Kiwi Kraze FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright Taito 1991 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: Version 2.5 Dates Written: November 14th to November 24th, 2002 I dedicate this to... New Zealand I guess. You are under appreciated by the rest of the world, and you deserved to be recognized just as much as any other country in the world! Also, for Cougar. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. Also, In memory of Howler and Koonce. You two never had a good start in your lives, but you had a good time when you spent your time at my house. It was oh so unfortunate that you both had your already tragic lives cut short, but I can only hope that I helped make your life a more enjoyable experience. You too will be missed, but not forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on November 24th, 2002 ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 20th, 2003 -Reformatted the FAQ ----------- Version 1.5 ----------- -Submitted guide on November 19th, 2003 -Reformatted the FAQ -Added some content in a few sections ----------- Version 1.8 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 28th, 2004 -Reformatted FAQ to make it more pleasant on the eyes -I also added in a bit more info on the enemies, especially the Red Devil as I had left his description a tad vague ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on July 16th, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo and Honestgamers as sites allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader -Added in warp locations (thanks to Honestgamer for the contribution) ----------- Version 2.1 ----------- -Submitted guide on July 17th, 2005 -Added in two more warp locations (thanks to Damon Plus for the contribution), one in Level 2-2, one in Level 4-4. ----------- Version 2.5 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 3rd, 2006 -Added in one more warp location (thanks to Adam L, perhaps the only more famous NES personality out there on gameFAQs than me!), found in Level 2-1 -Also did some touching up to the format and such, but nothing major so it will not likely be noticed ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Table Of Contents----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) World One 4) World Two 5) World Three 6) World Four 7) World Five 8) Enemies 9) Points 10)Items 11)Bosses 12)Warps/Bonus Rooms 13)Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Introduction-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The following story and the enemy names, descriptions, ideas, etc. are of my own design (Brian P. Sulpher), but that does make them the proper names, descriptions, or ideas that the game programmers envisioned/used. You are a Kiwi (a bird), and you are touring through New Zealand zoos in an effort to free your brethren. You are armed with a bow and arrow, which you will need as your mission is not greeted with warm hearts from the zoo owners. They will sick their guards, as well as animals on you in an attempt to stop your attacks dead in their tracks. So, go bravely, jump wisely, and try not to hit to many spikes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Controls---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will list the controls that are needed for various actions performed in the game. o-------------------o | Normal Situations | o-------------------o D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT will move your character in the corresponding directions. UP and DOWN have no purpose. SELECT : No apparent use. START : Pauses/unpauses your game. B Button: Each time that you press this Button, you will fire your weapon. A Button: Press this to take a leaping jump. o---------------o | Flying Clouds | o---------------o D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT will move your character in the corresponding directions. UP and DOWN have no purpose. SELECT : No apparent use. START : Pauses/unpauses your game. B Button: Each time that you press this Button, you will fire your weapon. A Button: If you hold this Button, you will fly upwards. This is an essential skill for almost every level, so learn how to control your flight well. o----------o | Swimming | o----------o D-Pad : Each direction responds to the corresponding direction. Use DOWN to get into the water, use all four directions to move your bird through the water, and use UP to surface. SELECT : No apparent use. START : Pauses/unpauses your game. B Button: Use this to fire water waves when you are on the surface of the water. A Button: Use this Button to hop out of the water when you are on the surface. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------World One----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This will cover the troubles you will face from level 1-1 to level 1-4. Remember that are time limits in each level (these are not visible however), so hurry your path through each level (or face the Red Devil). o-----------o | Level 1-1 | o-----------o Head right to where you will face five Shell Heads, so shoot each one and then jump your way up the platforms to clear the wall. Jump across the pit as you shoot the Blue Guard, and then you have to drop down through the hole where two Shell Heads await you (be sure to fall through when they are not using their tumbling blades). Continue right once you reach the bottom floor, kill the Shell Head, kill/avoid the three Blue Guards patrolling the ledges floating in mid-air (they will try to drop down on you, so be aware), and then hop up to the top ledge before you leap at the caged Kiwi to release it. Congratulations on completing 1-1! o-----------o | Level 1-2 | o-----------o You start with about ten Shell Heads on the screen (some let Green Tumblers go, others shoot there Blue Bullets), so kill them as you head right. Blue Guards will start to come after you at this point as you progress upwards. As you head right towards a tall wall, Red Fliers will appear, so shoot the Flier (not the cloud it is on), and then hijack the cloud to fly you over that aforementioned wall. Once you start going up (minding the Blue Guards projectiles), turn right at the very top platform where you fight a Shell Head, and two Frogs (they come hopping up the small platforms ahead before turning towards you). After that attack, head right to where the floor falls away, which means you should follow it down to the Kiwi in the cage to finish the level! o-----------o | Level 1-3 | o-----------o Start by getting onto a cloud to start your journey upwards (the alternate path is to jump up the platforms, but it is easier to fly up). Fly up around the overhanging platform to the left where the opening is (while dodging the Fliers and spikes), and then head right through the large open area. You will continue to face Red Fliers and Blue Fliers, so shoot them down as soon as they attack you, and then head down to the bottom. Head right till you hit the East wall, where you will fly upwards till you see a West arrow, which you should follow. Go through the water, jump out, jump up the narrow platforms, jump over the spikes to the blocks on the far side, and then head downwards from block to block till you release your Kiwi friend from his cage! o-----------o | Level 1-4 | o-----------o Start the level by shooting a Flier off of his cloud before you take to the skies yourself as you head up-right. Go right through the narrow horizontal paths (usually dealing with Shell Heads), and then go through the first break in the roof. Here you find a new enemy here; Guard Fliers. Kill them if they get in your way, and then head up to the right in the narrow vertical shaft while killing off any enemies in your way and to avoid the spikes. Then head up-left once the spikes slant away from you, to a group of horizontal passageways to find a small hole in the wall. Go through it to see your caged Kiwi friend, but this one does not get released as you reached a BOSS GUARDIAN. The Whale guards World One, so be ready. Start by dodging all the shots taken at you by the BOSS without bothering to return fire (it does not damage the boss). Keep dodging till the Whale charges and swallows you whole. Now you are inside the Whale's mouth where you will watch the roof of it's mouth so you can dodge the dripping saliva, and remember to fire continuous shots. This will get you out of World One quite quickly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------World Two----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This will cover the troubles you will face from level 2-1 to level 2-4. Remember that are time limits in each level (these are not visible however), so hurry your path through each level (or face the Red Devil). o-----------o | Level 2-1 | o-----------o Head up the staircase as you fight off Blue Guards and Shell Heads, and then jump carefully across the narrow tops of the columns before you jump into the multi-chambered area on the right. Move upwards as you dispose of any Shell Heads in your way (be sure to keep an eye out for their shots), and then you reach a choice of paths (I suggest the left path). As you head up, work past the Cannons carefully, and take care of any Sparks that get in your way (as they duplicate quickly). Once you reach the top of the chambered areas, jump up to the ledge over looking the spike filled room (the grass on the ground is also deadly), and fall onto the arrow block. It will immediately start you moving left (although facing the other direction will change your direction as well). Upon reaching the far side (Red Fliers appear partway across in your journey), jump up the steps to the left, enter the narrow containment area, and then jump through to the interior of the next room. Drop your way down through the stairwells here while taking any Red Fliers out if they threaten you on the way down, and then head right once you reach the more open area. You might see a Flame or two as you cross, so rid yourself of them as you continue right till you release the Kiwi from the cage! o-----------o | Level 2-2 | o-----------o Start this level by killing the Frogs that accost you until you can steal a Flier's cloud, and then head up killing the Shell Heads in your way. Head up to the right, head left as you pass the beam, and head left till you see some spikes with a gap in their set-up, which you should fly through. Head right (watch out for Bats) where you fly under some spikes on the roof, then the spikes in your path need to be flown over before you head down the narrow vertical corridor. Exit out into the open skies, head right along the roof till you see the roof is lined with spikes, and then carefully fly through the narrow corridor upwards as you fight off Red Fliers. Now you face a tricky part, you must fly towards the spikes blocking your way (the ones touching the roof), and once your cloud pops, top holding RIGHT (this will cause you to drop down just short of the spikes). Now walk under the aforementioned spikes, make your way up the varied platforms, kill the Shell Heads and Guards as you go until you get to where you have to make a half jump across a gap where spikes are over head (tap the A Button instead of pressing it). Now you will continue your climb across the platforms till you make it to the next chamber. Head left, jump the gap (over the spike group below), and continue left across the platforms as you fight off Shell Heads and Blue Fliers till you reach a wall, which you should then jump past through the ceiling to the next chamber. In this room, dethrone a Blue Flier, take his cloud across the spiked area, dive into the water, head right and down till you find a small area with a pocket of air to replenish your rapidly depleting supply. Then you head right and down till you see an opening for you to jump out of. Then you just need you to leap past spikes over to the Kiwi cage to finish the level! o-----------o | Level 2-3 | o-----------o Jump up the left side of the room from platform to platform, heading right upon hitting the last vertical platform (watch out for the Spark that appears). Go down the slaloming platforms, go underwater, and get yourself onto the blue platform before you hijack a cloud from a Flier. Start your passage upwards to the right side of the shaft while you kill any Fliers that challenge your authori-tah! Once you reach the top right corner of the room, you will get an extra Kiwi! Then you head left where you enter an enclosed area (yellow background), and then you need to head upwards through the obstacle like room (small blocks and spikes try to get you) until you reach the top (where you have to get off your cloud onto a platform, were you hop up to the next platform). Now you need to steal yourself another cloud to ride on, fly through the opening in the roof between the spikes, and once in the next room, head right to where you need to go underwater to pass the spike wall. Once you get out of the water, kill a Red Flier to get another cloud, take the cloud down through the spike lines carefully while you are dodging Red Fliers, Blue Fliers, and Bats. Once you exit the spike maze from the bottom right corner through a hole in the floor, kill the Shell Head, go down, and then hop across the spike expanse using the narrow column before you get ready to take a swim. Head down, making sure that the Grabber does not make short work of you (swim close to the ceiling to avoid it), head left and down till you find an air pocket where you can refuel your air. Once you are full again, continue right till you can jump out of the water to free your Kiwi buddy. o-----------o | Level 2-4 | o-----------o Jump up the small ledges, go right (watch out for Blue Guards), drop down, head left to where you get ready to enter a Cannon gauntlet. Jump up past the first Cannon, stop o the narrow column edge (before the big drop), and wait till the roof Cannon's shot is halfway off the screen, and then follow (making sure that the left wall Cannon will not fire at an inopportune time). Head right, jump up onto the first ledge just after the Cannon fires, and then immediately jump up to the higher ledge. Wait till the Cannon fires, jump up, and then repeat the process to reach the highest ledge for safety. Now wait for a shot to pass you from below (it travels vertically), drop down holding LEFT to land on a one block ledge where you wait for a downward shot to pass so you can drop holding RIGHT to reach safety. Now use the same strategy you did before in the last vertical shaft (the one going upwards) of jump, jump, wait and jump to get through. Continue right, walking under the Cannons while Shell Heads appear to attack you, and then bust any Fliers that get in your way as you head downwards to find water. Head down, and then go right when the arrows prompt you to do so (you pass over a Grabber in the process). Jump the yellow spike in your way, fall down between the green spikes, and then hop each spike until you can go down the small opening on the right. After your long fall, head right (killing any attacking Blue Guards and Frogs), till you see an opening to the Kiwi Room! Go in, but you see that once again you have entered to a BOSS GUARDIAN! The Octopus moves around the room in a diamond pattern on the left side of the room, and he fires off three small bats at a time in an attempt to hit you. You can destroy the small bats, but they are hard to keep up with as they move fast, so the essential rule is to shoot non-stop. After taking a fair amount of hits, the Octopus will stop bothering you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Three---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This will cover the troubles you will face from level 3-1 to level 3-4. Remember that are time limits in each level (these are not visible however), so hurry your path through each level (or face the Red Devil). o-----------o | Level 3-1 | o-----------o Right at the start you fall for a long while, head right when you land where you find ledges to start climbing (try to hijack a cloud along the way to make the climb easier). Keep climbing till you see water, which you should hop into to swim upwards to the right side where you find a small block to hop onto. Jump up the blocks into the pond above, swim your way around the underwater ledge to the left, and then get onto the wall. Jump across the columns till you see Blue Fliers (steal a cloud) so you can fly up into the top of narrow corridor. Head down (try to keep your cloud), and after you work past the Shell Heads, Blue Guards, and Red Fliers, fly directly left along the roof till you are over the Kiwi cage (being sure not to hit the Flame), and then drop into the cage to free your fellow bird! o-----------o | Level 3-2 | o-----------o Start the level by walking to the left a little, whacking the Red Flier for it's cloud, and then fly up the left wall till you find an opening in the wall (be wary of the spikes), and then you face the choice of multiple paths. The easiest route to take is pit #6 (going right to left), and hold RIGHT as you fall so you can get by a wall. Then, as you continue to fall, go left upon landing to fall into a blue room. Now you need to hijack a cloud (a Blue Flier shows up to accommodate you), and then fly through the hole in the top left area of the room. When you arrive in the next area, fly your way through till you hit a waterfall. Follow the waterfall down to the water, swim underneath the waterfall, jump the small fall, and then dive down into the water. Swim past the first air pocket, ignore (for now) the passage up on the right as you go to the second air pocket to fill up full before heading up the aforementioned passage. About halfway up on the left there is a place to refill your air (do so), and then head up till you see three Frogs appear (shoot them with your water shots). Now you need to hustle underneath a Shell Head while hopping Fliers that are using their cheap ability to attack through the floor. Once you climb the first wall, jump into the passage above, climb out of it, get the Blue Flier's cloud, and then go down till you can go right to find the Kiwi cage (be sure not to hit the appearing Flame). o-----------o | Level 3-3 | o-----------o Take out two of the Blue Birds, steal the third ones green stand, and go right till the pit where you go down the shaft. At the bottom, go up the shaft just to your left, delicately fly through the spike weave, and go down the skinny hole till an opening to the right (which you go through). Fly through this room quickly, up the shaft and then directly right through the next room to find another shaft maze. Go down, go right and up, go right and down till you kill the guard when it appears before going over the spike to dive underwater. Swim down, left, up, and then to the left wall where you will wait on the surface till your air supply is FULL (you need all the air you can get). Now go down, left, up, left, down, right, down, left, and then up out of the water before hopping down the hole. Once you land, head right till you come to a small room with various spikes, ad you need to steal a ride from a cat, and then fly it's balloon up the hole in the top right corner of the small room. After flying up the left wall of the narrow vertical corridor, head left, warily avoiding the Shell Heads and Blue Birds as they appear out of their warps. Near the top left corner of the cage is your Kiwi buddy anxiously awaiting your arrival for their release! o-----------o | Level 3-4 | o-----------o Start by jumping up the blue ledges into the room above, go right to find more ledges to hop up to get into the next room, and then leap the two ledges in this room to enter yet another different room. From here you head left past the Shell Head and down the shaft. Head right, jump the spikes (kill the Red Flier when it appears), and climb the small ledges by the wall to get up to a jump to the left. Now you will continue left to find a small block in mid-air, which you will use to jump into the water above you. Swim to the right wall, go up, jump into the pond on your left, swim through the opening under water, and then wait for a Blue Flier to appear and get close enough to you that it can be killed for it's cloud. Ride the cloud downwards till you hit blue background, which means you will hug the roof as you for the opening (beware the Bat that sneak attacks you here). Go right upon entering the new chamber, kill the Blue Flier, and then swim upwards till you hit an air pocket where you can refill your lungs. Head left upon refilling your air, go down the waterfall, and how you must fight the current as you try to take a Flier out for it's cloud. The most likely scenario is that you will have to go all the way to the bottom before you can commandeer a cloud. Either way, once you get the cloud, head up into the Kiwi room to fight the BOSS GUARDIAN! The Statue appears from the left side, so you must sprint quickly to the platforms on the far side of the room that go up the wall. You should then fire shots non-stop as you avoid the five bullets that spread out from the Statue. You should try to get from platform to platform (as one is safe from the bullet spreads). Continue your pattern of firing and dodging, and the Statue will not be long for this world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Four----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This will cover the troubles you will face from level 4-1 to level 4-4. Remember that are time limits in each level (these are not visible however), so hurry your path through each level (or face the Red Devil). o-----------o | Level 4-1 | o-----------o Go right past the various enemies that will warp in to attack you, and once you hit the water, dive under the water. Head to the bottom right corner of the water area (ignore the air pockets) to find a shaft leading downward with air pockets sporadically inserted (be sure to fill up when necessary, and then swim left and up (go where the UP arrow is). Jump out into the open, kill the Cat for it's balloon, and then fly into the top let corner of the room. Once you get in, fly up the narrow shaft, go left till you get a Kiwi Doll (an extra bird!), and then head back to the right so you can drop down to the bottom ledge. Head left where you get to kill some Flames, and then hop up where the arrow indicates for you to do so before you hop down the shaft to find the Kiwi cage, and then just touch it to finish the level. o-----------o | Level 4-2 | o-----------o Please note that are multiple paths through this stage, but this walkthrough will cover the one that has the best combination of speed and safety. Also remember to refill your air sooner than I list to if needed. Start by going into the water immediately (ignore the Cats), head towards the left wall as you descend into the depth, and go past the Spiker and Grabber (they will be on your right as you go downwards). Now, you have to get by a Bubble Dispenser (the bubbles delay you, not hurt you), and then a Spiker before you will duck into the air pocket on the left to refill your air supply completely. Continue downwards past another Bubble Dispenser, and then go right once you hit the bottom. Now, when you see a Grabber, swim up and over it (make sure to refill your air above it in the air pocket), and then you go a another Bubble Dispensers along the bottom before cutting up the wall to find another air pocket to fill up at. Now you swim up right to find your way through the maze walls (follow the arrows), and once you get out of the water (near some Cats), jump through the roof to enter the next water section (this is a shortcut!), and then head upwards to find a air pocket (refill your air to about one third). Then you need to take off to the right, split the spikes, and then hop onto the block. Now you should hop onto the solid land, destroy the Flame and the three Frogs immediately before you steal the Blue Flier's cloud. Now fly to the top right corner of the room to finish the level by releasing your Kiwi friend from his cage! o-----------o | Level 4-3 | o-----------o Start by going up out of the water, hijack a cloud from a Flier, and then go up to see multiple passages (take passage farthest on the left). Go up this passage till you enter a fork (both go into water), and you choose the left fork. Swim through the shaft, jump onto the left wall, and then hop into the water on your left where you will follow the middle arrow down. GO down the long shaft, go left, come up out of the water to shoot water shots at the Cats to get rid of them (and steal one of their balloons). Now fly carefully past the spikes to the Kiwi cage to exit this short, but hard level. o-----------o | Level 4-4 | o-----------o Start by holding RIGHT immediately, dispose of the Blue Guards, and then hijack a cloud from a Flier. Fly up, go left through the spike gate (ceiling and floor are spikes), and then continue left to where you need to fly between more spikes before you need to warp around on a small platform while popping your cloud on the spikes. Now you have to jump up the platforms on the left wall, take the Red Flier out so you can ride the cloud, go through the spikes on the lower path, and then hop up the small ledges above you using "tap" jumps (tap A Button). Once you reach the top of your climb (Sparks will be above you with Blue Guards to the right) go left, fall down to ledge, go right off ledge, but fall into narrow passage on another ledge which takes you to platforms to get you up to the next big platform (where the Spark and Blue Guards are). Kill the Sparks and Blue Guards, and then hop across the small platforms over the spikes t enter the door. You appear in section two of the level, so continue right with well timed jumps, and kill the Blue Guards and Red Fliers that harass you till you reach the down arrow platform (get on it). Jump onto the first ledge you see, kill the Shell Heads if they threaten you, and go left till you see a tiny entrance into the ship you are on. Upon entering, you will need to hold RIGHT to get by spikes, jump spikes fall down holding RIGHT, and then ride the arrow platform down (be sure to time your departure off of it so you avoid the spiked wall and the spiked floor). Jump over the mini-wall, climb the platforms to find three arrow platforms over spikes (if you step on them, jump off immediately). fall down holding LEFT to avoid the spikes, kill the two Blue Guards, jump the floor spikes, and then hop into the last spike room. Here you must use two "tap" jumps to get across between the spikes without getting turned into a pin cushion. If done correctly, you will release your Kiwi friend to exit the World! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Five----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) This will cover the troubles you will face from level 5-1 to level 5-4. Remember that are time limits in each level (these are not visible however), so hurry your path through each level (or face the Red Devil). o-----------o | Level 5-1 | o-----------o Start by jumping up the stairwell, kill the three Frogs, and then jump your way across the platforms over the lava to the far wall, which you will go up via the ledges there. Once you get into the next sector, you can go straight up to find a Kiwi Doll (only go if you think you can breeze through the rest of the level), but the only proper way through this section is to go up the shaft between Volcano two and three (right to left numbering). Jump to the left when the shaft opens up, run through the Volcanoes (follow the shooting Volcanoes to get through easier), and then jump up the stacked platforms, kill the Blue Guard, and the two Shell Heads before hopping up to the next area when the Volcano is not shooting. Now you need to jump over the spikes as well as time the jumps between the Volcano lobbing magma blobs from behind you, and then take the long fall down the one square wide shaft. When you finally land on the ground, go up the stairs, hijack a cloud from a Blue Guard or Red Flier, and then fly up the right side of the large room. When you see the enclosed room, go up the right side to the second last tiny ledge, which you will have to get onto (lose your cloud). Now, you need to jump to the right to pass through the wall into the room, drop down to where three Blue Guards await you (kill them fast!), and then you just jump across the ledges inside to the Kiwi cage to finish the level! o-----------o | Level 5-2 | o-----------o This level is a maze, so I will try to make the instructions as clear as possible. Start by going to the first pit (a Volcano shoots down into it), and you should fall down to the bottom where you need to kill a Spark immediately. Head right (killing any other Sparks that get in your way), jump up the narrow passageway, and then jump the gap between the magma shots from below. Now you will go down the next passage (the second one from the left), go right over the mini-wall, jump through the platforms (go between the magma shots from the Volcano), and then dive down the shaft (again you go between Volcano vollies) holding LEFT so you land on the ledge. Now you jump the next gap, go down the one after that, make your way through the area (only one path), and then take the cloud from the Red Flier in the room below you. Fly the cloud up and then down the shafts, and then land on the horizontal ledge (there should be a Spark) where you will give up your cloud. Kill the Sparks as you jump up ledge to ledge, and then jump through the opening in the left wall to the next set of ledges where Volcanoes shoot at you (get to the passage with no Volcano). Go down to the very bottom of the long vertical shaft, jump through the enclosed rooms section (killing Sparks if they threaten you), and then go down to the next room where you hop your way through the mini-stairways. Jump your way across the blocks (use "tap" jumps), hop into the narrow area above, and then jump up the ledges to go right till you hop down the hole at the end holding LEFT. Hop across the lava pit using the small blocks, go down the first pit you see, hop up to the next room with lava, kill the Blue Fliers, and then take a cloud upwards. Enter the room below, and fly your cloud along the roof till you hit the left wall, which means you go straight down to get to the Kiwi cage (this also allows the avoiding of Bats and Red Fliers inside of the room)! o-----------o | Level 5-3 | o-----------o Another maze level, but this one is played completely in the air. Keep in mind that Red Fliers, Blue Fliers, Blue Guards, and Bats will be after you the whole time, so deal with them if they are annoying you. Start by going right to find two Red Fliers (hijack a cloud), and then start back to the left. Enter the maze above you, go up (ignore the left and right passages), turn right, and then left at the fork. Now you will turn right once the passage opens up, take the lower opening, and then fly up the last passage to open the Kiwi cage! Short, but hard if you take the wrong passage way. o-----------o | Level 5-4 | o-----------o A real nice little sign greets you here, indicating that this is the final level! Remember that the surfaces here are ice, which means your traction is non-existent (you can only stop by crashing into a wall), and when you jump, the momentum is affected by the ice (you will find out when you are hopping your way through this very HARD level). Head left off the start, kill/avoid the Sparks that are in the mini-holes, and then you have to near impossible feat #1 (jump across the narrow ice blocks without becoming a pin cushion). Remember that you have to take the high road to progress through the level (and watch out for the Flame that warps in near the last jump to the vertically stacked ice blocks). Once you have climbed the wall ledges, jump to the platform on the left, hop the spike, and climb the mini-ledges above you. Now you face impossible feat #2 (jumping across a longer and more unevenly leveled jumping course). Be aware that you can jump from the low ledges to high ledges with a full jump, and that this can mess up your trajectories. Once you reach the far side, hop up the wall ledges before you hop to the platform on the right. Go through the hole in the stairwell, continuing right till you can find a Blue Guard to hijack a cloud from, and then continue right to the wall, where you go up through the hole above. In this room, your goal is to go left while fighting off Blue Guards, Blue Fliers, and Red Fliers. Your exit out of the room is in the top left corner of the room, so just take a cloud from the enemy if needed (lots of flying foes, so this should not be difficult). Go through the opening to find the BOSS GUARDIAN! The Walrus will appear on the left side, so fire shots as you fall into the room (many will connect), and then your job is to fire shots at his balloon while avoiding the arced shots he fires. Try to stay on the right side as you jump and shoot (remember that ice gives you momentum). The best pattern to use is jump and fire as the balloon is coming lower, land, jump again and shoot as it starts back up, and then repeat. Although he takes a fair amount of shots, you should win this one easily enough! Congratulations on winning the game! You have rescued all the Kiwis, and you are now a hero to all oppressed species! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Enemies------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) This section will list all of the enemies, how they attack, and how they can help you out if they can. o-----o | Bat | o-----o These black flying, creatures will appear periodically, and it will fly a kamikaze course right at you! Try to shoot it, but be ready to dodge out of the way because it's flight path is erratic. They also have the ability to drop small missiles at you. o-----------o | Blue Bird | o-----------o These fly the same way as Fliers, but they shoot multiple bullets at you. Take them out to take their green stand for a fly. o------------o | Blue Flier | o------------o These guys appear out of warps periodically, and they fly around shooting the occasional arrow off. If you shoot the Flier (not the cloud), you can get on the cloud to take flight! o------------o | Blue Guard | o------------o These are zoo security, and they walk around trying to shoot you with a spears as you try to do the same to them. They will throw boomerangs at you in an attempt to stop you as well. o------------------o | Bubble Dispenser | o------------------o These underwater annoyances can not directly hurt you with their bubbles, but the bubble tend to congregate around air pockets (they bump you under so you can not refill your air). Just swim on by them, and try to find air pockets they do not get into. o--------o | Cannon | o--------o These little wall decorations shoot deadly red balls of death. No way to kill them, so do your best to just time your passage by them so you remain safe. o-----o | Cat | o-----o These guys fly on balloons, so you can steal their rides for your flying conveniences. If you let them hang around too long, they start chucking huge battle axes around, so be fast in dispensing them. o-------o | Flame | o-------o These black and red guys will fall quickly to the ground, where they will patrol in an effort to burn you to the bone. Shoot them quickly so they will not trouble you, as they have the ability to duplicate themselves quickly and often. o------o | Frog | o------o These green demons will hop their way to you no matter how narrow the path. Shoot them quickly to rid yourself of this nuisance. o---------o | Grabber | o---------o These big green underwater plants try to ensnare you with their long foliage. Just quickly swim on by from a safe distance, as the reach they have is truly amazing. o-------------o | Guard Flier | o-------------o They use clouds to transport themselves around, and they attack with vertically thrown arrows. Take them out if you need to pass over them, but otherwise, you can ignore them. o-----------o | Red Devil | o-----------o If you take too long in a level, be prepared to face the wrath of this rather unhappy fellow. He will chase your Kiwi through the level, ignoring walls and attacks, so head directly for the exit when you hear that warning! o-----------o | Red Flier | o-----------o These guys appear out of warps periodically, and they fly around shooting the occasional arrow off. If you shoot the Flier (not the cloud), you can get on the cloud to take flight! o------------o | Shell Head | o------------o These red coloured guys will walk along the ground, and periodically stop to let a green tumbling blade out. It will roll along the ground in an attempt to get you, so shoot them to rid yourself of any danger they represent. They can also fire ink shots out, so be ready for either attack because they are not shy about using both. o-------o | Spark | o-------o These yellow fellas will walk around quickly, and they will often be placed directly in your path. Shoot them quickly so they will not trouble you, as they have the ability to duplicate themselves quickly and often. o--------o | Spiker | o--------o These underwater baddies will patrol a specific area, and they hope that you come to close to their spikes! Just swim on by as you have no way to dispatch them. o---------o | Volcano | o---------o These little mounds shoot magma out at patterned intervals. Try to move on by between shots, but they are often placed in large groups, which means you need to look for the pattern before going. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Items------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) This section will list all of the items that are left behind by enemies, and what effect they have on your Kiwi. o--------o | Apples | o--------o These are the most common item dropped, they are for point purposes only. o--------o | Arrows | o--------o These items will increase the speed that you can shoot your arrows, and it also increases the flight speed of your arrows as well. o------o | Bomb | o------o This turns your weapon into a bomb (BIG surprise, huh?), and it falls on a 45 degree angle. It runs out after a little while, so fire repeatedly to rid yourself of it if you did not want it in the first place. o------o | Book | o------o This ancient New Zealand scripture contains the power of an Earthquake that only your Kiwi can loose upon the world. It destroys all enemies on the screen upon the spell invocation. o------o | Cane | o------o These are small and white, and if you pick it up, you will become partially transparent. This also means you are invincible, so go plow through large groups of enemies without any fear of being hurt. It lasts about 20 seconds, so start to be more conservative once you have had it activated for a bit. o-----------o | Green Gun | o-----------o This little beauty will give you a super boost in your weapon till you complete the level or you die. This gives you a larger projectile on screen, but the real power it possesses is the ability to fire THROUGH walls! This is one you should keep an eye out for. o----------o | Joystick | o----------o When you get one of these, you will control your flight path by pressing the direction you want to go on the screen. This makes controlling your Kiwi's flight path infinitely easier. o-----------o | Kiwi Doll | o-----------o These small versions of your character add one extra bird to your reserve lives. Be aware that they are often difficult to locate and even more difficult to obtain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Points------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10)This section will list the points garnered from the various sources available to your Kiwi as he adventures along to save his friends. o---------o | Enemies | o---------o Bats : 100 points. Blue Bird : 100 points. Blue Flier : 100 points. Blue Guard : 100 points. Cat : 100 points. Flame : 100 points. Frog : 100 points. Guard Flier: 100 points. Red Flier : 100 points. Shell Head : 100 points. Sparks : 100 points. o-------o | Items | o-------o Apple : 500 points. Arrows : 0 points. Bomb : 0 points. Book : 0 points. Cane : 0 points. Green Gun: 0 points. Joystick : 0 points. Kiwi Doll: 0 points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Bosses------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11)This section will the Bosses you face at the end of each world, and some strategies to use against each one to make your battle easier. o------------------------o | World One Boss - Whale | o------------------------o Phase One - You start by avoiding the shots thrown at you by the behemoth of the deep, and do not bother to fire back as it has a shielding in place to protect it. Dodge the shots till it charges you to swallow you. Phase Two - Once you are swallowed, dodge the dripping saliva (it is like acid to your Kiwi), and shoot at the sides of the Whale's mouth to win. Keep your eye on the drips from the roof while you shoot continuously. You will win this fight quickly. o--------------------------o | World Two Boss - Octopus | o--------------------------o He moves around the room in a diamond pattern on the left side of the room, and he fires off three small bats at a time in an attempt to hit you. You can destroy the small bats, but they are hard to keep up with as they move fast, so the essential rule is to shoot non-stop. After taking a fair amount of hits, the Octopus will stop bothering you. o---------------------------o | World Three Boss - Statue | o---------------------------o It appears from the left side, so you must sprint quickly to the platforms on the far side of the room that go up the wall. You should then fire shots non-stop as you avoid the five bullets that spread out from the Statue. You should try to get from platform to platform (as one is safe from the bullet spreads). Continue your pattern of firing and dodging, and the Statue will not be long for this world. o----------------------------o | World Four Boss - The Ship | o----------------------------o Although not an actual Boss fight, you need to navigate through a spike filled hold of the ship to reach the Kiwi cage contained within. Hold RIGHT to get by spikes, jump spikes fall down holding RIGHT, and then ride the arrow platform down (be sure to time your departure off of it so you avoid the spiked wall and the spiked floor). Jump over the mini-wall, climb the platforms to find three arrow platforms over spikes (if you step on them, jump off immediately). fall down holding LEFT to avoid the spikes, kill the two Blue Guards, jump the floor spikes, and then hop into the last spike room. Here you must use two "tap" jumps to get across between the spikes without getting turned into a pin cushion. If done correctly, you will release your Kiwi friend to exit the World! o------------------------------o | World Five Boss - The Walrus | o------------------------------o He appears on the left side, so fire shots as you fall into the room (many will connect), and then your job is to fire shots at his balloon while avoiding the arced shots he fires. Try to stay on the right side as you jump and shoot (remember that ice gives you momentum). The best pattern to use is jump and fire as the balloon is coming lower, land, jump again and shoot as it starts back up, and then repeat. Although he takes a fair amount of shots, you should win this one easily enough! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Warps/Bonus Rooms------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12)This section will look at the Warps/Bonus Rooms found within the game, courtesy of Honestgamer and Damon Plus! Take it away you two crazy guys you! o-----------o | Level 1-1 | o-----------o Near the end of this short stage, you'll find three ledges hanging suspended from the air. To the upper right, the level-end kiwi is trapped in a cage waiting for you to rescue it. Instead, stand on the top ledge and walk to its left side. Facing left, jump and fire some arrows at the air. You'll see the arrows stop mid-air. Keep shooting that spot to make the first black warp window appear. It will take you all the way to stage 1-4, right near its end! o-----------o | Level 1-2 | o-----------o From the start, look to the right and you'll see two platforms hanging in the air. Jump up to the higher of these, stand on its left side, and face left. Fire arrows in that direction a few times to reveal a warp window. To get in the window, next drop to the lower of those two platforms I mentioned and jump left from there. The window plops you between two new warp windows. Take the right of these two windows to find a 1-up icon before you finish up the stage. No warp in this case. o-----------o | Level 1-3 | o-----------o Work your way toward the cage where the kiwi rests at this stage's end. On the highest platform above it, a warp window lies hidden. Shoot the area to reveal it, which will take you to a new bonus room. There, you'll see another window below. Walk right and hang along the right side of the wall as you fall to collect a string of point-granting apples, then head left to take that new window to stage 1-4. o-----------o | Level 1-4 | o-----------o This warp assumes you have taken the warp above, from level 1-1. You will appear at the lower left side of the screen, in a small vertical shaft that lies beneath a large pool of water. Climb the edge of the shaft and hop into the water, then swim around the bottom of the pool and to the right wall, past the green sunshine-shaped enemy and its long, rotating bar. Drift up to the top of the water and you'll find yourself gasping for air. Jump up and you'll be in a series of short, horizontal shafts. Jump up to the fourth of these horizontal shafts and head toward the left. You'll see the area where you can jump up to face the level boss. Instead of jumping into that shaft, keep walking left. Fire at the wall there to reveal a black warp window that will take you to stage 2-4 without forcing you to fight the boss. Sweet! o-----------o | Level 2-1 | o-----------o At the end of Stage 2-1 you will get to your kiwi friend in the cage. It is hard to do, but if you jump over him you will see inside the wall there are some small gaps you can jump into. Jump straight up through a few of these and you will get to a small room enclosed by the wall. Shoot at the bottom left of the room a bunch of times to open up the Warp. This warp will bring you to Stage 2-3. o-----------o | Level 2-2 | o-----------o After escaping the large area near the start of the Level, but instead of heading left down the corridor, turn to the right and blast the wall. If the right portion of the wall is hit, a warp will be revealed, which will take your Kiwi to the end of the level! o-----------o | Level 2-3 | o-----------o From the start, work just to the right until you see a pool of water with spikes hanging in the air over it. Animals riding balloons will assault you in this area. Step onto the solid ground just right of that pool, facing right toward the pit of green spikes. Fire a few arrows to reveal a warp window. Step into it and you'll just be in a narrow passage leading to another window that skips you ahead within stage 2-3. o-----------o | Level 2-4 | o-----------o The instructions for this warp assume that you've taken the warp to this stage from 1-4 (labeled in this FAQ as lv1-4). If you are coming the conventional way, skip to the second paragraph. You will appear in another short, vertical shaft. To the right, you will see a bed of spikes. Hop up out of the shaft and then toward the bed of spikes. Hop along the tiny platforms hanging in the air over the spikes, so that you come to the blue 'up' arrow near the upper right side of that room. From the arrow, hop directly up and head right. This vertical shaft is dangerous, as blowguns allow red balls to pass back and forth. Hop up along that shaft while avoiding the ball-spewing machines. Now walk right below the additional machines that dangle from the ceiling there. At the end of this passage, drop down to a pool of water below. Swim down through that shaft and drift toward the right. Take the first path out of the tank that you find (to the lower left, you'll see a green enemy shaped like a stump), pass over the small bit of spikes there and drop down the long vertical shaft that you find there. At the bottom of that shaft, head left and blast enemies that appear. The long hallway referenced above is positioned just to the left of the room where the level boss waits. Instead of entering the archway to the left, though, jump up to the first of a few tiny platforms dangling over a bed of spikes. Stand on that first one, facing right, and fire your arrows a few times to reveal a warp window. This particular one leads to a hidden bonus room. Kill all the enemies in the room and a warp window automatically appears that will allow you to advance to stage 3-1. o-----------o | Level 3-2 | o-----------o Following your rise through the large green room, you'll find yourself at the top of a series of waterfalls. Drop down between the first gap, so that you're between two waterfalls on a bit of land. This bit of land plays host to a new warp window. Shoot your arrows to reveal it. If you can't get it to appear, you can also drop down into the pit of water below, then swim down and around a wall to get back and shoot at it from the water. The window leads to an empty chamber. Stay in the chamber for a few seconds and you'll be automatically warped to stage 3-3. o-----------o | Level 4-1 | o-----------o This is a long stage where your time limit is likely to run out well before it should. Work quickly, moving to the right and swimming around through a huge pit of water, taking air as necessary. When you get to the point where you can find the 1-up kiwi icon, note that below that there is a series of three rooms of vertical orientation. You can jump up into each of these from below. If you jump up into the far right of these three corridors, and up onto the second block, you can face left and shoot to reveal a window. This window will put you in a new bonus room. Head to the new window that you'll see in the water there, and you can shortcut to the end of stage 4-1. No warp to a later level, but at least it's something. o-----------o | Level 4-4 | o-----------o Just before going into the door that takes you to the second part of the level, jump to the floor (without touching the spikes), and shoot to the space below the door, where a warp zone is hidden. It does not take you to an advanced stage, but it gives you 2 lives, quite a bit of help when you are so far into the game. Thanks a ton Honestgamer, Damon Plus, and Adam L as the FAQ is even better with your input! Anyone else out there know of any warp/bonus rooms that Jason was not able to find? E-mail myself or him ( about this, as we both welcome input from others. Note that putting Kiwi Kraze in the subject is recommended for avoidance of deletion or Junk Mail filters (yes shockingly, with public e-mails we get junk mail). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Final Word------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13)As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2003. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is,,, and You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. Although I just found this game recently, I really have enjoyed this platformer greatly. It is worth a look, so pick it up if you see it for a good price, but note it can be a tough one to locate. However, do not let that dissuade you, as finding it is worth the effort of tracking it down!