=============================================================================== Magic Darts FAQ/Guide v 1.0 (c) 2006 Michael Deloach (Dark Lord Onix on GameFAQS, Sammy Liimex elsewhere) All rights reserved This is my first guide. Please excuse any small mistakes in it. This guide is for and follows the American release of Magic Darts for the Nintendo Entertainment Center. Thusly, any information I use is taken from the American release. =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Legalities II. Version History III. Introduction IV. Controls V. Game Basics VI. Game Types VII. Tips VIII. Credits ******************************************************************************* I. Legalities ------------- This document is copywrite Michael Deloach, and is not subject to be copied, stolen from, or used wholly or partially in any other online guide without my permission. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Written by: Michael Deloach E-Mail: darklordonix@gmail.com As of this writing, the only website with permission to house this writing is www.gamefaqs.com . If you wish to use it on your site, send me your request at the above e-mail address, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. If I do give you permisison to use my FAQ, I expect proper credit where it is due. ******************************************************************************* II. Version History ------------------- Check here for any revisions, additions, or updates. v. 1.0 - June 6th, 2006 ======================= First Complete Version of the FAQ. May have minor updates in the future if need be. ******************************************************************************* III. Introduction ----------------- Magic Darts is a simple game with a few game types. It can be fun for up to four players, and has a pick up and play style. It portrays the game of darts, which should be a gimme. The game is not well known, but should be experienced at least once in a gamer's career. ******************************************************************************* IV. Controls ------------ The controls for this game are overly simple. Even with the NES's very limited button configuration, it doesn't even use all of the buttons for the game's capabilities. ========== "A" Button ========== The do everything button. In this game it could be considered the action button or the trigger. This little button does almost every single command in the game. ========== "B" Button ========== Same as the "A" button. ====== Select ====== No function. ===== Start ===== Can be used to select a few option, and is used to get past the menu at the opening of the game. ===== D-pad ===== Moves the selecter up and down on the game selection and player selection screens. Changes characters in the character selection screen. ******************************************************************************* V. Game Basics -------------- This game is about darts. It sports six playable game types. Some games types have game subtypes. Those will be covered later on in the guide. As you start the game up, you will be greeted by the colourful MAGIC DARTS :D screen, and a flashing command instructing you to press start to play. Happy music fills the air. After a quick stroke of the START button, one is taken to the game selection screen, where he or she can choose between one of six game types. One may also turn the background music on or off (But why would you do that? It's so happy!) When a selection is made, you will be taken to (if available) a screen to select your chosen subtype. Then you can choose from zero (watch only) to four players. Then the characters may be selected. The characters range from normal men and women, to ninjas, monkeys, and aliens. Two users may not be the same character, so don't even try to pick the ninja twice! The only real difference between the characters is that the alien may use a special throw. If all the extremes are selected(explained further down), then his throw will zip zround using his weird alien magic. The shot is random, so it is not generally good. Your character may be givin a three character name, consisting of letters. Your dart is now chosen. You have three varieties. Light, Medium, and Heavy. Like their names suggest, they affect their throw by their given weight. Light is more affected by the throw, where heavy is least effected. Middle is the fence straddler, not being affected too much or too less. You may now start the game or add players. The play scren is mostly the large dart board. It is a standard black and red board, and has the numbers, doubles, triples, and bull's eye. On the right is the scoreboard, with the current player's score on it. You throw sets of three darts and it displays each dart in the set in a seperate box from your total score. The bottom consists of the play field from a portrait (side) view of the field, from the dart board to the player. To throw, first it shows the dart with a meter and five red bars in the meter. The bars flash back and forth, and you hit "A" or "B" to try and line up your shot. This meter represents the darts yaw in acordance to the dar board. Next, a second meter comes up in from of the characters hand. Instead of five blinking xylophone keys, it have a 90 degree gradiant and a line that travels back and forth on it like a meter in a car. This represents the darts pitch in accordance to the dart board. Third, a tall meter to the right of the character that fills and decreases. represents the darts power. the more power, the faster and straighter it will travel. ******************************************************************************* VI. Game Types -------------- ============================ vi.a 301 - 501 - 701 ============================ The first three game types are basically the same. One is 301, then 501, then 701. In these game types, the object is to get your score to zero. You start off with an ammount of points equal to the name of the game type. After each triplet of dart throws, the points are added up and your score is reduced by the respective number. Though, the trick is at the end, the person must hit EXACTLY zero. Any more will result in a bust and he must try again next turn. The first to get to zero gets first palce and so on. There are three sub-game types in this catagory: Open In, Open Out Double In, Open Out Double In, Double Out In "Open In, Open Out", the score may be reduced immediatly by any throw, and closed off by any throw reducing the point total to exactly zero. In "Double In, Open Out", the score may not be reduced unless the first dart thrown hit's a double score bar. Double score bars are the top bands of the sections. And as in "Open In, Open Out", one may end the game by getting exactly zero. In "Double In, Double Out", One must acheive a double on the First shot of the first triplet to start reducing score. Then, to end the game and claim your spot in the winner's chair, one must make the last shot of his last triplet a double. This can get trickey. ========================= vi.b - Count Up - ========================= Count up is probably the simplest game type for darts. The players compete to see who can acheive the highest score. Each thrown dart adds to the players final scoring, so the only real strategy is to try and get the triples and the bull's eye. ================================= vi.c - Around the Clock - ================================= This game type is more difficult than that of Count Up. On the scoreboard to right is each number of the clock(1-12). Players must hit one first. When one is hit, then it disappears from the board to the right. Then the players must hit number two, then number three and so on until he or she connects with the number twelve. The first player to delete all twelve numbers from the board gets first place and so on. ******************************************************************************* VII. Tips --------- In the modes 301, 501 and 701, it is best to wittle your score down as much as possible, making you get a bunch of 1's and 2's. Although this may seem more difficult to do, one can get accustomed to hitting the same spot through ample practice, so you can get the upperhand. In Count Up, try to learn how to always hit the y-axis. That is, line the shot up with the bull's eye and the 20 Row. This way, you will always get at least 20 points if you aim up and control your power. The Medium weight dart is my personal favorite. That way, I can rely more on the meters than luck. ******************************************************************************* VIII. Credits ------------- Once again, here is my legal information: Writer: Michael Deloach, AKA Dark Lord Onix and Sammy Liimex E-Mail: darklordonix@gmail.com (c) 2006 Michael Deloach All rights reserved This FAQ may not be copied or stolen from in any way, or hosted somewhere else without my permission. The only site that may use this writing as of the writing of the first version is www.gamefaqs.com . Thank you.