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Xa: .. ,: .. ,. rr . ., i;, ::,,,:i:i:::::::iii:,,:..aS. .,. r; 2.. rX ir . ii::i::,:,,,:::::::::::::::,,,,..iSX .. , 7 X. rX rX i... :i:,::::,::::::::,::::,::::::,,,,,..XS; , :;X X.. 7X 7X .X ii::,,,,,,:,:,,,::,,,,:,,,,::,,,,,,,,, .22 . a.:7 X . 7; Xi .;;ii:i::::iiiiii:i::i:::ii:ii:iiiiiii::::,,;SX r X ,7 7 .:; .:; 7: ,;X X ,7 7:i ii;7i77i7:XrX7a,. S X .a :7 X :r r@Z .i;r, raM, .i .X rZMi .X X ,7 7 S@87a Introduction ,7r72W@r .,X :7r X80 :i7 X :7 r,XSB272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Released in 1987, Mighty Bomb Jack has appeared in the arcade and on the Amiga, Atari, Commodore 64, and Nintendo Entertainment System. A sequel to the original Bomb Jack, Mighty Bomb Jack has only a cursory resemblence to the original game, although a sequence at the end of each stage is reminiscent of the original. This guide covers the Nintendo version of the game and offers three walkthroughs (explained below), named aptly "The Easy Way," "The Hard Way," and "The Really Hard Way." So without further adieu, let's begin. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Game Mechanics M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# ----------------@:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# @#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the surface Mighty Bomb Jack appears to be your standard 2D platforming experience. Jack can jump and has to dodge enemies on his way to the level's exit. He has no attacks or methods of dealing with the enemies that populate the game, meaning one needs to be extra careful, but by the second stage you will find yourself in some trouble unless you understand a few other basics about this title. Controls are very simple, so let's start there. Pressing the A-Button will make Mighty Bomb Jack jump, while hitting the B-Button will cause him to transform. Transform into what you might ask? Spread throughout the game's stages are various "Mighty Coins." These coins change Jack's color, which actually has quite a bit of game relevance. If Jack is blue he can open the locked orangish chests that scatter the stages. If he is orange, by contrast, Jack can open any chest by running into the side of it, which is important in a number of levels where chests block your path. Lastly, if Jack turns green then all enemies on the current screen will transform into coins. You can activate these transformations by pressing the B-Button, using a coin per transformation. "Mighty Drinks" can also be found in these stages. They add ten seconds to the clock for each one you pick up. Problems arise, however, if you ever get the clock over the max time (99 seconds) or max coins (9 coins). If you make either happen, as soon as you exit the room you are currently in, you will find yourself in a "Torture Room" where you must jump fifty times while dodging enemies in order to proceed onward. Other items can be found floating in the stages and inside of chests. The most apparent items are the bombs that you will see in most every room of the game. These items add points to you score, but nothing else. The same is true of the gems that you find in a majority of chests. Some chests contain an explosive-trigger item with a big M on it. Touching this item will turn all the enemies on the screen into coins. These coins, like the bombs and gems, are worth points as well. A similar item, a ballon, emerges out of some chests and floats upwards that has a similar effect on enemies. Speaking of enemies, if you are interested in specific strategies in dealing with each type of enemy, skip to the end of the guide for a brief section on the types of foes one can encoutner in Mighty Bomb Jack. Lastly, at the end of each stage you will get sent to a "Palace Room" where, as in the original game, you must collect all the bombs on the screen without getting hit by the enemies. An interesting trick here is that if you grab only one bomb, look and see what bomb's fuse lights up, then grab all the other bombs except the lit one, and end by finally grabbing that last bomb, when you exit the room you will be instantly teleported to the next Palace Room. You can continue doing this until you reach the end of the game. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Walkthrough 1 M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# The Easy Way @:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# ----------------# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way to finish Mighty Bomb Jack is to take advantage of the Palace Room method of completing stages and simply skip the majority of the game. If you want to finish the game like this (and net the "bad ending") then this is the walkthrough for you. If you want to get the "good ending," then skip down to the second walkthrough in this guide and follow it instead. If you're still here, boot up your game and begin. The first level is easy, just run to the right and dodge the enemies until you come to the door leading to the next stage. Enter this door and you will find yourself in the first Palace Room. Touch one bomb and see which bomb's fuse lights up. Collect all the bombs except the lit one, then go and pick it up. Now exit through the door that opens. Repeat this practice in the next fifteen rooms that follow. Be sure to grab the P-Coins whenever they appear as it will turn all enemies in the room into coins and spare you a lot of trouble. Also be careful because if you get killed at any point along the way, you will be returned to the first stage and have to start all over. Although most of these Palace Rooms are easily understood at first glance, there are a few that offer some trouble. Specific Palace Room tips: (5) Stage five features four vertical lines of bombs, but it always seems like you cannot reach the top bomb of any line. The solution is can be somewhat difficult if there are a lot of enemies in the room. You need to get a running start and leap up, continuing to travel to either the right or the left (whichever direction you started running in) and you will sail upwards and catch the top bombs. If you try to jump straight up or if you run, but then stop moving to the left or right mid-jump, then you will not be able to seize the highest bombs. (7) Probably the most viciously hard Palace Room in the game, be very careful as you fall not to hit the bombs that sit at the floor as if you hit the top one, the one below it always becomes the lit one. The small alcoves in the center of the room are very hard to get into to and can only, as far as I have ever been able to achieve, be reached by jumping up at them and hitting the opening perfectly at the apex of your jump. Thankfully you can run out of one and your momentum will carry you to the next. The enemies here are also very aggressive and will actively seek you out, while the P-Coin appears only when you have but four bombs left to grab. (12) Though not as hard as stage seven, this room is probably the most aggravating. Grab the lower left bomb first, that way the one that gets lit is on the upper left. You have to do a running jump to get to the top on either side. Try and lure the enemies into the underside of the level's central obstruction and they can get trapped there as long as you stay mostly to the top of the screen. Once you get every bomb things become very annoying. The exit in the upper right is very, very hard to reach no matter how you dice it. You need to run from the far left corner all the way to the edge of the central obstruction and leap up to the exit. You will likely fail several times before pulling this off, but that is what you must do to proceed. (16) No tricks to this one, it is just hard. Most of the time you get the kind of enemies that home in on you, not to mention reaching the exit requires a running jump that must be timed perfectly. Once you finish the sixteenth Palace Room, you will appear in a regular stage that ascends upwards. Directly above you there are enemies spawning. The second stone from the left wall is your ticket out of here. Lure the enemies down to where you are and carefully jump up to this stone. You have to jump on this stone three times, burrowing a hole to the area below you, to open a door on the right. When the door appears, enter the room. In this new room, you need to open the bottom treasure chest. Once you do, return to the previous room. In the upper right there should now be a door. Enter it to find the king. The raven-looking blocks require you to jump on them three times to destroy. Do this and "grab" the king to open the door to the next room. In this room you will find the queen in a similar situation as the king. Grab her to open another door and exit the room. Again you will find someone, this time the princess, and again you need to save her. This opens another door that leads to one more room that houses the evil demon (I assume). To beat him, you need to grab him in the same manner as you grabbed the previous three people. Once you do, a final door opens that ends the game. Depending on how many times you had to do the Palace Rooms, you probably either feel somehow incomplete and want more of the Mighty Bomb Jack experience or you are so sick of this game that you would rather end said experience. If you are the former, keep reading on to the next section for a slightly more difficult way in which to beat the game. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Walkthrough 2 M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# The Hard Way @:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# ----------------# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're ready to try and get the good ending, then we can begin in a fashion similar to my first walkthrough. Bomb through the first level and get to the Palace Room. Follow the method I outlined to finish these Palace Rooms and skip the regular levels up through round five (the room with the four vertical lines of bombs). In round six, just get all the bombs and make sure you grab the bomb with the burning fuse right away. When you finish the sixth Palace Room you should appear in the standard stage seven. When the level begins, move all the way left and use the lower door to enter a vertical room. Fall down until you see a door on the left, then take it. Make your way left, using the glide (tap jump repeatedly in mid-air) liberally. Enter the door at the end of the hall. Go all the way to the top of the next room and take the upper right door. You'll enter a room not unlike those in which you find the missing royalty (if you used the first walkthrough before now). The raven-like blocks require three jumps to break. An artifact awaits beneath the blocks. This is one of two items you need for the good ending. Grab it and take the door to the right into a long hall. Run all the way right and into another vertical room. Follow this room all the way up and through a door in the roof. You will come out in the middle of a room. You want to go right here. Follow the hall all the way to a door that will warp you to stage ten's Palace Room. Clear out this Palace Room by getting the bomb with the burning fuse last so that you skip to the eleventh Palace Room. Clear this room, but be sure to get that burning fuse before you grab the final bomb so you go to the standard twelfth stage. This place is brutal. You need to balance the number of coins and drinks you pick up very carefully here so you can get through the chests you need to, have enough time to finish everything, and not get sent to a Torture Room. Begin by going right until you come to a fire pit. Pass the first two sets of floating blocks and come to the third, a solitary block over the fire. Jump on it and then jump five or six spaces forward to land on an invisible ornage chest (so make sure you got two coins on the way here from the countless chests on the two block sets before it). Break the chest to open a door in the fire below you. Drop into it. Follow the only paths available through the next two rooms and come out into a green hallway. Run all the way right and use that exit. In the room you drop in to, take the door on the lower right into another room. From here take the next two lower right exits. You should fall into a room with an exit on the upper left of it. Get a running start and jump up to it. Fall through the floor in the next room and land in a purple hallway. Take the door on your immediate right as you enter, then drop through the floor in the small room that follows. In the next hallway, go all the way right. On the far wall is a set of invisible chests. You need the boots in the bottom chest, but you can break and take as many coins and drinks as you need (without going over your limit). Once you're ready, make your way back to the purple hallway. Run left. At the end of the hall there are two exits, one on the roof and one on the floor. You want to take the one on the roof, so be prepared to do a running jump as you near the end and hit it. Take the upper left door in the next room, followed by the lower left door in the one after that. In the room after those, take the upper right door to enter another green hallway. Run all the way left and fall into the hole into the next room. Fall through here and into the room below it as well. Run right and drop down another floor. Drop straight down in the next room and land on another door going down. You will land in a room with a crystal ball thingy underneath some of those raven- like blocks. Grab it. You now have all you need to get the good ending, you just need to beat the game. From here you have two choices. Choice one is to work your way backwards through the level back to the initial starting room (I don't like that option), while choice two is to let an enemy kill you (as long as you got the lives). Either way, the exit is in the first room all the way to the right. If you kill just die you will reappear in that room anyway, so it is the easier choice. When you get to the Palace Room, clear them out by getting the lit fuse bomb last through stage sixteen. Once you finish the sixteenth Palace Room, you will appear in a regular stage that ascends upwards. Directly above you there are enemies spawning. The second stone from the left wall is your ticket out of here. Lure the enemies down to where you are and carefully jump up to this stone. You have to jump on this stone three times, burrowing a hole to the area below you, to open a door on the right. When the door appears, enter the room. In this new room, you need to open the bottom treasure chest. Once you do, return to the previous room. In the upper right there should now be a door. Enter it to find the king. The raven-looking blocks require you to jump on them three times to destroy. Do this and "grab" the king to open the door to the next room. In this room you will find the queen in a similar situation as the king. Grab her to open another door and exit the room. Again you will find someone, this time the princess, and again you need to save her. This opens another door that leads to one more room that houses the evil demon (I assume). To beat him, you need to grab him in the same manner as you grabbed the previous three people. Once you do, a final door opens that ends the game. Congratulations on getting the good ending! Obviously there is yet another way to complete this game, whereas you beat every stage and do not utilize the Palace Room method of completing stages. If this is the way in which you want to proceed, scroll down to the third walkthrough offered here below. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Walkthrough 3 M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# The R.H. Way @:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# ----------------# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who want to complete Mighty Bomb Jack the hardcore way, this is the walkthrough for you. This walkthrough will take you through every level and get you the good ending. Begin stage one and run to the right, dodging the enemies all the way, until you come to the exit on the second screen in the upper right corner. Finish the Palace Room and move on to stage two. This one is also very easy, just drop down the shaft you find yourself in and make your way all the way down to the bottom, skipping the first door you see on the left and take the lower left door in the floor to go to the next Palace Room. Finish it to move on to stage three. Collect enough coins to turn blue as stage three begins and take the lower route when the path splits to the left. Enter the far right door and continue on to the third Palace Room. Finish it to move on to stage four. This is your first true "maze" in the game. I say "maze" because many exits are actually hidden and require you to jump around like a madman, hitting every spot you can see hoping one opens something. To make matters worse, many spots you need to jump require up to three landings before they reveal their secrets. Anyway, go right and take the door at the end of the hall. In this next hall jump the fire pits and go to the right until you come to a landing between two fire pits that is blocked on the right side by a vertical stack of blocks. Jump on this floor to cause a door to appear below you. Drop down into a single- screen room and take the exit in the floor here as well. This will take you to a Torture Room (regardless of the amount of coins or drinks you have). Thankfully at this point in the game the enemies are rather slow and can be avoided without too much trouble. Dodge them and make short jumps as often as you can to get to fifty. Once you do, you will be transported back to the beginning of the level. Head right, but notice that a new door has appeared in the upper left at the end of the hall. Take it up and move upwards through the shaft you enter. Watch for the first door on the right and take it. Run right through the next hall to a door, take it, then drop down the shaft in the next room to reach a door at the bottom. Enter here (on the right) and keep going right. Jump the fire pit and glide (by rapidly hitting jump) across to the other side and take the door to another shaft. Drop down and take the first door on the right you see to exit another level. Stage five begins in a vertical shaft. Leap up as fast as possible. Do not stop to grab any treasure. The enemies in this room will spawn in the numerous small openings you have to move through to keep going. Particularly when you reach the top you really need to book it for the exit as a mummy will spawn in the small gap you need to reach. If it appears before you can get to the exit, you will have to grab the chest in that crevice, leap out, and wait for him to walk off the edge, all the while dodging his three friends who will spawn in other corners of the screen. Once you make it to the top, you will emerge in a hall that goes both right and left. The right dead-ends, so go left, past the door you will see in the roof, and all the way to the end. Enter the door to move on to the Palace Room, which deserves special mention. Featuring four vertical lines of bombs, it always seems like you cannot reach the top bomb of any line. The solution can be somewhat difficult if there are a lot of enemies in the room. You need to get a running start and leap up, continuing to travel to either the right or the left (whichever direction you started running in) and you will sail upwards and catch the top bombs. If you try to jump straight up or if you run, but then stop moving to the left or right mid-jump, then you will not be able to seize the highest bombs. Once you get all the bombs, you'll move on to stage six. Stage six begins with another vertical shaft, but this one forces you to be both fast and utilize that running jump. A couple of screens up you will encounter a jump that seems to high to reach, but it can be made with a running jump on the small ledge below it. It is only two squares big, but it is big enough as long you sail left for as long as you can up the small opening. Keep going up and take the lefthand door near the top. Glide through the next room and take the exit to move to the Palace Room. Finish it to move on. When level seven begins, move all the way left and use the lower door to enter a long vertical room. Fall down until you see a door on the left, then take it. Make your way left, using the glide (tap jump repeatedly in mid-air) liberally. Enter the door at the end of the hall. Go all the way to the top of the next room and take the upper right door. You'll enter a room not unlike those in which you find the missing royalty (if you used the first walkthrough before now). The raven-like blocks require three jumps to break. An artifact awaits beneath the blocks. This is one of two items you need for the good ending. Grab it and take the door to the right into a long hall. Run all the way right and into another vertical room. Follow this room all the way up and through a door in the roof. You will come out in the middle of a room. You want to go right here. Follow the hall all the way to a door that will warp you to stage ten's Palace Room. (I have not been able to find the normal way out of this level, so if you know where it is, feel free to e-mail me and let me know.) Probably the most viciously hard Palace Room in the game follows. The small alcoves in the center of the room are very hard to get into to and can only, as far as I have ever been able to achieve, be reached by jumping up at them and hitting the opening perfectly at the apex of your jump. Thankfully you can run out of one and your momentum will carry you to the next. The enemies here are also very aggressive and will actively seek you out, while the P-Coin appears only when you have but four bombs left to grab and the stage is almost over. As you drop into stage eleven, move slightly to the right to avoid falling into the open door below you. Head right, jumping and gliding from block to block and avoiding the falling enemies. Pass the door on the floor in the middle of the hall and keep going all the way to the end. Enter the next room and prepare for rapid gliding. The fiery blocks that you see everywhere will kill you. Carefully fall and glide your way down this shaft. At the bottom take the lefthand door. Make your way right in the next room to reach the exit at the end of the fiery hall. Level twelve is brutal. You need to balance the number of coins and drinks you pick up very carefully here so you can get through the chests you need to, have enough time to finish everything, and not get sent to a Torture Room. Begin by going right until you come to a fire pit. Pass the first two sets of floating blocks and come to the third, a solitary block over the fire. Jump on it and then jump five or six spaces forward to land on an invisible ornage chest (so make sure you got two coins on the way here from the countless chests on the two block sets before it). Break the chest to open a door in the fire below you. Drop into it. Follow the only paths available through the next two rooms and come out into a green hallway. Run all the way right and use that exit. In the room you drop in to, take the door on the lower right into another room. From here take the next two lower right exits. You should fall into a room with an exit on the upper left of it. Get a running start and jump up to it. Fall through the floor in the next room and land in a purple hallway. Take the door on your immediate right as you enter, then drop through the floor in the small room that follows. In the next hallway, go all the way right. On the far wall is a set of invisible chests. You need the boots in the bottom chest, but you can break and take as many coins and drinks as you need (without going over your limit). Once you're ready, make your way back to the purple hallway. Run left. At the end of the hall there are two exits, one on the roof and one on the floor. You want to take the one on the roof, so be prepared to do a running jump as you near the end and hit it. Take the upper left door in the next room, followed by the lower left door in the one after that. In the room after those, take the upper right door to enter another green hallway. Run all the way left and fall into the hole into the next room. Fall through here and into the room below it as well. Run right and drop down another floor. Drop straight down in the next room and land on another door going down. You will land in a room with a crystal ball thingy underneath some of those raven- like blocks. Grab it. You now have all you need to get the good ending, you just need to beat the game. From here you have two choices. Choice one is to work your way backwards through the level back to the initial starting room (I don't like that option), while choice two is to let an enemy kill you (as long as you got the lives). Either way, the exit is in the first room all the way to the right. If you kill just die you will reappear in that room anyway, so it is the easier choice. The exit, naturally, leads to another Palace Room. Though not as hard as stage seven, this room is probably the most aggravating. You have to do a running jump to get to the top on either side. Try and lure the enemies into the underside of the level's central obstruction and they can get trapped there as long as you stay mostly to the top of the screen. Once you get every bomb things become very annoying. The exit in the upper right is very, very hard to reach no matter how you dice it. You need to run from the far left corner all the way to the edge of the central obstruction and leap up to the exit. You will likely fail several times before pulling this off, but that is what you must do to proceed. Stage thirteen is my favorite level in the game. Move up the initial room and go right at the top to go outside. From here you need to glide from cloud to cloud to make your way onwards, offering a little graphical variety in this adventure. From here each area has only one direction and one exit to take, but its a lot of fun to hop from cloud to cloud all the way to the end. The fourteenth stage is back inside again. Surprisingly linear, there is only one route to take. Glide left across the fire pit, enter the next room, drop into a third, and then go all the way left to reach the exit. Fifteen is the same way, making me think the programmers got lazy. In this stage, just run left to find the exit and reach the Palace Room. The last regular stage, round sixteen, is little trickier. Begin by jumping up to the ledge above you, then up to the ledge above that. Stand on the right chest and leap outwards to the door over the fire blocks and sail through. In the next room you have to do some tricky navigating. Largely you can make it by gliding through the lower areas, save at two points. The first is a single column that rises from the fire, but you can safely land on this and leap around the ledge above you and continue on your way. The other area features a small opening near the top that you need to land and leap up to. From here, keep moving right until you find the door that leads out. The sixteenth Palace Room is straightforward, but extremely hard. I cannot offer much for advice on how to complete it other than to wait until you absolutely need it to use the P-Coin. The enemies are just fast and seem to home in on you with relentless tenacity. Once you finish the sixteenth Palace Room, you will appear in a regular stage that ascends upwards. Directly above you there are enemies spawning. The second stone from the left wall is your ticket out of here. Lure the enemies down to where you are and carefully jump up to this stone. You have to jump on this stone three times, burrowing a hole to the area below you, to open a door on the right. When the door appears, enter the room. In this new room, you need to open the bottom treasure chest. Once you do, return to the previous room. In the upper right there should now be a door. Enter it to find the king. The raven-looking blocks require you to jump on them three times to destroy. Do this and "grab" the king to open the door to the next room. In this room you will find the queen in a similar situation as the king. Grab her to open another door and exit the room. Again you will find someone, this time the princess, and again you need to save her. This opens another door that leads to one more room that houses the evil demon (I assume). To beat him, you need to grab him in the same manner as you grabbed the previous three people. Once you do, a final door opens that ends the game. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Enemy Guide M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# ----------------@:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# @#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All enemies in Mighty Bomb Jack begin as mummies that teleport into whatever room you are in and later transform into other forms when they fall off the platform they begin on or, if they are already at ground level, after a few seconds of wandering. From there they can turn into any of the other enemies. Below are descriptions of the behaviors of each of these enemies and how to handle them. Mummy - The most basic enemy. As mentioned above, all enemies begin as mummies and turn into other enemies later. Mummies are the only enemies that cannot fly. They will appear and drop down until they hit the floor or a platform. They will wander on these platforms for a few seconds, changing direction if they come to an edge in order to stay where they are, before dropping off. When they hit the ground or the next platform, they will change into one of the other enemies below. Bird - Or a Carnivorous Death Parrot, as I like to call them. These birds are green in color and will slowly fly at you, homing in on your exact location. They are exacting in following your movements, but they are the slowest enemies in the game, meaning you can leap above or run under them before they can respond, often with no more than a single space of distance between you when you make your move. Fireball - Sometimes mummies just burst into flames and start bouncing around the room. While the fireballs will not home in on you, they are quite fast and will often bounce off a surface in an unexpected direction (i.e. they'll hit a wall at a downward angle, but instead of bouncing off and going lower they will bounce back up at the angle they came from). Take advantage of the fact that they won't actively seek you out in planning your avoidance of them. Jellyfish - A green ball-like enemy that resembles a jellyfish, these creatures are among the easier to avoid. These things are very similar to the fireballs in that they bounce around, but they will move towards you to some degree if you are close. Thankfully they are a lot slower then the fireballs, meaning generally you can leap over them as they come at you. Trying to run under them is more problematic as they are still quite quick and will often land on you as you try to pass. Lobster - I'm not sure what this is supposed to be, but it looks like a lobster. A lobster that flies! Like the birds these bad boys will home in on you, but they are a lot faster. Avoiding them often comes down to speed and luck. The same general strategies that apply to birds apply to lobsters, you just have to be a little quicker and have a little more distance between you. Scarab - Scarabs are odd, to say the least. They seem to fly about randomly, neither actively pursuing you nor bouncing off other surfaces. They are pretty fast and move erratically, but since they don't seek you out you can generally stay pretty far away from them in open areas. In single-screen rooms this becomes slightly more hairy, but still not overly difficult. Skull - A bouncing enemy, like the fireball, the skulls are little more than a graphical variation of that enemy. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Secrets M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# ----------------@:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# @#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ Aside from the warp zone mentioned in the walkthrough, Mighty Bomb Jack features a handful of other secret things to be found. After initially posting this guide for the NES FAQ Completion Project, I reported that another game had been completed on the FAQ Contributors Board here at GameFAQs. As soon as I had done so, AdamL posted to inform me of a secret hidden in the game, the Tecmo Bunny. He could not remember how to get it, but he contacted ArnoldRimmer83 for me and asked him. Below is the text of an e-mail he sent me describing where you can find the elusive bunny: _____________________ _/ From ArnoldRimmer83 \_____________________________________________________ | It is in round 16, in the second area where there is fire on the floor. But | | it was easy enough for me to make another one. When you reach the door on | | the ceiling, float to the grey block under it. You may have to use mighty | | coins to repel the enemies. After revealing the sphinx, float to it to open | | the door and immediately float back to the left. | | | | | | | | Now stand on the invisible chest in that picture and jump into the door. | | | | | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Also included in the e-mail was information and pictures of a few sprites that went unused (or remain hidden) in the game. Again, from ArnoldRimmer83: _____________________ _/ From ArnoldRimmer83 \_____________________________________________________ | By the way looking at Bomb Jack in a tile layer program reveals a load of | | graphics I've never seen in the game. I have no idea if these are unused, | | or if they're well hidden items like the rabbit. Since I have no clue what | | palette these guys would've used, I just borrowed the rabbit's for most of | | them. | | | | | | | | The ogreish guy on the top interests me the most. Seems like he should have | | been Beezlebut. The spiked balls I think its safe to say would've been | | deadly. And the heart, well you'd think the programmers would've used that | | in the ending where Jack marries the princess, but Nes programmers were | | sometimes hard to understand. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For now this stuff remains a mystery, but it interesting nonetheless. If anyone out there reading this knows about these items, drop me a line and I'll share with the rest of the world. Odino has recently contacted me and produced a guide to items in each level. Below is a table he has produced that lists the number of each item that can be found in each level, excluding items found in secret rooms. ____________ _/ From Odino \______________________________________________________________ | Round / Coins / Drinks / Special Coins | | 1 7 0 0 | | 2 4 1 0 | | 3 7 1 0 | | 4 10 10 0 | | 5 10 6 2 | | 6 4 4 0 | | 7 17 16 3 | | 8 8 3 1 | | 9 0 5 0 | | 10 6 5 0 | | 11 5 2 2 | | 12 14 16 0 | | 13 3 8 0 | | 14 4 5 0 | | 15 9 3 0 | | 16 4 2 1 | | 17 1 1 1 | | 18 1 1 0 | | 19 2 2 0 | | 20 1 1 0 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Odino also provides both the locations of the secret rooms in the first five levels and a link to a site that disects the entire game. Have a look: ____________ _/ From Odino \______________________________________________________________ | I might have mentioned a while ago that I would gather some secrets | | together for this game. I've done so, but then I got stuck finding out what | | is so secret in Round 6. When I stumbled across this site, not only did my | | jaw drop to the floor but I lost all desire to try and disect this myself. | | | | | | | | Round 2: About halfway down on the left side is a chest in front of a wall. | | Jump on it to reveal the sphinx. | | | | Round 3: Take the upper path first, remove the floor above the box and then | | open the box underneath. At the palmtree underneath, remove the | | rightmost section of the lower left branch, then jump on the | | invisible box underneath to reveal the sphinx. Go slightly right | | to find the newly opened door. A 1UP is waiting inside. | | | | Round 4: Taking the right path, once you pass the very long lava pit there | | is a high column. Jump on the blocks in front of it to reveal a | | passage. DO NOT continue down into the torture chamber. | | Taking the first path up, when you reach the very top instead of | | going right you will find a chest with a 1UP. | | Taking the first path up, then going along right, down and right | | again until you reach a blue room. Underneath the exit, the | | rightmost block is a chest with a sphinx. The exit for it is back | | left. | | | | Round 5: Around half way up in the first area you can see the shut door on | | the right. 5 blocks left of it, jump up from the block which would | | be the fourth from the left of this platform. Collect the sphinx | | to open the door. Inside, touch the second door when green to open | | it. Jump on the block over the chests twice each time to create a | | path down. | | In the second area, remove the top block on the far left pillar to | | find a sphinx in the chest, which opens up the ceiling on the | | right side you passed earlier on. | | The high pole to left of the exit of the previous passage has | | another hidden chest. Jump on the left totem pole wing to reveal | | it. The passage for this is all the way to the right side. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| The site is in Japanese, but there is some success with running it through an internet translation utility for those who would like to read more, but cannot understand the language. ----------------M;t9:tM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@MIi..t0Mzi.,cQMM@# Notes M:, Y.M@@@@@@@@@@M@W@M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. cM@# ----------------@:c..iM@@@@@@@@@M@@DMM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@WX,876v .tn7S.1@@# @#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# . .MM@@MMMMMM;YtY7MMMMM@@M 7M@@MMMMMM#MMMMY tMM@@@MMM@ @#@MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. . i. MMMMMMMMMM:,Mi2MMMMMMM2 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMi ,@MMMMMMM@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide was completed as part of the NES FAQ Completion Project. If you are interested in this effort, please visit their official site at and see how many titles yet remain. The ASCII banner at the top of this guide were created with the aid of the ASCII Generator created by Jonathan Matthews Software. Mighty Bomb Jack is (c) Tecmo