Lemmings (for NES) FAQ Version 1.0, 1/22/Y2K1 Copyright 2001 by Earthshaker (Earthq3846@aol.com) Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at Earthq3846@aol.com. If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, babble, insanity, etc. to the above address as well (it must be intelligent to receive a reply, however.) The most updated version of this FAQ will be found at www.gamefaqs.com ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ======================================================================= 1. Revision History 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Types of Jobs 5. Tips 6. The Last Resort (walkthrough for Fun difficulty) ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><>< 1. REVISION HISTORY ><><><><><><><><><><><><> ======================================================================= 1/18/2001- Version 1.0.- More long periods of hibernation, as I have joined the regular job market ::sob:: and have no time to write (or update) my FAQs. Except this one ;-D. If lucky, a walkthrough for another difficulty other than "FUN" will be set up. ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 2. INTRODUCTION ><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ======================================================================= I came across Lemmings one time in one of my favorite used game stores. It seemed intriguing, so I shelled out the fifty cents (yes, that's all it cost at the time.) When I turned the NES on after getting the game to work (my unit, before it broke, needed about 15 minutes worth of work to get going,) I discovered that this was one of the most fun puzzle/skill games I have ever encountered in my life. With my NES recently broken, I discovered the magic of downloading it on ROM so I could enjoy the glory of Lemmings once again! Now, with the history of my discovery of the game out of the way, let me explain what Lemmings is. It is a puzzle where you have partial control of a group of lemmings (creatures renowned in the real world for committing suicide mysteriously.) Your job as the player is to safely guide as many of the creatures as you can to safety, by assigning the brainless wandering creatures jobs to do. ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 3. CONTROLS <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ======================================================================= Even on the simple NES controller, the controls for Lemmings can seem a bit odd. Control Pad- Moves the cursor around the screen, scrolls left and right. When pressed with the B button held down, the job function bar cycles left or right. A button- Assign a job to a Lemming when the cursor is placed over them, or initiate the Paws (pause) or the Nuke (kill all lemmings onscreen) job when said item is highlighted. B button- Hold down to cycle through jobs. Return to menu between levels. ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><><> 4. TYPES OF JOBS <><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ======================================================================= Lemmings has eight different types of jobs you can assign to your brainless critters. Some aren't as important as others, but you'll still need them all to master the puzzles. They are, in order from left to right on the toolbar… CLIMBERS- A job that remains through the rest of the level, this will allow the selected Lemming to climb a vertical wall until A.) the wall runs into the ceiling, in which case the Lemming falls down, or B.) the wall ends and the Lemming climbs over it. FLOATERS- Ideal for long falls. The selected Lemming will open an umbrella, floating as to not kill itself from a long fall. It can even be initiated during a fall (just not too close to the ground or they won't open it up in time.) BOMBERS- Feel like killing off a Lemming? Sometimes it's necessary to allow access to certain areas. Use it and a countdown from 5 will begin, and at the end of it, the Lemming will stop in place, raise its hands to its head, and explode, knocking out fragile brick walls or flimsy pathways underfoot. BLOCKERS- A downright necessity in most of the levels. Making a Lemming a Blocker makes them stop in place, creating a sort of "wall" that no wandering Lemming can get past. The only way for a blocker to become a walker again is if you dig a hole write underneath one of em BUILDERS- The only other way to move up in the world. Making a Lemming a builder will cause it to start placing bricks (VERY SLOWLY) up a 45 degree angle. After it runs out of bricks (about two spaces right and two spaces up) it will shrug its shoulders and become a walker again. BASHERS- A boon to the Lemming cause, these will punch right through fragile walls in a straight line. The basher will become a walker when it fully punches through the current wall or hits an unbreakable obstacle. Bashers are one of the few jobs that can be cancelled by initiating another job. MINERS- Close to, but not quite, a basher, this job will also go through fragile material, only downward at a 45 degree angle. You can also cancel out of this move by selecting another job. DIGGER- Same as basher and miner, except straight down. Not used very often, though. ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 5. TIPS <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<>< ======================================================================= General hints for the game are found in this section (yah, I know it's a passive voice sentence, so any English teachers who read, please don't nitpick.) 1.) It's important to remember to block off dangerous areas (such as right before a cliff or a fire) until a lone Lemming can find a way around/over/under the threat. 2.) Don't want to kill off a Lemming to get rid of those pesky Blockers after the fact? Just dig under their feet and they will fall out of their blocker status and become walkers again. 3.) Sending a lone Lemming through the level is usually the best course of action for certain puzzles, since many are bound to die while an attempt is made to reach the exit. 4.) Remember that you can move your cursor while paused, so set it up where you want without worrying about lemming soup or pancakes! 5.) Bombers are incredibly useless jobs to give… unless you have a blocker standing on a space you need to blow! Any other tips I can think of at any given time will be placed here. ======================================================================= <><><><><><><><><>< 6. THE LAST RESORT- FUN DIFFICULTY ><><><><><><><>< ======================================================================= If you've ever read any of my other FAQs, you'll know I love formats for an area. Well… I can't break tradition. Here's a general format. Level # NAME OF LEVEL BBBBBB (password for level) # of lemmings, # to be saved, release rate (higher numbers are faster.) Time limit, limit of jobs to be placed (i.e. 10 diggers.) -My advice for the level. Here goes. Level 1 "JUST DIG" (no password) 10 lemmings, 1 needs to be saved, release rate: 50. 3 minute time limit, 10 diggers. -If you can't defeat this level on your own… you're pathetic (or you can't use the controls right.) Just set a lemming to dig through the starting area! Some may die from long falls if you dig right underneath the entrance, but still, you only need one lemming to live, so its fruitless for me to waste space here. Level 2 "ONLY FLOATERS CAN SURVIVE THIS" TYRNVD 10 lemmings, 1 needed to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 10 floaters. -Another "pathetisad" level. Just make each of your lemmings a floater. Duh……… what do we do now George? How about move onto… Level 3 "TAILOR MADE FOR BLOCKERS" GFDQRT 14 lemmings, 5 need to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 10 blockers. -Use the blockers to effectively stop lemmings from walking over the edge. It can't get any easier. Just make sure to nuke after every other lemming has made it to the exit door. Level 4 "USE SOME MINERS AND CLIMBERS" DFGTYQ 10 lemmings, all need to be saved, release rate: 1 3 minute time limit, 1 miner and 10 climbers -Use one of your lemmings to mine through the floor, then assign EVERYBODY as a climber. All ten will exit safely. Level 5 "YOU NEED BASHERS THIS TIME" QQNBGT 14 lemmings, 5 need to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 14 bashers. -Enjoy the cake levels while you can, it gets harder. Just bash whenever you run near a wall or incline (but time it right or you'll punch thin air or punch in the wrong direction.) Level 6 "NOW FOR BLOCKERS AND BOMBERS" YRBNCP 14 lemmings, 5 need to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 5 bombers, 5 blockers. -Set a random lemming as a bomber at the starting point. After all have fallen through, set a blocker RIGHT NEXT TO the right wall (too far away, and when you set him as a bomber, he'll blow and miss the thing.) As assumed, set the blocker as a bomber and… KABOOM! The exit opens. Level 7 "HAVE YOU TRIED A BUILDER" DGBFHY 14 lemmings, 6 need to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 5 climbers, 5 floaters, 5 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner, 1 digger. -To start with, build over the right wall. Then, build over the small gap. The builder who does so will exit, as well as anybody else coming behind him (which there shouldn't be.) Have five random lemmings in the pit assigned as climbers, and they'll reach the exit on their own. Level 8 "AS LONG AS YOU TRY YOUR BEST" CURQKJ 14 lemmings, 8 need to be saved, release rate: 99 3 minute time limit, 5 of all jobs. -This is simple. Assign the last lemming that falls as a blocker, and have the first lemming begin bashing through the pillar on the right. Level 9 "SMILE IF YOU LOVE LEMMINGS" JSQRBS 14 lemmings, 7 need to be saved, release rate: 50 3 minute time limit, 14 of all jobs. -Assign the first lemming in the line as a climber, and assign the one behind him as a blocker. Block off all the lemming as you work the lone lemming toward the exit, then bomb the blockers and let the rest of the lemmings free. Level 10 "KEEP YOUR HAIR ON MR. LEMMING" FKJTYQ 14 lemmings, 7 need to be saved, release rate: 50. 3 minute time limit, 6 of all jobs. -Assign the first two lemmings that pop out as climbers AND floaters. After the first one falls off the other side, make him a blocker. After lemming number 2 bounces off the blocker, make him bash through the one-way wall to let all the other lemmings through. Blow up the blocker to let them all exit (and the one assigned as basher, if you don't want to wait for it.) Level 11 "PATIENCE" XVSPDX 14 lemmings, 8 to be saved, release rate: 99 3 minute time limit. 2 blockers, 2 bombers, 2 miners, 2 bashers, 2 builders, 2 diggers, 7 climbers, 7 floaters. -Block off all but one or two lemmings (may be difficult due to high release rate.) Make a lemming bash most of the way through the right wall, but about four spaces to the left, make him/her begin mining. If you have just ONE lemming in the newly dug area, use PRECISE timing to make him become a builder at the end of his dig. If he falls, whoop dee do. Make the other one a builder at the end of the newly dug tunnel. Blow up the right bomber and allow exit, then blow up the left blocker. Level 12 "WE ALL FALL DOWN" XXXGDS 14 lemmings, all need to be saved, release rate: 30. 3 minute time limit, 14 of all jobs. -This level should have been one of the cake levels near the beginning. Just make every lemming that falls out of the entrance a floater. They'll all float gently to the exit. Level 13 "ORIGINS AND LEMMINGS" HXWQPX 14 lemmings, 10 need to be saved, release rate: 20 4 minute time limit, 5 of all jobs. -This level requires a bit of skill, for a change. Block off all but the first lemming (by assigning lemming # 2 as a blocker after the fall.) Make the lone lemming bash through the right wall, and when he reaches the gap in the floor, build over it not once, not twice, but three times. IMMEDIATELY assign the lone guy as a basher when he reaches the end of his building, and then have him mine before he hits the pulley (which is a rather funny death, IMO.) Before he mines completely through the pillar, assign him as a basher, then go back and blow up the blocker lemming. Estimated survivors: 13 :-) Level 14 "DANGER THE BRIDGE IS OUT" KXWXLW 14 lemmings, 6 need to be saved, release rate: 40 4 minute time limit, 5 climbers, 5 floaters, 6 blockers, 6 bombers, 6 bashers, 6 builders. -Assign the second lemming as a blocker almost immediately, then wait until the third one bounces off, and assign him as another. Use pause to rush your cursor over in front of the pit, and when lemming number 1 moves there, assign him as a builder. Switch the job to basher and move right next to the pillar, and make him bash through. Bash through the second pillar, and finally, build over the gap with the pulley underneath. Remember to blow your RIGHT blocker first, then allow exit. Level 15 "DO NOT DO ANYTHING TOO HASTY" KSQZHQ 14 lemmings, 6 need to be saved, release rate: 1 4 minute time limit, 10 of all jobs. -First of all, do what I shall refer to as the normal blocking routine (allowing only one lemming to move.) Near the very edge of the platform, make the lone lemming build, and build… and build again until it reaches the mini platform. At the end of this little space, make him build, and build… and build again. While in the last building attempt, switch to dig and have him dig through his own building. QUICKLY switch to builder again and make him build near the end of THIS platform, and keep building until he reaches the exit ramp. Blow up the blockers, as usual, and allow exit. Once again, REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BLOCK THE LEMMING IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT YOURS TO HEAD (in this instance, bomb the right one.) This is my last warning :-) Level 16 "IT LOOKS VERY EASY" VNWSQW 10 lemmings, 4 need to be saved, release rate: 99 3 minute time limit, 5 of all jobs -…And it IS easy, providing you don't panic. Ignore the lemmings you see at first. Yes, that's right, ignore them: they're slated to die the moment they walk across the lower platform. However, you'll notice the "rock bottom" message doesn't appear… that's because there are TWO ENTRANCES! The right entrance is completely safe. Have a lemming bash through the right wall (the only weak spot in their "cage", aside from the floor,) and assign every one of them as a floater. They'll all reach the exit safe and sound. Level 17 "BLOCK AND BLOW" PQTYMS 14 lemmings, 9 need to be saved, release rate: 80 3 minute time limit, 5 of all jobs. -They shoulda named this difficulty "cake." Just assign a lemming as a blocker over a "safe" area (one that does not have a fire burning on the floor inside) and make him blow up. Rinse and repeat several times, for an easy exit. Level 18 "YOU LIVE AND LEM" GZSFGM 14 lemmings, 10 need to be saved, release rate: 50 4 minute time limit, 8 of all jobs. -This level will become routine in some of the later difficulties, with quirks. Assign the second lemming as the blocker for the level, then rush to number 1, and at the VERY EDGE of the gap, begin building. Build again after he runs out of bricks, or else you'll fall in (obviously.) Don't worry about falling to death after two though… 4 spaces is the maximum to kill a lemming. When the lone lemming reaches the rock outcropping, bash through it. Bomb the blocker in the meantime, because you can reach the exit now. Level 19 "I GOT THAT LEMMING FEELING" YZKBLP 14 lemmings, 4 need to be saved, release rate: 50 4 minute time limit, 8 blockers, 8 bombers, 8 bashers, 8 builders. -Augh! Why did my cake suddenly turn rock HARD? This one requires a lot of skill. First, assign number ONE as a blocker, let number two pass, and make number 3 the blocker to the left of the entrance. Now, time for some bashing. Bash to the left, and when you hit an open area, bash left again. The next open area is a gap in the ground, so switch to builder and make him build over it, then… you guessed it, bash through the left wall. If it is too high to survive in the next area (which it shouldn't be,) then make the lemming carefully build up the shaft until even with the upper exit, and bash left. Otherwise, just let fall and bash through left wall to reach lower exit. Blow up the correct blockers, and allow exit. Level 20 "KONBANWA LEMMING SAN" PLSTFL 12 lemmings, 8 need to be saved, release rate: 99 3 minute time limit, 7 of all jobs. -First of all, block everyone off as normal, EXCEPT make sure you do it above the platform below (so lems won't fall to their doom after you dig.) Use a digger AS FAR LEFT AS POSSIBLE so you won't need to waste another blocker avoiding the acid. After all lemmings fall, make them bash through the far right wall (starting at the incline, because you can't bash through the pillar itself.) Allow exit, bombing the blockers. Level 21 "LEMMINGS LEMMINGS EVERYWHERE" JXFCBS 14 lemmings, 8 need to be saved, release rate: 99 3 minute time limit, 5 blockers, 5 bombers, 5 climbers, 5 floaters, 5 builders, 5 miners. -This level is much easier than it looks. Have a lemming mine RIGHT NEAR the spiral after blocking everyone else, and you'll reach the exit with no problems. Level 22 "TWO FOR LEMMINGTON SPA" ZSDFFG 2 lemmings, both need to be saved, release rate: 30 3 minute time limit, 10 of all jobs. -Another one that seems much harder than it should be. Assign the first guy as a builder right next to the gap, and assign the second one as a builder a step behind him. #1 should finish building before #2, and reach the second gap first. Repeat the first procedure, and you can exit easily. I like cakewalks... Level 23 "BE CAREFUL OUT THERE" TYPQGH 14 lemmings, 6 need to be saved, release rate: 1 1 minute time limit (!!!!), 6 of all jobs. -Despite the one minute time limit, this is still another cakewalk. Merely assign the first six lemmings as floaters, then allow the rest of 'em to die. Simple. Level 24 "NORRA LORRA LEMMINGS" QZKQXZ 14 lemmings, 8 need to be saved, release rate: 90 4 minute time limit, 8 of all jobs. -This is a toughie that requires precise timing. Block off all but one lemming (keep him to the LEFT) and have him mine through the left wall. If possible, bash LEFT (if you screw up and bash right, make him a builder, so he will reverse direction after shrugging his shoulders.) Bash left AGAIN, then let him fall into the gap over the stairs. Bash THROUGH the incline to the left, and while he's bashing, assign as a climber. Bomb the left blocker, and assign 7 others as climbers. 8 will exit, so nuke the rest of the level. Level 25 "LEMMING AND LIME" LQZDGV 10 lemmings, 4 need to be saved, release rate: 50 4 minute time limit, 6 of all jobs. -Block as many lemmings as possible, making lem number 1 build over the trap in the floor (you'll know what I'm talking about, after it kills one of your people.) Mine/bash underneath trap 2, then build twice over the acid (must be right on the edge.) Build once more over the third trap, and then bomb the blockers, allowing exit. CONGRATS! FUN DIFFICULTY COMPLETE! R E P E A T C O P Y R I G H T R E P E A T C O P Y R I G H T R E P E A T C O P Y R I G H T Lemmings (for NES) FAQ Version 0.75, 1/22/Y2K1 Copyright 2001 by Earthshaker (Earthq3846@aol.com) Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at Earthq3846@aol.com. If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, babble, insanity, etc. to the above address as well (it must be intelligent to receive a reply, however.) The most updated version of this FAQ will be found at www.gamefaqs.com