_______________________________________________________________________________ __ __ _ _____ ____ | \/ | ___ ______ _ ___ ___| | |_ _|__ _ __ | _ \ _ __ ___ | |\/| |/ _ \_ / _` / __|/ _ \ | | |/ _ \| '_ \ | |_) | '__/ _ \ | | | | __// / (_| \__ \ __/_| | | (_) | |_) | | __/| | | (_) | |_| |_|\___/___\__,_|___/\___(_) |_|\___/| .__/ |_| |_| \___/ |_| GREEN KAKERU YUME _______________________________________________________________________________ This FAQ was made for the NES FAQ Completion Project. You could contribute to this yourself! Just check out Devin Morgan's web site about it: http://faqs.retronintendo.com |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ 1. - Controls..........................................MTP1 2. - Game Modes........................................MTP2 3. - Clubs.............................................MTP3 4. - Strategies........................................MTP4 5. - Course Descriptions...............................MTP5 6. - Disclaimer........................................MTP6 *Please Note that this whole FAQ is designed for easy access. What does that mean? It means you can easily access whatever section you are looking for. Simply press ctrl+f and a search box will pop up. Search for the password on the right of the table of contents. For example, to find the Strategies section, search for "MTP4" and hit enter and you will be brought straight to your section. |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 1. - C O N T R O L S MTP1 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ While Aiming Your Shot: | While Shooting: | D-Pad - Aim | D-Pad - No Use A - Ready Your Shot | A - Shoot B - Talk to Caddie | B - Aim Start - No Use | Start - No Use Select - No Use | Select - No Use |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 2. - G A M E M O D E S MTP2 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ Since this game is only in Japanese without a translation available, I will describe each step in the main menu. Once press start to get past the title screen, you will see a menu with five different options. Some options will lead to further options. FIRST OPTION Round of Golf - You will play a round of 18 holes at either course. When you select this option, you will see more options. The first option at the second menu will be course A and the second will be course B. The next menu depends on if you are playing single or two player. The second option will choose which course you want to play on. The first option is course A and the second option is course B. If you are playing single player, the first option will be which caddie you will play golf as. If you are playing two player, the first option will be which caddie the first player plays as and the second option will be which caddie the second player plays as. SECOND OPTION Round of Golf - Seems to be the same as the first option. The first option here will be which course you play on. The first option will be course A and the second option will be course B. From here, you pick caddies. *I'm really not sure what's different between the first two options aside from the first option giving you the choice to play single player. THIRD OPTION Tournament - Think of this as the story mode. You will play golf through the courses and can buy things from the shop while practicing your swing. Just write a random name and it will bring you to the tournament menu. FIRST OPTION - Start tournament SECOND OPTION - Training Grounds THIRD OPTION - Golf Shop FOURTH OPTION - Quit Tournament FOURTH OPTION Practice - Here you can choose to play just a single hole. The first menu will choose which course to play on. The second menu will choose which hole to play on. The third menu will determine how you want to practice. The first option means you will start from the tee, the second option will allow you to play the ball anywhere on the green. FIFTH OPTION Options - This is just the standard options menu that you see in all games. |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 3. - C L U B S MTP3 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ Each club has a set distance that they can hit the ball. These numbers you will see in the bottom corner of the screen and in this section of the FAQ does not take wind into consideration. Decide wisely based on where you're aiming and based on the wind. Please note, in tournament mode, you will have the ability to buy upgraded sets of clubs. The first set of clubs is pointless since they offer the same strength per shot as your regular set of clubs. However, the other two will give small boosts in power. Each number is listed in terms of yards. CLUB SET 1 SET 2 SET 3 1W 250 260 270 3W 230 240 250 4W 210 220 230 2I 200 210 210 3I 190 200 200 4I 180 180 190 5I 170 170 180 6I 160 160 160 7I 150 150 150 8I 140 140 140 9I 130 130 130 PW 110 110 110 SW 100 100 100 |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 4. - S T R A T E G I E S MTP4 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ * SHOOTING The most important part of the game is knowing how the shot meter works. As the arrow turns around the meter and goes straight up, this is the power zone. How far you high you hit the meter means how far you will hit the ball. It will go back down and you will have to hit the red section of the horizontal bar. This will affect your accuracy. It's not too bad if you miss a little but on a slice it could throw you way off. * TALKING TO YOUR CADDIE You can talk to your caddie before any shot you make. This may not seem useful if you can't read Japanese but it can still help. The first option will give you three more options. The first two of those three are just tips which you need to know Japanese to read. The third of those three options will allow you to move the cursor around the hole and see the distance of the points you use. This can be very useful in selecting the proper club to use for a shot. The second option in the first menu will show the whole hole. The third option will show the green. The fourth option will show your score card. And the fifth and final option will have your caddie show you where you should aim and the distance of that shot. * SELECTING THE RIGHT CLUB Check the caddie strategy above. You can talk to your caddie, pick the first option, and then the third of these to see how far your target is. This is very useful because sometimes you can't just hit it as hard as you can because of a water hazard. You might have to take a weaker club and aim for the fairway for the safe shot. * CORRECTING FOR THE WIND The wind can easily kill any chance you have at a good score. Practice in the regular game modes before you try at the tournaments so you can get used to the wind. The weird thing about the wind is that the direction of the wind is the direction it shows from the overhead view. It doesn't change when you're actually swinging the club even though it's still blowing in the same direction. So don't worry if the wind magically changes directions when you actually see your golfer. * PUTTING/CHIPPING You will notice that when putting and chipping that the power bar will be different. The line in the top half of the bar will be the proper power for any shot, not considering wind or hills. Regardless of hills/winds, you may want to still hit it over the line because you will still likely get it in the hole. * SLICE If there's ever a tree in your way, you can always play it safe and slice the shot. This will take some practice since it's hard to judge where the slice will go. You can also use this to have the wind help you push the ball a little further. * NEW CLUBS The best way to keep winning in tournament mode is to buy the best set of clubs as soon as possible. Don't bother with the first two sets, buy the most expensive set for $500. If you finish first in the second tournament, you will easily have enough money. This set won't only give you more power out of your woods, but your shots will be more accurate as you will see a larger accuracy area on the bottom of the meter. |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 5. - C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S MTP5 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ In this section, I will explain how you should approach each hole | F ^ 7 along with a drawing of the green of each hole. In the drawings of | `.|.' the I will use characters to show slopes. Any double characters means | <--+--> that hill is bold in game and steeper. Refer to the legend to the | .'|`. right for what each character means. | L V J Also, please note, all approaches are describing what to do with a stock set of clubs. You can buy a better set of clubs which will give you more power and those will allow you to get around hazards that I tell you to avoid. Use the caddie feature for a pin point distance on where you are targeting when you are experimenting with an upgraded set of clubs. _____________________ Course A _____________________ Hole Yards Par 1 384 4 2 217 3 3 381 4 4 571 5 5 407 4 6 486 5 7 404 4 8 216 3 9 310 4 10 171 3 11 532 5 12 428 4 13 407 4 14 522 5 15 445 4 16 160 3 17 413 4 18 444 4 _______________ Hole 1 _______________ Par 4 - 384 Yards As you would expect, the first hole is pretty straight forward. Start off by using your 1W to hit it straight down the fairway. This will line you up pretty easily for a 140-160Y shot to the hole. Since the hole is almost in the center of the green, just aim right for the center and hit it at the right distance to get it as close to the hole as possible. V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V L L V V V V V J L L L V V V V J L L L J L L L J J L L L L J J J J L L L L L J J J J J L L J J J J J L J J J This green is pretty simple no matter where your ball lands on it. If you land above the hole, it's all downhill. If you land to the left, just aim slightly higher and do the same if you land to the right. The slope isn't very high so it won't affect your putt by too much. _______________ Hole 2 _______________ Par 3 - 217 Yards This hole is short enough that you should aim directly for the green. Forget about the fairway and the bunker that seems oddly out of place to the left of the green. Just aim for the green and try to get it as close to the flag as possible. If you aren't going to go for a hole in one, aim a bit past the hole since there's a wider area of green past it than before it. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V No matter what side you're on, you will likely be hitting the ball uphill. If you are aiming at an angle, make sure to correct your shot for the uphill climb since it will roll a little downhill. _______________ Hole 3 _______________ Par 4 - 381 Yards You can't hit it past the water hazard so aim for the fairway to the left of the lake. From here, you'll likely have about 125-145 yards to the hole with nothing in between you and it other than some rough. Aim as close to the hole as possible on the green. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F L L L L > > > > F F L L L L L L L L L L If you land anywhere in the left half of the green, you should have a relatively simple shot. Just be careful when you're on the right half because you will have to correct for two different slopes. _______________ Hole 4 _______________ Par 5 - 571 Yards This hole is very far but with a couple well placed shots and a beneficial wind, you can be putting for an eagle. Aim to the right so you will land on the green. Hit the ball as far as you can and try to make it land on the left edge of the green. If you hit it right, you should be within 250 yards of the hole. If you are, aim straight for the green. Even if you're close to 250 yards, still aim for the green and just chip it in from the rough. It's not worth it to go to the fairway again unless the trees are in your way on the left side. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < < < > < < < < > > < < < < > > < < < > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The hole is in the upper right corner of the green in a pretty flat area. If you get to the upper right corner, the putt will be simple. If not, you will have to correct for the hill but it still shouldn't be too difficult of a putt. You really won't have to worry if you're putting for the eagle though. _______________ Hole 5 _______________ Par 4 - 407 Yards If you're very comfortable with your aiming, aiming for the narrow strip of fairway to the right. If not, I suggest just using your 7I so you will hit the fairway before it gets narrow. Even if you are confident with your aiming, you still may want to start that way since the next shot won't be hard regardless. Aim straight for the green from wherever you land. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V This green is actually identical to hole two. No matter what side you're on, you will likely be hitting the ball uphill. If you are aiming at an angle, make sure to correct your shot for the uphill climb since it will roll a little downhill. _______________ Hole 6 _______________ Par 5 - 486 Yards Aim straight down the center, it shouldn't be too hard to hit the narrow strip of fairway unless the winds are atrocious. From here, you should be able to take one more shot to the green. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < < < > < < < < > > < < < < > > < < < > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > This green is actually identical to hole four except for the location of the hole. The hole is in the upper left corner of the green in a pretty flat area. If you get to the upper right corner, the putt will be simple. If not, you will have to correct for the hill but it still shouldn't be too difficult of a putt. _______________ Hole 7 _______________ Par 4 - 404 Yards Go straight down the fairway. You will land just before where it shifts to the right unless the wind is in your favor. From here, you will have a simple shot to the green. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > L L L L L L > > > L L L L L > > L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Every side, except for lower right, will force you to make an uphill shot. Be careful, especially when you are straight to the north of the hole because you will have to angle your shot against a couple of hills. _______________ Hole 8 _______________ Par 3 - 216 Yards Aim straight for the hole. Don't worry about the tree in between you and the green on the fairway because the ball will sail far above it. L < < < < < < F L L < < < < < < F F L L L < < < < < < F F F L L L L < < < < < < F F F F V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ J J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 7 J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 J J > > > > > > 7 7 J > > > > > > 7 > > This hole is basically the twilight zone. For some reason the circle keeps going downhill and downhill and never actually start or end anywhere. You'd think whoever designed this hole drew that optical illusion with the waterfalls. Correct for the steep hills if you don't land in the middle and make a pretty easy putt. _______________ Hole 9 _______________ Par 4 - 310 Yards You can't hit this green in one shot. Just play it safe and use your 7I, aim for the bend in the fairway. From here, you have a straight on shot for the green. << <<<< <<<< <<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< < < < < < >>>> < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>> < < < < < < < >> < < < < < < The slopes with double arrows are extra steep. If you're on the top half off the green, you will have to aim way to the right of the hole to correct for the steep hills. You may want to aim further than you think because these slopes are very steep. If you are in the bottom half, just aim like normal since they're the usual slopes. _______________ Hole 10 _______________ Par 3 - 171 Yards The trees in between the tee and the green won't get in your way since the ball will go over them. Just aim straight for the green. <<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< This hole is basically on a very steep hill sloping downward to the left. You will be better off aiming for the right side of the green. Correct for the very steep slopes. Depending on how far you are, you may have to make a couple of putts. _______________ Hole 11 _______________ Par 5 - 532 Yards You can't get it over the lake so aim just to the right of it. If you hit the ball just to the right of the lake at full power, you will be just before the large sand trap and you'll be within 250 yards of the hole which gives you a chance to putt for an eagle. If you are a lot further than that from the hole, I suggest just aiming for the end of the fairway. < < >>>> < < < >>>>>> < < < >>>>>> < < < >>>> < >>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >JJ > > > > >JJJJJJ > > > > >JJJJJJ > > > > >JJJJJJ > > > >JJJJ The only steep hills are in the upper left and lower right corners. You probably won't be hitting either of those if you had to take two strokes from the fairway so this should be a simple hole. _______________ Hole 12 _______________ Par 4 - 428 Yards Aim straight up the fairway here with your 1W. Unless the wind is helping you go down range a lot, you won't have to worry about the sand traps. From here, you will have a clear shot at the green. V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V LLLLV V V V V J LLLLLLV V V V J LLLLLL J LLLLLL J J LLLLLLLL J J J J LLLLLLLLLL J J J J J LLLL J J J J J LL J J J Unless you land in the lower left corner of the green, you shouldn't have much of a problem here. If you land in the lower left corner, you will likely have to make two putts. Otherwise, you should be able to make this in one. _______________ Hole 13 _______________ Par 4 - 407 Yards This whole is straightfoward. Aim straight down the fairway in between the sand traps. From here, you will have about a 180-200 yard shot to the green. Just aim for the green from here in another easy shot. JJJJ > > JJJJJJJJ > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > > > > JJJJJJJJJJ > > > JJJJJJJJ > JJJJJJ JJJJ The only challenging shot will be from the right half off the green. You will have to correct for the putt a lot from that side if you're there and will likely have to take at least 2 putts. If you're anywhere away from the steep slopes, you shouldn't have too much trouble. _______________ Hole 14 _______________ Par 5 - 522 Yards Unless there is a strong wind helping you down range, you will have to take two shots up the middle of the fairway. Make sure the second stroke doesn't go past the end of the fairway and into the rough. Aim at the green at the end of the fairway. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > LLLLLLLLLLL > > > LLLLLLLLL > > LLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL LLL Every side, except for lower right, will force you to make an uphill shot. Be careful, especially when you are straight to the north of the hole because you will have to angle your shot against a couple of hills. Also be careful with the very steep hill in the lower left. _______________ Hole 15 _______________ Par 4 - 445 Yards Aim for the narrow strip of fairway to the right of the lake. You may want to go with the 3W so you can ensure not overshooting the fairway. From here, just aim straight to the green. < < < < <<<< < < < < J J <<<<<< < < < < J J J <<<<<<<< < < < < J J <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < J J <<<<<< < < J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J J << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ < < < < < J J JJJJJJJ JJJJJJJ JJ This green can be very tricky because you can either undershoot and be stuck with the steep hill in the lower right or over shoot and be stuck with the steep left to the left. You have a pretty good chance of being forced at a two putt shot. Try your best to correct for the slopes as you aim for the hole. _______________ Hole 16 _______________ Par 3 - 160 Yards This hole is very short, simply aim for the green. F F F F F F F F F < F F F F F < < F F F F < < < F F F < < < < F F F < < < < F F < < < < < F F < < < < < 77 < < < < < < 77 < < < < < 77 < < < < 7777 777777777777 7777777777 77777777 Chances are you will have to fight small slopes. If you do land near the bottom, you will have a very easy downhill putt. Regardless of where you land, it shouldn't be too difficult of a putt. _______________ Hole 17 _______________ Par 4 - 413 Yards Aim straight down the fairway. You will go over the tree in the fairway and land just before where the fairway gets narrow. From here, you will have a pretty simply, straight 160-180 yard shot at the green. F F F 7 7 F F F F 7 7 7 F F F F 7 7 7 F F F F 7 7 7 F F F F 7 7 7 F F F 7 7 7 7 F F F 7 7 7 7 F F F 7 7 7 7 L L L J J J J 7 L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L L J J J J J L L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J L L L J J This green can be difficult because the hole is at the top of the slopes. Fortunately, most sides only have you correcting for one slope. The problem is if you're at a far distance and in between two hills because then you have to correct for both. If you're close and at a good angle, it will be an easy putt. But if you're far away, it may be impossible based on your angle. _______________ Hole 18 _______________ Par 4 - 444 Yards You can get the ball over the water on the left side but there's very little fairway to land on. You also have to hit the ball perfectly just to get the proper distance. I suggest aiming before the river along the right side of the green. Even if you do get over the river, you'll probably be looking at a 250+ yard shot so you won't make the green in one more shot regardless, so don't risk it. Aim for the end of the fairway and then take another shot for the green. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ^ 7 7 7 7 7 ^ ^ 7 7 7 7 ^ ^ ^ 7 7 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV Putting from the steep slopes can be difficult, especially since there's another slope at the top of it. The other part of the green you have to worry about is the upper right corner where you will have to correct for two holes. _____________________ Course B _____________________ Hole Yards Par 1 465 4 2 418 4 3 174 3 4 465 5 5 444 4 6 184 3 7 408 4 8 495 5 9 423 4 10 429 4 11 126 3 12 466 5 13 430 4 14 425 4 15 194 3 16 370 4 17 380 4 18 524 5 _______________ Hole 1 _______________ Par 4 - 465 Yards Aim straight down the fairway. It's more than wide enough that you shouldn't hit the sand trap or the water hazard on either side. From here, you should have a one shot chance to hit the green. F F F F F F F F F F F F J F F F F J J F F F F J J J J F F F F J J J J F F J J J J J J F F J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J This green is easier than it looks. If you land on the upper left half, you don't have to currect too much for the slope because anything you do with the first slope will likely be canceled out by the second slope. If you don't land in the upper left, you have a simple shot with one slope. _______________ Hole 2 _______________ Par 4 - 418 Yards Aim to the left of the right sand trap along the fairway so you will be past both sand traps when the ball lands. From here, you have a straight shot to the green. If you're on the fairway, none of the trees will be in your way. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ^ 7 7 7 7 7 ^ ^ 7 7 7 7 ^ ^ ^ 7 7 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV Putting from the steep slopes can be difficult, especially since there's another slope at the top of it. The other part of the green you have to worry about is the upper right corner where you will have to correct for two holes. _______________ Hole 3 _______________ Par 3 - 174 Yards This is a very short hole and you will easily make the green in one stroke. L < < < < < < F L L < < < < < < F F L L L < < < < < < F F F L L L L < < < < < < F F F F V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ J J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 7 J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 J J > > > > > > 7 7 J > > > > > > 7 > > This hole is basically the twilight zone. For some reason the circle keeps going downhill and downhill and never actually start or end anywhere. You'd think whoever designed this hole drew that optical illusion with the waterfalls. Correct for the steep hills if you don't land in the middle and make a pretty easy putt. _______________ Hole 4 _______________ Par 5 - 465 Yards Hit the ball straight down the fairway. You will land just around where it curves to the left. From here, you should be able to take one more shot to the green which leaves you putting for an eagle. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V No matter what side you're on, you will likely be hitting the ball uphill. If you are aiming at an angle, make sure to correct your shot for the uphill climb since it will roll a little downhill. _______________ Hole 5 _______________ Par 4 - 444 Yards Aim to the left of the sand trap because you won't be able to hit the ball over it. From here, you will be able to take one shot straight to the green. Even if you are 250+ yards away, you may want to still aim for it anyway because there's a tree blocking the end of the fairway. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < V V < < < < < < < < < V V V < < < < < < < < < < V V V < < < < < < < < < V V V V < < < < < < < < V V V V < < < < < V V V V < < < V V V V V V V V V V V V V This green is actually very easy. If you land to the south of the hole, it's completely flat. Otherwise, you only have to correct for one light slope. _______________ Hole 6 _______________ Par 3 - 184 Yards This is another short hole so just aim for the green and make sure not to hit the water hazard around it. L J L L J J L L J J L L J J J L L L J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J L L L J J L L L J L All slopes go south and to each side. If you are in the middle of the slopes and have a far distance to travel, you will probably have to two putt this hole. If you are fairly close and especially if you only have one slope to climb, you should one putt it. _______________ Hole 7 _______________ Par 4 - 408 Yards Aim straight down the fairway in between the two sand traps. It's fairly narrow but it should still be easy to hit. From here, you will have a straight shot at the green. F F F F F F F F F < F F F F F < < F F F F < < < F F F < < < < F F F < < < < F F < < < < < F F < < < < < 77 < < < < < < 77 < < < < < 77 < < < < 7777 777777777777 7777777777 77777777 Chances are you will have to fight small slopes. If you do land near the bottom, you will have a very easy downhill putt. Regardless of where you land, it shouldn't be too difficult of a putt. _______________ Hole 8 _______________ Par 5 - 495 Yards Aim straight down the fairway along the left side. Try to be as close to the top left corner of the green without hitting the water. From here, you will be able to shoot straight to the green in one shot so you will be putting for an eagle. L J L L J J L L J J L L J J J L L L J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J J L L L L J J J L L L J J L L L J L All slopes go south and to each side. If you are in the middle of the slopes and have a far distance to travel, you will probably have to two putt this hole. If you are fairly close and especially if you only have one slope to climb, you should one putt it. _______________ Hole 9 _______________ Par 4 - 423 Yards Aim straight down the green and the ball will land in the fat piece of fairway before it starts arcing to the right. From here you have a straight shot, about 155-175 yards to the green which you should be able to hit pretty easily. ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ LL LLLLLL JJJJ LLLLLLLL JJJJJJ LLLLLLLL JJJJJJJJ LLLL JJJJJJJJ JJ Since you will approach this hole from the lower left, you may just have to climb one steep hill. Otherwise you may have to deal with the steep hills at a distant. Either way, you will probably only have to climb one hole so the putt shouldn't be too bad if you're good at aiming up hills. _______________ Hole 10 _______________ Par 4 - 429 Yards Hit the ball down the fairway in between the two water hazards. Try to stay close to the right hazard so the tree there won't get in your way. From here, you will have a straight shot to the green. < < < < <<<< < < < < J J <<<<<< < < < < J J J <<<<<<<< < < < < J J <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < J J <<<<<< < < J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J J << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ < < < < < J J JJJJJJJ JJJJJJJ JJ This green can be very tricky because you can either undershoot and be stuck with the steep hill in the lower right or over shoot and be stuck with the steep left to the left. You have a pretty good chance of being forced at a two putt shot. Try your best to correct for the slopes as you aim for the hole. _______________ Hole 11 _______________ Par 3 - 126 Yards This is the shortest hole in the game. Just aim straight for the green. < < < < <<<< < < < < J J <<<<<< < < < < J J J <<<<<<<< < < < < J J <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < <<<<<<<< < < < J J <<<<<< < < J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J <<<<<< < < J J J J J J << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ << < < < < J J JJJJJJJ < < < < < J J JJJJJJJ JJJJJJJ JJ This green can be very tricky because you can either undershoot and be stuck with the steep hill in the lower right or over shoot and be stuck with the steep left to the left. You have a pretty good chance of being forced at a two putt shot. Try your best to correct for the slopes as you aim for the hole. _______________ Hole 12 _______________ Par 5 - 466 Yards Aim straight down the fairway, just to the right of the sand trap. From here, you can hit the green in one more shot and be putting for an eagle. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F > > > > > > > > F F F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F F L L L L > > > > F F F L L L L > > > > F F L L L L L L L L L L If you land anywhere in the left half of the green, you should have a relatively simple shot. Just be careful when you're on the right half because you will have to correct for two different slopes. _______________ Hole 13 _______________ Par 4 - 430 Yards The only way you can hit the ball over the water is with a max power shot or with some beneficial wind so you may just want to aim to the fairway to the left of the water hazard. If you are more than 250 yards away, aim for the end of the fairway. If you are closer than 250 yards away, aim for the green. V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V >>V V V V V >>>>F F F F >>>>>>F F F F >>>>>>F F F F >>>>>>>>F F F F >>>>>>>>F F F F >>>>>>>>F F F F F >>F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F This green is very tricky considering anywhere except for the far left will mean you have to correct for two hills. Unless you hit the left side, you will probably have to make two putts. _______________ Hole 14 _______________ Par 4 - 430 Yards Aim straight down the fairway but just to either side of the tree at the end. You will land just before the tree so if it's in front of you, you will probably hit it. Whatever side you're on, just shoot at the green. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V ^ ^ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Since these are all light slopes, you shouldn't have much of a problem making this putt in one shot. _______________ Hole 15 _______________ Par 3 - 194 Yards Another short hole, simply aim straight for the hole. << <<<< <<<< <<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< < < < < < >>>> < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>>>> < < < < < < < >>>> < < < < < < < >> < < < < < < The slopes with double arrows are extra steep. If you're on the top half off the green, you will have to aim way to the right of the hole to correct for the steep hills. You may want to aim further than you think because these slopes are very steep. If you are in the bottom half, just aim like normal since they're the usual slopes. _______________ Hole 16 _______________ Par 4 - 370 Yards Aim for the fairway just to the left of the sand trap, this will be the general area that you will hit. From here, you will have an easy shot at the green. L < < < < < < F L L < < < < < < F F L L L < < < < < < F F F L L L L < < < < < < F F F F V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ V V V V ^ ^ ^ ^ J J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 7 J J J > > > > > > 7 7 7 J J > > > > > > 7 7 J > > > > > > 7 > > This hole is basically the twilight zone. For some reason the circle keeps going downhill and downhill and never actually start or end anywhere. You'd think whoever designed this hole drew that optical illusion with the waterfalls. Correct for the steep hills if you don't land in the middle and make a pretty easy putt. _______________ Hole 17 _______________ Par 4 - 380 Yards Use your 3W to hit the fairway just before the water hazard, you won't be able to pass the water hazard. From just before the water, you will have a straight shot to the green. <<<<<<<<<< > > <<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > > > > <<<<<< << > > > > > << > > > > > The hole is close to the top of the hill here so you will only really have to correct for one hill. Just be careful if you are at an angle and far away because you may over/underestimate the hill and be forced to two putt this shot. _______________ Hole 18 _______________ Par 5 - 524 Yards Use your 3W and hit the ball straight down the fairway. You will land right before the sand trap unless there are heavy winds pushing you forward. From here, another max power shot with the 1W will bounce past the rough and onto the green which will let you putt for an eagle. <<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< This hole is basically on a very steep hill sloping downward to the left. You will be better off aiming for the right side of the green. Correct for the very steep slopes. Depending on how far you are, you may have to make a couple of putts. |> __________________________________________________________________ (¯¯¯¯|¯¯) ___ ¯`.__,' / ) 6. - D I S C L A I M E R MTP6 (¯`. .' .'__________________________________________________________________ `./ ¯¯¯ This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2010 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it is free. The latest version will always be found at: http://www.GameFAQs.com