_ _ _ _ _______ _____ _____ _ _ /| |_| |/| | /| |/ | _ \ / ____| /| ___|/| | /| | | | /|| |/ | || | | | | /| | _ | | |___ || |/ | | | | _ \|| |__| || | | | || | |_| | | | ___||| |__| | | |_| |_|||_ __ / | |_| |_|| |_____| | |_|__/ ||_ __ / |__/|__/ |____ / |_ /|__/ |______/ |___/ |____ / ------------------ Kung Fu FAQ v. 1.1 (C) Pegboy 2002 All right reserved ------------------ This FAQ is copyright Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003 and should not be copied, in whole or in part, changed in any way, shape or form, stolen from, or any other illegal crap that you might try to pull. If you'd like to use part of it or post it on your website, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. Also, if you see it on any other site besides www.gamefaqs.com, e-mail me so I can take care of the problem. If you have anything to add, be it strategies, tips, tricks, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. I will credit you with the info in the next update. That being said, sit back, have a coke and enjoy the guide! =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Introduction II. Version History III. Controls IV. Level Walkthrough V. Enemies VI. Bosses VII. Tips VIII. Credits and Legal stuff ******************************************************************************* I. INTRODUCTION ---------------- Welcome to my Kung Fu FAQ! As many of you may or may not know, Kung Fu is a first generation Nes game produced by the Irem corp. in 1984. It is a very simple game and many later fighting games of this style used the same game engine as it, such as Double Dragon. It is a side scroller, going from right to left or vice versa depending on what level you are on. The story is VERY original (sarcasm); an evil villain, Mr. X, has kidnapped your girlfriend, Sylvia, and it’s up to you to save her. You play as Thomas, a kung fu master, obviously, whom has to fight his way through 5 different levels filled with various enemies. When you have beat the game, it starts over, apparently slightly harder enemies, and more of them. You can play one or two players, not simultaneously, in the same manner in which you play Super Mario Bros., switching off every time either player is killed. There are also two difficulty levels, Game A and Game B. Game A is the basic game and is the “easy” difficulty, while Game B is harder, with more enemies who take off more life with their attacks. ******************************************************************************* II. VERSION HISTORY -------------------- As this guide gets updated over time, any changes made, additions, or anything else like that will be posted here. v. 1.0 ------ The guide was posted. v. 1.1 ------ Changed some formatting problems, changed the appearance of some things, touched it up here and there, and various other small things. Nothing new to be seen, really, just made the whole thing look a little better. Oh yeah, I also updated the Legal section, to put down even more rules about you stealing my guide! *insert evil laugh here* ******************************************************************************* II. CONTROLS ------------- There aren’t that many controls in the game, and they are extremely easy to learn. They are: A – Punch B – Kick Up+B – Jump kick Up+A – Jump punch Start – Pause the game Select – Nothing Left D-Pad – Moves Thomas to the left. Right D-Pad – Moves Thomas to the right. Up D-Pad – Makes Thomas jump into the air. Down D-Pad – Thomas crouches down. The controls are very smooth and the game has relatively good handles, considering it’s age. ******************************************************************************* III. LEVEL WALKTHROUGH ----------------------- There are five different stages that you have to complete which I will walk you through in this section. Along with that, I will list what enemies you will encounter, the boss you will face, and which direction you walk. o-------o |Level 1| o-------o Enemies: Grabber, Knife Thrower Boss: Swordsman Direction: Left When you start the level, several Grabbers come from the left to attack you. Grabbers cling on to you and slowly drain your life away. The more on you, the more life you lose. When they grab you simply tap the A or B button rapidly to shake them off. Just give them one kick or punch and they will be history. Until you get to 50,000 points though (you gain an extra life when you do), it would be wise to punch seeing as though it gives you 200 points, opposed to the kick which gives you only 100. After you hit 50,000 points, the punch almost becomes useless because you can only obtain one extra life, from points anyway, and because the kick has a better range. Anyway, after about 20 seconds or so of walking forward defeating the onslaught of Grabbers coming from in front and now from behind you, you meet the Knife Thrower. He attacks you one way, by throwing a knife at you (as the name suggests). But the variation he does have is that he can throw it low, where you must jump over it, or high, where you have to crouch to not be hit. The Knife Thrower takes two hits to be killed, and you must be quick, for when he is hit the first time, it triggers him to respond by almost immediately throwing another knife at you. His knife deals a good bit of damage, so watch out. The rest of the level consists of a horde of Grabbers coming from all sides, and the occasional Knife Thrower now coming from either side of the screen, until you finally reach the Boss of this stage, the Swordsman. If you noticed the life bar below yours which reads ENEMY, this belongs to the boss of every stage. The Swordsman can attack you with his sword swinging high, where you must duck down, or he will crouch down and swing, which then you might want to back off some to avoid it. A basic strategy which to defeat him by is to run up to him, and the split second when he pulls back his sword to swing, duck and kick (or punch, although kick is preferred for bosses). You should get a hit or two. Back up some, give him a few seconds to recuperate, and go at him again. The Swordsman takes about 5 or 6 hits to defeat, and is the easiest boss in Kung Fu (hence he is on the first stage). After he is defeated, you continue on a little ways until the screen stops scrolling. During this period enemies will attack like normal, but only coming from the right. When you reach the end of the screen, Thomas walks up a set of stairs to the 2nd floor and on to Level 2. o-------o |Level 2| o-------o Enemies: Snake, Dragon, Confetti Ball, Grabber, Midget, Knife Thrower Boss: Boomerang Thrower Direction: Right As you begin the level, the first thing you will notice is that you are now walking from left to right. After a few steps, a clay pot will fall from the ceiling. When it smashes on the floor, a small snake comes slithering out at high speeds. He will always come toward you; for instance, if he falls in front of you he’ll go left, and if he falls behind you, he’ll go right. The Snake can not be killed, rather, you are forced to jump over him. Timing is crucial because it is easy to land on him accidentally and take the damage, and it hurts. A lot. To put it into perspective, it only takes three hits to kill you. The pot containing the Snake that falls from the ceiling can hit your head, dealing the same amount of damage as the Snake itself. Snakes fall at a rate of between one every 2 to 6 seconds. The next enemy you encounter is a Dragon, whom also falls from the ceiling above. The Dragon is about your height. The package he arrives in kind of looks like an Easter egg. When his “egg” busts open, he stays in one place, and shoots fire from his mouth. He only exists, though, for about 2 seconds, then he disappears in a cloud of smoke. The Dragon cannot be hit crouching, you must be standing. Kicks do better with this guy, and he only takes one hit before dying. Sometime during all of this fray, a Confetti Ball should drop from the ceiling. But, unlike the other two discussed that fall from above, the Ball stops in midair. It hovers there for a second and after a while explodes into three pieces which fly in separate directions, one goes diagonal toward the ground left, one shoots straight down, and the other goes shoots diagonal down but to the right. The Confetti Ball can only be destroyed only by the jump kick attack, and only needs to be hit once. Half way through the stage, these three enemies stop falling, giving way to the same enemies as the last stage, the Grabber and Knife Thrower, but with a new enemy, the Midget. He is essentially the same as a Grabber but you must crouch down to hit him. Sometimes he will do a flip over you and try to bounce off your head, causing very little damage. To counter this, simply jump straight up into him, no kicking or punching needed. This continues until you reach the Boomerang Thrower. The Thrower is a simple enough boss, slightly more difficult than the last one. He throws projectiles (boomerangs of course) that go out a certain distance at the high position (like the Knife Thrower), a circle back at the low one. He can have two out at a time, which can get annoying when you have a boomerang coming from high and low at the same time. The simple strategy here is much like the last: run up to him, duck, and kick away. He can take about 4 or 5 hits. And, as last time, after he dies you keep walking until you hit the end with enemies still attacking. Now, onto the 3rd level. o-------o |Level 3| o-------o Enemies: Grabber, Midget, Knife thrower Boss: Strong Man Direction: Left This stage is considerably easier than the last with a reduction in the types of enemies. Identical to the first stage, but with Midgets and it seems like more Knife Throwers than before. Keep walking left, killing the endless supply of weak Grabbers, defiant Midgets, and sneaky Knife Throwers. Fight your way through this floor to reach the boss, the Strong Man. He is a big African-American man, much bigger than you are and as his name suggests, he is very strong. Although this may be true, he is extremely slow. He has two attacks, a low and high. His punch is the high attack and the kick is the low. The way you should probably come into this battle is with a jump kick, than get down and take a kick or two. This way, when you jump at him you sort of fake him out and he tries to punch you, but you are already down on the floor kicking him. Then, I suggest you back up a bit, wait second, walk up to him and quickly back up before he hits you, and after he has swung take a kick at him. Repeat the process. He can take up to 7 hits, usually only 6 though. As I mentioned before, he is immensely strong, and when you receive one kick from him you lose nearly half of your energy. That means that about two hits and your dead. Approach him with extreme caution. Onto Level 4. o-------o |Level 4| o-------o Enemies: Poisonous Moth, Grabber, Midget, Knife Thrower Boss: Magician Direction: Right In the beginning of the level, there are not regular enemies, like in Level 2. Instead, after you’ve taken a few steps you will notice that there is a square hole in the wall. A Poisonous Moth will fly out from this hole, and if you stand around, more will come out of the same one. They can be killed by all attacks. There are a total of four holes you will come across, each one dispatching an unlimited number of moths. During the following process, do not let go of the right button on the D-Pad: On the first moth hole, do a jump kick, second hole kick, third hole kick, fourth hole you can choose to jump kick or just walk right on by, because most of the time won’t hit you. But remember, do NOT let go of the right button on the D-Pad during this procedure. After you have passed all of the Poisonous Moth’s holes, the regular baddies appear. When you’ve fought your way through, you find a merciless boss ahead. You may find by trial and error that if you kick or punch him regularly his head falls off and he grows another one. The only way the Magician can be hit is to do a crouched punch. That can be difficult, but there is a plus to this guy. He will die within about four hits, making him the weakest boss in the game, but he is by far not the easiest. Magician throws fireballs in two directions: straightforward and at a diagonal slant towards the ground. The ones that hit the ground turn into Dragons, the old enemy from Level 2. The ones that he throws straight ahead stop when they hit the other side of the screen and turn into bees who then fly to the other side of the screen. These bees do not home in on you like the Poisonous Moths. Do not underestimate this boss because he does not have much energy. He can turn out to be a deadly foe indeed. After he has been vanquished, travel up the stairs to the dreaded 5th floor... o-------o |Level 5| o-------o Enemies: Grabber, Midget, Knife Thrower Boss: Mr. X Direction: Left Actually, this level isn’t all that bad. The only thing that is a bit difficult about it is it has tons of enemies pouring out from every direction. They will definitely keep you busy for a while. There are a couple of parts throughout the level where you can become stuck in between two Knife Throwers. If this happens, your likely to take much damage because it’s hard to escape two projectiles at once when they are coming from opposite directions at different heights. When you finally make it all the way to Mr. X, you find he’s not really what he cracks up to be. One thing about him, though, is he is the only enemy in the entire game that can block your attacks, so handle the situation with care. A good (and very simple) strategy to use on him is just to run up, duck, and keep kicking away. Most of the time you’ll catch him in a pattern where he’ll walk into your kick, back up, and walk right back into another one. You don’t even have to move. How easy is that (not to mention that he is the final boss)? Mr. X usually can only take about six hits following my “strategy”, if you will, anyway. After you win, you walk to the back and instead of there being another stairs, you find what you came for, Sylvia. And the two live happily ever after... not for long, anyway. After you’ve rescued her, the game starts over. Obviously Mr. X has kidnapped her again. Some protector Thomas is. The only thing new when the game begins again is that the little dragon head counter (the one by your extra lives) is incremented by one, and the enemies are little bit harder. For instance, there are more of them, and while you are fighting a boss, they keep coming like normal. That gets to be a pain after a while. The game keeps on going until you run out of lives, which BTW when it starts over, you begin with the same amount of lives you left off with. It does not fill them back up. Also, after you beat it on the Game A difficulty, try it on Game B. The enemies’ attacks hurt you more. ******************************************************************************* IV. ENEMIES ------------ I’ve attempted to compile a short and equally pathetic appendix of enemies. I know there aren’t too many enemies in Kung Fu, but I thought, “Ah, what the heck”, and so here it is. o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | Enemy | Attacks | Hits | Stages | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | |Bursts into| | | |Confetti | 3 pieces | One | 2 | | Ball |that shoot | | | | | in 3 dir. | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | Dragon | Breathes | One | 2,4 | | | fire | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | | Grabs you | | | | Grabber |and slowly | One |1,2,3,4,5 | | | drains | | | | | your life | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | | Throws a | | | | Knife |knife from | Two |1,2,3,4,5 | | Thrower |a high or | | | | |low height | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | | Same as | | | | Midget |a Grabber, | One | 2,3,4,5 | | |front flip | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o | Snake | Runs into | N/A | 2 | | | Thomas | | | o---------o-----------o--------o----------o *On a side note, you can be hurt by getting hit with the clay jar that the snake falls in, the egg that the dragon drops in on, and jumping into the Confetti Ball. ******************************************************************************* V. BOSSES ---------- Here is a list of the bosses that you will come across in Kung Fu, and a list of their stats. o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o | Boss | Attacks | Hits | Special Notes | o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o |Swordsman |Swings sword | Five |His sword can be | | | at you | |swung high or low| o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o | | | |The Boomerang is | |Boomerang |Throws two b-| Five |thrown 1 height | | Thrower |rangs at you | |and comes back | | | | |the other height | o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o | Strong | Punch | | Takes much life | | Man | and | Seven | with each hit, | | | Kick | | very slow | o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o | Magician | Fireballs, | Four | Can only be hit | | |Dragons, bees| |with crouch punch| o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o | | | | Only enemy in | | Mr. X | Kung Fu | Six | game that can | | | | | block attacks | o----------o-------------o----------o-----------------o *The hits are calculated by an on average basis ******************************************************************************* VI. TIPS --------- - It is always a smart idea to punch your enemies in the first stage, instead of kick (it gives you more points, is what I mean). - When you reach 50,000 points, you gain an extra life. - Jump kicking the first 12 enemies in Level 1 gives you an extra life. - Keep an eye on your energy meter and the time remaining. They are the only two ways you can die. ******************************************************************************* VII. CREDITS AND LEGAL STUFF ----------------------------- This FAQ is copyright Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003 and should not be copied, in whole or in part, changed in any way, shape or form, stolen from, or any other illegal crap that you might try to pull. If you'd like to use part of it or post it on your website, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. Also, if you see it on any other site besides www.gamefaqs.com, e-mail me so I can take care of the problem. If you have anything to add, be it strategies, tips, tricks, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. I will credit you with the info in the next update. If you know someone who needs or wants this guide, don't be a jerk. Give it to 'em for free! Don't charge money for MY work! I would like to thank the following people/sites/corporations: GameFAQs - For hosting my FAQs and whatnot. CJayC - For posting my stuff on his awesome site. Irem - For creating the great game that is Kung Fu. Nintendo - For releasing this game on their system, and for so many good times. Also, anybody who helped me develop my writing ability or got me interested in writing FAQs, guides, and reviews for games. Stolen property? If you find my guide on any sites other than www.gamefaqs.com please report it to me immediately by e-mailing me at kader3@msn.com. Thanks a bunch! As always, the newest version of this guide can be found at www.gamefaqs.com. Please, feel free to enjoy this game and use this guide to your advantage (but don't overdo it). Have fun with it and have a great day! (C) Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003