"Long winded promises of future company... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MEGA MAN 2 An FAQ/Walkthrough For the Sony PlayStation Copyright 2005-2006 Richard Beast =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ...up close the sound remains the same." - Motion City Soundtrack =============================================================================== Table of Contents: =============================================================================== -!NOTE!- This guide, as you will soon see, is a fair size. Seeing as how this takes effect, you will most likely be lost in trying to find out what you want to read. There is one way to get to it, instantly. Press Ctrl + F, and then look for whatever you want. Let's say you want to go to the Basics section. Type in "4. Basics", and then you'll go to the basics section, instantly! Pretty neat, eh? 1. Introduction 2. Legal Disclaimer 3. Contact Rules 4. Basics 5. Weapons 6. Walkthrough 6a. Metal Man 6b. Flash Man 6c. Bubble Man 6d. Wood Man 6e. Air Man 6f. Heat Man 6g. Crash Man 6h. Quick Man 6i. The Dragon 6j. The Living Room 6k. Gutsdozer 6l. Crash Bomber 6m. Robotic Return 6n. Final Battle 7. Damage Chart 8. Bosses Credits -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 1. INTRODUCTION =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Yes, I know that I do far too many guides for my own good, you don't have to tell me yet again. So anyways, this guide here was originally part of a Mega Man Anniversary Collection guide that I was doing, but I decided to split it up, cuz, well, if I didn't it would take forever to finish. So yeah, I'm back once more to grace you with my most excellent appearance. It's Richard Beast, and odds are you might have read my Mega Man 3 or Mega Man 5 guides, the former having co-authored with Psycho Penguin. So I need no introduction. The guide itself is moderately straightforward. You have the first three sections which are about me, and then the next five sections which are all about you... uh huh. You've got game basics and a listing of all the weapons, then a walkthrough which goes from the six robot masters to Dr. Wily's castle, then after that, a chart which will tell about how many hits of each weapon it takes to kill enemies (yes, I do rock), a shortcut to bosses, and then just some shout outs I have to give. So with that, excuse my babbling, and enjoy the guide. - Richard "Gbness" Beast -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 2. LEGAL DISCLAIMER =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first. All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site, then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it. If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it? Good. Also, make sure that no money is involved. If you want this FAQ to be sold on eBay, then just forget about it, man. And don't sell this guide either, or pay people to use it, or you'll be in such big trouble you don't want to think. Another little note is that I will not have this guide hosted on many other web sites besides GameNotOver, GameFAQs, IGN, and Neoseeker. You need full-on permission if it's not one of the four above sites. I am sick of people ripping me off (I have been ripped off three times in the past), so if I don't like your site, I won't let my guide be posted on it. I am sorry, but this is how it has to be. If you ask politely and I like your site, you will definitely have the luck of getting it up there. Thank you very much. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 3. CONTACT RULES =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ You can e-mail me if there is a question you wish to ask that hasn't been answered in the guide, but I REALLY don't want to bother answering questions that have already been done, answered, and done again in the guide, if it isn't too much trouble. Feel free to tell me if there's something I've forgotten, however. My e-mail address is richard_power1000 [at] yahoo [dot] com. Except, replace the [at] and spaces with a "@" symbol and the [dot] and spaces with a period; I have to write like that so I don't get a dozen spam bots e-mailing me and getting me viruses. Just be polite in the e-mail, don't talk like "omg wtf rich ur gides r t3h su><0rz & how du i beat peace of toste", and don't ask something that's already been answered in the guide, and I'll respond. And don't bother sending things like: "You friggin' idiot. Your guides suck, you suck, and everything about you sucks. DIE DIE DIE!" "BURN IN THE FLAMES OF HELL, YOU STUPID RETARD!!!" "What the hell did you think you were doing writing all that garbage, you piece of crap? "I hope you fall down the stairs and break every bone in your body!" "u su><0rz, eVrYtInG BoUt u sUx, dIe ass!!!!!!1" I will laugh at such e-mails and delete them. So... if you're not just playing a friendly joke on me or something, don't bother with that crap cos I've been through with it too much. Okay, that's enough for that. My AIM name is rbeast288; sorry, I don't have MSN or YIM. The list is closed, but I'll add you if you ask politely via e-mail. I like chatting with people, but try not to overdo it on AIM if I add you to my list. Since I am busy a majority of the time and all. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 4. BASICS =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ You can figure these out in ten seconds by looking at your NES controller, but because I am writing a guide: Up: Climb up (ladder) Down: Climb down (ladder) Left: Move left Right: Move right A: Fire B: Jump As for the game itself, you are a fighting robot named Mega Man, and recently Dr. Light created six robots that were developed for world peace: Bomb Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, and Fire Man, but were taken over by an evil scientist named Dr. Wily. However, you (aka Mega Man) defeated them and Dr. Wily, but while this all happened, Dr. Wily developed his own robots, who are named Metal Man, Flash Man, Crash Man, Wood Man, Quick Man, Air Man, Bubble Man, and Heat Man. And you've gotta beat 'em all. Fun. To go to a stage from the entrance screen, you've got a screen that looks like this. And you get to take a pick. Non-linearity! ____________ ____________ ____________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] | | [pic] | | [pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____________| |____________| |____________| BUBBLE MAN AIR MAN QUICK MAN ____________ ____________ ____________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] | | [pic] | | [pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____________| |____________| |____________| HEAT MAN DR. WILY WOOD MAN ____________ ____________ ____________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] | | [pic] | | [pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____________| |____________| |____________| METAL MAN FLASH MAN CRASH MAN It's easy enough to guess that you need to beat the eight robots before going on to Dr. Wily, but right. You can go through these eight stages in any order you wish, but there ARE preferable orders to go through it with, and the order I'll walk you through it in this guide is my personal favorite. The reason there are preferable reasons is because each stage consists of a level, and a boss. After you beat a boss, you'll get that boss's weapon, and different bosses are all weak against another weapon. Since you're stuck with your arm cannon at the beginning, you're best off starting with one of the easier robots (Metal Man, Flash Man, Bubble Man, or Air Man), and going on in order of different robot weakness. That's probably all you need to know for now. You can't slide or charge a Mega Buster until the next two titles, but still, that's part of what makes Mega Man 2 what it is. Enjoy it as you go through it. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 5. WEAPONS =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ================== METAL MAN'S WEAPON ====================== METAL BLADES ====================== This is hands-down the best weapon in Mega Man 2, and possibly the best weapon in the entire classic franchise. What makes it so good? It's insanely powerful, it can kill Bubble Man, Flash Man, and Wood Man in about seven hits, and that's quick! What's better is that you can fire about 80 of these, while most of the really strong weapons (Crash Bomb is quite a bit stronger than the Metal Blades) get a mere 7 shots. Atomic Fire gets 2 or 3 if it's charged, which is the only time it's good. Get these immediately! ================== FLASH MAN'S WEAPON ====================== TIME STOPPER ====================== The hands-down most useless weapon in the game, the Time Stopper only helps on one occasion: the battle with Quick Man, who can be half defeated with this baby. Otherwise, it won't damage anything. There are, however, a few occasions the Time Stopper can be useful. It helps a bit in Bubble Man's stage, and it helps in the second Dr. Wily stage. That's it. That's the end of the line. But honestly, who thought Flash Man would drop an awesome weapon? =================== BUBBLE MAN'S WEAPON ======================= BUBBLE LEAD ======================= Bubble Lead is actually a pretty good weapon, and it's a great help against the final boss and Heat Man. It can only go across the ground, but that's where most of the tougher enemies are. The damage is decent, and it gets nearly as much ammunition as the Metal Blades do! Don't get me wrong; the Metal Blades are altogether much better than the Bubble Lead. Still, you've got the Bubble Lead, might as well use it here and there. =================== WOOD MAN'S WEAPON ======================= LEAF SHIELD ======================= Actually, Wood Man's weapon can prove quite a helpful one, as it's got some great power on it, and if you happen to run out of Metal Blades ammo, it's a helpful thing to use. The Leaf Shield provides a little defense, but I find it to work best in Dr. Wily's fourth stage or Crash Man's stage, with all of the little robots which will come at you. Touch 'em with this, and they'll learn who to mess with. Maybe themselves. But don't think it holds a candle to the Metal Blades. ================== AIR MAN'S WEAPON ====================== AIR SHOOTER ====================== If you're working against Crushers, the Air Shooter is invaluable. It'll destroy those large, purple killing machines. IN ONE HIT. It'll go right at the Shielded Gunner driving it and destroy the robot, allowing you to slaughter the driver. Unfortunately, the Air Shooter goes up in a spiral, and therefore often misses it target. All the same, you'll find few better weapons against aerial enemies. =================== HEAT MAN'S WEAPON ======================= ATOMIC FIRE ======================= The Atomic Fire is what your arm cannon is in Mega Mans 4, 5, and 6: it's a weak weapon which can be charged up by holding down Square... and releasing a really powerful blow. Unfortunately, the Atomic Fire is extremely weak. It also uses ammo; only 28 of those small fires. It can be charged up, but if you want the real blast (which is about as strong as the Crash Bombs are), you have to charge it down for several seconds, and you get TWO uses of that! Pitiful! Just pass it by, your arm cannon is much better. ================== CRASH MAN'S WEAPON ====================== CRASH BOMB ====================== This is EASILY the strongest weapon in the game. If you need something you want destroyed quick (with the exception of Crushers, in which the Air Shooter will blast to pieces) the Crash Bomb is the weapon to use. It can also be used to destroy delicate walls, so you can head forward. It fires one HELL of a punch in a bomb, straight forward, which will hit anything around it. Sadly, it has one great flaw: it has very little ammo. It can handle seven uses. So you can't waste it; use it sparingly! ================== QUICK MAN'S WEAPON ====================== QUICK BOOMERANG ====================== One of the better weapons, although it can't quite compare to how good it was when Quick Man used it, or how good the Metal Blades are. :) The Quick Boomerang handles even more ammo than the old blades do; you can easily get off 100 of these. They aren't very powerful at all, especially compared to the Crash Bombs or something, but they're much faster and pack a lot more of ammo. Against Metal Man, it also works wonders. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 6. WALKTHROUGH =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Metal Man is weak against Quick Boomerang. Bubble Man is weak against Metal Blades. Flash Man is weak against Crash Bombs/Metal Blades. Quick Man is weak against Time Stopper. Heat Man is weak against Bubble Lead. Wood Man is weak against Atomic Fire/Metal Blades. Air Man is weak against Leaf Shield. Crash Man is weak against Air Shooter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6a. METAL MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy Metal Man's stage is definitely one of the easiest in the game, and the boss isn't much, especially since you're going to pick up two E-Tanks in this stage. Anyway, first thing you'll notice is that this takes place on a conveyor belt. There are lots of pits around, so smooth sailing.. be careful not to fall in, since the conveyor belts will drop you into the pit. It's like Mega Man was garbage! Bah! Anyway, run by holding down the right, and quickly jump to the conveyor belt on the right. This one is different in that it'll brings to the left instead of the right. Another conveyor belt is above you, this one also going left. Alright, but that's not our immediate destination yet. You could just continue going to the right, but I prefer to mash B instead. ;) Jump like nuts, then you'll find an E-Tank on the far right. You might want to use this against Metal Man! Hold down left and you'll be near that conveyor belt above you in no time. Jump, and you'll notice it goes left as well! Only a small slowdown, nothing serious. Continue to repeatedly jump across the conveyor belt until a large chain of spikes crashes down on the floor from above! Argh, don't get under it or touch it! Wait until it lands, then it'll rise up. When it provides a gap large enough for you to fall into, get below that chain and jump to the step in front of you. That was a close call. There are more of those damn conveyor belts in front of you, none in which are exactly assisting you here. The chains are falling repeatedly, so you still have to worry about them, to boot! I'd get hit by no more than two of these, otherwise you may screw up and die. Something we lookin' forward to? Not here, anyway. After three of them or so, it'll be solid floor instead of conveyor belts, but those chains haven't stopped. After a couple more, jump to the conveyor belt right ahead. With that right button, you'll find a jump to make, shortly. Jump off at the very end of the conveyor belt, and the first thing you'll notice is that drills are coming up and down from the ceiling and floor! PRAY PLEASE HELP US! Just kidding, they're helpful to destroy and possibly get large energy pellets and extra lives, if you destroy enough of them. They go down in a few hits with your buster, they're unlimited, they're easy and cheap. After you have some fun with them, continue to the conveyor belt on the right, but be warned that drills are also coming from them, so I'd recommend doing a fair bit of jumping. You'll soon get past that and be able to jump to a long conveyor belt going backwards, so no worries. On the next one, continue heading right, then you can look above and find an extra life, but unless you've beaten Heat Man's stage and have the Item-1, you can't get it; I'm sorry. Fall into the hole and move on. Following your landing, another conveyor belt wishes to drag you into another hole. Eh well, that's the first time one of these was convenient! Take a right, and you see a gear in midair?! What's better is that a monkey in a clown's costume will land on it and make it roll at you! Hilarious and classic! I recommend going for the gear, so give it all your arm cannon can give. Jump to the next platform, but be warned that more gear-riding monkeys can drop on you, so keep an eye out. Right after is another conveyor belt, as well as another clown monkey who will jump on it. Wait until he lands, then press the B button like nuts. Once you've beaten a few of them, what I call the Block Breakers come to play. They're made up of a few blocks which will be thrown all over the place, and then the block with the face can be shot. Do that, the arm cannon will do that. After a few more of those, as well as a few more jumps to make, you'll see an E-Tank below you, and a ledge to the far right of the E-Tank. Alright, I personally wanted the E-Tank but didn't have Item-2. I jumped down, hugged the wall on the left, and got the E-Tank. But I couldn't get to the ledge on the right! That's right, you just sacrificed a life for an E-Tank. That's what I have to recommend, since you might need an E-Tank or two when you fight Metal Man. Start back from the drop you made earlier (right after comes the clown monkeys) and proceed to before you got the E-Tank to the left. This time, instead of making the jump that costs us our life to the ledge on the left, jump to the ledge on the right. More clown monkeys and stupid Block Breakers are here, as well as an annoying enemy or two I call the Springbots. You cannot hurt them with the Mega Buster, so jump over them when they get down. Plus, why bother when the boss lair is right behind them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: METAL MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metal Man is a nice fellow. Unless a lot of time passes by and he gets bored, or you provoke him (shoot or get too close) he won't touch you. A good deal of his health can come off if you add up the attacks on him, but I'd keep a fair distance, but don't stay at the very far left of the room. Let the hits get on him, and he'll counterattack by throwing the METAL BLADES. Ahhh... man do we want those... Anyway, most of the blades can be jumped over. What I'd do is stay around the middle, but a bit more to the left. Jump a little, as Metal Man has some really good jumping power. Shoot one bullet after another at that robotic skull of his, and he'll throw more blades. He even stops when you do! Jumping will easily stop that. Metal Man can reverse the conveyor belt (the floor) as he wishes, so when that happens he'll jump all the way across the floor. Turn around, and shoot even more vigorously! By being this aggressive, it may cost you an E-Tank if you're in Difficult mode, but in Normal mode this is a cakewalk. Once you've beaten Metal Man, you get BY FAR the greatest weapon: the Metal Blades. They've got power, they've got speed, they've got versatility, there's nothing they don't have. In other words, they rock. Three robots are weak against them (not including Metal Man :P) so how's about we tackle their stages next? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6b. FLASH MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy Probably the weirdest stage in Mega Man 2, and also one of the shortest, but it's one of the prettiest. As you can see, everything is flashing in colors of blue, purple, and aqua. Flash Man's stage is like a maze, especially without the Crash Bombs. Some paths lead to treasure, some paths lead to a very dangerous enemy called the Crusher, which always come with a Shielded Gunner, and there are walls which need to be "crashed" everywhere. Regardless, this is an easy place. Head forward to find an enemy known as the Looped Gunner. It will fire some bullets at you, then in the air, which will then go downward like an arch. Even the arm cannon can defeat it easily. There are some more enemies below that can also be easily defeated, but aren't really worth the trouble. Anyway, there are three paths for us to take: one at the top, one in the middle, and one in between. Still, you've got look in all of them. The top path has three walls which can only be destroyed with the Crash Bombs, and those count as barriers in Flash Man's stage. It's also full of impossible jumps to make (without Item-2), so that's out of the question. The middle one has a large energy pellet, but is guarded by a Looped Gunner and another barrier. The bottom one, however, can be passed through. Head down there and go to the right, and on the next screen, chances are you aren't able to get the extra life above. Oh well. Jump over past the enemies and head to the right and right fork (up and down actually)... one way to go from here, and that's using the path below. If you COULD take the upper path, you get to avoid enemies if you have Crash Bombs. I didn't, so I was stuck with the bottom one and enemies. Blargh. Take anything other than yourself out, then jump up and take the drop down. And from where you fall, you have to find a damn Crusher. These can be very hard enemies if you don't have the Air Shooter. To take it over, jump up and shoot the Shielded Gunner controlling it, and within time the Crusher will be destroyed, but the Shielded Gunner remains. Did I ever mention that these enemies suck? Anyway, finish off with the Shielded Gunner, and you get another left-right fork, with both ditches digging deeper into the area. I strongly suggest taking the one on the right, because the one on the left is a hellhole as far as enemies go. So the one on the right keeps you safe. Drop down a bit, and take the right hole. An enemy to the left! Hope you didn't go that way... if you took the right, then just head on a little bit to the right and drop into the hole there. From here, you can use a Crash Bomb if you have one, and blast the wall on the left down for an energy pellet... but I didn't have any. Sucks to be me. Just fall into the hole near you, and from there you can see two small enemies below you. Yeah, for once this path is worse. Just use the arm cannon to take them out, and fall down the hole in front of you. 'Tis as good as anything else. Geez, this ever going to end? Continue to drop down to the right, and when you land, you're faced with a Crusher in front of you, and a pellet where you land. One more enemy isn't too bad... this one's a little tough, but just take it out the same way you took the other one out. You'll probably take some hits, but oh well. Head to the left, and drop down the hole there, landing on the upper area there. There's a Crusher below you... sure glad you didn't have to fight that, eh? Jump from one platform to another, and when you see a path going on to the upper right side, don't take that. Now you'll have to drop down and proceed, fighting yet one more Crusher, but that's life. Drop down, since you don't have any Crash Bombs, and proceed onward to find a Crusher in front of you on the next screen. MY LIFE IS RUINED! Not really, this one's easier to both beat, and avoid. Jump across the platforms there, making very long and careful jumps. Just be accurate in your jumping, and get to the other side, where the gate is. Fight time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: FLASH MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flash Man's lair flashes just as brightly as his stage does! Anyway, as you enter the first thing that will probably come to mind is, "He's going to flash me from a long distance. I'll give this tough fight all I've got!". True, Flash Man does have a weapon that flashes not you, but the room. Time Stopper. Yes, he can stop you from moving, and then move on to use his arm cannon and spray plasma bullets all over the place. He can also attack with normal plasma bullets, not stopping time. That is all he can do. Sound challenging? Yes, but he's not tough in the slightest. Move forward a little bit, and jump in the air a little. Now throw a Metal Blade or two. See what health he's got left? And then he freezes time! Oh, clever, clever. After that happens, and you (most likely) dodge a lot of attacks, get in front of him and fire Metal Blades everywhere. See, that's why! He takes fourteen hits from the arm cannon and 4-6 hits from the Metal Blades. Some robot that was. The weapon you get isn't that useful, although it serves its purpose in a few stages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6c. BUBBLE MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy This would have to be one of my favorite Mega Man 2 stages, simply because of the remixed music. It's awesome, I say! During this whole stage, I was humming to it. Oops, that's beside the point. Anyway, the first part of this stage is played out on platforms you'll have to jump. There's a waterfall behind you as well, although it has no relevance to what we're doing... yet. Take a jump to the platform ahead of you, and creatures of the water come to play! Well, frogs are of water, anyway. The frog ahead of you is the mama, and she's pretty big, although she succumbs easily to the Metal Blades. She can spit three Frogs out to try and jump at you, but the problem with them is that they can be taken out in one hit. I do, however, recommend ignoring them and instead using the Metal Blades to slash through the Mama Frog. After that, jump to the next platform. Continue forward, fighting off the next few frogs that'll get in the way. After that, five platforms will arise from the water below. If you are a real wimp and want an easy way to get through, then use the Time Stopper. Naturally, the platforms fall after being stood on for a second, but the Time Stopper stops them from doing so. Pretty cheap, is it not? Yeah, I know. Continue to the right and drop onto the ledge below. Fall onto the next screen and three Hermit Crabs will attack you! One day, God made the Metal Blades, however, so we might as well use them. When the Hermit Crabs charge at you, throw a metal blade. What happens depends on what difficulty mode you're on: Easy will make them die, Normal will make their shells come off, but then they become more dangerous! I played in Normal mode, so I would recommend using Metal Blades twice for the first one, then maybe ignoring the next two. Afterwards, drop into the waterfall below. Whoo! We're now underwater! Gravity is obvious much lighter down here, so you can jump a lot higher; sweet! Move to the right and OMG ATTACK OF THE LARGE RED FISH! Yeah, there's a large red fish who wants your bones (wait, do robots have bones) but has a weakness: the light on the top of its head. Use your regular arm cannon to destroy the rockets the fish will shoot, and fire one bullet of your arm cannon after another at that light (it's immune to Metal Blades, sadly). :( Move forward, as more of those crabs and things come out to attack you. Again, the Metal Blades are great as you can fire them at every single enemy in sight and you'll hardly need to look at that ammo gauge. Plus, lots of enemies drop energy pellets. Once the path ends, another large red fish will greet you. Again, use the arm cannon for the whole fight, and it'll be a goner in no time. Jump up the stairs on the right, but avoid the spikes on the ceiling! After that, you're out of the water itself, at least. Now, get those Metal Blades out again (=P) and you'll find the last part of the level is based on platform jumping. However, hermit crabs come back with a vengeance and try to land between them, so they can land on you while you attempt the jumps. Try to avoid this from happening while jumping as soon as you take out a landing hermit crab to the right. Jump to the platform right after the next one, and continue the process we've been taking. This is arguably the hardest part of the stage, but right after that, you'll find a gate to the right... what's that? ;) Destroy a hermit crab that might try to land, and then jump across the platforms and bust through those gates... the boss gates! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: BUBBLE MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bubble Man isn't tough in the slightest, he's made almost impossible to lose to if you're equipped with the Metal Blades. Although outside the gate, it was dry, the inside of Bubble Man's lair is filled with water, so you can jump as high as you wish! Just try not to hit the spikes at the ceiling, or you're gone. This scuba diver here shoots bubbles out of his arm cannon. Most of them will move along the floor, leaving little chance of them hitting you. Bubble Man is fond of jumping around, so my strategy is moving under him while he jumps to the left, and firing Metal Blades upward at him. If you're on Easy mode, this will DEFINITELY kill him. At normal mode, move out of the way quickly, chuck another Metal Blade at him, and avoid the watery woe (I mean the bubble!) and then shoot another blade! WE BEAT BUBBLE MAN! You can get equipped with the Bubble Lead now! However, do not go to Heat Man's stage. Instead, let's check out another one of Metal Man's weaknesses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6d. WOOD MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Medium Boss Difficulty: Easy Wood Man's stage, in my opinion, can be slightly boring, but it is good for a robot who looks like a tree, though. ;) Head to the right and bats will come flying at you! Kee. Throw your trusty Metal Blades at them, as well as any other robots that may get in your way. Pretty soon, they'll be a ditch to drop into. In there, is a large blue panther! Uh-oh! Creatures of the woods are comin' to get us! The Robot Panthers are easily the toughest enemies in Wood Man's whole stage, but they're not that hard to beat. Keep firing those Metal Blades, and it'll breathe fire in an upward spiral... hmmm, wouldn't a dragon do that? Oh well, it goes down in no time, you shouldn't take any damage at all. Forward we go! Another Robot Panther awaits you here, this one being slightly tougher to beat than the last one. Get away, fire some Metal Blades, get back and avoid the spiral of flame, and unleash some more blades. Easiness! Another Robot Panther is ahead, but if you get under the path it's on when it breathes fire, while consistently throwing metal blades, you should be fine. Right after it, head to the end of a long path and climb up the ladder on the far right side, and when the bats come down to try and attack, throw Metal Blades upward at them. Repeat with the bat behind it, and climb up the next ladder and we get outside of that tree (or whatever it was). Up on the sky and crossing bridges now... Mechapes will be jumping to the bridge you're on and trying to climb up, so either stand to the upper-left of them and chuck some Metal Blades, or wait for them to crawl up and then shoot them to bits. Bigger of a threat is another new enemy: the Bird Bomber. It will drop an egg full of little baby birds which will fly to attack you -- very annoying! Luckily, you can kill almost all of them with your Metal Blades, and they may drop energy pellets. It's still preferred if you destroy the egg before it lands, though. Moving onward... more Mechapes and Bird Bombers. And then we end up back inside the tree, or whatever it was. Head to the right and climb down the ladder to the right, and you'll find a rabbit down there, who sure isn't a friendly customer. Fire the Metal Blades downward at it, and jump down and climb down the next ladder. Moving on... to the lower-right is another rabbit. Toss out your Metal Blades some more and jump down to the floor, and head right. We're out of that tree and back outside! Ah! This is one of the three occasions or so when the Time Stopper may help, as ostriches will soon come running from the right, and I warn you they hurt a lot, they can take a big beating, and THEY'RE IMMUNE TO THE METAL BLADES! If they can't run, that's good. Wood Man's lair is right ahead of them anyway, so it's not worth fighting with the birds, anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: WOOD MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wood Man's weakness is the Atomic Fire. Do we have it? No. Do we need it? Hell no. Wood Man succumbs just as easily to your Metal Blades as he does the Atomic Fire, especially because you need to charge the Atomic Fire to do any real major damage. Wood Man has to be one of the easiest robot masters, as he has a pattern even bigger than Guts Man from Mega Man 1's... he charges a shield of leaves, throws four leaves in the air, launches the shield at you, jumps 1/3 of the way to you, and repairs his shield. Not one of Wood Man's attacks is hard to dodge, although it can be slightly troublesome when Wood Man manages to get to your side of the room. When Wood Man makes the leaves fall on you, get between two of the falling ones. When he throws the shield, wait until it's near you, and jump over it. You can only damage Wood Man when he doesn't have his shield up, so it's best to hurt him when he jumps. As soon as he launches that shield, throw a bunch of Metal Blades repeatedly, and watch his health gauge drop quickly. Repeat this, and he'll be dead before he gets to you, easily. I'm afraid that bosses who are weak against Metal Man are finally finished. Still, we can go to the one who's weak against Wood Man's Leaf Shield, in which you just got... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6e. AIR MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage Difficulty: Medium Boss Difficulty: Easy Obviously, this stage is fully set out in the air. In this stage, we're given large, puffy heads to jump across... however strange and sick that might sound. However, the main difficulty is the jumping from platform to platform... could get tough there. Anyway, there's a large puffy head to the right, with horns coming out of the sides of its head, and small robots coming out of the sides. Gimme a break! Anyway, the Metal Blades work just as well as always. Jump to the head when the horn to the left is DOWN. Thanks... when the horn to the right is down, jump to the platform on the right. Anyway, the next part of this really isn't that tough or varied from that. Enemies are coming from the large puffy head; you need to shoot them with your saws (Metal Blades for the dense), then wait for the heads to get their horns down and jump across them. There are five of them, not hard. Once you've gotten past them, a Cloud Rider will appear. That name is lame (that rhymed), but they ride platforms across clouds, so it's the best I could come up with. Use the Metal Blades and kill him, then jump onto the now vacant platform. It'll go down, sort of like a downward arch would, and then it'll go up. When it's there, quickly shoot the next Cloud Rider off the next platform, and jump. The next part of this is a little tougher than that. You've got to make a much longer jump, so shoot your Metal Blades at the right time, and when that platform is as close as it can get, just hop over there. What comes up is also slightly difficult, although not as much so. Another platform will go right OVER you and then under one, so you can get knocked off. Be sure to fire the Metal Blades in the right direction, and carefully jump over there. Yet another Cloud Rider is ahead, but it's just a normal jump. After killing the Cloud Rider and getting to the next platform, make a normal jump to the ledge ahead, and then Bird Bombers will appear! With the fury of God, those things are annoying, but they're made quick work if you've got the Metal Blades equipped. :) After a few of those big ones from the Blue Bomber *ahem* jump into the pit on the right and hop down the stairs, and at last we get to a checkpoint. No more head jumping... for now. If you wish, kill the enemies here but otherwise jump across the small platforms and land in the pit to the left. This is the halfway mark, but it all gets tougher from here. Take a right further, and yet another puffy head appears, with the little heads coming out. Move to the edge of the head and then wait for the other head to appear... don't jump yet. Wait for the puffy head you're currently on to lower its horns. After that, immediately jump to the next head. Wait for its horns to go down, and get off! The path leading to Air Man has nothing more than some Windbots (I call 'em that, since they have fans stuck on their bellies and will try to blow you into the pits) and Bird Bombers (bah). For the Windbots, the arm cannon and the Metal Blades both work quite well. Just be sure not to fall off. For the Bird Bombers, fire Metal Blades upward. There are about three of each to deal with, and directly after a few more jumps is Air Man's lair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: AIR MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My god... Air Man's a cranky looking fellow, but he's an easy fellow to beat in a battle. Air Man doesn't seem to like when someone gets close to him, so he'll shoot tornadoes at you to pull you back, away from him. Obviously, he's not the easiest one you can hit. His weakness is the Leaf Shield, but don't equip that yet. For the first part, try and shoot, while the tornadoes might be between you and him. Although many of your attacks will miss, this will save you from wasting precious Leaf Shield ammo. If you can jump over Air Man's lower tornado, switch to the Leaf Shield quickly, turn it on, and move to the right. Congrats, you have gotten off a large chunk of Air Man's health, and odds are he will jump to the left now. Know yet that that's an advantage? Stay in the center, and BEFORE he gets those blasted tornadoes flying, use the Leaf Shield and throw it at him. The Leaf Shield's fast, so it ought to hit him before the tornadoes get out of his system. How hard was that? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6f. HEAT MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage Difficulty: Medium Boss Difficulty: Medium I'll be honest here. Heat Man's stage is not tough, as in facing lots of difficult enemies or having lots of things to avoid, like Quick Man's stage or the like. Unless you're a master of timing, Heat Man's stage will drive you absolutely nuts. Enemies I call the Tube Guards will slide out of holes all over the ceiling, which is why you should keep a close look out for them. The first part of the stage is probably the toughest, actually. Why are the Tube Guards annoying when they die in one hit from the Metal Blades? They seemed to want to build their holes right over lava, between a jump from one platform to another. Unless there are three Tube Guards following you, there's always a possibility that right when you pass the hole, a Tube Guard will get out of it and knock you into the lava, to die. Not friendly, that! You'll have to use your invincible time. Most of the jumps in the first part can be easily made, as the only thing you'll have to avoid is lava. The Tube Guards WILL be following you... from way over your head! Once you've gotten past a few jumps, none of them with holes in the wall, the holes start appearing everywhere. A good tactic is to get ahead of three Tube Guards, which is the maximum number of Tube Guards that can be on-screen simultaneously. Either that, or wait at one side of a jump, hit the Tube Guard that appears, then immediately jump. Eventually, the lava disappears, and below us is a pit instead of all that fiery hell. The jumps here aren't half as bad, as there are no holes in the wall. After just a few jumps, you'll come to a solid ledge, at long last! A Springbot can be found on the right, so take it out with some Quick Boomerangs. Jump to the ledge it was on, and make a careful jump to the left. Now jump to the top ledge, take out the next Springbot, and climb down the ladder. Alright, Heat Man's stage has gone from "rather hard and kind of annoying" to "little to no danger from enemies, sheer pain to get through." That's blocks that appear and disappear in a pattern. Here's a full map of this bugger. ______________|S| |G | | | [1] | | | [3] | | | [2] | | | [1] | | | | | |=============== Is it just me, or is this entire room that first puzzle from Ice Man's stage in the original Mega Man? I mean, come on, almost an identical puzzle, a fall into the room, a fall into the next room, and the room is designed the same, just red instead of blue. Anyway, you'll start from S (falling) and end in G (falling). Blocks 1 and 1 will appear at the same time. Then they'll disappear, 2 will appear, then 3 will appear. Then we go back to 1. From the top platform we can jump to the goal. Of course, there is a simpler approach. Use Item-3 on the wall to the left, and just climb up! Jump over it, and fall in. This puzzle is nothing compared to what's coming up. The only tough part here is knowing how to get from the first #1 to #2. Stand on #1 for a little less than a second, and you'll land on #2. The path to the goal is simple from there. It'll be a while until the really, REALLY hard part of Heat Man's, so hold your horses. The next part of Heat Man's stage isn't that tough, although enemies come into play more here. It's still stuff like Tube Guards, so nothing to get worked up over. There are a lot of walls that are normally too high to be jumped over, but blocks will appear along the middle in which you can jump to, and then get to the top of the wall. You can also use the Crash Bomb to destroy some parts of the walls, and the Item-3 can bounce across the floor, get to the wall, and scale it, which is quicker. (On a side note, twice I didn't time it right on one of them, and the block appeared right through me. One of the times, I landed on top of that block automatically, and the other time, I appeared at the other side of the wall... strange). Until you reach the pit at the other side of the room, this place isn't hard at all. Use the Metal Blades to take out the enemies, and time your jumps well as many blocks appear above you. After that, you will reach by far the most difficult part of Mega Man 2. There's a large pit full of lava right ahead of you, and you'll have to make jumps across timed platforms to get there. First of all, you CAN cheat with Item-2. But for sake of completeness, I'll map this room. [5] [4] [8] [9] --- |S| [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] -> --- [19] CONTINUED... [15] [18] [23] |G| [16] [17] [20] [21] [22] EL Not a very nice looking area, is it? It wouldn't be so bad if it was all put about lava, so one mistake and you go right back to after the first puzzle. I still remember the trouble I had with this, so I'll try and explain this to you as best as I POSSIBLY can. Jump to the first block. No problem, jump to the second one! #3 takes a while to show up, so just wait on it, and then stay there for a minute. As you can see, #4 is to the right side, and #5 is above you? #3 is also soon to disappear. Don't screw up... wait for #4 to appear and then IMMEDIATELY jump. Then #5 will appear below you. Quickly jump from #5 to #4, and then to #6. #7 then makes an easy jump. #8 will appear above you, and makes a rather easy jump. #9 appears right after that. Then you can jump to #10, and Capcom becomes rather forgiving. As you can see, #10 to #20 or so are very easy. They'll all appear in times so that you can jump to them quickly and have absolutely no problems. #10 to #11, then all the way to #15, then jump down to #16 and then #17, and then jump up, to #18, and then even higher to #19. Land at #20 and jump off of the platform and DO NOT JUMP TO GET THE EXTRA LIFE. You cannot jump back to these platforms, so you're dead. The next block, #21 is also quite easy to jump to, so don't bother with that extra life. The end isn't quite so forgiving, however. #23, the final block to jump to, appears right over #22. Once you jump two blocks ahead of that extra life (well, when you're on the second one), immediately jump and #23 will appear. Now you are FINALLY out of this chaotic nonsense! Of course, let's hope you were smart and used Item-2 at the very beginning of the lava. Then you didn't have to go through all this jumping crap. Head forward and climb down the next ladder, then there's a Crusher who happens to be angry at you! Use the Air Shooter, then switch back to the Metal Blades to kill the Shielded Gunner as usual, and make your way to the bottom of the room and enter the shutter on the right to get into Heat Man's room. AT LONG LAST, I SAY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: HEAT MAN || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heat Man would be a very tough foe to fight... if you didn't have the Bubble Lead. Pay him back for putting you through all this, by first watching as he throws fire across the room. It's very difficult to avoid, but you'll need to get between two of them to avoid. They will all explode into pillars of flame, so you won't be able to move for a second or two without taking damage, but who wants to waste time? I just let the flame hit me, and I hit Heat Man with the Bubble Lead. A good choice! The Bubble Lead takes off around a fourth of Heat Man's health. He gets angry at that, however, and bursts into flames (Heat Man's mad and I'm glad, and I don't wanna please him; a bottle of ink to make him stink and some little girl to kiss him...) and charges directly at you! When he disappears into fire, he'll charge at the EXACT spot you are at. He'll get out of that state though, and that's when you hit him! He gets mad again, hit him again, repeat the process. Water works wonder against fires... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6g. CRASH MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Hard This stage starts out easy. It gets a little annoying after that, but still remains almost impossible to die in. If you don't have the Air Shooter, it takes a meteoric rise up to the boss after that (Crash Man). The end of the stage can be a little annoying, although it's not really as tough as the boss, who is extremely tough to beat without the Air Shooter. This level is full of the Tube Guards from the previous stage. Metal Blades have an even easier job! In the first screen, there are three ladders. One is to the right, on the floor. The second one is a bit in the air; jump to it first. Don't bother with the Tube Guards, as they can't get to you before you get to the ladder on the left. After climbing it, take a right and... a Metool. Yesh, it's these fancy fiends from the entire franchise. Wait for them to open the shell, and then throw a Metal Blade at them. Move forward going right, killing all the Metools in the way. Now we see why this stage is a little annoying! Yes, a platform is going around a long rail in the middle of this room. It doesn't help that Tube Guards are everywhere, and destroying them does little to no good, as they just keep coming. A cheap way to do this is to use the Leaf Shield, which will defend you. Don't use it on this screen, though. When the moving platform descends to the bottom of the room, jump on it. When it ascends to the ladder above, jump to it and climb. Next screen: another super-exciting platform. Here, you may indeed wish to use the Leaf Shield. Again, just wait for the platform to get to the bottom of the room, and then jump. Wait as you get to the top, you have no danger of defeat as long as that shield is up! If you run out of ammo, you can always throw Metal Blades at them until you get weapon pellets. Climb up the next ladder, and... Next screen: OMG A PLATFORM! Yeah, just jump on it and activate the Leaf Shield. This platform will go over all the room, so unless you've got that trusty shield up, you will struggle. With it, just wait for it to get to the upper-left side of the screen, then climb the ladder. Now we are finally done with all that nonsense and we can take a right to where the stage gets a little tougher. A Block Breaker waits here. As usual, wait for it to split into several pieces, and shoot it in the face with the Metal Blades. Right behind it is a ladder to climb up! (which is what the next part of the stage revolves around). At the top, you'll find three platforms. You're on one of them, one is vacant, and the bottom after those two has a Metool. He tool, ya? From the platform you're on, jump to the second and then back to the first. He'll jump to the second. Shoot him from the first, and then head to the third. Climb up the ladder, and another Metool awaits us. Kill him quickly, and you'll find two ladders. One of them leads to lots of goodies, one of them leads us further quickly. Start climbing the ladder on the left. Seems peaceful, does it not? A Bird Bomber will soon fly to your position and drop an egg on you. You can let it hit you, as it will not knock you off of the ladder. Afterwards, climb up the ladder on the far left and at the top, you'll find a Looped Gunner, along with a large energy pellet. Take it out with your DEADLY METAL BLADES... and use the Item-3 to head up. Take a right and a new enemy will land: Robot Knights. They use large spears, they have helicopters on their head, they are easily taken out. It's useless to kill them, as more will just keep coming. If they get in your way, throw metal blades at 'em, since the gate to Crash Man is just ahead of them anyway. Get out that Air Shooter! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: CRASH MAN || DIFFICULTY: HARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crash Man is almost as rapid as Quick Man is, and he's EXTREMELY fierce, and unless you're equipped well, he will slaughter you like Mike Tyson would a squirrel. I have beaten Crash Man with the arm cannon once before, and believe me that it's VERY tough. Crash Man's attacks also have incredible accuracy, combined with raw skill and power. He can drop bombs on you which will explode, and can damage you twice. He also likes to run real fast at you; not good! He's sounded tough so far, right? Well, he is, but HOWEVER! He has one major weakness: the Air Shooter. To hit him with it, I'd recommend holding ground where you are. Crash Man's onslaught will begin as he jumps forward and tries to seize you, but just let that Air Shooter come lose when he gets close! Before it goes upward, it'll hit him and knock a half of his gauge away! Now when he jumps, shoot him again and the Air Shooter will go upward and kill him. Now who crashed the fight? It's time to go to the toughest stage in the game, rivaling Heat Man's in the sheer annoyance of it. A living field of death, it belongs to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6h. QUICK MAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage Difficulty: Hard Boss Difficulty: Medium Quick Man's stage, besides Heat Man's, is perhaps the hardest in the game. There's a large maze of lasers here, in which can destroy you in a mere second. It took me a long time to beat this level, so unless you're experienced, prepare to face difficulties. There's a 1-Up behind you, so you can use the Item-3 to scale a wall and collect it. After that, jump into the hole at the end of the path. Right ahead of you is a robot I can think of no name for. Give it a few good shots, and head forward and jump into that hole! Now hold down the right button, because lasers are going to start following. You'll see two coming, neither with one percent worth of mercy inside them. Fall into the hole at the bottom, having avoided those lasers. More of them are coming, so make sure you don't waste time! Fall into the next hole, and we're out of this hellhole for a bit of time. Head to the right, and then--wha?! The lights just went out! Yeah, we'll be traveling in the dark for a little bit, nothing serious. A lot of enemies exclusive to this level (Torch Men) are on this path, which will light the way, but they're dangerous. From a distance, shoot them to bits and take that path to the end of it. You'll have to jump after the last Torch Man, and then you have a small narrow path which ends with a pit. You now have two options: continue against the merciless lasers but use the Time Stopper from Flash Man's stage to stop everything, then continue with little to no problems, but then have a tough boss fight, or dodge the laser field and have an easy boss fight. I choose the second option, just for sake of completeness. When you fall into the hole, make sure you have the left button held down. If you're lucky enough, you'll land on the highest platform, the one to the left of one platform and to the right of another. Okay... if you didn't, jump to it. Whether you did or didn't, when you're on that platform take a left and jump down to the right. Now take another right and start falling! On the next screen, make sure you've got a tight hold on the left button, and then use the right button for the rest of that screen and get out. When you fall, make sure you've got the left button held down. Jump to the bottom, and run as fast as you can to get to the next pit... whoo! That laser missed me by an inch. Now we get another screen... hold that right button and jump down the three small platforms, then when you get to the lower one (the longest), you could TAPE that freakin' left button! Damn has it been useful! Unless you're using the Time Stopper, the next screen presents you with a sacrifice you can make. Hold the right button down and collect the E-Tank on the right, then get annihilated. Sound bad? Or you can get annihilated, lose a life, but your reward is an extra life, so the outcome is starting way back where we were facing Torch Men, with no rewards. You can decide if you want the E-Tank, but I choose to keep falling. HOLD DOWN THE RIGHT BUTTON! A LASER MISSED ME! Okay, a winner is me. HOLD DOWN THE LEFT BUTTON! A LASER MISSED ME! I win again. HOLD DOWN THE LEFT BUTTON AND FALL! A LASER MISSED ME! Another sweet success. Now on the next screen, just avoid the platforms. You'll automatically fall to the bottom, and be able to drop through the ditch on the left and get out of the laser maze. Hooray! Take a right, use the Air Shooter to destroy the Crusher and the Shielded Gunner, then cut through those boss gates to Quick Man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: QUICK MAN || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to cheaply cut off half of Quick Man's health? Easy; use the Time Stopper. After that, watch in awe as, unfortunately, your Time Stopper gauge goes down, but his also cuts down until it's at half of its normal standard. Quick Man takes double damage from your arm cannon, so that means you've got to hit him seven times. Unfortunately, it'll seem like far more than seven hits that you've got to make on him, because of his awesome speed and evasion. Quick Man is, as his name implies, very fast. What he usually does is jump all around the room and while in the air, throw boomerangs all over the floor. What's worse is that he'll usually land on you when he jumps, which does even greater damage. That's why you've got to time where he lands, and then get a hit on him with your buster. You'll no doubt take a few hits, but you're guaranteed to win as long as you keep an eye out for where he'll land, and shoot where he'll land. Now we have beaten all eight stages of the sequel to Mega Man... it's time to bombard Dr. Wily's castle. We'll see him fly into the castle through the skull door's eye, and then we start right outside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6i. THE DRAGON =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Medium Boss Difficulty: Easy This is among my favorite Mega Man stages of all time, even if it's not in one of my more favorable Mega Man titles. The music here is amazing, and there are so many remixes of it on the web that it will go down in history as one of Capcom's greatest tracks. Anyway, enough about the music. The Metal Blades are a great weapon to use for the first part of this level, although you're going to have to use Items quite a bit through this stage. Bird Bombers are frequent in the skies, dropping eggs of dangerous baby birds. Before these drive you nuts, use the Metal Blades to fire upward at the egg before it hits the ground. Five Bird Bombers will need to be faced here, but they're a lot easier than they were in Wood Man's stage, since there are no jumps thrown in here in which you'll also have to make. After that, you'll reach a dead end... or is it? Nope, just Item-3 away and jump up that wall! Easy work. Continue to the right and one of the many Worm Holes in the game will await you here... jumping over it is all well and good, although the Quick Boomerang allows you to quickly eliminate it. Follow the path to the right until you find a wall to the right and a gap in the middle, with a 1-Up on the other side of it. Oh well, don't use the Item-2 to get it. Instead, jump to the floor. Ignore the Worm Hole on the left, and take a look at the long upward gap on the right... know what to do? Launch an Item-1 there. Before it disappears, jump to the left. Now continue and eliminate the Worm Hole, and then grab that 1-Up! Fall through the hole at the far right where you used the Item-1, and then use... an Item-1 again! As soon as it goes as high as it can (it'll start flashing) jump to the ladder and climb up... see the Shielded Gunner above? Try and get to where you can use the Metal Blades to the upper-right at it and hit, then fire when that damn shield is down. An easy victory. Climb up the rest of the ladder, then head over to where the Shielded Gunner was and climb up the next ladder. Another Shielded Gunner is there, guarding a weapon energy pellet... hmmm. If you are a novice Mega Man player, kill the Shielded Gunner with the Metal Blades and leave the weapon energy pellet there just in case. If you have experience, just juice up your Item-1 immediately after killing the Shielded Gunner, and climb up the ladder. A worm is right above you, so I'd recommend using your Quick Boomerang rapidly to destroy it. A funny thing I've noticed is that it'll always charge to the left. If you climb up the ladder on the right and then climb down, it'll respawn. Jump off, and even though you're to the right of it, it charges to the left, where it will soon be out of sight! Interesting... climb up the ladder and you'll find another ladder far above you, to the right. Too high to jump, even if you use the Item-2. What do we do? Toss out an Item-1 into midair. Alright, jump to the very end of it, but don't fall off. Toss another one! Jump to it! Toss another Item-1! Alright, can we jump to that ladder yet? Yes. Carefully jump; hopefully you're not too high in the air to jump. Climb up to the next screen, and laugh at the enemies to your sides as you use the Metal Blades to slaughter them, before they get to you! CLASSIC, I say! Once you've reached the top of the ladder, continue to the right. A dark room, is it? Strange, but no enemies, and it feels strangely quiet, does it not? Jump onto the path. Still nothing. Jump to the next path, and you'll realize that we need to do lots of platform jumping here, and the platforms are SMALL. It's not hard, though. Soon you'll find one platform that's higher than the three you've jumped across. That's important. The screen changes a bit... a dragon is following us?! WTF?! Jump to the next few platforms immediately, until you reach three platforms, arranged vertically, although the middle one is further to the right. Boss time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: MECH DRAGON || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creepy boss, but an easy one. He's got a weakness to the Quick Boomerang, 14 hits of them will do him in, and the boomerangs are FAST, so it seems like a lot less! The Mech Dragon is not a powerless customer, however. By far the hardest part of the battle is to not fall off the platforms, although if you're attacked on the top platform, you'll fall to the middle one. When you're there, you can just jump back to the top one. If the dragon touches you, you'll be injured pretty badly. He can spit fire at you, which will knock you off of the platform you're on. What kind of problem is that if you're on the top platform? That's where you should throw your Quick Boomerangs. Back off if the dragon gets too close to the top one, but you should be able to destroy it before it gets too close. Make sure that head takes a good beating, and then watch the pretty explosion! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6j. THE LIVING ROOM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Medium Does anyone know if castles tend to have living rooms? The room where you fight the boss (who's a living room!) would make a great living room! Alright, enough of my jokes. If you're low on ammo for any of your weapons (Item-2, make sure it's juiced up!), a weapon energy pellet is behind you. As for this place, it's the first stage set inside Skull Castle, and it's a good short one, fortunately. Head forward, and Robot Knights will land from the air, trying to land on you. Metal Blades, anyone? Continue to the right, until you come to a large spikey pit. Make sure no Robot Knights are around here! When one lands behind you, immediately take it out by firing a Metal Blade backwards, and then take out your Item-2. If there are any Robot Knights left, they might jump onto your Item-2 and screw everything up, so make sure they aren't there! Good. With the Item-2, you'll get across this very exciting pit... two ladders quickly come above you! DO NOT jump to the first ladder. You'll have to use three Crash Bombs, take on Looped Gunners, look at all the goods to the left in which you can't get... it's torture. When you see the second ladder, jump to it (and grab an E-Tank!) then go down the ladder to the right. Tons of weapon energy pellets are in the next room! Yum! Refill all your weapons (make sure the Quick Boomerang and Metal Blades have got lots of ammo) and then get to the bottom ladder. Climb down... Immediately fire a Metal Blade to the right and take out the Looped Gunner. Now climb down and get to the higher ledge of the two down there, and use a Crash Bomb. That'll destroy a wall blocking the path to an E-Tank! Fire upwards at the other Looped Gunner to destroy it, then carefully jump back to the ladder and climb down, then jump to the bottom ledge. Destroy the wall, and collect a 1-Up. Now climb to the bottom of the ladder, and make sure your right button is handy. You will start falling, falling, falling! There are spikes everywhere and a pit you should fall into. Know where to go? RIGHT! Fall into that hole, and you've gotten to the second half of the stage already. This is an extremely tight corridor full of those drills from Metal Man's stage, which is why the Metal Blades are (again) useful for firing up, down, upper-right, upper-left... you get the point. Get through with minimal damage, and reach a wall. What do you use for wall scaling? Item-3. Jump on an Item-3, and a chain above you goes BANG! Remember the chains from Metal Man's stage, again? Try and jump but not hit the chain, and continue right. Another chain will land and try to crush you, but it'll be just as easy, if not easier, than a regular one in Metal Man's stage is. After that, use the Time Stopper. How often do you use that? Almost never, but it's quite helpful here. Two chains are ahead of you, one in which lands only when you're under the first. Obviously, the Time Stopper makes it easier. As you carry on to the right, feel free to laugh at those non-moving chains up there which can't harm you. The Time Stopper will wear off around the time you reach a ladder. Climb down, and then hold down left to land in a small pit. Avoid them spikes! Fall further into the ground, and then you'll find yourself in a square-shaping pink room. Your battle is versus the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: LIVING ROOM || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not as easy as the previous match, but still one you should get through with little difficulty. The boss is made up of the little pink squares that build the room together. Frequently, two of them will join into each other, becoming one. That's what needs to be damaged! Every time you destroy one of them, you'll scratch off a fourteenth of the Living Room's health. There will just be a few pink squares left at the end. Strangely enough, you can stand on whatever has joined with another square, although being there when the Living Room joins into a creature is a bad idea, and will harm you. When two pieces of the Living Room form a creature, get in any direction away from it, and fire the Metal Blades at it. Then it'll be gone. Occasionally, it'll be lower ones that will try to crush you, which can do more damage. Or the squares can be above. Either way, it's not tough to beat this battle without getting hit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6k. GUTSDOZER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy This stage is short and sweet, most of it being set underwater. Guts Man from the original Mega Man comes back here, this time remade as a bulldozer, which is where I got this name! Anyway, off of the platform from the left, and you'll land on a small platform with a weapon energy capsule and a wall. Destroy the wall with your Crash Bomb and head behind it to grab the energy capsules. Just make sure that your Crash Bomb can still go, you'll need it later. Drop down once again to the right, landing on top of a platform with another weapon energy capsule. Alright, now fall yet again to the left and you'll find yourself inside Dr. Wily's sewers. Ugh, what a cheery place. This place, as you'd expect, is full of water. Brown, murky water at that. Mega Man can handle it just fine, but sharks (o_O) are in here, and there are lots of spikes on the wall and the floor. Be careful to avoid those. It'll start out as nice, simple jumps. Be careful to avoid the spikes above and make your jumps _just_ high and long enough, and you'll do just fine. It'll just be a few of them, and there won't be spikes below you, there'll be pits with sharks, trying to catch you in your jump! Don't let them; when they descend, jump to the next platform. A couple of these, and we get out of all of that. There are spikes above you, in front of you, below you... and turning back isn't the best option. Run fast, but not too fast. Don't run yourself into the spikes at the far right of the room, but try not to run into the ones right below you. Make _just_ the right fall into the pit, and we start falling like rain. For the next screen, stay where you are. Make a small left on the next screen, and then we're further into these sewers. By gawd man, I WANT OUT OF HERE! We're almost out of here, though. All you have to do is make large jumps across the room, avoiding the spikes on the floor. Eventually, you can head to the right and jump out of this dirty mess. All you'll have to bother with is a few Looped Gunners on the way to the boss lair, in which can all be taken out with your Metal Blades. At the end of the line comes... the rebirth of a classic Mega Man 1 boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: GUTSDOZER || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Mega Man 1 to Mega Man 2... Guts Man has really grown... big. He's the robot on top of the large vehicle that will be driving to the left, from the right. And he's also the one we need to hit. Head forward, he'll probably send some Metools or missiles out to hit you, but the damage is minimal. Jump on the vehicle, switch to your Quick Man boomerangs, and throw one after another at his head. Like with the Mech Dragon, it'll seem like five and it'll die, although it's fourteen. HOW EASY WAS DAT, BRUDDA?! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6l. CRASH BOMBER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Hard Boss Difficulty: Hard This is the almighty stage of the Crash Bomber, who may very well be the toughest boss in the entire game. This stage is very much like Crash Man's from earlier (Crash Man's name is written all over this place, isn't it?) in that there will be moving platforms all over the place. However, the moving platform puzzles are INFINITELY harder than those in Crash Man's stage. The Leaf Shield and some patience was all it took there. Here, it takes good jumping and lots of figuring. Pellets of weapon energy refilling can be found on either side. If necessary, use both to refill the Crash Bombs. Once you've done that, climb the ladder in front of you. There's also an extra life which can be found on the left side of this room, but let's not worry about that just yet. Once you climb up the first ladder, look to the left and you'll find a little Metool sitting there who may be a small problem. Shoot him as soon as he comes out of his shell, then climb further up. Climb up the ladder above, then take a right and up the ladder. A lot of the floor here is also like the last part, in that it's there, but it's really not. I cut up the floor into six "blocks": the first being on the far right where you are, and the sixth being on the far left. You can see different blocks put together on the floor, if you look hard enough. The first, third, and fourth blocks are there; the second, fifth, and sixth aren't. Jump from the first to the third, walk to the fourth, and jump to the ladder directly above the fifth. Upstairs, you'll find exactly what we didn't want to see: a pit of spikes and invisible floor. Climb the ladder to the right and to cross the pit, hop on Item-2. Immediately jump off at the right time, and we see more enjoyable stuff: three small rooms, a Metool in one, an E-Tank in the top one. First of all, move to the top room and take a right to the E-Tank. Don't bother thinking you'll get it; you'll fall to the second one anyway! Before the Metool gets his head out of the shell, constantly shoot your Metal Blades and watch him die. Now look at where you fell in. Back off a bit, return to your Rush Coil, and drop it below. Now jump on Rush, grab the E-Tank, fall back onto the second ledge, and jump back to the ladder and climb up to a checkpoint. This is where it gets rough, tough, and uber irritating. Change to the Leaf Shield; you're going to need it here. Remember the lifts from Crash Man's stage? They're back in Crash Bomber's stage! There are also Tube Guards, to remind you more of that annoying crap... unfortunately, it's even more annoying here, since there are lots of spike pits, things in the way, enemies, etc. The first lift, however, is easy. Don't bother equipping the Leaf Shield unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Wait until the lift moves to the bottom-right of the screen and then jump off the ladder and land on it! Fire them Metal Blades in every direction possible and wait for the lift to move to the left side of the room. Jump there and then quickly climb down the ladder so you don't get hit by Tube Guards (always best not to). In the next room, STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Then when the lift moves to the left (below you), jump there and wait for it to move below that step on the right. On a side note, isn't it a bit odd Mega Man can stand between the lift and that step? What a midget... When the lift moves to the right of the step, jump onto the step. Do not stay on the lift or it'll move to an area too small even for Mega Man (I WANNA BE ABLE TO SLIDE, MOMMY) and Mega Man will fall into the spikes. When it gets past that small area, jump on the lift again and then to the platform above. Now climb down another ladder to see a room more like the first lift room. Now we can get that Leaf Shield out! Once the lift moves to the right hand side of the room, jump off of the ladder (you can go to the weapon select screen and do nothing to fall off) and change to the Leaf Shield, then turn it on. Wait for the lift to near the area it'll run into a platform (an area small enough to only be able to slide through) and jump on the platform. Wait for the lift to move around it and jump back. Now wait for it to move to the bottom of the room and jump into the ditch at the middle of the room. The fourth and final lift room in the stage of the Crash Bomber is the easiest! Whoo-hoo! Once again, wait until that lift is as far to the right as it can go, and then jump off the ladder and then to the platform in the middle. Then use the Item-2, rocket to the left and climb out of this wreck of havoc! Congrats, but don't let me down now. Change to the Air Shooter and destroy the Crusher on the right, and then destroy the Shielded Gunner. Advance; we're almost there. Keep in mind that when you enter a small area, you cannot destroy the Shielded Gunner without getting hit, since you cannot kill it before it fires, and you can't jump. If you're on Easy mode, however, a fully charged Atomic Fire blast can do it. After killing it, destroy the Crusher and the two Shielded Gunners on the way. Does it ever end?! Fortunately, as soon as you kill another Shielded Gunner, you can fight the toughest boss in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: CRASH BOMBER || DIFFICULTY: HARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may very well be the toughest boss in the entire game. It's very tough to beat this battle unless you have an E-Tank or two, but if you get killed somewhere, all your E-Tanks are GONE, GONE, GONE, CRYIN' WON'T BRING 'EM BACK... sorry. Anyway, the reason I named this boss "Crash Bomber" is because you need to make full use of your Crash Bombs. You have seven uses, you need to use the Crash Bomb SEVEN times to beat this boss. It's the only thing that works, and any screw ups will cost you the battle. Crash Bomber is made up of five particles in this room, all of them which must be destroyed but can be eliminated with the Crash Bomb. There are walls all over the room which can be destroyed with the Crash Bomb, but destroy only those that MUST be destroyed! The Crash Bomber only has one attack: all of the particles will lock on to Mega Man and shoot. Obviously, this attack is easier to avoid if there's one of them, but that's not the problem. Everything has to be done absolutely perfect, so let's go. If you had lots of ammo, you'd break the wall in front of you, right? Well, DON'T. Use the Item-1 on the gap to the right and climb up, then turn around and fire a Crash Bomb at the wall to the left. That one needs to be destroyed. By now you'll probably be shot, but it really isn't that important. When the bomb goes off, fire another one at the particle behind it. Do not jump to the left, but after the Crash Bomb goes off, use an Item-1 on the gap there and jump to the very top of the room. Use a Crash Bomb there, and the harder part of the fight is over! By now you'll probably be shot at again, so try to avoid it. After that, jump down to the ledge you used to be on. If you fall to the bottom, use another Item-1. Anyway, jump up and destroy the particle at the top right, then blast the wall below and destroy the particle behind that one. Easy! After that, use an Item-1 to get to the top wall, and then fall down to the particle at the bottom, and use a Crash Bomb to finish it off. Good, so long as you didn't get hit too much, you have beaten perhaps the hardest boss in Mega Man 2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6m. ROBOTIC RETURN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Medium Wonder where I got the name? Yes, the eight robot masters are back, so you've got to defeat all of them again. It's actually much more fun than it sounds, but here's an ASCII map so you can fight them in any order that you wish: Heat Man Metal Man Air Man Flash Man Wood Man Bubble Man Quick Man Crash Man I went through them from the bottom, then to the top, and then advancing to Heat Man and Metal Man. Strategies, although you don't really need them... ================== GETTING STARTED... ====================== WOOD MAN ====================== If you wish to charge the Atomic Fire, that's fine. It can be a good thing to do while avoiding Wood Man's attacks, but I chose not to. Instead, I beat up on Wood Man with the Metal Blades. Jump over the shield, get to far left side so the leaves miss you, and fire the Metal Blades. Before Wood Man gets to your side, he should be dead, but if he isn't, just walk under him. You will be damaged, but it's nothing serious. ================== MOVING ON WE GO... ====================== BUBBLE MAN ====================== This is just like the previous fight with Bubble Man; it's set underwater. Okay, remember his weakness? The Metal Blades. He'll jump diagonally, to the upper left. Get under him and throw out those Metal Blades. By the time he lands, he might be gone then. But if he isn't, it doesn't matter since his Bubble Lead is really weak. Throw those saws until he's dead, it won't take long. ================== IT GETS WORSE HERE ====================== QUICK MAN ====================== Not once will you need that Time Stopper again. Use it, and laugh some more as Quick Man's gauge shrinks. Now for the rest of the battle, I'd just recommend using the arm cannon. Jump to the top platform and when he jumps, get off a good hit. It doesn't matter if you take damage, since you'll get an extra energy pellet after Quick Man is gone. ================== SHALL WE CONTINUE? ====================== CRASH MAN ====================== If you don't use the Air Shooter, Crash Man's a really tough boss. If you do, he's among the easiest. When he gets close, it doesn't matter if he throws a bomb, since he'll lose half to 1/3 of his health when you fire that Air Shooter! Try and get close to Crash Man most of the time, as the Air Shooter will go upwards. After two or three successful hits, Crash Man will fall. Next. ================== ANOTHER HALF TO GO ====================== AIR MAN ====================== And thus begins another extremely easy boss fight! Air Man will start with those tornadoes, as usual. Blah, blah, jump over them and start out with the arm cannon. If you get in front of one of those tornadoes, fire at Air Man. Then when he jumps to the left, switch to the Leaf Shield and throw it forward. Do this twice, it can easily be done! By then, Air Man will definitely be ancient history. ================== REACHING THE END ====================== FLASH MAN ====================== Do NOT use the Crash Bombs. Yes, they're his weakness, but you'll need to save those Crash Bombs for the fight after these eight. Instead of using the Crash Bombs, use the Metal Blades. Try to jump and throw them at the same time, and before he gets to your side, he will probably be dead. If not, move forward, let him hit you (he'll probably freeze time), and then after that, throw some more blades. Get the energy pellet and leave. ================== GETTING HOT! HAHA! ====================== HEAT MAN ====================== Yes, we do indeed get hot from here! XD... anyway, Heat Man's easily dispatched if you use the Bubble Lead. Move forward, try and dodge his fire, and launch a bubble at him. He'll charge at you... turn around and fire a bubble. Jump over him, and repeat the usual process. It's take a few seconds to beat Heat Man with little to no trouble. ================== WE END WITH A JOKE ====================== METAL MAN ====================== What better to end with than a simple joke? Metal Man's already easy enough to kill if you use the Quick Boomerang, but there's an even easier way: throw a single Metal Blade at you, if you're playing the normal version. That Metal Blade will instantly kill him! Oh, how sweet! And if you're playing the difficult version, two Metal Blades will kill him instantly too, so Metal Man's a great end to these fights. After you complete those eight battles, a ninth teleport will open up at the top of the room. Jump to either of the two steps to the left or right, above the Bubble Man and Quick Man teleports, then enter to fight the man himself! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: DR. WILY || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Wily will fly around in the ship to the right of the screen, sending bouncing bullets to land on you, and if you don't keep a good distance, damaging you by charging. My strategy depends on whether you're playing on Normal or Difficult mode. If you're playing Normal mode, enter the battle, switch to Atomic Fire, and charge it to the max. Avoid one of Wily's bullets, and fire at the cockpit. If you're playing Normal mode, fire Crash Bombs at it. Hah, did you think that the fight was over? NO, Dr. Wily's still got fight in him. Dr. Wily will start throwing stuff out of his ship, and he'll bounce all the bullets up and down as usual. If you're on the left side, aim the Air Shooter up at Dr. Wily, and it may hit him twice or thrice. If you're more to the right, fire Metal Blades upward at him, as fast as your fingers can hit that button. Repeat doing this over and over, not stopping even to scratch. After doing that, the ship blows up, along with the floor! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6n. FINAL BATTLE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy Falling... falling... falling... this is surely the basement of Dr. Wily's castle. There's lots of red mustard looking stuff on the ceiling, which will drip all over the floor. Avoid it, it'll eat a great portion of your health away. What I did was use the Time Stopper so the red stuff won't drip, then I made my way across nearly the entire room. At the end of it is a shutter which will lead you to the final, easy showdown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: ALIEN WILY || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No, I promise you that Wily is merely morphing into an alien. He is not actually an alien, he's an evil scientist! Anyway, the whole room is dark and you can't see a thing. You can make out a step along the middle of the room, though. Dr. Wily doesn't really have any special attacks, being a final boss. He will fly around the room trying to charge at you, and he'll fire plasma bullets across the room. That's the most dangerous thing, as long as you're not too aggressive. I have two notes: first of all, the ONLY weapon which will harm Wily is the Bubble Lead. That's right, it's the only weapon, not even the arm cannon will as much as make a dent in him. Second of all, you must be careful NOT to let Wily touch you. He's pretty fast and moves around all the time, so try not to let the battle play too vigorously. Dr. Wily will go up and down quite a bit, however. That is when you need to get the hits in. Get near the middle step when Dr. Wily flies to the right. Odds are, Wily will try and hit you with a bullet. Avoid the shot he will fire, and send a bubble of death at him when he goes over to you. Yeah, the damage is very low, you'll have to get lots of hits in. It doesn't matter, since the battle will be over in no time. When he gets back to the left, he'll probably try and shoot you again, but he'll probably miss. Repeat the pattern, and Dr. Wily will turn back into a human, and bow on his knees! He begs for mercy! You beat Mega Man 2. Unfortunately, that was merely a hologram that you fought. However, Dr. Wily on his own is powerless against Mega Man, but don't worry. You DON'T have to fight him again. Enjoy the ending! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 7. DAMAGE CHART =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This is a chart for how many hits from each weapon it will take to defeat every robot master in the whole game. Please note that Heat Man's will have three values, one for each charge level. Also note this is for difficult mode. Enjoy! ==============================================================================+ | Robots \| Metal || Flash || Bubble || Wood || Air || Heat || Crash || Quick | ==============================================================================+ | Mega | 28 || 14 || 28 || 28 || 14 || 28 || 28 || 14 || | Metal | 1 || 8 || 8 || 14 || N/A || 28 || N/A || N/A || | Flash | N/A || N/A || N/A || N/A || N/A || N/A || N/A || 2 || | Bubble | N/A || 14 || N/A || N/A || N/A || 6 || 18 || N/A || | Wood | N/A || N/A || N/A || N/A || 4 || N/A || N/A || N/A || | Air | N/A || N/A || N/A || 8 || N/A || 14 || 4 || 7 || | Heat 1 | 28 || 14 || N/A || 28 || 14 || N/A || 28 || 14 || | Heat 2 | 9 || 5 || N/A || 14 || 7 || N/A || 9 || 5 || | Heat 3 | 7 || 4 || N/A || 2 || 4 || N/A || 5 || 3 || | Crash | N/A || 7 || 14 || 7 || N/A || N/A || 28 || 7 || | Quick | 7 || N/A || 14 || N/A || 14 || 14 || 28 || N/A || ==============================================================================+ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 8. BOSSES =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Being that I am an incredibly nice person, I will list bosses back here as well as in the walkthrough. Nope, you don't have to tell me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: METAL MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metal Man is a nice fellow. Unless a lot of time passes by and he gets bored, or you provoke him (shoot or get too close) he won't touch you. A good deal of his health can come off if you add up the attacks on him, but I'd keep a fair distance, but don't stay at the very far left of the room. Let the hits get on him, and he'll counterattack by throwing the METAL BLADES. Ahhh... man do we want those... Anyway, most of the blades can be jumped over. What I'd do is stay around the middle, but a bit more to the left. Jump a little, as Metal Man has some really good jumping power. Shoot one bullet after another at that robotic skull of his, and he'll throw more blades. He even stops when you do! Jumping will easily stop that. Metal Man can reverse the conveyor belt (the floor) as he wishes, so when that happens he'll jump all the way across the floor. Turn around, and shoot even more vigorously! By being this aggressive, it may cost you an E-Tank if you're in Difficult mode, but in Normal mode this is a cakewalk. Once you've beaten Metal Man, you get BY FAR the greatest weapon: the Metal Blades. They've got power, they've got speed, they've got versatility, there's nothing they don't have. In other words, they rock. Three robots are weak against them (not including Metal Man :P) so how's about we tackle their stages next? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: FLASH MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flash Man's lair flashes just as brightly as his stage does! Anyway, as you enter the first thing that will probably come to mind is, "He's going to flash me from a long distance. I'll give this tough fight all I've got!". True, Flash Man does have a weapon that flashes not you, but the room. Time Stopper. Yes, he can stop you from moving, and then move on to use his arm cannon and spray plasma bullets all over the place. He can also attack with normal plasma bullets, not stopping time. That is all he can do. Sound challenging? Yes, but he's not tough in the slightest. Move forward a little bit, and jump in the air a little. Now throw a Metal Blade or two. See what health he's got left? And then he freezes time! Oh, clever, clever. After that happens, and you (most likely) dodge a lot of attacks, get in front of him and fire Metal Blades everywhere. See, that's why! He takes fourteen hits from the arm cannon and 4-6 hits from the Metal Blades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: BUBBLE MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bubble Man isn't tough in the slightest, he's made almost impossible to lose to if you're equipped with the Metal Blades. Although outside the gate, it was dry, the inside of Bubble Man's lair is filled with water, so you can jump as high as you wish! Just try not to hit the spikes at the ceiling, or you're gone. This scuba diver here shoots bubbles out of his arm cannon. Most of them will move along the floor, leaving little chance of them hitting you. Bubble Man is fond of jumping around, so my strategy is moving under him while he jumps to the left, and firing Metal Blades upward at him. If you're on Easy mode, this will DEFINITELY kill him. At normal mode, move out of the way quickly, chuck another Metal Blade at him, and avoid the watery woe (I mean the bubble!) and then shoot another blade! WE BEAT BUBBLE MAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: WOOD MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wood Man's weakness is the Atomic Fire. Do we have it? No. Do we need it? Hell no. Wood Man succumbs just as easily to your Metal Blades as he does the Atomic Fire, especially because you need to charge the Atomic Fire to do any real major damage. Wood Man has to be one of the easiest robot masters, as he has a pattern even bigger than Guts Man from Mega Man 1's... he charges a shield of leaves, throws four leaves in the air, launches the shield at you, jumps 1/3 of the way to you, and repairs his shield. Not one of Wood Man's attacks is hard to dodge, although it can be slightly troublesome when Wood Man manages to get to your side of the room. When Wood Man makes the leaves fall on you, get between two of the falling ones. When he throws the shield, wait until it's near you, and jump over it. You can only damage Wood Man when he doesn't have his shield up, so it's best to hurt him when he jumps. As soon as he launches that shield, throw a bunch of Metal Blades repeatedly, and watch his health gauge drop quickly. Repeat this, and he'll be dead before he gets to you, easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: AIR MAN || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My god... Air Man's a cranky looking fellow, but he's an easy fellow to beat in a battle. Air Man doesn't seem to like when someone gets close to him, so he'll shoot tornadoes at you to pull you back, away from him. Obviously, he's not the easiest one you can hit. His weakness is the Leaf Shield, but don't equip that yet. For the first part, try and shoot, while the tornadoes might be between you and him. Although many of your attacks will miss, this will save you from wasting precious Leaf Shield ammo. If you can jump over Air Man's lower tornado, switch to the Leaf Shield quickly, turn it on, and move to the right. Congrats, you have gotten off a large chunk of Air Man's health, and odds are he will jump to the left now. Know yet that that's an advantage? Stay in the center, and BEFORE he gets those blasted tornadoes flying, use the Leaf Shield and throw it at him. The Leaf Shield's fast, so it ought to hit him before the tornadoes get out of his system. How hard was that? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: HEAT MAN || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heat Man would be a very tough foe to fight... if you didn't have the Bubble Lead. Pay him back for putting you through all this, by first watching as he throws fire across the room. It's very difficult to avoid, but you'll need to get between two of them to avoid. They will all explode into pillars of flame, so you won't be able to move for a second or two without taking damage, but who wants to waste time? I just let the flame hit me, and I hit Heat Man with the Bubble Lead. A good choice! The Bubble Lead takes off around a fourth of Heat Man's health. He gets angry at that, however, and bursts into flames (Heat Man's mad and I'm glad, and I don't wanna please him; a bottle of ink to make him stink and some little girl to kiss him...) and charges directly at you! When he disappears into fire, he'll charge at the EXACT spot you are at. He'll get out of that state though, and that's when you hit him! He gets mad again, hit him again, repeat the process. Water works wonder against fires... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: CRASH MAN || DIFFICULTY: HARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crash Man is almost as rapid as Quick Man is, and he's EXTREMELY fierce, and unless you're equipped well, he will slaughter you like Mike Tyson would a squirrel. I have beaten Crash Man with the arm cannon once before, and believe me that it's VERY tough. Crash Man's attacks also have incredible accuracy, combined with raw skill and power. He can drop bombs on you which will explode, and can damage you twice. He also likes to run real fast at you; not good! He's sounded tough so far, right? Well, he is, but HOWEVER! He has one major weakness: the Air Shooter. To hit him with it, I'd recommend holding ground where you are. Crash Man's onslaught will begin as he jumps forward and tries to seize you, but just let that Air Shooter come lose when he gets close! Before it goes upward, it'll hit him and knock a half of his gauge away! Now when he jumps, shoot him again and the Air Shooter will go upward and kill him. Now who crashed the fight? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: QUICK MAN || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to cheaply cut off half of Quick Man's health? Easy; use the Time Stopper. After that, watch in awe as, unfortunately, your Time Stopper gauge goes down, but his also cuts down until it's at half of its normal standard. Quick Man takes double damage from your arm cannon, so that means you've got to hit him seven times. Unfortunately, it'll seem like far more than seven hits that you've got to make on him, because of his awesome speed and evasion. Quick Man is, as his name implies, very fast. What he usually does is jump all around the room and while in the air, throw boomerangs all over the floor. What's worse is that he'll usually land on you when he jumps, which does even greater damage. That's why you've got to time where he lands, and then get a hit on him with your buster. You'll no doubt take a few hits, but you're guaranteed to win as long as you keep an eye out for where he'll land, and shoot where he'll land. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: MECH DRAGON || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creepy boss, but an easy one. He's got a weakness to the Quick Boomerang, 14 hits of them will do him in, and the boomerangs are FAST, so it seems like a lot less! The Mech Dragon is not a powerless customer, however. By far the hardest part of the battle is to not fall off the platforms, although if you're attacked on the top platform, you'll fall to the middle one. When you're there, you can just jump back to the top one. If the dragon touches you, you'll be injured pretty badly. He can spit fire at you, which will knock you off of the platform you're on. What kind of problem is that if you're on the top platform? That's where you should throw your Quick Boomerangs. Back off if the dragon gets too close to the top one, but you should be able to destroy it before it gets too close. Make sure that head takes a good beating, and then watch the pretty explosion! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: LIVING ROOM || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not as easy as the previous match, but still one you should get through with little difficulty. The boss is made up of the little pink squares that build the room together. Frequently, two of them will join into each other, becoming one. That's what needs to be damaged! Every time you destroy one of them, you'll scratch off a fourteenth of the Living Room's health. There will just be a few pink squares left at the end. Strangely enough, you can stand on whatever has joined with another square, although being there when the Living Room joins into a creature is a bad idea, and will harm you. When two pieces of the Living Room form a creature, get in any direction away from it, and fire the Metal Blades at it. Then it'll be gone. Occasionally, it'll be lower ones that will try to crush you, which can do more damage. Or the squares can be above. Either way, it's not tough to beat this battle without getting hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: GUTSDOZER || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Mega Man 1 to Mega Man 2... Guts Man has really grown... big. He's the robot on top of the large vehicle that will be driving to the left, from the right. And he's also the one we need to hit. Head forward, he'll probably send some Metools or missiles out to hit you, but the damage is minimal. Jump on the vehicle, switch to your Quick Man boomerangs, and throw one after another at his head. Like with the Mech Dragon, it'll seem like five and it'll die, although it's fourteen. HOW EASY WAS DAT, BRUDDA?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: CRASH BOMBER || DIFFICULTY: HARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may very well be the toughest boss in the entire game. It's very tough to beat this battle unless you have an E-Tank or two, but if you get killed somewhere, all your E-Tanks are GONE, GONE, GONE, CRYIN' WON'T BRING 'EM BACK... sorry. Anyway, the reason I named this boss "Crash Bomber" is because you need to make full use of your Crash Bombs. You have seven uses, you need to use the Crash Bomb SEVEN times to beat this boss. It's the only thing that works, and any screw ups will cost you the battle. Crash Bomber is made up of five particles in this room, all of them which must be destroyed but can be eliminated with the Crash Bomb. There are walls all over the room which can be destroyed with the Crash Bomb, but destroy only those that MUST be destroyed! The Crash Bomber only has one attack: all of the particles will lock on to Mega Man and shoot. Obviously, this attack is easier to avoid if there's one of them, but that's not the problem. Everything has to be done absolutely perfect, so let's go. If you had lots of ammo, you'd break the wall in front of you, right? Well, DON'T. Use the Item-1 on the gap to the right and climb up, then turn around and fire a Crash Bomb at the wall to the left. That one needs to be destroyed. By now you'll probably be shot, but it really isn't that important. When the bomb goes off, fire another one at the particle behind it. Do not jump to the left, but after the Crash Bomb goes off, use an Item-1 on the gap there and jump to the very top of the room. Use a Crash Bomb there, and the harder part of the fight is over! By now you'll probably be shot at again, so try to avoid it. After that, jump down to the ledge you used to be on. If you fall to the bottom, use another Item-1. Anyway, jump up and destroy the particle at the top right, then blast the wall below and destroy the particle behind that one. Easy! After that, use an Item-1 to get to the top wall, and then fall down to the particle at the bottom, and use a Crash Bomb to finish it off. Good, so long as you didn't get hit too much, you have beaten perhaps the hardest boss in Mega Man 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: DR. WILY || DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Wily will fly around in the ship to the right of the screen, sending bouncing bullets to land on you, and if you don't keep a good distance, damaging you by charging. My strategy depends on whether you're playing on Normal or Difficult mode. If you're playing Normal mode, enter the battle, switch to Atomic Fire, and charge it to the max. Avoid one of Wily's bullets, and fire at the cockpit. If you're playing Normal mode, fire Crash Bombs at it. Hah, did you think that the fight was over? NO, Dr. Wily's still got fight in him. Dr. Wily will start throwing stuff out of his ship, and he'll bounce all the bullets up and down as usual. If you're on the left side, aim the Air Shooter up at Dr. Wily, and it may hit him twice or thrice. If you're more to the right, fire Metal Blades upward at him, as fast as your fingers can hit that button. Repeat doing this over and over, not stopping even to scratch. After doing that, the ship blows up, along with the floor! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: ALIEN WILY || DIFFICULTY: EASY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No, I promise you that Wily is merely morphing into an alien. He is not actually an alien, he's an evil scientist! Anyway, the whole room is dark and you can't see a thing. You can make out a step along the middle of the room, though. Dr. Wily doesn't really have any special attacks, being a final boss. He will fly around the room trying to charge at you, and he'll fire plasma bullets across the room. That's the most dangerous thing, as long as you're not too aggressive. I have two notes: first of all, the ONLY weapon which will harm Wily is the Bubble Lead. That's right, it's the only weapon, not even the arm cannon will as much as make a dent in him. Second of all, you must be careful NOT to let Wily touch you. He's pretty fast and moves around all the time, so try not to let the battle play too vigorously. Dr. Wily will go up and down quite a bit, however. That is when you need to get the hits in. Get near the middle step when Dr. Wily flies to the right. Odds are, Wily will try and hit you with a bullet. Avoid the shot he will fire, and send a bubble of death at him when he goes over to you. Yeah, the damage is very low, you'll have to get lots of hits in. It doesn't matter, since the battle will be over in no time. When he gets back to the left, he'll probably try and shoot you again, but he'll probably miss. Repeat the pattern, and Dr. Wily will turn back into a human, and bow on his knees! He begs for mercy! You beat Mega Man 2. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ =-= 9. CREDITS =-= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ You, obviously, deserve something for actually taking the time to find the URL to this guide, actually say "eh, let's see how bad this is", "He's back again? Let's read this!", or "Hopefully this can help me in my quest through the game", because you deserve something for that. But with that, here are some shout-outs to whatever and whomever helped me. - Jeff "CJayC" Veasey: For running the whole site of GameFAQs, the main site that I work for. It's an awesome site, and I must commend CJayC for running this great site for 6 whole years and posting this guide. - Stephen Ng: For being the FAQ editor for IGN, which is the other site that I write for. I am honored to write for IGN, since it is a great site. I was also very glad to do an exclusive for IGN. - Psycho Penguin: He helped quite a bit with all my Mega Man guides, in quite a few different ways. Also, check out our co-authored Mega Man 3 guide... that just seriously kicks divine amounts of ass. - All the guys who first got me started writing from GameFAQs and all of my best friends like SinirothX, Psycho Penguin, Meowthnum1, CVXFREAK, Karpah, ZoopSoul, Crazyreyn, Gobicamel, asa2377 (OH EM GEE YOU TROLL), Warhawk, Cyril, supernova54321, Minesweeper, AlaskaFox, me frog, RHarrison, masterzero99, Tom Hayes, wayalla, djg40, MTincher, NickBush24, BurningFox, AquaBlast, and definitely more that I'm forgetting: you are some of the best friends that anyone can have, and I may have quit FAQing/left FCB forever without all of you. Thank you for everything and for motivating me to get my ass in gear.