueprints!" "Oh no! I've run out of fuel! I'll have to crash land!" "Colonel I'm okay. I've found Scumlord's factory!" "James, that will be where he's making his Super Weapon." "Find and destroy all the parts!" -=-=-=- Level 3 -=-=-=- Time Limit: 35:00 Run to the right and avoid the moving silver ball. You can't destroy it and it can hurt you so its best to avoid it. Use the trampolines and platforms to reach the doorway on the far right side. In the next room is a frog at the bottom. Kill it for an elevator to appear. Use the elevator to get higher up into the room. Destroy the flying robot to make a moving platform appear. Jump onto it and then to the ledge on the left. Use the trampoline to jump into the next room. In this room is another one of those flying robots. Destroy it and then use the conveyor belts to get to the far right side of the room. When you reach the far right side knock out one of the force field generators in the bottom right corner of the screen. Grab the jetpack and then jump onto the ledge above where you got the jetpack. Equip the jetpack and fly up into the next room. Continue to fly through the doorway to the right. In the next room climb the ladder in the top right corner and then kill a robo guard. Run to the left and destroy the force field. Enter the next room. Fly to the left and destroy the crystal ball. This will inturn disable the first of six machine rooms. Now return to the room above where you got the jetpack and now go to the left instead. "Well done, you've disabled a Machine Room!" When you're back in the room use the trampolines to cross the electricity. Keep moving along the trampolines and the icy floor until you drop into a large room. At the bottom is a robot chicken so go ahead and destroy it for an elevator to appear. First blow out some blocks in the lower right corner of the floor and drop into the Machine Room. Ride the elvator to take out the first crystal ball. Then drop to the bottom of the room to take out the other. Climb out of the room and ride the elevator. "Well done, you've disabled a Machine Room!" At the top disable a force field and enter into the next room. Jump to each piece of safe land to avoid the electricity. After the electrical floor you will need to get by a hall with flamethrowers on the floor and ceiling. Time your movements to get by it. As soon as you enter the next room take out the spider bot. You will need to target his body inorder to defeat him. Head straight into the room on the left. This is the second Machine Room. Use the elevators to get to the top of the room while taking out the crystal balls. "Well done, you've disabled a Machine Room!" Return to the room with the spider bot and climb up the conveyor belt to get into the next room. Make your way across trampolines and conveyor belts to the right side of the room. Climb into the room above and take out a large thug. Proceed into the room on the left. You will be in the fourth Machine Room. Once again climb to the top of the room by using elevators to destroy crystal balls. Also take out any turrets. There are three crystal balls you will need to destroy. When done return to the room before the large thug. "Well done, you've disabled a Machine Room!" Now head into the room on the right. There is a mini tank at the bottom of the room. Destroy it and then climb up the conveyor belts. Hop onto the platform on the left to destroy a mini tank for some jetpack fuel. Fly up to the doorway on the right while avoiding the jetpack guard. In the next room avoid the flamethrower from the top of the room and jump to the platform. From the platform jump to solid ground and kill the frog. Drop through the hole at the bottom of the room. You will be in the third of six Machine Rooms. From the platform you land on run left and land on another platform. Destroy the crystal balls on the left and right wall and then drop onto an elevator. Drop onto a moving platform and destroy the last crystal ball on the left. Now use the elevators to get back into the last room. "Well done, you've disabled a Machine Room!" Now go to the right. Use your jetpack to get acorss the electricity and to solid ground. Then fly inbetween the flamethrowers on the ground and the electricity on the ceiling. Continue to fly through into the next room as well. While still avoiding the electricity and flames. At the end drop into the room below. Drop down and stay along the right wall. When you reach a small ledge destroy the wall made from blocks and enter the next machine room. Get past all of the electricity and jump onto the moving platform at the end and destroy the three crystal balls. "Well done James! You've completed your mission. Now find the teleporter..." Exit the room and drop to the bottom. Kill the robot chicken and run to the left. Climb the ladders along the way for items. Drop off the ledge to the lef to land in the last room. Kill the man on the hoverbike and step onto the teleporter on the right. The Passcode to start on Mission Four is 320370 "Curses! I'll have my revenge!" "James now you must find and release the scientists." "Okay Colonel. Then I've got a personal score to settle!" "I understand James." "Intelligence says that the fortress is impenetrable!" "I'll find a way in Colonel." After searching, James finds a flaw in the security an entrance through a disused mine shaft. -=-=-=- Level 4 -=-=-=- Time Limit: 30:00 From the starting ledge jump the small pit of lava and land on the small space where the blue goo doesn't fall onto. Jump over the blue goo and then jump from trampoline to trampoline to enter the next room. There are two ways to reach the top of this room. The first would be to destroy the robot chicken and ride the elevator that appears in its place. The second would to hop from ledge to ledge along the right wall. The choice is yours. Anyways make it to the top left door and go past it into the next room. There will be a large fly in this room. Kill it for an elevator to appear. Drop to the bottom of the room and hop onto the moving platform and then to the elevator. Ride the elevator to the top and then go through the doorway on the left. In this room there are two ladders. One leading up and the other down. Go down first. Kill the robo spider to free the first of either scientists. Now go back to the room with ladders and climb to the top to enter the next room through the door on the left. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" This room is very straight foward. Defeat the man on the hoverbike to free the scientist. Two done six to go. Return to the room previous to the one with the ladders, the doorway through the right. In this room jump onto the moving platform at the top. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" You will need to use a potion, you should have picked this up by now, to change into a monster. This will allow you to jump higher. Jump through the hole in the ceiling and into the next room. In the next room wait for the floor to generate so you can stand on it then climb each platform to the top. Go through the door on the left and kill the large fly to rescue the scientist. Exit the room and head to the very bottom of this room. At the bottom right corner destroy the wall to find a doorway. Kill the raptor at the bottom of the room and then jump to each laser floor. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" At the top jump to one of the trampolines. For now ignore the whole in the ceiling and go through the door on the right. In the next room kill the large fly for a 1-Up and then turn into a monster and jump to the top right doorway. Go through the door and rescue another scientist. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" Make sure to grab the scuba equipment and then return to the last room and climb down the ladder. Go through the door on the right and kill the large fly to save yet another scientist. Grab any items that drop and go into the last room and drop down a floor. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" Avoid the mudmen and just drop to the bottom floor. At the very bottom kill the raptor and head into the room on the right. Kill the large guy and then equip your scuba gear and enter the water. Once in the water stay to the right. Go through the door on the right and continue going right. In the next room swim to the top of the screen and exit the water. Go through the door and kill the robot in order to save the next scientist. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" Hop back into the water and swim to the right door. In the second room underwater swim down and to the right. Swim all the way to the right and then swim through a small hall and up. In this room hop onto dry land and kill the frog. Then go through the door on the right and kill the robot chicken to save a scientist. Now swim all the way back into the first room where you went into water, the one with the large thug. Go into the room where you fought the raptor and jump from the trampoline into the room above. "Well done, you've rescued a scientist!" Switch to the monster mode and drop onto the trampoline below and bounce onto the ledge on the right. Kill the robo guard and then jump over the gap to the left ledge. Switch to being and jump to the ledge above and go through the doorway. Kill the robo spider and save the final scientist. "Well done James! You've completed your mission. Now find the teleporter..." Return to the room with mudmen and climb all the way to the top and go through the door on the left at the top. Jump onto the trampolines and then to the moving platform. Go through the door in the ceiling and kill the large guard on the left and step onto the teleporter. You will be in a dark room. A large ship will rise from the ground with he, himself, Scumlord piloting it. There are three weak points on the ship. The front the back and the lower back. You can tell they are weak spots because they are a different spot. The ship will move in a counter/clockwise manner around the screen while shooting out a rain of homing bullets. After the last part is destroyed the ship will begin to explode and will then crash down. A rocket will then fly off. The Passcode to start on Mission Four is 113674 Sumlord flies to safety in his escape pod. "Well done James! You completed all your missions but failed to capture Scumlord. "If you want to bring him to justice you must complete all the missions again!" From there you are returned to the First Mission. Rebeat all of the missions to view the true final ending. No changes are added to the levels so you can use the Walkthrough again should you need it for the second Quest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Level Passwords: --------------- 113674 = Level 1 (2nd Quest) 033481 = Level 2 (1st Quest) 136547 = Level 2 (2nd Quest) 258600 = Level 3 (1st Quest) 873014 = Level 3 (2nd Quest) 320370 = Level 4 (1st Quest) 687012 = Level 4 (2nd Quest) -------------- Various Cheats: -------------- 012345 = Sound Test 888888 = View Credits ---------------- Game Genie Codes: ---------------- PANTTATA = Start with 2 lives TANTTATE = Start with 15 lives SXEKSOVK = Infinite lives XVOTAEXE = Start with some weapons AANNSLPA = Unlimited weapons (bombs, flares, nukes, bullets) YUSOENYO = Slow down rate of air loss (scuba mode) YESOENYO = Speed up rate of air loss GZUYZIST = Shield doesn't take damage from bullets GZVYPIST = Immune to most damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2005 to merc for hire. This is the work of merc for hire and International Copyright law protects this FAQ/Walkthrough. You can not sell, change, post on a website as your own. You can post it on your website as long as I receive full credit for it. If you do post it on a website I want an e-mail from you first so I can give you the go ahead. Unless I don't tell you to then you are not allowed to post it on your website. I will only update the FAQ/Walkthroughs I have on http://www.GameFAQs.com