***************************************************************************** Kamen no Ninja: Akakage FAQ/Walkthrough Viewable in Shift-JIS Format For the NES/Famicom Version 1.0 (Created 1/27/2010) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Walkthrough 5. Items 6. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (1/27/10): The first version. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kamen no Ninja: Akakage is a relatively straightforward platformer for the Famicom. The enemies are pretty simple, the stages are short, and to top it off, you have a wide variety of great weapons/items to use! The game is quite linear with the exception of one point late in the game, so you really only need to keep moving right to beat it. Even the boss enemies (the ones with health meters) can all be defeated with the same strategy or the same couple of weapons in your arsenal. Nonetheless, this really isn't a bad game, so I would recommend it to any 2D platformer fan. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character, cycle item menus (Up/Down when paused) Start: Pause/resume game, access item menu Select: Go to inventory screen (when paused) A: Jump, select an item B: Attack ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Area 1 ====== From the start, go all the way to the right. There will be regular-sized enemies above who will try to throw stars at you. You will also encounter smaller enemies who may stand on another's back to become taller. All regular enemies can be dispatched with a simple attack, so no worries! You can enter the second building with an upward-pointing symbol on its outside. Inside, you will receive 5 Wave Beams. Continue ahead and you will fight your first boss of sorts. He will leap in the air and attack by punching straight ahead. Simply stay on the ground and attack quickly whenever he lands to win safely. After that, go ahead to the next area. ====== Area 2 ====== Starting off in the new area, you will fight a giant black bird. It swoops down from above, flying across the screen and dropping stars on you. Its head is the only weak spot, so jump and use Stars to attack from a distance. Once you beat it, continue into the wooded area ahead. There are enemies with spears that will fall from above to attack, as well as green enemies that will come out of the ground. Defeat them as you go along, and you will see heart icons in the trees. These hearts signify that a hidden room is there, so press Up to enter them. The first room will give you Bombs, and the second will give you 5 aech of Smoke Bombs and Light Bombs. Get past the next group of spear enemies, and you will meet the next boss. This guy will float around the room in a wave-like form (invulnerable to attack) while throwing stars at you. Quickly attack when he lands, preferably with Bombs, and you will be able to win easily. ====== Area 3 ====== In the new area, head to the right and defeat the enemies that fall from above. As you proceed, the enemies that appear will be different (starting with small enemies, then regular blade-wielding ones, followed by the green guys who dig into the ground). At the end of the path, you will have to defeat an armored enemy. It walks back and forth, stopping periodically to swing its sword to attack. Its weak spot is its head, so jump and toss Bombs to cause damage easily. After you beat this guy, go ahead to the next area. ====== Area 4 ====== Here, you will meet another giant bird enemy. It acts the same as the earlier one, swooping down and dropping stars on you from above. Its head is the only vulnerable spot, and your best bet is to use Stars to attack from the side of the area to stay safe. Once you beat it, continue onward into this new area. Fight your way through the tree-filled area, and enter the hidden room when you approach it. You will receive 5 Water Bombs and 5 Images. Continue through the area and you will have to fight a frog man. He hops back and forth, stopping to spit out smaller frogs that leap in your direction. These are tough to avoid and they cause a lot of damage, so be careful. Try and use Bombs to quickly attack as the enemy moves around, and you should be fine. Once you beat the regular frog man, you will have to fight a much larger frog enemy. This one jumps up and down, opening its mouth to shoot out many smaller frogs to attack. It is only vulnerable when its mouth is open, so get your Bombs and Stars ready and attack quickly when the mouth opens to quickly kill it. ====== Area 5 ====== In the new area, go right while defeating the star-throwing enemies that fall out of the sky. Enter the first hidden room you come to (designated by a heart, in case you forgot) and you will have Boomerangs added to your weapon arsenal! Further ahead, you will meet an enemy who walks around, stopping to shoot fireballs at you. Keep moving, and jump whenever this guy stops for a moment. I find that using Stars/Bombs is the best approach to take here. After you beat this enemy, go ahead to the next area. ====== Area 6 ====== On the new screen, simply go to the cave and enter it by pressing Up. Inside, defeat the enemies as you proceed. Watch out for falling rocks as you will obviously take damage if one hits you. Also, be sure to jump over the pits you will encounter, since you will instantly die if you fall in. At the end of the second room full of enemies, you will meet the area boss of sorts. This time, it is a long-haired person in a white robe. They run and jump around the room, punching in the air and shooting projectiles when on the ground. As usual, attack from a distance (bombarding it with Bombs works quite nicely). Once you beat this guy, go ahead into the next room, where you will meet a second big enemy: a large green snake. This battle is unique since you can move in all four directions, making for a sort of overhead effect. The snake will constantly be shooting projectiles around, so I would recommend using Bombs or the Boomerang to dispatch it from a distance. Also, keep moving or you will find yourself taking too much damage here! ====== Area 7 ====== After the snake battle, you will be in a new area. Jump up the ledges to reach the next room, where you will meet yet another boss enemy. This one is a giant horned demon/angel who swipes at you with his claws and shoots projectiles to attack. I find the best approach is to stay in one spot, preferably just off-center, and jump/attack his head with Bombs. Be sure to watch the projectiles and jump accordingly to avoid them, plus if you are in the right spot, you can avoid the claw attack altogether. After you beat this giant boss, collect the first Scroll Piece (view it on the inventory screen) and continue to the next area. ====== Area 8 ====== Out in this familiar-seeming area, head right and defeat the enemies as you progress. When you reach the building with the fan symbol above its doorway, enter that hidden room to get the second Scroll Piece. Continue ahead until you reach the building with the upward-pointing symbol on the front, then jump to the upper level of it and enter another hidden room. Leave it and defeat some more enemies, then you will face another boss enemy at the end. This guy is exactly the same as the one you fought in the first area of the game. He jumps and attacks in the air, and simply runs around on the ground. Pummel him with Stars to quickly defeat him. ====== Area 9 ====== In the next area, go right through the forest area, defeating the enemies and entering the hidden rooms to replenish your consumable items along the way. At the end, simply continue onward to the next area. You will be at a crossroad of sorts here. Take the northern path into a new area. ======= Area 10 ======= When you arrive here, simply go forward and enter the building ahead. In there, go right and jump up the steps to reach the next room. Go right and defeat some enemies until you reach a white wall with a Japanese symbol on it. Hit it with your blade and grab the third Scroll Piece. Now your map is complete! With that done, continue right through the next few areas, exiting the building and defeating more enemies as you would expect. When you reach the next crossroad, take the northern path again. ======= Area 11 ======= You will arrive in front of the cave you visited earlier. Enter the cave once again. Make your way through the two rooms, jumping over the gaps and beating the various enemies in your way. Also, watch out for falling rocks as they will damage you as well. In the old boss room at the end, simply continue onward to reach the crossroad. Since you now have the completed Scroll, go to the middle of the path and use it to reveal a new path leading northward. Cross the bridge and enter the new section. ======= Area 12 ======= Out on the water, jump across the barrels and defeat the green star-throwing enemies along the way (Bombs tend to work well here). At the end of the path, you will meet a green lizard boss. It sits at the far end of the room, spitting projectiles to attack. Use Stars/Bombs to quickly dispose of it, or Boomerangs to attack from a greater distance. Once you beat it, continue across some more barrels. Jump onto the dry land ahead and go onward into the next area. ======= Area 13 ======= In this new area, you will find waterfalls of lava moving up and down above each pit. It moves quickly so you will need to hop across those gaps when the lava rises (tap the A button for a less vertical leap). Be sure to lob Bombs at the green enemies along the way, too. In the second room, the lava moves upward from the pits below. In addition to that and the regular green enemies, there are small statue heads at ground level which spit fireballs to attack. Get through this area (I recommend using a Smoke Bomb to keep it simple), and continue to the next section. ======= Area 14 ======= In this next room, you will find an enemy-free zone full of ledges. A lot of the ledges are moving though, so jump on the solid ones to avoid falling through or into the pit below. Once you make it through this simple room, the room after it will be tough. You will find groups of red columns that will move up and down in an attempt to crush you between them. If you touch the columns, you will take damage. Time your jumps carefully (or use more Smoke Bombs) to get through here relatively unscathed. After you get through that annoying room, you will have to fight a green trident-wielding woman. She jumps around, swinging her trident and throwing smaller ones at you to attack. Try not to get hit by the smaller ones or you will be frozen in place for a couple of seconds. Use Stars/Bombs to quickly dispose of her in between trident attacks. ======= Area 15 ======= Here, you will have to get across conveyor belts that will drop you into pits below if you are not careful. In addition to that, you need to watch out for the purple claws above that will move up and down. Once again, use Smoke Bombs or even the Speed-Up ability to get through here quickly. Otherwise, small and constant hops across the conveyors will serve you well. In the final room, you will meet the next boss enemy in another overhead-view battle. It sits in the northern area, shooting bubbles in various directions to attack. Stand directly below and pummel this guy with Stars, jumping to avoid the bubbles when necessary, to quickly win this battle. Once you beat it, go right into the next area. ======= Area 16 ======= You will emerge in a distorted room where bubbles are being shot at you from the center area. The room is also shaking, which will make movement difficult. Jump across to the right side and continue into the second room. Out here, simply run to the right and jump over the lightning bolts as they chase you down the path. At the end of the line, you will meet yet another boss enemy. This armored knight moves back and forth, stopping periodically to shoot lightning bolts at you (they will hit him from above, so you will know when this is about to happen). The tough part is that you can only damage this guy with your blade. Luckily, you can stand at a certain distance away and still hit him without him hitting you normally (you can still be struck by the lightning shots, though). Pummel this guy with your blade until you win. In this room, you will meet another boss enemy in another overhead battle. He stands and shoots projectiles, then jumps around to attack. Avoid these projectile shots and use Stars to quickly bring him down. As soon as that battle is over, go ahead into the next room and you will meet the giant red snake boss. It moves around the room, shooting projecties as you would expect. Keep your distance and hit it in the head with Stars/Bombs, while jumping to avoid getting hit. If you touch its body, you will take damage, so be careful. Standing directly above/below it is the best approach if using Stars to attack. After defeating the snake, you will have one final boss to beat. The robed woman will jump around, shooting ringed projectiles and moving rather quickly through the area. Once again, attack from a distance using your favorite weapons (honestly, you can't go wrong with Stars and Bombs). Upon defeating this final boss, go ahead to the next room. You will escape the lair and the credits will roll; congratulations on beating the game! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Blade (white blade) Description: Your primary weapon used to slash at enemies. Bomb (purple bomb) Description: Lob this in the air at an enemy to cause a lot of damage. Boomerang (white boomerang) Description: Throw a boomerang high in the air, and it will make a low sweep when returning to you, hitting any enemies in the way. Image (icon with two silhouettes) Description: Create images of two clones on each side to confuse the enemies; gives you added range for your attacks, too. Light Bomb (icon with 光 Japanese symbol) Description: Damage all enemies currently onscreen at once. Mine (purple mine icon) Description: Drop this on the ground and it will damage an enemy that walks over it. Smoke Bomb (icon with け Japanese symbol) Description: Become invincible for 15 seconds. Speed-Up (icon with 青 Japanese symbol) Description: Allows you to move twice as fast and use Boomerangs to attack for 15 seconds. Press B to activate it once selected. Star (white star) Description: Throw at an enemy to cause damage from a distance. Water Bomb (icon with 水 Japanese symbol) Description: ??? Wave Beam (orange horizontal lines) Description: Sticks to an enemy for a few seconds to cause damage. White Statue (icon with 白 Japanese symbol) Description: Transform into a spear-wielding character for 15 seconds. Press B to activate it once selected. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=