Version 2.0 2/14/02 MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM CCCCCCCC MMM MMM MMM CCC CCC MMM MMM MMM CCC CCC MMM MMM MMM CCC MMM MMM MMM CCC MMM MMM MMM CCC CCC MMM MMM MMM CCC CCC MMM MMM MMM CCCCCCC KKK KKK KKK KKK DDD KKK KKK III DDD KKK KKK III DDD KKK KKK III DDD KKKKKKK DDD SSSSSSSSS KKKKKKK III DDDDDDDDD SSS KKK KKK III DDD DDD SSS KKK KKK III DDD DDD SSSSSSSSS KKK KKK III DDD DDD SSS KKK KKK III DDD DDD SSS KKK KKK III DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS McKids Cards Locations by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2002 Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Walkthrough 004a. Ronald McDonald 004b. Birdie 004c. The Grimace 004d. The Professor 004e. CosMc 004f. The Hamburgler 003. Game Genie Codes 004. Credits 001. General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a guide for the NES game called McKids. In case you haven't noticed, another person has done a walkthrough for this game. His walkthrough is pretty good, so I'm skipping most of the things he covered. The only flaw I could find is he doesn't actually give locations for the cards in the game. So this guide will tell you how to find all forty-two cards in the game. This is perfect for you if you're lost and can't find a certain card. Don't worry about getting lost though, because I'm the lost gamer, and I'll try to help you through. You can e-mail me at, but make the subject "McKids Walkthrough" or else I'll delete it. I get a lot of spam. E-mail me with any comments about the game or if you want to use part of the guide for your own needs. Just e-mail me and I'll give you the okay, or else you're breaking the law and I might decide to sue you if I'm in a bad mood. Okay, enough complaining, let's get started. 002a. Ronald McDonald's Clubhouse ----------------------------------------------------------- Oh no! The Hamburglar has stolen Ronald's bag. Go through the six stages in his clubhouse and retrieve four of his cards to get it back! Actually, you don't get it back, Ronald leads you to Birdie, who leads you to Grimace, who leads you to the professor, who leads you to CosMic, who leads you to the hamburglar. Start swearing about how long this game is (you'll want to get it done now) and head off to the first stage. Stage one: The Garden --------------------- The first stage is really easy and its main purpose is to get you used to the game. Learn about the spring boards, the invisible blocks, the arrow blocks, and the upside down platform. To get the card, jump on the platforms until you reach the platform with gears on the sides. Run across the platform and you will be flipped so that you are upside down Walk to the block that says "M" on it, and pick it up. When you finish the level, you find that it's a card for Ronald's clubhouse. Stage two: Gopher Grove ----------------------- This stage isn't too tough. Head right until you meet the second spider. Just to the right of him is a springboard. Jump on the springboard and go to the platform to get the card. If you used the game genie super jump code, jump on top of the spider's log and jump from there. The card is for Ronald's Clubhouse Stage three: Lazy Leaves ------------------------ Go right and when you see the first gap in the ground, jump over it and jump up on the platform. Jump on the spring and go to the platform to the left. Jump on the tree trunk, and fall off to the left, but hug the tree while falling and you land on the card. The card is for Ronald's clubhouse Stage Four: Mountain View ------------------------- This level has a lot to explore, but getting the card is so simple you may search for it for a while. Just head right until you meet the big, big spring. See those yellow poles from the ground. The fourth one to the right of the spring has a platform that falls down. Jump on the platform and jump on the platform above and to the right. The platform has the card. Head right to finish, (the spring section is kind of fun) and the card is for Ronald's Clubhouse. Stage Five: Hidden Glen ----------------------- Nothing is really hidden in this level, but head right until you see the springs on either side on a platform. Spring on the platform. Leaves will fall, so jump up again and again until you reach the top. Jump to the right onto the trees, and head right until you get the card. It's for the Hamburglar's Hideout. Stage Six: Towering Trees ------------------------- Well, if you go all the way to the top to get a card for the Professor's Workshop. If you jump from the place you start from, you notice a card on a limb of a tree. If you use the game genie super jump, you can get it in midair. If not, you can fall off a tree to land on it. That card is for Ronald's Clubhouse. This makes five Ronald cards, a card for the professor, and a hamburglar card. 002b. Birdie's Treehouse ----------------------------------------------------------- The early bird needs five cards. Just like Ronald's Club- house, you have six stages. Stage One: The stratosphere -------------------------- Wow, you're high up. Way in the clouds. Head left and jump on the cloud. You'll be taken to another platform, but stay on the cloud and jump to the left. Then jump left, and try to go as far left as possible. Get the card there, and head back to the cloud. This time, go right and follow the platforms. The platform next to the happy face has the card The first card is for the Hamburglar (Robble, robble) and the second is for the bird. Stage two: Slippery Slopes -------------------------- The card is on a platform above the spring. It's for the bird. Stage three: Ice Maze --------------------- I like this level. Slide down until you reach the finish line, and right above the finish line is a card for Birdie. If you actually jump up right before the finish line (see the up arrow sign?) you can go up and up and up until you reach a zipper. Stand in front of it and press B. You'll be taken to a secret card. Press B to return. Stage four: Secret Suprise -------------------------- Jump on the trapezoid shaped cloud. While on the top part, jump left onto the cloud there. There's a secret hole in the cloud, and you fall down to the bottom of the cloud. Go right to get the card, which is for Birdie. To get your mind out of the clouds, jump on the spring. Stage Five: Frozen Caverns -------------------------- This card is very easy to find. Just jump on the first platform you see. Avoid the weird snowman and get the card If you didn't notice, you can actually jump on some of the blocks in the background (of course you didn't notice that) The card is once again for the birds. Stage six: Frosty Mountain --------------------------- This card is also easy to find. Head right over the falling snow. Jump over the arrow blocks if you are using the super jump code below and get the card. If you don't like to cheat (why on earth are you reading this guide, then?), you can fall with the falling snow, head right, and up through the clouds to get there. The cloud is for birdie, which makes five ronald cards, six birdie cards, a professor card, and two hamburglar cards. Time to meet the Grimace! 002c. Grimace's Highlands ----------------------------------------------------------- Duh, Grimace saw the Hamburglar, but he needs three cards to take you to the lake, and then when you get five cards, head to the professor. That's lame, what kind of charcter says Duh so much? Oh well, his world makes up for him. Stage one: Cliffton Heights ---------------------------- Well, this one shouldn't be too hard. The card is right above you from the start, but it's so far up you can't see it. Simply do what you did in Birdie's first level, go right, up, and back left. The card is for Grimace, duh, way to go you big purple guy! Stage two: Moose Bridge ----------------------- This level is appropriately named. From the start, go left, and down. Head right (beware of the moose) and go over the bridge. That card is for Grimace. You get the second card by simply staying as far up as possible the whole time, and the card is on the rightmost platform. It's a secret card. Stage three: Lumberjack Lane ---------------------------- Well, there aren't any lumberjacks and there aren't any lanes. It's like the spork that isn't a good spoon and isn't a good fork, but what do you expect from a grimace? This stage involves lots of jumping, so if you are bad at that, you should grimace :) now. Enough of that. Like the last level stay up, and when you get to the sixth tree, fall to the base of it to get a card for the grimace. Also, if you stay up you'll see some trees going onto the top of the screen. You can jump on them, but you won't be able to see yourself. Jump right onto the other trees (this is hard because you can't see yourself) and eventually you'll get the card for the professor. Stage four: Fry Kid Falls ------------------------- This level's name will make you wonder where the fry kids are in this game. Oh well. The card is easy, but getting through the level isn't. Just keep to the top the whole time like normal, and you'll see a big springboard in midair Jump on it, and it will take you to the card, which is for Grimace. You should have, duh, three of his cards by now, so you can access stages five and six. Stage five: Danger Lake ----------------------- This level is the one I'm worst at because my NES goes into major glitch mode on this level. Hopefully it won't happen to you because I'm the only one who has my copy of the game. You jump into the boat and head right. When you reach the land, pick up the boat like you would a card and throw it into the water on the other side. When you reach land, go up and right (grab the outline less block) and back left and up. You should see a block's outline, so put the outline less block in that, so you can stand on it. It takes you right, so jump right, and try to get on the highest platform where Grimace's card is. Stage six: Far Falls Forest --------------------------- Jump left from the beginning and fall down. It seems like this is certain death, but there's actually an island with a zipper. Press B in front of the zipper to be taken some- where else. Grab the card easily (it's the elusive 6th Ronald card) and hit the finish line. Go back in the level to get the 6th Grimace card. Get the boat and head right. WHen you reach the tree, pick up the boat, throw it into the water and head right some more. When you hit the next tree, pick up the boat and go into the tree by pressing B and A at the same time. This is a tricky move, so it may take a few times. When you get it, go up and throw the boat on the top of the waterfall. Jump in the boat and float across for Grimace's sixth card. This makes six Ronald Cards, six Birdie cards, six Grimace cards, two Professor cards, and two hamburglar cards. Now you have six Ronald cards, you can see him again and go in the secret world, but you don't have all six secret cards yet, just two! Oh...go see the Professor. 002d. Professor's Workshop ----------------------------------------------------------- Stage one: Ports o' Comets -------------------------- Well, this level is weird. Just run right and jump over the gaps. Eventually you run into a gap with two blocks in the air over it. Stand in the middle of the blocks and pick up one. Jump right onto the super spring and grab the card. Head to the finish line, but jump over it. You should land in a boat under the ports. Head all the way left and grab the card. Enter the zipper and head to a not-so-fun fun stage. You end up back at the beginning of the level (ugh, so much back tracking!). Finish it to find the cards are a secret card and one for Cosmc. Stage two: Dino Dunes --------------------- This one isn't hard, just jump up and to the right. You'll reach a long platform held up by sand with an upside down thing at the end. Remove the sand by pressing B and build a tunnel that goes down and to the left. Then turn upside- down and follow the tunnel to get the professor's card. Stage Three: Magic Forest ------------------------- This level is easy, but there's a lot of extra stuff to do, so you can explore if you want. Also, it has the really cool suicidal bears! They run off the cliff and don't even hurt you. Idiots. Well, the main thing to look out for is a finish line, but it has no M going across it. That's because it's fake. Jump over it to see two trees. On the right hand side of the tree on the right is a limb with the card for the professor. Stage Four: Desert Cove ----------------------- The falling bones should be called falling banes, they will really mess you up if you are as bad as I am. Well, if you go down and right, you reach these bones. Jump on them until you see the waterfall. On the right of the top of the waterfall is a platform with a card for the Hamburglar. Go right and up. See the bones? Good. Jump on them and jump on the top of the screen where you can't see yorself (like Grimace's stage three). Head left through this totally unremarkable shortcut and you run into a secret card. Then finish. Stage Five: Captain's Ship -------------------------- Arr, matey! Jump left from start to get on a hidden platform and easily get back up. A card for the professor is on the top o' the mains'l. Well, there are a lot of sails, so it's not really the main sail (that's what mains'l is). But on the tenth mast, fall down to the starboard side and you reach another hidden platform. Grab a block an' go more starboard until you hit a super spring. Jump on it to get yar booty, a professor's card. By the way, starboard is right. This leaves you with all of the cards for Ronald, Bridie, Grimace, and the Professor, four secret cards, a CosMc card and three hamburglar cards. Make sure to talk to the professor after getting all of his cards to make a shortcut. 002e. CosMc ----------------------------------------------------------- Stage one: Moon Monster ----------------------- CosMc's level is out of this world! Well, it's easy. The first stage has two CosMc cards. The first one right by the huge cliff going up. To the left of it, you can fall through the ground (Like in Birdie's level) and head right. Jump right and grab the invisible block, left and put it in the block. Then grab the card, but be sure to land on the block. The other card is high in the air to the left of the cliff going up. Beware of the moon monsters! Stage two: Swisserland ---------------------- This moon level is made up of green cheese. It's a really fun maze to explore, and when you find the card, it's for CosMc. Stage three: Constellations --------------------------- This is the only level where the super jump is a curse. The card under the spring boards is insanely hard to get because you have to jump low, but if, uh, when, you get it it is a secret card. Jump up, then up, and up once more (each jump on a springboard) and on the top most right is a CosMc card. The finish line is underneath a constellation shaped like you (I didn't know the moon cared!) Stage four: Spring fever ------------------------ Pull away the blocks and fall down, but for God's sake keep to the left. You will land on a platform, the left-most part is one you can fall through. Then fall right to get the zipper. You can zip to CosMc's card. Then fall down, avoiding the springs to the end. That makes six cards for everyone except Hamburglar and the secret cards. You have five secret cards and three hamburglars. 002f. Hamburglar's Hideout ----------------------------------------------------------- Stage one: Burning Bridges -------------------------- Jeez, these levels are hard. First off, drop right and then run right to safe ground before the bridge burns up and you fall in lav. Grab the molten rock and throw it in the lava. It will float, and then jump on it. Let it carry you until you reach the end. The end is where it hits the wall and goes back, by the way. Do NOT jump up to explore what is above you because they are all traps. Trust me. When you reach the end, jump up and easily reach the card. It's for the hamburglar. Stage two: Lava belts --------------------- Another toughie. Jump on the belt and move in the direction opposite of the one you want to go. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Move the belt right and just keep going. But when you see something like this: --- --- ------------ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------------------- Jump off to the right or else you'll fall into the lava. If you can't understand the picture, just draw a big capital letter "G" on a piece of paper, and turn the paper 90 degrees to the left. Ah, now you have it. Okay, you jumped right. Now pick up a rock and for goodness sake HOLD ONTO THE ROCK! If you don't, well, you'll die. Go on the belt and head right again, jump on the platform. You see another belt, jump on that and head to the right, but before it falls in the lava jump on the rock. Throw the rock that you made sure to hold and put it in the lava. Ride it to the right and you'll be on a cliff. You can't see what's below, so ride the belt underneath and jump at the last second to get the card. If you want it easier, here's a diagram: ----cliff----- wall-1 1 1 1 1 1 ledge- 11 111 1 1 card-M 1 1 1 1 1----finish line------M--------------------1 I didn't draw the lava belt because I didn't want to. You can't stand on the ledge, so be careful of that. The card is for the hamburglar. Stage three: Molten Madness --------------------------- This level has two cards, a hamburglar and the secret. The secret card is really, really hard. To get the normal card, run across the bridge to the right and beat it to the end. You'll be in an area like this: M 1 1 1 QQQ If you take the M from the top you fall down and die, no matter what. You have to stand on the Q's, jump up, grab the card in midair, and land back on the Q's. That's the easy card. The hard card is much harder. You should have noticed that an unreachable platform is above you from the start (if you have superjump you can get it). You can reach it by hitting an arrow block at the end. When on the platform, jump up and up. Turn upside down, and jump on the belt. Go right and you eventually will have to jump to another belt in midair (did I mention you do this upside down too?) and go right. You will see the platform with the card, but since the card is underneath the platform, you have to be upside down to reach it (no problem). Get the card, head right, and manage to hit the finish line while upside down. BIG WARNING: ONCE YOU GO TO HAMBURGLAR'S LEVEL FOUR, YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO ANY OTHER LEVEL BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN YOU BEAT THE GAME, SO IF YOU WANT TO PLAY ON THE HIDDEN LEVEL YOU ACCESSED WITH ALL THE SECRET CARDS, YOU SHOULD GO NOW BEFORE YOU BEAT THE GAME, OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! You can access the secret level by talking to Ronald once you have all of his cards. With six hamburglar cards, you can access the final stage, Magic Cave. Final stage: Magic Cave ---------------------- Well, this is much easier than the last three puzzles, just jump up, right, grab the rock, and go left again. Ride the rock on the lava, and then you meet...the final (first) boss There are some blocks with M's on it that you can throw at him. These are the blocks Grimace talks about if you saw him after you got all his cards. Well, if you didn't talk to Grimace, don't worry because you can pick up that pile of rocks just like snowballs. Ronald's magic bag throws four different enemies at you. This first is some squiqqly thing you can beat by hitting it in the colored area. Next a wand flies and shoots at you, hit it with rocks or blocks to kill it. Next is a rabbit in a hat. After you kill it it turns into a crab, which takes one hit to kill. Then pick up the bag and you win! Yay! Too bad the ending is crappy. 003. Game Genie codes ---------------------------------------------------------- If you're using your computer, you can still enter these under F6. The first code for two lives is only used to impress people. The next two codes are okay, but why use them when you can use the infinite lives. The one heart per life is also used to imprss your friends. The eight hearts per life is also good, but that's two codes (not good if you use the NES) and the infinite hearts is one code and much better. Don't lose Golden Arches is only good if you really like the bonus round (which is kind of weird) The last on, super jump, is really useful. I recommend super jump and infinite hearts, and if you're on the computer, infinite lives. You really don't need the infinite lives with infinite hearts because with the hearts you won't get hit and lose a life. PAKILYLA Start with two lives TAKILYLA Start with seven lives PAKILYLE Start with ten lives GXKSUOSE Infinite lives AAKSAYZA + AEKSNPZA One heart per life YAKSAYZA + YEKSNPZA Eight hearts per life EGETYTIA Infinite hearts EKNVYIIA Don't lose "M"'s when hit AOVEGTGE + AEVEPTLA Super jump 004. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This game is copyright of McDonald's and Virgin Entertainment 1991. It was produced by Nintendo of America All McDonald's characters are copyright of McDonald's. This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2002. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)