****************************************************************************** Knightmare 2:Maze of Galious/Majou Densetsu 2:Daimashikyou Galious FAQ/Wthru for NES Version 1.0 (12th Oct,2002) By Skull-o Man (mrburn2k2@yahoo.com) This file is Copyright (c)2002 Skull-o Man. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. Copyright Notice 2. What's New 3. Introduction 4. Story 5. Controls 6. Screen and Sub-Menus 7. Items and Weapons 8. Walkthrough 9. Tips and tricks 10. Miscellaneous 11.Credits ****************************************************************************** ------------------- 1.COPYRIGHT NOTICE ------------------- This FAQ is Copyright (c)2002 Skull-o Man. This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It may not be used on any website or medium other than GameFAQs site(http://www.gamefaqs.com). It is prohibited to take any piece of this document and reproduce it in any other way without permission from me,the author of this FAQ. If you found this guide on any other site other than GameFAQs, please contact me at mrburn2k2@yahoo.com.Thank you. Knightmare 2:Maze of Galious/Majou Densetsu 2:Daimashikyou Galious is a trademark of Konami Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** ------------- 2.WHAT'S NEW ------------- 10/27/2002 - Finished walkthrough v1.0 ****************************************************************************** --------------- 3.INTRODUCTION --------------- Knightmare 2:Maze of Galious/Majou Densetsu 2:Daimashikyou Galious is a Japanese game which was released back in 1987 for Nintendo Entertainment System(NES). It is a sequel to Knightmare. I've never played Knightmare 1 before. All I know is that it is a shooter type of game in which you play as Popolon who tried to rescue his wife Aphrodite from a villain named Hudnos. The sequel takes place right after you rescued Aphrodite. Now you play as both Popolon and Aphrodite, who will try to to rescue their future baby kidnapped by a dark priest named Galious. The gameplay is a mix between action and RPG. You have the side-scrolling actions throughout six worlds and yet at the same time there are some RPG elements included such as having to find certain items to complete certain tasks. Maze of Galious stays true to its name with its huge and sometimes confusing maze-like worlds to be explored. There's an MSX version of Maze of Galious too, and it is well known better than the NES version. I'm looking forward to play the MSX version soon as some people said that it is slightly better than it's NES counterpart. ****************************************************************************** -------- 4.STORY -------- "Popolon went into Mt. Atos to rescue Aphrodite kidnapped by Hudnos. But it was a trap made by Galious. He attacked the castle during Popolon's absence and also kidnapped and imprisoned a baby from heaven who was supposed to be born to Popolon and Aphrodite several years later." - Copyright(c)Konami ****************************************************************************** ----------- 5.CONTROLS ----------- Control pad: Move, control your jump, navigate through sub-menu(after pressing start) Start: Bring up the sub-menu screen Select: Select choices on the opening game menu, pause game A: Jump, select sub-menu on the sub-menu screen B: Attack, return to game when pressed on the sub-menu screen Hold B down while pressing up: Use special weapons ****************************************************************************** ---------------------- 6.SCREEN AND SUB-MENUS ---------------------- On the game screen, you can see Vitality and Experience bar for both Popolon and Aphrodite. When the Experience bar is full, your Vitality bar is refilled. Your Vitality bar will increase everytime you got the 'Great key'. You can also see the amount of ammo and money you have and current weapon of choice on the screen. When you press 'Start', you'll see 6 sub-menus: 1) Popolon - switch to Popolon 2) Aphrodite - switch to Aphrodite 3) Weapon - enables you to select specific weapon from your weapon inventory 4) Item - enables you to select specific item from your item inventory 5) Map - see specific world's map 6) Tool - list tools obtained ****************************************************************************** -------------------- 7.ITEMS AND WEAPONS -------------------- Name:.......... Ammo Location:...... Dropped by some enemies. Also being sold at some shops. Description:... Ammo for weapons. Name:.......... Angel Ring(Ar) Location:...... Area G4 in Main Castle Description:... Transport you back to the portal to Main Castle while you're in other world. Transport you to Password lady's place while you're in the Main Castle. Name:.......... Asurot shield Location:...... Shop s2 in World 1(Coord: E7) Description:... Stop shots from lower level enemies. Name:.......... Balloon bomb Location:...... Shop s1 in World 2(Coord: C5) Description:... Weapon. Can also be used to destroy certain blocks. Name:.......... Belt(Be) Location:...... Area H2 in World 4 Description:... Enables Aphrodite to destroy certain blocks in 1 hit. Name:.......... Bible Location:...... Area E7 in World 5. Description:... Stop 'slow-effect' in World 5. Name:.......... Black onion Location:...... Area F9 in World 2 Description:... Turns lava in the 'F' area(World 2) into stones. Name:.......... Boot(Bt) Location:...... Area I1 in Main Castle Description:... Protect you from geysers in World 2. Name:.......... Bracelet Location:...... Shop s2 in World 2(Coord: E4) Description:... Allows Aphrodite to get through the blue gate in World 3. Name:.......... Candle(Cn) Location:...... Area E2 in World 2 Description:... Light the pathway at certain areas in World 4. Name:.......... Ceramic arrow(Ca) Location:...... Area D3 in Main Castle Description:... Weapon which can also be used to destroy certain blocks. Name:.......... Cross Location:...... Secret area x3 in World 5(Coord: E2) Description:... You can damage Galious using the 'Red Arrow'. Name:.......... Devil wing(Dw) Location:...... Area F6 in Main Castle Description:... Transport you to portal to World 1 - 5 from anywhere in the Main Castle. You have to enter World 1 - 5 at least once for it to take effect. Name:.......... Earrings(Ea) Location:...... Area E3 in World 3 Description:... Popolon can fire 3 of each weapons simultaneously. Name:.......... Fire(Fi) Location:...... Area B5 in World 4 Description:... Weapon. Name:.......... Great key(Gk) Location:...... Area E6 in Main Castle Boss area(after defeating each boss) Description:... Increase vitality bar. Show next world you have to go on the map. Allow you to go to the next world. Name:.......... Great shield Location:...... Shop s3 in World 4(Coord: C4) Description:... Stop shots from higher level enemies. Name:.......... Harp Location:...... Shop s1 in World 5(Coord: F12) Description:... Open up pathway to Galious' lair. Name:.......... Helm Location:...... Shop in secret area x2(World 4 Coord: D1) Description:... Increase your defense. Name:.......... Jar(Ja) Location:...... Area G10 in Main Castle Description:... Doubles the experience gained. Name:.......... Lamp(Lm) Location:...... Area B4 in Main Castle Description:... Show boss area on the map in World 1 - 5. Name:.......... Magicwear(Mg) Location:...... Area G5 in World 1 Description:... Stop 'opposite-effect' in World 4. Name:.......... Magic rod(Mr) Location:...... See World 1 - 5 maps Description:... Enables you to use infinite amount of ammo when fighting boss. Name:.......... Mantle(Mn) Location:...... See World 1 - 5 maps Description:... Increase your defense when fighting boss. Name:.......... Map(Mp) Location:...... See World 1 - 5 maps Description:... Show areas of respective world. Name:.......... Mine(Mi) Location:...... Area H2 in World 3 Description:... Weapon. Can also be used to destroy certain blocks. Name:.......... Money Location:...... Dropped by some enemies Description:... Used to purchase items at the shop. Name:.......... Mongolian sword Location:...... Shop s1 in World 1(Coord: F3) Description:... Enables you to destroy certain blocks one at a time. Name:.......... Muramasa sword Location:...... Shop s2 in World 4(Coord: H3) Description:... Enables you to destroy certain blocks all in a row with only one strike. Name:.......... Necklace Location:...... Shop s3 in World 1(Coord: F8) Description:... Allows Popolon to enter the blue gate in World 2. Name:.......... Oar(Oa) Location:...... Area E5 World 3 Description:... Allows you to walk on water in area B4(World 3). Name:.......... Pendant Location:...... Shop s2 in World 3(Coord: C3) Description:... Popolon can swim longer in water. Name:.......... Pure water(Pw) Location:...... See World 1 - 5 maps Description:... Halves the boss' live Name:.......... Red arrow(Ra) Location:...... Area D6 in Main Castle Description:... Weapon. Name:.......... Rolling fire Location:...... Shop s1 in World 3(Coord: D6) Description:... Weapon. Rotates around the platform you're on. Name:.......... Salt(Sa) Location:...... Area G2 in Main Castle Description:... Needed to enter Death's place(Main Castle: G3) Name:.......... Sabre(Sb) Location:...... Area D11 in Main Castle Description:... Increase the strength of your sword. ****************************************************************************** -------------- 8.WALKTHROUGH -------------- MAIN CASTLE ----------- Map: --- --- --- --- A |W4 | | | --- --- --- --- --- B |Lm | | | |s2 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- C |x2 |x1 | |s1 |###| | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- D |W2 |###|Ca |###| |Ra | |###|W3 | |Sb | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- E | | |f | |Mp |Gk | | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F | |###|pl | |Dw | | |###|f | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- G | |Sa |d |Ar | |W1 | | | |Ja | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- H | | | | |x3 |x4 | |W5 | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- I |Bt | | | | | --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Items key: --------- Ar -> Angel ring [Coordinate: G4] Bt -> Boot [Coordinate: I1] Ca -> Ceramic arrow [Coordinate: D3] Dw -> Devil Wing [Coordinate: F6] Gk -> Great key [Coordinate: E6] Ja -> Jar [Coordinate: G10] Lm -> Lamp [Coordinate: B4] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: E5] Ra -> Red arrow [Coordinate: D6] s1 -> Shop sells 30 ammo [Coordinate: C5] s2 -> Shop sells 30 ammo [Coordinate: B8] Sa -> Salt [Coordinate: G2] Sb -> Sabre [Coordinate: D11] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area d -> Death place [Coordinate: G3] f -> Fairy [Coordinate: E3 and F10] pl -> Password lady [Coordinate: F4] x -> secret areas W1 -> portal to World 1 [Coordinate: G6] W2 -> portal to World 2 [Coordinate: D1] W3 -> portal to World 3 [Coordinate: D9] W4 -> portal to World 4 [Coordinate: A5] W5 -> portal to World 5 [Coordinate: H8] From your starting point, go to the left and get the map. Then go up the stairs into the area above. Only Popolon can enter the yellow door here. Go up to area B4 and get the 'Lamp'(Lm). To get the 'Red arrow'(Ra), go to area C5 and jump down to the area below. Go get the 'Great key'(Gk) in area E6. It enables you to go to World 1. Finally go get the 'Angle ring'(Ar) in area G4. If you want to save your game for some reasons, use the 'Angle ring' to transport you to the 'Password lady'(pl) area at F4. She will give you passwords which you can use to continue your games up to that point. That's pretty much all you can do for now before you get to the portal to World 1. There's a 'Death place'(d) nearby which you can go to if you want to resurrect your dead partner. WORLD 1 --------- NOTE: In each worlds from 1 - 5, you have the options of finding 3 helper tools to ease the boss fight: Pure water, Mantle and Magic rod. Pure water will halve the boss' live. Mantle will increase your defense and Magic rod enables you to use infinite ammo when fighting boss. Before fighting each boss, you also have to know the spells to summon them located in a specific place inside each world. Map: --- --- --- --- A |Pw | | | --- --- --- --- --- B | |cl1|###|r | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- C | |Mp |###|BOS|###| | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- D | | |###| | | |###| | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- E |MC | | |###|Mr |###|s2 | |Mn | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F |SP |s1 | | | | |s3 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- G | | |Mg | | | --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Items key: --------- Mg -> Magicwear [Coordinate: G5] Mn -> Mantle [Coordinate: E9] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: C3] Mr -> Magic rod [Coordinate: E5] Pw -> Pure water [Coordinate: A4] s1 -> shop sells Mongolian sword [Coordinate: F3] s2 -> shop sells Asurot shield [Coordinate: E7] s3 -> shop sells Necklace [Coordinate: F8] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area BOS -> Boss place [Coordinate: C5] cl1 -> clue [Coordinate: B4] r -> river [Coordinate: B6] SP -> spell to summon Boss [Coordinate: F2] MC -> portal to Main Castle [Coordinate: E1] To get the map, first go up to the next area. Kill the stone creatures and go up another 2 stairs. Proceed to you right. Take the 2nd stairs on the right and go up to the next area. Go to your right and you'll see the treasure which contains the map. Now go down to area D2 and jump down to the area below. In this area, go down and jump into the opening which will lead you to the shop(s1 at F3) that sells 'Mongolian sword' for $20. Acquiring this sword will enable you to destroy the white blocks one at a time. Go back to area D2 and go to the top right corner. Destroy the blocks to reveal a hidden stairs. Go up the stairs. Go right and up the stairs to area B3. On the far right an old man will give you a clue: "Wait on the shore for a ferry to the otherside" The shore that he's talking about is the 'river'(r) area at B6. Make your way to that area. On your way, pick up the 'Pure water'(Pw) at A4. When you arrive at B6, wait at the bottom platform near the river for hidden platforms to appear. You have to jump onto the platforms that appear one at a time to cross the river(So much for a ferry). I suggest you use Aphrodite for this task, for if you fall into the river, you're not gonna lose much health. When you arrive at the other side, jump into the opening to the area C7 below. First thing you should do now is to go get the 'Mantle'(Mn) at E9. Then if you want you can go buy 'Asurot shield' at the shop s2. It's a bit tricky to get to the shop. When you're at lower C8 area, stand at the edge of the opening on your right. Then drop down below into area D8 without jumping. You'll land straight onto the single platform there. From area D8, you have to jump again below to area E8. Control your jump so that you will land onto one of the single platforms below in area E8 which will lead you to the shop on the left (E7). After that, you can jump further down into the F area. Be careful not to plunge into the river when you do this. Use Aphrodite to avoid losing much health in case you do fall into the river. If you have enough money, go buy the 'Necklace' at shop s3 on your far right. Again use Aphrodite because she can get it at a much cheaper price($180) compared to Popolon($270). Next, go get the spell to summon a boss at area F2. If you plan on going down to area G5 to get the 'Magicwear'(Mg), don't! You don't have the right tools yet. Just remember that place for now. Go up to area E5 and take the 'Magic rod'(Mr). This area(E5) has two sides. The rod is located on the right side which is accessible from area D5. Your final task here is to get to the boss place(BOS) in area C5. The boss will not appear until you use the spell to summon it. If you're low on health, go outside and kill the 'owl' enemy. Then go inside the boss area again. Repeat this till your vitality is refilled. When you are ready to fight the boss, press the related buttons on your control pad to invoke the spell and he will appear. Boss: Yomar ------------ The best technique to kill this boss is to stay on the far left side of the screen and fire the 'Red arrow'. You need to target his head, which is his only weak point. Dodge all the bones coming your way. Another way is to stay under his long neck and jab his head repeatedly when it comes down. After the boss dies, you'll get yourself another 'Great key' which will enable you to go to World 2. You'll notice that your vitality bar has increased too. To exit World 1 quickly, use the 'Angel ring'. You'll be transported to the portal to the Main Castle in no time. Use the 'Angel ring' again to go to the Password lady's place to save your game and obtain the password. Main Castle revisited -------------------- Now that you've got the 'Mongolian sword', you can go to some areas in the Main Castle where you weren't able to access before(see Main Castle map). Among other things you can find: 1)$90 in secret area x2. 2)'Devil wing'(Dw) in area F6(hidden inside the blocks). 3)60 ammo in secret area x3. 4)$150 in secret area x4. 5)'Ceramic arrow'(Ca) in area D3. 6)'Boot' in area I1. 7)'Salt' in area G2. 8)Refill your life at the 'Fairy'(f) area E3. For the fairy to appear, you have to stay near the lowest blocks in this area. You will see bubbles appearing which will then start forming into the fairy. Catch the fairy to refill your vitality before she flies away. You can do this unlimited number of time. WORLD 2 --------- Map: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- A | |cl1| | | | |Mn | |Mp | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- B |Mr | | | | | |MC | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- C | |###|s1 |###| | --- --- --- --- --- D | |###| |###|SP | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- E |Cn | |s2 | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F |s3 | | |Pw | | | | |B/o| --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Items key: --------- B/o -> Black onion (also the Boss area) [Coordinate: F9] Cn -> Candle [Coordinate: E2] Mn -> Mantle [Coordinate: A7] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: A9] Mr -> Magic rod [Coordinate: B2] Pw -> Pure water [Coordinate: F4] s1 -> shop sells Balloon bomb [Coordinate: C5] s2 -> shop sells Bracelet [Coordinate: E4] s3 -> shop sells 30 ammo [Coordinate: F1] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area B/o -> Boss place [Coordinate: F9] cl1 -> clue [Coordinate: A2] SP -> spell to summon Boss [Coordinate: D7] MC -> portal to Main Castle [Coordinate: B8] To get WORLD 2 map: From the starting point, go to the left. Use Aphrodite to enter the blue gate(you cannot use Popolon to enter the gate unless you have the 'Necklace', but you can switch back to him after Aphrodite exits thru the same or another blue gate). Go up the stairs and up again to the next area. Go to your left and pick up the 'Mantle'(Mn). Beware of that annoying purple monster. Go up the stairs and walk to the right to the end of the area. You'll see the treasure with the map inside. To go to shop s1, you have to wait for the lift at area A3. Jump on it to go down. Once it reaches the lower B3 area, jump onto the single bottom platform on your right. Proceed to the right. Go up the long stairs to the next area. Go right and jump into the opening. While falling, move slightly to the right so that you will fall onto the single platform once you reach area D5. Jump to the right while killing the bats. Take the stairs which will lead you to the shop. You can purchase 'Balloon bomb' for $20 here. Be careful when using the bomb coz it could hurt you too if you stay too close to it. To reach shop s2, jump into the rightmost opening at area C3. The shop sells 'Bracelet' for $220 if you use Popolon($380 if you use Aphrodite). The 'Bracelet' will allow Aphrodite to enter the blue gate in World 3. To get the 'Candle'(Cn), you have to jump into the leftmost opening at the same area. Then go further left and you'll see the treasure.To get the 'Pure water'(Pw), you have to get the 'Black onion' at area F9 first. Once you got the onion, all the lava will turn into stones and you can go get the 'Pure water' safely. If you know the password to summon the boss and you're ready to fight him(make sure you already have the 'Ballon bomb' at this point), return to F9. Boss:Elohim ----------- Use Aphrodite to fight this creature coz she can release 3 balloon bombs at once compared to 2 using Popolon. Elohim will appear in either the left, right, or middle of the ceiling. Release the balloon bombs when he appears so that they will go straight to his core and damage him. Repeat this until he dies. After you destroy the creature, you'll get the 3rd 'Great key' (and vitality increase) which will enable you to go to World 3. WORLD 3 --------- Map: --- --- --- --- A |BOS| | | --- --- --- --- --- B | | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- C | |s2 |###|Mr | | --- --- --- --- D | |### ### ###|s1 | --- --- --- --- E | |Ea |###|Oa | | --- --- --- --- F | | |###| |SP | --- --- --- --- --- G | | |cl1| | | --- --- --- --- --- H |Mi | |Mp | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- I |Mn | | |MC | | |Pw | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Items key: --------- Ea -> Earrings [Coordinate: E3] Mi -> Mine [Coordinate: H2] Mn -> Mantle [Coordinate: I1] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: H4] Mr -> Magic rod [Coordinate: C5] Oa -> Oar [Coordinate: E5] Pw -> Pure water [Coordinate: I7] s1 -> shop sells Rolling fire [Coordinate: D6] s2 -> shop sells Pendant [Coordinate: C3] s3 -> shop sells 30 ammo [Coordinate: F1] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area cl1 -> clue [Coordinate: G4] BOS -> Boss place [Coordinate: A3] SP -> spell to summon Boss [Coordinate: F6] MC -> portal to Main Castle [Coordinate: I4] To get WORLD 3 map: Go right. Take the upper path and destroy the blocks to reveal a hidden stairs. Go up the stairs to the next area. Go left. The first treasure that you see contains the map. Use Aphrodite to get the map. To get 'Oar'(Oa): In area E5, you'll see the 'Oar' treasure unreachable from your position. It's not quite what it seems. There's actually a secret path here inside the wall that will lead you to the treasure. First of all, kill that hairy monster(what the heck is that anyway?? It looks ugly and I hate it!Oh well..). From where the secret path begin(the wall just below the 'Oar') walk about 10 steps to the left. Then jump onto the left, avoiding hidden hole in front of you. Then jump up and to the right to the platform above and you'll be able to reach the treasure. Acquiring the 'Oar' will enable you to walk on the river in area B4. You can also try to get the 'Oar' from area E3 but the secret path is more complicated there. To get 'Mine'(Mi): In area G3, just below the clue(cl1) place, you'll see 3 witches. One above and two below circling the platform. After you kill the second witch below from your right, jump into the opening. The path will lead you to the 'Mine' weapon. 'Earrings': The 'Earrings' reside within the blue gate area under the river. This is where the power of the 'Bracelet' comes into effect. Without it you won't be able to switch to Aphrodite to get the treasure while minimizing the damage. You can buy 'Pendant' at shop s2 for $40 using Aphrodite ($60 for Popolon). To get 'Rolling fire': You can buy it at shop s1 in area D6 for $40. In area C6, stand on the right of the platform in the middle of the river. Jump as far away as you can to the right into the river. You'll land right on top of the platform where the shop is. If you got everything already and are ready to fight the boss, make your way to the boss area(A3). Boss:Ascher ----------- For an easy fight, just use the 'Rolling fire'. Stay on the middle platform just above where the boss appears. Start using the 'Rolling fire' on him like crazy. He'll die just like that. Now you can procede to World 4. Main Castle revisited: --------------------- 1)Get 'Sabre'(Sb) at D11 2)Uncover another fairy area at F10. Just stay on the 8th stone from your right(6th from your left) for the fairy to appear. World 1 revisited: ------------------ 1)Get 'Magicwear'(Mg) at G5. You need it to counter the 'opposite-effect' in World 4. WORLD 4 --------- Map: --- --- --- --- --- --- A | |Pw | | |BOS| --- --- --- --- --- B | | | | |Fi | --- --- --- --- --- C |x1 | | |s3 | --- --- --- --- D |x2 | | | | --- --- --- --- E | | |Mn | --- --- --- F | | --- G | | --- --- --- H |Be |s2 |Mr | --- --- --- I | |Mp | | --- --- --- J | | |SP | --- --- --- --- --- K |s/P| | | |MC | --- --- --- --- --- L | | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 Items key: --------- Be -> Belt [Coordinate: H2] Fi -> Fire [Coordinate: B5] Mn -> Mantle [Coordinate: E4] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: I3] Mr -> Magic rod [Coordinate: H4] Pw -> Pure water [Coordinate: A2] s/P -> shop sells 30 ammo - Puppet also found here [Coordinate: K1] s2 -> shop sells Muramasa sword [Coordinate: H3] s3 -> shop sells Great Shield [Coordinate: C4] x2 -> secret area has shop that sells Helm [Coordinate: D1] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area BOS -> Boss place [Coordinate: A5] SP -> spell to summon Boss [Coordinate: J4] MC -> portal to Main Castle [Coordinate: K5] x -> secret areas NOTE:You must have the 'Magicwear' here to avoid the 'opposite-effect' in which when you press the left or right direction button, your character will move in the opposite of those directions. You are going to curse this world to no end. Not that coz it's hard or anything but there's just darn too many annoying enemies here. Just when you think you're safe, they appear out of nowhere, knocking you down to the bottom of the pit. Anyway..that's just a small rant from me. Let's get back to the game. To get WORLD 4 map: From your starting point, go downstairs to the area below. Then go the the left. Take the 4th stairs to the area above. Continue going up the long stairs to the next area above. Go right and go up another stairs to the next area. Move a bit right and you will see the treasure. Don't forget to find the 'Puppet' in area K1. You'll need it to go to World 5 later. Also stop by at shop s2 in area H3 to buy 'Muramasa sword'. Use Aphrodite to get the lower price of $330. Use the 'Candle' in area G3 to light the pathway. You can access secret area x1 and x2 from area B1. Destroy the blocks on the left using the 'Mine'. Go down and walk to the left. You will fall down into the secret opening which will lead you to the secret shop. Buy 'Helm' here for $240 using Popolon($380 if you use Aphrodite). To get out of the secret area,use the secret path above the shop slightly to the right. Another important item is the 'Great shield', which you can buy at shop s3 in area C4 for $450. Just below the boss area, there's an opening that you can jump into which will lead you to a treasure containing 'Fire'(Fi) weapon. Boss: Xywoleh ------------- WARNING: Sometimes a very nasty glitch occurs here. After the boss dies, the treasure containing the 'Great key' will hang in the middle of the screen and refuse to fall down. This means you're not gonna be able to get it and get trapped there forever. I suggest you save the game before fighting this boss. To avoid this glitch from occurring, anytime during the fight, press 'Start' to access the submenu screen. Then press 'Start' again to go back to the game. You have to do this BEFORE Xywoleh dies. To defeat this boss, line up the 'Mine' along his pathway close to each other. That way he won't be able to move faster and consume space in that area which can trap you to your death. Just watch out where he's heading. Sooner or later he'll die and you'll get yourself the final 'Great key'(key to World 5). Main Castle revisited again -------------------------- 1)Use 'Puppet' in area G8 to make a bridge appear. 2)Obtain 'Jar'(Ja) in area G10. WORLD 5 --------- Map: --- --- A |BOS| --- --- --- B | | | | --- --- --- --- --- C | | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- D | | |Mn | | |Pw |Mp | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- E |x2 |x3 | | |M/S| |B/C| | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F |x1 | | | | | | | | | | |s1 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Items key: --------- B/C -> Bible(also there's a portal to Main Castle) [Coordinate: E7] Mn -> Mantle [Coordinate: D6] Mp -> Map [Coordinate: D10] M/S -> Magic rod(Spell to summon boss also found here) [Coordinate: E5] Pw -> Pure water [Coordinate: D9] s1 -> shop sells Harp [Coordinate: F12] x3 -> secret area where Cross can be found [Coordinate: E2] Places key: ---------- ### -> inacessible area BOS -> Boss place [Coordinate: A7] x -> secret places To get WORLD 5 map and 'Pure water': From your starting position, go to the right past the purple bear. Drop down to the lower path. Kill the purple bear while avoiding the lightning from the cloud. Drop down into the hole on your right. Kill the guard. Destroy blocks on your right to reveal a hidden stairs. Go up the stairs. Jump into the opening on your right while at the same time controlling your jump so that you will land onto the single platform below and not into the lava. Continue to the right. Kill the guard and bats. Move further and go up the 2nd stairs that you encounter. Proceed left and destroy all blocks. Careful not to fall down below. Go up the stairs and kill all guards. Take upper path and continue to the left. Go up the stairs to the next area. Jump into the single opening on your left. Kill the purple bear. Go up the stairs. Jump into another single opening on your left. Go up the stairs on your left. Take the upper platform to the right and you'll get your map. From here, go left and up the stairs to the next area. Jump into the 3rd opening from your right and you'll get the 'Pure water'. To get 'Bible': From the starting point(portal to Main Castle), go right past the purple bear. Take the 1st stairs and go up. Go up another two platforms. Destroy the two blocks and proceed to the left. Go down. Kill the guard. Go left. Don't jump into the single hole. Destroy the blocks. Jump into the 1st opening that you see, moving slightly to the right so that you will fall right on the platform below. Go right and get the 'Bible'. Now the slow effect will vanish. To get 'Magic rod': From the starting point(portal to Main Castle), go right past the purple bear. Take the 1st stairs and go up. Go up another two platforms. Destroy the two blocks and proceed to the left. Go down. Kill the guard. Go left. Don't jump into the single hole. Destroy the blocks. Proceed to the left and don't fall into any of the holes below. Kill the purple bear and go up the stairs to the next area. Take the upper path and to the left end of the area while avoiding lightning from the clouds. Destroy the vertical blocks that you see one at a time. Go down. Destroy the last block on the left. Fall down below to the next area. You are now in area D5. Go a bit right. Jump into the opening left of the purple bear to the next area. Go right and destroy the blocks but don't go up the stairs. Go down and to the left. Fall below and you'll get the 'Magic rod'. To get 'Cross': You need to get to area F2 first. To get there, follow the path you take like when you try to find the 'Magic rod' except when you arrive at D5, don't jump into the opening. Proceed to the left end of the area. Go down onto the single platform below. Hop onto the last single platform on the left. Jump into the opening to the next area. Walk to the left end. Go down and destroy the last block on your left. Jump into the small opening. Proceed left to F2. In F2, you can go thru the wall on your left to secret area x1. Then go up to x2 and go right to x3. There's also a secret path in x3 that will lead you to the 'Cross'. Just jump up and to the right into the illusion wall. Careful not to plunge into the lava. You can buy the 'Harp' which costs $380 at shop s1 in F12. You need it to open up the pathway to Galious' lair. If you're ready to fight Galious, make your way to the boss area. When you arrive at B6, destroy the last bottom block on the left and jump below. Go left and up the stairs. The path will lead you to Galious. Boss:Galious ------------ Galious' weak point is his 'dark cross'. The problem is he has 8 fire shields around him that regenerates everytime he appear. You need to destroy these shields before you can attack the cross effectively. The easiest way is to use the 'Red arrow'(you need the 'Cross' for this to work). Set your 'B' button into auto fire/turbo mode. Otherwise the arrow will be too slow to penetrate Galious' fire shields. The best time to attack him is when he appear either on the rightmost or under the middle platform .If he appear on the rightmost platform, stay on the middle platform and use your rapid fire arrow to destroy his shields. Once the shields are gone, your arrows will go straight to his cross. If he appears under the middle platform, stay on the left and use the same tactic. He'll die on no time. Another way to defeat Galious is to use the combination of 'Mine' and 'Fire'/'Rolling fire'(don't need the 'Cross' for this). Stay on the lower left platform and wait for Galious to appear right of you under the middle platform. Before he summon his fire shields, put all three mines on the right edge of the platform you're staying. Then quickly change your weapon into 'Fire' or 'Rolling fire' and attack Galious' fire shields at the same time they are being weakened by your mines. When all the fire shields are gone, move to the edge of the platform and attack Galious' cross using your sword. Repeat till he dies. Baby blues ----------- Now that Galious' is gone, your final quest is to find you future baby, Pampas, hidden somewhere in this area. Good luck and may you live happily ever after! ****************************************************************************** ------------------ 9. TIPS AND TRICKS ------------------ 1.)You can collect money faster by killing one of these creatures: a)The 'blue demon' at area F9 in World 2.(drop $30 or $50) b)The hairy creature at area E5(where you found the 'Oar').(drop $50). Kill him faster by going berserk on him using the 'Balloon bomb'. 2.)Save your game often especially before and after the boss' fight. 3.)Spell to summon boss: WORLD 1: AAA BBB WORLD 2: left, up, right, down, right, up WORLD 3: A, right, B, left, BBBBB WORLD 4: ABAABBA, down, B, up WORLD 5: right, A, B, left, A, B, up, up, down, BAA ****************************************************************************** ---------------- 10.MISCELLANEOUS ---------------- 1.)Some websites on the MSX version of Maze of Galious: a)http://www.gironet.nl/home/awbekker/doc_mog.htm b)http://www.msxnet.org/konami/mog/ c)http://www.terra.es/personal2/valley/galious/ 2.)Remake project of MSX version of MoG: http://www.braingames.getput.com/mog/ ****************************************************************************** ---------- 11.CREDITS ---------- -Konami for creating another memorable NES game. -Mark Donatelli for helping me with this FAQ. -Gamefaqs(www.gamefaqs.com) for posting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** Copyright(c)2001 Skull-o Man Thank you for reading:)