_ _ _____ _____ __ _ _ __ _ _ / \_/ \ | ___| / ____\ / \ / \_/ \ / \ | \ | | / _ _ \ | | / / / \ / _ _ \ / \ | \ | | / / \ / \ \ | |___ | | __ / /\ \ / / \ / \ \ / /\ \ | \ | | | | | | | | | ___| | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | |__| | | |\ \| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | __ | | | \ | | | | | | | | |___ \ \__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | |_| |_| |_| |_____| \_____/ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| A R M C A N N O N D U E L I N G Eric "The Shadow" Pietrocupo Version 1.0.0 WARNING : Even if this FAQ is rated version 1.0.0, it still does not support Mega Man 7, 8 and "Rockman and Forte". The goal of this FAQ is to learn how to beat all the bosses from megaman without any weapons except the good old arm cannon. It is a challenge I have successfully done and I am glad to share this challenge with your in case you did not think about it. For my point of view, if you did not battle all the bosses with your arm cannon, you cannot call your self a megaman expert. This FAQ Will cover the original megaman. Another FAQ will be released later for the Megaman X series. This FAQ will cover the games ranging from "Megaman" to "Megaman 7". Mega man 8 will not be included since I don't have any play station. Maybe I will cover "Rockman and Forte" in a later version of my FAQ ( let me try to at least finish game). Here is the structure of the FAQ : - Copyright notice - Introduction - Boss Table - How to do Arm Cannon Duelling - Conclusion |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Copyright Notice | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| This FAQ is copyrighted by Eric Pietrocupo. It can be reproduced and distributed freely. You cannot use this FAQ to make any kind of profit with it. This FAQ has been made only for gamers who need help and information on the game and who intend to make a personal use of it. Since you surely already heard this kind of song before, I won't bother you anymore with it. So let's jump in the game. |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Introduction | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| For those who does not know, megaman is a side scroller game where the goal in tro beat 8 bosses and the beat the last evil bad guy ( which most of the time is Dr Willy or Sigma in the Mega man X ). For each bosse, there is a stage and at the end of the stage you beat the boss. When you beat the boss, you gain a weapon. This weapon will be the weak point of many monster in the game and especialy the weak point of another boss. So which mean that each boss has a weak point. The goal is to know in which order you must beat the bosses. So where does the Arm Cannon Dueling challenge come from ? In the era of megaman 2 ( the game I played most of the time ) even if the game has a difficulty level, I want to find a way to have a challenge. I also want to make sure that I never get stucked someday in the game. So I figure out that the only way to get stucked is when you don't have the right weapon at the right boss. So the solution is to try all the boss sequence. The only problem is that there is over 40000 possibilities. So then I think again and found that if I can beat all the bosses with the arm cannon, I will be able to make any sequence of bosses since I do not require a weapon to beat any bosses. So from now on, each time I buyed a Mega Man Game, I first finish the game and then try to beat them with the arm connon. I have also done it in Mega man X, but in X it is more complex because you must also not have any heart tank and body part which make it wery hard ( especialy in Megaman X 1 where you do not start with the dash ). Of course, you only beat the 8 basic bosses with the arm cannon. You can also beat the Dr Willy boss with the arm cannon also if you wish but it is optional. In the following section you will have the list of the bosses and all the properties related to them. Then I will explain one by one how to beat each boss with the arm cannon. |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Boss Table | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| This is the boss table. Here is the fields of the table Name : The name of the boss ( Da! ) Game : The name of the game where it appeared Level : Difficulty level of the boss. How tough it is hard to beat it * Very Easy : You can beat un boss uncounsciously ** Easy : If you know the way it is easy to beat it *** Medium : The boss is OK unless you are careless or make error **** Hard : You need to concentrate on the boss to beat him. ***** Very Hard : Concentration and a lot of retries will be needed Behavior : The type of behavior the boss use Pattern : The boss does always the same thing what ever is the case Reation Pattern : The computer choose a patter according to what you do Random Pattern : The computer select randomly a pattern from its list |-- Name -----|-- Game -------| Level |-- Behavior ------------| Cut Man Megaman **** Random Pattern Bomb Man Megaman *** Random Pattern Elec Man Megaman **** Reation/Random Pattern Guts Man Megaman *** Random Pattern Ice Man Megaman *** Pattern Fire Man Megaman ** Pattern Bubble Man Megaman 2 ** Pattern Air Man Megaman 2 ** Pattern Quick Man Megaman 2 **** Random Pattern Heat Man Megaman 2 ** Pattern Wood man Megaman 2 ** Pattern Metal Man Megaman 2 *** Random/Reation Pattern Flash Man Megaman 2 ** Pattern Crash Man Megaman 2 ** Reation Pattern Spark Man Megaman 3 *** Pattern Snake Man Megaman 3 ** Pattern Needle Man Megaman 3 **** Random Pattern Hard Man Megaman 3 ** Pattern Top Man Megaman 3 *** Pattern Gemini Man Megaman 3 **** Reaction Pattern Magnet Man Megaman 3 *** Random Pattern Shadow Man Megaman 3 ***** Random Pattern Ring Man Megaman 4 *** Pattern Dive Man Megaman 4 *** Pattern/Reaction Partern Skull Man Megaman 4 *** Reaction Pattern Pharaoh Man Megaman 4 **** Random Pattern Bright Man Meagman 4 *** Random Pattern Toad Man Megaman 4 * Reaction Pattern Drill Man Megaman 4 **** Random Pattern Dust Man Megaman 4 *** Random Pattern Stone Man Megaman 5 ** Random Pattern Gravity Man Megaman 5 *** Random Pattern Star Man Megaman 5 * Random Pattern Napalm Man Megaman 5 *** Random Pattern Crystal Man Megaman 5 **** Random Pattern Gyro Man Megaman 5 *** Random Pattern Charge Man Megaman 5 *** Random Pattern Wave Man Megaman 5 *** Pattern Blizzard man Megaman 6 ** Random Pattern Wind Man Megaman 6 ** Random Pattern Flame Man Megaman 6 *** Random Pattern Plant Man Megaman 6 ** Pattern Tomahawk Man Megaman 6 *** Random Pattern Yamato Man Megaman 6 *** Pattern Knight Man Megaman 6 ** Random Pattern Centaur Man Megaman 6 *** Random Pattern Freeze Man Megaman 7 *** Pattern Junk Man Megaman 7 *** Pattern Burst Man Megaman 7 *** Pattern/Reation Pattern Cloud Man Megaman 7 ** Pattern Shade Man Megaman 7 *** Random Pattern Turbo Man Megaman 7 **** Pattern Slash Man Megaman 7 ***** Random Pattern Spring Man Megaman 7 *** Random Pattern |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | How to do Arm Cannon Dueling | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------- Megaman ------------------------------- -| Cut Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Cut man ca be tough. Most of his pattern is random but it should not be that hard to beat him. You jumt have to pay a good attention. Behavior : Cut amn can jump or throw his boomerang cutter. He can throw his cutter while he is in the air to. Don't forget that they have bommerang capabilities. Im not sur if cut man jump when you shoot. Howto : The room has 2 different height. The left side of the room is 2 tile higher. Avoid staying on higher ground because his cutter will be a little harder to evade. Try to stay on the groud. If you are luck, you can trap him in pattern. Here is the pattern : stay in front of him while shhoting, when he throw his cutter jump over it and then he will automaticly jump above you. You wont be hit when the cutter return because cut man will be in the air when it get's back. When cut man land, turn around and shoot, then repeat the process. If you manage to be on higher ground, shoot when he jump and you will be able to hit him but if he his on higher ground too, then you are trapped and will surely be hit in the time to come. Practice a few time and you will beat. -| Bomb Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Bomb man will not give you much trouble if you can anticipate his movement. Behavior : Bomb man can multiple or single jump. When he stops, he will start throwing bombs. He can throw from 1 to 3 bomb in a row. He will then start to jump again. The bombs have a range blast, so even if the bomb does not directly hit you you can be hit by it's blast so watch out. How to : Shoot him when he is on the ground. When he jumps in the air, try to evade his actions. When he start throwing bomb, evade them. If he is in a corner, get close to him and when he start to throw bombs, walk in the opposite direction. If you do this, all the bombs will fall behind you which will make it them easy to evade. -| Elec Man [ Level **** ] [ Reaction/Random Pattern ] |- Aaarrrghh! Tough. One of the toughtest. He is fast, he does not take much damage and he does a lot of damage to you ( the perfect megaman killer ). Behavior : He cans do only 2 things in life, jump and throw his elec beam. His elec beam hurts a lot ( 3 hit and you are history ). He can thrown his beam while jumping to. Most of his movement are random but you can force him to jump if you start shooting. even if you don't shoot directly at him, it can force him to jump ( which is very usefull and you should take advantage of it ). If you stand on higher groud, you can still be hit when he throw his elect beam at the groud level, so watch out. If you shoot while in higher groud, he will be jump and you will hit him but at the same moment he cans throw another beam too, so watch out. In you are on the ground, jump over his beam and shoot him when you have some time. Watch out when he jumps because he can rapidly jump foward and land on you. If he stand on higher ground, you can jump and shoot him but watch out for his beam. When he is on higher ground, you can take cover beside the 2 highground block. If he walks toward you and he is bout to fall on you, shoot in the void to force him to jump above you, then before he lands, jump on the higher grounds. ( See Figure 1 ) Figure 1 | | 1 = Safe position from higher ground | | 2 = Elec man path if you shoot when he is going to fall. | /-\ | from the higher grounds |->-/ \ | |____ | | |____|1_2___| -| Guts Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Guts man can be tough but if you can manage to evade his earthquake, you can beat him easily. Behavior : Guts man can also to 2 thing in life (1) jump foward/backward and make an earthquake when he land (2) jump where he stand to make a block fall from the sky and then throw this block at you while creating again it's famous earthquake. Howto : The goal is to avoid his earthquake and shoot while he jumps. Stay on higher ground all the time since guts man rarely reach the higher ground. First, practice you self to evade his earthquake, because if you stnd on the ground while it's earthquake start, you will be paralised and you will not be able to evade the rocks he is throwing at you. You must start to jump when he start to fall if you wnat to evade his earth quake. When he jumps, shoot him, since you are on higher ground you will hit. Then when he fall, jump. If he throw a rock, jump again. Repeat this process. -| Ice Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Ice man has an easy pattern, you must just avoid being hit becaus in take 5 or 6 shot to kill you. Behavior : Iceman can walk from left to right and then he can jump and throw ice beam while he is in the air. The ice beam has a patter shown on figure 1. Figure 1 - Ice man's ice beam pattern. << << << << << << 1 2 3 4 5 6 Howto : The tactic is to evade his icebeam and shoot him while doing so. You must just avoid making errors. Stay on the left side of the battle ground since ice man will never reach you. According to figure 1 above, the only icebeam which can hit you when you strand on the ground is icebeam 3 and 4. You must jump over these beam to evade them. The only menage is that you get hit by ice beam 5 when you jump over ice beam 4. So you mustjump earlier to make sure that you will fall between ice beam 4 and 5 ( see figure 2 ). Do not walk foward whiel evading his beam, let the beam come at you and jump when necessary. Of course, while you are stading and jumping you also shoot at the same time. The more you shoot, less evade you will need to do. Figure 2 path to evade ice man's beam << __ __ << <--- << -- << -->--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 -| Fire Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Fire man look tough, but when you know the trick you will laugh at him. Behavior : Fireman throw a series of fire shield directly at you. They are hard to evade because he thrown them very fast. Howto : Move on the 4th tile from the left side of the battle field. When you are there, presse the jump and fire button at the same time. At the beginning, you will get some hit. after a few second, each time you jump, you will automaticly shoot a bullet on the ground that will hit fireman and you will automaticly jump over his fire shield. Since you will hit him with a bullet, it will stun him enough time to let you land, after your jump, and jump again without being hit. Which mean that if you use the "2 button press" technique, you will jump over all his shield and you will shoot him at the same time. ( it's magik ) -------------------------------- Megaman 2 ---------------------------- -| Bubble Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Bubble man is not so hard because you can make not effort to hevade his shot and it won't matter, you will still beat him. Behavior : Bubble man start by throwing 3 bubble that will zig-zag toward you. Then he swim up toward you and fall on the ground. Whil he is moving, he will shoot you. Since the battle ground his underwater, the jumping pricess is much more slower. How to : The technique is to make him more damage than he can do to you. Generaly, you shoot him when he is in your line of fire and you don't try to much to evade his shot. Evading can be tough and it will not lead you anywhere. The best way to make damage is to fall with him when he swim up. Whn he jump, jump at the same height. Then you will both start falling to the bottom. While you are falling shoot him as fast as you can. -| Air Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Airman is not so tough, even if you get hit, it won't matter so much. Bahavoir : Airman throw puzzles of air tornado in the screen. The he pump up he fan and all the tornados will fly toward you. You will also be pushed by his fan . After he have throwned 3 air tornado puzzle, he will make 2 jumps to reach the opposite side of the screen. Then he will start his pattern again. The air tornado puzzle selected is randomly one of the 3 puzzle draw in figure 1. Figure 1 - Airman puzzle Puzzle 1 Puzzle 2 Puzzle 3 | | | | | V | | | | V | | | | V | | | | V | | V | | V | | V | | | | V | | V | | V | | V | | V | | V | | V V | | | |____V_________| |______________| |_____V________| Howto : The technique to beat airman, is to first make sure you have a line of fire. So you must jump through his puzzle until you can shoot him. Whn you do have a line of fire, you shho as fast as you can. Even if he use his fan, if does not matter because when you are being pulled back, you can still continue to shoot him until he throw another puzzle again. If he thrown the 1st puzzle, you jump over the first tornado and strt shooting. When he use his fan, you gona be hit but it does not matter. If he use puzzle 2, start shooting immediatly. You are going to be hit since you cannot slide in Megaman 2. If he throw the 3rd puzzle, jump over the first tornado and shoot. You wn't be hit in this puzzle. -| Quick Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Quick man can bea realy tough the first time you beat him because of the rough battle ground, when you beat him again in DR Willy's castle, he will be a little bit easier on a flat battle ground. Behavior : Quick man actions are totaly random. First he can jump very high, he can also run. Since the battle ground is not flat, see figure 1 ) running will generaly not lead him anywhere. Then he can throw his boomerang while is is on the ground or in the air. He can throw 3 spreaded bommerang or 3 grouped bommerang. Figure 1 - Quick man' battle ground | | | | | | | | | | | __ __ | | __||__||__ | |__| |__| 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 : number associated to each platform Howto : There is not rally an reapeating pattern to learn so this is why you must what his move carefully and shoot him when you have a chance. I can still give you a few tips. First, don't stand on platform 1 because he he run or jump toward platfor 1, you will not be able to evade him. Platform 3 is generaly optimal, and you will be trapped less often. You can shoot him when he jumps but the optimal way is to shoot him when he is trapped running on a platform. For example, if quickman is on the left platform 2 and he runs to the right, he will run into a wall. When he run in the wall, move on platfor 4 or on the right platform 2 and shoot him until he jumps or throw bommeran at you. So you can take advantage of quick man's running due to the battle ground, then you only have to go on the opposite platform of the same level and shoot him. When you are battling him on flet ground, you will need to jump over him when he runs toward you. -| Heat Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Heat man has an easy pattern. If you beat him correcly, you will be hit at most 1 time. If you are good, you won't be hit at all. It only takes a lot of time to beat him. Behavior : Heat man start by throwing 3 flames at you. He will continue to throw his flame until you shoot him. If you shoot him, he will raise his flame shield and charge toward you. When he finished charging he would generaly stop at the opposite section of the screen. Then he start the pattern again flames and charge. How to : When you enter the room, he will throw flames at you. If you wish, you can try to evade them. If you are hit is does not matter. When he finished throwing his flame, he is vulnerable, so shoot him and will he raise his flame shield. When he charges at you, wait until he comes close and jump over his flame charge. Then continue running to the opposite side of the screen. Heat man will pop up and thrown flames but since you are running the flames will fall behind you. When you reach the opposite side of the battle field, turn around and shoot, then he will charges again. Reapeat this process until he dies. It is important that each time you evade his charge you run to the extremities of the battle field. -| Wood man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Wood man has a relativly easy pattern. It is easy to learn and to deal with it. The only problem is that you must kill him before he jumps on you. When playing at the "normal" difficulty level, if should be a problem but it might be at the "difficult" level. Behavior : Wood man has 2 weapons : it's leaf shield and if's leaf drop. He first start by raising his shield where he becomes invincible. Then he throw 4 leaf in the air which will fall later. When he is done, he throw his shield at you and jumps toward you. then the leaves in the air starts to fall. When they falled, he raise his shield again and continue this pattern. wood man always jumps toward you. How To : Stay on the left side of the screen for the whole combat. When his shield is up, wait. When he throws it, jump over it. Then start shooting with the cannon since his defense is open. If you wish, you can try to evade the leaf comming from the air but you better concentrate con keeping firing since the leaf won't make so much damage. Second, if you shoot very fast, you won't get hit more that 3 time until you finish wood man. If wood man is to close to you, you can try to jump over him when is shild is down and go to the other side of the wood. Unfortunaly, there is no slide is Megaman 2 so you cannot slide under him when he jumps toward you. -| Metal Man [ Level *** ] [ Random/Reation Pattern ] |- Metal man is not to tough, you just have to make sure that you don't get hit to often. Bahavior : Basicly, metal man always stand on the opposite room side of you. If you change side, he will change too. The battle room floor can slide left or right. Generaly, it stand in the same direction for a few seconds, and then the is a flas in the screen and the floor now slide on the other side. If you don't do anything, metal man will wait and some times he will jump and throw his metal blades. If you shoot, he will then jump and thrown metal blades. Howto : If you can, stand always on the same site off the battle ground. According to the floor's movement, compensate by runnin on the oposite site to make sure that you won't move in the middle on the screen. Then you must jump and shoot while in the air and on the ground. If you jump and shoot, it will force him to jump, so you will hit him. Generaly, you start firering and while you evade his blades you continue to shoot him. In this way , you will evade his attack and you will also hit him. Just try to survive to everything he throws at you while shooting. -| Flash Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Flash man is to too hard, espicialy at "normal" difficulty because each shot make 4 damage. Which mean you need 7 shot to kill him. So if you wish, you can focus on shooting and ignoring being hit. Behavoir : Flash man will run and make small jumps until he reach you. If you move, he will change his direction and run after you. After a certain time, he will stop the time and shoot. He always stop the time at a regular interval of seconds. Which mean that you can easily predict when he will shoot by using the background busic as a timer. How to : The technique is to shoot him while you ca, when he is close to you, you jump over him and go to the opposite side of the screen. When you know he is going to stop the time, you find a safe spot from is cannon before he stop the time. Look at figure 1. For example, if flashman is located on platform 3, well if you stay on platfor 4, you won't be hit. If he stand on platform 1, 2, 4 , 5 well you can place yourself on platform 3 and jump in the air jump before he stop the time. This way, you will be far too high in the sky to be hit. Use you judgement according to the situation. Figure 1 - Flash's Man battleground | | | | | | | | | | | __ __| | __|| __| |__| |__| 1 2 3 4 5 6 -| Crash Man [ Level ** ] [ Reation Pattern ] |- Crash man is realy a peace of cake if you know the trick, it is possible to beat him without being hit. Behavior : Basicly, crashman walk from left to right and tries to follow you movement. Once a while, he will jump in the air and throw a crash bomb at you. If you shoot, he will automaticly jump ant throw a crash bomb at you. How to : The technique his to force him to jump while shooting in the air. At the beginning on combat walk a few tiles toward him, then jump and shoot 1 bullet. Crash man will jump and get hit. You will when fall below him, continue to run in the same direction and crash man will throw a bomb behind you that won't hit you. When you reach the opposite side of the screen, turn around, jump and shoo in the air. Again, crashman will jump in the bullet and throw a crash bomb behind you while you are running on the opposite side of the screen. Repeat the process. ----------------------------- Megaman 3 ------------------------------- -| Spark Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Spark man is a bit about luck, if he goes at the right place, you won't have a problem. He can be a little tougher if he do not answer your wishes. Behavior : Spark man jumps in the room from platform to platform from right to left and he goes back to right. Then he he randomly stop to first shoot sparks in all directions and then to charge up a big electricity ball and throw it at you. Then he jumps again and repeat the pattern. Figure 1 - Spark's man battleground | | | | | | | __ | | || | | __||__ | |____| | | | |____| 1 2 3 4 5 How to : Like I said before, the Idea is to wish he will stop on the right platform. If he stop on platform 1, you can stand on platform 2 and 4 to shoot him in rapid fire. If he stand on platform 2 or 4, you can stand on platform 4 or 2 to shoot him. If he stand on platform 5, you can shoot him from platform 1, but if he stand on platform 3, you can't shoot him without jumping. This will make it more difficult to damage him. When he trow his sparkles, try to find a safe spot or jump over them to evade them. When he charge his buster, find a position where you will be able to easily jump or evade the shot. Then start shooting until he jumps again. -| Snake Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Snake man is easy when you know his pattern. It is possible to beat him without being hit. Behavior : Snake man will move from right to left while jumping over the obstacle. Then he will stop eaither on platform 1 or 3 ( look at figure1 ) to jump and throw 2 search snake. The snake will folow the battle ground. Then he start moving again. Figure 1 Snake's man Battle ground | | | | | | | | | __ | | || | |____ || ____| | |__||__| | 1 2 3 2 1 How to : You must make sure to stay near the middle of the screen for the whole combat. If he moves from the right corner of the screen to the left corner, stay on platform 3 and jump over him. You cxan also do it by staying on platform 1 and jumping over him when he fall on platform 2. If He thrown snake when on p^latform 1, wait on the top of platform 3 and wait until he moves to jump over him. If he throw his snake on platfrom 3, stand on platform 1 jump over the snake to fall on platform 2. Get back on platform 1 and if he moves toward you, jump over him when he fall on platform 2. Finaly, did I mention that while you are doing this , you must randomly shoot him when you have a chance. -| Needle Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Needle man can be prety tough to to his random pattern. Keep an eye on the combat and watch his moves carefully. Behavior : Needle man can do many moves. First it can make an high jump in the air and shoot needles while he fall back on the floor. He can make a small jump and when he land, he use his needle chain. Or he can make small or big jumps to move toward you. Howto : The first thing to note is that you must make sure you do not get trapped in a corner. When he is too close to you, slide under him when he jumps toward you. If he is close to you and you need to evade his needle chain, stay as far as you can from him and immediatly jump as soon as he land on the floor. It will allow you to evade his needle chain by jumping over it. When he jump high in the air and throw his needles ( 4 needles ), try to evade them by bassing between the second and the third needle. You can shoot him when he jumps or wehn you try to evade his needle. You can also shoot him when he stand on the floor and prepare his next movement. -| Hard Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Hard man can be pretty tough. The technique I use is a bit suicide and you need to be able to shot very fast. There might be a better technique but this one works. Behavior : Hard man first start by sending a few hard Knuckles toward you. Those knuckle have boomerang capabilities which mean they return to him after they are thrown. Then he jumps in the air, fly towards you and smash you with his head. When he fall, the whole sreen will be paralysed for a second and the combat will continue again. Then after he throw his knuckles again and repeat the process. Howto : The objective is to shoot him as fast as you can to make him lose more health than he can make you lose with his knuckles. There might be a way to evade his knucles, anyways. When you enter the room start shooting even if you get hit. When he fly in the air, start running toward him. When you pass under him he will smash you but he will fall behind you. so then turn around and shoot. abosorb his knuckles and when he is in the air, slide under him to make him fall behind you then turn around again and shoot. Repeat this process until he is dead. You can make some excess damage is you give him a shot just before he fall on the ground and paralyse the screen. In this way, you will make 1 extra hit for each landing he makes. -| Top Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Top man's pattern is not really hard to evade, it's just taking the time to hit him which is difficult. Behavior : Top man start by throwing 3 top diagonaly in the air. These tops will stand there for a few seconds and then home toward you. Then top man spinn in himself and charge toward the opposite side of the battlefield. When he reached his destination, he throws his top again and restart his pattern which will always be the same. How to : When you enter the room give him a few shot. Then when his top start homing toward you, jump over them. Then he should start spining. While he is spinning you cannot shoot him, so walk foward to the middle of the screen and when he charges, jump over him. Then continue to slide until you reach the opposite side of the screen, turn around and shoot him, when he thrown his tops, jump over them, walk foward and jump over his charge. Repeat the process. -| Gemini Man [ Level **** ] [ Reaction Pattern ] |- In theory, geminiman is easy, in practice, it can be a real pain in the neck. Behavior : Gemini man has 2 phases. In the first phase, he split in 2 gemini man and they both start jumping in the room in a counter clockwise circular pattern. If you shoot during the process, one of the gemini will shoot a bullet toward you. When you have made him lose half of his energy, one of the 2 gemini will dissapear. Then he will walk from right to left and sometime he will throw a gemini laser. If you shoot, he will automaticly jump. Figure 1 - Gemini Man's Jumping pattern | | | /--<-\ | 1 - 1st occurence of Gemini man | / \ | 2 - 2nd Occurence of Gemini man | / \ | | / 2 | | | | | | -1---->----| | |______________| How to : For the first phase, you must stay in the middle of the room and jump over the gimini man as they pass. You shoot gemini man when the 1st gemini stand on the ground and walk toward you and when the 2nd gemini is in the air ( as shown on figure 1 ). If the second gemini is on the ground, he might shoot you in the back when you shoot which can be hard to evade. When you shoot the gemini on the front, he might shoot you too. the solution is to try to evade his shot by jumping over him. Since gemini is circling very fast, it is recommended that you shoot at each 2nd gemini instead of all of them. In this way, it will let you catch your breath and position yourself for the second gemini. In other word, you jump over the 1st one, you shoot and jump over the 2nd one. Then you repeat again. When gemini man reach phase 2, you must shoot him as you can. Since he will jump each time you shoot, you should jump while shooting. If he come close toward you, shoot to force him to jump above you and slide under him. If he use his gemini laser, try to evade the bam by jumping over it and planing it's reflection. -| Magnet Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Magnet man is relatively easy. When you know what to do a t the right moment, it should not be a problem. Behavior : Magnet man can be either on the left side or on the right side of the screen. At the beginning, he stat on the right. He first start to change side by making 2 jumps to the other side of the screen. When he reach the other side, he can start his powerfull magnet or magnet himself on the ceiling and throw 3 magnet missiles. When he finished, he will move to the other side of the screen with 2 jumps and will make one of his 2 move ( missile or magnet ). He then continue to repeat this process. How to : You must always make sure to stay on the opposite side of the screen from where he stand. You should change side if he does so.When he change side, he make a small then an high jumps. You can avade any of these jumps by sliding under him when he is in the air. If he use his magnet, just start running on the opposite direction. If he throw his missile, make sure you are in the opposite corner of the battle field. When the Missile starts to fall on you, walk toward magnet man and all the missile will pass behind you. You can shoot him after he finis a move or when you finished sliding under him, you can turn around and shoot. Or when he his jumping toward you, you can jump and shoot him during his first jump and slide under his 2nd jump or shoot when he landed after the first jump. -| Shadow Man [ Level ***** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- This guy is really tough, it took me hours to beat him ( there was no emulators in the old times ) and I think I beat it once or twice in my life. If you want to win, first you need skill and luck. Both is neccessary. Behavior : Basicly shadow man make a serie of small jumps in the air while closing toward you. After each 3 small or large jump he can (1) throw 2 shadow blades( diagonaly and horizontaly, look below at figure 1 ) (2) or slide until he reach a wall. When he finish sliding he automaticly jump. Those 2 actions are selected randomly. This is what make Shadow man unpredictable. Howto : First never stay at the extremities of the screen because if you try to jump over him when he slide, you'll get hit by it's "automatic-jump-when-finish-sliding". So it is a good idea to stay at least on the 3rd floor tile from the wall. Then when he slide, you will be able to jump over him without being hit. If he throw his shadow blades, you can jump over the horizontal blade but if you are trapped in the corner, you will be hit by the diagonal blade if your try to do so. The best solution is to slide under it. But watch out because he can imediatly slide too. If you are trapped in the corner, you can slide under him while he is making high jump. Remember that it is always at his 3rd jump that he will make an action. So count his jump and stay on your guard after the 3rd one.Then, by the time you all do this, you must shoot him in your free time. Figure 1 - Shadow blades movement _ |\ \ \ <----+ ------------------------------- Megaman 4 ------------------------------ -| Ring Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Ring's man use a pattern that can be evaded without much trouved, you just need to make shar movement to make sure you won't get hit. Behavior : Ring man can jump, walk and throw ring boomerang. he always use the same pattern this is why it make's him so easy. First he thrown a low ring boomerang, then he jump in the air and throw a second ring boomerang. When he falls back on the ground he will catch back his first ring in mid air. Then he will run toward you and catch his second ring at the same time. Howto : First you must evade his 1 str ring, then you must change the side of the screen wehn he runs toward you. When he throw his first ring toward you, make a SMALL jump over the ring, and be prepared to jump back immediatly when the ring comes back. If you are closer to ring man, it will give you more time to react, this is why you should at least stay 3 or 4 floor tiles from the side of the battleground. Then, when ringman start running toward you, jump over him BEFORE he catch his second ring boomerang. Since you have a mega-buster in Megaman IV, it is best to charge your cannon while he is walking toward you. When you jump over him, Slide to the opposite side of the screen ( keeping your 4 tile distance from the side ), turn around and release your buster before he throw his ring again. -| Dive Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern/Reaction Partern ] |- Dive man's patter can be easy, but if you lose control of the combat, it can be impossible to restore his pattern and you will fail. Behavior : Dive man ca (1) throw 3 torpedoes in a row (2) charge where you are standing. Torpedoes are homing, and when he charge, he stop where you stand. Generaly, he choose to shoot torpedo or charge. After he shoot torpedo, he charge. When he finish charging, he repeat the process. How to : The general idea, is to shoot him , jump over him when he charge and move to the opposite side of the screen. When he throw torpedoes, stand on the ground and shoot in rapid fire. In this case, the torpedoes will go directly toward you which will make it easy to shoot them. If you move, they will circle arounf in the battle field and they will be hard to hunt. When you have destroyed the 3rd torpedo, the 4th is not a torpedo but dive man's charge attack. When his charge comes near, make a SMALL jump over him and slide until you reach the opposite side of the screen. The trun around and shoot. If he charge, jump again, else shoot his torpedo. If is always important to stay at the extremities of the battlefield because dive man's charge stop where you are. If you are in the center, he will stop in the center. This way, it will be hard to evade his charge when he start at the middle of the screen. -| Skull Man [ Level *** ] [ Reaction Pattern ] |- Skull man has a predictable pattern. IF you don't make any errors, you will take care of him easily. Behavior : When you enter the room, skull man will wait until you move or shoot. When you do so, he will jump beside you or shoot 3 bullets in you direction. When he land on the floor after a jump, he will start his skull shield. When he is finisend, he will move toward you and shoot bullets again. How to : First make sure you are always charging you mega buster during the combat. When he is away from you, you can shoot him while you can. To evade his bullets, you can try to make 3 small jump but it will be hard because he shoot them fast. So the solution is to make an high jump over the 2 first bullets and since you are in the air, he will throw his 3rd bullet in the air which will make it easy to evade. When he jump beside you and raise his shield, change your buster and wait until he drop it. When he open his defense, release your buster and jump over him at the same time. Skull man will move under you and turn around to shoot. When you fall on the floor, make 1 slide to the opposite direction and make a high jump to evade the first 2 bullets and when you reach the opposite side of the screen, turn around, shoot him and evade his bullets until he jumps beside you again. -| Pharaoh Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Pharaoh man can berealy tough, It's about luck, if he make a lot of charge attack, he will be easier. Behavior : Pharaoh man's pattern is totaly random by selecting one of the following actions (1) Make 2 small jumps and throw a pharaoh shot at the same time (2) Make an high jump to change position (3) charge his pharaoh shot and shoot it at you. How to : Look at the figure 1 below to see pharaoh man's battle ground. The hardest thing to evade is his 2 small jumps else the basic technique is to charge your buster and shoot him when you have a chance. If you are located on platform 3 and he is making small jumps toward you, you could slide under him but if will be difficult. When he make large jump, you can generaly pass without problem by jumping under him or sliding under him. Try to avoid being trapped in the corner but it's not and obligation. When he make his charge attack, charge your buster. When he shoot evade his shot and shoot him. If pharaoh man make charge attack on platform 1 you can easily evade it on platform 2 with a small jump of by waiting on platform 3. When he is on platfrom 2 you can make a small jump un platform 3 but if you are trapped on platform 1, you can still evade it by making an high jump. And when he is on platform 3, you can evade it by staying on platform 1, or on platform 3 and jumping over his shot. It's a good idea to stay 1 platfrom higher than him to make a small jump and shoot him when you fall down. Figure 1 Pharaoh man's battle ground | | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | __| |__ | |___| |___| 1 2 3 2 1 Note that in DR Willy's castle, the battle ground will be flat which will make him easier to defeat since you will be able to slide under most of his small jumps. You will also need to jump over all pharaoh's charge shot. -| Bright Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- The defeat of bright is about luck. If he does not stop time too often, your ok. Behavior : Bright man can make medium or large jumps in the room. when he is on the ground, he can thrown a series of 3 bullet at 3 different location ( low, medium, high ). Finaly, sometime he will use his time stop. By doing so, he will freeze the whole screen for a few seconds. How to : Make sure you always charge your buster. When he jumps in the room, slide under him when he jumps toward you and try to evade his landing. Make sure you don't get trapped in a corner. When he shoot you, stand on ground and shoot over the medium level bullets ( the others won't hit you. You can shoot and immediatly jump over th bullet or jump and shoot when you land. Continue to evade him and shoot wehn he attacks. If he is going to stop time ( his ligh bulb start to flash ) make a jump in the air whe you are standing. If you are lucky, he will start shooting and the middle bullet won't hit you because you are in the air. If you are bad luck, bright man will jump on you. In this case, there is nothing you can do about it. -| Toad Man [ Level * ] [ Reaction Pattern ] |- This is one of the easiest boss in the whole megaman series. You usualy beat him without being touch. Behavior : Toad man has 1 weapon, the toad rain. If you don't do anything, he will stay where he is and call periodicly his rain. But if you shoot him, he will jump in the room. If you stop shooting, he will call his rain again. How to : The goal is to keep him busy. If you do so, he will never start his rain. You must use only rapid fire to keep him busy. When you enter the room, start shooting. Then when he jumps, run under him and when he land, turn around and shoot as fast has you can. Then when his jumps again, run under him, turn around and shoot. Continue this process until he is dead. -| Drill Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Fighting drill man can be a mess if he start using his drill bomb ( its a bigger mess if you use drill bombs at the same time too, try it at dr will'y castle ). But if you are lucky, you just have to make sure you don't get hit. Behavior : Drill man has the following options (1) drill the underground and raise from the ground where megaman stans (2) jumps in the room (3) charge toward megaman and throw drill bombs. How to : When drill man jumps, in the room slide under him and try to evade him. You should shoot him when he lands on the ground. When he is about to dig underground, move to the left or right extremity of the battlefield and start jumping toward the oposite direction. When you reach the opposite wall, continue to jump back from where you came. When you have trvel more than half of the screen, drill man should pop up behind you. This is when you fall on the ground, and shoot your buster. His he star throwing drills, pray for your life. You can try to make small jumps over the drill to finaly ty to jump over drill man. if you are lucky, it will work. Make sure you jump foward over the drill because they can detonate under you. Even if you don't succeed the evasion, you will at most be hit once or twice. Continue to shoot him while you can. -| Dust Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Dust man is easy. When you know how to beat him, it will be a piece of cake. Behavior : Bustman select randomly one of the three following actions (1) half screen jumps (2) shoot his dust (3) suck you with his fan. How to : When he jumps in the room, you can run or slide under him to evade him. Shooting him with the buster when he lands is a good idea. when he soot his dust, make a standing jump over it. Don't jump foward or backward because you will be hit by the dust explosion. You can shoot your buster when you fall down or before you jump. When he suck you with his fan, just run in the opposite direction. Figure 1 - Dust explosion direction __ __ |\ A /| A : safe spot from the explosion. \ / \/ /\ / \ |/ \| -- -- ----------------------------- Megaman 5 ------------------------------- -| Stone Man [ Level ** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Stone man movements are easy to predict since he does not do much thing in combat. Behavior : First, stone man can jump in the air and when he fall on the ground he fall in stones. When in stones, he is invincible. He can also make ormal jumps in the room and he can throw 3 stone in the air, that are rotating in the air, and then jump toward you. How To : When he jump close to you, you can easily slide under him to evade his fall. While you are evading his jumps, charge your buster. Then release your buster just before he land on the ground. If he fall in stone charge up your buster and wait. When he throw is stone, keep some distance from him. -| Gravity Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Gravity man is fast, and if you don't pay enough attention to his movement, you will get comfused. Behavior : During the combat, your gravity is always different than gravity man's gravity. When you are on the ceiling he is on the ground and when you are on the ground he is on the ceiling. Gravity can either jump foward or run before he change the gravity. Jumping make him cross more distance than running. When he change his gravity, you and him will change position and then he will start running or jumping again. He can also shoot a bullet toward you when jumping or running. How to : The goal is to Move and charge your buster to evade his movements an bullets. When he change gravity, you shoot him while you are in the air. Always charge your buster while you are waiting a gravity change. Make sur that you are not one above another when changing gravity or you'll be hit. To do so, if he is far from you and run toward you, you know that you might not have the time to pass over or under him by the time he change gravity so keep you distance, evade his bullet and wait then you'll pass over or under him the next time. If he jump, he will cross a larger disdance which become easier to slide under or over him to reach the opposite side of the screen before he switch gravity. If he run away from you, simply charge and wait for a gravity change. -| Star Man [ Level * ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Star man is easy to defeat since his star shield is really innefective. Behavior : Star man first raise a shield of star that move around him to protect him. During this time, he is totaly invincible. Then he will make either long low jump or short high jump. After a while, he will freeze on the air or on the ground and throw a his shield toward you. THne he raise his shield again. Howto : First always charge your buster. When he jump, slide under him to evade his movements. When he make an high jump and shoot you, jump over his stars and release your buster. If he shoot when he is on the ground, make a small jump over his star shield and release your buster while falling. Keep in mind that the shield collision detection is smaller than the size drawn on the screen. Which mean that sometimes you don't get hit even if you should have been hit. -| Napalm Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Napalm man has an easy pattern bu he is a quick one. FI your fast on your feets and you react quickly, he will be easy. Behavior : Napalm man can shoot 3 missile in a row toward your or shoot 2 explosive container that will explode when falling on the ground. Than he will make a long or a small jump and start attacking again. How to : While you are evading his attack you always charge your buster. When he shoot 3 missile in a row, make 3 small jump over them. If he shoot his bomb, keep some distance from him. When he jump toward you, slide under him and shoot him when he land on the ground by releasing your buster you should had already charged. -| Crystal Man [ Level **** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Behavior : Crystal man always jumps. If he make a small jump, he will throw a bullet toward megaman. If he make an high jump, he will throw 3 crystal ball that will bounce on the walls, floor and ceiling. How to : Since crystal man shoot frequently, avoid being hit or you will lose your buster ( unfortunatly a new feature in megaman 5 ). Slide under him when he jump close to you. If he shoot his crystal balls, try to predict the fist colision spot and move to a safe position to at least evade a hit. While evading his attacks charge your buster. When he shoot a bulett, jump over it and release your buster on him while falling back on the ground. -| Gyro Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Gyro man have an easy pattern but sometime he can get a little bit tricky. So keep your eyes open. Behavior : Gyro man can (1) fly in the air and shoot gyro blade on the ground or (2) stand on the ground and throw blade on you( see figure 1). figure 1 Gyroman blade movements | | /\ /\ /___| or |___\ ____| or |____ \ / while in air While on ground How to : Charge your buster, if he shoot on the ground, jump foward over his blade and release your buster when you land on the ground. If gyro man is near you, he will shoot his blade faster so watch out. When he fly in the air, move randomly on the ground while charging. when a blade fall on the ground jump over hit and try to evade gyro man's fall. Then release you buster when he fall. -| Charge Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Charge man can sometime trap you in a corner. Make sure you always have an escape plan. Behavior : He can walk, charge on you or shoot 3 things in the air that will fall on the ground a second later. When he is changing and when he shoot his 3 things, he is invincible. This is what make him difficult. How to : It is difficult to jump over him so make sure that you jump over him only when he is charging or running toward you. When he is running, somtimes he can turn back and hit your fall so think twice when you jump. Don't jump over him whe he is shooting. While making evasive manuvers charge your buster. When he walk and your buster is ready, release your buster. If you jump over him and he follow you by walking on your tail. Slide away, trun around an release your buster. -| Wave Man [ level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Even if he has a very repetiive pattern, he's harder to defeat than you think. Behavior : Wave man will start his pattern by releasing a water spray on the ground that can hit you and that will shield him from all frontal attacks. Then he will shoot a slow harpoon toward you and then jump foward. When he land, he repeat the whoel pattern. How to : When he his going to release his spray, don't move because he will never release it under you. If the spray is between you and him, charge and wait else release your buster. Then when he shoot his harpoon walk foward, make a small jump over it and at the same time you must pass under wave man's jump. Then release your buster when he land. Try to stay close to him and charge when his water spray is raised. ------------------------------- MegaMan 6 ----------------------------- -| Blizzard man [ Level ** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Blizzard man is easy to take out. You just have to make sure you don't make any errors. Behavior : Blizzard man can ski ( move ) on the ground, The he has the choice of creating 4 snow flake in the air and direct them slowly toward you or roll in a ball and charge toward megaman. He will continue to roll until he hit a wall and then he will bounce back. During his roll attack, he is invincible. How To : Try to stay near the center of the screen for the whole battle because if you are near the edge , you won't be able to evade his bounce when he roll and hit the wall. Always charge tour buster during the whole combat. When he makes his roll attack, jump foward over it, walk in the opposite direction, turn around and release your buster. When he release his snow flake, continue charging and evade his snow flake. Blizzard man will do nothing during this time so when you evade the snow flakes, release your buster. -| Wind Man [ Level ** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Wind man has an easy pattern and his attack lack of variety. Behavior : Wind man randomly select one of the following behavior (1) fly in the air a few square above the ground, move toward you and land back on the ground (2) Throw 2 fan toward you that move in a sinus pattern or (3) use his fan to pull you toward him. How to : Always charge your buster and stay as far as you can from wind man. When he fly, you can slide under him to flee in the opposite direction of the screen. If he shoot his fan, make a stand jump over them. If he suck with his fan, Run and slide in the opposite direction. You can shoot him by releasing your buster when he land on the ground from a flying manuver or you can release your buster when he shoot his fan and immediatly jump over them. You must make both movements at the same time ( Buster + jump ). -| Flame Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Even if flame man look easy, if you don't have the right timing, you will have an hard time with him. Behavior : Flame man can make various jumps to move in the battle screen. Then when he attack he can throw 3 small flame in a row toward megaman or create a flamw wave on the ground that will cover the whole battle field. How to : Try to always stay away from him and of course charge your buster while waiting. When he jump, you can easily slide under him. If he throw his 3 small flames you just need to make 3 small jump over them. To evade his flame wave, you need to make a WELL TIMED stand jump. It's hard to make but with some practice you will succeed. This jump allows you to be in the air when the fire is below your. Then you can release your buster when he land from a jump or use the show + jump technique when he start shooting his 3 flames. When jumping above his 3 flame, it is possible that he chain with a flame wave which will be almost impossible to evade so watch out. -| Plant Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- Plant man is one of the most ridiculous boss in the whole megaman history. His design, his name and his combat techniques are totaly a joke. Behavior : Plant man have a easy repeatable pattern. First he raise his shield then he jump in the air. When he jump he bounce on walls so if you are traped in a corner and jump toward you, he might simply bounce on the wall and fall in front of you. When he land on the ground, he throw his shield. then he walk raise his shield and start the pattern again. When his shield is raised, he is invincible. How To : Always charge your buster during the combat. When he jump, evade his landing spot. You can also easily slide inder him. When he throw his shield, keep some distance from him and jump over it. When you land release your buster. If he run toward you, jump over him else slide away and wait for his next attack. -| Tomahawk Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Tomahawk man can be puzzling but if you are well prepared and awared of his action, he will be easy to destroy. Behavior : Tomahawk man move by jumping in the screen. When he his on the ground, he can throw a grounp of 3 feathers or a silver tomahawk toward megaman. The silver tomahawk will move strait then raise slowly in the air which make it difficult to evade away from him. And the 3 feater will move at different speed. How to : If is difficult to evade his attack if you don't know the trick. You must stay at an average distance from him. If you do so, you will easily jump over the 3 feather because they will not have splitted yet and the silver tomahawk will be low on the ground making it easy to jump over it. When he jump, you can slide under him. Make sure you always charge your buster. When you jump over his attack you can release you buster when landing or you can shoot before jumping by making a shoot + jump attack. -| Yamato Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- Yamato man has a repetitive pattern. When you learned it, he should not be a problem. Behavior : First he spin his spear in front of himself a throw a spike toward you. The spike will land on the floor and he will run to get it back. Then he will make an high jump in the air and throw 3 spike on the ground. Then he continue the process. How to : Make sure your buster is always charged. When he jump in the air, slide under him or stay away and evade his spikes. When sliding under him, make sure you don't slide too far or you will get hit by the last spike. When he shoot in the ground, release your buster and jump over his spike. The jump over him and charge your buster again. You can also shoot him by releasing your buster when he land on the ground. -| Knight Man [ Level ** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Knight man is easy to beat. The only way he can really make you sick is if he traps you in a corner else it is a peace of cake. Behavior : Knight man can jump, small and long jumps, and he can throw his spike ball. His spike ball has boomerang properties, he throw it fast and come back slowly. All these actions are selected randomly. He has also a shield to protect him self. The shield only protect him from front attack and his shield drop when he throw his ball. How to : The technique is to shoot when his shield is open. When he jumps in the battle field, evade his movement, slide under him when he is in the air and try make sure that you won't be trapped in a corner when he send his ball. While doing this, charge your buster and stay away from him. When he is ready to throw his ball, jump foward over the ball and at the same time release the buster. When his ball comes back, jump backward and shoot until his shield close. Continue the process. If there is not enough space between you and knight man to move between him and the ball, you can make a back jump instead and shoot him when you land. If you get traped in the corner you can try a stand jump to evade his ball. -| Centaur Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- Centaur man has a variety of movement and attack which makes him hard to predict. Behavior : Centaur man can run to the opposite side of the screen , shoot a bullet that will split when hitting the wall, dissapear and reappear any where in the screen or use his centaur clash that will stop the time for a few seconds. How to : When he run, jump over him. When he shoot, stay near the middle of the screen. If you do so, when the ball split on the wall you won't get hit if you stand still. If will be a great advantage when you are time stoped. When he dissapear, move around but stay near the center of the battle ground. While you are waiting, charge your buster. When he run toward you, you can jump over him turn around and shoot him. You can also try to shoot him wehn he appears if you have a clear shot at him. If he shoot, move to the safe spot charge your buster and shoot him while he is waiting. ------------------------------ Megaman 7 ------------------------------- -| Freeze Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- -| Junk Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern ] |- -| Burst Man [ Level *** ] [ Pattern/Reation Pattern ] |- -| Cloud Man [ Level ** ] [ Pattern ] |- -| Shade Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- -| Turbo Man [ Level **** ] [ Pattern ] |- -| Slash Man [ Level ***** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- -| Spring Man [ Level *** ] [ Random Pattern ] |- |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Conclusion | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| This is it. It's not totaly finished yet, there is still megaman 7 , 8 and maybe rockman and forte to go. Patience they will be added when I'll have the time and courage to add them. If your looking for Mega Man X advices, another faq will be created someday to teach how to defeat the bosses with the arm cannon ( yes it is possible ). I don't think there is much more thing I could add to help you accomplish this challenge. If you have any idea well e-mail me. If you need some help, don't hesitate asking. If you have new interesting challenge to propose, I'll be ready to take them. I'll hope you'll appreciate this faq and I hope you will have fun doing the challenge. Yes of course some times it can be tough ... this is why I made a FAQ (^_^) Finaly, take note that English is not my native tongue so it is possible that this document contains typing, syntax or ortograph errors. Thank You -- References -- Eric Pietrocupo Nickname : The Shadow E-Mail : ericp@ariel.bdeb.qc.ca Main author of the faq This FAQ was distributed on www.gamefaqs.com