Keroppi to Keroriinu No Splash Bomb FAQ/Walkthrough(NES) version 1.0.0 by Andrew Schultz (anti spam typo) Please do not reproduce for profit without my consent. You won't be getting much profit anyway, but that's not the point. This took time and effort, and I just wanted to save a memory of an old game and the odd solutions any way I could. Please send me an email referring to me and this guide by name if you'd like to post it on your site. This FAQ goes best with the maps I wrote. Use and enjoy them. ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. ENEMIES, POINTS, ETC. 4. WALKTHROUGH 5. CHEATS 6. VERSIONS 7. CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Keroppi to Keroriinu No Splash Bomb is a fun game featuring one of the Sanrio characters. Teruteru Chan is captured by some evil guy, or about as evil as yo can get with Sanrio, and taken off to a castle. Keroppi must work through four towers and defeat bosses in each one to rescue Teruteru Chan. Wikipedia has a good page with the details of the Sanrio characters, so I won't cover that here. Or you can go to I'd rather mention that this game as some maze elements and some Bomberman elements, and it has powerups for the waterballoons Keroppi needs to place--range and number at once. You also have a pill for walking through walls and a helmet for invincibility--at least until you finish the level. Pills allow you to walk through most intra-level walls, too. The first level is straightforward but the later ones have dead ends which can get quite tricky without a map. I sent them to GameFAQs too. You have to enter rooms and leave them, and sometimes there will be dead ends a few floors up. But even the fourth level has only twenty-five rooms. You can probably write things out by hand if you don't want too many hints. Basically, there are no heinous tricks in this game. You get enough lives and power-ups to make things pretty easy, and you get a password to start at level 2/3/4 when you make it that far. Really, you wouldn't expect a Sanrio- branded game to be too taxing given its target audience, but it still has some nice little maze puzzles. 2. CONTROLS Controls move you as expected, with no diagonal movement but horizontal trumping vertical. The A button leaves a water balloon which will detonate in a few seconds. The B button is not used. If you are in the path of a water balloon, it pushes you in the direction it explodes. You can sit on top of a water balloon and you will be protected from enemies and from skidding. You can move back at it to stay in place, which is critical if the water jet might push you into a flame or even an enemy just outside its range. If a water balloon touches a wall, its range is cut short. If it touches a flame or a peg, it stops but destroys the flame or peg. If it gets next to a grate, it stops there. The computer is very generous about you killing an enemy. If an enemy barely touches a water jet before it disappears, the enemy dies. Keroppi can also move onto a half-square which is just a nuisance, as if he half-touches a stair, he goes down it. If he half-touches a flame, one life lost. However, one advantage to losing a life is that you are invincible for a few squares. This allows for a few shortcuts. This all seems straightforward, but one thing to be aware of is that on the later levels you will have a lot of water balloons. If you place them haphazardly, then you may get one kicking you left and one down, causing you to skid unexpectedly into a flame you thought was on a diagonal. So if you place a bunch of water balloons, place them in a row or column to avoid unexpected results. You also want to try to time them for enemies with a known pattern, but for those that move randomly, just load up in a certain area. Not all flames/pegs will be destroyable, but you should try to hit all the pegs to see if there is a bonus. 3. ENEMIES, POINTS, ETC. Slow red smileys appear level 1. They can be easily outrun and bombed. 100 points. Green vertical bouncers appear level 1 and go U/D and bounce at edges. 100 points. Slow white puffs appear level 1/2. They can go through pegs and fire. 200 points. Stripey turnips appear level 2. They move like the smileys but are faster. 300 points. Stripey vertical guys appear level 2. They move like the green but faster and randomly bounce. 200 points. Pink vertical guys appear level 3. 300 points. Green horizontals appear level 3. They move fast but predictably. 300 points. Small Hawaiian Fruit Punch guys appear level 3/4. They move slowly and in random directions, generally towards you. 500 points. Wall frogs appear level 4 and can go through thin walls and other obstacles. 400 points. Ghosts appear level 4. They go (counter)clockwise depending on how they start until they run into an obstacle. 600 points. Bonuses for power-ups hit 5000 once they don't increase your ability any more. Otherwise they stay at 100. Since enemies recharge, you can get infinite points by leaving and re- entering a room, but it's a bit boring. 4. WALKTHROUGH 4-1. LEVEL 1 10-9-8 | 3 6-7 | | 1-2-4-5 Quickest path: 1-2-4-6-7-8-9-10 Room 1: Kill the enemy to get a water balloon. He's pretty easy, as he only moves up and down. Pin him against a wall--well, leave him so he can bounce between two squares, and he will at worst walk into the water and be zapped. The water balloon appears in the center. There is nothing in the walls, so just move on. You can now place two balloons at once. Room 2: There are two pegs next to the exit. Place a balloon next to the lower one to get a timer. With the timer, everyone freezes. Place water balloons by them to kill them if you want. Be sure to avoid touching the enemies, or the fire. Room 3: (optional, recommended) Kill the enemies on the right first. They are very slow, so place a balloon 2 squares ahead of them, and boom. Be careful to avoid the down-stairs before you've cleared this, as if even half of your body touches, you go back down. The vents make it tricky to blow things up, since you can't place balloons on them, so work down from the stairs and be patient. I just killed the enemies then went blowing things up--you have to do it one at a time. You get a ruler for destroying posts here. That gives your balloons more range. You can pick up the timer again in room 2, but you don't get an additional balloon in room 1 or ruler in 3. So move right. Room 4: The additional firepower allows you room for error. You don't really need it, since a helmet gives invincibility as long as you remain in the room. It is along the bottom, 2L of the DR, so make your way to the corner and place a balloon and pick up the power up. You can walk through fire with it, but you can't destroy obstacles. If you want to play without the helmet, you can place some balloons to take out three pegs now, or nail monsters from afar. You can trap a crab at the bottom and take out fire and a peg in one swoop, too. You can walk through enemies to kill them. Room 5: (optional, recommended) Kill all the enemies to get an extra life. You will want to work your way right, through the center. There are some tricks killing the enemies--don't place a balloon next to a grate as that may cause a monster to bounce off it and back on a grate, where he is safe. Still, it should not be too hard to get rid of enemies one by one. Room 6: Destroy what you can along the top of your starting compartment. Taking out most of the pegs around your original area gets you another balloon. You can just line up balloons near any monster you are having trouble trapping because they run over grates. You don't have to kill them all to escape to the right. Room 7: Break into the DR and then go up to the center, where your range and number of balloons can blow things up pretty quickly. Just blow up what you can until you find the ruler. You don't need to kill all the enemies, either, but it is fun and not too hard. Room 8: Head right and place a balloon to get the helmet 2D. Don't place two bombs, though, or they will destroy your power-up. From there the rest of the level is easy. But if you want to blow everything up, just work right to left. Killing all enemies gets an extra life. I don't see a way to blow up the fire in the UL, but you don't need to. Room 9: Place a bomb 1D of the fire so that you aren't pushed into the fire by pater ones. Use the DR to kill off enemies ASAP. You'll want to make quick space so the ghosts who go through walls don't get to you. So start working west early. A water balloon appeared once I blew up half of the posts, so take the time to clear things out. Nothing special for clearing out enemies or posts. Room 10: The big boss fight. He takes six hits and turns bluer with each one. Just let him follow you, preferably to near the end of a row on the right, then drop a balloon. Bomb the fires in the corners for safety and try not to open the rooms behind the posts. You can also get ahead of him traveling along the bottom, and when he comes down, place a bomb at the intersection. Clearing out the pegs gives no power up and in fact I almost killed the boss by accident trying to do so. He's not very smart or fast, so you can just place a bomb when he is 3 squares behind and walk away. He is worth 2500 points, though. Keroppi dances by some hut with palm trees and does back flips until you push "start." PASSWORD: CCAnJAPJ 4-2. LEVEL 2 b | c-a-d | | 9-e-f | | 1 8-7-6 | | | | 2-3-4-5 This level is a bit tougher. While there are alternate routes, many of them lead to dead ends. You need a bit of trial and error. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-a-b-a-(c-a)-d-e-f Room 1: Faster less predictable enemies here. Clear out the guys going U/D on the right/left as almost any bomb will drop them, then clear pegs as needed to be comfortable killing the turnips. That'll probably get you another balloon, too, once you bomb half of them. In general, wait for guys to be 3 away from the bomb square before dropping one. The fast guys, halfway across the screen. Run behind the guys on top and trap them with a balloon if need be. No bonus for clearing all pegs. It does matter which stairs you take--the upper ones lead to a blocked off area. Room 2: For the top bit, there really is nothing, but if you want to progress, you have only one square to start with, and then you need to go along the bottom wall and work up on the right. For the bottom bit, place bombs and stand on them to start clearing stuff, then work your way to the right. You don't get any treasure here. Room 3: You need to go through the upper right to get to the right side of the board- -flames and grates block you otherwise. Place a bomb 1U2R of the entrance when you can--you may need to be patient--then the square touching the center(just DL) holds a helmet. Get that and the rest is easy. Otherwise you may just need to bomb things a ton. You can exit right or up from here. Up leads to your very first dead end. Room 4: Place bombs along the side. That gives you room to start moving right, and you'll probably kill the U/D guy by accident. You can funk out and go up, but that leads to a dead end. Get to the center and bomb and eventually you'll get a ruler. This'll allow you to really gun down back and forthers. But watch out for the blast range. Exit right. Room 5: Walk around the fires in the center a few times and you can take out a lot of them quickly. The enemies should be no problem. You can even corner them now since you have multiple balloons. This room gives you a heart bonus. Room 6: Not many monsters bothering you early on, so just blow up what you can and then get around to the DR, where the DR-most peg houses a helmet. Room 7: (UL corner) Just bomb away to go up the stairs again, but it leads to a dead end eventually! It feels unfair but the best way through this may be to place a water balloon and sit on it. If you feel that's cheating, place one D and one L of the entry square and sit there. Enemies can come at you quickly. No treasure in this room, so just burrow and get out. Room 8: Go along the bottom, up past the stairs, and right to get the invincibility helmet on the right edge. You have two ways through this. Going to the DL now means a quick trip up, but you miss a range power-up. You probably don't need them at this point, though. Going up the center leaves a puzzle on the next floor. Room 9: Assuming you went up in the center, you can sacrifice a life for expedience(go L U) or you can just place a bomb on whichever empty square there is. Once you've cleared out your area, you can hop onto a grate to the next area. Here, you can move from the bottom to the right, then the right to the top and go across the top. You will get a ruler for your troubles. You don't need to clear out the left. The monsters can be pesky here, so stand on a water balloon and be prepared to move if it could kick you into a fire for the first bit. Of course if a monster is close, you can just sit on a water balloon in a cleared area. On the other hand, grates are always safe for waiting for balloons to explode, but enemies can approach. Room a(1): First time through you will just need to go up to room b. Room b: You got here from room A, and the only way to go back down and make progress is to go to the DR. Just drop bombs in the middle as you please. Take out the fires for space and eventually you'll hit the fast vertical movers, but if you need to press the issue, place bombs next to everywhere one of them goes up and down. Killing all the monsters gets a heart here, so knock off the slow guys. Back to room a. See above for that. Room a(2): Second time through you will want to go 2L, place a balloon, R, place another and wait. Keep working left if the enemy doesn't die, then back up after dropping the balloon. No bonus for killing everyone, but it's not hard to do. Left leads to c and the side trip, and right gets you closer to the boss. Room c: (side trip, recommended) Here you can get an extra water balloon for blowing up all the pegs. But you need to proceed slowly. There are only two places to put bombs at first. Do so then put stuff 1L of them. Just cluster water balloons to knock of any lingering slow guys. Then get to the center and drop bombs in the 4-high columns you can there. The horizontal guy should go down. Now you need to go along the top or bottom but not both. You can work your way around the horn to blow up the pegs, or you could even sacrifice a life if you have a bunch and you are finding the process a bit tedious. However, there is little risk with no monsters. Now you want to go back to room a, hack through, and get to room d. Room d: First, drop water balloons to the right. Then shield yourself with water balloons to kill any monsters nearby. Work to the center There's a ruler for range if you blow up enough pegs, so I recommend that. No bonus for clearing the enemies. Room e: Use the two squares 1D where you can start the bombing. Whenever you can, use a 4-bomb front and move downwards and repeat. No bonuses here before the next boss. Room f: This guy is a bit tougher than the first. He sits on the grates for a while before moving out. He is especially vulnerable when he changes grates, so your best bet is just to keep dumping balloons in the center. Sometimes he'll retreat where he came, but most of the time he will move around. Half of the time, he'll have to go left or right, which is where you can get him. While waiting to see where he goes, clear out central fires that are lying around, as they can all block you from a retreat, though the ones on the side are no big deal. You can chain hits on the enemy if he gets stuck in the center. Place balloons around him and you get two for one. More flips from Keroppi near a town. Password: ECAnOAPC Side rooms not covered: Room e (left half): You have to destroy the fires one by one to get anywhere, and making it through the fires by the grate is a bit tricky, but there is very little to worry about otherwise. Room d (DL corner): Dead end. 4-3. LEVEL 3 i-h-f-g | | j-k e | a-b-c-d | | | | 6-7 8-9 | | | | 1-2-3-4-5 Freaky looking Hawaiian Punch Kids are among your new enemies here. The walkthrough gets a little more jittery here because there are so many side passages. So you need to search for "Room x" at times. You don't really need the power ups in the side rooms, but they are not bad to find. Way through: 1-2(6,a optional)3-4(5-9-8 or 8)c(d optional)e-f(g optional)h-i-j-k You also have a new power-up here: pills, which allow you to go through walls until you leave the room. Nice in many rooms but not quite critical to get through the game. Room 1: Bomb the left side, but not all of it, then walk to the left edge and bomb up/down to get the horizontal speeders. Clearing the left should leave a water balloon. Go right along the bottom to exit. No clearing bonus, so don't waste too much time. Room 2: Very similar to level 1 in that you can snoop along the bottom, wherever you wish to go--up or right. Blow stuff up as you go. No bonuses. Room 3: Blow stuff up in your corner. The UL stairs up lead to a dead end, so don't bother. The DR stairs up can lead to the next area, so you can take them if you want. They're not hard to get to. There's also a pill 3R1U of the entry. It isn't necessary, but it's helpful. Room 4: A ruler power-up if you blow up a few posts here. Cut through the fires, which takes a while but is worth it. This takes time whether you are coming from the left or the right. Room 5: Helmet 2L of the middle stairs, which are a dead end. The UR stairs can get you up a level. So just bomb on the left edge and then work your way in, standing on a grate in the middle of the circles to let bombs go off. Room 6: You can get a heart for killing all monsters. Otherwise it is a typical search and destroy, with care taken not to step on a stair unless you need to escape. Room 7: There are two ways ups here. There is a pill 3R2D of the UL. If you use it to go to the UL, going up is a dead end. If you use it to go to the DR, you can advance as detailed in room b. However, you don't really need the pill to go DR, as either the center or DR stairs will work equally well. Room 8: If you entered from below, you get an express trip up through room 12 and then 16. There's no way to get to the UR if you didn't enter from there without losing a life. You can just walk through the fire. Maybe you'll find the time saved worth it. If you arrived from the right, then you can blast your way to the DL. There's a timer on the left edge, lower post, that may make your way through the room quicker. Room 9: Bomb all the posts here and get a water bomb. You are faster than the enemies, so it should be no problem. Killing them is actually not too bad either, though you get no bonus. Sit at the edge of a 1x4 strip and leave a balloon and walk down so the enemy walks into it easily. Room a: From the center, cut out the fire to the right and then pick off the top/bottom enemies from below/above. Killing all monsters before you go right gets a heart. Room b: From the UR, bomb to get to the pill, then go to the DR, although this is really retreating. From the DL, bomb through to the right and get to the DR. If in the DR to start, bomb below the 5-column and work your way up. Nail the turnip. You may need two tries to get him, one to push him into the dead end and another to drop a balloon, but he is not particularly tough. Then exit to the right. Room c: In the UR, just go up. There are no big power-ups here, so you can just run through the room in the direction opposite how you came. For any other entrance, just do the usual bit where you bunker a few balloons around you and move in. Place several in a row to remove the barriers very close to the stairs, and you're in. No bonuses. Room d: Place 2 balloons where you can. Start working each way to create space. Take out enough posts and you get a water balloon, then leave. There's no heart bonus for clearing this. Room e: In the UR, place bombs on the checkerboard to at least dissuade the monster, and run to the DL. Place bombs behind and then start hacking at the series of posts that lead to a dead end. A pill is behind there. Leaving to the UL is a dead end, so leave to the DR. The rest of this level's walkthrough is straightforward with one small detour. Room f: I recommend you just go left, as the room to the right is an awkward way to get an extra water balloon. Nothing special here. A few quick bombs and you can plow through. Room g(detour, not recommended): It's probably better for your sanity to sacrifice a life if you really want the water balloon. For that, go down past the post, then drop balloons on the open squares. Kill the post in the center. The long way is to move quickly right and then circle around. You'll have some turnips to duck. Try to fake enemies out by backing up opposite the way you want to go then outrunning them when they get close. Room h: Place bombs all around the tight circle to zap one enemy. A timer is in the top center, in the middle of three pillars. You don't need it, but it is a nice convenience. Room i: Move quickly, then bomb down the right. Use all squares available. That gets the invincibility. Crush all enemies for a heart. You can't come back and win another heart, so don't try it as this is a tricky level with all the grates. Go down the DL--the center is a dead end. Room j: For an exit, just bomb along the bottom. Come back along the top and bomb everything to get a ruler here, though. Exit right to the boss fight. Room k: This boss is pretty easy, too. Just encircle him with water balloons until you kill him. He'll never be able to get a shot off. But wait--he's not dead yet. So just stay in the center and see where he goes. If he is at one of the far grates, don't worry about him, but otherwise you can go up or down and just leave water balloons that will nail him. He may fire, but that is easy to duck. You can even place the balloons ahead of time, below the lower grates and above the upper ones, if you really want to be unfair. You may get hit occasionally, so you may instead want to just place something at the bottom/top and run to the center. The worst that happens is that you guess wrong 2/3 of the time. You'll get him eventually. Password: FVAfPAOF 4-4. LEVEL 4 k-j | | m-l i | | o-n f-g-h | | | b c-d-e | | | | 6-7-8-9-a | | | | | 1-2-3-4-5 Again nonlinear, but even for a Sanrio game, the cuteness would wear off and the lameness of too-linear gameplay would show up.So this is a good way to end things up. On seeing the map I thought "Oh! I bet there's some cool new power up in room b! Otherwise it wouldn't be out of the way. They probably want us to see the whole board and this is an incentive." But never overthink anything Hello Kitty. That area is worthless. There are a few pretty complex dead ends in here. Being able to eliminate several squares off the bat makes a walkthrough easier, though. Room 1: Slow going here, but you should eventually be able to get somewhere. The first two bombs are the trickiest. Bomb, 1D, bomb and when the second explodes just after the first, push up. There's a big risk of losing a life here. The next set of bombs is easier. Then you can camp 2R of the square and just bomb away til the enemies die. You can go up the stairs or bomb your way to the left where there is water. Room 2: Bombing everyone gets a heart. The ghost moves in a circle, so clear out the insides if you're having trouble, then put a bunch of bombs in there. I would recommend leaving up if you want to get to room B. Room 1 is tricky and drawn out. Room 3: Bomb the center a bunch. Then killing posts gets an early balloon. You may want to duck briefly into room 2 and return back, but if you think you've got enough firepower(you probably do,) go to the right for a few basic power ups. You can't go straight up, as that is a tangled dead end. Room 4: First time through, go right and bomb in a square. Hearts for killing everyone, so do so. You have been through the drill before. Use extra bombs to take out the wall frogs. Go to the right. Second time through, space is tight at first, but bomb and run from the fire and you''ll be okay. Take the UR stairs. The DL are a direct dead end. Room 5: You get a ruler here for blowing up all the posts, so go for it. Again, I can't add anything that hasn't been said, except place bombs on the left to get the circling ghost when he is on the bottom. Retreat, because if you go up the stairs, you are trapped unless you want to sacrifice a life. Room 6: Left hand side, drop a balloon and wait, then hack your way down. Right hand side, do the reverse, going up. No goodies. Room 7: To go right from the UL ladder, just use brute force. There's nothing terribly much there, but that's how you do it. There's nothing on the right, either. Room 8: From the DR ladder, invincibility is 3L of the modified UR. You can get it and go right, because there's really nothing to the left. From the UL ladder, you have two stairs up, but it leads to a dead end area even with a pill. Room 9: From the UR stair, bomb down to gain space. You want to go to the right to get on with your game, so you can just leave quickly. Or you can bomb the enemies to the left. No treasures here. I don't recommend the UL stair though it is the only way to get to the main part of room c. Room a: Up from level 5 is a dead end. DL corner holds a helmet. Risk here of being blown back to room 9 if you are careless. So stay out of the way of the first few bombs. Even with invincibility, you still need to chuck some balloons to break to the right. Room b: There is nothing in this room either way you came in. The pill in the DL doesn't count since it leads to the barren UL. Room c: All you can do is kill everyone and walk back out. But that gives you a heart. Just work from the right then work your way left. Up above, climbing leads to a dead end. Room d: This room can be safely ignored. There's loot to the left but it takes too much time. On the left, bomb twice at the top, then bomb just above where the ghosts cross at the top. With them out, you can go in left for a room with a heart. On the right, a 2x2 bomb opens space immediately and another should clear the board. Smooth sailing from there. Only problem is, nothing on your fishing line. Room e: You can just go down to get to the next bit(UL leads to a long, boring path that has another ruler, so you may want to detour there.) However, there's a ruler if you bomb the left side, and so you might as well work your way there. And you can place bombs everywhere except the top/bottom edges so the ghosts circle around and walk into them. Room f: 1R, use balloon, wait, and try again. If you went D you might have been pushed into a fire, but now you have more than enough space. Use the pill(right edge, top square) to burst to the right(though this is a dead end.) There are no other power ups. You probably want to retreat from here because the left side of G is a dead end. Room g: Entering from the left is a dead end. From the right, you need to get into the I and just bomb until a few guys get caught and you can sneak to the stairs. You can follow one to the top and see which way he bounces, and this is not a bad place to sacrifice a life, either. Room h: Blowing up most everything in the top part gets you a ruler. There's nothing at the dead end, so don't waste your time. But even going to the top is a bit of a bore. From the bottom part, it is easy to navigate through the fires to the left. Room i: Bomb down the left a few times, leaving you open to bomb right to the post. You may be able to peg the fish now or at least run past it. No treasure here UNLESS you either 1) sacrifice a life to get DR without tripping the stairs or 2) go down the stairs, back up and right and start chipping away. It's an awful lot to do for a water balloon you don't need, though. Room j: Blow up all the posts you can to get a ruler. Some you'd have to kill yourself for. You can bomb in the DR, and then you need to be careful going across the center. Leave four balloons in a box to kill off any nosey enemies, then blast through to the left. Room k: This is not a difficult room. You can just blast along the bottom to get to the stairs you need. The UR ones are a dead end. They do lead to a ruler, but you probably have enough by now, and it takes so long to get to it. Room l: (UR) Just bomb in the spiral to the center to get to the ruler. Of course, with that winding path, it will take quite a while. (DL) Cluster 4 bombs at the bottom and then just bring a united front of 4 to push up against the other barriers. It should also do for the enemy. Be sure to run up so you aren't kicked back into the stairs. Room m: You need to waste a bit of time bombing downwards, but then you can zigzag left across the plates to get to the DL. The UR is a dead end with no power ups. Killing everyone gets a heart, so bomb up and down when a wall-frog is just to the left. He'll eventually jump over, and if you're on a balloon, you're safe as usual. Room n: Unless you have a guy to waste, this level is painfully inconvenient but not dangerous. Bomb, wait, etc. The fast enemy should not be a problem. Once you get to the open area, drop a bunch of bombs and there you go. It's almost impossible not to hit him. No power-ups. Room o: This guy's not tough, either. He bobs up and down so you need to time things to hit him, but if you've got power ups you can use brute force, placing balloons all in a row til you get lucky. Once you hit him, he goes off the screen and fires from above, so go down and duck. He's relatively inactive otherwise, so just place water balloons to get rid of fire. If you want to be precise, you can drop a water bag where he lands(every few squares,) but that is more trouble than it's worth to plan exactly. However, if you stay in the center, you can line to the left/right of him and run away from him, placing water bags under you. One will get him. You can even afford to be 1 up of where he lands. 5. CHEATS Memory loc 0xcb = # of lives End of FAQ Proper ================================ 6. VERSIONS 1.0.0: sent to GameFAQs 11/9/2007, complete 7. CREDITS Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang, current and emeritus. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get/got some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, War Doc, Brian Sulpher, AdamL, odino, JDog and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. I am not part of his gang, but I want him to be part of mine. Thanks to the NES Completion Project folks for keeping it going. Thanks especially to odino for pointing me to this game. Thanks to for hosting this game. Thanks to Suicidal Translations for making the translation.