NINJA GAIDEN A Boss FAQ for Gamefaqs By: Matt Runnels Started on Wednesday 7/21/99 Version 1.0 This a boss FAQ for the 1989 classic, Ninja Gaiden. This is the first in five games.(Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom, Ninja Gaiden Shadows, and Ninja Gaiden Trilogy.) In this FAQ you will find... 1. Storyline 2. Cast 3. Weapons and items 4. Normal enemies 5. Bosses ------------------------------------------------ 1. Storyline. Your are Ryu Hayabusa. You are a ninja from Japan. Your father died in a duel recently to another ninja. His last letter told you to go to America to his friend, Walter Smith. You go to America as your father wishes. So it begins. ------------------------------------------------ 2. Cast- Ryu Hayabusa- A ninja from Japan, He's trying to get revenge for his father's death by meeting his dad's friend, Walter Smith. So he's traveling to America to find Smith. Ken Hayabusa- He's also a ninja. Fought anohter ninja and lost. Dead. Barbarian- A knife-wielding maniac working for Jaquio. Currently in the bar. Irene Lew- Lady Ryu meets after Act I. Gives Ryu a statue and tells him to run. Bomberhead- A sickle using lunatic working for Jaquio. Currently in the cave outside of the secret prison. Walter Smith- Ken's old friend. Has some knowledge about the crazy stuff that's been going on. Tells Ryu about the Shadow Statue Ryu has. Shinobi- Ninja 700 years ago who fought The Demon. Sealed the demon's energy in two statues, light and shadow. Put the deamons body in a temple. Basquer- A ninja working for Jaquio. Steals the Shadow statue. Resides in a mountain. Foster- Works for the CIA Special Auxilary Unit. Gives Ryu information on Jaquio. Jaquio- His real name is Guardian de Meaux. He is the man trying to awaken The Demon. He has the Light statue. He is currently in the Amazon temple where the demon's body resides. Kelbeross- Pet dog(that's a dog???) of Jaquio. Resides in the Amazon forest. Bloody Malth-A ninja who works for Jaquio. He is the man who fought your father. He is currently at the top of the Amazon Temple. Masked Devil- A person being controlled by Jaquio. Resides in the inner room of the temple. The Demon- Ancient demon who tried to destroy the world. Shinobi stopped the Demon 700 years ago. The Demon is starting to regain power in its slumber. ------------------------------------------------ 3. Weapons and items- Items ----- Blue Jar- 500 points Red Jar- 1,000 points Blue ninja points up- Ninja points up 5. Red ninja points up- Ninja points up 10. Hourglass- freezes enemies for short time 1-UP - extra life. Weapons ------- Throwing star(3 NP)- You throw a star straight foward. Windmill Throwing Star(5 NP) Throwing star that will return like a boomerang. If you miss it on the return it will come back. Art of the Fire Wheel(5 NP) Throws fire wheel at about 45 degree angle. If your up to a boss, get close and blast him. Jump-N-Slash(5 NP)- If you jump in the air and slash, you do a spinning slash! It messes up bosses really bad!!!!! Invincible Fire Wheel (0 NP)- For 8 seconds you can't be hurt. Anything that touches the fire will be messed up. After 8 seconds you will have NO NINJA ART!!!! ------------------------------------------------ 4. Normal enemies- Boxer- Angry guy running around punching at you. Your sword has a better reach than his fist. Bazooka Joe- A guy in green with a bazooka. Slash his shells then slash him. Football player- A football player trying to ram you. Slash him to death. Slasher- A guy with a knife. Just use your sword on him. Cloaked knifesman- A green guy in a cloak throwing knifes. Jump and slash him to death. Eagle- It's an eagle. Use your sword on it. Dog- It's a mad dog. Slice him with your sword. Bat- It's a flying bat. Jump and use your sword. Machine gunner- A guy with a machine gun. Slice his bullets then do the same to him. Axe thrower- A guy who throws axes. Dodge the axes and chop him up. Knife thrower- Not as dangerous as the cloked knifesman but still tough. Just slash him and his knives. Ninja- A ninja wiht a sword. His jumping skill makes him hard to hit. Swordsman- A guy wielding a sword. Just chop him up. Kung-Fu man- A guy running around using jump kicks. Easy to slash. Fire breathing statue- A dragon statue that breathes fire. Easy to hit due to its immobility. Light eagle- Faster eagle than the brown one. Black Bat- A darker and faster bat. Mace man- A guy who throws maces. Just run up to him and bust him up. Mummy swordsman- A guy with a sword who lookes like a mummy. Monkey man- A guy who rolls around like a monkey that jumps at you. Pumpkin head- A guy who's head looks like a pumpkin. He throws knives at you. Decapito man- He throws a decapito( it looks like one) like a boomerang at you. Jump it, hit him jump it again. ------------------------------------------------ 5. Bosses- Act 1, Barbarian- After escaping the horde of bad guys on the streets,you hide in the bar and find the Barbarian. This is the easiest boss in the game. Just run up to him and slash him avoiding his butcher knife he's swinging. Just keep slashing him till he dies. Act 2, Bomberhead- This guy is like fighting a fast Barbarian. Run up to him,duck,and slash. Get up and run when he starts walking. Repeat the duck and slash when he stops walking. Act 3, Basquer- Basquer jumps at a 45 degree angle across the room from one corner to another. Just stay on one side and slash him when he gets on your side. Watch out for the three balls he might shoot when he jumps. Act 4, Kelbeross- There are two platforms in this room. Each one has a Kelebross on it. The one on the left can be hurt. Stay in the left corner and use your ninja art. If you don't have one, wait till the real dog is next to the left platform. When he is, hit him and run. Act 5, Bloody Malth- The only way to beat this guy is to run up to him and use all your arsenal. His hits take three of your life and are UNDODGEABLE! So just hit him more than he hits you. Act 6, Masked Devil- Dodge him( touching him costs 3 life) and attack the ball in the middle of the room. When he gets near you jump over him and attack the ball some more. Act 6, Jaquio- To beat him evade the two fireballs he shoots and slice hinm. Touching him costs three life which really hurts. Act 6, The Demon- Slice his head eleven times until it rolls away. Dodge the things he shoots and slice his heart. Slice it then jump back to avoid his tail. ------------------------------------------------ All information in Version 1.0 of this FAQ was found by me. E-mail me at if you have any questions or can help me improve this FAQ. This document copyrighted 7/22/99 by Matt Runnels. If you want to copy this AND GIVE ME CREDIT e-mail me and I'll give you a response Don't copy my work.