Magician RAM Patch Cheat Codes By fold Here are some useful game state addresses. I've made this faq becouse Magician was to difficult to me :) You can use it in emu which supports RAM patching like FCEUX. If value is byte you can simply patch selected address. If it's word (two bytes), you have to patch selected address and the next addr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game stores word values in little-endian. For example if you have 1500 gold then in hex it is 05DC. As it is stored as in little endian, bytes are flipped. So in memory it looks like DC05. Now we want to have 4000 of gold. In hex it is 0FA0. We check the address of gold from the table below, it is 0049. We write A0 in 0049 and 0F in 004A. Percentage values are stored as follows: value from memory is divided by 255 multiply by 100 and rounded. For example hex value A2 is 162 (DEC). 162 divided by 255 is 0,63529... multiplied by 100 and rounded gives 63%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Addr. Type What stores? -------------------------------- 0053 BYTE Food % 0054 BYTE Water % 0055 BYTE Water to drink 0049 WORD Gold 004B WORD Mana current 004D WORD Mana all 04BF BYTE Health% 04C3 BYTE Venom % (multiplied by 5, 1 is 5%) 04D3 BYTE PHY-SH % 04D7 BYTE VEN-SH % 04DB BYTE FIR-SH % 05DF BYTE POW-SH %