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I own every American released Classic Mega Man and Mega Man X game. I don't really play the other series' though. ============================================================================== --------------------------------About This FAQ-------------------------------- ============================================================================== I decided to write this FAQ for anyone who hasn't been into Mega Man for very long and wants to better themselfs at fighting the Robot Masters with only the Mega Buster. I decided to include some videos of me fighting the Robot Masters just incase you can't understand what I am saying in this FAQ, you will have a visual example to go off of. I hope this guide helps you! I have covered all the Robot Master Battles from Mega Man's 1 - 10, Mega Man & Bass. The Stardroids from Mega Man V, the Mega Man Killers, the Doc Robots from Mega Man 3, and Bonus Battles against Mega Man Himself, Dark Man, and Fake Man I hope this guide helps you out! If you don't understand what I am saying in this FAQ, then follow the links after each Robot Master description to see a video of me personally taking out the Robot Masters, hopefully a visual example will help! If you like what you see then Subscribe to me on youtube, my username on there is Redmage1987. If you need help on any of the other Robot Masters, check out my guides for them on their FAQ Page. ============================================================================== --------------------------------Version History------------------------------- ============================================================================== 3/12/2010 - Started writing the guide, finished writing all the battles from Mega Man 1 & 2. 3/13/2010 - Continued writing the guide. finished writing all the battles from Mega Man's 3 - 5. Also changed writing program from Wordpad to Notepad. 3/14/2010 - Finished writing Mega Man 6 & 7 Robot Master Battles. Started Recording Mega Man 8 Robot Masters, finished them. 3/17/2010 - Went through and made sure everything was formatted correctly & wrote some strategys for the Mega Man 8 Robot Masters. 4/12/2010 - Recorded Mega Man V Stardroid Battles and Mega Man Killer Battles. 4/15/2010 - Finished writing Mega Man 8 Robot Master Descriptions and wrote Mega Man 9, Mega Man & Bass, Mega Man V, Mega Man Killers, Doc Robots, and Bonus Battle Descriptions. 4/16/2010 - Finished writing all the Mega Man 10 Robot Master descriptions and double checked the links and battle times. 4/19/2010 - Toned all the writing down to only cover the Mega Man 6 Robot Masters. 4/28/2010 - Fixed the Video Time's for Centaur Man and Knight Man. ============================================================================== ----------------------------------MEGA MAN 6---------------------------------- ============================================================================== Mega Man 6 a lot of people consider to be the worst in the classic series, I personally like it a lot though. I loved the 2 Rush Transformations and the Robot tournament idea for the story (though Mr. X was just stupid. They didn't even try to hide it was Wily), The weapons weren't all that great, but I thought the stages and music were good. ------Blizzard Man------ Difficulty: 5/10 Blizzard Attack-- 3 Snowball Roll---- 3 Collision-------- 3 Blizzard Man isn't too hard. He will ski (running for him) around for a second and then he will either use Blizzard Attack or form into a Snowball and roll at you fairly fast. If he uses Blizzard Attack, a random pattern of snowflakes appears, just do your best to go around them and jump over them. If he goes into the snowball, just over him, then slide away. He shouldn't be too hard. Video Link... Blizzard Man's Fight is from 5:05 - 5:44 ------Wind Man------ Difficulty: 6/10 Propellers-- 4 Collision--- 5 Wind Man is probably one of the harder Mega Man 6 Robot Masters, not the hardest, but can be if you don't know what's coming. When the fight starts he will either try and suck you towards him, shoot 2 propeller type projectiles that go up and down crossing over each other, or he will hover in the air and try to land on you, which he can be kind of fast. If he sucks you towards him slide away, if he shoots the propellers just over them when they both are in the middle of crossing each other, and if he trys to fly over to you and land on you just slide away quickly. Video Link... Wind Man's Fight is from 5:45 - 6:15 ------Flame Man------ Difficulty: 5/10 Fireballs--- 3 Flame Wave-- 4 Collision--- 4 Flame Man isn't that hard. He has 2 attacks, the first one he will create a bunch of flame pillars from the ground in a wave type motion, just jump as the wave gets to you and direct Mega Man to safety between nearby pillars and stand there until he is done. He should make 2 or 3 waves of fire before the attack ends, but so long as you have found your safe place just stand there and you won't be hit. The other attack is for him to fire 3 slow moving fireballs, just jump over them 1 at a time. It is best to try and keep your distance from Flame Man to make avoiding his flame pillar attack easier. When he jumps at you slide under him. Video Link... Flame Man's Fight is from 6:16 - 6:55 ------Tomahawk Man------ Difficulty: 6/10 Head-Dress------- 4 Silver Tomahawk-- 5 Collision-------- 4 Tomahawk Man can he tricky. Like Flame Man and most other Robot Masters, he only really has 2 attacks to look out for. He can shoot feathers at you from the head-dress on his head or he will fire a tomahawk at you. The way to dodge both of these attacks depends on where you are at. If you are across the room from him slide under them, if you are right next to him jump over them. Sometimes Tomahawk Man will do small hops, if he gets next to you and quits jumping, then you jump over him, if he does a big jump slide under him. Video Link... Tomahawk Man's Fight is from 6:56 - 7:29 ------Centaur Man------ Difficulty: 6/10 Buster Shot----------- 3 Buster Shot (Spread)-- 2 Collision------------- 4 Centaur Man can be awkward to jump over, but overall isn't too bad if you know what to do. Basically try to stand in the middle of the room for the fight, if he shoots at you just stand still and let the bullet go over you, he won't move while the shot is a single bullet. When the bullet hits the wall it will split into 7 Bullets, again, just stand in the middle and let the middle bullet go over you, if he starts coming at you after the bullets split, try to jump over him and the bullets. Other than running at you he can also stop time with his Centaur Flash and teleport. If he teleports he will appear in a random place in the room, most of the time when he reappears he will use Centaur Flash, so try and jump as high as possible when he reappears so that he will run under you and not into you and you can still avoid his shots if he decides to follow up with that instead. Video Link... Centaur Man's Fight is from 7:30 - 8:03 ------Knight Man------ Difficulty: 6/10 Knight Crush-- 5 Collision----- 4 Knight Man really only has 1 attack besides jumping at you and running at you, but his lack of attacks is made up for in defense with the shield he carries. You can't hurt him from the front unless he uses his mace, if he uses his mace then either jump over it or away from it and shoot him. Try to keep Knight Man somewhere in the middle of the room otherwise he might corner you. If you are quick enough you can shoot him in the back while he is in the air. Slide under him when he jumps and try to keep him in the middle of the room to avoid being cornered and he shouldn't be too hard. Video Link... Knight Man's Fight is from 8:04 - 8:38 ------Yamato Man------ Difficulty: 6/10 Yamato Spear (Air)----- 4 Yamato Spear (Ground)-- 4 Collision-------------- 4 Yamato Man can put up a bit to avoid. One of the few Robot Masters with a jumping attack. When he jumps he will fire 3 Spears at you, just try to slide under him as quick as you can to avoid him landing on you and the spears. When he is on the ground he will either run at you or shoot the spear head off of his spear, once he has done that he will have to run to retrieve it, jump over him and unload during that time. Even though he may put up quite a bit to avoid he still shouldn't be all that hard. Video Link... Yamato Man's Fight is from 8:39 - 9:13 ------Plant Man------ Difficulty: 3/10 Plant Barrier-- 4 Collision------ 4 Plant Man is easiely the easiest Robot Master in Mega Man 6. He does the same thing the entire fight. He will put on a Plant Barrier, jump at you, throw it off at you, run to somewhere close to where you were standing when he threw it off, put a new one on and do it all again. All you have to do to avoid it is slide under him when he jumps, jump over the Plant Barrier, walk away from where you were standing, and repeate, obviously hitting him while the barrier is off. He shouldn't put up a problem at all. Video Link... Plant Man's Fight is from 9:14 - 10:02 ============================================================================== -----------------------------------Credits------------------------------------ ============================================================================== Credit goes to Capcom for making this game. Thank You Capcom! ============================================================================== ------------------------------Contact Information----------------------------- ============================================================================== If you see the need to E-Mail me for anything at all, then E-Mail me at MAKE THE SUBJECT "MEGAMANFAQ" OTHERWISE I WON'T READ IT! You can also Subscribe to me on youtube, my username on there is Redmage1987. Thank You for reading! ============================================================================== -----------------------------------Copyright---------------------------------- ============================================================================== (c) Copyright 2010 Shaun G. This guide may only be used (outside of personal, private use) with credit given to the author. Mega Man and all related characters, names, etc. copyright Capcom. All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.