Mouryou Senki Madara Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 by Cory Stahlbaum ******************************************************************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************************************************************************* Introduction.............................................................INTR Version History..........................................................VERS Legal....................................................................LGAL Characters...............................................................CHAR Hints and Tips...........................................................HTIP Walkthrough..............................................................WK00 - Introduction..........................................................WK01 - Niso Forest...........................................................WK02 - Garden Point..........................................................WK03 - Kajura's Castle.......................................................WK04 - Wind Palace...........................................................WK05 - Seirin................................................................WK06 - Cave to Soma..........................................................WK07 - Noah's Ark............................................................WK08 - Flame Corridor........................................................WK09 - Pyramid...............................................................WK10 - Desert Castle.........................................................WK11 - Rasen Castle..........................................................WK12 - Xifang................................................................WK13 - Guaro and Buro........................................................WK14 - Shinra and the Haunted House..........................................WK15 - Lone Tree.............................................................WK16 - Bodai.................................................................WK17 - Ryosan................................................................WK18 - Dark Castle...........................................................WK19 - Royan.................................................................WK20 - Tomb..................................................................WK21 - Snow Village..........................................................WK22 - Kairyu Town...........................................................WK23 - Sailing the Ocean.....................................................WK24 - Horai Island..........................................................WK25 - Doudan Village........................................................WK26 - Toro Ryanha Ruins.....................................................WK27 - Miroku's Old Castle...................................................WK28 - Mountain Entrance.....................................................WK29 - Banto Castle..........................................................WK30 - Fort Egon.............................................................WK31 - Cavern................................................................WK32 - Wicked Star...........................................................WK33 Shopping List............................................................SHPL Items....................................................................ITMS Equipment................................................................EQMT - Weapons - Armor - Shields - Helmets - Accessories Spells...................................................................SPLS Recruitment..............................................................RCMT Oddities and Musings.....................................................ODMU Contact and Acknowledgements.............................................CONT ******************************************************************************* INTRODUCTION: (INTR) ******************************************************************************* This walkthrough is for Mouryou Senki Madara for the NES. This guide is based on the translation released by AGTP. This is a very challenging and unique RPG. You take control of Madara, a former mutilated baby on a quest to regain his old body parts and overthrow the Kongo Army led by evil Emperor Moriku. Eight Moki Generals will stand in your way. This walkthrough will cover the complete game from beginning to end and outline all the items, spells, skills and treasures you will acquire along the way. ******************************************************************************* VERSION HISTORY: (VERS) ******************************************************************************* I started work on this guide on Sunday, April 28th, 2013. While I was writing this walkthrough, I was also creating maps for various areas of the game. I completed everything on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013. ******************************************************************************* LEGAL: (LGAL) ******************************************************************************* This document is Copyright 2013 by Cory Stahlbaum. This guide is designed for personal use only and may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose. This document cannot be altered in any way without the author’s permission. The only website that this document may be posted on is, and Please email me if you would like to host my guide on your site. ******************************************************************************* CHARACTERS: (CHAR) ******************************************************************************* There are three types of characters in this game. Fighters, Shaman's and the Inishe. You can have up to four characters in your party after a certain point in the story. It's always advisable to have at least one of each type of character and then decide what you want the fourth character to be. Some skills can only be learned by characters of a certain class. Depending on your party setup, you may open a chest in a dungeon and no one will be able to learn the skill. Many characters are similar in skill and evenly matched so your reason to include a certain character over another might be storyline motivated. Madara: Male Fighter starts at level 1 Kirin: Female Shaman starts at level 1 starts with Soma Arts Shamon: Male Fighter starts at level 5 Tatara: Male Inishe starts at level 30 starts with Gedatsu, Goriki, Yoriki, Enkai, Ashura, Senri, Shomei, Rinnehu, Jokahu, Shuntenhu, Seikanhu, Kanraihu, Shaolong, Shanglong and Enlong. Hakutaku: ? Inishe starts at level 10 starts with Goriki, Enkai, Ashura, Senri and Shaolong Kaos: Male Fighter starts at level 13 comes with Shaolong and Shanglong Loki: Male Fighter starts at level 9 Nayuta: Female Inishe starts at level 17 starts with Goriki, Enkai, Ashura, Senri, Jokahu and Shaolong Seishinja: Male Fighter starts at level 20 starts with Goriki Jamira: Female Fighter starts at level 18 starts with Soma Arts, Iceball Himika: Female Shaman starts at level 22 starts with Soma Arts, Hypnotize, Iceball, Poison Fang, Tornado, Silence, Thunder, Black Mist, Flame Wall, Illusion ******************************************************************************* HINTS AND TIPS: (HTIP) ******************************************************************************* Here are a few basic tips that will help you along your journey. - Make use of the Goriki and Yoriki spells at all times. These spells will put a barrier that will protect each character from receiving damage. After a certain amount of damage is received, the barrier will break and the spell will need to be applied again. You can cast these spells and then immediately rest at an inn as any buff in this game will not expire once a battle is over. It may seem to make the game easy at first, but once you hit around the middle of the game it will almost be a requirement to survive. - This game can be challenging in many parts, but take the time to understand the game mechanics. As long as you use the tools and spells available to you, you won't have any issues at all with challenge except at a few spots in the game when there is a slight shift in difficulty. - Use the Jokahu spell once you receive it. Like the Goriki and Yoriki spells, this spell will last over several battles. Its purpose is to prevent status ailments from being inflicted. If you do not use this spell often, you will be inflicted with all types of status ailments that can only be healed by an applicable Soma, or a healer in town. - Battle positioning is everything. Never have your weaker characters set up so that they obstruct your direct attackers. If you see your strong characters being obstructed quite a bit, change your set up. - Dying in this game is rather unique. If you die, it will not be a game over nor will you lose any of your Coins. You will simply return to the last place you saved. Note that after you revive your fallen members, they will not be immediately available to go back into your party. You will have to select others to fill their spots. Once a season goes by, you should then be able to find then in a village. Note that you may have to use the Rain Tree's Foretell option to find them. Here is the very frustrating part though. Once you do recruit them back, they will not have the same equipment that you left them with. They will have inferior equipment, nor have any of the items they held previously. Imagine having a character die while holding four White Somas. This aspect of the game does lead to good reply value as you will experience many of the different characters. This will have a negative impact on your wallet though as you may have to keep purchasing weapons and armor over and over again, not to mention the risk of losing a unique weapon or armor that cannot be purchased. - Try your hardest to not have to revive Madara at a healer unless it's early in the game. Use a White Soma so he won't lose his items and equipment. Near the endgame when Madara gets his best sword, if he is revived at a healer, it will be lost forever. ******************************************************************************* WALKTHROUGH: (WK00) ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION (WK01) Items: None The game starts with a rather gruesome narrative of how Madara was found as a dismembered baby floating down a river from Mount Shuma. The town elder, Tatara, saved him and created new limbs for him out of gadgets. He, along with his grandchild Kirin helped raise Madara. Most of the world at this point had fallen to "Moki" controlled by Emperor Miroku. Miroku has built his kingdom from the destruction of other nations. Their reach has led them to Madara's remote home town. On Madara's 15th birthday, the journey begins. =============================================================================== NISO FOREST (WK02) Items: None Kirin will approach you in your bedroom and mention that Tatara's not looking too good. He passed out and has been having nightmares ever since. Kirin will then take you to Tatara's bedside where the doctor will comment that only a White Soma will be able to heal Tatara's wound. The nearby villager mentions that Tatara was shot with a poisonous arrow by a Moki, and comments that it's too dangerous to take Tatara to nearby Garden Point to get the medicine. The Doctor will mention that the Moki might even be too much for the town's warrior Shamon. Kirin will then tell you to go meet with Shamon before heading to Garden Point to retrieve the White Soma. You will now have control of Madara and Kirin will be in your party. Speak to the villager to learn that the Soma Spirit in Garden Point should provide the White Soma provided the Moki didn't harm it. The small tree nearby is a save point. When you are ready, exit the house and explore the town. Note that you will start the game with 500 Coins. The northwestern most house belongs to Shamon. Speak to him and he will join your party. One man in the house mentions that Garden Point is to the east and that Bosho Lobu, a Moki officer is there. The weapon and item shops will be open so do browse their wares. Many expensive weapons for sale so you might want to focus on getting some defensive gear or the Stone Axe for Madara. Note that when buying things, the list price may not be the actual price you end up paying. You may get a slight difference above or below the price. Keep that in mind. Also, the inn is free to stay at in this town. Once you are ready, exit the village. World Map Note that you cannot go north due to a barrier. Travel south and then east to find Garden Point. Note that the game has a season system so as time passes, the overworld map will change with the seasons. It will even change if you just stay in one place so it's not timed by movements. Note that the battle system is extremely unique. Your characters will appear in an overhead view and do battle with an automatic action system. You can issue commands to your characters by pressing the A button to stop the action. Your characters will automatically walk to and target enemies. The commands you can issue are as follows: Fight - Normal battle. Character will wander to an enemy and strike it. Stop - Character will stop and not move until you issue it a command. Defend - Character will focus on blocking Run - Attempts to escape from battle Spirit - Attempts to use Spirit Skills Shaman - Attempts to use Shaman Skills Chant - Attempts to use Chant Skills Item - Uses applicable item Experience a few battles to get the hang of the system and don't be afraid to return to town to rest for free at the Inn. This game can be very hard, but there is no punishment for dying. You won't lose any of your gold like in most other nes RPGs and you will keep all experience intact. If you'd like to play around with your battle setup, there is a tactics menu on the menu screen. Here you can change your individual characters starting formations as well as set their default battle tactics. One thing to note is that if you issue a command to a character and the battle ends, the character will still act out that command in the next fight unless you change it back. You can also increase the battle speed if things are too slow for your liking. If you happen to die in battle, you can get revived by speaking to Tatara in his bed. The Doctor will scold you though. Continue heading east and you will find Garden Point. It will look like a reddish lake on the map. Enter it. =============================================================================== GARDEN POINT (WK03) Items: Wolf Key Blue Soma White Soma Kusanagi Blade 300 Coins Battle Gadgets Sazanami Travel southeast and you will come upon two Moki's who will be speaking to one another. Jato questions how Emperor Miroku could order him to kill a kid. He feels he is being misused. Bosho Lobu will try to calm Jato down, but Jato will go on about how Tatara is a threat to them but hopefully out of the picture thanks to his poison arrow. Bosho Lobu mentions that he put a seal on the White Soma before they disappear back to their fortress. Travel north to where the chest is and the Soma Spirit will speak to you. You will be told that he has been sealed by the Moki, and that the only way to break to seal is to travel north to his fortress and defeat Bosho Lobu. Now exit to the east. World Map Travel north and you will come upon the fortress. Fortress Head west and speak to the prisoners. Apparently they are being held captive to be eaten. Open the nearby chest to receive the Wolf Key. Open the door by walking through it now to release the captives. Head east now and take the path all the way. Heal up and walk towards Jato who will summon Bosho Lobu to attack. Jato will then disappear. Boss Battle - Bosho Lobu and wolfpack x 3 A relatively easy battle. Just ensure Kirin's health is always decent so she can cast Soma Arts on an ally if their HP goes too low. Grab the Blue Soma from the chest and return to the World Map. World Map Travel south to enter Garden Point again. Garden Point Make your way to the Spirit to receive the White Soma. Now we can cure Tatara. Open the nearby chest to receive some Wine. Exit here and return to Niso Forest. Niso Forest Head home and speak to the Doctor and he will give Tatara the White Soma. Since Tatara is going to recover, Shamon will leave your party now. Tatara will tell you that it's time to fight against the Moki. He then asks you to retrieve a treasure within a small shrine to the southwest. World Map Travel southwest and you should come upon the small shrine in the sand. Be more careful of the enemies now that you only have two party members. Shrine Head to the center and the man nearby will request that you take the Kunsanagi Blade from the chest. Oblige, and ensure you equip it. It has a pretty big attack boost. Now make your way back to Niso Forest. Niso Forest Good thing you were out of town, looks like the place has been attacked. You will be to so be careful. Make your way home and travel north past your room. The door that was locked before will now be open. You will now be behind the house. Follow the short path into the tunnel. You will eventually come upon Tatara, who reveals that Bosho Roga attacked the village, must be related to Bosho Lobu. The villagers are apparently safe underground, but Roga is ransacking the temple in search of something. He then tells you to use the underground path to sneak in and defeat Roga. Head west and grab the 300 Coins from the chest before speaking with the frightened folks. If you were to go northeast you will come upon a house and can speak to a dying villager. Head northwest though and take the stairs. You will be inside the town temple now. Engage Roga and you will find out that he is looking for the Kusanagi Blade that you just received. He will then notice you carry the blade and knows who you are. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Bosho Roga and Wolfpack x 3 Similar battle as before but you will only have two party members. Make sure to keep Kirin out of Roga's way and perhaps have her defend and pick spots to attack carefully. After the battle, all Moki nearby will flee and the town will be back to normal. You will then hear Jato's voice as he denounces Roga and Lobu as pitiful in frustration. He then mentions that he will send someone by the name of Kajura after you. Head south to exit the temple. The townsfolk will be a little excited over this small victory. One person will mention that a castle that houses Moki lies to the north of the Rain Tree and that you should take them out. Speak to Tatara at home and upon hearing the name Kajura, he will mention that he is one of the eight Moki Generals. He then decides that it's time to release the barrier on the Rain Tree north of town. Tatara will then join your party at level 30. Exit town. World Map Head north and when you cross the bridge you will be taken to the Rain Tree. Rain Tree Continue progressing and Tatara will mention how it's been 15 years since Emperor Miroku gathered all of the children in the country and slaughtered them. Somehow Madara was protected and even though Miroku couldn't kill him. He ordered eight of his Moki to take your true body parts away and to seal your powers. Madara will finally speak and break the silent protagonist routine. Tatara will explain that in the two treasure chests ahead, you'll find your battle gadgets and the Sazanami. He explains that the Sazanami is a necklace that draws the power out of your battle gadgets before entrusting them to Kirin. He continues on about how you must use the ancient treasures of Agartha to defeat the Moki along with Miroku. Right as he's finished explaining, Jato will appear and pierce Tatara from behind with a blade before running off. As Tatara lies dying, he implores that you defeat the Eight Generals to reclaim your powers and bring peace to the world. He mentions that his spirit will always be with you before passing away. You will then hear Jato's voice taunting you to cross the river and go to Kajura's castle. After all of that, grab the two chests to the north for the Battle Gadgets and Sazanami. Ensure that Kirin has space in her inventory to pick up the Sazanami. Save at the tree if you'd like and also note that there is a new option called Foretell. Currently it will mention that your buddy Shamon is in a place called Rasen Castle. Note that if one of your characters dies in battle, a new Healing shop has opened up in Niso Forest where you can remove curses and revive members for a fee. When you are ready, exit to the north. World Map Head north a bit and you will see some rocks on the water leading further north. Can't head that way due to a barrier so head east to find Kajura's castle. =============================================================================== KAJURA'S CASTLE (WK04) Map: Items: 40 Coins Red Soma x 2 Ear Key Sahasu Helmet Bat Key Iceball Spell Madara's Real Ears Poison Fang Spell Head north and grab the 40 Coins and Red Soma from the chest before taking the stairs. Don't head west at it leads to a door that you cannot get past just yet. Head east and you will come upon two sets of stairs. Take the north stairs to reach the third floor. Head east and follow the path to find three treasure chests. On the way you will have to do battle with three Yesenma who can hit pretty hard at this point in the game. Grab the Red Soma, Ear Key, and Sahasu Helmet from the chest before returning. The Sahasu Helmet is quite the upgrade from the normal Helmet. Once you reach the floor below, take the southern stairway to unlock the door with your newly found and oddly named Ear Key. Speak to the prisoner to learn that Emperor Miroku has commanded the eight Moki Generals to go after Madara. Uh oh, that's you. Open the chest to find the Bat Key. Return to the second floor and this time head west. Go south through the door and open the chest to have Kirin learn Iceball. This is a magic that will shoot ice at an enemy for 150M. Be careful now as when you head west, you will trigger a battle against Kajura. Boss Battle - Kajura This will be the first real challenging boss battle of the game and it's quite a doozy. Kajura can hit for over 150 points of damage so three to four hits and it could be all over for a character. If Madara dies, it's over. Start by having Kirin hold in a safe position that is out of reach with Kajura. Have Madara and Kajura trade blows while having Kirin heal Madara when he is one hit away from death. Ensure you have lots of Red Somas and Blue Somas to replenish all the magic that Kirin will be using to heal. After the battle, Madara will receive back his real ears. Head north to find a letter in the treasure chest. It's from Hiroku telling Kajura to kill Madara. Now simply walk into an open black space to exit the castle. The magic barrier that was blocking the path across the river to the northwest is now gone, but it's advisable to return to Niso Forest to recharge and replenish some of those items you used in the previous battle. When you are ready, enter the river path. River Path You'll see someone blocking your path. Engage him and he will mention that he will rip your balls off. Wow. Boss Battle - Kosho Banpa and Moken x 2 Banpa can put you to sleep so be careful. He can also hit hard for over 100 points of damage. Play defensively by having Kirin out of the mix by providing healing support. Exit the path after the battle. World Map Note that you can cross the bridge freely now without transitioning into a different screen and note the music theme will change. Pretty neat. Hope you are also ready for a steep difficulty curve. There's a cave right in front of you but don't enter it just yet. Carefully make your way slightly northwest to come upon a town. Wind Palace Town The person near the entrance mentions that everyone in town has apparently gone crazy. The villagers will apparently think they are dogs. Engage the actual dogs to do battle with a Moken. Each dog seems to be controlling a townsperson so after it is defeated, the curse will be lifted. Lift the curse off of everyone and learn that the Moki went into the Wind Palace and that the Wind Princess is in danger. Unfortunately, the weapon shop only has the exact same items that can be found in Niso Forest. The General Store will have some new items though. The Wind Palace to the north has a room that is locked with a suspicious looking tile in it. If you go north, you will be mistaken for a possessed townsfolk and shooed away. Speak to the person at the town entrance who wasn't possessed to learn that the Princess doesn't talk like that (person who shooed you away) before wondering where someone named Hakutaku went. Once you are ready, return to the River path and enter the Cave to the north. Cave Enter this small place and make your way to the boss. You will find Hakutaku behind him. Boss Battle - Yusenma and Ryurai Use your Battle Gadgets liberally in this fight and try to protect Kirin. Afterwards, approach Hakutaku who tells you to visit him in the northern village. Open the chest to receive the Poison Fang Spell for Kirin. World Map Return to the Wind Palace Town by traveling northwest. Wind Palace Town The townsfolk will mention seeing Moki enter the Wind Palace. Hakutaku will be near the entrance of the palace. Speak to him and he will note that there is something odd about the Wind Princess. He wants you to check it out and then joins your party. =============================================================================== WIND PALACE (WK05) Items: Madara's Real Eyes Tornado Spell Kekkaju Light Kasanagi Shaolong Chant Enter the Wind Palace and it will be just like before, the Wind Princess will be to the north and she will shoo you away. Note that unlike before, the room that was locked with the suspicious tile is now open. Step on the tile and you will fall through to the floor below. Head north and you will hear the real Wind Princesses voice from the nearby capsule. She will request help and confirm that the one in the Wind Palace is an imposter. Your next boss battle will begin. Boss Battle - Onkai Gyoma Very high HP and he seems to want to target Hakutaku. Keep Madara busy by using his Battle Gadgets while Kirin worries about healing and Hakutaku uses Blue Soma's to keep everyone's Magic high. After the battle, Madara will get back his real eyes. The Wind Princess will comment that perhaps you are the legendary hero of Agartha and to take the treasure chest in the next room. She will then disappear. Open the two chests to the north to receive the Tornado Spell for Kirin, and the Kekkaju. The Kekkaju will automatically merge with the Kusanagi to create the Light Kusanagi. Make sure you equip this as it will be two and a half times stronger than it was before. Great upgrade. The game will start to open up in regards to being non-linear at this point. You can travel northwest from the town to reach another town called Seirin. Or you can travel east past the Cave where you got Hakutaku to reach the village of Ikaruga. I'm heading to Ikaruga first. Ikaruga Try to enter the town during the fall season as there will be extra huts in the town. There is a healer near the town entrance if you need his services. Speak to the townsfolk to learn some new information and give you some direction. The Kingdom of Soma is on an island to the south and the cave that leads there is blocked by boulders. Apparently there aren't any Moki in Soma either. The Princess of Soma came from the Kingdom of Horai bringing one of the orbs of the Orochi tribe with her. The weapon shop will have a different selection now so you can upgrade some equipment. I'd suggest getting Big Bow's for Kirin and Hakutaku as well as upgrading all Big Armors for all. The only negative is that there is no General Store where you can sell your old stuff so don't be afraid to head back to Niso Forest for that. If you did enter the town in the fall, there should be four extra huts (grey) that you can enter. Here you can train your characters (purchase permanent statistical upgrades) once. You can return each season to purchase more stat upgrades if you like and can afford it. The northwestern hut will increase characters Vitality, northeastern will increase Wisdom, the middle hut will be a Martial Arts arena which will throw you into a random battle. If you win, you will a prize in coins. The southern hut will be a General Store that provides all kinds of expensive Somas and suits. You also have the option of saving at the tree to the west of town. Note that the tunnel beside the town is currently obstructed if you go exploring. World Map Travel slightly east of Ikaruga and then head north between the rocky mountains. Once you hit what looks like a desert, head west and you should see a small bump like area on the world map. Enter it and Madara will learn a Chant called Shaolong. Hakutaku also has this chant that launches a projectile attack from a distance. It costs 50M to use. Travel southwest while hugging the mountains and you will eventually make it back to the town with the Wind Palace. From there, follow the coast to the northwest and enter the village of Seirin. =============================================================================== SEIRIN (WK06) Items: Blue Key Kasumi Blade Red Key Silence Spell Speak to people to learn that there is a Moki stronghold nearby that keeps bothering the town. A scary looking man was viewed entering the bar. The northern villagers are looking to become recruits for the Kongo army under the rule of a lady named Jamira. Enter the top house to the southwest of town to enter the town bar. Here you'll learn that someone named Loki is planning to raid the Moki fortress. Apparently this is fueled by the fact that Loki's brother was killed by the Shadow Warriors of Shumi who reside in the Moki fortress. Speak to Loki at the table and he will tell you of his plot before disappearing. Another patron is concerned for Loki's wellbeing thinking he is going to get himself killed. You'll also learn more about Jamira, and that she is quite cold-hearted. The person at the north part of the bar will wonder how Madara, the Moki hunter, has defeated one of the Eight Generals. Leave the bar now and Jato will be there as he overheard everything. He mentions that he will take care of Loki before sicking his minions upon you. Boss Battle - Shadow Have Hakutaku chant Shaolong from a distance while Madara comes in close to the Shadow. Keep a look on Madara's HP and have Kirin heal. Get Kirin to send in some Iceball or Tornado spells if possible. Enter the house to the south and you will meet Kaos, the guy who questioned you at the bar. He seems to have a dislike for Jato more so than his desire to ensure Loki's safety. You will have the option to recruit him. If you say no, you will have one more final option to recruit him. Say no and he will disappear. Recruit him and speak to the townsfolk again to learn that Loki was kidnapped and taken towards Jamira's fortress by the Moki. Head to the north part of town again and speak to the guard. He will mention that they are looking for new recruits and then you are taken to the dungeon. Jamira's Dungeon First thing to note is that apparently Jamira is not too fond of Jato. Search the chest to read a note from Jamira to Kaos basically providing a key so that he can escape and to deal with Jato. The guards will mention that Jato likes to boss around the Shadow Warriors of Shumi. Then mention Loki and call him a poor sucker before leaving. The Blue Key will be in your possession so you can head south through the door. Head south and note that you cannot go through the door to the south. Your options will be to east or west. Head east for now and take the stairs. Grab the Kasumi Blade from the chest and return to head west. Approach the Shadow and do battle to continue. Afterwards, take the stairs and proceed to the northeast to do battle with another Shadow. Take the stairs once that one is defeated and do it all again. This time, when you defeat the shadow you will receive the Red Key. Follow the linear path and head through the door to find Jato. He will recognize Kaos and call him a traitor. Kaos mentions that he may have been a pawn for the Emperor, he doesn't believe in Jato's cowardly methods. Jato will sick another Shadow upon you after the verbal exchange. One that is over, Jato will have split and you can head north to find Loki. Loki will thank you for saving him while Kaos decides it's time to leave. Jamira questions the motives by Kaos, but he answers that he hates the Shumi though remains loyal to his Majesty. Kaos and Jamira will both disappear. Head back to the first floor now and exit to the south. You will be back in Seirin. Heal up and exit town when ready. World Map We are without any real direction at the moment. Travel north from Seirin through the desert and you will find a small temple near the coast. Former Temple of Horai The Moki came and killed the Princess there and only her ghost remains. Enter the temple and defeat the two Shadows’. This may be challenging because you are fighting two at once. Afterwards, speak to Kuon, the temple's caretaker. To show her appreciation, she tells you the way to cross the Wall of Sand. The gateway through the wall is sealed by an Orb of the Orochi Tribe. Remember in Ikaruga when you learned that a Princess of Soma came from Horai with an Orb from the Orochi tribe? Long ago there were seven orbs but many have been lost to Miroku. The remaining one lies in the Kingdom of Soma. If the seal gets removed, her soul will finally be able to rest and she can return to the kingdom of Horai. She will then tell you to visit nearby villages and seek allies before disappearing. Go outside of the temple and speak to the two folks again to learn that Jamira is actually the Princess of Soma and serves Emperor Miroku even though no Moki lurk in Soma. Soma lies south of the Ame River and east of Niso Forest. You are then told to visit Ikaruga. World Map Note that to the northeast of the Former Temple of Horai is an area that you can access yet through the large Wall of Sand. If you continue to head east you will come upon some ruins. East of that is a grave site. Open the treasure chest to receive the Silence Spell for Kirin. You can speak to Garuman if you want before carrying on with your journey to Ikaruga. Head east all the way until you hit the shore and then travel south all the way to reach the town. Ikaruga It's advisable to ensure Loki has current gear so purchase whatever he needs here. Head into the Cave that leads to Soma beside the town. =============================================================================== CAVE TO SOMA (WK07) Items: Zio Coin Red Soma Orb of the Orochi Tribe Travel southeast and take the stairs. Head south and you will find someone who wonders how to get through with the wall in the way. They will then call Soma people spineless cowards and then attack. Boss Battle - Murashoki and Ectoplasm x 3 Not too difficult, but Murashoki can poison your characters. Afterwards, they will open the blockage and disappear. Continue south and take either set of stairs to proceed. Continue south and take the stairs to emerge from the cavern onto the World Map. World Map Head south and you will find a cave that is blocked by a magical barrier and a castle. Enter the castle. Kingdom of Soma Speak to people to learn that since the cave is sealed, no Moki can get through. Well, not anymore I guess since that blockage has been destroyed. You are advised to ask the King about the Orb of the Orochi tribe. Check out the weapon shop as well as the tailor shop that sells defensive equipment. Head into the castle and speak to the people. You will learn that when this Kingdom sealed off the cave from the outside world, they neglected to do a head count to see if Jamira was there. Because of this very irresponsible misunderstanding, Jamira feels betrayed by her homeland and joined forces with Emperor Miroku. Apparently Jato somehow lured her into a trap so that she would be sealed away from home. Open the treasure chest to the north to get the Zio Coin and speak to Romi, Jamira's sister. After asking her for the Orb of the Orochi tribe, she disappears to retrieve it. Suddenly you will hear a scream that Moki are everywhere and that Princess Romi has been kidnapped. According to those nearby, Romi has been taken to the cave to the west. Soma Cave Map: Enter the cave and you will notice that there's quite a bit of stairwells. It's not as confusing though as it may look. Make your way to the staircase that is immediately west of the entrance. Take the Red Soma from the chest and return to the previous floor. From here, make your way to the southwestern set of stairs and take them down. Now simply make your way to the northwest part of the room and you will find Romi being guarded by a monster. Approach it to do battle. Boss Battle - Shadow x 2 You've dealt with these guys before. Approach Romi after the battle and she will give you the Orb of the Orochi Tribe. She'll even comment that you are stronger than her sister Jamira. The Royal Family will then appear thanking you and you will then appear in front of the castle. Kingdom of Soma Now that you have the Orb of the Orochi Tribe, the entrance to the Wall of Sand northeast of the former Temple of Horai will now be open. Instead of heading there though, let’s take a little detour. East of that on the world map is what appears to look like some kind of large dead creature. This is actually Noah's Ark. I wonder who built it? =============================================================================== NOAH'S ARK (WK08) Items: Silver Staff The Ark will be in ruins. Take the left staircase to the second floor and immediately head west to take the next set of stairs. Be careful not to fall through to the floor below or else you will have to start over. Head east and you should see the boss. She will explain that this Ark was built by Agartha people during the great flood. You will then be attacked. Boss Battle - Lamia and Kiganseki x 2 This battle is barely a step above a typical random battle at this point. Travel east now and step on the star shaped tile on the floor. You will then be given the option to travel to the past. Press the switch and you will be warped back to the Great Flood era on the Noah's Ark before it fell into ruin. Speak to people to learn that the Giant Star is the cause of the great flood. Enter the northern and southern rooms Dragon Quest style to find more people. In the northern room you will find someone named Jofuku who needs to gather people who can make it to Horai. Sukune will ask you to help build a village in the northern mountains. You can also speak to what appears to be a young Tatara. His goal is to one day build a village and call it Hijura. In the southern room you will learn that some Agarthans fled the great flood by burrowing into the earth. Lady Nayuta apparently needs to be saved before the ship can depart. Noah, the ship’s captain, has been going around trying to save people while hunting the Moki who have use the flood as a chance to occupy the Fudaraku continent. Head west and speak to the guy and agree to head to the island to save Lady Nayuta. You will be told to contact Garuman (he is the one currently guarding the grave site in the present). Lady Nayuta is sick and needs to rest in one of the capsules and you need to let Garuman know. The deserted town will have an inn and a tailor if you need them. Exit the town and enter the site to the north. This will look exactly like the grave site in the present. Speak to Garuman and he will mumble something about wanting a statue of the Golden Goddess for himself. He will then say a few more things about Lady Nayuta. Go in the northern room and speak to the lady. She will hop inside the capsule and request that you have Garuman make the arrangements for transport. Speak to Garuman and he'll get to work but advises you to stay put... You will then see him transport a capsule before leaving. Head into the north room once more and you will see Lady Nayuta still inside her capsule. Apparently Garuman stole the Golden Goddess statue and hid it inside the other capsule. What an unsavory character. Return to the Ark and Noah will be grilling Garuman for his actions as he has been caught with the stolen statue. Lady Nayuta was needed for the war. Garuman shows that he has no value for human life by mentioning that she is going to die from her illness anyways, and the money that the statue will bring can help many people. Noah will then explain how the capsule will keep her alive as it's a cryogenic chamber. He then goes on and says that Garuman can keep the gold statue, but will then put a curse on him. Until Lady Nayuta is revived, Garuman will be unable to die and will be forced to watch over the Lady's capsule after the flood is over until the day she awakes from her sleep. Speak to the man to the south and he will mention that only the Silver Staff can awaken Lady Nayuta. Since Garuman can't be trusted, and since you are from the future, he will entrust you will the staff. Agree and you will be tasked with returning to your time and waking Lady Nayuta up. You will then receive the Silver Staff. Return to the present time now and head to the grave site to the east. Approach the capsule and an intense light will burst from the Silver Staff. Nayuta will wake up and recognize you from the past. 3500 years in the past to be exact. Makes you wonder about Tatara... She will then leave with a goal of finding out what happened to her people of Agartha. Speak to Garuman and he will disappear, finally released from his curse. Now that this quest has been completed, head west and finally enter the wall. =============================================================================== FLAME CORRIDOR (WK09) Map: Items: Both of Marara's Real Hands Map of the Abyss You will instantly be attacked by three Sakyugokma's. Take them out and speak to the girl to the north. She will mention that this area is called the Flame Corridors and Seizanpa Sobi of the Eight Moki Generals lives here. After her warning, she will disappear. Take the western path and follow it all the way to find three shadows blocking your path. Defeat them and take the stairs. From here, head west and you will have the option of taking a set of stairs to the northwest or going east. Head east for now and make your way to the boss. Boss Battle - Seizanpa Nae Battles like this are where use of the spell Goriki comes in handy. Make sure that spell is cast on whoever is getting directly attacked by Nae. This will prevent him from doing damage until enough hits eventually break the shield. After the battle, Madara will receive his real hand. Now make your way to the northwest area and take the stairs. You will be back on the first floor. Take the southern stairs to reach the next floor. Simply make your way east and you will eventually find Seizanpa Sobi. Boss Battle - Seizanpa Sobi Ensure Goriki is cast on your fighters and go to town. Afterwards you will receive both of Madara's hands, but lose his Battle Gadgets. You will then hear the sound of something crumbling in the distance. You should notice there is a staircase now beside the statue to the southwest and you will have to travel around the floor to reach it. From here, follow the path until your come upon your favorite psychotic bunny. Jato will be here and when you approach, you will have to do battle with four Shadows before he retreats. Once the Shadow Warriors of Shumi are defeated, continue west and you will notice Kaos standing beside Jato. Hmm... As you approach, Kaos will mention that the time has come at last. Suddenly the ghost of Kuon will appear and plead with Kaos not to fight. It will be revealed that Kuon is the sister of Kaos. Kaos, will now realize that he has been duped by Emperor Miroku. Miroku was supposed to spare Kuon's life as long as Kaos did what was told of him by the Emperor. Kuon reminds her brother to never forget that he is the Prince of the Orochi Tribe and to not let himself be used by the Emperor. Jato will nervously try to sway Kaos back by saying he shouldn't believe what a ghost has to say before ordering Kaos to attack. Kaos will ignore the order as he is furious over Miroku's betrayal and vows to kill him. Jato will call him a traitor before disappearing to report the turn of events to the Emperor. Kaos will chant a spell that changes the appearance of the nearby statues and tells you to go ahead as he will follow with Soen and Gufu and join the rebel army to make Miroku pay. Exit to the north and you will be back on the world map, on the northern side of the Wall of Sand. World Map Travel immediately north to find a town. Kugutsu This large village is Kugutsu. Speak to people to learn that the Rain Tree in Mitama village to the east is withering because of sandstorms. You'll also learn about the rebel army that was created to destroy Kongo. The rebel hideout will be guarded by a villager and is located at the very northeast of town. You will need a Mark of Cain before being allowed inside. The Inns will now cost 100 Coins to rest and you will finally be able to use the Find Ally option. This option allows you to switch party members in and out. There is a catch though. Firstly, an ally must be in the town, if they are not, no dice. Second, be very careful when you switch allies. The ally you return will have all of his or her items removed completely from their inventory and if you get the ally back later on, they won't have the same equipment that you left them with on. They will more than likely have weaker gear. Anyways, try it out. Nayuta was available at the inn so I decided to try her out and returned Hakutaku, because they are both Inishe and have similar spells. There are some new items in the General Store and Weapon shop too. Once you are ready to progress, exit town to the world map. World Map Rasen Castle lies to the northwest but you cannot enter it at this point. It also appears to be the rebel army command center. Head southeast from Kugutsu and follow the Wall of Sand and you will come upon Mitama village. Mitama Village The town oasis has dried up and every day the village gets hit with sandstorms. You are warned of a ferocious Moki that lives in the pyramid and it is suspected that they are the cause of the sandstorms. The pyramid lies in the center of the desert and you will require a Map of the Abyss in order to get inside. You will receive said Abyss Map after speaking to the villager who tells you about it. After being begged to take care of the Moki in the pyramid, feel free to leave town. Note that there are some new powerful equipment for sale and you cannot save in town as the tree is withered from the sandstorms. World Map If you travel north from Mitama village and follow the coast west, you will eventually come upon a castle that you cannot enter yet due to a locked door. This castle will have random battles. Head directly west of this castle to find the pyramid. =============================================================================== PYRAMID (WK10) Map: Items: Zio Coin Black Mist Spell Red Soma Senri Spell Thunder Spell Mark of Cain Desert Key Enter the pyramid through the door to the west. Head north to take the stairs. Head south and then west and take the stairs heading down. Back on the first floor you can head north to grab the Zio Coin from the chest. Return to the second floor now and travel east to take the southeastern stairs to the first floor. Follow the linear path and you will come across two treasure chests. Open them to receive the Black Mist spell for Kirin and a Red Soma. Return to the second floor now and take the western staircase that is just north of the one you took to get the Zio Coin. Follow the path around to grab the Senri spell from the chest. Good possibility you already know this spell. Return again to the second floor and this time take the stairs to the northwest. From here, follow the winding path to the south and take the stairs. The fourth floor will begin pretty normal. Follow the path and you should notice all kinds of staircases upcoming. When the path branches and allows you to go southeast or northwest, head south east to reach the treasure chest. Inside will be a Thunder spell for Kirin. Head west now and make it all the way to the southwest area of the map. There will be two staircases here. Take the slightly northeastern staircase to reach the top of the Pyramid. Make your way north and you will reach the boss. Boss Battle - Hamararyuki This guy’s not difficult at all as long as you have the Goriki spell active on your main fighters. After the battle, simply walk north to fall off of the pyramid and onto the world map. World Map Return now southeast to Mitama village. Mitama Village Since the Hamararyuki has been defeated, the sandstorms have calmed and the oasis has returned. Speak to the character with the yellow bandana near the town entrance and she will give you the Mark of Cain that you can use to enter the rebel hideout in Kugutsu. Head now to Kugutsu. Kugutsu The villagers will have no information to provide. A female warrior named Agia is in the rebel army. There are large building size giants being stored in the army. Choryo Bakko, one of the Eight Generals has a castle in the desert. Must be that castle that was locked by the pyramid. You will then be provided the Desert Key by the villager. To the southeast of town some children will be guarding "Grandpa Moki" and claim that not all Moki's are bad. Head to the rebel hideout to the northeast of town. You'll meet Agia at the entrance. The statues Soen and Gufu that Kaos created in the Flame Corridor will be charging their power in the center of the hideout. The commander of this hideout will be in the northern room. He will mention that some of the rebels are trapped in the basement of Choryo Bakko's castle. Looks like that will be your next quest. Speak to the men beside the two statues to learn that Kaos is the leader of the rebel army and that the statues are age old legendary Agarthan statues. A legend stats what when Soen and Gufu revive, the true King will appear. When you are ready, head back to the Desert Castle. =============================================================================== DESERT CASTLE (WK11) Map: Items: 210 Coins Hypnotize Spell Yellow Soma x 3 Green Soma Blue Soma Fudaraku Armor Johaku Spell Kanraihu Spell Big Bow Zio Coin Cobra Fang 330 Coins Flame Wall Spell In case you forgot, the castle is directly to the east of the pyramid. There's also a good chance you will get poisoned in this area to stock up on Yellow Somas. From the entrance, head north and go through the door. Head east and grab the 210 Coins from the chest. Head west now and you will find a staircase with a chest. Ignore that and head south to find a treasure chest containing the Hypnotize spell. Now head north and grab the Yellow Soma from the chest before taking the stairs to the second floor. Grab another Yellow Soma from the chest and head south. Another chest will have a Green Soma. Continue south and take the stairs to the third floor to grab another Yellow Soma from the chest before turning to the second floor. Now head southeast and you will find another chest that contains a Blue Soma. Now make your way to the northeast to find two treasure chests by a staircase. Inside will be the Fudaraku Armor and Johaku spell. This spell is extremely valuable. Using it on your characters will prevent them from receiving status ailments for a while. From here, make your way to the northeastern part of the room to find a staircase. Take it to the third floor and travel all the way west to find the Kanraihu spell. Return to the previous floor now and make your way to the center of the room which will have two staircases. One going up and one going down. Take the stairs up to the third floor again and you will now be in the center of the floor. Travel south and then west to grab the Big Bow from the chest before heading east. Walk across the water now and make your way west to reach the stairs that will take you to the fourth floor. This floor will be wide open. You cannot currently take the staircase to the southwest as it will be too damaged to use. Head northwest and take the stairs to reach a room with four treasure chests. Raid the chests to receive a Zio Coin, Cobra Fang, 330 Coins, and the Flame Wall spell. Return now and travel all the way east to take another staircase. The great Seishinja will be here complaining about being thrown in prison and mentions that you need to acquire a spell from Agia before taking on Choryo Bakko. Seishinja will then leave in an attempt to fight Choryo. Return and head south now. You will come upon two staircases, one leading up and the other leading down. Take the staircase that leads down and follow the next few staircases to reach the basement. There will be two people in the basement. Speak to them and they will be rescued. Agia will be in red clothing. Speak to her and she will teach you the spell to unlock Choryo Bakko's chamber. Note that it appears Agia is a trigger to activate entry into the chamber as you don't actually learn any spell in the menu. Return to the wide open fourth floor now and head west to reach the southwestern staircase. Step on it and you will cast Agia's spell and proceed to the next floor. In the throne room, Seishinja will be squaring off with Choryo Bakko but Choryo Bakko will suddenly vanish when Seishinja lifts his sword. Speak to Seishinja and he will take off after him. Well, we've saved the prisoners so let’s head back to Kugutsu. Kugutsu When you enter town, you should notice that something isn't right. The music will clue you in as well. Apparently Soen and Gufu have destroyed the village. You won't be allowed to enter any shops either except for Reviving or removing ailments. If you save your game and use the foretell option, you will see that Seishinja will be a new character you can recruit. He will be in Rasen castle along with your old buddy Shamon. Enter the rebel base to learn that Choryo Bakko plans to attack the Rasen castle rebel fortress using the stolen statues. You are asked to inform Kaos if you speak with the commander. Before heading off for Rasen Castle, you should notice that grandpa Moki that the children were protecting will be alone. Speak to him to learn that he is really a spy for Choryo Bakko before attacking you. Boss Battle - Acepack Very simple battle that shouldn't cause you any trouble. Most random battles will probably cause you more concern than him. Acepack leaves an arrogant message before he dies about your rebel friends. Well, looks like the kids were wrong about this guy. When you are ready, make your way northwest to reach Rasen Castle. =============================================================================== RASEN CASTLE (WK12) Items: Shuntenhu Spell 480 Coins 20 Coins x 2 Gold Beetle Sijyura Shield x 2 Brown Soma Spear Madara's Real Legs 180 Coins White Soma Long Spear Make sure it's winter before you enter Rasen Castle so have access to the huts that you may have spotted way back at Ikaruga. Speak to people to learn that Jamira is being held hostage here and that you need permission from Jofuku to see her. Jofuku is a name from the past in Noah's Ark. He was the person who wanted to gather people to make it to Horai. Hmm... If you go to the inn and use the find ally feature, you will finally be able to get Shamon or even Seishinja into your party. A bard in one of the buildings will tell you the Legend of the True King. A brave warrior, neither man nor god, will cleanse the land of eight foul demons. When their star appears in the sky, the True King will defeat the mother of all demons bringing peace to the land. You will find Agia in the western hut. After hearing that Kugutsu was sacked, she vows to never forgive the Kingdom of Kongo for this. Anyways, Jofuku is on the third floor of the castle. You can enter the castle by taking one of the staircases scattered about the town. The soldiers will be out on a training mission so the barracks will be empty. Take the southeastern staircase up to the third floor to find a small room with four chests. Open them to receive the Shuntenhu spell, 480 Coins, 20 Coins and a Gold Beetle. The Shuntenhu spell will instantly change the season on the world map. Return to the second floor barracks and take the southwester stairs up to the third floor. Speak to the commanding officer Jofuku and he will mention that Kaos is on his way to the east tower. After learning that Choryo Bakko stole Soen and Gofu he implores you to tell Kaos immediately. Return to the town and the person that was guarding the staircase will be gone. Take the stairs and you will come upon Kaos and Jamira. Kaos is helping Jamira tend to the wounds she suffered in the Flame Corridor. Approach them and you will overhear them speak. Kaos will be trying to get information from Jamira. You will hear an explosion outside and Kaos will realize it came from Soen and Gufu. Jamira will wonder why Choryo Bakko would attack knowing that she is held prisoner here. Kaos tells her that this is the way the Kingdom of Kongo operates with no regard for their own. You can speak to both Kaos and Jamira before leaving. You can grab Kaos from the inn if you'd like him to take part in the next task. Exit town and head southeast and you will find the two giant statues. You can enter the left or right statue and they both have the same layout but they are different. Left Statue You can take either the east or west staircase as the paths will come together a couple of floors up. Once the paths merge, the next stairwell will have some damage tiles in front that you are forced to go over. Carry on and you will have the option to take staircases down from both sides of the room if you'd like. These lead to the statues hands which you can fall off of and have to start all over. Continue climbing the stairs and you will make it to Jato. He will mock you knowing that you are searching for Choryo Bakko since he's not in this statue before disappearing. Open the treasure chests to get the Sukyura Shield, 20 Coins, Brown Soma and Spear. Take the stairs down to find one of the hands and hop off the statue. You should notice the statues are coming closer to the castle. Right Statue Exact same layout here. When you reach the top though you will find Choryo Bakko. Boss Battle - Choryo Bakko As usual, ensure Goriki is used. Thunder and Flame Wall do some pretty good magical damage if you are sick of melee fighting. Afterwards, Soen and Gufu will stop moving and Madara will recover his real legs. Open the chests to receive the Sukyura Shield, 180 Coins, White Soma, and Long Spear. The White Soma is very valuable as that can recover dead allies. Hop off the statues and you will see how close they came to reaching the castle. Head back into town for now. Rasen Castle Make your way to Jofuku on the third floor as it appears that Jamira has gone missing. Jofuku will simply ask you to look around for Jamira. Head back to where she was being held captive, the person there will mention that Jamira left a letter on her desk. Approach the desk from the west side facing east and search. Jamira will realize that the Kingdom of Kongo is the enemy and decides to become a guerilla and to look her up. Report back to Jofuku and he will let you know a new bridge has been built to the north so you can carry on with the adventure. World Map Now were talking. If you like to explore, this is for you. The game opens up quite a bit here as there is a large landmass to travel. You can pretty much travel in all directions and find some towns and various things to do. Anyways, travel slightly northwest to find a town. If you find yourself walking in the desert you've gone too far. =============================================================================== XIFANG (WK13) Items: Shanglong Chant Enter town in the spring to have access to those seasonal shops that appear. Speak to the townsfolk and you should learn about a Hijuran town in the desert that was wrecked by sandstorms that had a special tree. You'll also learn about another tree deep in the forest as well as a Hijuran village. There are some new equipment in the weapon shop but more importantly, all your characters should be at the inn, including Jamira. World Map Exit Xifang for now and be careful regarding status ailments from random battles now. Many enemies can cause Lure and Blind which requires Purple and Brown Somas to cure. Head exactly northwest from Xifang and you will find the Hijuran town that was wrecked by sandstorms. The special tree is still there so you can save your game if you'd like. Note that you cannot travel west as an invisible barrier will prevent you from proceeding. Travel north from this wrecked town and you will eventually come upon a shrine in the desert. Enter it to learn the Shanglong chant. From here make your way east out of the desert but close to the northern rocky mountains. You will eventually come upon dual cities surrounded by water. Enter the western city. =============================================================================== GUARO AND BURO (WK14) Items: Pond Key Mahni Flame Blessed Salt This is the village of Guaro. Apparently the chief’s son has gone missing. This town also seems competitive with their sister town Buro. You are tasked with finding the missing boy. Perhaps a clue lies in Buro? You'll also learn of a Hijuran man who knows a lot about the forest deep in the woods. You don't have to exit town to reach Buro, simply go to the eastern side as this town is divided. The Chief of Buro's daughter has also happened to go missing. His wife offers you some Blessed Salt if you can return her. The small child near the southern would be border of the two towns will mention that she saw a guy and girl getting together secretly in the small island in town, she even gives you the key to access it. With your new Pond Key, enter the hut. Travel north and you will enter a small dungeon. Follow the linear path and take the staircases and you will eventually come upon the two missing lovebirds. One problem though, they are trapped by a Shadow. Defeat it and speak to the couple to learn that they are in love even though their families don't approve. They tell you to go on ahead, but not before grabbing the Mahni Flame from the chest. As you try to leave, you will find a familiar evil bunny standing in your way. Jato will sick some more of his Shadow Warriors upon you. Defeat three of them and exit out of the area to the town as Jato will have disappeared. Back in town you should notice that people are celebrating. Apparently the two towns have put their differences aside and merged to become the town of Uro. Speak to the daughter’s father on the east side of Uro to receive the Blessed Salt. The father of the son will mention an old man teaching spells in the desert, referring to the man who provided the Shanglong spell. Exit now to the world map. World Map There's quite a few places you could go now but whatever you do, don't enter the lone tree to the south of Uno or else you will lose Madara for a while and have to rely on three characters until you get him back. Instead, head slightly northeast from this lone tree to find the free Hijuran nation, Shinra. =============================================================================== SHINRA AND THE HAUNTED HOUSE (WK15) Items: Crystal Powder Speak to people to learn about a haunted house and Shaolin who acts as a watchman of the forest. Apparently the ghost that is haunting the southeastern house is the wife of someone named Chifun. Speak to the man in the southwestern house and he will explain that in order to bring life back to trees, you need two items. The subterranean Crystal Powder, and Blessed Salt of the lake. Looks like we have one of those items but so far no tree to resurrect. Enter the haunted house now and you will hear shrieks coming from a hole in the northeastern wall. Attempt to inspect this hole and you will fall through to a dungeon below. Haunted House Basement Map: Head west and make your way south. Be careful of some of the tiles in this area. The red arrowed tiles will take 20 HP's away every time you step on them while the purple blob like tiles will poison your party. There are two people to the west, one of whom is Chifun. Speak to them and they will mention crystal deposits. Head south from them and then make your way east to a large area. Hug the western wall and travel north and you will automatically find some Crystal Powder. Make your way south and then west now to exit this area. Pretty strange for a haunted house, we heard screams yet there was no ghost. =============================================================================== LONE TREE (WK16) Items: Gedatsu Spell Tao Braid You will now be at the lone tree that I warned you about before. When you are ready, approach the man at the base of the tree. He will introduce himself as Kageo Madara and has been waiting for Madara. He has summoned a dark barrier that you will be unable to escape from and then attacks. Boss Battle - Kageo Madara This is one of those battles that you cannot win. Kageo Madara will cast a spell that will hit Madara and cause him to lose control of his Chakra. Afterwards, Madara and Kageo Madara will be missing. The Lone Tree area will be completely destroyed. Now you know the reason for gathering the Crystal Powder and Blessed Salt. It's to bring life back to this tree. Head west from the stump and the two items will automatically revive the dead tree. You will now have three party members only for a while. Using the find ally option will not give you a fourth. Take a step east from where you had the two items combined and you will be able to enter the tree. Lone Tree Resurrected You will have to climb this tree to get to the top by walking on the vines and using passages within the tree. Take the western vine and follow it up all the way. You will reach the top and have the option to go into the tree, or head south to go into the tree. Head into the tree from the top to find a treasure chest containing the Gedatsu spell. Depending on your characters, you may have no one in your party who can receive this spell so don't worry too much as it can be claimed later. Take the southern path now and pass through the tree. Follow the vines and you will enter another part of the tree. Take the stairs to reach the top. This area will have four towers and a huge empty space in the middle. Like with the vine climbing expedition, there will be no random battles here. The goal is to climb the mini towers and open all four treasure chests. All four chests will be empty, but once you completely open all four, the center area will now have a staircase. Take the stairs and follow the path to meet an elderly man who escaped the Moki and came here to what's called the Ruins of Agartha. He's an astrologer from the Ugayan Kingdom and has been reading the stars. One star in particular seems to be aligned with Miroku and his army. Another star tells of a young man with a mysterious power to the north. You need to pass through the waterfall in the northern mountains to reach him in a village called Ryosan. This is obviously about Madara, so it's good to know he's not dead. Grab the Tao Braid from the treasure chest before exiting the tree entirely and appearing back on the world map. World Map Head east from the Lone Tree and make your way to the eastern coast. You should see a new town on the coast, you may have to go slightly north. Enter it. =============================================================================== BODAI (WK17) Items: Pale Soma Speak to the lady near the town entrance to learn right off the bat that this town has a boat. Speak to people to learn about a sailor named Wadatsumi who always speaks of Ryosan to the north. The grey house has a chest containing a Pale Soma. One guy warns you to beware of who you hire. You have the option of hiring Ushio for 400 Coins, Shiotsuchi for 300 Coins or Wadatsumi. The first two are a scam as they will take your money but once they hit the waterfall, they will head back, Wadatsumi will notice your Tao Braid and mention that his ship can move with it and in exchange, you can ride for free to Ryosan. Once you hit the waterfall though, you will have to travel the rest of the way on foot. Waterfall Head north into the cavern and the next area will be very maze like. To reach the end, head north, west, west and west again to reach the stairs. You will now enter Ryosan to the north. =============================================================================== RYOSAN (WK18) Items: Shomei Spell Red Soma Bishmon Armor Madara's Real Heart Speak to people to learn about the Town Chief Sukune who lives on the edge of town with his adopted daughter Himika. Remember Sukune from Noah's Ark? He's the man who wanted you to help him build a town. An old man at the center of town will mention that Madara has been living at Sukune's place for around two years now. Strange... Apparently Madara was found passed out by the waterfall two years ago. Sukune's brother is Tatara apparently. Hmm... If Seishinja is in your party, one of the townsfolk will comment that Himika is his sister and that they have been worried about him. You can meet Wadatsumi's fiancé in one of the houses along with someone who is searching for the legendary Dark Kusanagi. He will pay any price for it. Enter the Chief's house to the east and he'll recognize Seishinja if he's in the party. He mentions that Madara is sleeping in the basement. You can speak to Himika if you'd like as she mentions that she is a Shaman and can help you. Speak to Madara in the basement and he'll complain about being dragged back into battle and then says you have to catch him first before taking off. He thinks he's a Pokémon. Head upstairs to find him. He will mention that his body is in perfect health and that he doesn't want to fight anymore. He will then take off once again. Head upstairs now and Madara will explain that life here is just like life in Niso Forest where he can escape all his painful memories. He will run off again. Return to the basement and Madara will tell you to leave him alone. Looks like he is content on staying. Speak to Sukune again and he mentions that if you go through the waterfall at the north end of the village and find the Dark Kusanagi, Madara's chakra will be restored and he will no longer fear battle. Himiki will tease you if you speak with her. Looks like we have to save Madara. Return to the town entrance but this time take one step west of where you entered. There is a path along the other wall. Follow it north and then east to enter the waterfall. Ryosan Waterfall No random battles here. The northwest chest has a Shomei spell, southwest chest has a Red soma and the southeast chest has a Bishmon Armor. Take the stairs to the south and you will be near the waterfall. Take any of the available passages north (except the one you came from) and you will find Kageo Madara with the Dark Kusanagi. He will notice the party and then disappear with the blade. Exit the waterfall cave now and the real Madara will be waiting for you. Apparently all of the townsfolk have turned into Moki! Madara regains his will to fight but then Kirin will run off over concern with Sukune. Chase after her towards Sukune's house and you should notice the Moki in the town. Don't bother fighting them as it's a waste of time. Enter the northeastern house and you will be advised to head upstairs as Kageo Madara will be attempting to kidnap Kirin. Upstairs you will find that Kageo Madara's plan is to overthrow Miroku by using the Dark Kusanagi and Kirin. He will then summon Chohito Gairen, one of the Eight Generals to attack you before disappearing with Kirin. Note that even though Madara has returned to your party, he will not be equipped with the stuff you purchased for him just like as if you summoned him from an inn. Boss Battle - Chohito Gairen Another simple battle provided you have Goriki protection. Chohito can hit you with some powerful spells if you're not careful. Afterwards, the villagers will return to normal and Kirin will be sealed in the Dark Castle. Madara will then receive his real heart back. Head downstairs and after thanking you, Himika will mention that she will be available for recruitment at the inn. Sukune will advise you to travel south to save Kirin. The villagers outside will mention that no one has made it back alive from the Dark Castle to the south. The Dark Castle is home to the whole Moki army as well as the Eight Generals. The Dark Castle is apparently a maze of warp points if you speak to the person who wanted to purchase the Dark Kusanagi. When you are ready, exit the town to the south as the locked door will be removed. World Map You won't be able to travel north, so head south all the way to find the Dark Castle. =============================================================================== DARK CASTLE (WK19) Map: Items: Blue Soma x 6 Red Soma x 3 350 Coins 310 Coins Knife Illusion Spell Hail Spell 620 Coins Sword 160 Coins 370 Coins Calm Flute 810 Coins Enkai Spell Madara's Real Throat and Voice This castle will be extremely long and perhaps very difficult if you are not prepared. Make sure you bring lots of Brown Somas to cure Blind, Yellow Somas to cure Poison and perhaps a Purple Soma or two to cure Lure. You will be affected by some of these ailments throughout the trip here. Also don't be afraid to exit the castle and return to town to restock as you may need to take multiple trips. Casting Goriki is pretty much a must here. Ensure all allies have it activated at all times as you will really feel the lack of a fourth character here. This castle is one large maze with warp tiles scattered all over the place and twenty one treasure chests. I will walk you through the more efficient path to grab all the treasures while still creating the shortest way to the boss. On the first floor there are six treasure chests though so let’s clear them out first. Grab the Blue Soma from the chest west of the entrance. Now make your way north of this chest to find another containing a Red Soma. Now make your way to the northwest corner of the room to grab another Red Soma from the treasure chest. The last three chests are in the northeastern part of the room. Make your way there to grab the 350 Coins, 310 Coins and Knife from the chests. Now that the first floor treasures are gathered, return back to the entrance and you should see a warp tile to the east, take it. Head east and grab the Illusion Spell from the chest before taking the nearby warp. Grab the Blue Soma from the northern chest before heading west. Take the southern warp and you will be back at the northern part of the first floor. Now make your way southeast and you should see a warp tile against the eastern wall. Take it and you will be on a large red screen. Head north now and you will be wrapping yourself around the area as the path will take you west. You will eventually come upon two treasure chests and another warp tile. Ignore the warp tile and open the chests to receive the Hail Spell and 620 Coins. The Hail Spell is very powerful as it attacks all enemies on screen. From the chests, head south and make your way back east. You will eventually see a chest to the north. Open it to receive a Blue Soma. Head west from this chest and you will eventually find a northern warp tile. After stepping on the tile, grab the treasure chest to your west for a Red Soma and continue west and then north to reach another warp tile. Take it and grab the Blue Soma from the chest before taking the northern warp. Grab the lone chest to receive the Sword before returning back two warps. Now make your way north and then east to find a chest containing a Red Soma. Take the warp beside the chest and you will be back at the red area but on the inside of the border now. From here, head east to reach the chest with the Red Soma and continue east to take the warp. Head north and open the chest for 160 Coins. Now back track and return to the red area. Make your way west and you will come upon another chest. It will house 370 Coins. Now make your way to the warp tile directly south of the chest. Follow the path and take the next warp tile. You will now be in the top floor. Make your way south to find two chests. Open them to receive the Calm Flute and 810 Coins. Return now to the red area once again and this time make your way to the warp point to the south. Take it and grab the Enkai Spell from the chest before taking the next warp. You will once again be on the top floor but this time you can make your way to the boss since you've gathered all of the treasures. Whew. The path is linear and you will eventually come to Kageo Madara with Kirin. Kageo Madara will challenge you to follow him if you want Kirin back, but first wants you to take a test. He will then summon General Yoen Koboisu before leaping into the hole. Boss Battle - Yoen Koboisu The usual battle with the Generals, don't be afraid to return to town if you are low on supplies. Afterwards Madara will receive his real throat and voice. Now to progress you must jump into the same hole that Kageo Madara did. You may need to return back to town though for supplies. When you are ready, jump into the hole. Dark Castle Hole Head south and you'll see what appears to be Kirin. He will mention that he is being held in the room above before disappearing. Take the stairs and head north to find Kirin sleeping. Approach him and he will thank you and rejoin your party. Kageo Madara's voice will be heard gloating that he still has the Dark Kusanagi and that Madara's Light Kusanagi will never reach its full potential if it's not fused with the Dark Blade. He will also tell you that all Eight Generals that you defeated have been revived at Fort Egon before challenging you not to be late. Now that Kirin’s back in your party, you have four members once again. He will have very crappy equipment though so you will need to outfit him as soon as possible. Now you have to leave this place. Head north and there will be two staircases. One to the west and one to the east. Whatever you do, do not take the western stairs unless you want to travel through the Dark Castle again as you will appear on the World Map just below the Dark Castle with no way of returning here. Take the northeastern stairs to exit onto the World Map. =============================================================================== ROYAN (WK20) Items: None Enter the town right beside where you exited from. This is the small village of Royan. Speak to the townsfolk to learn that some Hijurans took up residence to the east of this village. A strange star can be viewed during night time. A famous thief named Fanleng went to explore a tomb to the southeast but never returned. This tomb dates back to the Ugayan Dynasty and has many pitfalls and treasures. You should have lots of money right now so take the time to visit the shops and gear up your characters again. You can also meet Emishi in the northeastern house who will tell you a story about a book called the Psalm of Nine Dragons. It will explain how to defeat the Eight Moki Generals but was sealed in a tomb. Emishi can read it if it's found. Alrighty, looks like our next destination is to find that tomb to the southeast. World Map There is a large area to explore here. To the far south is a castle that has a barrier around it preventing you from going in. East of Royan is a tunnel and you will find the Tomb area north of the castle and southeast of Royan surrounded by water. If you wish to be bold, you can travel very far to the southeast to find some other towns and area as the world map is extremely open now but the enemies get really strong. Enter the tomb when you are ready. =============================================================================== TOMB (WK21) Items: Psalm of Nine Brahman Eye Rations Make your way to the northeast staircase. There's nothing to explore in this large room so make your way north and fall through the hole in the ground to the floor below. Head towards the tomb in the middle of the room and the monster will attack. Boss Battle - Magyohyakuki Pretty much a typical random encounter enemy. Nothing to worry about. Once you defeat him, you will receive the book the Psalm of Nine. This is the book that Emishi was speaking of, now to return to him... Head southeast now and you will see something that you haven't seen in a long time. A time warp tile from Noah's Ark! Step on the tile and you will warp to the past. Now make your way west and you will find Fanleng, the famous thief, battling with Magyohyakuki over the Psalm of Nine Dragons book. The monster apparently uses the book as a pillow. The monster will win the struggle and rip the book out of the thief’s hands before sealing himself in the coffin. Fanleng will notice the party and be astonished that somehow you have the book. He will then swipe the book from the party and retreat up the nearby stairs. You will then hear the sound of him falling through the stairs. Follow him up the stairs but don't step on the tile travel device to the south just yet. Head northeast and grab the Brahman Eye and Agartha Robe from the chests. Very important not to drop or sell the Brahman Eye as it will make a future area a lot more easy to navigate if you still possess it. Ignore the stairs to the north as they will lead you outside, if you try to leave, you'll find that the tomb is surrounded by the water in the past so you can't go anywhere. Return to the time travel warp and head back to the future to present time. Now make your way northeast and fall through the hole once again. Now don't be alarmed, as you wander around you may think that you are stuck with no way to get out. Make your way to the western corner, past the coffin and if you step on the northwestern most tile you will notice a device in the floor before falling through. After you fall, you'll notice Fanlengs bones as he apparently never made it out of here in the past. You will then automatically take the book once more. Head west to exit and follow the path to finally exit this place and land on the world map. Now make your way back to Royan to the northwest so we can decipher this book. Royan Speak to Emishi in his northeastern house and he will start to read the book. The Eight Moki Generals came to earth from the Wicked Star. Kukai, the great Sage of the Inishe created a Shadow Pot to seal them away. Kukai was betrayed and killed while his disciples fled with the Shadow Pot. The Pot now lies in a temple south of Mount Shumi. The pot will be able to seal away the Moki for good. Speak to Emishi again and he will mention that you need to find a ship from the area south of Mount Shumi. For now, head east so we can explore the tunnel. Tunnel You will be informed that a horrible monster is blocking the tunnel and you will see it in the center along with Jato. As you engage the monster, Jato will tell you not to defy Miroku and to learn your place. You are then attacked. Boss Battle - Rokjakyo Another simple battle Jato will be upset with your constant pestering before disappearing. Grab the Rations from the southwestern chest before exiting out to the east. You will now be on the opposite side of the mountains. Enter the small village to the east. =============================================================================== SNOW VILLAGE (WK22) Items: Enlong Chant Seikanhu Spell Tied Spell Everyone will be mentioning that the Rations are late. Looks like Jato had the monster in the cave to cut off the towns food supply. Enter the southeastern house and you will give the man the Rations to save the townsfolk from hunger. He then asks you to head to the northeastern cave to defeat Maakusuira who is a horrible monster. Okay, let’s go monster slaying. World Map Like you were advised, the cave is northeast from the village. Let’s take a detour though, and keep traveling all the way east while following the mountains. Eventually you will come to a small drop of water by the mountains. Enter it to find the Spring of the Moon. Inside a man will teach Madara the Enlong Chant. Maakusuira's Cave This is a very short cave. The treasure chest to the northeast has the Seikanhu spell for an Inishe character. The southwestern chests contains the Tied Spell for Kirin. Make your way southeast and Jato will be there with Maakusuira. Jato is getting really annoyed with you always meddling in his affairs. He will then sick three Shadows on you. After beating them, the real battle begins. Boss Battle - Maakusuira He can use magic attacks that hit the whole party. After the battle, Jato will have disappeared again so return to the village. Snow Village Speak to the man in the southeastern house and he will be thankful for saving the village, but offer no reward. Make your way back through the tunnel to the Royan area. World Map Now let’s make your way southeast while hugging the mountains that the tunnel was on. When you reach the end of the mountains, notice in the northeast area there is a small spot you can squeeze through. You can enter this area to reach the town that has access to a boat, but let’s continue southeast for now. Eventually you'll find an area with two towns. The eastern town won't let you in unless you have a signed Permit so for now enter the western town. Make sure it's summer time and you will have access to those seasonal shops. =============================================================================== KAIRYU TOWN (WK23) Items: Signed Permit Champ Medal Shield x 2 Voodoo Spell Ashura Spell Armor Kasumi Blade Shiba Bow Mizumitama Spear Peg Leg Try not to enter the town during the summer to get the full effect of the story you are about to experience. You should be able to recruit some allies from the inn here too. Apparently every summer, this town has to sacrifice one female in order to receive protection from the Kairyu. Enter the southwestern house to meet next summer’s sacrifice. Exit the town and enter it once summer time comes. The seasonal shops will be here in the summer and the sacrifice set up will be in the center of town. Speak to the father of the girl to be sacrificed and he will beg you to confront the Kairyu about sacrificing his daughter. Agree to it and you will automatically end up a bit south of the town pier in front of a cave. Make your way to the demon to engage in battle. Boss Battle - Kairyu Same as any other battle. Once you defeat the dragon, you will be warped back to the house of the family that was to sacrifice their daughter. Speak to the daughter and she will be so overjoyed that she will ask Madara for marriage. Interesting banter from Kirin if you say yes... Speak to the father and he will give you a Signed Permit to allow you entry into the eastern fort. Make your way there now. Eastern Fort Speak to the townsfolk to learn that Kageo Madara is the Moki's new Chief. Various townsfolk speak of a tournament held in town where you have to fight a Moki. Speak to the man in blue at the southwest part of town and he will mention that you can catch a ship to Horai Island from a port to the north and that their price is insane. If you have a Peg Leg though, you can sail for free. The fee for the trip is 3000 Coins and he will try to sell his Peg Leg for 10000 Coins. He will state that he isn't trying to scam you though.. There's a Moki fortress to the northwest of town. Test your strength in the tournament to the south to do battle with some monsters. You will receive the Champ Medal for being victorious. Enter the Moki Fortress now. If you don't have the Champ Medal, you will have to beat up the guards. Once inside, grab all the loot to receive two Shields, Voodoo Spell for Kirin, Ashura Spell, Armor and Kasumi Blade. Take the stairs now to the second floor. Open the chests to receive the cursed Shiba Bow and Mizumitama Spear. The Mizumitama Spear is an excellent weapon for a fighter. Make your way south to Ryuchoja, the Moki commander. He will ask if you'd like to join. Saying yes will cause Kageo Madara to appear and scold Ryuchoja for allowing the enemy into the group. Either way, you will be attacked. Boss Battle - Ryuchoja Same as usual. Ensure you are buffed and heal when necessary. He does have a lightning attack which can hit the whole party for around 500 points of damage. In town now everyone will be thankful for dealing with the Moki. One guy even asks if you are Kaos, who has the reputation of ridding the towns of Moki. Make sure you purchase that Peg Leg from the man for 10000 Coins. It will allow you free use of the boat from the southern pier instead of having to pay 3000 Coins from a pier to the north. You can leave town now though and head north to reach that northern port town. Make sure you buy some of the more expensive weapons in the weapon shop before you leave. Some incredibly powerful weapons are for sale. =============================================================================== SAILING THE OCEAN (WK24) Items: None Now the fun begins. Note that you will not be randomly attacked while sailing and that you can only get off on towns/castles that are touching the sea as they will have a port. You can pretty much travel anywhere but there are areas where you will get a message that you cannot proceed. From the Eastern Port town, head north all the way while hugging the coast. You'll see an island with a town but ignore that for now while still hugging the coast and enter the harbor of the town to the west of the island. You could have visited this town before taking on Kairyu Town and the Eastern Fort. Port Town If you've tried to enter this town before you would have to defeat someone at the town entrance. If you speak to him now, if you possess the Champ Medal, he will suck up to you and offer respect. Everyone here seems to be praising Kaos and his army for making the town safe. Kaos will be in the southwest corner if you wish to speak with him. He will remain in town for a while. Not sure what happens if he was in your party. Perhaps an event would force him out in an early scenario. Anyways, when you are ready, exit here on your boat to the east. World Map Simply travel east until you find a small island with a town and a cave. =============================================================================== HORAI ISLAND (WK25) Items: Rinnehu Spell Speak to the townsfolk to learn that an incredible charm lies somewhere on this island and a legendary wizard once lived in the eastern mountains. The three men at the southern part of town will tell you to travel south to find what you seek, a shimmering spring lies to the east of a frozen country and there is something near the spring, and that your future is stained by darkness. All of your allies should be available for you at the inn. Rest up and exit town to take on that cave. Horai Island Cave Very simple cave, simply travel south to reach the treasure chest containing the Rinnehu spell. This is an extremely valuable spell for Inishe characters as it has the ability to revive a fallen character. Note that it does require 500M points, but it's a lot better than losing a character and having to back track at an inn to get them back. Exit the cave and return to your boat. World Map Take the advice from one of the men in the town and travel all the way south from Horai Island. You should eventually come across a land mass with many trees. You should eventually find the town of Shinpo. Enter it. Shinpo Speak to people to learn about Kare Forest and an old castle that lies on the other side of the forest. Mysterious things have been happening in Hijuran villages lately and some Hijurans are living on the other side of the forest. You are also warned of the Moki in the region. The weapon shop will have some new Helmets for sale if you'd like to upgrade. World Map If you travel all the way to the south, you will find the old castle. If you enter it, it will have a locked door and you can view some treasure chests that look like they've already been claimed. West of this castle is Doudan Village. =============================================================================== DOUNDAN VILLAGE (WK26) Items: Yoriki Spell Signal Flute Speak to people to learn that the old castle is where Emperor Miroku used to live. There's a weird rock structure to the northwest of town. You can save your game here if you'd like before entering the southeastern house. The chest inside the house has a valuable Yoriki spell. This works the same way Goriki does except this will work on the whole party at once for a little more than twice the cost. Speak to Dous, the Chief of Doudan Village and after introducing yourself to him you will explain your story so far. Speak to him again and he mentions that he has a plan to defeat the Emperor. He will then ask for your assistance. Say yes and he will request the Black Key from the ruins to the west. He will warn you of the monsters and asks you to see him when you return. Speak to him again and he will advise you to ask old man Moses how to cross the ocean. World Map Travel west now and follow the path north to reach a cabin. Inside will be Moses. He will confirm with you that you wish to get the Black Key and warns you of monsters. He tells you to defeat Toro Ryanha and to use the Signal Flute which he provides you to return back. Moses will then part the sea and you can continue on north to reach the ruins. =============================================================================== TORO RYANHA RUINS (WK27) Map: Items: Blue Soma x 2 Zio Coin Kaballah Scroll White Soma Red Soma 1200 Coins Gold Beetle Black Key Kubira Armor Pope Blade Precious Bell Travel north to enter the ruins. Take the stairs to the northeast. You will now be in a room with some staircases as well as holes in the floor. To grab all of the treasure and complete these ruins, you will have to take advantage of both. From the stairs, head south and you will notice two sets of stairs to the east. Take the northern staircase down and you will be in a small enclosure now with two more staircases. Take the stairs beside you and grab the Blue Soma and Zio Coin from the chests before returning. Now take the northern staircase and grab the Kaballah Scroll from the chest. Return now up two staircases to the second basement floor. Now take the southern staircase and follow the path to take another staircase. You will now be in the bottom most basement. Follow the path around to grab the two treasures from the chest. After receiving the very valuable White Soma and Red Soma, return all the way back to the first basement room by going back up two stairs. Now you will have to take advantage of the pitfalls to proceed. Fall into the northeastern most pitfall to fall to the floor below. Open the chest to receive 1200 Coins and then take the stairs. Now fall into the northern hole and take the stairs and follow the path to reach the second basement room again. Now make your way to the southeast area near a bunch of holes in the ground. There will be three holes in particular that seem to form an "L" with the bottom part of the "L" missing. You need to walk into the lower part of this "L" on the west side. If you land on the floor below and you can walk to a staircase below, you have succeeded. Take the stairs now and open the treasure chest to receive a Gold Beetle. Now to the west there will be two holes that you can fall into. Fall into the western one and grab the Blue Soma before taking the stairs. You will now be in an area with five holes that you can fall into. Your goal is to fall into the southeastern one. Do so and head north to engage Toro Ryanha. Boss Battle - Toro Ryanha He's pretty much a random battle at this point. Your spoils for victory is the Black Key that Dous requested. Take the stairs to the north now and follow the linear path collecting the rest of the treasures as you go. You should receive the Kubira Armor and Pope Blade. Now make your way out of the ruins and backtrack to the area that Moses left you off. In case you forget, it's the southwestern most square. You will automatically use the Signal Flute and cross the sea. Doudan Village Return to Dous and he will explain that the Black Key will unlock the old castle to the east. Inside the castle is a time traveling machine. We've seen those before. He will ask you to return to the past and destroy Miroku before he came into power. Agree with the plan and he will mention that a barrier protects the Hall of Time. He will then provide you with a Precious Bell that will be used to break through the barrier. When you are ready, enter the castle. =============================================================================== MIROKU'S OLD CASTLE (WK28) Map: Items: 400 Coins 220 Coins 380 Coins 420 Coins Green Soma Yellow Soma 670 Coins Brown Soma Pale Soma 550 Coins White Soma Purple Soma Red Soma x 2 Blue Soma x 2 Scion Blade Kimon Spear Sukyura Shield Kubira Armor Noble Cloth Mujaku Helmet 60 Coins 520 Coins Crystal Ball Dark Cape Barrier Jinx Make your way to the northeast part of the castle. There is a small area that leads out of the main castle area to the east. Head there and then make your way south to reach a staircase that isn't damaged. Take the staircase down to the basement and continue on while passing many already opened treasures. Eventually you will make it to one of those time warp tiles. Step on it and go back in time. You will now be in the basement in the past. All of the treasure chests will now be accessible and there are quite a few of them. Make your way to the stairs, but not before taking the 400 Coins, 220 Coins, 380 Coins and 420 Coins from the treasure chests. Up on the main floor, note that you cannot leave this castle as the doors are locked. Make your way north and pass back through the opening and grab the Green Soma from the chest. Ignore the stairs to the northeast as we are going to grab all of the treasures from this floor before proceeding on. Grab the Yellow Soma from the western chest and then make your way south. Once you hit the status in the middle of the castle floor head east and then north to grab the 670 Coins from the chest. Make your way south now and ignore the stairs. Grab the Brown Soma and Pale Soma from the chests before making your way west. From the western part of the floor, grab the 550 Coins from the chest before heading south and obtaining the valuable White Soma and Purple Soma. Now make your way to the northwest part of the map and grab the Red Soma and Blue Soma before taking the northwestern staircase. One this floor there will six treasure chests and you can obtain them all by opening all the chests in the small rooms from west to east. Inside the chests you will find the Scion Blade, Kimon Spear, Sukyura Shield, Kubira Armor, Noble Cloth and Mujaku Helmet. Once these treasures are claimed, take the stairs in the middle of the room. Note that this next room may have pitfalls. I had acquired and kept the item Brahman Eye from the tomb and apparently this item prevents you from falling through invisible pitfalls in this room. Apologies as since I never encountered these, I can't really guide you through. If you do fall through though, simply take the stairs and keep at it by trial and error. Now make your way south but ignore the staircase and continue south. Open the two chests for the Red Soma and Blue Soma. Take the southern stairs and grab the treasures from the two chests in the next room. Inside you will find 60 Coins and 520 Coins. Now return up the stairs you came from and travel north to that staircase you passed earlier in the middle of the room. After taking the stairs, you will now see a creature before you. Approach it and he will wonder how you snuck in here and note that Emperor Miroku is away. He will assume you are an Agarthan thief before attacking. Boss Battle - Jamoki He can hit pretty hard but as long as you buff yourself you will be okay. Afterwards you will find a letter from Miroku. It will mention that once he returns from the Star, the Ugaya Dynasty will fall. It will also request that the Eight Moki Generals are put into battle so that Miroku can be victorious over the Fudaraku. After reading the letter, make sure you grab the Crystal Ball and Dark Cape from the treasure chests. Now backtrack all the way back to the time warp device so that you can return to the present time. Doudan Village Speak to Dous. After being upset that Miroku wasn't there and the plan failed, Dous will request that you go to the Capital of the Heavens and defeat Miroku there. He will then give you the Barrier Jinx. Now travel all the way back to Shinpo so that you can hope back on your boat. Ocean from Shinpo Now that you have the Barrier Jinx, you can now break the Banto barrier. Do you remember the castle that was south of Royan and the Tomb? You can now enter it. Before we do that though, there is something we need to get. Sail west from Shinpo and you should hit land. Follow the coast to the southwest and you will find an area that you can dock your ship. =============================================================================== MOUNTAIN ENTRANCE (WK29) Items: Red Soma x 2 Kabbalah Scroll 710 Coins Shomei Spell Hellfire Spell Eternal Shield Sword Armor Helmet Shield Shadow Pot Speak to the man who introduces himself as a disciple of Kukai, the Great Sage from the Psalm of Nine book you had translated. He will request that you retrieve the Shadow Pot from the Moki who reside here. Since you need the Shadow Pot to seal the Eight Generals, sounds like a decent plan. Head north to enter the mountain. Mountain Map: Make your way to the northwestern stairs and take them down to reach a chest containing a Red Soma. Return and take the stairs almost beside you to grab the Kabbalah Scroll from the chest. Return now and make your way to the eastern area. Take the western stairs to grab another Red Soma from the chest. Return and take the eastern stairs to grab 710 Coins from the chest. Return once again and this time return to the entrance. You can walk to the west if you hug the wall. Take the stair down and then immediately return back up. Now travel north while hugging the wall to take another set of stairs. Follow the path while taking the next two sets of stairs and you will now be in an area with stairs all over. Take the northern staircase to reach a room with a Shomei Spell. Return and take the northeastern stairs to grab the Hellfire Spell from the chest. Return and take the southwestern staircase to grab the Eternal Shield from the chest. Return again and take the southeastern stairs to reach an area with a boss and a bunch of chests. If you bypass the boss for now you can open four chests containing pretty crappy stuff. A Sword, Armor, Helmet, and Shield. When you are ready, engage the boss. Boss Battle - Sibarani I found this guy even weaker than some of the random battles in the area. Open the chest once you've defeated the Sibarani to receive the Shadow Pot. Now you are able to seal those Eight Moki Generals. World Map Return to the world map now as it's time to take on the Banto Castle area that was previously sealed. Sail your ship back towards the northeast while hugging the coast and enter Kairyu Town. Hopefully it will be summer and you can grab some White Somas from the General Store. You should have tons of money at this point. Exit Kairyu Town by foot and walk to the west along the coast. You will eventually come upon the previously sealed castle. Enter it. =============================================================================== BANTO CASTLE (WK30) Map: Items: Raijin Fang Spell Light Green Key Red Soma Deep Red Key Baramon Bracelet Tenou Suit Fuilong Chant Right off the bat you will be attacked by a Kitarogiga. Quickly dispose of it and make your way to the southeast. Grab the chest to receive the Raijin Fang spell for Kirin. Approach the creature to the east and defeat it to receive the Light Green Key. Make your way to the western area now and grab the chest to receive the Red Soma. Defeat the creature to the west and you will receive the Deep Red Key. Now that you have both keys, take the staircase to the north. Now make your way through the two doors to the south and you will have another creature in your path. After defeating it, make your way south and you will find both Jato and Kageo Madara. Kageo will belittle the little bunny rabbit before ultimately firing him. This is the last time you will see or hear of Jato. Kageo Madara will request that you cross the sea and come to Fort Egon. He will be waiting along with the Eight Moki Generals. After he disappears, head west and travel through some damage tiles to reach the next set of stairs. Grab the chest to receive the Baramon Bracelet before heading north through the damage tiles. Now make your way to the southwest to take the stairs. Make your way to the two men near the staircase. Yumiru will mention how Banto has fallen before urging his commander to go on ahead. He will then attack you. Boss Battle - Yumiru Yumiru has a fire attack which can hit the whole party for over 1000 points of damage. Keep an eye on everyone's HP and buff status. Take the stairs and then exit onto the boat. Follow the linear path to find the commander, grabbing the Tenou Suit from the chest along the way. Boss Battle - Kajukira Kajukira has strong magic attacks so protect yourself. Afterwards, simply backtrack back to Banto Castle and then hop back on the boat to take control. Now you will be able to sail across the inner sea. Not much to do here really except sail south and enter Koshi. Koshi Speak to everyone to learn about Fort Egon to the south that the Eight Moki Generals are gathered in. This fort belongs to Kageo Madara. The Capital of Heavens lies far beyond Fort Egon. You should be able to recruit some allies at the inn. Notice that the inn price has doubled yet again? Prices have also doubled in the General Store. World Map Exit town now and though Fort Egon is to the south, make your way northeast and travel around the mountain. Make sure you are hugging close to the mountain. It's a really long trek, but you will eventually come to a teacher who will teach you the Fuilong Chant. This is the strongest chant available and hits all monsters on screen. Make your way back to Koshi now and then travel south to find Fort Egon. =============================================================================== FORT EGON (WK31) Map: Items: Red Soma Moki Key Karma Blade Purple Key Agarthan Ring 770 Coins 990 Coins Make your way east and then south to grab the Red Soma from the treasure chest. Now return and travel south and then east and north to grab the Moki Key from the other chest. Make your way to the man by the door. He is there to ensure you have the Shadow Pot. Go through the door now and make your way through the linear path. You cannot take the door to exit the Fort at this point so continue west. You won't be able to see it, but there is a battle coming up as stepping on the tiles will trigger a battle against one of the Eight Moki Generals. Boss Battle - Kajura It's been a while since you've battled this guy. He has a lightning attack that he can use. After defeating him, he will be sealed away in the Shadow Pot. Head north and as you turn to go east, another Moki General will await you. Boss Battle - Onkai Gyoma He will have a lightning attack which can hit all allies. He will also get swallowed by the Shadow Pot after defeat. Carry on and take the stairs. Before you even get a chance to move on the second floor, you will be attacked. Boss Battle - Choryo Bakko Mostly a physical fight here but this General hits really hard. He can also shoot a fireball at you. He will also get sealed after the battle. You have to be on your toes here and be prepared for anything. Make your way to the staircase in the center of the room. Right before you hit the small wall that houses the staircase, you guessed it, another battle. Boss Battle - Seizanpa Naro Another mostly physical attacker. After sealing him, walk towards the stairs and yet another General will attack. Boss Battle - Seizanpa Nae This guy has an ice attack which will hit all allies as high at 1500 points of damage. That can be devastating if you don't have your "riki" spells activated. Ensure everyone has at least 1600HP and keep them above that level. Now you can take the stairs after sealing him in the Shadow Pot. Make your way to the next set of stairs to the west. Before you can take them though. Boss Battle - Chohito Gairen Chohito has the ability to steal magic from you. Swallow him in the Pot and take the stairs. Grab the treasure chest to receive the cursed Karma Blade. Approach the stairs now and face the next General. Boss Battle - Yoen Koboisu This guy can cast a flame spell that will hit each member of the party for upwards of 1700 points of damage. Very important to take him out as quickly as possible and to not take defense or healing for granted. Once you seal him, head upstairs to take on your nemesis Kageo Madara. He will be sitting by the throne. Approach him to do battle. Boss Battle - Kageo Madara After doing some damage to him, he will cast magic and disappear, but not before dropping off a Purple Key. This key will allow you to open the southern door on the first floor. Now we have to return to the first floor. You will notice some people are traversing the dangerous floor. These are the last survivors of the Ugaya Dynasty. They managed to survive by hiding deep underground. The city of Darai is hidden below this fort. Make your way to the treasure chest that had the Red Soma inside it. There will now be a staircase beside it. Take it to visit the city. Darai Darai was built by a famous Sage who vanished. Queen Uzume is the town leader who descended from the Ugaya Dynasty. The weapon shop will have some great items here. Make sure any Inishe characters purchase the Azure Bow as that will be the strongest weapon they can equip. Enter the northern palace and you will be able to meet the Queen. She will introduce herself if you speak with her before giving her the Agarthan Ring as it's required to enter the Capital of the Heavens. Speak to her again and she will advise you to speak with Hatsuse if you are in trouble in the Capital. Open the chests to receive 770 Coins and 990 Coins. If might not be a bad idea to quickly return to Koshi to sell any access items and weapons you may have to clear up your inventory. When you are ready, exit Fort Egon by taking the door to the south. World Map Make your way south through the damaging poisonous swamp that takes 20HP off for every step you take. Eventually you will come upon a cavern. Enter it. =============================================================================== CAVERN (WK32) Items: Shidenkai Spear Rikio Suit Salamander Blade Red Soma 1200 Coins Seiken Kusanagi True King Suit Eternal Flame Make your way west and open the chest to receive a Shidenkai Spear. Continue west to find a Rikio Suit as well as a Salamander Blade, the strongest Blade at this point so far. Now make your way south and grab the Red Soma from the chest before heading southwest. Grab the 1200 Coins from the treasure chest before making your way to Kageo Madara. This battle is going to be tough so take the time to apply all your buff statues and ensure your health is high. Boss Battle - Kageo Madara He hits extremely hard here so you have to ensure that if your buffs wear out, you recast them immediately. He can use a fire attack which will hit all characters for huge damage if you aren't buffed and he can break your buffs with one attack. If he hits this attack twice in a row, it's all over. Even if he hits his attacks once when you are unbuffed, as soon as you rebuff ensure that you heal all characters again. After the battle, Kageo will notice your Agarthan Ring and realize that he is only Madara's Shadow before being sealed in the Shadow Pot. Now Madara's Light Kusanagi will fuse together with Kageo's Dark Kusanagi to form the Seiken Kusanagi. You will have to equip it or else your next battle may be without a weapon for Madara. Now make your way west and note that door that you cannot go through at the moment and take the passage that exits to the north. You will now be in a town like area with the villagers warning you to run away. One person will think that Madara and Kaos are coming to kill everyone. Hatsuse will be to the north. He will explain that the Capital is in a panic and to sneak in while you have an opportunity. He says that you can try to dress like a nobleman to fool the guards, or to try the southeast sewer duct. I haven't tried putting on all noble clothing so I took the sewer. Enter it to begin. Sewer Follow the path and turn north at the intersection. Once you reach the top, make your way west and then north at the next intersection. Now travel east, north, and then east to reach the staircase. Travel north all the way to reach the stairs. You will now be in the throne room of Emperor Miroku Boss Battle - Emperor Miroku Remember how many of the past boss battles were simply little more than a random battle? This is a boss fight. Miroku can cast a spell that hits the whole party for over 2000HP each. This can wipe out your party in one shot if you won't watch your HP levels. Ensure you are buffing with Yoriki, cast Ashura on everyone to increase their attack and immediately heal or rebuff if any damage is taken or buff removed. After the battle, the Shadow Pot will shatter. Pitch black shadows will sway around the chamber. All of a sudden the room will turn into one willed with lava. You will hear the emperor’s voice laughing at the thought of sealing him. It's very unlucky when the Shadow Pot breaks and the Emperor has fused all his parts together and he's now as good as new. He will then thank you by sending you into the flames of hell. Each step takes off 20HP. Carefully head all the way back to Hatsuse. He will notice a bloody huge Moki Queen before telling you to head back to Darai. Darai Everyone will be happy now that they can go to the outside world. One person in town mentions that the sage went to a cave on the east edge of town. Head to the palace and you will see that somehow Hatsuse beat you there. Speak to the Queen and she'll mention that the appearance of the Moki Queen was prophecy. She will then tell you to meet the prophet Ikoze. Exit the palace now and there will be a small cave to the northeast. Enter the cave and grab the True King Suit from the treasure chest. Make your way to the west to find the Prophet Ikoze. Ikoze will explain to you that the Wicked star is the birthplace of the Moki. Aeons ago, the Moki Queen came to Earth from the Wicked Star but was resisted by the Agarthans. They tore her body to shreds and thus, the Eight Moki Generals were born from those shreds. Now that she has been reborn, she will likely return to the Wicked Star. Even if she leaves, there's no doubt she will try to come back. You can board a ship called the Ame no Torifune at Mount Shumi's peak. He will then give you an Eternal Flame which will be used to take the ship into space. Now it would be a good idea to return to a town like Kairyu Town to purchase a whole bunch of White Somas from the seasonal shop. As long as you save the game from the tree in Koshi, you can always warp back using the Kanraihu spell. Once you are ready, return to the cavern where you defeated Kageo Madara. The path that was blocked will now be open and you can scale Mount Shumi. Mount Shumi Simply follow the linear path until you come upon the Ame no Torifune. You will automatically board it and sail into space before landing on the Wicked Star. Note that once you land on the Wicked Star, there is no way to leave unless your party gets defeated. It's all or nothing here. =============================================================================== WICKED STAR (WK33) Map: Items: Meteor Spell You will be dropped off on the Wicked Star and this dungeon is like a super maze. It has warp points that lead from one side of the star, to a middle section and then back to the other side of the star. This has the potential to be extremely confusing but I will outline the path to the Moki Queen. From the entrance, take the stairs to the north. This area is the center of the star. Take the stairs and you will exit on to the other side of the star. Grab the chest containing the Meteor Spell for Kirin and then take the stairs to the south. Follow the path and when you exit, you will be in an area that has four warp points including the one you came from. Make your way south, passing the warp point along the way and taking the southern warp. Follow the path and you will exit in a section that has two warp points to the northeast. Skip the first one you see and take the northern most one. Follow the path until you exit out into another area with three warp points. Take the one directly to the south (not the one to the far south) and simply follow the rest of the linear pathways. You will know you are getting closer when you can see the Earth prior to the last warp point. Once you step on the last warp point, you will fall through and land in the Moki Queen's chamber. Make your way north and the Moki Queen will summon her minions. You will first have to defeat four Oniworms, four Hachukagras, four Shanbarakas and three Jakimajins. Once those guys are defeated engage the Moki Queen. Boss Battle - Moki Queen This is the hardest battle in the game and can be quite an eye opener. If you've been cruising through the game without much of an issue, prepare to be blown away. The Moki Queen is fully capable of instantly killing your whole party with 1-2 attacks if you are not prepared. Her attacks are also strong enough to remove any Goriki/Yoriki buffs you have activated as well as reduce your characters HP. Past battles you could worry about healing a character and have a "safe" zone as long as Goriki/Yoriki was enabled but not here. I'd dedicate one character for rebuffing and re-healing almost every few seconds. If Moki Queen misses some attacks consider yourself lucky. Prior to the battle I would enable all buffs like Ashura, Yoriki, Enkai and Senri. Yoriki will have to be reactivated pretty much after every attack you receive. After the battle, the Moki Queen mentions that the Wicked Star will crash into the earth. You will hear Tatara's voice telling Madara to use his Chakra to banish the Wicked Star from this world. A cut scene will then play out of Madara using his Chakra. The Wicked Star will shake wildly and almost collides with the Earth. It will appear that everyone blew up on the Wicked Star but you will see Madara and friends back on earth with Madara lying unconscious in a large field. He will blink a few times and then open his eyes to the joy of his comrades. The Konami screen will appear signaling the end of the game. You have just completed Mouryou Senki Madara. ******************************************************************************* SHOPPING LIST: (SHPL) ******************************************************************************* Here is a list of all general stores, weapon shops and tailor shops in Madara. =============================================================================== NISO FOREST General Store: Red Soma...........................................................50 Blue Soma..........................................................50 Yellow Soma........................................................100 Green Soma.........................................................200 Kabbalah Scroll....................................................100 Wine...............................................................250 Weapon Shop Helmet.............................................................50 Knife..............................................................100 Shield.............................................................100 Bow................................................................200 Stone Axe..........................................................400 Armor..............................................................400 =============================================================================== WIND PALACE TOWN General Store Blue Soma..........................................................50 Yellow Soma........................................................100 Cobra Fang.........................................................100 Gold Beetle........................................................200 Zio Coin...........................................................300 Echo Bar...........................................................1000 Weapon Shop Helmet.............................................................50 Knife..............................................................100 Shield.............................................................100 Bow................................................................200 Stone Axe..........................................................400 Armor..............................................................400 =============================================================================== IKARUGA Weapon Shop Rubikon Helmet.....................................................100 Karida Shield......................................................400 Spear..............................................................600 Sword..............................................................1000 Big Bow............................................................1200 Big Armor..........................................................1500 General Store (fall only) Brown Soma.........................................................1000 White Soma.........................................................10000 Kaio Suit..........................................................15000 Raio Suit..........................................................20000 Kouo Suit..........................................................26000 Meio Suit..........................................................33000 =============================================================================== KINGDOM OF SOMA General Store Red Soma...........................................................50 Blue Soma..........................................................50 Yellow Soma........................................................100 Green Soma.........................................................100 Purple Soma........................................................300 Pale Soma..........................................................500 Tailors Traveler Cloth.....................................................200 Maiko Cloth........................................................500 Cotton Mesh........................................................3000 Noble Cloth........................................................5000 Monarch Cloth......................................................10000 Weapon Shop Rubikon Helmet.....................................................100 Karida Shield......................................................400 Big Armor..........................................................1500 Tomahawk...........................................................2000 Furona Bow.........................................................2500 Long Spear.........................................................3000 =============================================================================== NOAH'S ARK DESERTED TOWN Tailor Traveler Cloth.....................................................200 Maiko Cloth........................................................500 Cotton Mesh........................................................3000 Agartha Robe.......................................................3000 Noble Cloth........................................................5000 Monarch Cloth......................................................10000 =============================================================================== KUGUTSU General Store Red Soma...........................................................100 Blue Soma..........................................................100 Yellow Soma........................................................200 Tornado Seed.......................................................200 Trick Vision.......................................................300 Wind Seal..........................................................500 Invisible Chain....................................................1000 Weapon Shop Mujaku Helmet......................................................200 Judgment Shield....................................................900 Tomahawk...........................................................2000 Furona Bow.........................................................2500 Long Spear.........................................................3000 Kubira Armor.......................................................3500 =============================================================================== MITAMA VILLAGE Weapon Shop Mujaku Helmet......................................................200 Judgment Shield....................................................900 Kamaitachi Axe.....................................................3500 Kubira Armor.......................................................3500 Kasumi Blade.......................................................5000 Kimon Spear........................................................6500 =============================================================================== RASEN CASTLE General Store Yellow Soma........................................................200 Green Soma.........................................................400 Purple Soma........................................................600 Kabbalah Scroll....................................................100 Pale Soma..........................................................1000 Wine...............................................................250 Tailors Traveler Cloth.....................................................200 Maiko Cloth........................................................500 Cotton Mesh........................................................3000 Noble Cloth........................................................5000 Monarch Cloth......................................................10000 Weapon Shop Rubikon Helmet.....................................................100 Karida Shield......................................................400 Spear..............................................................600 Sword..............................................................1000 Big Bow............................................................1200 Big Armor..........................................................1500 General Store (Winter only) Brown Soma.........................................................2000 White Soma.........................................................20000 Kaio Suit..........................................................15000 Raio Suit..........................................................20000 Kouo Suit..........................................................26000 Meio Suit..........................................................33000 =============================================================================== XIFANG Weapon Shop Sahasu Helmet......................................................400 Kamaitachi Axe.....................................................3500 Kasumi Blade.......................................................5000 Kimon Spear........................................................6500 Shatra Armor.......................................................6500 Moai Bow...........................................................8000 General Store Cobra Fang.........................................................100 Tornado Seed.......................................................200 Trick Vision.......................................................300 Pale Soma..........................................................1000 Wind Seal..........................................................500 Invisible Chain....................................................1000 General Store (spring only) Brown Soma.........................................................2000 White Soma.........................................................20000 Kaio Suit..........................................................15000 Raio Suit..........................................................20000 Kouo Suit..........................................................26000 Meio Suit..........................................................33000 =============================================================================== BODAI Weapon Shop Sahasu Helmet......................................................400 Shatra Armor.......................................................6500 Moai Bow...........................................................8000 Pope Blade.........................................................10000 Scion Blade........................................................12000 Fuugin Axe.........................................................14500 General Store Red Soma...........................................................100 Blue Soma..........................................................100 Yellow Soma........................................................200 Green Soma.........................................................400 Gold Beetle........................................................200 Zio Coin...........................................................300 =============================================================================== RYOSAN General Store Yellow Soma........................................................200 Green Soma.........................................................400 Purple Soma........................................................600 Pale Soma..........................................................1000 Brown Soma.........................................................2000 Echo Bar...........................................................1000 =============================================================================== ROYAN Weapon Shop Sukyura Shield.....................................................1500 Pope Blade.........................................................10000 Indra Armor........................................................10000 Scion Blade........................................................12000 Fuujin Axe.........................................................14500 Shidenkai Spear....................................................19500 General Store Red Soma...........................................................100 Blue Soma..........................................................100 Yellow Soma........................................................200 Green Soma.........................................................400 Purple Soma........................................................600 Brown Soma.........................................................2000 =============================================================================== KAIRYU TOWN General Store (summer only) Brown Soma.........................................................2000 White Soma.........................................................20000 Kaio Suit..........................................................15000 Raio Suit..........................................................20000 Kouo Suit..........................................................26000 Meio Suit..........................................................33000 =============================================================================== EASTERN FORT Weapon Shop Sukyura Shield.....................................................1500 Indra Armor........................................................10000 Shidenkai Spear....................................................19500 Yasha Blade........................................................22500 Myouo Blade........................................................25500 Ashura Blade.......................................................2900 General Store Cobra Fang.........................................................100 Tornado Seed.......................................................200 Trick Vision.......................................................300 Wind Seal..........................................................500 Invisible Chain....................................................1000 Wine...............................................................250 =============================================================================== PORT TOWN General Store Red Soma...........................................................100 Blue Soma..........................................................100 Yellow Soma........................................................200 Green Soma.........................................................400 Purple Soma........................................................600 Brown Soma.........................................................2000 Tailors Traveler Clothes...................................................200 Maiko Cloth........................................................500 Cotton Mesh........................................................3000 Noble Cloth........................................................5000 Monarch Cloth......................................................10000 =============================================================================== SHINPO General Store Red Soma...........................................................100 Blue Soma..........................................................100 Kabbalah Scroll....................................................100 Gold Beetle........................................................200 Zio Coin...........................................................300 Echo Bar...........................................................1000 Weapon Shop Amogo Helmet.......................................................600 Ezekiel Helmet.....................................................900 Rikio Suit.........................................................10000 Yasha Blade........................................................22500 Myouo Blade........................................................25500 Ashura Blade.......................................................29000 =============================================================================== KOSHI General Store Yellow Soma........................................................400 Green Soma.........................................................800 Tornado Seed.......................................................200 Purple Soma........................................................1200 Pale Soma..........................................................2000 Brown Soma.........................................................4000 =============================================================================== DARAI Weapon Shop Amogu Helmet.......................................................600 Ezekiel Helmet.....................................................900 Riko Suit..........................................................10000 Azusa Bow..........................................................32500 Susano Blade.......................................................36000 Raijin Axe.........................................................40000 ******************************************************************************* ITEMS: (ITMS) ******************************************************************************* Agarthan Ring - Helps seal Kageo Madara Baramon Bracelet - increases HP an MP by 1 for every three steps taken Barrier Jinx - Allows access to Banto Castle Bat Key - Opens a door in Kajura's Castle Battle Gadgets - Powers up Madara's attack for 50M Black Key - allows entry into Miroku's Old Castle Blessed Salt - Needed to restore Lone Tree Blue Key - Opens a door in Jamira's Dungeon Blue Soma - restores MP Brahman Eye - Prevents party from falling through invisible holes Brown Soma - recovers blind Calm Flute - seals an enemy’s spells Champ Medal - Medal signifying winner of the tournament Cobra Fang - attempts to poison enemy Crystal Ball - Increases HP recovery rate Crystal Powder - Needed to restore Lone Tree Deep Red Key - Opens a door in Banto Castle Desert Key - Opens Desert Castle Ear Key - Opens a door in Kajura's Castle Echo Bar - lures an enemy towards the user Eternal Flame - Allows use of space ship Ame no Torifune Gold Beetle - attempts to slow down an enemy Green Soma - recovers from paralysis Invisible Chain - attempts to paralyze an enemy Kaballah Scroll - prevents enemy from using magic Kekkaju - automatically fuses with the Kusanagi to create the Light Kusanagi Light Green Key - Opens a door in Banto Castle Madara's Real Ears - Madara's body part Madara's Real Eyes - Madara's body part Madara's Real Hands - Madara's body part Madara's Real Heart - Madara's body part Madara's Real Legs - Madara's body part Madara's Real Throat and Voice - Madara's body part Mahni Flame - removes a curse Map of the Abyss - allows access to the Pyramid Mark of Cain - Enter rebel’s hideout in Kugutsu Moki Key - Opens a door in Fort Egon Orb of the Orochi Tribe - Enable passage beyond the Wall of Sand Pale Soma - restores HP and MP Peg Leg - Allows you to control a boat Pond Key - Access dungeon in Guaro and Buro Precious Bell - Breaks through Barrier in Miroku's Old Castle Psalm of Nine - Book that explains backstory and history of Shadow Pot Purple Key - Opens door to exit Fort Egon Purple Soma - recovers from Lure status Rations - Food for Snow Town Red Key - Opens a door in Jamira's Dungeon Red Soma - restores HP Sazanami - enable Madara to use Battle Gadgets. Controlled by Kirin Shadow Pot - Required to seal the Eight Moki Generals Signal Flute - Signal to Moses to part the sea Signed Permit - Allows entry into Eastern Fort Silver Staff - Use to wake Nayuta Tao Braid - Required to ride to Ryosan Tornado Seed - casts Tornado Trick Vision - Casts Black Mist Yellow Soma - removes poison White Soma - revives character/heals full HP and MP Wind Seal - prevents status ailment Wine - attempts to put an enemy to sleep Wolf Key - Opens a door in Garden Point Zio Coin - escapes from a dungeon ******************************************************************************* EQUIPMENT: (EQMT) ******************************************************************************* Note that equipment in this game has a unique way of calculating it's actual attribute. Below I have listed an approximation, it may vary as equipment stats are altered by character stats. Calculations: Base Attack = (3.75 + level × 0.125) × strength Base Defense = (3.75 + level × 0.125) × agility Weapon and Armor Value = Base Value + (× level rise value) Level rise value is = 1/30 of base value. So if something had a value of 100 as its base value. It would increase your attack or defense by 3 at level 1 to a total of 103. Each level increased would add another 3 to the total so at level 2, it would be 106 and so on. As levels rise, so will your applicable stats. The below listings are not 100% accurate as they are not base level stats. They were taken with Level rise values included in the totals so some will be slightly higher or lower than others. This is a generalization so you will know which pieces of equipment are significantly stronger than others though. The following will show which types of characters can equip which kind of weapons and armor. This will be separated by Fighters (F), Shamen (S) and Inishe (I). Note that only Madara can equip the Kusanagi equipment. Weapons: Swords |Value|F|S|I| Ashura Blade..................................| 1254|x| | | Karma Blade...................................| 2094|x|x|x|Cursed Kasumi Blade..................................| 375|x|x|x| Knife.........................................| 39|x|x|x| Kunsanagi Blade...............................| 170|x| | | Light Kusanagi................................| 440|x| | | Myouo Blade...................................| 1200|x|x|x| Pope Blade....................................| 600|x|x| | Salamander Blade..............................| 2100|x| | | Scion Blade...................................| 688|x|x|x| Seiken Kusanagi...............................| 1980|x| | | Susano Blade..................................| 1591|x| | | Sword.........................................| 128|x| | | Yasha Blade...................................| 1106|x|x| | Axes |Value|F|S|I| Fuugin Axe....................................| 900|x| | | Kamaitachi Axe................................| 375|x|x| | Raijin Axe....................................| 1750|x| | | Stone Axe.....................................| 80|x|x|x| Tomahawk......................................| 277|x|x|x| Spears |Value|F|S|I| Kimon Spear...................................| 500|x| |x| Long Spear....................................| 302|x|x|x| Mizumitama Spear..............................| 1522|x| | | Shidenkai Spear...............................| 980|x| | | Spear.........................................| 122|x|x|x| Bows |Value|F|S|I| Azusa Bow.....................................| 1530|x|x|x| Big Bow.......................................| 175|x|x|x| Bow...........................................| 58|x|x|x| Furona Bow....................................| 275|x|x|x| Moai Bow......................................| 630|x|x|x| Shiba Bow.....................................| 1425|x|x|x|Cursed Armor: |Value|F|S|I| Agartha Robe..................................| 300|x|x|x| Armor.........................................| 77|x|x|x| Big Armor.....................................| 195|x|x| | Bishmon Armor.................................| 750|x| | | Cotton Mesh...................................| 220|x|x|x| Dark Cape.....................................| 412|x|x|x|Cursed Fudaraku Armor................................| 878|x|x|x|Cursed Indra Armor...................................| 713|x|x| | Kaio Suit.....................................| 825|x| | | Kouo Suit.....................................| 1100|x| | | Kubira Armor..................................| 322|x|x|x| Maiko Clothes.................................| 39|x|x|x| Meio Suit.....................................| 1238|x| | | Monarch Cloth.................................| 385|x|x|x| Noble Cloth...................................| 275|x|x|x| Raio Suit.....................................| 963|x| | | Rikio Suit....................................| 625|x| | | Shatra Armor..................................| 480|x|x|x| Tenou Suit....................................| 1785|x| | | Traveler Cloth................................| 50|x|x|x| True King Suit................................| 2130|x| | | Shields: |Value|F|S|I| Dragon Scale..................................| 450|x| | | Eternal Shield................................| 502|x| | | Judgment Shield...............................| 183|x|x| | Karida Shield.................................| 97|x|x|x| Shield........................................| 39|x|x|x| Sukyura Shield................................| 275|x| | | Helmets: |Value|F|S|I| Amogo Helmet..................................| 197|x| | | Ezekiel Helmet................................| 221|x| | | Helmet........................................| 20|x|x| | Mujaku Helmet.................................| 92|x|x| | Rubikon Helmet................................| 48|x|x| | Sahasu Helmet.................................| 90|x| | | ******************************************************************************* SPELLS: (SPLS) ******************************************************************************* Here is a list of spells in Madara. Spells are sorted into three main categories. Spirit, Shaman and Chant. Spirit Magic|Effect Ashura............100|increase attack power Enkai.............100|increases dodge Gadatsu...........250|escapes from battle Goriki............200|protects character from attacks for a little while Illusion..........300|causes Lure status on an enemy Jokahu............150|protects characters from receiving status ailments Kanraihu..........350|instantly warps back to last save tree Rinnehu...........500|revives with half HP and M, doesn't work all the time Seikanhu..........300|escapes from a dungeon Senri.............150|increases defense Shomei............400|recovers from ailments Shuntenhu.........200|Instantly change the season on the world map Yoriki............450|protects whole party from attacks for a little while Shaman Magic|Effect Soma Arts.........100|heals character's HP Iceball...........150|ice attack on one enemy Poison Fang.......150|attempts to poison one enemy Tornado...........200|wind attack on one enemy Black Mist........250|Blinds an enemy Thunder...........250|Lightning attack on one enemy Hypnotize.........100|Knocks out an enemy Flame Wall........300|strong fire damage on one enemy Meteor............500|hits all enemies for heavy damage Hail..............350|attacks all enemies on screen with Ice Tied..............350|Paralyzes an opponent Voodoo............400|cuts an enemy’s HP in half Raijin Fang.......400|Lightning attack on one enemy Chant Magic|Effect Enlong............150|more powerful than Shanglong projectile attack on enemy Fuilong...........200|most powerful projectile attack that hits all enemies Shanglong.........100|more powerful than Shaolong projectile attack on an enemy Shaolong...........50|projectile attack on an enemy ******************************************************************************* RECRUITMENT: (RCMT) ******************************************************************************* In this section, I am going to touch on how to recruit characters as well as what happens to them after you revive them (they disappear for a while). Note that you can only recruit players after certain storyline conditions are met. These are explained in the walkthrough. You can get clues to where certain characters are located by using the Foretell option at any Lone Tree. It will generally provide you a character, as well as the location he or she may be in. Once you are at an applicable location, you will recruit party members from the town’s inn. Be careful when switching characters and understand that any items and equipment currently equipped on a character will disappear next time you summon that character back. It's often a good idea to completely strip a character before you swap them out. On the other side, a character that you are bringing back from the inn will only have a couple pieces of equipment and zero items that you left them with. Inactive characters will level up as you progress the story. It's possible to leave a character in the early game at level 9, then pick them up much later in the game and have them come in at level 28 for example. Certain characters will come in with certain equipment at certain points in the game. Below is a list of the plot point, and what equipment you can expect them to have. Before the Corridor of Flame: Madara will have the Kusanagi and Armor Kirin will have the Bow and Armor Shaman will have the Sword and Armor Hakutaku will have the Knife and Traveler Cloth Loki will have the Sword and Armor Nayuta will have the Knife and Noble Cloth After the Corridor of Flame: Madara will have his current Kusanagi and Armor Kirin will have the Bow and Armor Hakutaku will have the Knife and Traveler Cloth Loki will have the Kamaitachi Axe, Shield, Helmet and Armor Nayuta will have the Knife and Noble Cloth Shamon will have the Pope Sword, Helmet and Armor Jamira will have the Pope Sword, Carida Shield, Rubikon Helmet and Shatra Armor Kaos will have the Kasumi Sword, Carida Shield and Kubira Armor Seishinja will have the Scion Blade and Rikio Suit Himika will have the Knife and Maiko Clothes Around Late Endgame (once Kaos cannot be recruited) Madara will have the Light Kusanagi and Raio Suit Kirin will have the Bow and Armor Hakutaku will have the Knife and Traveler Cloth Loki will have the Myouo Blade, Dragon Scale, Mujaku Helmet and Shatra Armor Nayuta will have the Knife and Agartha Robe Shamon will have the Ashura Blade and Kouo Suit Jamira will have the Susano Blade, Sukyura Shield, Amogo Helmet, Bishmon Armor Seishinja will have the Fuugin Axe and Raio Suit Himika will have the Azusa Bow and Cotton Mesh Note that if Madara dies while holding the Seiken Kusanagi and revived at a healer, he won't get it back. He will be revived with his Light Kusanagi and it cannot be transferred off of his corpse like other items can. ******************************************************************************* ODDITIES AND MUSINGS: (ODMU) ******************************************************************************* Just a note that this section contains spoilers. Buying and Selling items: You may notice that characters will often pay a slightly different price than the advertised price at a shop. Same thing happens when selling and item, they will usually receive slightly more money. There is a reason for this and it's related to a characters Charm statistic. Here is the formula: Making a purchase: Purchase price = price × (100 - charm / 10) -1 Selling an item: Sale price = price / 2 × (100 + charm / 10) + 1 Certain Events: I'm not sure if doing the Snow Town section is mandatory for completing the game. You don't really get any reward or quest items. Kaos: Kaos disappears from your list of characters during the mid to end game, but he's not really explained well. It's implied that he and the rebels are saving villages from Moki, but Madara's party will be doing this so I'm not sure if it's to be implied that Kaos is stealing the credit here for whatever reason. Madara's body parts: While your main objective is to collect your body parts and take down the Emperor to save the world from evil, once you collect your last body part and make Madara complete, it's kind of treated as an afterthought and seems like the story could have been told without this interesting plotline. Age of characters from the Great Flood era: Noah's Ark will explain the great flood in detail, but it makes you wonder why Tataru, Jofuku and Sukune's life in present time isn't spoken of. We are to believe that these characters are over 3500 years old. Emperor Miroku: In one of the Japanese sites I read about Madara, it was stated that Madara was in fact the son of Miroku, and he was dismembered and his body parts dispersed out of fear from the Emperor that Madara would take him down in the True King Prophecy. Unless I missed it, this wasn't mentioned at all in the translation by AGTP. Not sure if misunderstood the site or there was something lost in the translation. ******************************************************************************* CONTACT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: (CONT) ******************************************************************************* This is my ninth walkthrough that I have written and if you have any questions regarding this game that are not answered in the FAQ, or you would like to contribute, feel free to email me at corystahlbaum"@" (remove quotes) and put "Mouryou Senki Madara" in the subject line. Please note that I check my email very infrequently so it may be a while before I get back to you. If your question is in this guide it will probably be ignored. Feel free to contact me if you see any errors or wish to make any contributions to this FAQ. Credit will be given of course. I don't view emails that have any attachments and whatnot so send text only. I'd love to update this guide with all the monster data in this game as I never collected it. I've only played through this game once, creating maps along the way. I'd like to give credit to the following: - This Japanese website provided the formula that calculates statistics. I also used this site to confirm weapon and item identities as well as find out the uses for some spells since this game doesn't really tell you what they do. Granitor's partially complete walkthrough - I used this guide to assist me while I was creating mine. It was used mainly to ensure I didn't overlook anything along the way.