=============================================================================== Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2: Karakuri Land =============================================================================== This FAQ was made for the NES FAQ Completion Project. You could contribute to this yourself! Just check out Devin Morgan's web site about it: http://faqs.retronintendo.com =============================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =============================================================================== 1. - Controls 2. - Walkthrough 3. - Disclaimer =============================================================================== 1. - Controls =============================================================================== D-Pad - Move A - Jump B - Attack Start - Pause Select - No Use =============================================================================== 2. - Walkthrough =============================================================================== -------------------- Miniature World -------------------- Start moving to the right. You will see a few humps in the ground. Every few seconds, you will see some rocks fly out of it. Jump over the humps and avoid those rocks. The third small volcano will be a bit larger. You need to climb it a bit before you get over it. Now you will start coming across small enemies. Go along the lower route and kill the enemies you see. The planes and enemies on stilts above you will drop bombs on you so be careful. Keep moving to the right and watch the holes above you. Stay further to the left of each hole so enemies won't drop on your head. After you kill the enemy, you should advance. At the end of the caves, you will face the boss. Be careful when it raises its hand because it will shoot at you. In between attacks it will attempt to charge you. Just avoid its shots and hit its head a few times until you kill it. -------------------- Strange Land -------------------- Starting running to the right and kill the enemies that run towards you. Jump over the two walls as you approach them and continue until you see a large birthday cake. The strawberries on the cake will awaken as you approach them. After they jump up, they will run towards you. You should be able to kill them before they reach you. Just keep moving to the right quickly and kill them when you reach them. Do the same to the next few birthday cakes. After the cakes, you will reach walls of Hershey bars. Make your way over those as you continue to the right and kill the enemies. These enemies are quicker than the others so pay attention. After those walls you will enter the bread factory. Move across the conveyor belts and duck below the hammers. After a while you will reach a conveyor belt that will shoot electrical bolts downard. Avoid those as you continue to the right killing enemies. You will reach the boss. A rock like object will come out of the top of the machine and land on the peg to the left of it. Just get under it and keep jumping and attacking it. All it will do is throw rocks to the left but you won't even get hurt by them if you stay under that head you need to attack. -------------------- Forest Railroad -------------------- Move to the right and kill all of the enemies. These are quick, quicker than you, and will appear from both sides of the screen so be careful. You will eventually reach some seats in the cab that you have to jump over. Climb onto the roof the first chance you get. Try to stay on the pegs to avoid those jumping enemies that will try to poke you from below. Fall down into the next cab and you will end up just below all of the flying enemies. Keep moving to the right and kill the kissing enemies. Jump onto the roof of the next cab for a bonus. To get all of the items press start and turn into a hawk to fly to the top. Once you collect everything move to the right. Kill the ninjas that get in your way and avoid the rest. Climb the wall to jump through the window at the end of this cab. You will see some crates up ahead. You could go through the lighter ones for the items. Just continue to the right killing the enemies and grabbing the items. You will eventually come across some walls that are too tall to jump over. Just jump and attack the highest two blocks on it and it will break open. Jump over those wals and move along the roof of the next cab. You will eventually reach the boss. All he will do is throw three balls in the same direction over and over again. Stand on the blocks to the left and watch how he throws them. You will need to move in and attack in between his attacks to kill him. -------------------- Ghost Forest -------------------- There's nothing fancy to the start of this level. Move to the right and kill the enemies. The skeletons can't die, they will drop then start running again a few seconds later. Keep moving to the right and you will have to jump across the alligators' backs. You will then see random girls kneeling. They're heads will shoot up and down. Jump over them when their heads are down and continue to the right killing the ghosts. Jump across the next alligator section and continue to the right. You will then see a set of floating skulls. Jump across those. Move to the right and kill the villagers. Jump over the huts as you continue to the right. Jump over the next wall and gap for the boss. Just stand right at the trunk of the tree and attack the eyes whenever they appear. At the same time, defend yourself of the skulls and you'll do fine. -------------------- Underworld -------------------- Enter the cave to the right and collect the items in the bells. Duck in the holes to avoid the boulders. You could also jump over and on top of them. Continue to the right while you avoid the boulders and jump the gaps. jump onto the spinning rocks and kill the flying enemies. You will then reach a few new enemies, you can't kill the rolling rocks but you can kill the rest. Keep jumping over the next gaps and rocks while killing anything in your path. The water current will keep pushing you back so be careful when in those. The boss fight is easy. He will shoot a disc that flies around the screen then he'll fly around and do his own thing. Just keep attacking him and avoid the disc for another easy boss battle. -------------------- Cliff Mountain -------------------- Move to the right for a bit of a tricky enemy. Chicks will come out of the eggs and throw shurikens at you. You can only hurt them when they are out of their shell. Keep jumping the gaps and kill the enemies. You will reach the larger gaps with moving platforms, jump those too. Be a little patient with those because some platforms may appear late. Be careful on the stars because they have bumps which will mess up your jumping plan. You will eventually reach the boss. Attack the chick, not the shell and it will eventually fly out. You could duck under it as it flies. Just keep attacking it when you get a chance and avoid its attacks. -------------------- Maze -------------------- Move to the right and keep taking the lowest paths you can that won't have gaps or walls in your way. It is generally the safest. Kill the two enemies that you come across and you will reach some falling platforms. Climb to the top and start taking the high route through the level. Follow the only route you could take through this section until you reach the boss. She will jump around throwing shurikens. Hit her and she will teleport. Just stand in the middle as she teleports and try to hit her again as fast as possible until you kill her. -------------------- Happy Land -------------------- Break down the door to your right. You will face the boss right here in this room. He will shoot bubbles which will push you to the left then charge you. Jump over the bubbles and hit him as much as possible. Keep doing that until he dies. Move to the right breaking down doors and you will reach a similar boss to that of the previous level, except she won't teleport after you hit her. Keep attacking her until she dies. Break down more walls and you will enter a room of statues. Watch for which statue opens its eyes. That statue will drop and run towards you. Jump over him and attack him by holding down and attack at the same time to hurt him. Keep doing that until they explode. Break down more walls for another boss. Jump on the falling platforms and try to stay on the far right. Keep attacking this boss until he dies. Break down more doors for another boss. He will shoots sparks and they will follow the line around the wall. Just keep jumping and attacking him but be careful because when you hit him, he will drop a bomb. Break down some more walls after killing him for the final boss. You need to attack the girl hostages that are NOT your girlfriend. Your girlfriend is the only one that looks different. Keep attacking the random innocent girls and avoid her attacks until you save your girlfriend. =============================================================================== 3. - Disclaimer =============================================================================== This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2007 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it is free. The latest version will always be found at: http://www.GameFAQs.com