***************************************************************************** Juvei Quest FAQ/Walkthrough Viewable in Shift-JIS Format For the NES/Famicom Version 1.0 (Created 6/1/2010) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Walkthrough 6. Enemies 7. Bosses 8. Abilities 9. Helpers 10. Weapons 11. Armor 12. Charms 13. Items 14. Item Creation 15. Credits 16. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (6/1/10): The first, complete version of this guide. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Juvei Quest is a role-playing game for the Famicom, as you can see. It revolves around the adventures of Juvei and his companions, who he meets along the way. The game has an Earthbound sort of feel to it, in that two of your main companions have their own side areas you play through with them only prior to joining Juvei's party. The game is broken down into ten volumes which are more of a formality than anything. The world map is large with a lot of ground to cover, as well as plenty of equipment, items, and abilities to be used along the way. It really is a lot of fun, though you probably miss out on the story if you don't speak Japanese. I would definitely recommend this title, and hope that it gets translated someday! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move cursor, move character outside of battle Select: View brief party status A: Action button, bring up command menu B: Cancel commands, go back on menu screens ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Pre-Game ======== After the title screen, you will come to a menu screen with the following options: Continue (たびをつづける) New Game (たびをはじめる) Copy File (たびにっきをうつす) Erase File (たびにっきをけす) Text Speed (ひょうじスピード) If you are starting a new game, you can name your file (this does not change the name of the lead character, who is Juvei). Once you do that, your game will commence. ======== Gameplay ======== As you would expect, this game is played from a top-down perspective. All actions are done through a command screen, which appears when you press A. Those commands are as follows: Speak (はなす): Talk to someone in directly front of you. Search (さがす): Check what's directly in front of you, open chests, etc. Power (つよさ): Access the Status (ステータス) and Order (ならび) screens. Skill (とくぎ): Use a party member's special skill. Item (どうぐ): View your party member's items, and Use (つかう), Pass (わたす) or Throw Away (すてる). Ability (ちょうりき): Use a party member's ability, using SP. Diary (たびにっき): Save your game. You will see the experience needed for each party member to level up, and be given the option to continue or quit playing after saving. Helper (すけっと): Summon a Helper character (appears when you get a Helper). ============= Status Screen ============= When you check on a party member's status, you cn find out a lot of useful information. Generally speaking, you can view their stats and abilities they currently have. Here is a quick rundown of the information you can find: Top-Left Top-Right -------- --------- Name + Character Sprite Fencing (けんぽう - Juvei Only) Race (しゅぞく) Attack/ATK (こうげき) Level (レベル) Defense/DEF (しゅび) HP (いのち) Speed/SPD (スピード) SP (ちょうりき) Heavenly Defense/SPI (てんのまもり) Bottom-Left Bottom-Right ----------- ------------ Experience (けいけんち) Character (せいかく): Money (おかね) Inner Strength/VIT (しんのつよさ) Current Status (じょうたい) Intelligence/INT (あたまのよさ) Equipment (そうび): Weapon (ぶき) Armor (ぼうぐ) Charm (if any) ====== Battle ====== In this game, battle takes placed in a menu-driven screen. At the start of each turn, your entire party chooses their commands, along with targets. When your party is done, that turn is carried out with enemies and allies acting based on their Speed stats. When choosing enemy targets, keep in mind that if your target dies before it's your turn to act, you don't do anything. Plan your attacks accordingly to make the best use of your party! If all enemies are defeated, the battle ends and experience/money are awarded. ===== Towns ===== Over the course of the game, you will visit a wide variety of towns. Some have more to see and do than others, of course. There are item shops (as designated by a pot logo behind the shopkeeper), equipment shops (swords on the wall behind the shopkeeper), Inns where you can recover your party's health for a fee (usually with a sign above the door - やど). There are also shrines, which you can find by looking for the cat statues outside. The man inside can cure status ailments and revive fallen party members for a fee. Later in the game, there will be men selling charms inside of the shrines. Also found in some towns are Banks. The concept is simple: you give the man however much money you want to, and he holds it until you choose to return and withdraw it. The main selling point for this is that when you die in battle, you lose half of your money when you are revived in the last town. If you deposited money in the bank, that money is safe. You will also find that you can use Jirokichi to spy around in the towns. You can not send him out in the presence of people, but when the Spy ability is running, a new person will appear at a set location in town, who will give you the hint/item needed to proceed. There is more on that in the actual walkthrough. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: If you want further assistance in the way of maps, please go here: http://www.k5.dion.ne.jp/~tooboo/juubei_top.html ============ Introduction ============ After the opening scene, you will witness a conversation between your main character Juvei (じゅうべえ) and his father. He will give you the Shinkage as your first weapon, which is automatically equipped. You don't get to keep it for too long, which is a shame. You will also be given the first Map (ちず) and the item used to view them, Chizure. You will then have control of Juvei's movements. In the western room, there are three chests (you open chests by searching - さがす - them from your command menu. Those chests contain 20 Ryou (the game's currency) and a Manjuu. In another room to the southeast, you will find your mother. Talk to her and receive 50 Ryou. In the last room in the southeast corner, open two more chests to find another Manjuu and a Modorin Egg (allows you to warp back to town when used). When you are set to go, exit the building to the south and the first part of the game will begin! ================================ Volume 1: からくりじゅうのあくま ================================ Yagyu ----- In this first village, there really isn't a whole lot you can do right away. You can't even buy better equipment at the weapon shop (all shops have signs above their doors, and when you enter, you can tell what kind of shop it is by the decoration behind the shopkeeper). For now, simply go south and try to leave town, and you will be stopped. Talk to the man and you will have to fight the boss Ushimatsu. A couple of regular attacks should be sufficient to win. After the fight, talk to the girl standing next to Ushimatsu and say yes to make them both disappear. You will no longer have the Shinkage weapon, rather you are stuck with the Short Sword (こがたな). Anyway, go to the Inn and rest up. You will want to exit the village and check the map you just received (select it from the Chizure - ちずれ - option on the item screen) to find the nearby location to search to earn an easy 100 Ryou. That way you can come back to the village and buy the best armor (じんばあり) or the best weapon (しのびがたな). You should get both, so it will benefit you to fight some monsters outside of town to gain some much needed experience and Ryou. Also in the village, enter the stables (left door in southwest building). In there, go around to the northeast corner and search to find the Old Fang 1 (キバのもと1). You can't use it yet, but hold onto it. Once you have both pieces of equipment and are at least Level 2, leave the village for good. You may want to buy a few recovery items at the item shop before you go, too. Overworld --------- From Yagyu, you will want to head north and east around the mountains while fighting any enemies you encounter. You will want to get to Level 3 as well. Then, go south at the other side of the mountains and you will reach Owari. Owari ----- In here, head to the Inn and rest up. Then, enter the dog house (it's the second door to the right of the Inn entrance, in the same building). Search the dog to find a hidden 500 Ryou! With that influx of cash, go to the equipment shop and buy the Chain Mail (くさりかたびら) and the Monk's Cane (やまぶしのつえ). The great thing about buying new weapons and armor is that you automatically sell your old gear to the shop, getting some of that money back! Your next stop will be the magistrate's house, which is the small house with the two gray wells on the left side. Inside, talk to the magistrate in the back area and he will tell you a password (くりたろう). With it, exit the house and go north to find guards blocking the way to the big building. Talk to the guard on the west side and he will ask for the password. Select the correct one and you can go through. Recover your health and buy some Yakusou from the item shop, then go into the building. In there, make your way through while fighting the enemies walking around. In the center room, there is a chest with a Yakusou inside, which will come in handy. In the last room, you will see the blue monster boss, Viper Man. If you are up to Level 4, you should be in good shape; just use your special abilities along with regular attacks to quickly dispatch it (recovery items are a must, though). After the fight, you will receive the Dungeon Key (ちかろうのかぎ). Go down the stairs in the southwest area of the building and you will find the dungeon. Use the key on the lock to open the gate. Talk to the prisoners and the man in blue; he is Jirokichi and will join you as your first helper! His Spy ability will be of great use, even in Owari, and his other ability will help you soon enough as well. Anyway, leave the dungeon and use Jirokichi's Spy ability to dispatch him immediately (you can only do this in areas where no other people are around). Go outside and head to the Inn, where you will see a person in green standing in the front. Talk to them and you will receive the Trick Castle Scroll (you can view the scrolls you have by using the しろのまきもの item). Now, make your way out of the village after resting up of course. Overworld --------- Back outside, wander around the wilderness fighting enemies until you are at least Level 4. Then, make your way east along the shore, then directly north until you reach a shrine. Catfish Shrine -------------- Enter the shrine and talk to the people standing around. Go forward to the pool of water, and the Great Catfish will emerge to do battle as the boss of the area. Like with the last two battles, simply attack normally for a few rounds, using your special abilities if you like. After the battle, you will receive the Cosmotron 1. From here, walk across the catfish's body and go up the steps in the back to exit the shrine. Overworld --------- At the other side of these mountains now, head all the way to the northwest. You will come to a small stream; use the bridge to get across it. Once across the stream, you will see a castle and a town nearby. This is the village of Naniwa, so head into town. Naniwa ------ Here, you will find that the city is dark and none of the shops are open for business. You can however rest at the Inn, but only the one in the northwest area of town. Send Jirokichi to Spy, and go over by the shop with the red jar next to it. To the northwest of that place is a building with two doors; go into the right door. Talk to the woman on the first floor to receive Map #2. Check it out (as a note, when you get a Map, you must first look at it on the item screen, listed in the ちずれ grouping) and push the red pot back to reveal a hidden passage. Before you go through that passage, make your way clockwise to the northern area of the village. Near the northern exit, you will see a small building to the right with a statue next to it. Enter that building and pay the man inside 150 Ryou to receive the first Donkey Donkey. It will allow you to hold an additional five items! To gain access to that second menu of items, select the Donkey Donkey (ロバロバ) option on your item menu. With that done, exit town and fight in the surrounding area until you are at Level 5, then rest up and go through that hidden passageway you just opened up. Walk straight through the tunnel and you will emerge in the back room of the shop in the center of town. Check out the two smaller rooms to find two chests, both containing Yakusous. Go all the way east and north to the second room, where you will find four empty chests. Stand between them and search to reveal a hidden stairway. Go through this enemy-filled passage and up the steps at the end to slip into the castle. Trick Castle ------------ From the first set of stairs, go through the narrow corridor to enter the first floor of the castle. You will see a couple of traps working in here, including wall spikes (lose 1HP each time you get hit) and pits that open and close (fall through and you will land on the floor below). The chests found in this tower are blue, but many of them are traps and require Jirokichi to unlock them safely. You need to also use Jirokichi's Spy ability to receive Map #3. Anyway, from where you start off, go down the hall to the south and cross the trap floors. Go west and south along the wider hallway and past the wall spikes to find a chest. Have Jirokichi open it and you will receive the Jail Key (ろうやのカギ). With it, you can unlock the prison cells in the basement rooms (accessible from the southeast and far eastern rooms on the first floor; just go through the doors and head downstairs). If you want to go treasure hunting, here is a rundown of the contents of all chests on the first floor (including the prisons and the room accessible via the stairs in the southern area): 2 Manjuus, 2 Yakusous, 3 Antidotes, 50 Ryou, Makibishi, Molotov Cocktail, and the Jail Key (one chest is empty). After you are done pillaging, make your way to the southwest corner of the floor, past the spikes and pits. Check Map #3, then search the wall in that corner to reveal stairs. Go up them to the second floor. The castle's second floor is more ridden with traps, but there are fewer chests and places to explore (the third floor is the same way). Chests on this floor contain 100 Ryou and a Yakusou. Get to the southwest corner of the floor and enter the door there, and make your way through the series of rooms to reach the stairs leading upward. On the third floor, you will find the same layout as the previous level. The chests contain 10 Ryou and a Manjuu. Your goal on this floor is to get to the northwest area. Once you get there, enter the door along the west side (north of the hallway full of pits). In that seemingly empty room, face the right and search to reveal some stairs. Go down them and you will be on the catwalk of the floor below. Make your way to the southeast corner, then walk down into that room. Search the wooden cabinet to the left and you will find the Viper Ball (まむしだま). Now, walk back onto the catwalk and intentionally fall off the ledge into the pit below. You will simply land in a room on the second floor near the steps, so head through the doors and continue back upstairs. Once you are back on the third floor, make your way to the southwest corner and go through the rooms there to reach the top level. Upon the roof, approach the wall in front of you and use the Viper Ball to destroy it. Recover your health, then enter the room and confront the blue monster to enter battle. You will face the Devil Clone boss here. After you beat it, you will escape the collapsing castle with the man who was held captive. After he leaves, head into Naniwa again. Naniwa ------ Back in this village, you will find that everything is bright and the shops are now open! On the east side of the village, you will see four statues in the corner. Enter the building just north of them, and buy Map #4 for 200 Ryou from the person inside. You can't do anything with this map yet, but at least you have it. Now, you can either proceed with the story right away, or you can explore one more area. We're going to explore, so exit town. Overworld --------- Outside, make your way northward of the village. You will see a grassy path leading to the north, so follow it to the north and west along the water. Cross the bridge to enter the slow-moving swamp area, and head directly to the west. You will see a narrow path of dunes in between the mountains, so follow it through and continue southward. Be sure to fight the enemies you meet along the way, though they will be a little bit stronger, and gain a couple more levels. At the southern shore, enter the nearby village of Aki. Aki --- In this small village, head into the building in the northwest corner. Pay 200 Ryou and you will get Kago-Chan as your newest Helper! While you are in town, head over to the equipment shop and buy the new weapon and armor for yourself if you can afford them both. If you can't, just go outside and fight a little bit until you can, or you can buy slightly less powerful upgrades at the newly opened shop in Naniwa. When you're done here, head out of town. Overworld --------- Before we head back to Naniwa, follow the water going eastward from Aki. Go east and north along it and you will come to a shrine. Enter the shrine and talk to the man inside to receive the Yogen Ball. You can use it to begin a side story of the game called Demon Land (オニガランド), but it's not really necessary to do it just yet. We'll come back to it in the walkthrough towards the end of Volume 3, when it is more important. Anyway, leave the shrine and head back to Naniwa. Naniwa ------ Back here, rest at the Inn as usual. Then, make your way to the north end of town and walk onto the small island by crossing the bridge. Talk to the girl by the boat and you will automatically depart across the sea to a new town, thus starting Volume 2 of the story! ====================================== Volume 2: かいていようさいシードラゴン ====================================== Iyo --- You will begin this segment in the town of Iyo. You can return to Naniwa by paying 25 Ryou to ride the boat again. Since you're here, enter the southwest house. Buy the Dangerous Sake from the man inside for 500 Ryou. After that, go east and exit the village. Overworld --------- Make your way eastward through the forest, killing the enemies in your path. At the far end, you will see a hole in the ground; climb down and enter the shrine there. Earth Shrine ------------ In this room, go forward and talk to the man in the front. Use the Dangerous Sake and he will send out three Mecha-Dragons to attack. Defeat them one at a time, using your abilities to aid you (it should only take two regular hits each to kill them, but you will have to recover after a few rounds anyway). Following this short battle, the man and his posse will leave. Search the red pot on the ground nearby to receive the Wine Barrel (さかだる). With it, exit the shrine and return to Iyo. Iyo --- Back in Iyo, enter the middle house and talk to the old man from the shrine again. He will take the Wine Barrel and become happy. After his posse runs around, exit the house and you will see some stairs in the northeast area. Enter the northwest building (the Inn) and rest up, then go down those stairs. Follow the passage going southward, then head up the steps at the other end to exit. Overworld --------- You will emerge to the south of Iyo and across the mountains. Head east to a bridge, then head south through the forest landscape, fighting anything in your way. At the southern shore, go east until you reach the town of Tosa. Before you enter though, send Jirokichi out to Spy (since you can't do this in town due to the people). Tosa ---- In Tosa, head to the Inn (it's the first building to the right). Go into the northeast room and talk to the woman there to receive the Sea Dragon Scroll as a result of the spying. Rest at the same Inn if you need to, then leave town and head northeast to a shed. All-Purpose Shed ---------------- Here, enter the shed and talk to the man inside. When you are done, leave and approach the pond up ahead. Talk to the blue creature in the pond and it will join you as a Helper (Mackerel). With this Helper, you can deploy it into the water and have it explore for you! Now, exit this area. Overworld --------- Back out here, you can head back to Naniwa (use Kago-Chan to quickly get there) and use Mackerel to explore the location marked on Map #4. You will receive Map #5 as a result, so I would recommend doing this now. After that, return to the shed and continue walking southward to reach a shrine. Dragon Shrine ------------- In this area, go all the way south to the end of the platform. Search the inscription, then face the water and deploy Mackerel southward. Have it search at the southmost center area and it will drain the water from this area, revealing a hole. Drop into the hole and you will land in an underwater area. There, simply go north and enter the shrine building. Follow the narrow passage to the second room, then climb the ladder at the end to enter the Sea Dragon. Sea Dragon ---------- In the first room, simply continue on to the second room. Here in this main area, defeat the enemies and head to the center area where you will find some steps. Go down them to the next level, and enter the eastern room. As a note, when standing in the stairway, you use Up/Down to choose what way to go. In that eastern room, open the chests (you need Jirokichi to open the left one) to find a Kikusou and the Eel Key (うつぼのカギ). Defeat the monsters roaming around in here, then exit and head down the stairs twice to the fourth floor. On this level, go around the path to the eastern half of the chamber. Enter the northeast room first, and open the trapped chests with Jirokichi to find a Yakusou and an Antidote. Exit that room and go into the far east one. Have your helper open the chest behind the waterfall to receive a Smoke Ball. From here, leave the room and continue downstairs to the bottom floor, and enter the eastern room. In this watery chamber, you can walk along the perimeter of the room as well as in the water itself. Make your way to the west side of the room, then go south. There are two doors in this area; for now, go to the east door and use the Eel Key to open it. In that room, you will find six chests; use Jirokichi to open them all to receive: Makibishi, Yakusou, Kikusou, Antidote, and a Molotov Cocktail (the sixth chest is empty). When you are ready, recover your health and go into the following room. This room contains a massive machine of sorts with enemies standing around. Talk to the man at the far end and you will enter a boss battle against him (Dragon Trainer) and two Mecha-Dragons. Read the Bosses section if you need help winning this fight. After you win, you will receive the Turban Shell Key (サザエのカギ) and the turbine machine in the room will shut down. So, leave the room. Now, go across to the west side and enter the other room. Talk to the people in here, and unlock the door with the key you just won. Talk to the woman named Ryuuhime inside and she will leave you with the Tear Drops (なみだのしずく). Take it and head back to the large watery room. If you go north, you will find that the waterfall is now gone, revealing some stairs. Go up the stairs and pass through several rooms, heading upstairs each time. At the top floor, you will spot Ryuuhime being held captive by an enemy. Recover your health and talk to the enemy creature to engage it in a boss battle. For help defeating this boss, the Eel Swirl, view the Bosses section. When it's over, you will receive the Cosmotron 2 item. More importantly, Ryuuhime will be freed and you will be outside of the dungeon. Ryuuhime will then join your party as your second main character! Ryuuhime is holding the Dragon's Ball item as well, and you will notice that each both Juvei and Ryuuhime each carry their own items, so this also expands the amount you can carry. Anyway, go south to the gate and you will automatically ride to the surface. Overworld --------- Back on dry land, you can wander around and fight monsters if you like. Keep in mind that Ryuuhime is at Level 1, so she will be very weak. You may want to go to Iyo and buy her some better armor for the time being, and fight to get her up at least one level. Then, use Kago-Chan's ability and return to Aki quickly. Aki --- When you arrive in Aki, rest at the Inn, then go east to the dock. Talk to the girl standing in front of the boat, and use the Dragon's Ball to be able to ride the boat westward. You will automatically board and pass through the whirlpools, and dock safely at the next town. Volume 3 will then begin! ====================== Volume 3: なぞのかざい ====================== Kurebeppu --------- You will start this volume of the story in a new town to the west. If you step outside of town for a moment, look at Map #5 and use Mackerel to reach the nearby location and search it to obtain the Golden Egg (きんのこうら). Inside the village, you can visit the equipment shop and upgrade your weapon and armor for both characters if you so desire (chances are you can't afford it, but if you are well-equipped from the previous upgrade and Juvei is up to Level 8 or so, you will be fine without fully upgrading; just make sure that Ryuuhime gets some new armor). New to this town is a Charm Shop, located in the southeast building. If you buy Charms for both characters, you can enhance their stats in an affordable manner! You can only have one Charm per character at once though, so choose wisely. When you are done here, rest up and head out of town. Overworld --------- You will want to spend a little bit of time roaming around and fighting to build up Ryuuhime's levels (at least up to Level 4). That way you can also generate money to buy better equipment if you want. Head southward through the swamplands, then go southeast to some dry land. After you get out of the swamp, go directly westward along the mountains and you will spot a town. Deploy Jirokichi to Spy, then go into town. Satsuma ------- Here, make your way all the way south, and enter the southeast house. Talk to the man inside and you will receive the Fire Castle Scroll. There isn't a whole lot to do here, since the equipment you can buy is too expensive to be worth purchasing. Since you have the scroll, you can rest up and leave. Overworld --------- Back outside once more, head directly westward and to the north once you reach the coast. Follow the western coastline all the way northward, then go west and south along the narrow peninsula. At the end, enter the next town. Foreigner's Town ---------------- In this town, you will definitely want to rest up as soon as you arrive. To the north, you will see four buildings. To uncover a secret, go into the north house in the middle and you will see an animal inside. Search the northwest corner and the southeast corner tiles to find 1000 Ryou in each space, for a total of 2000 Ryou! With that money, you can easily afford to buy upgraded equipment for your party! Anyway, in this town, go to the north area and you will see four buildings. Go into the eastern one (it has two floors). Go up the stairs inside and an old man will talk to you. Say yes, then use Ryuuhime's Oiroke (おいろけ) ability to gain control of only her. Talk to the man standing by the table in the middle of the room, and say yes to make him leave. Then, talk to the old man again and he will join you as the Helper Gennai! He can make new items from items currently in your inventory, which is helpful indeed! Talk to Juvei as Ryuuhime to end her solo run, then exit the house. Now, go to the south end and enter the item shop on the right. Buy the Chocolate (チョコレート) and Cigarette (シガレット), then leave the shop. Cross the bridge over the stream running through town and talk to the man there. Use the Chocolate on him and you will receive the Zippo Oil (じっぽのあぶら). Head to the northwest area and enter the western house, and talk to the man in there. Use the Cigarette on him to get Burn Grass (やけどのくさ). Now that you have the two key items, you can proceed out of this town and return to Satsuma in the southeast. Satsuma ------- Back here, go all the way south and enter the middle house. Talk to Sub, who is in bed due to burn wounds. Use the Burn Medicine and he will recover right away. He will also join you as another Helper! With him, rest up and leave town. Overworld --------- From Satsuma, head directly westward to the shore. Then, head south through the forest and enter the small town at the other side. Hayato's Ferry -------------- Here, go ahead to the dock and talk to the man there. He won't let you take a ride, but if you give him the Zippo Oil (use it as an item), you will be able to proceed. Take the ferry boat to the Ryoukyuu Island to the south. Ryoukyuu -------- In this small island village, enter the southwest house. Talk to the man with the Donkey Donkey and give him the Golden Egg to receive it. This will allow Ryuuhime to carry five extra items! Now, rest up at the Inn (northwest house) and check out the hole in the southwest corner of town. Climb down into the passageway below. In the passage, there are two paths you can take. If you take the lower path, you can fight monsters and talk to a man being held captive at that point. Otherwise, take the high path to the end, fighting enemies along the way, and go up the steps to enter the Fire Castle proper. I would recommend you stay in this first room and fight until Ryuuhime is at Level 6, since she will learn the Ice ability which will be very helpful in fighting the enemies ahead. Fire Castle ----------- As soon as you enter, send Jirokichi to spy and you will receive Map #7. View it to find a secret location in another room of the castle. Also in this room you will see that the paths are blocked by walls of fire. To clear them, walk up and use your Helper Sub's ability. He will stay with you for a limited time each time you call him, so you can take out multiple flames in the room. In the southeast corner, use Jirokichi's ability to open the chest containing the Yakusou. Then, defeat the monsters roaming around and go down the steps in the southwest corner. Down here, you will see sections of the floor that open and close. If you fall into the opening, you will simply return to the previous room. Go across to the right and use Sub to clear the flames, and Jirokichi to open the chest containing a Smoke Ball. For now, continue east and go up the ladder into a small room. Use Jirokichi to open the chest and take the Antidote inside, and head back downstairs. Go west and north through the narrow opening, and cross the trap floor sections as you go east. There is a pool of lava you must walk through; you take 1HP damage with each step you take, so get to the safe platform quickly. Then, go upstairs to the next room. On this floor, go southeast through the lava pool to the other side. Avoid the pit to reach the center of the room. Use Jirokichi to open the chest and you will receive a Kikusou. From this middle area, we can go in two different directions. For right now, go southward across a pit and use Sub to clear the flames in the way. Head west and you will see the path will split slightly. Clear the flames blocking the north path and use Jirokichi to open both of the chests here to get a Teleport Stone and a Modorin Egg. Take the other path along the western edge of the room and open the chest at the end with Jirokichi to get a Yakusou. Now, head back to the center area of this floor. This time, head towards the northeast corner. Cross the small pit quickly and head south through the lava pool. At the bottom corner of the room, check Map #7 again and search the spot marked on the map to find an Old Gun (じゅうのもと). Now, use the nearby ladder and continue to the next room. There, go down the hallway, using Sub to clear the flames in the way. Go up the ladder at the end to reach the final room. There, use Sub to clear the wall of flames, revealing a room where a woman was being held captive. Sub will also leave your group at this point, since you no longer need his help. Go forward and you will see two levers at the back of the room. Search the left one to pull it, revealing some stairs. Take those stairs and you will emerge back in Satsuma. Satsuma ------- Upon your arrival, you will find that the ash-covered town is now on fire! You won't be able to rest here, so I highly recommend leaving town and going to a nearby town to use their Inn (Kago-Chan's ability will save you time). When you are ready to advance the story, enter Satsuma and stick to the west side of town. Stand by the two cat statues and head directly south from them, following the narrow path to an apparent dead end. When you step on the last tile, the boss will emerge. If you need help beating it (Great Fire King), check out the Bosses section. After the battle, the flames around town will be extinguished, but everything will still be damaged. For now, simply leave Satsuma and go southwest to Hayato's Ferry. Hayato's Ferry -------------- In this area, go to the item shop and sell off unneeded items. If you are in need of recovery items, buy some Yakusous and have Gennai make them into Kikusous for free. Also, be sure to use the Inn while you are here. Then, go to the second ferryman to the south and pay 5 Ryou to ride to Yakushima. Yakushima --------- Upon your arrival here, stay on the dock and face the water. Send out the Helper Mackerel and have them search three spaces to the west of the woman on the dock. If successful, you will uncover 1000 Ryou! Bring it back to your party, then look around to find some stairs in the ground. Go down them. Cedar Shrine ------------ Down in this room, go all the way north to the end. Approach the center of the back wall and you will receive the Cosmotron 3 item. You can now go back upstairs to the surface. Yakushima --------- Back in this small village, there's not a whole lot more for you to explore. So, head out of town. Overworld --------- At this point in the game, you can't really proceed onward until you complete the side story known as Demon Land (mentioned earlier in the guide, when you received the Yogen Ball). So, when you are ready to start that section, use the Yogen Ball item and away you go! ========================= Demon Land (オニガランド) ========================= Gohei's House ------------- You start this area of the game as Shiro the wolf, at Gohei's home. After you talk to him, leave the house and you will be in the overworld which you will find to be different than the main one. Overworld --------- Out here, simply go to the southeast and enter the Onyx Castle. Onyx Castle ----------- When you arrive in the castle, you will be automatically greeted by Onitan, who will also join your party. Both of you will go into the next room and talk to your parents here. If you talk to Mama on the right, you will be able to recover your health if needed. When you're done in here, go south and head downstairs. In the main lobby area, go around and to the north to find a room with four chests. Open them to receive: 60 Peaches (the currency in this world), Demon Drum, and a Gohei Rice Cake. Also on this floor are the shops in the bottom corners. Go to the equipment shop in the southwest corner and buy armor for Shiro. Since that's all you can afford for now, exit the castle to the south and stay nearby as you fight monsters for much needed experience and money. That way you can afford weapons for your party, making these battles even easier. Keep in mind that Onitan's best weapon for the early part of the game is only sold here (ブッキラボウ), so you will want to gather enough money to buy it before continuing. You can train easily in this area by fighting a while, then going to Mama to recover. After you gain a couple of levels and buy what you need, it's time to leave the castle area. Overworld --------- Out here, you will want to go directly eastward along the southern shore. You need to stay to the south or you will hit some dead ends. At the southeast corner of the map, go northward around the mountains and you will see a volcano to the east. Go around to it and enter the town of Tab. Tab --- This village is situated in the side of a mountain. Make your way up to the top, passing the caves along the way (item shop is in the first cave, the Inn and equipment shop are in the top two caves). Continue to the very top for now and enter the second area. There, talk to the bird Hinotori and it will join your party! Now, back in the first area, go to the level where there are two caves next to each other. Enter the left cave and use Shiro's Scout (ていさつ) ability, then walk through the hole in the back wall to reach a hidden room. In there, search the tile in the northwest corner of the room to find 100 Peaches. Exit the room and talk to Onitan to resume control of the party, and go back outside. Visit the equipment shop and upgrade everyone's equipment, with an emphasis on equipping the weak Hinotori first. Fight around until Onitan and Shiro are at least Level 4, and you raise enough funds to buy the best equipment for everyone in Tab. Once you have everything, rest up and leave. Overworld --------- From Tab, head northward and you will see an opening between two trees. Walk into that area and you will enter battle against the Dog Zombie boss. If you need help, check out the Bosses section. After you win this relatively simple battle, you are free to continue. Head west and you will reach a lava pool and spikes scattered around on the ground, all of which will cause 1HP damage with each step you take. Go north and cross the lava pool, and take the upper path going westward. Go all the way west around the spikes whenever possible, then go south and east along the clear and narrow path. At the intersection ahead, go south and into the town of Hime. Hime ---- Here, rest in the Inn (eastmost house). Then, visit the equipment shop next door and buy Hinotori's best weapon, the Fire Wing (ほのおのつばさ). You should already have the best equipment thus far for the rest of your party, so other purchases are not necessary. On the west side of town, you will see two houses next to each other. Use Shiro's Scout ability and search the area between them to find an Electric Shock item (でんげきダイコ). If you want to fight around to gain another level or so, feel free. When you are set to continue, rest up and head out of town. Overworld --------- Back outside, go west and follow the narrow path along the shore. Go south and around the spikes, then go east and follow the path around the rocks. Go all the way east until you reach another volcano structure; that is another town of sorts, so head on in. Monkey Mountain --------------- In here, you will find there is no Inn, unfortunately. That means you need to rely on Hinotori's Hospital ability or buy Gohei Rice Cakes in the shop to recover your health. There is also an equipment shop for upgrading your party should you want to do that now (it's in the cave at the top level). I would recommend you buy Hinotori's best armor (Stone Head - ストーンヘッド) and possibly a better weapon for Shiro or Onitan for now. After that, go to the top and talk to the monkey blocking the path. You will have to do battle against it, so view the Bosses section if needed. After the battle, the Monkey Boss will join your party as the fourth and final character! It starts at Level 1 but has high attack power, so battles will be much smoother from here on out! I highly recommend you fully upgrade everyone (best weapons for Onitan and Shiro, best armor for Hinotori and Shiro, and the Red Cloth armor for Monkey Boss for now). Also on this mountain, there are two caves next to each other. Enter the left one and use Shiro's Scout ability. There are two tiles in this room that you need to search when standing adjacent to them (second tile from top, second row; right tile, top row). You will uncover 600 Peaches by doing this. Go back to your party to complete this secret task. When you're done upgrading, it's time to head back to Hime (fight your way there to build even more experience and earn more money). Hime ---- When you get back to Hime safely, you will definitely want to rest over at the Inn. Then, stop at the equipment shop and buy the best equipment for the Monkey Boss (weapon and armor). At this point, if you've been following along with this guide, your entire party should have their best weapons and armor equipped. With that done, enter the northeast house. Talk to the people in there and they will thank you by granting access to their boat which will be docked outside of town. So, exit Hime. Overworld --------- Just to the south, you will see the boat docked along the shore. Walk aboard and you will gain control of it; to get off, simply walk onto the land. So, head east and follow the narrow and winding stream to the south and west. Once you reach the open sea, head northward to the island located northwest of the mainland. Dock there and enter the cave on that island. Miminari Island --------------- In this straightforward cave, simply go all the way west while fighting the random enemies along the way. At the end, go down the steps into the next room. There, recover your health and approach the jar to the left, and you will enter a boss battle against the Kintaro Zombie (read the Bosses section if you need help). After the battle, search the jar to receive the Earth Staff. Take it and make your way back out of the cave. Overworld --------- Outside again, board the boat and continue eastward along the northern shore of the mainland. You will soon reach a second, much larger island. Before you go there, I would recommend continuing around to the eastern shore of the mainland and resting at the Inn in Tab. When you are set to continue, dock at that northeastern island and walk through the narrow lava-filled path to the end. Then, use the Earth Staff to enter the cave. Tonkachi Island --------------- Here, you will find a single room inside the cave. There is a row of statues in front of you, each one making a different musical note when hit. The pattern is as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO To hit these musical statues, you simply walk straight into them from above. You must play a certain sequence of notes in order to solve this puzzle and access the castle. That pattern is: DO RE MI - DO RE MI - SO MI RE DO - RE MI RE If you hit them all correctly (13 notes total), you will go to a room with just one statue. If you exit the cave to the north, you will be in the new area. To go back, step into the lone statue and return to the first cave. Overworld --------- Now that you are on the final island, get past the spikes and lava and enter the castle. Momotaro Zombie Castle ---------------------- In this castle, follow the southern path as you head to the east. You will surely get into plenty of battles, but it's great for gaining experience to face the bosses ahead. To the far east, go up the steps to the second floor. There, simply go west and up to the third floor. The next two floors are the same as the first two, so go up them until you reach the much larger fifth level. On this final floor, the path splits again. Take the western path to avoid the dead end, and continue eastward. You will spot some Japanese characters written into the ground; now is a good time to recover your health and get ready for battle. When you are set, go north and talk to the blue monster to enter a boss battle. If you need help beating the Momotarou Zombie, check out the Bosses section (I recommend Onitan and Shiro are at least Level 8 before this point). As soon as you defeat the Momotarou Zombie, you go right into the final battle against the Killer Wolf (another boss, albeit much easier). Once you beat it, Shiro will receive the Demon Tears (オニのなみだ). Watch the final scenes and Shiro will be flown away on the back of a bird, thus ending the Demon Land chapter. ================= Volume 3 (part 2) ================= Overworld --------- With Demon Land complete, you will be back with Juvei and Ryuuhime, minus the Yogen Ball. You should head to the Foreigner's Town (use Kago-Chan as a shortcut). From there, head directly northward. Follow the mountains to the east through the forest, but keep going to the north and west. At the end of the path, you will see a tree. Enter that area. Ikki's Cryptomeria Tree ----------------------- Here, go up the steps and you will see a man sitting below the tree. Talk to him and you will be launched onto a nearby island where a similar tree is located. When you land, you will meet up with Shiro (now called Wolf); if you did not complete Demon Land, Wolf will NOT be here! Anyway, talk to Wolf and he will join your party as the third static member! So, walk onto the tree and get launched back across, then exit the area to the south. Overworld --------- From here, make your way east and south into the forest. Be sure to fight the monsters along the way to gain experience with your added help. As you go through the forest, make your way directly eastward. You will soon reach the town of Moji, so head over there. Moji ---- In this town, rest at the nearby Inn. There is no equipment shop here, but you can stock up on recovery items (and have Gennai upgrade them perhaps). If you go to the northeast corner of town, right by the water's edge, search the second space from the right along the edge and you will find an Iron Pipe. After that, enter the center house in the northern area. Inside, you will see a hole in the back wall. Use Wolf's Scout ability to go through that hole and into a hidden area. Move to the back wall and use the Demon Tears to cause the room to shake. Exit the room and rejoin your party, then step outside. You will see the demon rocks that were blocking the port disappear. Talk to the ferryman and pay 60 Ryou to ride to the next town, where Volume 4 starts. ============================== Volume 4: やみのくらやみじょう ============================== Shimonoseki ----------- When you arrive here, visit the equipment shop and buy much needed new armor for Juvei and Ryuuhime, and maybe a new weapon (the increases from your last upgrade is minimal, I think). When you are set to proceed, head north and out of town. Overworld --------- As you wander around here, you will find that the monsters are a bit more difficult than they were before. That is why it's necessary to upgrade your armor at this point, and make better use of your offensive abilities such as Ryuuhime's Ice, to get through the battles quickly. Make your way to the northeast along the mountains, passing through a narrow path between them. Then, go southeast into the next town, Iwami (dispatch Jirokichi to Spy before you enter). Iwami ----- Here, first walk along the outer perimeter of the town and you will find a girl standing on the west side. Talk to her and you will receive a Castle Scroll for the Dark Castle. Now, inside the town itself, you can upgrade your equipment if you didn't do so in Shimonoseki. Also, visit the stable (the middle building) and search the bottom tile in the northeast area to find an Old Collar (くびわのもと). Use Gennai's ability to create the Iron Collar armor, which will be automatically equipped on Wolf. While you're at it, have Gennai create the Steel Fang from the Old Fang 1 item you collected at the start of the game in Yagyu, and you will have Wolf's new weapon as well! Then, rest at the Inn if you need to before heading out. Overworld --------- From Iwami, head northward through the forest and you will soon reach a small house in the woods. This is the Animal Hot Spring, so go check it out. Animal Hot Spring ----------------- In this area, you will see the hot spring to the right. Step into it and walk around a bit until you get exhausted and end up in the nearby house to rest. You will receive the Lovely Bat (コウモリぶえ) from the girl inside. Leave the room and go back into the hot spring area. Search the southeast corner to find an Old Gun item. There is nothing else to do here, so leave. Overworld --------- For the mean time, you will find that the enemies in the surrounding area are a bit tough, so fighting to gain a couple of levels is an excellent idea. When you are comfortable (for me, it was with Juvei at 14, Ryuuhime at 10, and Wolf at 11), head west from the hot spring through the forest. You will come to a castle in the corner; this is the Dark Castle, so go on in. Dark Castle ----------- As soon as you enter the castle, have Jirokichi Spy around to find Map #8. Check it out and you will see it points at a certain rock elsewhere on this floor. The rocks you find obstructing the path in this area can be broken, but not just yet. For now, head eastward while defeating the enemies in the way. At the far east end, take the southwest path and follow the ladder at the end to reach a new room. In here, you will see a bunch of red bats hanging from the walls. The orange ones on the ground are the ones you need to worry about. Approach them and use the Lovely Bat item to wake them up, immediately putting you into battle against two tough Hell Bats. Keep your HP high and attack strongly to defeat them quickly. There are three groups of these bats that you must fight and win against in this room. Once you beat them all, have Jirokichi open the chest in the back corner to receive the Dark Hammer (やみのハンマー). With the Dark Hammer, you can use it as an item to clear any of those rocks in the way elsewhere in the castle. So, climb back upstairs via the ladder and go east to the intersection. This time, go east and down the other ladder into another room. Down here, go west to the central area. Take the northeast path and clear the rocks with the Dark Hammer, then use Jirokichi's ability to open the chest and receive the Bat Key (コウモリのカギ). Next, go back to the center area of this room. Clear the rocks dividing the room in half and take the northwest path. Uave Jirokichi open the chest there to find a Kikusou. There is nothing else to do in this room, so head back up the ladder in the southeast corner. Back in the first room, make your way all the way westward to the castle entrance (you may want to consider leaving and resting at the Inn in Iwami before continuing, depending on your party's condition). Back in the entrance area, clear the rocks with the Dark Hammer leading into the northeast area, where seven chests are located. With Jirokichi's help in opening the ones you can not open yourself, the chests contain: Two Yakusous, Antidote, 1050 Ryou, Pip, and the last chest is empty. After you're done pillaging, continue eastward to the second section of the room, where there are many rocks scattered around. Consult Map #8 and you will see the second rock in the top row has a secret. Break that rock with the Dark Hammer to reveal a hidden ladder; use it to reach a new room below. Here, make your way all the way to the west by clearing the rocks in the way. At the end, go down the ladder into the next area. In here, you can use the Bat Key to unlock the door leading into the prison to the north. You will be back here soon, so it's not necessary to open it just yet. Before you proceed though, make sure everyone is at full health and ready for battle. When you are ready, go up the east ladder and you will immediately enter battle with two Giant Flying Squirrels (literally). Read the Bosses section if you need help here. After the battle, go to the back of the room and search the control panel to break it. With that done, leave this room. Now, use the Bat Key to unlock the prison. Talk to everyone inside, then talk to the woman in the corner. She will step aside, revealing a ladder. Go down it to enter the Hades Cave. Hades Cave ---------- In this straightforward cave, there is not a whole lot to see or do. Simply go all the way east along the lower path and you will find stairs at the far end. Go up them to exit the cave. Overworld --------- When you emerge in the overworld, go east across the island you are on. Go down the hole you see to enter a new area. Lambda Star ----------- In this first room, talk to the old men and go north to the second area. In the second area, you will see a strange human-like formation in the middle of the room. Go around it and use the stairs in the southeast corner to proceed. You will then be in a basement storage room, full of capsules. Search the capsule on the left side with a face in it, and you will automatically be carried off by an alien to a new area in outer space! When you arrive, walk around the room to reach the northern half. Talk to the man there, then exit the room the same way you came in. You will be brought back to Earth and dropped off near the Animal Hot Spring. Overworld --------- Once you land, you will also receive a new Helper: Takorian! If you want to return to the Lambda Star area in space, use its ability. Anyway, go into the hot spring. Animal Hot Spring ----------------- Here again, enter the building in the back. Talk to the girl on the left and she will join you as another Helper, New Moon (みかづき)! Your job here is done, so exit the building and the area altogether, and head southward to Iwami. Iwami ----- When you arrive in Iwami again, first rest at the Inn since you probably need it by now. Then, go north and enter the stable house (there are two houses next to each other; the stable is the right one). Inside, pay 1200 Ryou and give Wolf the third Donkey Donkey, allowing for an additional five items to be carried. Once you have that, you can leave town. Overworld --------- From Iwami, head northwest slightly and pass through the narrow path between the mountains. Then, continue directly westward and follow the coast to the north. Make your way through the woods, fighting somewhat easier enemies than what you just faced, and enter the quiet town of Nagato. Nagato ------ When you get here, you will find that the town is empty. Approach the water and you will see someone calling for help. Use Mackerel to reach the person and talk to them. Unfortunately, a shark will come into the picture. After that incident, go north to find the same shark along the shore. Have New Moon talk to it and a girl will appear. Say yes and a bridge made of sharks will form in front of you. Walk across them and you will enter a new area, as well as start Volume 5! ==================================== Volume 5: クーロンじょうのラオチュー ==================================== Puusan Village -------------- You will arrive in another seemingly quiet village. If you have any status ailments, there is a shrine you can visit to cure those. Otherwise, go north to exit this place. Overworld --------- Outside, make your way to the west while fighting along the way. You will find that the enemies yield much more experience in this new region, which is great for you! Anyway, go west and enter the next town you see. Konkon ------ In this town, you will find that everyone speaks a foreign language of sorts, and you won't be able to talk to anyone or use the shops/Inn. If you search the middle area behind the shrine (it's the northern building), you will find an Old ? (?のもと) which Gennai can make into something nice. Aside from that, you can't do much here just yet, so leave. Overworld --------- From here, head northward into the forest area. Go all the way north and you will find a hole; climb down and enter the White Rabbit Shrine. White Rabbit Shrine ------------------- In here, go forward and talk to the boy. He will give you the Denyakuki, which allows you to understand the language of the people in Konkon. So, exit the shrine and head back south into town again. Konkon ------ Now that you have the Denyakuki, you will be able to talk to anyone in town normally. So, rest at the Inn and visit the equipment shop. I would skip the armor upgrades here as the increases are very minimal, but the weapons are worth getting (Rairai Fist - らいらいけん and Iron Spear - アイアンスピア). After that, head to the northeast area of town. Talk to the man walking around and buy Map #9 for 2000 Ryou. With that done, exit town. Overworld --------- From this village, make your way to the northeast through the forest. You will see a small gap between the mountains; take that path to the east side. Continue fighting the enemies along the way (the bull enemies give a lot of experience/Ryou) and head south to find another town. Janpai ------ Here, make your way to the large building in the northwest corner of town. Go in there and talk to the man in the back room. That is Kyonpi and he will join you as a Helper! As you walk away, he will be attacked by monsters and apparently dies. Leave the building and talk to the man in purple standing to the right. He is Genpi, and he will also join you as a Helper. You will also receive the Strawberry Rice Cake (いちごだいふく), which will come in handy soon. Anyway, head to the northeast area by the large garden. Have Wolf go alone with his Scout ability, and talk to the woman in blue to receive the Old Fang 2 item (キバのもと2). Have Gennai create the Kudaki Fang, which will be Wolf's newest weapon. After that, rest at the Inn if you want, otherwise head outside. Overworld --------- Out here once again, fight the nearby enemies to build up more experience and money, then go north and through the swamp. Hug the eastern coast and you will see a narrow path between the shore and mountains. Take that path and go north a bit until you reach the next small village. Souren ------ Here, be sure to rest at the Inn since you probably need to. Then, enter the eastern house where you will find a hole in the wall between the beds. Send Wolf with his Scout ability to enter the hole. In that back room, approach the wall in the back and search it to find the Old Frame 1 (どうのもと1). Go back and reunite with the party, then have Gennai make the Hayabusa Frame armor for Wolf. In the middle of the village, search the space three tiles south of the shrine entrance in the north to find an Old Flame (かえんのもと). Finally, go to the equipment shop in the northwest corner and buy the Kanpou Staff as an upgraded weapon for Ryuuhime. With that done, exit town. Overworld --------- From Souren, head back to the south and pass through that narrow path once more. When you reach the swamp, don't go through it again; instead continue to the west through another forest. At the far end, you will come to a small town, so enter it. Pokin ----- In here, you will find a man blocking the way into town. Use the Strawberry Rice Cake on him to gain entrance. You can't do anything at any of the shops for now, so go into the northeast area. Enter the second house from the top and talk to the girl inside. Say yes to her question and you will be thrown in the jail (the building at the north end of town)! Since you are stuck in jail, there is very little you can do. So, call on the helper Kyonpi. He will rise from the cemetery in Janpai and you will gain control of him. So, exit Janpai and lead Kyonpi north and west to Pokin. Once you arrive there, enter the large building to the north. Inside, go south and approach the guard to scare him away. Go down the steps and search the fallen guard to find the Rusty Key (さびたカギ). With the key, go back upstairs and north to the entrance stairs. From there, go east and navigate the winding path through the jail. At the end, use the steps to reach the prison room. Approach the gate and Kyonpi will unlock it before turning into a ghost and vanishing. Now that your party is free, talk to the man also in the cell before leaving. Follow the winding path back out, but before you go outside, head south and into the other room where you found the key. Approach the northern wall and search it to find Cosmotron 4. Now, exit the jail to the north. Make your way out of town and Volume 6 will begin. ============================ Volume 6: さばくのピラミッド ============================ Overworld --------- With Volume 6 underway, head back into Pokin. Pokin ----- Now that the whole ordeal with the jail is settled, you will be able to use the shops freely. Visit the equipment shop (second row, left building) and get the High-Tech Fist (ハイテクけん) weapon for Juvei. You should also buy the China Dress (チャイナドレス) armor for Ryuuhime, as it is the best armor available to her for a little while. More importantly, visit one of the item shops (the southern buildings) and buy a Sprout (もやし) for 50 Ryou. You need to have this in order to advance! Once you are set here, exit town. Overworld --------- From Pokin, you will want to make your way back to the east and north toward Souren. Once you reach Souren, rest up of course. Then, continue to the northwest. Follow the very narrow path through the forest and around the mountains, and continue southward through said forest. At the end, you will reach a hole, so climb down into that cave. Shisanputa Cave --------------- In this cave, go forward to the back wall. Summon the helper Genpi and an old man will appear. Give the Sprout to him and you will receive the Trampoline. With it, exit the cave. Overworld --------- From the cave, head directly northward until you reach the wall. Follow it to the east until you reach a corner between walls, and you will enter the area. Great Wall ---------- In front of the wall here, go forward and you will see two open spaces next to it. Stand in the right space and use the Trampoline to jump over the wall. Overworld --------- Now that you have crossed the wall, you will find some tougher enemies around as well as the ones you've been facing. Head to the northeast and enter the town of Mongoren. Mongoren -------- When you arrive, visit the Inn (large building in northwest corner). There are a number of things to do here as well. Over in the northeast, you will find a fenced in field. Search the northeast corner to find an Old Gun. To the southeast, you will find the shrine and the equipment shop (the shop is the bottom one). Buy the Carbon Suit and Pyramid Fist for Juvei. To the south is a large building with two entrances. Go into the left door. In here, talk to the man standing between the beds. Use Ryuuhime's ability (おいろけ) to let her go solo. Talk to the man as Ryuuhime and he will move away. Rejoin the party, then send Wolf into the hole with the Scout ability. Check the back wall in that room to get the Strange Blue Book (あおいほん). If you use it, you will switch to another side area known as Aurora Kingdom. We need to complete this area before the end of this volume, so there is no better time than now to jump into this! Note that Juvei must be holding this item when used for it to work, so free up a space in Juvei's inventory and have Wolf pass it over. Also, leave town before using it! ================================= Aurora Kingdom (オーロラおうこく) ================================= Aurora Castle ------------- When you arrive in this area, you will be in this icy castle full of penguin characters. After the conversation, you will have control of Penta. Talk to the penguin walking around in the southwest area to get 100 Gold (the money in this region). After that, go south to exit the castle. In the village area, you can visit the shops (item shop is in the southwest, equipment shop is to the mid-east). The Inn is to the west (5 Gold). For now, buy the Tuxedo (タキシード) armor for Penta, then leave the village to the south and fight monsters until you gain a level or two. When you have at least 100 Gold, be sure to return and buy the Ice Pick weapon for Penta as well. I would even go as far as fighting around until you can afford the Aurora Suit (300 Gold) since it's Penta's strongest armor for a while). You will also want to buy a few Ice Mins from the item shop so you can keep your HP up for the long journey ahead. When you are up to Level 3-4 (most enemies will die in one regular attack at Level 3 if you bought the Ice Pick), it is time to depart the area. Overworld --------- From the castle, head to the southeast. Follow the linear path around and up onto the higher plateau. Go around the path to reach the first cave. This is the part where the enemies get tougher, but yield better experience as well. Get through the cave to emerge in the southwest area of the overworld map. Continue northwest and down the steps, then go westward and north to reach some more steps. Go up them and follow the path all the way around to the second cave. Get through the second cave (the enemies here get tougher again). If you are low on health, be sure to use the recovery items I told you to buy before. After you exit the cave, go down the steps and head directly eastward for now to reach the Seal Village. Seal Village ------------ When you finally arrive, go to the second level and enter the first cave. Talk to the left seal to use the Inn. On the next level, there are item and equipment shops. For now, continue to the very top of the village and enter the cave there. Talk to the blue seal inside, then exit and reenter the cave. This time, a happier seal will be there. Talk to it, then exit and reenter once more. You will now find out that the seal was trying to trick you, then it introduces itself as Lucky. He then joins your party! Now that you have a new ally, head over to the equipment shop and get him set up! Buy the Charm Rod (まじないのつえ) and Charm Clothes (まじないのふく), then head on out of the village. You will want to spend a little bit of time close to the village fighting monsters until Lucky gains a level (and learns his Hospital ability for HP recovery). Then, rest at the Inn and head out. Overworld --------- From the village, go up the nearby steps and then up the steps immediately to the west. Follow that path around to another set of steps, then continue on until you reach a cave. Enter the cave. North Cave ---------- When you enter the cave, go around the corner and check the container to find 500 Gold! Then, head north and downstairs to the next room. In there, go east and north to get around the room. Go down the next set of stairs to reach the bottom room. Check the large ball on the floor and use Lucky's Buttobi Ball (ぶっとびだま) on it. The rock will crack and Gun-Chan will emerge. Talk to Gun-Chan and he will join your party as well! With your party now ready to go, make your way back out of this cave. Be sure to fight around as you head back to Seal Village, so that Gun-Chan can gain a level or so. Seal Village ------------ Back in the village, rest up as usual and head to the equipment shop. Buy the Ancient Icicle (こだいのつらら) and Cement Dine (セメントダイン) for Gun-Chan, as these are their only weapon/armor in the Aurora Kingdom at least. After that, head out of the village once more. Overworld --------- From the village again, go up the nearby steps. Instead of going west, head to the north this time. Follow the narrow path to the northeast, passing through a cave along the way. At the other end, go east and up/down the steps as you progress. At the very end of the path, you will find another yellow rock in the way. Approach it and use Gun-Chan's ability (ちからもち) to push the rock out of the way. Rejoin the party and continue southward, then go east into the Snowman Village. Snowman Village --------------- When you arrive, enter the southeast house. Talk to the person inside and you will receive the Gold Ball (きんのたま). After that, go to the equipment shop in the middle area and buy upgraded weapons/armor for Penta and Lucky. Once that's done, you can rest up and leave the village. Overworld --------- From the village, go south and up the steps to the upper plateau. Go north and west around the area as you head southward. At the far south, go east and down the steps to reach the shore line. Follow the shore to the west and north to some more steps. Continue along that path until you reach the red rock in the way. Use the Gold Ball on it to clear the rock, then get through the cave it reveals to reach the central heart-shaped area of the map. Heal up before entering the cave in the center area. Cooler ------ In this area, go east through the hallway, fighting the tough enemies along the way. Feel free to run if you don't want to deal with them. If your party is around Level 7-8, you will be in good shape for the boss ahead. In the second room, approach the middle area and you will enter a boss battle against the Metal Block; view the Bosses section if you need help winning. After you win, the Metal Block will disappear, leaving you with the cooler device in the center of the room. Approach it and search to be given a bunch of options. Choose to Shake (ゆする) it, followed by Instructing it (いいきかせる). Finally, Kick (けとばす) it to fix the Cooler. It will then freeze over the landscape with snow, restoring the kingdom to what it once was. You will automatically be returned to the Aurora Castle. Aurora Castle ------------- Back here, talk to the old man on the left. Use the Gift Set (ゆいのうセット) and everyone will dance around happily. Penta will then be launched upward, getting stuck in another cave. The Aurora Kingdom segment will be complete and you will go back to Juvei and company! ================= Volume 6 (part 2) ================= Overworld --------- Now that you are back with your main party, continue to fight around Mongoren to gain another level or so. Then, rest up and make your way eastward. When you reach the mountains, go north to the wall and follow it to the east some more. When you reach the small stream, enter the village there. Harubinta --------- Upon your arrival, rest at the Inn (northwest house). Then, pay 100 Ryou to ride the ferry upstream to Shibaren. Shibaren -------- You will arrive in a seemingly quiet village. Search the space just north of the ferrywoman to find an Old ?. Enter one of the empty houses here and send Jirokichi out to Spy, then exit the house. Talk to the woman that appears in the northwest area and you will receive the next Castle Scroll. After that, head out of this village. Overworld --------- From here, make your way to the northwest. The enemies will be a bit tougher, but it's nothing you can't handle hopefully. In the northwest corner, you will find a hole in the ground. Climb down it to enter a cave. Bat Dayuu Cave -------------- When you enter, make sure your party is in good shape health-wise before you continue. Go forward and you will find a sword in the back of the room. Try to approach it and a woman will appear. She will force you to fight a boss, Ushimatsu, who you fought earlier in the game. He is a bit tougher this time, so check out the Bosses section if you need help. Immediately after that one, you will have to fight the much tougher Bat Dayuu, so once again stay strong and look at the Bosses section if you are having trouble. Once the battle is over, you will receive Cosmotron 5 and the Shinkage weapon for Juvei (しんかげ). Since the bosses are gone, go forward and check the back wall to collect the Binbin Extract (ビンビンエキス). Now, leave the cave and make your way back to Shibaren to the southeast. Shibaren -------- Upon your return, you will find that the villagers trapped in that cave are back to normal. You can buy items, or charms in the shrine, then take the ferry back to Harubinta for 100 Ryou. Once you arrive there, rest up and leave town. Overworld --------- Outside of Harubinta to the south again, make your way to the south. Pass through the narrow path between the mountains and you will spot a village to the southeast, so head over there. Nahotonka --------- In this town, go to the middle area and you will see a fenced in area. Search the area immediately in front of the opening to find an Old Gun. To the south are two houses; enter the right one and send Wolf on to Scout. Enter the hole in the room and check the back wall to receive a Taskal. Rejoin the party and head over to the shops on the west side of town. In the equipment shop to the southwest, buy the Gold Fist weapon (おうごんのけん) and armor (Dragon Clothes - りゅうのころも) for Ryuuhime. With that done, buy/sell items if you want at the other shop, then leave. Overworld --------- From Nahotonka, head south and you will come to a swamp. You need to trudge your way southward through it, fighting the annoying enemies in the area as you proceed. At the tip, enter the small town. Urajosto -------- As soon as you arrive, you will see a fenced in area. Search the right fence to find an Iron Pipe. Then, enter the house and talk to the old man inside. Give him the Binbin Extract and he will quickly recover and start talking to you. Pay 10000 Ryou for Map #10, and you will also be joined by the Helper Hideribou (ひでりぼう). Your work in this area is done, so leave here. Overworld --------- To make use of Map #10, make your way all the way northward to Harubinta and take the ferry to Shibaren. From there, follow the stream as it leads to the west. When you reach the larger pool of water, check the map and deploy the helper Mackerel to search in the marked location. You will receive the Gain Boost (ガイナブースト). With this, head back to Harubinta. From there, follow the wall all the way to the west, walking into the corner spaces when possible. There is a section of the wall just north of a forest, farther west, where you will enter a new area if you approach the corner like you did earlier with the first wall. This time around, step into the left opening and use the Gain Boost to destroy the entire northern wall! This will grant you access to the desert at last. Now that you can, summon the helper Hideribou and he will lead your party. As you walk through the desert, he will call out a direction after you take a bunch of steps. He is trying to lead you to the Hunger Castle, so these directions are meant to lead to that position. The directions he calls out are as follows: East - ひがし North - きた South - なんぽう West - にし You should be aiming towards the northwest region of the desert. When you walk across the proper location, the Hunger Castle will rise up and you will go inside. While you're in the desert, check out Map #9 and search its location on the map to get a Taskal-All (it's not too far to the east of the castle). After that, rest up (the nearest town is Mongoren, use Kago-Chan to get there safely) and return to enter the castle. Hunger Castle ------------- As soon as you enter the castle, have Jirokichi Spy to retrieve Map #11. If your party is not at least Level 20-22, you will want to spend some time outside leveling up, as the enemies in here are tough. Anyway, go down the hall and avoid the trap floor, then head north at the intersection. When you reach another split, go west and enter the first room to the south. Open the chest with Jirokichi to find a Teleport Stone. Get past the trap floor to the west and defeat the enemy blocking the path, then go into the northern room. Open the four chests (using Jirokichi for all but one) to get 100 Ryou, two Kikusous, and a Pip. Then, go down the steps in the corner. Follow the long hallway and go up the stairs to reach a new area. There, simply go south and through a door to find more stairs. Downstairs, go right to find some steps halfway through the room. Go up and down them, then continue right to reach a chest containing the Earth Hammer (Jirokichi will open it). Now, go back and head up the first set of stairs you come across. When you emerge, enter the room directly south of you and open the chest in the corner to get a Kikusou. There are two more rooms to the south that have chests, so go through the doors to reach them. The middle room chest has the important Pharaoh Key and the chest in the last room has 1000 Ryou. In the corner of the bottom room, there are some stairs, but we will come back to them. For now, go back through these rooms to the northern hallway. Go east (go down/up the stairs to proceed) and south to the southeast corner of the floor. Enter the room there and open the three chests to get a Yakusou and an Antidote. Search the corner below the sarcophagus to reveal some hidden stairs (check out Map #11 first). Go down them to reach a new room. Down here, unlock the two prison cells with the Pharaoh Key and talk to the prisoners inside. Then, go around to the east side of the room and open the four chests to receive a Modorin Egg, two Old ?s, and a Kikusou. Now, go back upstairs and exit the room, then follow the hallway north and west to the stairs. Go down/up them to get past, then enter the southern room. Go through to the last room and go down the steps there. In the next room, follow the path through the door and all the way to the west. At the end, enter the small room in the corner and have Jirokichi open the chest to get an Iron Pipe. Leave this room and go up the stairs to the south. Continue through the next several rooms until you reach an area with two chests. Have Jirokichi open them to get 1000 Ryou and a Teleport Stone, then go down the next set of stairs. Here in the conveyor belt room, climb down the ladders to the bottom level and go around the corner. Before you proceed, recover your health and be ready for battle. Once you're set, go talk to the enemy in the way and you will fight the Big Kankan as the next boss. Read the Bosses section if you need help here. After the fight, talk to the people in the room. The guy on the far left will stop the conveyor belt above for you. With that done, climb the first ladder and walk across the conveyor, then climb up the left ladder and go upstairs. Follow the path around until you reach a pot and a seemingly dead end. Search the wall north of the pot to reveal some stairs, then continue onward for two more rooms. In the contrl room with the single enemy walking around, recover your health again and prepare for another big battle. When you're ready, go into the final room and face off against the boss King Tut (ツタンだいおう). View the Bosses section if you need tips on winning. Following the battle, an old man will appear and recover your party's health to full. You will also receive the Sunafuki Lamp (すなふきランプ) by defeating the boss. Head towards the exit to the north and the man will stop you once more to give you Cosmotron 6. Now, step through the door to end up outside. Overworld --------- Now that you have completed another castle, make your way south to the border between the desert and grass, and continue eastward. When you reach the town of Harubinta along the stream, enter town and rest up at the Inn, then exit. From town, walk five steps south and seven steps east to reach the water. Then, face the east and use the Sunafuki Lamp to dry out that body of water. Volume 7 will then begin! ================================ Volume 7: きたのひょうけつじょう ================================ Overworld --------- When the volume begins, you will find the new piece of desert to the east. Go east and south and you will find a new town. Babarofu -------- In this town, you will find it is abandoned except for a dog in the center area. If you go to the northeast corner of town, you can search the second space to the left of the corner to find an Old Flame. Other than that, there is nothing of interest here, so head on out when you are ready. Overworld --------- Back outside, make your way directly northward and you will come to a stream. Cross it via the bridge and continue to the northeast along the shore. At the mountains, go east along the peninsula and you will reach a cave at the tip, so enter it. Ivan's Cave ----------- Down here, go eastward and you will find a character stuck in the ground (it is Penta from the Aurora Kingdom, which you must complete to continue from this point). Talk to this character, now known as Ivan, and they will join your party as the fourth and final member! With that done, exit the cave. Overworld --------- Back outside with your complete party, head west and south to the stream again. Cross the bridge and head eastward this time. At the end of the path is a monument, so head into that area. Eastern Monument ---------------- Here, go forward and talk to the man standing at the water's edge. Then, face east and have Ivan use the Northern Tears (ノルソのなみだ). This will freeze the surrounding water, giving you access to the icy land mass to the east. Overworld --------- From the monument, head directly eastward into the next village. Ishikari -------- When you arrive, head to the southern edge of town along the trees. Search the third space from the left in the bottom row to find an Old ?. Then, enter the southeast house and send Wolf off to Scout. Go through the hole in the room, and search the northern wall at the end of the path to find 1000 Ryou. Rejoin the party and enter the northwest building in town. Pay the blacksmith 10000 Ryou and he will create the Murasame blade, which Juvei automatically equips! The equipment shop in town sells only two items, both for Ryuuhime, but they are not really worth buying, especially if you upgraded her gear previously. Go to the item shop (center building to the north) and buy eight (yes, eight) Fire Salmon (ひのさけ). After that, rest at the Inn next door before leaving. Overworld --------- Outside, head eastward through the icy woods, defeating the enemies to level up along the way. In the northeast area, you will find a hole leading into a cave, which is the Northern Gods Shrine. There is nothing here, but you can check it out if you want. Then, go south across the bridge from the shrine. Follow the path south and west around the mountains and through the woods. When you reach the opening, enter the small town you see (send Jirokichi to Spy before entering). Marimo ------ Here, enter the equipment shop in the southwest corner. Talk to the man to the side and you will receive the next Castle Scroll, thanks to Jirokichi's spying. You can also buy some new equipment, including the Dragon Spear (りゅうのやり) for Ryuuhime and the Battle Armor (バトルアーマー) for Juvei. In the northwest house, use Wolf's Scout ability and send him into the hole. Search the northern wall in that back room to get Old Fang 3 (キバのもと3). Have Gennai make Destruction Fang (はかいのキバ), Wolf's new weapon, from it. Back outside, use Ivan's Rice Cake of Strength (ちからもち) ability. You can then walk into the snowballs to push them away. One of the snowballs hides a man. Talk to that man to receive the Bagura Fruit (バグラのみ). Also, if you search behind the shrine, you will find an Iron Pipe. When you're done resting and gearing up here, head out of the village. Overworld --------- From the town, head south and east through the frozen woods. Farther ahead, you will see a castle with two towers. This is the Frozen Castle, so head in. Frozen Castle ------------- On the first screen, simply go forward and enter the castle proper. In that first room, open the chest to your left to get the Megaton Coin. If you have Jirokichi Spy, he will return with an Old ?. Since you're not too far into the castle yet, it is VERY important that you get rid of the Megaton Coin. Go back to Marimo and sell it in the item shop for 10000 Ryou, then return to the castle. Now, get across the trap floor and enter the east room. Go down the steps into another room, and have Jirokichi open the chest containing 1000 Ryou. Go back to the main room upstairs, and go west to find a large ice block. There are plenty of these in the castle, and to clear them you stand to the side and use a Fire Salmon. The ice blocks contain fairies that will be freed once you clear the ice. Do so with this first block. After that, go south and east through the rest of the room. Enter the second door and open the chest in there to get another Fire Salmon. In the third room, there are two more chests containing Fire Salmon. Skip the fourth room for now since we will come back to it shortly. Instead, take the eastern stairs to the next room. Thaw out the two ice blocks in there, then go up the next steps. Thaw two more ice blocks and enter the east room, where you will find a chest containing a Gold Coin (sell this later as well for 10000 Ryou). Now, go back downstairs to the first area. This time, enter the fourth room and go up the stairs. Make your way through the next few rooms while avoiding the trap floors (if you fall, you'll end up outside of the castle) and the enemies walking around unless of course you want to fight them. When you get to the area with the narrow path between the towers, walk across to the other side. If you still have the Megaton Coin, you will fall through a hole and end up outside again. In the other tower now, make your way downstairs through mirrored versions of the same rooms you just went through. When you reach the first floor (the one with all of the doors), go into the first door and go down the steps in that room. Thaw the two ice blocks and open the chest in the east room to get another Gold Coin. Go back upstairs and through the door, and enter the next room now. The left chest is empty but the right one contains a Yakusou. For now, ignore the next ice block you see and go north along the west side. Thaw the ice block in your way and talk to the old man who emerges instead of the usual fairy. Then, enter the room directly to the east and collect a Fire Salmon from the chest there. Take it back to that block you just skipped and thaw it out to free a man in blue. Talk to him, then go back up the hall on the west side. Cross the trap floor and open the corner chest to find a Kikusou. Then, go into the north room. In here, take a moment to recover your health and such. When you are ready, go forward and you will face Prince Daruma as the boss (ダルマたいし); check out the Bosses section if you need assistance. Following the battle, stay still and use the Bagura Fruit item right away! If you try to walk forward, you will have to fight that same boss again! Anyway, use the fruit and the castle will be destroyed, leaving you back outside. Overworld --------- Out here again, head back to the west through the icy forest. When you reach Marimo, go into town. Marimo ------ When you arrive here, you will see that the fairies you freed from the Frozen Castle's ice blocks now populate the town. There is now a charm shop in the shrine as well. On the east side of town is two houses; enter the right one. Talk to the man on the left and he will give you a Pikarimukkuri item (ピカリムックリ), which can be used multiple times in battle to put enemies to sleep! After that, leave the house and rest at the Inn before setting off again. Overworld --------- From Marimo, go west and follow the narrow path between the mountains and through the woods. When the landscape opens up, head southwest and enter the small town near the shore. Hakodate -------- Here, go to the southwest corner of town and search to find an Old ?. On the east side of town, there is a man standing by the gate. Enter the building directly north of him, and send Wolf off to Scout. Talk to the old man as Wolf and you will get the Old Frame 2 (どうのもと2). Rejoin the main party and have Gennai create the Thorny Shoulders (とげのかたあて) armor for Wolf. With that done, rest at the Inn before going to the dock. Talk to the ferrywoman and pay 120 Ryou to ride off into a new area, which we see in Volume 8! ====================== Volume 8: のろいじょう ====================== Apple Village ------------- You will start the next section in Apple Village. On the east side of town, stand in front of the middle-east house and search one step south and west of the door to find an Old ?. If you go into the northeast building, you can pay the blacksmith 15000 Ryou and he will upgrade Juvei's Murasame blade, which then becomes the Yamaarashi. After that, leave town. Overworld --------- Outside, head east and north through the forest until you reach a new town. Itako ----- When you enter this town, you will find that the residents are all zombies! If you talk to anyone, you will have to fight them in battle (good for extra experience, plus they respawn if you leave/reenter town). Head to the house in the southeast corner and talk to the zombie inside. It will actually be a girl names Miko-Chan. She will join you as your latest Helper! Leave her house, then head to the cemetery in town. Search the northwest corner to find an Old Gun. After that, go visit the equipment shop (middle building, southeast of the item shop). Buy the first new weapon for Ivan (Good Log - よさくのまるた) and armor (Alpha Oil - アルファオイル). You also need to visit the item shop and buy the Okaruton (オカルトン) item. It is required that you have this in order to use Miko-Chan's ability to remove curses from your characters! Unfortunately the Inn is not available in Itako, so you need to use items/abilities to stay healthy for now. When you are set, head out of here. Overworld --------- Out here, head directly southward of Itako. You will come to a pond with a small structure near it. Go into that structure to reach a new area. Sea Fire Pond ------------- Here, go forward to the pond itself. Deploy the helper Mackerel and have him search in the southeast corner of the pond to find Sea Fire (しらぬい), which is a cursed weapon for Ryuuhime. She will have 0 Offense power for the mean time, so we need to take care of that curse next. Rejoin the party and exit this area. Overworld --------- From this area, head northeast, then east and south through the woods. Be very careful when fighting the enemies in this area as they can curse (のろい) you, making you unable to attack while losing health with every turn. If you bought the Okaruton, you can have Miko-Chan cure those curses with her ability (のろいとき). Anyway, head through the woods until you reach the town to the south in the dunes. Have Jirokichi go off to Spy before you enter. Nanbu ----- Here, stop at the Inn in the northeast area to rest up. There are more zombie people here, so don't talk to them unless you want to fight. If you enter the northwest house and talk to the girl inside (after sending Jirokichi to Spy), she will give you the next Castle Scroll. Also, in the southwest house, you can pay 10000 Ryou to buy the last Donkey Donkey for Ivan! Outside of that place, you can search the ground two spaces south and east to find an Old ?. There is also an equipment shop here (west side), but you can't buy anything just yet. So, head out of town. Overworld --------- Now, go east and north through a narrow path between the mountains. Follow the coast northward, passing through a forest and swamp along the way. At the northern tip, enter the cave you see. Miroku's Cave ------------- In here, go all the way to the back and talk to the old man. He will lift the curse on Ryuuhime's new weapon, restoring her offensive power in the process! With that done, head out of this place. Overworld --------- Back outside, make your way back to Nanbu village. Rest up there, then continue west through a narrow path between the mountains. Head north through the forest until the landscape opens up, and then go west and south. You will see the skull-shaped castle to the north. For now, go southwest and westward through the swamp. Pass through another narrow path between the mountains, and turn to the south. Follow this long path to the south and east through the woods, and enter the cave in the northeast corner. Owl Shrine ---------- In this dark room, go forward and two large eyes will appear. Talk to the creature in front of you and it will give you the Bald Night (バルドナイト) item. Have Gennai create the Bald Ronbui (バルドロンブイ) from it. Now, exit the cave. Overworld --------- Make your way back around the path until you see the castle again. This time, enter the castle (you may want to go back to Nanbu to rest up first). Cursed Castle ------------- When you arrive at the castle, approach the door and search it. Because you lifted the curse on Ryuuhime's weapon, you will be able to enter. Inside, have Jirokichi Spy to get an Iron Pipe. From the start, go south and east and enter the small room there. Open the three coffins with Jirokichi to get 100 Ryou, a Taskal, and an Okaruton. Exit that room and go south to find spikes that move up/down in the floor. If you walk across them, you will lose 1HP for each step. Get across them to the south and go around the corner. To the northeast, enter the first door and open the coffin to get 1000 Ryou. Then, go east and enter the cemetery room by crossing the pit of hands that damage you just like the spikes. Head east and south to get through here, then exit the door and continue down a spike-filled hallway. At the end, go into the room and continue down the stairs. In the next area, go all the way east along the red stream. At the end, talk to the ferryman and he will let you ride the boat across in exchange for one of your party member's lives. You don't really have a choice here, so accept and a random party member will die, but you will get across the stream. Use a Taskal to revive them, then heal up before continuing. If you go west, you can talk to someone and exit the castle; otherwise, go east and use the stairs to reach a new area. When you reach the room with two coffins, use Jirokichi's ability to open them and receive an Okaruton and a Taskal. Exit this room to the south and you will have a couple of options. For now, go all the way east and down the steps at the end of the hall. In the prison below, go around and search the garbage can to find the Cursed Key (のろいのカギ). This will unlock the prison cells, freeing the people inside. Unlock the cells in here, then go back up the stairs. This time, go all the way west and along the spike-lined hallway, and go down the northwest stairs. Unlock the prison cells down there, then go back up. Go down the hall and enter the second door to the right. Go down those steps to reach a coffin-filled room below. In the coffin room, open the seven coffins to receive: 60 Ryou, Yakusou, Missile Pod, Gold Coin, Kusabue, and a Gatling Gun. After that, go east and south into the next room, where you must cross a pit of hands. In the following room, go across another hand-filled pit and go up the steps at the end. In this next room, you will be presented with a puzzle of sorts. You must follow an exact path through here or else you'll fall into a hole dropping you in the previous room. From the steps you arrive on, go: Left 1, Up 4, Left 1, Up 2, Right 4, Up 2, Left 2 If you reach the other side safely, recover your health before talking to the enemy there. When you talk to it, you will enter a boss battle against the Zombie Devil. View the Bosses section if you need help here. Once you win, go forward and you will fall into the final room. In the last room, step forward to the giant machine. Use the Bald Ronbui item and the machine will be destroyed, which will remove the zombies from the towns you visited in the surrounding area. This means their shops and Inns will now be open for business! You will then be sent outside of the castle, which itself will disappear. Overworld --------- Now that the castle is gone, go south through the narrow gap between the mountains, and head west. Get through the forest and turn northward to reach a new town. Merchant Town ------------- In here, rest at the Inn (it's the first building you see). Outside, you will see two merchants standing around; they are the better equipment/item shops than the ones in the buildings. For right now, search the space two steps south of the northern building entrance to find an Old Gun. Then, head to the far southeast corner of town and search the second space north from the corner to find Map #12. To reach its location, go to Nanbu and head west and south until you reach a square body of water on the west side (check out Map #12 to see). Send out Mackerel to search in the marked location to recover a Gold Coin! Return to the Merchant Town with it and sell it for an easy 10000 Ryou. Then, go into the southeast house and pay the blacksmith 25000 Ryou to upgrade Juvei's blade once again to the powerful Unryu. Outside, talk to the merchant on the left side and buy the equipment he has: Metal Armor (メタルアーマー) for Juvei and Red Hood (あかずきん) for Ryuuhime. If you don't have the cash for it, don't sweat it, but it's always useful to have the best equipment currently available. There is not much else you can do here just yet, so head out of town. Overworld --------- From the Merchant Town, go south and into the swamp. Go west through a narrow path and continue west to find a hole in the ground. When you reach it, go down that ladder to enter the cave. Hidden Safe ----------- In here, recover your health and go forward. Talk to the blue enemy and you will enter battle. The boss here is the Robo-Gold, so read the Bosses section if you need help defeating it. Following that tough battle, go forward and search the gold statue's foot to get a Gold Diamond. With it, exit this cave before the equally tough enemies come out to battle, and return to Merchant Town. Merchant Town ------------- Now that you have the Gold Diamond in your possession, go north to find two men standing around. Talk to the man on the left and give him the Gold Diamond, and he will give you the Cosmotron 8 in exchange. Now that you have what you need, leave here. Overworld --------- From the town, go east and north between the mountains again. Head east and south again through the forest, and continue all the way south until you find a stream. Then, follow that stream eastward to the end, where you will find a small town. Bad Ferry --------- Here, enter the Inn in the northeast area. Then, search the dead end path to the right to find an Iron Pipe. In the southwest area, talk to the man in the way and he will take the Cosmotrons from you, allowing you to pass. Go ahead and pay 140 Ryou to the ferryman, and you will ride to the next town. Cam-Cam ------- Upon your arrival, search the southwest corner of the dock to find an Old Gun. Head towards the village exit and a man will stop you. After a scene where a fairy of sorts appears and kills the man, exit the town and the next volume will commence! ========================== Volume 9: ふじさんのたまご ========================== Overworld --------- From Cam-Cam, make your way southward by following the eastern coast. Take some time to fight the enemies in this region as they yield a lot of needed experience and Ryou for your next set of upgrades. I would recommend that your party be at around Level 30 by now, and Ivan at around 15. To the far south, go west and enter the town of Awa. Awa --- In this town, there is an equipment shop with good upgrades for your party, but I recommend NOT buying anything here. You will see why soon. This should just be a pit stop for resting, since I highly recommend you spend some time fighting the enemies in this region, for they yield high experience and Ryou. Overworld --------- From Awa, make your way to the northwest alongside the mountains to the east. At the northwest corner, you will find a hole in the ground. Go through that small cave there, and you will emerge in a forest surrounded by mountains. Head towards the mountain in the middle to enter the next area. Mt. Fuji -------- Here atop the mountain, a dragon will appear to your party. It will instill Ryuuhime with the Flying ability. You can't use its powers just yet though. For now, exit this area and return to Awa. Awa --- Back in Awa, go into the southeast building. Talk to the blacksmith inside and he will upgrade Juvei's blade yet again, this time to the Masamune! With your powerful new blade, exit the shop and the town as well. Overworld --------- Outside again, you can now make use of Ryuuhime's Flying ability, so do that and a dragon will appear. This will enable you to fly anywhere and land on a flat piece of land. So, head west a short bit and approach the town with walls surrounding it. It will become engulfed in flames, so land inside the walls and enter the town. Edo --- This town is destroyed, so there really isn't much to do in these ruins. Go to the southeast corner between the fence and the trees, and search to find the Old Fang 4. Have Gennai create the Invincible Fang (むてきのキバ), which is Wolf's strongest weapon! After that, exit this ruined village. Overworld --------- Back outside, your next stop will be the first village of the game, Yagyu. Since Ryuuhime's ability will not work right now, use the helper Kago-Chan to get there. Yagyu ----- When you arrive here, go north and enter the large building in the back. Talk to the old man in the first room. After that, try to leave the house and he will stop you to talk some more. Once he is done, exit the house and the final volume will begin! =========================== Volume 10: じくうものがたり =========================== Yagyu ----- As the volume begins, you will still be in Yagyu. Rest at the Inn if you need to, then visit the Bank (it's next door to the equipment shop on the west side of town. Deposit all of your money here (pick the first option then pick the amount; you will see why soon). Then, leave town. Overworld --------- Outside, make sure your party is completely outside of the village space, and use Ryuuhime's Flying ability. Fly directly northward to find a circular lake with a small island in the middle. Land there and walk into the northeast corner to be confronted by an enemy. The giant-sized Alien Doll will appear and you will have to do battle against it. It is way too powerful for you to face right now, so there is no need for you to waste your combat items and drag this out. When your party gets wiped out the first time, your party will be fully revived by the Taskal-All item. When you are defeated a second time, you will return to the shrine in Yagyu. Yagyu ----- After the man in the shrine revives your party, exit the room. You can go to the Bank again and retrieve your money if you want it (if you did NOT do this, you would lose half of your money, as is the norm when your party gets wiped out). Anyway, enter the northern building. Go all the way to the back and talk to the old man, who will move out of the way. Then, talk to the man in the middle and he will give Juvei his final weapon, the Laser Sword! You will also get Juvei's best armor, the Hyper Suit. While you're here, talk to the girl on the right side to view a quick scene with her taking her top off (your view is from behind, sadly). You will then receive the final map, Map #13. Now, leave this building and head out of the village again. Overworld --------- Out here, you should first note that all of the other towns are gone, so you can only visit Yagyu or the place we are about to visit. So, take a look at Map #13. Then, use Ryuuhime's Flying ability and fly directly eastward for a bit. When you reach the far eastern shore, go south and you will see the small island from the map. Land there and enter the new village. Horokuroa --------- In this village, stand in front of the western building (the equipment shop) and search in front of it to receive the Old Frame 3. Have Gennai create the Seinaru Frame (せいなるどう), Wolf's strongest armor! Then, enter the shop and you will see that it sells the game's best weapons and armor for Ryuuhime and Ivan. It costs a lot of money though, so you will want to spend a bit more time grinding to earn it if necessary (the area near where Awa used to be is the best). While you're here, talk to the man in the southwest house, the house just to the east of it, and then the house to the far east. On the east side of town is a hole; go down the ladder to enter an underground room. Go down the hall and search the front of the stone in the middle of the floor. After you search it, call the helper Genpi to help explain what you just read. Then, turn around and walk to the edge of the platform directly south of the stone and try to talk. A yellow ball will appear and you will receive the Magatsu Ball (まがつたま). With this new item, exit the cave and the town altogether. Overworld --------- From here, use Ryuuhime's Flying ability and head back north and west towards Yagyu. Then, go north to that circular lake, and then head northwest across the sea. In the area halfway between the west and north shores, you will see a castle in the water. Land there and enter it. Future Castle ------------- As soon as you arrive, have Jirokichi Spy to get the last Castle Scroll. Near you is a door, but you can open it later once you get the key. For now, go up the path to the north, then go west along the edge until you can go south again. Go into the door below and talk to the man inside to receive a Palm Rocket. Exit this room and make your way northwest while evading the visible enemies, then enter the tower. Inside the first tower, go into the elevator in the middle to ride up two levels. There, go left and ride the next one down a level. Walk around to the east side of the floor and enter the room there. Go into the second door and you will find five chests. With Jirokichi's help when needed, open them to get a Kikusou, Missile Pod, Taskal, Modorin Egg, and Bazooka. Go back out and ride the elevator back up a level, then ride the other one up to the next floor. Up here, go left and search the small hatch in the wall to reveal a hidden room. Go in and you will find seven chests containing: 2 Kikusou, 2 Yakusou, Pip, Missile Pod, and a Gatling Gun. Leave the room after you clean house and ride up to the top level. Once there, go right and ride the next elevator to the new room. For the next several rooms, step out and in the elevator, and press Up when inside to reach the following room. When you reach a larger room, go around the corner and open the two chests to get a Yakusou and a Kikusou. Take this time to recover your party's health, then talk to the enemy in the opposite corner to engage it in battle. Read the Bosses section if you need help beating the Boss Ganda 1. After you win, go through the door to reach the bridge between the two towers. Out here, if you go forward, you will find a mounted turret will stop you from continuing onward. Use the Palm Rocket at this point to destroy it, then go across to the second tower. There, step in and out of the elevator while pressing Down each time you enter it to go down further. In the new room at the bottom, recover your health again and go around the corner. You will fall into a hidden pit, and when you land, you will be entered into a series of boss battles, one at a time. You will face Prince Daruma a second time, followed by the Zombie Devil. The third matchup will be against a new boss called the Bio Flower, and there are three of them. After that, you face the Boss Ganda 2. Check out the Bosses section if you need help with any of these. Once the rush of bosses are cleared, you will receive the Doll Key and the exit of this room will be open. Go north and you will come out of the right tower near the castle entrance. Make your way west and around to the starting point, and you can now unlock that locked door. If you want to leave the castle, simply walk to the left edge of the southeast platform. I recommend you do so actually, so you can rest up and buy/sell items (do both at Horukuroa. When you are set to proceed, unlock the door with the Doll Key and enter the new area. In there, go down the hall and step into the elevator hatch to reach the room below. On this floor, you will find a new and unique feature in the form of floor hatches. If you search one, it will open up. If you walk onto an open hatch, you will slip under the floor grating (or vice versa), enabling you to get past those flames blocking certain paths. From the start of this room, go south and take the eastern path. When you come to the first floor hatch, open it and climb in. Then, go back to the northwest and take the southern path this time (while under the floor). At the four-way intersection, go east and open the hatch between the flames to re-emerge. Go through the doors to reach a treasure room. Open the chests, some with Jirokichi, to get an Earth Hammer, Yakusou, Kikusou, Missile Pod, and Antidote (two chests are empty). Go back to the main room and climb into the open hatch again. This time, go directly westward through the intersection and continue south to find a hatch in the middle of the open area. Ignore it as you pass under the flames to the southwest, then go up the hall and open the hatch at the end to re-emerge. Back above the floor, go down that same hall and enter the room next to the flames. In the back room, there are five chests, three of which are empty. The back two chests have items (only the left one needs Jirokichi's help), and they are a Kikusou and a Taskal-All. Go back to the main room and head up the west hallway to the door at the end. Head through the two doors to reach the next part of the floor. At the other side, open the hatch and go under the floor. Pass under the flames ahead and emerge through the hatch at the other side. Go down the hall and you will find an elevator hatch at the end. Do NOT go right into this or you will find yourself in a world of trouble. Take a moment to get your party situated, recovering HP to maximum, distributing the combat items you have, etc. I also recommend that you have a party that is at least Level 35 before proceeding. When you are ready to continue, go into that hatch and you will fall into a room with the Alien Doll. You will now have your second chance to fight it, but as long as you have and use the Magatsu Ball against it, you will be just fine. Once you defeat it, you will be back outside. At this point in the game, there is one more side area you can visit. If you exit the castle altogether and call the helper Takorian to visit Lambda Star. Since you are near the game's end, you can go around the room and open the capsule chests (seven total) to receive five Taskals and two Taskal-Alls! They will serve you well from here on out. I also recommend that you visit Horukuroa to rest at the Inn, so you're totally ready to go. Anyway, back at the Future Castle, you are in the central area towards the back outside. The central tower is ahead, with the way to enter it being via a hole on the right side. Enter the central tower and you will find a room with an elevator. If you are ready to go on with the game, step into it and you will reach a room with several enemies. You will then have to face two past bosses and one new boss (Killer Wolf, Metal Block, and Fly Widow), with upgraded stats of course, all at once. Check out the Bosses section for help. Following that threesome, you will go right into a boss battle against the Sabenraga dragon. Once you beat it, you will go on to the FINAL battle versus the Mine Master. View the Bosses section for tips if you want. After you win, watch the various scenes in the final area. You will be asked to board the time machine and travel 15 years into the future, but before that, you need to say goodbye to everyone. So, you will be returned to Yagyu. Yagyu ----- When you arrive here, talk with your party and everyone else, then head into the large building at the north end (your house, presumably). Go all the way forward and you will automatically talk to the people here. Once that is done, you will go back outside and board the time machine again. The final scene shows you riding 15 years into the future. The credits will then roll, so congratulations on completing Juvei Quest! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Enemies -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: The enemies are listed in the order you would normally encounter them in that particular volume. That is, enemies immediately outside of the first town are at the top of the Volume 1 list, and the enemies below will appear as you advance outward. You can fight enemies from past volumes simply by going to those earlier sections of the world map! ======== Volume 1 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- レッドスネーク | 15| 0| 16| 5| 6| 1| 4 どくまんじゅう | 12| 0| 14| 5| 4| 1| 6 しろぼうず | 16| 4| 12| 4| 5| 2| 5 フライングバム | 14| 0| 16| 13| 10| 1| 7 カマおとこ | 20| 0| 28| 10| 6| 2| 8 キノコング | 28| 0| 28| 6| 7| 2| 11 ヘルラッシ | 11| 0| 32| 13| 11| 2| 9 ダイキチ | 29|12| 29| 8| 7| 3| 8 アッカンベー | 23| 4| 24| 12| 11| 3| 10 へらへら | 30|12| 28| 15| 15| 4| 12 スカルバット | 25| 0| 30| 9| 12| 4| 15 ブラックマン | 26| 0| 36| 10| 12| 3| 6 かげにん | 30| 0| 39| 13| 14| 5| 10 にんけん | 20| 0| 37| 18| 15| 7| 5 クモジン | 16| 0| 30| 15| 13| 1| 5 からくりマン | 35| 0| 45| 12| 10| 6| 6 ======== Volume 2 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- ベムガー | 35| 8| 40| 17| 11| 6| 15 メカタツノコ | 20| 0| 48| 30| 17| 7| 10 シェルビー | 19| 8| 43| 32| 13| 7| 25 デスグリーン | 33| 0| 40| 16| 13| 8| 20 ヘルモンキー | 39| 0| 44| 20| 20| 9| 50 へびおんな | 40| 8| 48| 23| 17| 9| 30 しきゃくマン | 42| 0| 46| 16| 18| 10| 9 ぎょろん | 44| 4| 47| 22| 15| 15| 25 ドラゴンマン | 50| 0| 59| 30| 19| 5| 20 ======== Volume 3 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- おおとげむし | 38| 0| 49| 38| 23| 30| 30 マグマンゼリー | 50| 0| 46| 23| 27| 35| 35 ひふきガメ | 60| 0| 52| 40| 10| 40| 25 ベロベロベー | 65| 0| 48| 36| 60| 46| 60 ヒダシメ | 73|12| 51| 30| 48| 48| 40 いんねび | 80| 0| 59| 25| 36| 50| 45 バットクルス | 85|12| 60| 29| 35| 52| 35 かえんマン | 100| 9| 79| 38| 33| 38| 30 ======== Volume 4 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- ひゃっかにぬ | 68| 0| 70| 25| 40| 90| 45 マッドボアー | 80| 0| 75| 26| 60| 106| 50 ウルフマン | 100| 0| 83| 27| 79| 145| 60 しろやまた | 140|18| 85| 35| 50| 149| 80 リトルエイプ | 157| 0| 70| 27| 60| 158| 80 シャドウマン | 60| 0| 95| 43| 50| 179| 75 ヘルバット | 100| 0|120| 35| 95| 200| 65 くらやみマン | 110| 0| 92| 40| 90| 160| 55 ======== Volume 5 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- クレイジーカウ | 135| 0| 90| 30| 90| 255| 70 あまのじゃく | 65| 0| 82| 42|105| 300| 110 レッドソーサー | 75| 0| 86|100| 48| 370| 190 にんげんもどき | 115|13| 95| 30| 80| 390| 130 しにがみこぞう | 84|24| 84| 44| 64| 470| 240 バトルナイト | 145| 0|110| 50| 57| 480| 155 ======== Volume 6 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- ララバイかめん | 120|16| 95| 65|105| 560| 360 シャーペイン | 260| 0| 98| 15| 47| 460| 120 スーパークロン | 180| 0|100| 45| 60| 590| 310 コカーメン | 90| 0| 90| 30| 60| 215| 90 カーメン | 300| 0| 95| 60| 99| 510| 460 サソラム | 35| 0|110|150|145|1010| 250 アッドミイラ | 210| 0|105| 45|107| 630| 190 ファラー | 280|12|110| 40| 93| 700| 250 スフィンツク | 250| 0|150| 80|100|1010| 510 きがマン | 200| 7|130| 80|100| 200| 100 ======== Volume 7 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- バニュロン | 140| 0|100| 75| 70| 590| 180 ガオウ | 195| 0|115| 65|100| 770| 240 アイスマン | 240| 0|130| 70| 62| 810| 250 ガンテツゾンビ | 190| 0|165| 65| 72|1400| 310 ひょうがんだん | 600| 9|141| 45| 85|2100| 50 ダークヘッド | 150| 0|130| 75|105| 760| 310 ゆきひめ | 130| 0|110| 60|115| 910| 250 ひょうがコング | 390| 0|155| 65| 58|1110| 410 ひょうけつマン | 250| 0|140| 85|110| 510| 200 ======== Volume 8 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- どろたぼう | 125| 0|145|110|150| 760| 200 ヘルファイヤー | 170| 0|150| 78| 88| 810| 310 のろいひめ | 160|25|140| 62| 95| 910| 410 ゾンビー | 245| 0|140| 10| 70| 960| 250 ゾンビコウモリ | 210| 0|160| 60|160| 960| 310 あしがるゾンビ | 350| 0|170| 25| 83|1160| 460 スカルホッパー | 260| 0|180| 65|130|1210| 410 メタルパランル | 90| 8|150|510|150|1600| 250 ミステリーアイ | 340|21|165| 60|100|2100| 510 のろいマン | 200|14|205|100|115| 460| 200 キンゾー | 90|11|130|150| 75| 810| 810 かねくいだま | 225| 0|150| 75|200| 860|1010 モスカルラ | 180|16|185|105|100|1010| 360 ラーゴン | 135|10|155|135| 85|1110| 250 ガキゾンビ | 170| 0|155| 70|110|1400| 250 ダンダン | 255| 0|145|110|102|1700| 410 ブレインソーサ | 310| 0|230| 80|108|2300| 510 ======== Volume 9 ======== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- あかぼうず | 145| 0|190| 95| 99|1010| 460 まぼろしかめん | 240|18|175|100| 83|1210| 610 はんにゃ | 280|16|190| 75|140|1500| 510 ろくろ | 280|18|195| 75| 96|1600| 510 まそうりょ | 220|37|190|100|103|1700| 710 マンイーター | 240| 0|185| 65|100|1800| 510 ダークネス | 290|26| 0| 95|107|1900| 510 ドラゴルド | 350| 0|210| 70|150|2700| 810 フラワー | 500|12|195| 70|165|4100|2100 ========= Volume 10 ========= Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- ジョックー | 150| 0|175| 70|115| 710| 200 ミンミン | 175| 5|185| 90|150|1210| 460 アイアンアイ | 220| 0|200|110|110|1500| 510 レイザータンク | 180|10|140|120|110|1800| 560 ガンダーロボ | 280|10|190| 90|100|1900| 810 スカイキラー | 300| 0|150|125|160|1900|1600 レガルゴ | 350| 0|240|120|120|2000| 810 メガベルガー | 380|12|290|140| 95|2300|1010 みらいマン | 250| 0|255|100|130|1500| 910 ========== Demon Land ========== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- まへいもち | 15| 0| 12| 4| 8| 2| 10 ドグウアーマー | 23| 0| 15| 10| 13| 6| 15 クレイジーババ | 25| 0| 16| 5| 11| 2| 7 ヘビオトコ | 36| 0| 25| 5| 22| 8| 12 モンスタージジ | 36|20| 30| 26| 55| 20| 35 あおきし | 40| 0| 37| 28| 17| 32| 28 オニタコン | 45|12| 45| 1| 13| 35| 37 オニデーモン | 50| 0| 38| 18| 28| 24| 22 あおぼうず | 42| 0| 35| 9| 35| 25| 25 マグマン | 52| 0| 40| 12| 20| 46| 35 シーサーペント | 55| 8| 38| 15| 22| 31| 34 スネークポッド | 60|12| 45| 20| 16| 50| 60 ブルーアンクル | 80| 0| 42| 7| 10| 55| 42 ピーチボーイズ | 80| 0| 60| 25| 30| 40| 33 レッドドッグ | 70| 0| 55| 22| 72| 75| 45 ブルードッグ | 80| 0| 65| 25| 70| 80| 65 バンコパ | 200| 0| 63| 12| 29| 83| 52 ============== Aurora Kingdom ============== Enemy Name HP SP AT DF SP EXP RYOU ---------- -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- グリーンアイ | 15| 0| 10| 3| 5| 5| 7 つるりん | 17| 6| 17| 4| 5| 6| 9 スカイマン | 15| 8| 21| 7| 18| 9| 2 ヘビーガル | 20| 0| 30| 10| 4| 10| 15 グリーンケルプ | 33| 4| 29| 7| 13| 7| 12 クレバス | 25| 0| 32| 13| 20| 11| 15 アイスファイヤ | 39| 8| 35| 12| 27| 12| 16 ベムカッター | 40| 0| 39| 14| 25| 21| 20 イノクラッシュ | 35| 0| 40| 18| 36| 30| 13 がいこつむし | 55| 0| 59| 20| 28| 60| 22 シャドーマスク | 90| 0| 58| 10| 40| 110| 65 カニモンス | 50| 8| 63| 37| 25| 150| 30 アイスストーン | 250| 7| 90| 5| 1| 280| 70 ゆきみアイス | 80| 0| 68| 20| 17| 135| 30 ブリーザウルス | 150| 0| 90| 35| 25| 310| 80 じんめんいわ | 200|18| 93| 55| 35| 550| 90 エレキラドン | 150| 0|110| 30| 55| 760| 150 キルスライダー | 250|20|120| 45| 60|1210| 60 ブビ | 160|20|105| 50| 50|1900| 100 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Volume 1 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Ushimatsu 40 0 20 1 5 1 2 うしまつ Yagyu This guy blocks your way out of the village when you first start the game. He packs a punch, but fortunately enough you are strong enough to take him out with just a couple of regular attacks. That's really all you can do, anyway. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Viper Man 76 8 36 7 8 15 150 まむしおとこ Owari Like the first boss, this creature can hit you very hard with his regular attacks. Make use of Juvei's special abilities, particularly Helmet Hit, for a chance at causing a lot of damage. If you are down to about 20HP, use a Yakusou to stay alive. Your regular attacks should do a good amount of damage as well, if you bought the best weapon available beforehand. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Great Catfish 80 0 30 2 5 5 100 おおなまず Catfish Shrine The boss of the shrine bearing its name is yet another pushover, luckily. It has a low amount of defense, so your regular attacks will work very well. If you are at Level 4 with good equipment, it will only take a handful of turns to kill it, even with regular attacks. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Devil Clone 105 0 56 19 9 30 310 デビルクローン Trick Castle This robotic creature can be tough, especially since it likes to attack two consecutive times each round. If you are not up to Level 6-7, you will have a tough time keeping up for sure. If you don't enter the battle with full health, you will need to recover either with Yakusous or by using Juvei's Hospital special ability every couple of rounds. The Helmet Hit ability is essentially to quickly deal a lot of damage, even though it tends to miss a good amount. In any event, you don't want to be in this battle for too long, but as long as you keep your health up, you should be okay. ======== Volume 2 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Dragon Trainer 128 0 50 28 15 36 210 タシノコつかい Sea Dragon This boss is flanked by two Mecha-Dragons, which I recommend you kill first. He likes to attack two consecutive times per turn, so if you are not properly equipped at Level 7-8, you may have a tough time. Use the Helmet Hit ability to cause a lot of damage quickly, and be sure to heal every couple of turns (or if your HP dips below 40). The most important thing here is to kill the regular enemies first, since their added attacks will be devastating if left alone. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Eel Swirl 155 10 59 32 19 80 410 うつぼうず Sea Dragon This creature is another tough boss, not only since it likes to attack twice consecutively, but it has higher attack power than the previous boss. This means you will be hit for 25-30HP each time, sometimes twice. At the start of the battle, it will use an ability on itself rendering it invulnerable to your attacks. To counter this, you need to use the Tear Drops item right away in order to be able to cause any damage. You also need to have a lot of SP available, as well as Ya/Kikusous to recover if necessary. Stick with the Helmet Hit ability since it is your best chance at causing a lot of damage quickly; your regular attack will make the battle go on for too long, unfortunately. ======== Volume 3 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Great Fire King 360 30 100 50 29 510 710 かえんだいおう Satsuma This boss is a bit stronger than the last one you faced, and having two party members doesn't make it any less brutal. Ryuuhime's Ice ability is essential to winning since it can take about 50HP of damage each time, as well as Juvei's Helmet Hit ability. The Great Fire King likes to hit both of you at once for upwards of 50HP apiece, so you will need to use both characters' Hospital abilities to recover every couple of rounds or so. Luckily, your attacks will cause a dent, especially Ice, so it's a matter of outlasting this boss to win. ========== Demon Land ========== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Dog Zombie 300 0 37 13 28 150 100 イヌゾンビ North of Tab When you first start this battle, your attacks will be ineffective against this opponent. You need to use Hinotori's Fire Feather item on the boss. This will drain its energy, enabling your attacks to cause damage. Thanks to this special item, it will only take a couple of regular hits to defeat this boss. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Monkey Boss 130 0 50 33 15 200 410 サルボス Monkey Mountain This monkey boss is a bit tough, especially if you are not at a decent enough level. Generally if Shiro and Onitan have good equipment and are around Level 5-6, you will be fine. This boss attacks strongly (around 30HP a hit) and has high defense, so if you can get Hinotori to Level 4, you can use the Mihagito ability to lower the boss's defense; it helps a lot, you will see. It may be necessary to recover health during this battle (Hinotori's Hospital ability), but if you keep beating it down with your stronger characters, the battle won't take too long. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Kintaro Zombie 250 0 66 28 35 810 250 キンタロゾンビ Miminari Island This zombie boss won't go down as quickly or easily as the previous one, but if you are well-equipped, you will be in excellent shape. The boss attacks one at a time for about 20-30HP a hit, so it's quite manageable as well. Stick with regular attacks all the way through, since that is the most effective approach. Use Hinotori's Hospital ability if necessary to recover someone's HP, otherwise stay with the attacks until this battle ends. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Momotarou Zombie 300 0 70 45 20 N/A N/A モモタロゾンビ Momotarou Zombie Castle As you can see, this boss has a lot of defensive powers, and its strength can quickly overpower you if you're not careful. It likes to attack twice in the same turn; at around 30HP a hit, it can become quite costly. If Onitan is at Level 7, use their Thunder (イカヅチ) ability since it hurts this boss quite a bit. Hinotori's Blue Shell (コウラブル) will bolster your party's defenses, so be sure to use it as well as their Hospital ability for HP recovery. It is a tough battle, but if you keep your HP up and constantly attack, you will get through this. Unfortunately, you go immediately into the much easier battle with the Killer Wolf boss after defeating this zombie. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Killer Wolf 190 ?? 55 25 78 N/A N/A キラーウルフ Momotarou Zombie Castle The second part of the boss battle is actually much easier, especially if you are equipped with the best weapons. It more resembles a regular enemy than a boss. Simply continue to pummel it with your regular attacks, being quick to recover HP if you ended the fight with Momotarou Zombie with a low amount, and this fight will be over very shortly. ======== Volume 4 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Giant Flying 260 0 100 33 75 3265 1010 Squirrel ムササビだゆう Dark Castle You fight against two of these strange creatures, and they put up quite the fight! Your best bet is to concentrate on killing one at a time, by using the Hammer Hit (Juvei) ability. Ryuuhime's best best would be to use her Ice ability to hit both at the same time, while Wolf attacks normally. If Wolf is at Level 15, his Thunder ability will prove to be very powerful against these guys. Since these bosses like to hit hard (upwards of 50HP each), you will want to recover after a couple of turns (delegate Ryuuhime for this). Once you kill one, the other will be easier since you won't have to defend against two attacks each turn! Be caerful nonetheless, since they like to hit more than one party member at the same time! ============== Aurora Kingdom ============== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Metal Block 400 0 130 60 50 N/A N/A メタルブロック Cooler This boss is strong and can become overpowering if you end up in this battle for too long. It can cause upwards of 70HP damage each hit, so you need to be ready to recover it just as fast. The best abilities to use are Penta's Aisun (アイスン) and Lucky's Dega (デガ), since they both cause around 100HP damage each time. Gun-Chan can just attack normally or use a Snow Gun item if there are any available to him. If you use the abilities I mentioned, this fight becomes so much easier for sure! ======== Volume 6 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Ushimatsu 350 0 135 60 70 3100 1010 うしまつ Bat Cave This boss, like the first time you fought it, relies on physical attacks to fight. The only thing is that those attacks can cause near 80HP of damage, so you need to hit just as hard and fast. Wolf's Thunder ability, and Juvei's Helmet Hit come in handy, while Ryuuhime can attack or heal as needed. There is no need to go overboard with the special abilities since this guy will go down in a few turns anyway, and you have another battle immediately following it. Stick with your strongest attacks and keep your health up, and you will survive this quick fight. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Bat Dayuu 550 0 145 70 115 6100 5100 コウモリだゆう Bat Dayuu's Cave This is going to be the toughest boss you've faced in the entire game. It has the ability to charm one of your party members, making them unable to act for a couple of turns, which of course can be devastating if it's your strongest attacker. Ryuuhime needs to stay on top of healing everyone since the boss also attacks two consecutive times each turn for 70HP a pop. Juvei and Wolf should use their strongest abilities (Helmet Hit and Thunder). If you have any combat items (Machine Gun, for example), this would be the best time to use them. My only advice is to keep your health up and continue pummeling the beast to kill it. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Big Can-Can 490 18 140 85 83 2100 1600 ビッグカンカン Hunger Castle You will do battle with a giant metal can here. It has high defense, so most of your regular attacks will be ineffective. Stick with the Thunder ability and Juvei's Helmet Hit for the best results, with Ryuuhime recovering or using her Ice ability as appropriate. This boss really doesn't have THAT much HP, but it can hit your entire party for close to 100HP damage each, so you need to stay on top of your party's condition if you want to survive this. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- King Tut 800 ?? 210 85 115 6100 3100 ツタンだいおう Hunger Castle This guy is seriously tough, so you really need to be well-prepared for this. King Tut can attack everyone at once, causing 80-100HP to each party member. You need to basically relegate Ryuuhime to recovery duty every single round, focusing on the person with <100HP each turn. Wolf should be using Thunder or Flame-Ma to attack, while Juvei sticks with Helmet Hit or 2-Hit to attack twice. It is essential to keep everyone's HP high, even if it means other party members help with the recovery effort for a round or so. This boss can take a lot of punishment, so you need to make sure you can last the length of it! ======== Volume 7 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Prince Daruma 950 0 260 60 85 4100 1600 だるまたいし Frozen Castle For this battle, it is VERY important that your party is at full health from the start. The reason is because sometimes the boss can attack a single person for upwards of 300HP! If your party (not including Ivan) is at least Level 25-26 and have the latest equipment, you should be able to withstand such an attack. Other than that, this enemy is like any other normal fight in this area of the game. Stick with your strongest abilities from each person, like Helmet Hit or 2-Hit for Juvei, regular attacks or usage of combat items by Wolf and Ivan, while Ryuuhime recovers everyone's health as needed. If all goes well, the battle should be over in just a few turns if you are using powerful attacks (combat items are important here, like the Missile Pod and Machine Gun, among others). ======== Volume 8 ======== Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Zombie Devil 970 30 250 70 110 11000 5100 ゾンビまおう Cursed Castle This creature is actually pretty easy to take down if you use the right types of attacks. Wolf's Spark ability is essential as it can take 250+HP off with each successful hit. Have Ryuuhime heal the others as needed, and use the Mihigato ability to lower the boss's defense. Juvei's Helmet Hit is always a good choice, as is attacking normally with Ivan. Combat items are great to use as well if you have any. As for the boss, it can curse your party members which can end up being really bad news if you are not careful. It also can attack everyone at once for around 60-80HP apiece, so be ready to heal up for that. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Robo-Gold 880 0 340 140 93 21000 8000 ロボゴールド Hidden Safe If you do not enter this battle at full health and with some GOOD armor, you will find yourself defeated very quickly! It can pack a bunch and hit two consecutive times, causing more than 200HP damage with each blow! You really need to make quick use of any combat items you hold, as well as strong abilities such as Wolf's Spark and Juvei's Helmet Hit. If someone gets hit by the attack, you need to quickly recover their health with Ryuuhime's ability. Basically, you want this battle to end fast, so try your best to pummel this machine before it's too late! ========= Volume 10 ========= Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Boss Ganda 1 700 20 360 155 115 5100 1010 ボスガンダー1 Future Castle This robot boss is more or less like any normal enemy, but with more HP. It can attack all party members for a small amount of damage to each, or one for more damage. It has high defense though, so you need to stick with stronger abilities to cause considerable damage. It should only take a few rounds to kill it, fortunately. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Bio-Flower 500 20 210 80 160 4100 1010 バイオフラワー Future Castle If it wasn't tough enough just fighting one of these creatures, you get three of them all at once. Your best bet is to take them out one at a time, so focus on each with your strongest abilities (Spark, Helmet Hit, etc.). If Ryuuhime is at Level 34, her ability to recover everyone's health at once is essential to staying alive (ほすぴいた). The flowers can hit everyone at once for either a small amount of damage or close to 100HP, so you need to keep everyone's health high at all times. It becomes easier after you kill each of them, so keep at it and you will succeed. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Boss Ganda 2 800 20 380 165 120 6100 2100 ボスガンダー2 Future Castle This boss is basically just a slightly stronger version than the first one you fought not too long ago. It employs the same battle tactics, attacking either one or all of your party at once. Its defense is still a bit high, so only your strongest abilities will be able to make a dent here. It does have stronger individual attacks which come into play when it is low on health, and they can kill a party member if they are missing even a little bit of health, so be prepared! It is essential to keep everyone's health at the max if you want everyone to survive this one. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Alien Doll 32600 0 510 200 95 40016 N/A エイリアンドール Future Castle As you can tell by its statistics, this is a boss that you are not meant to defeat. Its attacks are way too powerful for you to last more than a handful of turns, not to mention the sheer amount of HP it has. Your only hope is the Magatsu Ball item. When you use it, it will either destroy the Alien Doll right away, or it won't work, meaning you have to try it again. That is the ONLY way you can actually defeat this giant boss. Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Killer Wolf 470 25 330 140 170 N/A N/A キラーウルフ Fly Widow 450 30 300 155 128 N/A N/A フライウイドウ Metal Block 550 0 380 160 85 N/A N/A メタルブロック Future Castle For this battle, you must face these three bosses all at once. It can get a bit rough, especially since they all like to hit everyone in the party with attacks, but at least those attacks don't usually take more than 70HP or so. The main thing you need to watch out for is if any of your party members gets paralyzed. Have Ryuuhime cure that right away with the Anmaa ability, or by using a Pip item. Of course you want to focus on each of these guys one at a time, so if you stick with your usual strongest abilities, each one of these creatures can be dead within a turn or so. Try to keep everyone's health up but don't go overboard since you need the SP for the next two battles! Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Sabenraga 1200 50 400 190 110 31000 11000 サーベンラガー Future Castle Immediately following the three weaker bosses, you go right up against this creature. It can be tough, especially since it can bolster its own defenses with its abilities, while attacking your entire party for a small amount of damage to each. It is also very important that you keep your party in great shape, and to use strong abilities to quickly conquer it (Helmet Hit, Spark, etc.). It may be beneficial as well to have Ryuuhime attempt to sap SP from the boss, using Give-Me (ギブミ) to absorb SP whenever the boss uses an ability that costs SP. That way you don't have to worry about running out when attempting to heal everyone. If you are using strong attacks, the battle should not take too long, but there is ANOTHER one immediately following it, so you need to stay sharp to succeed! Name HP SP STR DEF SPD EXP RYOU ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- Mine Master 3000 ?? 440 200 160 N/A N/A マインマスター Future Castle At last, the game's final boss! This is THE time to go all out, using your very best abilities and combat items to beat down this creature. It can hit a single party member for 300+HP, so it is essential to keep everyone's HP as high as possible. Juvei's Helmet Hit and Wolf's Spark work very well here, even if they have a higher probability of missing. If Ivan is at Level 29, he can use the extremely powerful Gooriki (ゴオリキ) ability to cause a LOT of damage if it connects. The combat items you have accumulated will be of great use as well, since everyone's regular attacks hardly make a dent against this boss. It is highly recommended that you are at least Level 35 before trying this battle. Ryuuhime should be healing every turn to keep everyone alive, and if someone dies, use a Taskal to take care of it quickly. It has a LOT of HP, but if you keep pummeling it with strong attacks while healing your group regularly, you will be able to defeat it! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Abilities -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================= Special Abilities ================= Again (あげいん) Level: 25 (Juvei) 33 (Ryuuhime) SP: 22 Description: Revive a fallen ally and fully recover their HP. Anmaa (あんまあ) Level: 25 (Ryuuhime) SP: 3 Description: Cure the Paralysis (マヒ) status of a single ally. Antidote (どっくん) Level: 11 (Ryuuhime) SP: 4 Description: Cure the Poison (ドク) status from all allies. Bell (ベル) Level: 21 (Ryuuhime) SP: 3 Description: Wake up any allies in Sleep status. Bet (ベト) Level: 14 (Wolf) SP: 4 Description: Slows down all enemies. Bi-Gagan (ガガンビ) Level: 20 (Wolf) SP: 8 Description: Medium/large amount of explosive damage to all enemies. Broadsword (ダンビラ) Level: 22 (Wolf) SP: 4 Description: Increase the attack power of all allies. Cruz (クルス) Level: 19 (Ryuuhime) SP: 5 Description: Causes an enemy to leave the battle. Dub (ダブ) Level: 24 (Wolf) SP: 4 Description: Allows an ally to continuously attack without setting the command. Earth (ドガ) Level: 18 (Juvei) SP: 7 Description: Medium amount of earth damage to all enemies. En-Ice (アイスン) Level: 24 (Ryuuhime) 30 (Wolf) SP: 8 Description: Medium/large amount of ice damage to all enemies. Escape (コノハガクレ) Level: 12 (Juvei) SP: N/A Description: Attempt to escape the current battle. Flame (カエン) Level: 2 (Juvei) 1 (Ryuuhime) SP: 3 Description: Small amount of fire damage to a single enemy. Gagan (ガガン) Level: 6 (Wolf) SP: 4 Description: Small amount of explosive damage to all enemies. Gapal (ガパル) Level: 22 (Ryuuhime) SP: 6 Description: Large amount of water damage to a single enemy. Gappa (ガッパ) Level: 3 (Ryuuhime) SP: 2 Description: Medium amount of water damage to a single enemy. Give-Me (ギブミ) Level: 15 (Ryuuhime) SP: 1 Description: Absorb an enemy's SP if they use an ability that turn. Gooriki (ゴオリキ) Level: 29 (Ivan) SP: 50 Description: Extremely high amount of damage to all enemies. Haiya (ハイヤア) Level: 10 (Ryuuhime) SP: 2 Description: Increase the speed of an ally. Hide (いないぱー) Level: 19 (Ryuuhime) SP: 25 Description: Avoid random enemy encounters for a limited time. Hospice (ほすぴ) Level: 4 (Juvei) 1 (Ryuuhime) SP: 3 Description: Recover a medium amount of HP to a single ally. Ice (アイス) Level: 6 (Ryuuhime) 23 (Wolf) SP: 5 Description: Small amount of ice damage to a single enemy. Ita-Hospice (ほすぴいた) Level: 34 (Ryuuhime) SP: 14 Description: Recover a large amount of HP to all allies. Ka-Flame (カエンカ) Level: 28 (Juvei) 26 (Wolf) SP: 6 Description: Large amount of fire damage to a single enemy. Kan-Thunder (イカヅカン) Level: 40 (Juvei) 35 (Wolf) SP: 15 Description: Large amount of thunder damage to all enemies. Kappa (カパ) Level: 1 (Ryuuhime) SP: 2 Description: Small amount of water damage to a single enemy. Kirikiri (キリキリ) Level: 5 (Ryuuhime) SP: 4 Description: Raise the haevenly defense (SPI) of all allies. Kouraburu (コウラブル) Level: 13 (Ryuuhime) 31 (Wolf) SP: 5 Description: Increase the defense power of all allies. Lullaby (ララバイ) Level: 27 (Juvei) 12 (Ryuuhime) SP: 4 Description: Put a group of enemies to sleep. Ma-Flame (カエンマ) Level: 11 (Wolf) SP: 5 Description: Medium amount of fire damage to all enemies. Mafuuji (マフウジ) Level: 23 (Ryuuhime) SP: 6 Description: Prevents a group of enemies from using their abilities. Magic-Rin (マジクリン) Level: 26 (Ryuuhime) SP: 10 Description: Remove any special status boosts on the enemy. Mihagito (ミハギト) Level: 14 (Ryuuhime) SP: 4 Description: Lower the defense of all enemies. Mu-Hospice (ほすらむ) Level: 30 (Ryuuhime) SP: 7 Description: Completely recover all HP of a single ally. Par-Earth (ドガパル) Level: 34 (Juvei) SP: 10 Description: Large amount of earth damage to all enemies. Parapa (パラパ) Level: 19 (Wolf) SP: 6 Description: Confuse a single enemy. Ri-Magic (リマジク) Level: 28 (Wolf) SP: 8 Description: Sets a barrier to reflect damage taken by ability to the enemy. Ru-Hospice (ほすぴる) Level: 29 (Juvei) 17 (Ryuuhime) SP: 4 Description: Recover a large amount of HP to a single ally. Shield (シルド) Level: 23 (Juvei) SP: 8 Description: Protects against half of all physical damage received. Spark (スパーク) Level: 36 (Ryuuhime) 27 (Wolf) SP: 12 Description: Very large amount of thunder damage to a single enemy. Thunder (イカヅチ) Level: 15 (Wolf) SP: 5 Description: Medium amount of thunder damage to a group of enemies. Togekoura (トゲコウラ) Level: 18 (Wolf) SP: 5 Description: Increase the defense of an ally and reflect attacks directed at them. Ukihaya (ウキハヤ) Level: 29 (Wolf) SP: 2 Description: Increase the readiness of all allies. =================== Exclusive Abilities =================== NOTE: The following are abilities that only the specified character can use. Juvei's abilities are all used in combat only, where you will have the option when you attack. For the others, you use their Skill (とくぎ) commands outside of battle. Juvei ----- 2-Hit (だんぎり) Level: 11 SP: 0 Description: Use a stronger attack two consecutive times. Helmet Hit (かぶとわり) Level: 3 SP: 0 Description: Cause a high amount of damage, but it tends to miss often. Iron-Cutting Attack (ざんてつぎり) Level: 23 SP: 0 Description: Cause a high amount of damage against mechanical enemies. Juvei Attack (じゅうべえぎり) Level: 1 SP: 0 Description: Perform a regular attack. Thunder Attack (らいでんぎり) Level: 33 SP: 25 Description: Cause a high amount of damage to all enemies. Tornado Attack (たつまきぎり) Level: 19 SP: 0 Description: Cause a small amount of damage to all enemies. Vacuum Attack (しんくうぎり) Level: 7 SP: 0 Description: Cause a small amount of damage. Ryuuhime -------- Flying (フライング) Description: Fly around on the overworld map as a dragon. You must not be overlapping with a town in order to call the dragon, though. Independence (おいろけ) Description: Allow Ryuuhime to walk around on her own. Wolf ---- Scope (スコープ) Description: Lets you know if there is a hidden item nearby. Scout (ていさつ) Description: Allow Wolf to walk around on his own, enter holes in walls, etc. Ivan ---- Escape (だっしゅつ) Description: Allows your party to escape a dungeon area. Rice Cake of Strength (ちからもち) Description: Allow Ivan to walk around on his own, can use super strength to move certain objects, etc. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Helpers -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jirokichi (ジロキチ) Found: Owari Abilities: Spy (スパイ) - Search for hidden items, people, etc. Trap Removal (ワナはずし) - Remove traps from treasure chests. Kago-Chan (かごちゃん) Found: Aki Abilities: Takes you to most towns previously visited for a small fee. Mackerel (さばのすけ) Found: All-Purpose Shed Abilities: It can swim in the water and search for items which it gives to your party when done. It can only swim around for a limited distance. Gennai (げんない) Found: Foreigner's Town Abilities: Can attempt to create items from existing ones. It does not always work however, where you lose the starting item. Sub (サブ) Found: Satsuma Abilities: Can clear the flames in the Fire Castle. He leaves after you clear the Fire Castle. Takorian (タコリアン) Found: After visiting Lambda Star the first time Abilities: Can take you back to Lambda Star when on the overworld. New Moon (みかづき) Found: Animal Hot Spring Abilities: Allows you to communicate with animals. Kyonpi (キョンピー) Found: Janpai Abilities: He can help you in ghost form when escaping the Janpai prison. He leaves after you escape the prison. Genpi (ゲンピー) Found: Janpai Abilities: Allows you to understand mysterious puzzles. Hiderihou (ひでりぼう) Found: Urajosto Abilities: Helps you find the Hunger Castle location in the desert. Miko-Chan (ミコちゃん) Found: Itako Abilities: Curse Dispel (のろいとき) - Can remove curses from your party members, if you have the Okaruton item in your possession. Spirits (れいばい) - Can talk to the spirits. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Juvei ===== Name STR Price ---- --- ----- Short Sword 4 N/A (initial weapon) こがたな Wooden Fist 7 30 (Yagyu) きぼりのけん Thief Katana 10 90 (Yagyu, Owari) しのびがたな Mt. Warrior Staff 12 120 (Owari, Naniwa) やまぶしのつえ Ivory Knife 15 200 (Naniwa) ぞうげのナイフ Pyramid Fist 38 4000 (Mongoren, Nahotonka) ピラミッドけん Shinkage 46 N/A (defeat Bat Dayuu) しんかげ Murasame 53 10000 (Ishikari, pay blacksmith) むらさめ Yamaarashi 58 15000 (Apple Village, pay blacksmith) やまあらし Unryuu 64 25000 (Merchant Town, pay blacksmith) うんりゅう Masamune 80 N/A (Awa, after visiting Mt. Fuji) まさむね Laser Sword 88 N/A (Yagyu, after first fight with Alien Doll) レイザーソード ======== Ryuuhime ======== Name STR Price ---- --- ----- Long Sword 5 100 (Iyo) なぎなた Sea Fist 8 420 (Iyo, Tosa) しおさいのけん Mountain Spear 28 1400 (Shimonoseki, Iwami) やまじしのやり Iron Spear 34 3000 (Konkon, Pokin) アイアンスピア Metal Spear 36 3500 (Souren, Pokin) メタルスピア Kanpou Staff 37 3600 (Souren, Mongoren) かんぽうのつえ Glacier Fist 42 7200 (Ishikari) ひょうがのけん Ice Sword 45 8000 (Marimo) アイスのつるぎ Dragon Spear 47 10000 (Marimo) りゅうのやり Yamata Fist 49 11800 (Itako) やまたのけん Sea Fire 53 N/A (get at Sea Fire Pond, initially cursed) しらぬい Aura Sword 56 16000 (Merchant Town) オーラのつるぎ Edomae Fist 59 19000 (Awa) えどまえのけん Earth Spear 63 28000 (Horukuroa) アーススピア ================= Juvei or Ryuuhime ================= Name STR Price ---- --- ----- War Fist 17 350 (Aki) せんごくけん Fang Spear 19 600 (Tosa) キバのやり Ivory Katana 21 700 (Kurebeppu) ぞうげのかたな Crying Fist 23 850 (Kurebeppu) よなきのけん Cloudy Fist 25 1000 (Satsuma) むらくものけん White Cloud Fist 27 1200 (Shimonoseki, Iwami) しらくものけん Rairai Fist 32 2700 (Konkon) らいらいけん High-Tech Fist 35 3200 (Pokin) ハイテクけん Gold Fist 40 7000 (Nahotonka) おうごんのけん ========== Shiro/Wolf ========== Name STR Price ---- --- ----- Demon Claw 6 60 (Onyx Castle, Tab) おにのつめ Demon Fang 16 230 (Tab, Hime) オニのきば Yamaoni Fang 23 550 (Monkey Mountain) やまおにのキバ Steel Fang 25 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Fang 1) こうてつのキバ Kudaki Fang 33 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Fang 2) くだきのキバ Destruction Fang 45 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Fang 3) はかいのキバ Invincible Fang 60 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Fang 4) むてきのキバ ======== Gun/Ivan ======== Name STR Price ---- --- ----- Ancient Icicle 18 250 (Seal Village) こだいのつらら Good Log 33 5000 (Itako) よさくのまるた Ceramic Pole 40 30000 (Awa) セラミックぼう Titanium Pillar 50 50000 (Horukuroa) チタンのはしら ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Juvei ===== Name DEF Price ---- --- ----- Battle Coat 3 100 (Yagyu) じんばおり Thief Clothes 5 150 (Owari) しのびのふく Chain Mail 7 250 (Owari) くさりかたびら Thief Armor 12 440 (Naniwa) しのびのよろい Hibagon Suit 21 3000 (Shimonoseki, Iwami) ヒバゴンスーツ Carbon Suit 25 8000 (Mongoren) カーボンスーツ Battle Armor 30 15000 (Marimo) バトルアーマー Gold Cross 35 24000 (Merchant Town) ゴールドクロス Metal Armor 37 31000 (Merchant Town, rescued merchant) メタルアーマー Last Armor 42 40000 (Awa) ラストアーマー Hyper Suit 50 N/A (Yagyu, after first fight with Alien Doll) ハイパースーツ ======== Ryuuhime ======== Name DEF Price ---- --- ----- Rose Armor 16 1100 (Kurebeppu) ばらのよろい Chrysanthemum Armor 21 2000 (Shimonoseki, Iwami) のぎくのよろい China Dress 24 5000 (Konkon, Pokin) チャイナドレス Dragon Clothes 28 7200 (Nahotonka) りゅうのころも Mink Suit 29 10000 (Ishikari) ミンクのスーツ Bland Suit 30 17600 (Merchant Town) ブランドスーツ Red Hood 33 20000 (Merchant Town, rescued merchant) あかずきん Princess Clothes 38 28000 (Awa) おとひめのふく Dragon Suit 45 45000 (Horukuroa) ドラゴンスーツ ================= Juvei or Ryuuhime ================= Name DEF Price ---- --- ----- Ripple Frame 9 570 (Aki, Iyo, Tosa) さざなみのどう Whirling Frame 14 840 (Aki, Iyo, Tosa) うずしおのどう Purple Hood 18 1700 (Satsuma) むらさきずきん Squid Frame 23 3800 (Konkon) いかづちのどう ========== Shiro/Wolf ========== Name DEF Price ---- --- ----- Leather Collar 5 50 (Onyx Castle) かわのくびわ Chain Collar 13 190 (Tab) くさりのくびわ Demon Collar 18 600 (Monkey Mountain) おにのくびわ Iron Collar 20 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Collar) てつのくびわ Hayabusa Frame 25 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Frame 1) はやぶさのどう Thorny Shoulders 32 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Frame 2) とげのかたあて Seinaru Frame 47 N/A (have Gennai create from Old Frame 3) せいなるどう ======== Gun/Ivan ======== Name DEF Price ---- --- ----- Cement Dine 8 500 (Seal Village) セメントダイン Alpha Oil 10 9000 (Itako) アルファオイル Plasma Oil 35 38000 (Horukuroa) プラズマオイル ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Charms -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Located in some shrines, you will find merchants that sell Charms. Each party member can have one Charm at a given time, and if a new one is bought, the previous one will be replaced. Name Effect Price ---- ------ ----- Usual SPI+10 10 (Kurebeppu) ふつう Ninja SPI+10, SPD+4 30 (Kurebeppu) にんじゃ Fencer ATK+6 30 (Kurebeppu) けんし Health HP+60 40 (Foreigner's Town) けんこう Mama Lick SP+8, SPI+16 50 (Foreigner's Town) ママリック Musashi ATK+4, DEF+4 70 (Konkon) むさし Great Runner SPD+6, HP+8 90 (Konkon) いだてん Genghis Man HP+2, ATK+2, DEF+4 180 (Mongoren) ジンギスマン Marijuana HP+30, DEF-6 200 (Mongoren) マリファ Election SP+10, VIT+16, INT+16 200 (Shibaren, Apple Village, せんにん Nanbu) Gamelan DEF+6, SPD+8, SPI+20 250 (Shibaren) ガメラン Rose Moss HP-30, SP+10, DEF+6 500 (Marimo) バラモス Zeus HP+10, ATK+6 700 (Marimo) ゼウス Iron DEF+10, SPD-18 800 (Marimo) アイアン Tyson ATK+6, DEF+6 1100 (Marimo, Itako) タイソン Youth HP+30, SP+10, SPI+30 1900 (Apple Village, Nanbu) ふろうふし Evil Ward VIT+30, SPI+20, INT+10 1500 (Itako) やくよけ Mirokubosatsu HP+6, SP+6, SPD+8, 5000 (Awa) みろくぼさつ VIT+10, INT+16, SPI+10 Guardian HP+6, SP+6, ATK+6, 6000 (Awa) ガーデアン DEF+6, SPI+16 Cosmos ATK+8, DEF+6, SPD+10 10000 (Awa) コスモ Illusion HP-6, SP-6, ATK-6, 12000 (Awa) まぼろし DEF-6, SPD-6, SPI-6 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============= Regular Items ============= Antidote (ドクダミン) Price: 6 Use: Cures Poison status. Gold Coin (ゴールドコイン) Price: 10000 Use: No use; sell it for extra money if found. Kikusou (きくそう) Price: 130 Use: Recover a large amount of HP. Mahin Beer (マヒンビール) Price: 80 Use: Cures Paralysis status. Manjuu (まんじゅう) Price: 8 Use: Recover a small amount of HP. Modorin Egg (もどりんのたま) Price: 40 Use: Allows you to warp back to the last town you visited. Okaruton (オカルトン) Price: 500 Use: Allows the helper Miko-Chan to remove curses. Pip (ぴっぷ) Price: 100 Use: Cures Paralysis status. Plum Sake (うめしゅ) Price: 60 Use: Recover a medium amount of HP. Sake (にほんしゅ) Price: 40 Use: Recover a small amount of HP. Sprout (もやし) Price: 50 Use: Recover a small amount of HP. Taskal (タスカル) Price: 1000 Use: Revive a fallen ally and fully recover their HP. Taskal-All (タスカルオール) Price: N/A Use: Automatically revives your entire party and fully recovers their HP if everyone dies in battle. Teleport Stone (テレポストーン) Price: 350 Use: Escape from the current dungeon area. Yakusou (やくそう) Price: 30 Use: Recover a medium amount of HP. ============ Combat Items ============ Aqua Gun (アクアガン) Price: 800 Use: Cause a large amount of damage to an enemy. Bazooka (バズーカ) Price: 550 Use: Cause a small/medium amount of damage to all enemies. Cannon (おおづつ) Price: 500 Use: Cause a small/medium amount of damage to all enemies. Crazy Gas (クレイジーガス) Price: 180 Use: Confuses the targeted enemy. Earth Hammer (アースハンマー) Price: 700 Use: Cause a medium/large amount of damage to all enemies. Fireball (ファイアボール) Price: 200 Use: Cause a small amount of damage to all enemies. Fire Gun (フアイアガン) Price: 280 Use: Cause a medium amount of damage to an enemy. Foliage Set (このはセット) Price: 2000 Use: Attempt to escape the battle. Full Metal Ball (フルメタルボム) Price: 4000 Use: Cause an extremely large amount of damage to all enemies. Gatling Gun (ガトリングぼう) Price: 2800 Use: Cause a large amount of damage to all enemies. Ice Ball (アイスボール) Price: 600 Use: Cause a medium amount of damage to all enemies. Kusabue (くさぶえ) Price: 150 Use: Puts a group of enemies to sleep. Lightning Rod (ひらんしん) Price: 2000 Use: Cause a large amount of damage to all enemies. Machine Gun (マシンガン) Price: 1500 Use: Cause a large amount of damage to all enemies. Makibishi (まきびし) Price: 10 Use: Slows the targeted enemy. Missile Pod (ミサイルポード) Price: 3500 Use: Cause a very large amount of damage to all enemies. Molotov Cocktail (かえんじって) Price: 50 Use: Cause a small amount of damage to an enemy. Pikarimukkuri (ピカリムックリ) Price: N/A Use: Puts a group of enemies to sleep (can be used infinitely). Snow Machine (スノーマシーン) Price: 680 Use: Freeze all enemies. Stun Gun (スタンガン) Price: 900 Use: Cause a large amount of damage to an enemy. =================== Important/Key Items =================== Bagura Fruit (バグラのみ) Found: Marimo Use: Destroys the Frozen Castle (use after defeating Prince Daruma). Bald Night (バルドナイト) Found: Owl Shrine Use: Create the Bald Ronbui with Gennai's ability. Bald Ronbui (バルドロンブイ) Found: N/A (create from Bald Night with Gennai) Use: Use against machine in Cursed Castle to clear the zombies. Bat Key (コウモリのカギ) Found: Dark Castle Use: Unlocks the prison in the Dark Castle basement. Binbin Extract (ビンビンエキス) Found: Bat Dayuu Cave (check north wall after defeating Bat Dayuu) Use: Give to old man in Urajosto to be able to buy Map #10. Burn Grass (やけとのくさ) Found: Foreigner's Town (exchange Cigarette with Acchichiha) Use: Create Burn Medicine with Gennai's ability. Burn Medicine (やけとのくすり) Found: N/A (create from Burn Grass with Gennai) Use: Give to Sub in Satsuma to cure his burn wounds. Buttobi Ball (ぶっとびだま) Found: N/A (Aurora Kingdom; in Lucky's inventory when he joins party) Use: Breaks open the rock in the North Cave (Aurora Kingdom). Chocolate (チョコレート) Found: Foreigner's Town (buy for 200 Ryou) Use: Give to Yoppurupi in Foreigner's Town to receive Zippo Oil. Cigarette (シガレット) Found: Foreigner's Town (buy for 500 Ryou) Use: Give to Acchichiha in Foreigner's Town to receive Burn Grass. Cosmotron 1 (コスモトロン1) Found: Catfish Shrine (defeat Great Catfish) Use: ??? Cosmotron 2 (コスモトロン2) Found: Sea Dragon (defeat Eel Swirl) Use: ??? Cosmotron 3 (コスモトロン3) Found: Cedar Shrine Use: ??? Cosmotron 4 (コスモトロン4) Found: Pokin Use: ??? Cosmotron 5 (コスモトロン5) Found: Bat Dayuu Cave (defeat Bat Dayuu) Use: ??? Cosmotron 6 (コスモトロン6) Found: Hunger Castle (defeat King Tut and try to leave afterward) Use: ??? Cosmotron 7 (コスモトロン7) Found: Frozen Castle (after using Bagura Fruit at end) Use: ??? Cosmotron 8 (コスモトロン8) Found: Merchant Town (give man the Gold Diamond) Use: ??? Dangerous Sake (やばいさけ) Found: Iyo (buy for 500 Ryou from man in southwest house) Use: Give to man in Earth Shrine to make him return to Iyo. Dark Hammer (やみのハンマー) Found: Dark Castle Use: Clears the rock obstructions in the Dark Castle. Demon Tears (オニのなみだ) Found: N/A (get from Wolf when he joins your party) Use: Clears the rocks blocking the port in Moji. Denyakuki (でんやくき) Found: White Rabbit Shrine Use: Allows you to communicate with the people in Konkon. Doll Key (ドールのカギ) Found: Future Castle (defeat Boss Ganda 2) Use: Unlocks the Alien Doll room in the Future Castle. Dragon's Ball (りゅうのたま) Found: Sea Dragon (after defeating Eel Swirl) Use: Give to ferry operator in Aki to gain access to Kurebeppu. Dungeon Key (ちかろうのかぎ) Found: Owari (defeat Viper Man) Use: Unlocks the dungeon in the basement of the large building in Owari. Earth Staff (アースのつえ) Found: Miminari Island (Demon Land; defeat Kintaro Zombie) Use: Allows access inside of Tonkachi Island cave (Demon Land). Eel Key (うつぼのかぎ) Found: Sea Dragon Use: Allows access to turbine room in the Sea Dragon. Fire Feather (ひのはね) Found: N/A (Demon Land; in Hinotori's inventory upon joining party) Use: Drains the energy from the Dog Zombie boss (Demon Land). Fire Salmon (ひのさけ) Found: Buy in Ishikari item shop, find in Frozen Castle Use: Melts the ice blocks found in the Frozen Castle. Gain Boost (ガイナブースト) Found: South of Bat Dayuu Cave (search location on Map #10 with Mackerel) Use: Allows you to clear the Great Wall to access the desert. Gift Set (ゆいのうセット) Found: N/A (Aurora Kingdom; Penta starts the game with it) Use: Give to old man after defeating Metal Block. Gold Ball (きんのたま) Found: Snowman Village Use: Clears the red rock leading to Cooler (Aurora Kingdom). Gold Diamond (ゴールドダイヤ) Found: Hidden Safe (defeat Robo-Gold and search gold statue afterward) Use: Give to man in Merchant Town to receive Cosmotron 8. Golden Egg (きんのこうら) Found: Kurebeppu (search location on Map #5 with Mackerel) Use: Give to man in Ryoukyuu stable to receive Donkey. Jail Key (ろうやのカギ) Found: Trick Castle Use: Unlocks the prison in the Trick Castle. Lovely Bat (コウモリぶえ) Found: Animal Hot Spring Use: Wakes up the bats in the Dark Castle. Magatsu Ball (まがつたま) Found: Horukuroa Use: Destroys the Alien Doll boss when used in battle and is successful. Megaton Coin (メガトンコイン) Found: Frozen Castle Use: Sell for 10000 Ryou (can not proceed in Frozen Castle with it). Northern Tears (ノルンのなみだ) Found: N/A (in Ivan's inventory upon joining party) Use: Use at Eastern Monument to freeze the water leading to eastern land. Palm Rocket (パームロケット) Found: Future Castle Use: Destroys the turret blocking access to other tower in Future Castle. Pharaoh Key (ファラオのカギ) Found: Hunger Castle Use: Unlocks the prison in the Hunger Castle. Rusty Key (さびたカギ) Found: Pokin (retrieve from fallen guard as Kyonpi in jail) Use: Unlocks the prison in the Pokin jail. Strange Blue Book (あおいほん) Found: Mongoren Use: Allows you to enter/leave the Aurora Kingdom region. Strawberry Rice Cake (いちごだいふく) Found: Janpai (after Genpi joins as a Helper) Use: Use to gain access into Pokin. Sunafuki Lamp (すなふきランプ) Found: Hunger Castle (defeat King Tut) Use: Dries out the water southeast of Harubinta to start Volume 7. Tear Drops (なみだのしずく) Found: Sea Dragon Use: Makes the Eel Swirl boss vulnerable to attack. Trampoline (トランポリン) Found: Shisanputa Cave (give Sprout to old man summoned by Genpi) Use: Allows you to jump over the Great Wall. Turban Shell Key (サザエのカギ) Found: Sea Dragon (defeat Dragon Trainer) Use: Unlocks the back room in Sea Dragon where woman is being held. Viper Coin (まむしだま) Found: Trick Castle Use: Destroy the wall on the top floor of the Trick Castle. Yogen Ball (よげんのたま) Found: Shrine northeast of Aki Use: Allows you to enter/leave the Demon Land region. Zippo Oil (じっぽのあぶら) Found: Foreigner's Town (exchange Chocolate with Yoppurupi) Use: Give to ferryman at Hayato's Ferry to ride the ferry. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Item Creation -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= One of the helper Gennai's abilities allows you to create new items from ones you already have. Of course, not every item can be used in this way, which is what the listing below will help with. After you call Gennai, you can select the item you want him to create something from. If the screen flashes pink, the original item broke and is lost. If a message comes up with no flashing, you will receive the new item in place of the old one. Original Item New Item ------------- -------- Antidote Pip Bald Night Bald Ronbui Burn Grass Burn Medicine Iron Pipe Missile Pod OR Cannon Kikusou Pip Mahin Beer Pip Manjuu Yakusou Modorin Egg Teleport Stone Okaruton Kikusou OR Taskal Old ? Foliage Set OR Lightning Rod Old Collar Iron Collar Old Fang 1 Steel Fang Old Fang 2 Kudaki Fang Old Fang 3 Destruction Fang Old Fang 4 Invincible Fang Old Flame Fireball OR Fire Gun Old Frame 1 Hayabusa Frame Old Frame 2 Thorny Shoulders Old Frame 3 Seinaru Frame Old Gun Machine Gun OR Stun Gun Pip Antidote Plum Sake Pip Sake Pip Sprout Manjuu OR Yakusou Taskal Pip Teleport Stone Modorin Egg Yakusou Kikusou ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= http://www.saturn.dti.ne.jp/~dastard/ For the enemy/boss data contained in this file. http://www.k5.dion.ne.jp/~tooboo/juubei_top.html For guidance in spots where I was stuck, plus their maps are invaluable. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 16. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=