o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | MOTOR CITY PATROL | | Platform: NES | | | | FAQ/WALKTHROUGH | | Version 1.0 (April 30, 2008) | | | | By The Admiral | | Email: Admiral1018@yahoo.com | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Introduction ------------ Before the days of Grand Theft Auto, you had Motor City Patrol ("MCP"). This is a relatively unknown title released late in the life cycle of the NES by none other than Matchbox, maker of the miniature toy cars. The game pits you as a beat cop in the motor city. While always in your car, you are tasked with protecting the streets from vicious speeders, robbers, and public enemies. These are the only types of criminals in the city, but there are many of them. Your methods of law enforcement include either arresting or shooting the criminals. In fact, MCPD guidelines look favorably on shooting robbers or fugitives without even attempting an arrest. However, shooting a speeder is frowned upon. You won't get fired or anything, but you do get a "warning" for this. Good to see Matchbox upholding some moral standards here. By no means is MCP a good or even slightly entertaining game. The graphics and almost non-existent music are inexcusably bad for a 1992 release. On top of this, the game is extremely repetitive and never particularly interesting. Every progressive stage is simply a more time consuming version of the previous. You also need a lot of free time if you intend to beat this game – roughly 3.5 hours –- as it can only be completed in a single sitting. Not a lot going for it, but hopefully this guide can help minimize any further frustration. ============================================================================== D I S C L A I M E R MCP00 ============================================================================== This FAQ is meant for personal use only and cannot be reproduced for commercial use under any circumstances. No portions of this guide may be reproduced, in part or in entirety, without the written consent of the author. If you would like to use any part of this guide in your FAQ or website, I will probably give you permission if you ask, but you must ask first (Email: Admiral1018@yahoo.com). The Motor City Patrol title, as well as all contents within, is copyright of Matchbox, 1992. ============================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S MCP01 ============================================================================== To jump to any section of this guide quickly, click the Edit option on the toolbar, then go to Find and type in the index number listed in the right column. You can also press Ctrl+F to bring up the search box in most browsers and text editors. DISCLAIMER...............................................................MCP00 TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................MCP01 OVERVIEW 1. STORY AND OBJECTIVE...................................................MCP11 2. CONTROLS..............................................................MCP12 3. THE BASICS............................................................MCP13 4. PRECINCT MAP..........................................................MCP14 5. MAKING ARRESTS........................................................MCP15 6. PATROL CAR UPGRADES...................................................MCP16 7. SCORING...............................................................MCP17 8. TIPS AND STRATEGIES...................................................MCP18 WALKTHROUGH STAGE 1 - FINANCIAL DISTRICT.............................................MCP21 STAGE 2 - SUBURBAN PRECINCT..............................................MCP22 STAGE 3 - PARKS PRECINCT.................................................MCP23 STAGE 4 - DOWNTOWN PRECINCT..............................................MCP24 STAGE 5 - WATERFRONT PRECINCT............................................MCP25 PUBLIC ENEMIES...........................................................MCP26 CONTACT INFORMATION......................................................MCP03 REVISION HISTORY.........................................................MCP04 CREDITS..................................................................MCP05 ______________________________________________________________________________ O V E R V I E W ______________________________________________________________________________ The following section provides some of the basics on the game. This should be read by anyone playing the game for the first time. This section includes some of the descriptive material included in the manual, but also details strategies, playing tips, and much more in-depth explanations for everything. ============================================================================== 1. S T O R Y A N D O B J E C T I V E MCP11 ============================================================================== You are a cop and wake up one morning determined to stop those who commit crimes, and... well, and that's it. That really is all the detail the game provides. Basically, you are a patrol officer in charge of policing one of five precincts. Your shift in each precinct last 7 days, and you are then transferred to a new precinct. As the week progresses, you are given a greater number of buildings to patrol and your shifts last longer, but the objectives are always the same: arrest the criminals and do not let any wrong- doers escape. If you smash your car, shoot innocent civilians, or receive five or more warnings for poor conduct, you will be kicked off the force and lose the game. Oh, and always remember: crime never sleeps. ============================================================================= 2. C O N T R O L S MCP12 ============================================================================= The controls for Motor City Patrol are rather straight-forward once you are aware of what all the buttons do. There is only one mode in this game, so these controls never change. || _______||____________________________ | | | _ Nintendo | | _| |_ | | | O | SELECT START | | ¯|_|¯ (¯¯) (¯¯) ( ) ( ) | | ¯¯ ¯¯ B A | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ UP - Turns on police siren. Press again to turn siren off. DOWN - Used to brake. Hold the button down until the patrol car has come to a full stop. RIGHT/LEFT - Rotates the car clockwise and counterclockwise. Use these to turn. SELECT - Brings up the precinct map. This stops the action. - On the upgrade screen after each day, this button selects the desired upgrade. START - Pauses the game. B-BUTTON - Used to accelerate. Hold this button down to move your patrol car forward. Release to gradually slow down. A-BUTTON - Used to shoot your gun. You must have bullets for this to work. ============================================================================== 3. T H E B A S I C S MCP13 ============================================================================== Below is an overview of some of the basics of the game. More detail for several of these items can be found later in the overview. PRECINCTS You are assigned to different precincts each week, and there are five in total. You are given a new patrol duty each day, and the length of your shift increases as the week progresses. After day 7, you are assigned to a new precinct. PATROLLING Your main duty is to patrol the buildings marked with red crosshairs on the map. This just means driving near those buildings every few seconds. Your presence is usually enough to deter crime, so effective patrolling can greatly eliminate the need to make arrests, especially robberies. When you remain outside the patrol area, crime will occur if given enough time. You will usually get some advanced warning when the red crosshairs on the map start flashing. Drive near those areas quickly to stave off any crime in progress. MAKING ARRESTS Once you have identified a criminal, your job is to make an arrest. See the section below for specifics on how to arrest each type of criminal. ESCAPES If you do not arrest a suspect in time, he will flee the city area and escape. You are penalized for these escapes, and the penalty increases for more serious criminals. A summary of escapes is displayed at the end of each day. SHOOTING YOUR You are given a service weapon that can be used in GUN apprehending dangerous criminals. Police procedures allow you to shoot robbers or public enemies on sight, but penalize you for shooting speeders or civilians. Shooting your gun will hit someone on the screen regardless of which direction you are facing. Oddly, the gun does not kill a criminal if you are touching his car. Your gun starts with only 3 bullets. Addition bullets can be purchased on the upgrade screen at the end of each day. DAMAGE Your car takes damage whenever you collide with stationary objects (but not when you collide with other cars). You will continue to take damage if you press B while touching an object even if you are not moving, so release the accelerator as soon as contact is made. If you take too much damage, your car will be totaled and the game will end. You can repair any damage on the upgrade screen at the end of each day. STOLEN GOODS These are the small, glowing objects you see scattered about the precinct. Each stolen good is worth 100 points. If you collect all 16 stolen goods on a single day, all your warnings will be forgiven and you will receive 2,000 points. MERITS Merits are awarded for making arrests or not letting any criminals escape. They serve as currency in the game and can be used to purchase upgrades after each day. You can only hold 255 merits. Any merits collected after this will reset your total to 0, so look out. WARNINGS Warnings are administered if you perform poorly at your job or violate police conduct. These are handed out if you allow criminals to escape, arrest civilians, or shoot speeders. POINTS The game also maintains a score that can be seen at the end of each day. The score has no practical purpose but is meant for you to benchmark your performance. After you receive a Game Over, you may be prompted to enter your name on the high score list. GAME OVER You receive a Game Over when you receive 5 or more warnings, shoot a civilian, or wreck your car. There are no continues or extra lives in this game. ============================================================================== 4. P R E C I N C T M A P MCP14 ============================================================================== The following items are shown on the precinct map when you press the Select button. TIME REMAINING The red digital clock at the bottom displays the time remaining in your shift. The timer counts down and the shift ends at 0:00. This occurs in roughly real time, so 2:00 is about two minutes. BLUE CIRCLE The blue circle is your patrol car. BLACK CIRCLE Black circles represent innocent civilians. RED CIRCLE Small red circles are speeders. YELLOW CIRCLE Yellow circles are robbers. LARGE RED Large red circles are public enemies. This circle will CIRCLE appear as large as your patrol car's blue circle. You will always receive a message when public enemies are in the area, so you should never be surprised. RED CROSSHAIR A red crosshair is placed on a building you should patrol on your shift. FLASHING RED A flashing crosshair signifies a crime in progress or CROSSHAIR suspicious activity. If you respond quickly enough, you can prevent the crime from occurring. ============================================================================== 5. M A K I N G A R R E S T S MCP15 ============================================================================== Making arrests is one of your primary policing activities in the game. It is important to know how to (as well as how not to) arrest each type of criminal. CITIZENS Most cars in the precinct are innocent citizens minding their business and upholding the law. These cars appear as black dots on the map. Leave these people alone. You are penalized for arresting or shooting them. SPEEDERS Speeders are minor criminals and appear as a small red circle on the map. Their cars are the same as civilians', so the only way to distinguish them is on the map. You can arrest speeders in one of two ways. The first is to turn your siren on (UP button) and stay on the same screen as the speeder for about 10 seconds. The second way, which is probably more effective, is to get in front of the speeder and stop his progress. After a few seconds of immobility, the speeder will be arrested. Make sure your siren is on, or you will not make an arrest. When a speeder is arrested, the car simply disappears and you receive points. ROBBERS Robbers are more serious criminals and appear as a yellow circle on the map. In the game, they always drive a red van. Robbers are much less common than speeders. They will not stop when they hear your police siren, so your choices are either to get in front of them and stop them (again, make sure the siren is on when you do this) or to shoot them. If you shoot them, make sure your patrol car is not touching their vehicle. PUBLIC ENEMIES Public enemies are the most serious criminals in the game. They appear as large red circle on the map. Before a public enemy appears, you will see a wanted poster with the criminal's name and offense. Public enemies always drive blue sports cars. Arrest them the same way as robbers, either by forcing them to stop or shooting them. ============================================================================== 6. P A T R O L C A R U P G R A D E S MCP16 ============================================================================== Between stages, you are allowed to upgrade certain components of your patrol car. These can make a significant difference in your performance, but maximizing each component may not always be the best idea. Increase the components one level at a time and see how the car feels to drive. You don't want the car to be sluggish, but you also don't want it to be over-responsive and uncontrollable. SUPER STEERING This reduces your turning radius and increases the speed at which you can turn the car. I do not recommend raising this component above level 1 or 2. I find that it makes the car too difficult to control and often results in overturning. Raise this component one level at a time and see what feels most comfortable to you. Cost: 1 Merit TURBO Turbo acceleration reduces the time it takes to reach ACCELERATION maximum speed. Without the top speed upgrades, this boost is hardly noticeable. There is no downside to raising this component to level 3. Cost: 1 Merit SUPER BRAKES Super Brakes decrease the time it takes you to come to a full stop (when pressing the Down button). The decrease is hardly noticeable without the top speed upgrades. Being able to stop faster is always advantageous, so raise this component to level 3. Cost: 1 Merit HIGHER TOP This is the most noticeable upgrade in the game. A higher SPEED top speed results in significantly faster movement of your patrol car. I do not recommend raising this component above level 1 or 2. In my experience, it becomes very difficult to navigate and often results in unintended crashing. In addition, later stages tend to value precise maneuvering over speed after stage 1. Raise this component one level at a time and see what feels most comfortable to you. Cost: 1 Merit BULLETS The bullets upgrade adds 3 bullets to your gun. You can carry a maximum of 9 bullets. This upgrade is also a matter of taste. Given how easy it is to accidentally shoot innocent civilians, I avoid using bullets. If you find them useful, purchase as many as you can here. Cost: 1 Merit REPAIR CAR This option repairs any damage to your patrol car. This is by far the most useful upgrade in the game. Get in the habit of repairing damage at the end of each day. Cost: 3 Merits ============================================================================== 7. S C O R I N G MCP17 ============================================================================== The following section details the game's scoring both during the day and once the day is completed. STAGE SCORING ------------- The scoring listed below occurs once the events happen. Keep in mind that receiving 5 or more warnings will result in a Game Over, and the game ends immediately if you kill an innocent citizen. Merits Warnings Points ------ -------- ------ Arrest Speeder 1 0 100 Arrest Robber 2 0 200 Arrest Public Enemy 5 0 500 Arrest Innocent Citizen 0 1 0 Shoot Innocent Citizen 0 5 0 Shoot Speeder 0 1 0 Recover Stolen Goods (each) 0 0 100 Recover 16 Stolen Goods 0 -5* 2,000 * Clears all warning from your record END OF DAY SCORING ------------------ The end of stage scoring is based entirely on number of escapes. Captures made are irrelevant. Note that you cannot receive more than 3 warnings in a single day on this screen, even if you have both robbers and the public enemy escape. You can only receive merits if you allow no escapes. Merits Warnings Points ------ -------- ------ No Escapes 5 0 1,000 Speeder Escapes (1 to 4) 0 0 0 Speeder Escapes (5+) 0 1 0 Robber Escapes (any number) 0 1 0 Public Enemy Escapes 0 3 0 Complete Week 5 0 0 25,000 ============================================================================== 8. T I P S A N D S T R A T E G I E S MCP18 ============================================================================== Motor City Patrol is extremely unintuitive no matter how you slice it. Below are a few tips that can make the game a little easier to handle. 1. PATROL YOUR ROUTE On each day, you are assigned buildings to patrol. Make sure you remain near them at all times, and do not allow more than 15 seconds to pass without driving near one. Patrolling your route will greatly reduce the number of criminals in the city. While some speeding will still occur regardless of your coverage, you can eliminate all robberies if your buildings are under constant watch. Be cautious about leaving your patrol area to pursue a criminal. While you may catch him, multiple criminals can emerge as a result of your absence. If forced to choose between pursuing a criminal and inspecting a blinking red crosshair, choose the crosshair first unless the suspect is a public enemy. 2. CHECK THE MAP OFTEN Get in the habit of checking the map every 10 seconds. This will alert you to new criminal activity and is the only way you can spot speeders. It will also inform you of any suspicious activity (blinking red crosshair). Action occurs quickly in Metro City, so you need to be on top of things. 3. PRIORITIZE CRIMINALS Always target criminals in priority order: public enemy, robbers, speeders. There will always be more speeders than anything else, and it is impossible to stop them all on later stages. Just focus on making sure no robbers or public enemies escape. This is feasible on all stages and is an important key to minimizing warnings. 4. AVOID STATIONARY OBJECTS, HIT MOVING ONES For some reason, hitting or accelerating into stationary objects (even if you are not moving) will damage your car, while crashing into other vehicles will not. Integrate this into your strategy. Stay near the middle of the road when driving to avoid accidental crash damage when turning. Similarly, do not hesitate to ram other cars in pursuit if it will help. In fact, crashing or running into other cars from the side is an effective way to stop them and make arrests. 5. COLLECT STOLEN GOODS If you collect all 16 stolen objects in a stage, all warnings are cleared from your record. You can ignore the stolen goods early in the week (days 1 to 3), but should try to find them later in the week, or any time you have three or more warnings. Since it is almost impossible to avoid some warnings due to the number of speeders that will escape, you will probably need to collect these goods at some point to eliminate the warnings. They are always located at the same spot on each day of the week. Specific locations are denoted in the stage maps of the walkthrough. 6. REMEMBER TO USE THE SIREN Sort of a basic tip, but make sure to turn on your siren before you make an arrest. You can stop a criminal indefinitely but will not actually arrest him unless the siren is turned on. Note that the siren turns off automatically when you view the map, so be sure to turn it back on once you exit that screen. 7. REPAIR DAMAGE AFTER EACH DAY Get in the habit of repairing damage to your car after each day, even very minor damage. After three or four days, you will have more merits than you ever need. Spend three of them repairing your car after each day. 8. BE CONSERVATIVE WITH CAR UPGRADES You can upgrade all car components three times, but it is not necessarily a wise move to do so. For example, upgrading top speed and super steering to level 3 can make the car extremely difficult to control. Raise the upgrades one level at a time and see how they feel to drive. Only increase another level if you are comfortable with the performance and think you could handle a bit more. 9. USE BRAKES WHEN DRIVING A good habit to get into, especially in the later stages, is to use the brakes when making turns. Just tapping the Down button a couple of times will make the car a little easier to control and reduce the likelihood of crashing. 10.KEEP AN EMPTY GUN This is a matter of playing style, but I prefer not to use the gun in this game. I find that the benefits (slightly easier arrests) do not outweigh the penalties of accidentally hitting the A button at the wrong time and losing the game. Remember, you can hit a citizen if you shoot the gun when one is anywhere on the screen, even if you are facing the opposite direction. Imagine the frustration of doing this after you've been playing for a couple of hours. Use the gun if you really want, but make sure you understand the downsides to doing so. ______________________________________________________________________________ W A L K T H R O U G H ______________________________________________________________________________ The following section includes a full walkthrough for all five stages of the game. Each stage contains a precinct map showing buildings to be patrolled and the location of stolen goods.. ============================================================================== S T A G E 1 - F I N A N C I A L D I S T R I C T MCP21 ============================================================================== Your first patrol is a daytime shift in the financial district. The level is fairly simple. Most of the action occurs along the main streets, all of which are easily assessable. Use this stage to get accustomed to patrol routes and making arrests. The map below shows the buildings in this stage that need to be patrolled and the stolen goods you can find scattered. The coordinates on the map below will match the in-game map. Use them to help pin-point the locations. A B C D E F G H _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | | 0 | | | | | + + | 1 | + + |S| | | + + | | |1| |2| | 2 | | | + | | |8| | 3 | + | | + | | |3| + | 4 | |6| |7| |4| | | | | + + | 5 | |5| + | | + + | | | 6 | + | | | | | 7 | | |_______________________________________________| LEGEND ------ S: Starting point +: Stolen goods 1...8: Building ===== DAY 1 ===== Time: 2:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-2 Public Enemy: No Your first shift involves a simple patrol of two buildings on the same street. These are buildings 1 and 2 on the map above and will show up as red crosshairs on the in-game map (press Select). Simply drive back and forth between the buildings and check the map every 10 seconds or so. If you remain close to the buildings, you should not experience too much crime. If either of the crosshairs begins blinking, head near it immediately. If you happen to spot a criminal, which will show up as a red or yellow circle on the map, you can pursue him and try to make an arrest. Red dots are speeders and yellow dots are robbers. Robbers are the more dangerous of the two, and you should do what you can to track any down that appear. It is not wise to travel across the map to pursue a speeder, as this leaves your patrol route unexposed and leads to even more crime while you are away. Instead, pursue speeders if they are in your vicinity or can be accessed quickly. Your method of making arrests depends on the criminal. All criminals can be stopped by blocking their car with yours and activating your siren. After a few seconds, the criminal will be caught (speeders will just disappear; robbers will give a capture message). In addition to this method, you can capture speeders simply by turning on your siren and following them. After a while (about 8-10 seconds), they will disappear. This method does not work with robbers, but you do have the option of shooting the thieves instead. The gun performs rather oddly, though. If you are touching or directly in front of a criminal, the shots will miss. If you are anywhere else on the screen, even facing the wrong direction, the shots will hit and the criminal will be stopped. Get a feel for these basics before the day ends. After 2 minutes, you will be given the end-of-day report. If you managed not to allow any speeders or robbers to escape, you are rewarded with 5 merit points. Use these points on the upgrade screen. Your priority order for upgrades should be something like the following: 1. Repair car (always, after each day) 2. Steering 3. Top Speed 4. Acceleration 5. Brakes After these upgrades, the rest are a matter of taste. I feel that the car becomes very hard to control with steering and top speed at level 3, so I leave those at 1 or 2. Bullets are entirely optional. You may find them useful, but I tend to skip them. The possibility of accidentally killing a civilian (and losing the game) outweighs any time-saving benefit during arrests. ===== DAY 2 ===== Time: 3:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-3 Public Enemy: No In addition to the buildings from the first day, you must now also cover a third building located at B4 (coordinates on in-game map). The typical patrol path should be an L-shape along the insides of the three buildings. These buildings are a lot harder to keep covered at all times, so you will notice a lot more crime on this day. Once again, do not go way out of your patrol route to pursue them. It's never worth it to arrest one criminal if your absence triggers three more. As you drive around, you will spot small glowing objects that look like coins, goblets, and other treasure. These are stolen goods. Collecting each good gives you 100 points. Collecting all 16 stolen goods in a single day gives you 2,000 points AND clears all warnings from your record. Collecting these goods will become an essential part of your strategy later in the game, but it is a waste of time now. Focus instead on patrolling and catching criminals. ===== DAY 3 ===== Time: 4:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-4 Public Enemy: Yes The third day is where the action really begins. Your patrol adds a fourth building at F4. Your route should now be to circle the perimeter of the four buildings. The size of this route is sufficiently large that you will not be able to cover all of them adequately at all times. As a result, you will see a lot more criminals than on the previous days. Check your map frequently. Always make sure to go after robbers first before speeders. While it becomes increasingly difficult to make sure no speeders escape, you can prevent all the robbers from escaping. The third day will also be your first encounter with a public enemy. The game will cut to a warning notice showing the name and offense of the felon. The fugitive will then appear as a large red circle on your map. Immediately stop what you are doing and pursue this criminal. There is a huge penalty (3 warnings) for an escape, so do whatever you can to prevent that. Public Enemies all drive blue sports cars and are arrested exactly the same way as robbers. You reward is 5 merits and 500 points for a capture. ===== DAY 4 ===== Time: 5:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-5 Public Enemy: No The fourth day plays like a slightly longer version of the third. The new building to patrol at F5 does not require any additional effort than your patrol on the previous day. If you have several warnings, you may wish to collect the stolen goods on this day. Use the map above to pinpoint them and pick them up when you are in that general area in pursuit of a criminal. Do not make special trips for the goods, as many of them take you far off your patrol and leave your buildings open to criminal activity. ===== DAY 5 ===== Time: 6:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-6 Public Enemy: No Day 5 adds a building at A4. Once again, the same patrol that you used on days 3 and 4 will work here. Try not to chase speeders outside your patrol area. If you wait long enough, most will eventually drive within it. You can use this time to catch them and guard the buildings simultaneously. ===== DAY 6 ===== Time: 7:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-7 Public Enemy: Yes More of the same on day 6. Patrol the same route as the three previous days, which should cover the new building at D4 adequately. The days start to become tediously long by this point, and damage to the car becomes more of an issue. Make sure you can turn and navigate the car successfully without any collisions. Day 6 also brings another public enemy to town. Drop whatever you are doing in pursuit. Between arrests, spend some time collecting the stolen goods. You should have plenty of time to collect all 16 without leaving your patrol route for very long. ===== DAY 7 ===== Time: 8:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-8 Public Enemy: No The seventh day of your assignment adds a final building at G3 to the patrol. Extend your patrol by one street so that you pass by this building, but use the same circular route as you did on the previous days. It is almost impossible to prevent speeders from escaping, but you can definitely limit them and prevent all robbers from fleeing. Consider it a success if you allow less than 5 speeder escapes. Damage becomes a serious issue, as this stage lasts a whopping 8 minutes. Do your best to stay near the center of the street and avoid incidental damage while patrolling. ============================================================================== S T A G E 2 - S U B U R B A N P R E C I N C T MCP22 ============================================================================== The second week takes you out to the suburbs, and this time your shift occurs at night. You would be mistaken to think the suburbs are safer than the urban district you just protected. Quite the contrary. In addition to a greater number of criminals, the suburbs have numerous back roads and small streets, making it much harder to move between areas. To make matters even worse, it is very difficult to see at night. There is almost no color at all, so telling cars apart is much more difficult. This underscores the importance of checking your map frequently. A B C D E F G H _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | | 0 | | | + | | + ++ ++ | 1 | |6| |7| +|1| | | + | | | 2 | + | | |2| |8| |S| | | | 3 | + + | | | | | 4 | + |5| | | |3| | | | 5 | | | | | + |4| + | 6 | + + | | | | | 7 | | |_______________________________________________| LEGEND ------ S: Starting point +: Stolen goods 1...8: Building ===== DAY 1 ===== Time: 2:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-2 Public Enemy: No The first thing you will notice about the suburbs is that the map is much more involved. Numerous side routes and back streets can make navigation a nightmare. The first day is no cake walk. Your two patrol targets are both along the same street. You should start out by driving between them, but criminals will still appear even with a fairly tight route. This leads to the second major observation: robbers are a lot more common in this stage. Check the map frequently and make sure no slip by. This stage is short enough that you can manage no escapes even if you come under a fair amount of pressure near the two minute mark. ===== DAY 2 ===== Time: 3:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-3 Public Enemy: No Day 2 adds a patrol in the middle of the large park at B5. This is well out of the way of the other two posts. Your patrol should be T-shaped for this day. Travel horizontally along the same street as the previous day (row 2) and then drive halfway down the street on the east side of the park (column C). Even though the patrol target is in the middle of the park, just driving along the park's edge will secure the site. ===== DAY 3 ===== Time: 4:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-4 Public Enemy: Yes The third day adds an additional patrol target at E6. This really stretches you out across the map and makes it very hard to cover all locations adequately. Your patrol route should now be a square along the following coordinates: A2 -> A6 -> F6 –> F2 -> A2. There will be a lot of pursuits, but just make sure to focus on the robbers and tackle speeders only when activity is light. This stage also has a public enemy. ===== DAY 4 ===== Time: 5:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-5 Public Enemy: No The fourth day adds a new target at F4. Use the same route as the previous stage and you will be able to cover this new site without any added work. By now, your patrol around the map will take you near almost all the stolen goods. If you have a couple of warnings on your record, start collecting the loot. ===== DAY 5 ===== Time: 6:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-6 Public Enemy: No A new location is now added at B1, but this should not change your route. Use the same patrols as described on day 3. You need to patrol for six minutes, and damage to your patrol car will really start to take its toll. Get in the habit of pumping the B button instead of holding to accelerate it if you find yourself losing control and crashing often. ===== DAY 6 ===== Time: 7:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-7 Public Enemy: No A new target appears at D1, but there is no need to change your route. This stage plays the same as the last two. You should also have ample time to collect all the stolen items. ===== DAY 7 ===== Time: 8:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-8 Public Enemy: Yes At last, day 7. Your suburban experience is nearing an end. The new target at F2 fits conveniently into your existing route from the last few days. You should have a pretty good feel for the precinct by now, so patrolling should not be a problem. The overwhelming number of criminals will be. This stage also features a public enemy, so you will have your hands full. Definitely collect all the stolen items if you have any warnings coming into this stage. If will be difficult to avoid collecting a couple before the day is over. ============================================================================== S T A G E 3 - P A R K S P R E C I N C T MCP23 ============================================================================== The Parks Precinct is very similar looking to the suburbs. Your shift here also takes place at night, and the stage has a similar layout in terms of street width and complexity. Overall, this stage is easier than the first, largely due to your patrol route. A B C D E F G H _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | | 0 | | | + | | | 1 | + | | + + | | |1| + + + | 2 | | | + | | |4| |2| | 3 | |3| | | | | | 4 | |5| | | |7| | | | 5 | + |8| |6| + | | + + | | | 6 | + |S| + + + | | | | | 7 | | |_______________________________________________| LEGEND ------ S: Starting point +: Stolen goods 1...8: Building ===== DAY 1 ===== Time: 2:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-2 Public Enemy: No Your new shift should be a welcome reprieve from your last day in the suburbs. You begin near the bottom of the map, so quickly drive up to row 2. Once there, all you need to do is drive back and forth between the two buildings. You should have them covered at almost all times and experience minimal crime. It is certainly possible to complete this stage without allowing any escapes. ===== DAY 2 ===== Time: 3:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-3 Public Enemy: No The second day is not much more involved than the first. Your patrol route is still just the street along row 2. The only difference on this day is that the third building is slightly farther out. Simply drive back and forth between C2 and G2. You should keep good coverage of them all and not experience too much crime. Again, it is possible to clear this day without any escapes. ===== DAY 3 ===== Time: 4:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-4 Public Enemy: Yes You get another break on day 3. The new building on your patrol is at C3, directly below on the existing buildings. This allows you to maintain exactly the same route as on the previous day. You will encounter a public enemy on this day, which may require leaving your patrol area, but the shift should be pretty straight forward otherwise. Again, it is possible to prevent any escapes from occurring. ===== DAY 4 ===== Time: 5:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-5 Public Enemy: No The fourth day regrettably adds a patrol target that is not on the same street as all the others. Thankfully, this does not require too much additional time to cover. Your route for this stage should be L-shaped and cover the following spots: C2 -> G2 -> G4. Trace and retrace this area and you should be well covered. Criminal activity will start to increase noticeably over the previous days, but you can still finish the day with no escapes if you remain diligent and have a little luck. ===== DAY 5 ===== Time: 6:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-6 Public Enemy: No Things start to get complicated on day 5. The new target is uncomfortably out of the way at E5. Your patrol route should now be U-shaped. Travel between the following: C2 -> G2 -> G5 -> E5. Turn around at one end and make the patrol in reverse. You will be stretched a little thin when at either end of the U, but no area should remain exposed for long. If you can, try to only pursue criminals when they take you near or into your patrol route. Going to the far west side of the map, for example, will surely result in numerous crimes occurring in your absence. ===== DAY 6 ===== Time: 7:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-7 Public Enemy: No The new target added at B4 opens your route up considerably. You should patrol in a square area now: C2 -> G2 -> G5 -> C5 -> C2. Pursuing any arrests likely leaves one of your buildings open at this point, so expect escapes to occur. Make it your priority to target robbers, as you can still prevent any of them from fleeing. Also, if you have any warnings, you may want to spend some time collecting stolen goods. The goods are a lot harder to collect in this area than in previous ones given how scattered they are, but try to pick them up when on your patrol route or if arrests take you nearby. ===== DAY 7 ===== Time: 8:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-8 Public Enemy: Yes Your last day in the Parks adds a final target directly across the street from the police station. Odd that you need to patrol this building, but it does not involve changing your route from the previous stage. Use the same square patrol pattern and the day should play out about the same. The biggest problem will likely be damage to your car, but you can minimize this by sticking to the wide, main roads and driving a little cautiously. You will also need to catch a public enemy before the day is over. ============================================================================== S T A G E 4 - D O W N T O W N P R E C I N C T MCP24 ============================================================================== Chalk it up to laziness or the programmers not expecting anyone to make it this far, the Downtown precinct map is exactly the same as the suburbs. EXACTLY the same! This helps you out since the stage should be familiar, although the patrol route and stolen goods locations are different. Still, this stage should provide about the same degree of challenge as stage 2, so nothing too radical should occur. A B C D E F G H _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | | 0 | | | + + | | + | 1 | |5| |6| |4| | | | | + | 2 | |7| | | |S| | | | 3 | + |2| + | | + | | |3| | 4 | + |1| | | + + | | | 5 | | | + | | + |8| | 6 | + ++ +| | | | | 7 | | |_______________________________________________| LEGEND ------ S: Starting point +: Stolen goods 1...8: Building ===== DAY 1 ===== Time: 2:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-2 Public Enemy: No Day 1 of the Downtown shift is probably the easiest patrol in the game. You can cover both targets without moving the car. This will prevent any robbers from emerging, although speeders will still appear elsewhere in the precinct. Simply remain nearby the two buildings and you should be fine. Even without moving, no more than two or three speeders will escape. ===== DAY 2 ===== Time: 3:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-3 Public Enemy: No The second day adds an additional target nearby the first. Your patrol route is pretty short and should take you between G4 and E4 (roughly). You can cut down on almost all robberies, but speeding will still occur. It is not worth traveling far away from your patrol to pursue them, so arrest selectively and stay tight to your targets. You should again be able to finish the day with only a few speeders escaping and not much effort. ===== DAY 3 ===== Time: 4:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-4 Public Enemy: Yes Your shift becomes a lot more difficult on the third day. A target is added at G1 that takes you out of range of the other three targets. Your patrol route should be L-shaped and take you along the following: E4 -> G4 -> G1. Another public enemy will be spotted on this day, so plan on being out of your patrol route for at least some time. You should otherwise focus on robbers and only target speeders if they are convenient. ===== DAY 4 ===== Time: 5:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-5 Public Enemy: No This stage becomes incredibly difficult starting on the fourth day. The newest target is at B1, and there now becomes no easy way to patrol all the targets efficiently. One route that covers all the buildings is the following: G1 -> B1 -> C1 -> C4 -> G4 (slights turns involved) -> G1. This is not a clean or easy route by any means, so expect to see a lot of flashing crosshairs. Do the best you can. On the bright side, the stolen goods are fairly accessible in this level, being concentrated in the southwest park and near other targets on your route. You should probably pick them up (or at least familiarize yourself with their location) as warnings will become more common. ===== DAY 5 ===== Time: 6:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-6 Public Enemy: No Day 4 adds a new location to patrol at D1, but the stage can be handled using the same route as on the previous day. Once again, try to collect the stolen goods if you have two or more warnings. ===== DAY 6 ===== Time: 7:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-7 Public Enemy: No The sixth day adds a new location at F2, but your route from the last two days will cover this area. While nothing is new, the stage is still extremely difficult. At seven minutes, the best you can hope to do is prevent robbers from escaping. You should probably ignore speeders completely and focus on patrolling and high level arrests. Expect to receive a warning on this day in most cases. ===== DAY 7 ===== Time: 8:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-8 Public Enemy: Yes The last day of the week is indeed the most difficult. You will need a new route to effectively reach the target at D6. This path works well and avoids the side streets: G1 -> B1 -> C1 -> C6 -> F6 -> F1 -> G1. A couple of U-turns are involved with this route, but it should not be too difficult to drive. It will, however, be very difficult to adequately cover all your targets. Some buildings will be flashing at almost any given time. Ignore speeders completely and focus again on patrolling and arresting robbers. A public enemy will be sighted on this day as well, making things all the more interesting. If you can survive the level and only receive one warning, consider it a success. ============================================================================== S T A G E 5 - W A T E R F R O N T P R E C I N C T MCP25 ============================================================================== You're back on a daytime shift again, this time near the waterfront. This is the smallest map in the game, but the southern half of the stage is filled with small streets that are difficult to navigate. You will need to be creative with your patrol routes to survive this final week. A B C D E F G H _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | | 0 | | | + + |1| + | | |S| | 1 | + | | |2| | | + | 2 | + |4| | | | | | 3 | |3| |5| | | | | | 4 | + | | + |6| | | + | 5 | + + |7| | | + | | |8| + + + +| 6 | | | | | | 7 | | |_______________________________________________| LEGEND ------ S: Starting point +: Stolen goods 1...8: Building ===== DAY 1 ===== Time: 2:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-2 Public Enemy: No The first day provides a very nice vacation from your last shift. Simply drive between D1 and G1 and your route should be covered. You can easily finish the day without any escapes. ===== DAY 2 ===== Time: 3:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-3 Public Enemy: No The second day adds an additional target at A3. You are somewhat stretched out now, but your patrol route remains simple. Use the following: G1 -> A1 -> A3, then reverse. It's again possible to complete the day without allowing any escapes, although it's a lot trickier. ===== DAY 3 ===== Time: 4:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-4 Public Enemy: Yes Day 3 shakes things up a bit more. The new target at E2 necessitates a new route, this one circular. The following should work: H1 -> A1 -> A2 -> H2 -> H1. In general, do not pursue any criminals below row 3. The streets in that part of the precinct are very difficult to traverse and will take you away from your targets. You will also encounter a public enemy on this day, so make sure to alter priorities appropriately. ===== DAY 4 ===== Time: 5:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-5 Public Enemy: No A new location at C3 is added to your list, but you can use the same route as on the previous day. This day should play out almost exactly the same. If you have a few warnings, you can collect the stolen goods at this point. They are fairly well concentrated in two clusters (one in the north and one in the south). See the map above for locations. ===== DAY 5 ===== Time: 6:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-6 Public Enemy: No The difficulty of this stage explodes on day 5. The new target at H4 is well out of the way and becomes impossible to add to any efficient route. Keep in mind that even though the crosshair is in the center of the building, you just need to the touch the border to cover the area. You may wish to stick roughly with the route from days 2 and 3, only add in a slight detour at G2 that brings you down a street, near the large building. Regardless, there is no easy way to handle this patrol. Focus on robbers and consider giving speeders a pass. ===== DAY 6 ===== Time: 7:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-7 Public Enemy: No The sixth day adds a target at F5 and makes a patrol strategy even more difficult. One route that covers all areas is the following: H1 -> A1 -> A2 -> E2 -> E5 -> G5 -> G2 -> H2 -> H1. Hardly an easy or straight forward path. If you find the northern buildings too exposed, you may wish to forsake the southern ones and instead pursue the criminals they produce. This is a very dangerous tactic, but it is more manageable than poor coverage in all areas. Finally, collecting the stolen goods will probably be a necessity at this point. The next day is even harder, so eliminate any warnings now. ===== DAY 7 ===== Time: 8:00 Buildings: Buildings 1-8 Public Enemy: Yes The programmers definitely saved the hardest for last. The last day of the game adds a final target at C5. This makes it flat out impossible to cover all the buildings effectively. You may wish to break the patrol into two distinct parts rather than one that takes you near all the buildings. For example, first cover the following route in the north: H1 -> A1 -> A2 -> H2, which was your one from day 3. Then, head over and patrol the southern part of the stage: G2 -> G5 -> C5 -> C2 – G2. This is not a great strategy, but it is probably the most effective option you have. Ignore speeders and focus solely on robbers. Eventually a public enemy will be spotted as well, which adds further to your misery. Good luck on this last stage. There are no shortcuts or easy ways to finish it. Once day 7 is completed you receive... 25,000 points and a trip back to stage 1??? Yes, that really is it. No fancy ending, reward, or anything else. You just get to do it all over again. You keep your points, merits, warnings, and car upgrades. Enjoy beating the game again! And again! And again...!!! ============================================================================== P U B L I C E N E M I E S MCP26 ============================================================================== Below is a list of the public enemies in the game. The one you pursue is chosen randomly from the list on the appropriate day. They all behave exactly the same and are indistinguishable during the game. Name Crime ==== ===== "Fat" Igor Computer Fraud Tracie B. Car Theft "Babyface" Bob Stealing Buggies "Missing" Link Cat Burglar Roz "Rolf" Harris Racketeering John Boy Graffiti Artist "Rawhide" Pam Cattle Rustling "Apeboy" Gill Urban Terrorist Ray "Axe" Rogers Conman The A.K. Twins Extortion ============================================================================= C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N MCP03 ============================================================================= Thank you for taking the time to read through this guide. I hope you found it informative and useful in your adventures through Motor City Patrol. If you have any comments on the guide, whether they be corrections, suggestions for future revisions, spelling/grammar mistakes, formatting problems, additional strategies, or any other type of feedback, please let me know. Anything contributed will be credited in detail to the sender. I can be reached regularly at the following email address: Admiral1018@yahoo.com. Please include "Motor City Patrol" or something along those lines in the email subject heading if you can, so I don't accidentally delete the email. ============================================================================= R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y MCP04 ============================================================================= Version 0.99 – April 29, 2008 - Preview Version Version 1.0 – April 30, 2008 - Initial Release ============================================================================= C R E D I T S MCP05 ============================================================================= This FAQ/Walkthrough was completed as part of the NES Completion Project, an ongoing effort to make sure every Nintendo game ever created has a useful guide. Big thanks to everyone at the FAQ General Board at GameFAQs.com for starting this initiative, without which this guide would not exist. Particular thanks to the following: - The Motor City Patrol manual: For providing the background story and some other useful pieces of information about this game. - http://www.nintendoage.com: For hosting the manual for this game. - Everyone else who has taken an interest in this project or sent me any comments or feedback. Your help is always appreciated. ================================END OF GUIDE=================================