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FAQ/Walkthrough NES 1989 Version: 1.0 released on the 1st of November 2007 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Stages | G0300 | | 04.) Extra Stages | G0400 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Ochin ni Toshi Puzzle Tonjan!?' for the NES, released by Jaleco in 1989. In short, this game is a mix of Sokoban and Eggerland with some Mahjong tiles to spice things up a bit. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== The aim of this game is to throw the "Clearing" goal tile(s) into one of the holes. It plays a bit like Sokoban, that you cannot get tiles stuck at the walls or else they are lost forever. The clear tile is displayed at the top. This will also end the round, yet collecting points is still a secondary goal. On the right there are the score, then the amount of tiles left allowed to be dropped, the multiplier tile and bonus tile. The last number is the round currently being played. The main menu has three choices. The first option is for starting the game, whereas the second one is to continue from the last round after getting the Game Over screen. The last option is for inputting a password which is given every 5 rounds. You can also use another password to skip to certain level. Tiles: `````` You already know about the goal tile. Multiplier tiles work that if you drop one into the hole then the points for the rest of the round are x that number. It goes 2x - 4x - 8x and so on. You'll want to drop these as early as possible to get more score from the other tiles. The bonus tile is just that, bonus points as indicated. There are several different types of tiles. The Pig tiles are an instant 1UP. Fruit tiles are for bonus points alone. Multipliers double the amount of points rewarded for any tiles dropped thereafter. It is thus advised to get these dropped into holes early for that reason. They also add to you star rating. There are also random tiles that can be a pig, fruit and even a multiplier. It will never be a goal tile, however. The thin blue fish cannot not be dropped into a hole as you lose instantly. The fat fish adds 1 extra count to the number of tiles allowed to drop in holes. Scoring: ```````` At the end of the round, the score is made up of: - No Mistake - Get it right on the first attempt to receive 5,000 points. - Remaining - 500 points x the number left on the tile counter, 5,000 if it's 0 - Multiplier - Total gets multiplied - Star Rating - 1 to 5 stars, for every 10 stars you get a 1UP. The star rating is a little tricky to figure out. You don't get more than 2 stars if you quickly finish the level with low points, maybe even just 1 if you take several attempts. Should you simply finish the level normally you will receive 3 and if you get all (or most) of the tiles cleaned up the four star rating is yours. Five stars is very rare, I've only seen it very few times. It means a perfect game, using multipliers very early, maximizing tile usage and also being quite lucky with the random tiles for scorings high points. Controls: ````````` The D-Pad controls the small piggy. B pushes a tiles by one spot whereas A all the way to the end. A can slide and push entire rows full of tiles, unlike in Sokoban where the guy can't handle more than one before it becomes too heavy to shift. START is pause and resume. Essentially all you do is lock the controller so you do not accidentally press a button or direction while you are doing something else. There is no time limit on solving the puzzles therefore you would not have to worry about that. Not that while pausing makes the pig do some kind of activity, you also see this when you do not move the pig around for a short while. However, this doesn't mean the game went into pause status by itself - it is only cute gimmick. SELECT suicides to restart the round. You lose a life of course, and the "Mistake" bonus is gone from the score. With the 2nd Controller you can use A to switch the music, as well as B to toggle it on and off. Remember you can walk over the holes, and often have to in order to solve the level. Score: `````` Series Tile (e.g. Bamboo 1 through 9) 100 points Dragon Tile 100 points Multiplier Tile 100 points Large Fish 100 points Goal Tile 500 points Apple 1000 points Orange 2000 points Peach 5000 points Bonus Tile 5000 points Pig 10000 points Small Fish - There are special combinations for ultra high bonus scores. You will get an extra screen that tells you about it, and which one of these you have managed to obtain: Thirteen Orphans: Drop seven of a series (Bamboo, 10,000s, Coins). Worth 32000 points All Green: Drop four of the Bamboo series, either 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8. worth 32000 points. Three Big Dragons: Drop three of white, green or middle tiles. Worth 32000 points. Four Winds: Drop three of the four wind directions (east, west, north, south). Worth 48000 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passwords G02100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the password to select a round but have no score. Think of the password screen as an (x,y) grid to select the tiles. You must press END five times to confirm. 1,1 - 1,2 Round 01 1,1 - 1,3 Round 02 1,1 - 1,4 Round 03 1,7 - 1,4 Round 04 4,9 - 1,2 Round 05 4,9 - 1,3 Round 06 4,9 - 1,4 Round 07 1,6 - 4,2 Round 08 1,6 - 4,3 Round 09 3,1 - 1,4 Round 10 3,1 - 1,3 Round 20 3,1 - 1,2 Round 30 3,1 - 1,1 Round 40 3,1 - 1,7 Round 50 3,1 - 1,6 Round 60 3,1 - 1,5 Round 70 4,7 - 1,4 Round 80 4,8 - 1,4 Round 90 Use a combination of two top row numbers (1 through 9 in Chinese/Japanese characters, 0 is the first character in the 2nd row) to warp to the desired round. For example, 9 9 will go to Round 99. Press END to confirm. Input the 2nd tile in the 2nd row from the top (2 chips) as the first spot, then the character for "middle" at the left of END for the second spot. Press END around 20 times to get the Ending started. =============================================================================== 03.) STAGES G0300 =============================================================================== All maps have step-by-step instructions that shouldn't confuse you too much. When it says left/right you can do either way and it won't matter. It might help to make a small grid on your screen to help finding the exact tile. All solves attempt to not take into account random factors that affect your score, because the multiplier tile changes often. You should always try to remove those if the tile count allows it, because an early multiplier means more points, especially for the bonus tiles worth 5,000 each! In short, this is what to do as you start each level: - Check how many tiles you may remove - See where the goal tile is - Check which tile is the multiplier and remove that first if the tile counter allows it - Remove as many tiles as the counter allows it, including bonus tiles such as bonus score tiles, points or special combinations - Get rid of the goal tile(s) last Again, this walkthrough tries to complete the objective in as little moves as possible, while getting all the bonus tiles in the process. It does not take in account where the multipliers MAY be stashed - you will have to apply your own strategy for that. There are usual much shorter solutions to simply complete the level, and usually they are included as "Shortest Solve". Legend: ``````` S Start # Wall * Random tile & Fruit @ Goal tile ! Small Fish + Large Fish % Pig (1UP) x Bonus Tile o Hole Number of Tiles: The amount of tiles on the board in total, includes every tile type. Allowed Drops: The game only lets you drop a certain amount of tiles per level. "+ Number" indicates being able to extend this with a large fish tile. '+' tiles do not count towards this number. Goal Tiles: Amount of tiles that are required to drop in order to finish the level. Stage 1: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # o # # D # #x # # E # @ # # F # #&Sx *# G # *# H #o *x**o# I ######### J K Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 10 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F7 left 2. Push F6 all the way up 3. Push H5 right 4. Push F9 down 5. Push F5 down all the way 6. Push H5 left/right 7. Push E4 left 8. Push E3 down all the way. Shortest Solve: 1. Push E4 left 2. Push E4 down all the way. Stage 2: ````````` 1234567890$ A ##### B ####o% # C # ## # D ## * ## # E # *** o # F #o **### G ## # @ # H # *#S *# I # & #o# J # ! #### K ##### Number of Tiles: 12 Allowed Drops: 11 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push E5 right all the way 2. Push D6 down once 3. Push E6 right all the way 4. Push F8 down all the way 5. Push F7 left all the way 6. Push B9 left once 7. Push J4 left once 8. Push I4 up all the way 9. Push G7 right once 10. Push G8 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push G7 right 2. Push E5 right all the way 3. Push E8 down all the way Stage 3: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ####o#### C # * # D # &*# # E # *# # F # *# # G # *# # H # @# # I # *** # J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I5 up once 2. Push C6 right all the way 3. Push I7 left twice 4. Push H6 up four times 5. Push C6 left once 6. Push D6 down four times 7. Push I5 up all the way 8. Push I4 left once 9. Push I5 up all the way 10. Push G5 right 11. Push F5 right 12. Push E5 right 13. Push D5 right 14. Push C5 right once 15. Push H6 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push I5 right all the way. 2. Push H6 up all the way. Stage 4: ````````` 1234567890$ A ########### B o o C ** * * D * #* * * *# E *# #*#*#*# F *#@* *#&#x# G *# x#*#@#o# H **o# xo#* I ## # # J S K ########### Number of Tiles: 27 Allowed Drops: 27 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push H0 up 2. Push H7 right 3. Push G1 up all the way 4. Push G2 right all the way 5. Push D4 down all the way 6. Push D8 down all the way 7. Push D9 down all the way 8. Push C7 up 9. Push B7 right 10. Push G6 up all the way 11. Push C2 up 12. Push B6 left all the way 13. Push F6 up 14. Push B6 right all the way 15. Push C6 right twice 16. Push C8 up 17. Push D6 right twice 18. Push D8 down all the way 19. Push C3 left all the way 20. Push C1 up 21. Push F3 down all the way 22. Push H3 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push G1 all the way up 2. Push G2 right all the way 3. Push D4 down all the way 4. Push D8 down all the way 5. Push F3 down all the way 6. Push H3 right Stage 5: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # *** o# D # & ##@ # E # # !## F # **o## G # * ## # H # * # # I # &!***o# J #S ###### K ######### Number of Tiles: 15 Allowed Drops: 13 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I4 up all the way 2. Push I5 right three times 3. Push G5 up 4. Push F5 right all the way 5. Push C4 right all the way 6. Push E4 up 7. Push C4 right all the way 8. Push D4 up 9. Push C4 right all the way 10. Push E8 up 11. Push C8 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push F6 right all the way 2. Push E8 up 3. Push C5 right Stage 6: ````````` 1234567890$ A B C D # # E ## ### F S+%@o G ## ### H # # I J K Number of Tiles: 3 Allowed Drops: 1 + 1 = 3 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F9 left twice 2. Push F7 down once 3. Push F6 down once 4. Push F5 right all the way 5. Push G6 up once 6. Push F6 right all the way 7. Push G7 up once 8. Push F7 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push F7 right Stage 7: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B # # C # ##### # D ## ## ## ## E # # # # F #***# #**@# G # # #o o H ## ## ##### I # # J #S# K ### Number of Tiles: 6 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F2 up 2. Push F4 up 3. Push F3 left/right 4. Push F9 down 5. Push F8 down 6. Push G9 right 7. Push F0 down 8. Push G0 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push F2 up 2. Push F4 up 3. Push F3 left/right 4. Push F0 down 5. Push F8 down 6. Push G0 right Stage 8: ````````` 1234567890$ A ### B #####o# C #o &## D ### #&&o# E #o@&# ### F ## & # G # ## # H # # I ## ### J #S# K ### Number of Tiles: 6 Allowed Drops: 6 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push D8 up 2. Push D9 right 3. Push C9 up 4. Push C8 left all the way 5. Push F6 right all the way 6. Push E6 up all the way 7. Push F8 up all the way 8. Push C8 left all the way 9. Push E5 left Shortest Solve: 1. Push F6 left/right 2. Push E6 up 3. Push E5 left Stage 9: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # &+&o # D # + ##+ # E # &# +## F # +&+&o# G # ##&## H # & &## I # &@+o## J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 3 + 7 = 17 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push H4 up twice 2. Push F4 right all the way 3. Push I5 up all the way 4. Push I6 right once 5. Push E4 up 6. Push C4 right all the way 7. Push D8 down all the way 8. Push D4 up 9. Push C4 right all the way 10. Push F5 right all the way 11. Push I7 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push I5 right Stage 10: ````````` 1234567890$ A ##### #S# B # o# # # C # # # D # # # # E ## # #*# F # # #*# G # @ # ##*## H ##*## # # I #*# # # J # #### # K # # Number of Tiles: 6 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push E9 down all the way 2. Push I3 up all the way 3. Push C3 right all the way 4. Push B3 right Stage 11: ````````` 1234567890$ A o#### ####o B # # @ C #&## # # D #o # # # E #### # # F # *** G ## # # # H # # # I #*###### S J %#* K o######### Number of Tiles: 8 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F8 left once 2. Push F6 up all the way 3. Push F5 left all the way 4. Push C3 down 5. Push I3 down all the way 6. Push J1 up all the way 7. Push B$ up Shortest Solve: 1. Push B$ up Stage 12: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # &+*o # D # * ##+ # E # *# ## F # ****o # G # @###+ # H # &# +## I # *!#o## J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 5 + 4 = 13 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F4 right all the way 2. Push D8 up 3. Push G8 down all the way 4. Push D4 right 5. Push E4 up all the way 6. Push C4 right all the way 7. Push H4 up twice 8. Push F4 right all the way 9. Push E4 up all the way 10. Push C4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H4 up 2. Push F4 right all the way Stage 13: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C #oS** * D # @ #*o # E #* # * # F #*#o * # G #x# x## H # * * ## I # x* # # J # ## # K ######### Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 10 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C5 right all the way 2. Push D7 down twice 3. Push H7 down 4. Push G8 up all the way 5. Push F7 left all the way 6. Push H4 left 7. Push H3 up all the way 8. Push I5 up all the way 9. Push D4 left 10. Push D3 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push C5 right all the way 2. Push D4 left 3. Push D7 down all the way 4. Push H4 left 5. Push H3 up Stage 14: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B #S+*+*+o# C # @ # D # *###o## E # *+*& # F # *# # G # *#### # H # *# # I # # # J # # o# K ######### Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 1 + 4 = 9 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B4 right all the way 2. Push C4 right once 3. Push E7 left 4. Push E3 own all the way 5. Push H4 up all the way 6. Push B4 right 7. Push F4 up 8. Push B4 right all the way 9. Push C4 down all the way 10. Push E5 right twice 11. Push E8 up 12. Push C5 right thrice 13. Push C8 down Shortest Solve: 1. Push B4 right once 2. Push H4 up 3. Push B4 right all the way Stage 15: ````````` 1234567890$ A o# # B o #* So C # #*### # D x# #* # * E x# # # * F x#### # * G # # # # H # # # # I # * # # J # # o@ # K #### # # Number of Tiles: 11 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push D0 right 2. Push D$ down 3. Push D5 up 4. Push I5 left twice 5. Push F1 up all the way 6. Push J8 right 7. Push J9 up all the way 8. Push B9 left Shortest Solve: 1. Push J8 left Stage 16: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ### S ### C # & * # D #* * @# E # * !o# F ####### G #o*o* # H #@ ! *# I # * * # J ### ### K Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 7 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push C5 down 2. Push D4 down 3. Push C7 down 4. Push D8 down 5. Push D5 right 6. Push D8 down 7. Push D6 right 8. Push D8 down 9. Push D7 right 10. Push D8 down 11. Push I8 up 12. Push H8 up 13. Push H7 left 14. Push H6 up 15. Push G5 left 16. Push H5 down all the way 17. Push H4 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push C7 down 2. Push D8 down 3. Push I5 up 4. Push H4 up Stage 17: ````````` 1234567890$ A oS B ####*##### C # D ###*### # E # # # F # #@# # # G # # # # H # #*### # I # # J ###*##### K Number of Tiles: 5 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B5 down twice 2. Push E5 right 3. Push D5 down once 4. Push E5 right 5. Push H5 up all the way 6. Push A5 left all the way Stage 18: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ###### C # ** # D # # E # # # F # @S# # G # # ## H #### ### I * * o J # # K # # Number of Tiles: 5 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C6 left 2. Push I8 right all the way 3. Push F4 right 4. Push F5 up all the way 5. Push D5 right all the way 6. Push D7 down all the way 7. Push I7 left twice 8. Push I5 right all the way Stage 19: ````````` 1234567890$ A B #*# C #* *# D #o* *o# E ****x**** F # x%x # G **** ***@ H #o* *o# I #* *# J #*# K S Number of Tiles: 32 Allowed Drops: 12 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G0 left all the way 2. Push E8 up 3. Push D7 left all the way 4. Push F7 left once 5. Push E4 down all the way 6. Push F6 left once 7. Push E5 down all the way 8. Push F5 left once 9. Push E5 down all the way 10. Push E7 left once 11. Push D4 up 12. Push E6 left once 13. Push D4 up 14. Push E5 left once 15. Push D4 up 16. G8 down Shortest Solve: 1. Push G0 left all the way 2. Push G8 down Stage 20: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ##o###### C # **** # D # * * # E # *###& # F # !***o## G # *# ## H # *#### # I # @# # J #S # # K ######### Number of Tiles: 15 Allowed Drops: 14 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F4 right thrice 2. Push E4 up all the way 3. Push E8 up 4. Push C8 left 5. Push D8 down all the way 6. Push C4 up 7. Push C7 left once 8. Push C4 up 9. Push C6 left once 10. Push C4 up 11. Push C5 left once 12. Push I4 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push F4 right once 2. Push I4 up all the way Stage 21: ````````` 1234567890$ A o&& &&o B &#&&&&&#& C # & & # D & # # & E & #S# & F &%% &&& %%& G & & & & H & &@ @& & I & &&& & J # # K o &&&&&&& o Number of Tiles: 48 Allowed Drops: 48 Goal Tiles: 2 This solve does not get rid of one of the goal tiles early on, which would actually double the score for most of the other tiles. So you may want to do your own solving to gain more points, it is quite an easy level but it takes a very long time. 1. Push B7 up 2. Push B5 up 3. Push B6 right 4. Push A7 right all the way 5. Push A5 left all the way 6. Push B7 up 7. Push B8 up 8. Push D0 up all the way 9. Push D2 up all the way 10. Push D4 up 11. Push A4 left all the way 12. Push A7 right all the way 13. Push B2 up 14. Push A2 right all the way 15. Push B0 up 16. Push A0 left all the way 17. Push E$ down all the way 18. Push E1 down all the way 19. Push K3 right all the way 20. Push F3 down all the way 21. Push F2 left 22. Push F1 down all the way 23. Push G4 down all the way 24. Push H5 down all the way 25. Push I6 down all the way 26. Push H7 down all the way 27. Push G8 down all the way 28. Push F8 down all the way 29. Push F9 right 30. Push F$ down all the way 31. Push K9 left all the way 32. Push J8 down 33. Push J4 down 34. Push F6 down all the way 35. Push F5 left all the way 36. Push F7 right all the way 37. Push F$ down all the way 38. Push K8 left all the way 39. Push F1 down all the way 40. Push C3 left 41. Push C2 up all the way 42. Push A2 right all the way 43. Push C9 right 44. Push C0 up all the way 45. Push A0 left all the way 46. Push J5 down 46. Push J7 down 46. Push K7 left all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push D0 up 2. Push E$ down all the way 3. Push G8 down all the way 4. Push D8 down all the way 5. Push H5 right all the way 6. Push H$ down all the way 7. Push H0 right 8. Push H$ down all the way Stage 22: ````````` 1234567890$ A S@****&&&+o B *######### C o*********o D ########## E +++++++++o F ########## G o++++%++++ H #########+ I xxx******o J ######### K o + Number of Tiles: 48 Allowed Drops: 8 + 20 = 48 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B1 down 2. Push E2 right all the way 3. Push G0 left all the way 4. Push H$ down 5. Push K0 left all the way 6. Push I2 right all the way 7. Push C2 right all the way 8. Push A2 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push B1 down 2. Push E2 right all the way 3. Push A2 right all the way Stage 23: ````````` 1234567890$ A ########### B # # %o% # C # #@# ### # D # #o# ### # E ## ## F ***# #*** G #***# H # ## ## # I # ### ### # J # S# K ########### Number of Tiles: 12 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F9 up 2. Push F$ up 3. Push F0 left 4. Push B9 left 5. Push E5 up 6. Push E7 up 7. Push E6 left 8. Push B7 right 9. Push F1 up 10. Push F3 up 11. Push F2 left 12. Push C4 down Shortest Solve: 1. Push F1 up 2. Push F3 up 3. Push F2 left 4. Push C4 down Stage 24: ````````` 1234567890$ A # B # # %S C # # # D # # E #### F # # G # # H # I # # J # @# K # # o Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: Goal Tiles: 1. Push B0 left all the way 2. Push B6 down all the way 3. Push D6 left all the way 4. Push D3 down all the way 5. Push J3 right all the way 6. Push J6 up all the way 7. Push F6 right all the way 8. Push F8 down all the way 9. Push H8 right once 10. Push H9 down all the way 11. Push K9 right all the way 12. Push J0 down 13. Push K0 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push J0 down 2. Push K0 right Stage 25: ````````` 1234567890$ A o ##### o B # S # C *###* D x x E ##### F # # G #*x*# H * * I #*@*# J # # K o ##### o Number of Tiles: 12 Allowed Drops: 7 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C8 down 2. Push C4 down 3. Push D3 right all the way 4. Push H3 down 5. Push G5 up 6. Push I5 down 7. Push G7 up 8. Push I7 down 9. Push G6 right 10. Push I6 right 11. Push F7 right 12. Push G7 down 13. Push H7 right all the way 14. Push H$ up all the way 15. Push J7 right 16. Push I7 up once 17. Push H7 right all the way 18. Push D8 right 19. Push D$ down all the way 20. Push D9 right 21. Push D$ up all the way 22. Push D0 right 23. Push H0 right 24. Push H$ up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push C4 down 2. Push H3 right all the way 3. Push I5 down 4. Push I7 down 5. Push I6 left 6. Push J5 left 7. Push I5 up once 8. Push H5 left all the way 9. Push H1 down all the way Stage 26: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B #S * # C # * @ # D # * #& # E # * # *o# F #o@****## G # *# *## H # *#o#&## I # # ## J # # o# K ######### Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 15 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push B6 right once 2. Push C5 left all the way 3. Push D4 left 4. Push E4 left 5. Push C3 down all the way 6. Push H4 up once 7. Push C7 left all the way 8. Push D8 down all the way 9. Push F7 down 10. Push G6 left all the way 11. Push J8 right 12. Push I8 up once 13. Push E8 right 14. Push F8 down all the way 15. Push G7 left 16. Push G6 down 17. Push J8 right 19. Push H8 down 20. Push J8 right 21. Push I8 down 22. Push J8 right 23. Push C9 down all the way 24. Push G4 up once 25. Push F4 left 26. Push E4 left 27. Push E3 down Shortest Solve: 1. Push C5 right all the way 2. Push C9 down all the way 3. Push E8 left 4. Push F8 down 5. Push G7 left Stage 27: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B #S**** # C # @ * # D # *###* # E # @**x ## F # *# *## G # *##o* # H # x*&x ## I # # ## J #o ###o # K ######### Number of Tiles: 20 Allowed Drops: 12 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push B4 right all the way 2. Push D4 right 3. Push H4 right 4. Push C8 right 5. Push D8 down all the way 6. Push D5 right 7. Push H5 right 8. Push E8 down all the way 9. Push H7 up 10. Push H6 left all the way 11. Push E6 right 12. Push E8 down all the way 13. Push E7 left all the way 14. Push C4 left 15. Push C3 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push B4 right all the way 2. Push C4 left 3. Push C8 right 4. Push D8 down all the way 5. Push E7 left 6. Push C3 down all the way Stage 28: ````````` 1234567890$ A B #####o### C # ! # D # **# # E # & *# # F # * #*# # G # *# @# # H #oxxx!* o I # ##*### J #S o# # K ######### Number of Tiles: 13 Allowed Drops: 15 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C7 right 2. Push D7 down once 3. Push D6 left all the way 4. Push E5 left all the way 5. Push F4 left 6. Push D3 down all the way 7. Push I7 up five times 8. Push H8 right all the way 9. Push H6 left all the way 10. Push G4 down once 11. Push H4 right all the way 12. Push D7 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push C7 right 2. Push I7 up all the way Stage 29: ````````` 1234567890$ A o #* o *# o B *@ *@& @* C * * * * D # * * * # E # * * * F ** #*# ** G # * S * # H # * #*# * # I * * J * *#* * K #* o *# Number of Tiles: 36 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 3 This is the shortest solve, simply dump six additional tiles (including the fruit) and surrounding valuables before you finish up. 1. Push F6 up all the way 2. Push D4 left all the way 3. Push B2 up 4. Push B3 right thrice 5. Push B6 up 6. Push D8 right all the way 7. Push B0 up 8. Push B9 left thrice 9. Push B6 up Stage 30: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B #S *** # C # * & # D # * ###o# E # *# ## F # *# # G # *# & # H # @** # I # # ## J #o ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 13 Allowed Drops: 7 Goal Tiles: 1 The the long solve, you can replace two of the tiles in the room on the bottom right with two from the left corridor, they might even be worth more points. 1. Push C4 down once 2. Push C9 right 3. Push C0 down 4. Push D4 left 5. Push D3 down all the way 6. Push H3 up once 7. Push D4 left 8. Push D3 down all the way 9. Push H4 up once 10. Push D4 left 11. Push D3 down all the way 12. Push H5 right all the way 13. Push G8 left once 14. Push H8 up once 15. Push G8 left 16. Push H7 right 17. Push G7 up once 18. Push G6 down once 19. Push H6 left all the way 20. Push H3 down all the way 21. Push F7 left 22. Push F6 down twice 23. Push H6 left all the way 24. Push H3 down all the way 25. Push H8 up once 26. Push G8 left all the way 27. Push G6 down once 28. Push H6 left all the way 29. Push H3 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H5 right all the way 2. Push H8 up 3. Push H7 left all the way 4. Push G4 up 5. Push H3 down all the way Stage 31: ````````` 1234567890$ A B & C &&S&& D ##& &## E & & & F & & & G & & & H & & & I && o && J ##&@&#&&&## K Number of Tiles: 29 Allowed Drops: 19 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F7 left once 2. Push G7 left once 3. Push H7 left once 4. Push C8 up once 5. Push C7 left once 6. Push B6 down all the way 7. Push B8 left twice 8. Push C4 left once 9. Push I3 left 10. Push J3 down 11. Push J5 down 12. Push J4 left 13. Push K4 left all the way 14. Push E0 right 15. Push G0 right 16. Push F0 down 17. Push G$ down all the way 18. Push G0 left four times 19. Push H0 left four times 20. Push B6 down all the way 21. Push C5 right once 22. Push D9 down once 23. Push E9 left thrice 24. Push J9 up twice 25. Push H9 left thrice 26. Push I9 left thrice 27. Push C6 down all the way 28. Push E2 left 29. Push G2 left 30. Push F2 down 31. Push G1 down all the way 32. Push G3 right four times 33. Push D3 down once 34. Push E3 right thrice 35. Push D6 down all the way 36. Push J8 up once 37. Push I8 left all the way 38. Push J7 up once 39. Push I7 left 40. Push J5 up once 41. Push I5 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push I3 left 2. Push J3 down 3. Push J5 down 4. Push J4 left 5. Push K4 left 6. Push J5 up once 7. Push I5 right Stage 32: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # ***** # D # *#### # E # *# # F # &**@ # G # ###* # H # @ !## I # ***o## J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 7 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push H4 down once 2. Push I4 right all the way 3. Push H8 up all the way 4. Push C4 right 5. Push D4 down thrice 6. Push I4 right all the way 7. Push F4 down once 8. Push F5 right 9. Push I4 right all the way 10. Push F9 up all the way 11. Push F8 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H4 down once 2. Push I4 right all the way 3. Push H8 up all the way 4. Push E8 left 5. Push F4 right 6. Push F9 up all the way 7. Push F8 down all the way Stage 33: ````````` 1234567890$ A !! o B !!!xx! C !#!ox!! D !#!!#! ! E !#####! !! F !####@!#! G !####!##! H !##!! !#! I !#!! !! J !! ! K S Number of Tiles: 42 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G8 up thrice 2. Push D8 left 3. Push A5 left all the way 4. Push B4 up 5. Push B8 left 6. Push B4 up 7. Push C8 left once 8. Push C5 right once 9. Push F8 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push G8 up thrice 2. Push D8 left 3. Push F8 up all the way Stage 34: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######o## B oS&@** # C # ! * # D # !###* # E # !o *## F # !# *## G # !# !## H # !**& ## I # # ## J # #### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 18 Allowed Drops: 10 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B4 right once 2. Push C4 right once 3. Push D4 down all the way 4. Push H6 down 5. Push H7 right 6. Push H8 up five times 7. Push B5 right 8. Push H4 right twice 9. Push H7 up all the way 10. Push E7 left all the way 11. Push C8 up all the way 12. Push B7 left all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push B4 right all the way 2. Push C8 right 3. Push B8 up 4. Push B7 left all the way Stage 35: ````````` 1234567890$ A ##o###### B #S!x*** # C # ! # D # *##o### E # **x** # F # *# # G # &####o# H o @!x** o I # # # J # ###### K ######### Number of Tiles: 19 Allowed Drops: 10 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push D4 right 2. Push H4 right thrice 3. Push H9 up 4. Push E7 up 5. Push D4 left 6. Push C8 left 7. Push E6 left once 8. Push G4 up all the way 9. Push H8 left all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push C4 right 2. Push D4 right 3. Push H4 up all the way Stage 36: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C o x***! o D # @###x## E # # !o## F # &# # G # !o# # H # x# # I # *# # J #S # # K ######### Number of Tiles: 12 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I6 up once 2. Push C8 left five times 3. Push D8 down 4. Push E7 left 5. Push F7 down 6. Push D4 down thrice 7. Push G6 right 8. Push H6 up 9. Push G4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push I6 up 2. Push C4 right once 3. Push D4 down thrice 4. Push G4 left all the way Stage 37: ````````` 1234567890$ A * * B * *### * * C * #o#### D * *# ## # E ## # F # * # G ## ## @ # H # # *## I #***** # J S # K ######## Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I2 up 2. Push I3 right 3. Push D1 up all the way 4. Push C2 right 5. Push A7 right all the way 6. Push B0 right all the way 7. Push I7 up 8. Push I6 left 9. Push E7 right 10. Push F7 down once 11. Push G7 left 12. Push H7 down 13. Push G6 up all the way 14. Push E6 left 15. Push E5 up all the way Stage 38: ````````` 1234567890$ A o * ### * o B * # * C #* # *# D @ # @ E ## # ## F # S # G # # # H # @ * @ # I # *#* # J # K o * ### * o Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push C2 down 2. Push D2 left 3. Push A3 right 4. Push D4 up 5. Push C4 left all the way 6. Push C2 up all the way 7. Push A2 left 8. Push C0 down 9. Push D0 right 10. Push A9 left 11. Push D8 up 12. Push C8 right all the way 13. Push C0 up all the way 14. Push A0 right 15. Push I5 down 16. Push K3 right 17. Push H4 down once 18. Push I4 left once 19. Push I3 down once 20. Push J3 left once 21. Push J2 down 22. Push K2 left 23. Push I7 down 24. Push K9 left 25. Push H8 down once 26. Push I8 right once 27. Push I9 down once 28. Push J9 right once 29. Push J0 down 30. Push K0 right Stage 39: ````````` 1234567890$ A o### # *o B S# # # ## C # * # D ## # #### # E # F #*# # #*# G @@@# H # #### # ## I # o# J ## # # #* K o* # ###o Number of Tiles: 9 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push A0 right 2. Push J$ down 3. Push A2 left 4. Push G7 down all the way 5. Push G5 right 6. Push G7 down all the way 7. Push G6 right 8. Push G7 up once 9. Push F3 down 10. Push G3 right all the way 11. Push F7 down twice 12. Push H7 up twice 13. Push C6 left 14. Push C5 down all the way 15. Push G5 right all the way 16. Push F7 down twice 17. Push H7 up twice 18. Push F9 up 19. Push E9 left all the way 20. Push E5 down all the way 21. Push G5 right all the way 22. Push F7 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push G7 down all the way 2. Push G5 right 3. Push G7 down all the way 4. Push G6 right 5. Push G7 down all the way Stage 40: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # *** # D # * # E # *## # F # *# # G # *#oo # H # %@!o # I # #o # J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 6 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push H4 down once 2. Push C4 right all the way 3. Push H6 left once 4. Push D5 down 5. Push I4 up once 6. Push H4 right all the way 7. Push E5 down 8. Push H5 right all the way 9. Push E6 down 10. Push H5 right all the way 11. Push E7 down 12. Push H5 right all the way 13. Push G4 down once 14. Push H4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push D5 right all the way 2. Push H6 left 3. Push E5 down 4. Push H4 down 5. Push H5 right all the way Stage 41: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ########### C *** *o D * ##* # E *# *#* F # * * # G !!!* *o#!*! H o#@# *# I !!!!!!***o# J S # ### K ########### Number of Tiles: 31 Allowed Drops: 15 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I1 up once 2. Push I3 up 3. Push I2 left 4. Push G2 up all the way 5. Push C2 right all the way 6. Push E2 up 7. Push C2 right all the way 8. Push G0 down all the way 9. Push I4 right thrice 10. Push G3 right once 11. Push D6 down twice 12. Push I9 left twice 13. Push G4 right twice 14. Push I4 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push I1 up all the way 2. Push I4 down 3. Push I5 right twice 4. Push H7 up once 5. Push G4 up 6. Push G5 right Stage 42: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # *** # D # % ##* # E # &# *o# F # # @ ## G # * #o# H # # # I # * # J #S # # K ######### Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I6 right all the way 2. Push I$ up all the way 3. Push G6 right 4. Push E8 right 5. Push D4 down four times 6. Push I4 right all the way 7. Push H4 down once 8. Push I4 right all the way 9. Push I$ up all the way 10. Push F7 left 11. Push F6 down thrice 12. Push I6 right all the way 13. Push I$ up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push I6 right all the way 2. Push I$ up all the way 3. Push G6 right 4. Push E8 right 5. Push F7 left 6. Push F6 down thrice 7. Push I6 right all the way 8. Push I$ up all the way Stage 43: ````````` 1234567890$ A B C # # D o@ # # E # &&& # F # &&&&& # G # &&&&&&& # H ### & ### I # &&& # J #&&&&&# K # S # Number of Tiles: 25 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push J8 up all the way 2. Push H6 left all the way 3. Push G5 up 4. Push G6 right 5. Push F6 up once 6. Push F7 right 7. Push E7 up 8. Push E6 left 9. Push D6 up all the way 10. Push D2 left Stage 44: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C #o **! # D # * ##& # E # *# *o# F # @** ## G # * #o* # H # &# *## I # !**o## J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 12 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I5 right twice 2. Push F7 up 3. Push G8 down all the way 4. Push F5 right all the way 5. Push G4 left 6. Push H4 down once 7. Push E7 right all the way 8. Push C7 left twice 9. Push D8 down all the way 10. Push I4 left 11. Push I3 up all the way 12. Push F7 down Shortest Solve: 1. Push I5 right twice 2. Push F7 up 3. Push F6 left all the way 4. Push F3 up all the way 5. Push 6. Push 7. Push 8. Push 9. Push 10. Push Stage 45: ````````` 1234567890$ A S# #o### B ## # xo# C x #&# # D ##### #x# # E #!# # F # ## #@# # G # # # H # *# ### # I ## # J ####### # K # Number of Tiles: 7 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C5 right 2. Push B9 right 3. Push H4 up 4. Push C6 down all the way 5. Push I6 right all the way 6. Push I0 up all the way 7. Push F8 up thrice 8. Push B8 right/left once 9. Push C8 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push C8 down 2. Push G8 right all the way 3. Push G0 up all the way Stage 46: ````````` 1234567890$ A ###### B #o # C ### # D ## ## E # ## F #* # G # *## H # @# I #S # J #### K Number of Tiles: 3 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F5 up 2. Push H6 up once 3. Push F6 right 4. Push G6 up all the way 5. Push B6 left all the way Stage 47: ````````` 1234567890$ A # # B # # # C # ### o D # @So## E # # # F #### # G # # H @ I # J # K # Number of Tiles: 2 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push D4 up once 2. Push C4 down once 3. Push D4 right all the way 4. Push H9 right once 5. Push H0 left once 6. Push H9 up six times 7. Push B9 down once 8. Push C9 right all the way Stage 48: ````````` 1234567890$ A S# # ## B @# # C # ## * D # # # # E # # # F # # # G # # # H # # # I # # # o J # # K # # # Number of Tiles: 2 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B2 down all the way 2. Push J2 right all the way 3. Push J5 up all the way 4. Push B5 right all the way 5. Push B8 down all the way 6. Push C9 right all the way 7. Push C$ up all the way 8. Push J8 right all the way 9. Push J0 up seven times 10. Push C0 right 11. Push C$ down all the way Stage 49: ````````` 1234567890$ A B C ### D ##o# E # *### F ## ! # G # @# # H # * S# I ####### J K Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push H5 left 2. Push F6 right once 3. Push G6 up 4. Push F7 left 5. Push F5 up all the way Stage 50: ````````` 1234567890$ A *o # *o B o###o#o###o C +o*+ *+o D o###o*o###o E + @o*#* o* F o###o*o###o G o* *#*o+ H o###o+o###o I * o+#* o* J o###o*o###o K oS # o@ Number of Tiles: 22 Allowed Drops: 1 + 7 = 15 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push I5 up 2. Push I1 up 3. Push E1 up 4. Push C1 up 5. Push E3 right 6. Push H6 right 7. Push G7 up 8. Push E7 up 9. Push C7 up 10. Push E$ down 11. Push G9 left 12. Push I$ down 13. Push K9 left Stage 51: ````````` 1234567890$ A # #o ! B o######## C ! o D ###### # E ********* F # # G # H #### # # I # ### J #S# @ * K # ## # Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push J7 right all the way 2. Push J0 up all the way 3. Push E1 down all the way 4. Push E2 down all the way 5. Push E3 down all the way 6. Push E9 left twice 7. Push A0 left once 8. Push B0 down once 9. Push C0 left once 10. Push C9 right all the way Stage 52: ````````` 1234567890$ A o # o B *# #* C ## ## D # # # # E * # @ # * F o# * * #o G * # * # * H # # # # I ### * * ### J # %o* # K # *S* # Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G6 up once 2. Push F5 up 3. Push E1 down 4. Push G1 up 5. Push F7 up 6. Push F6 left 7. Push E$ down 8. Push G$ up 9. Push E6 up all the way 10. Push B3 up 11. Push A3 left all the way 12. Push B9 up 13. Push A9 right all the way 14. Push B6 right 15. Push B7 down 16. Push I5 left 17. Push I7 right 18. Push K5 left 19. Push K7 right 20. Push J5 up 21. Push I4 up 22. Push I5 right once 23. Push J7 up 24. Push I8 up 25. Push I6 up all the way 26. Push C7 right once 27. Push B6 left 28. Push B5 down 29. Push C5 right once 30. Push C6 down all the way 31. Push I7 left once 32. Push I6 up all the way 33. Push B6 left 34. Push B5 down 35. Push C5 right once 36. Push C6 down all the way 37. Push C8 left twice 38. Push C6 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push G6 up once 2. Push F5 up 3. Push F6 right 4. Push E6 up all the way 5. Push B3 up 6. Push A3 left 7. Push B6 left 8. Push B5 down 9. Push C5 right once 10. Push C6 down all the way Stage 53: ````````` 1234567890$ A S# #o### B ## # #&#o# C @ #&# # D ##### #&# # E #%# # F # ## #!# # G # # # # H #**# ### # I # # J ####### # K * # Number of Tiles: 9 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push K8 left all the way 2. Push H4 up 3. Push H3 down 4. Push C5 right 5. Push C6 down all the way 6. Push I6 right all the way 7. Push F8 up four times 8. Push I0 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push K8 left all the way 2. Push H4 up 3. Push H3 down 4. Push C5 right 5. Push C6 down all the way 6. Push I6 right all the way 7. Push I0 up all the way Stage 54: ````````` 1234567890$ A * * # o B @# # x C # # D # ##x# E # # F * # x G ### ## H # I S # J ### # K o # Number of Tiles: 7 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push F5 right 2. Push A4 left all the way 3. Push B3 down all the way 4. Push F3 right all the way 5. Push F5 down all the way 6. Push J5 right all the way 7. Push F0 left once 8. Push D0 up all the way 9. Push A0 right 10. Push B0 up 11. Push A0 right 12. Push F9 right once 13. Push F0 up all the way 14. Push A0 right 15. Push J0 up all the way 16. Push A0 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push F5 right 2. Push A4 left all the way 3. Push B3 down all the way 4. Push F3 right all the way 5. Push F5 down all the way 6. Push J5 right all the way 7. Push F0 right 8. Push D0 up all the way 9. Push B0 right 10. Push A0 right 11. Push J0 up all the way 12. Push A0 right Stage 55: ````````` 1234567890$ A oo oo B o!!o o!!o C o!**!o!*!*o D o! *!o!!*!o E o!!o o!!o F oo S oo G o!!o o@@o H o!xx!o@**@o I o!!!!o@ *@o J o!xo o@@o K oo oo Number of Tiles: 46 Allowed Drops: 20 Goal Tiles: 8 1. Push B3 down once 2. Push B4 left once 3. Push E4 up thrice 4. Push E3 right once 5. Push B3 down twice 6. Push C7 right once 7. Push C0 left once 8. Push D0 up once 9. Push D9 right twice 10. Push B8 down once 11. Push D0 left twice 12. Push G4 down once 13. Push G3 right once 14. Push J3 up twice 15. Push I5 left once 16. Push G3 down twice 17. Push G8 down all the way 18. Push G9 down all the way 19. Push G7 down all the way 20. Push G0 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H7 down all the way 2. Push G8 right all the way 3. Push H0 down all the way 4. Push J9 left all the way Stage 56: ````````` 1234567890$ A B #### C ##### # D # *## E ###*#* # F #o * # G ## @# ## H # S#### I #### J K Number of Tiles: 5 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push E7 up 2. Push F8 up all the way 3. Push G5 up once 4. Push F5 right thrice 5. Push F8 left all the way Stage 57: ````````` 1234567890$ A ##### #S# B # o# # # C # # # # D ## ## # # E # # #*# F # # #*# G # # ##*## H ##@## # # I #*# # # J #*#### # K # # Number of Tiles: 6 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push E9 down all the way 2. Push J3 up four times 3. Push E3 right/left 4. Push D3 up all the way 5. Push B3 right Stage 58: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # *** # D # * #o* o E # *# **## F # !#& *## G o @!o#*## H # !## *## I # *** o# J #S ### o K ######### Number of Tiles: 19 Allowed Drops: 9 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I5 right all the way 2. Push I8 up 3. Push D8 left 4. Push E8 down all the way 5. Push E7 up 6. Push F6 down 7. Push I8 right 8. Push H8 up all the way 9. Push D8 left 10. Push G5 left twice Shortest Solve: 1. Push D4 down all the way 2. Push I4 right all the way Stage 59: ````````` 1234567890$ A *S* # * # B * # @ * C # # # * # D # # E # # o F # * # # # G * * # * # H # @ # @ * I # # # * # J # # K # # Number of Tiles: 15 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push A3 right 2. Push B2 left 3. Push B7 right once 4. Push A8 right 5. Push C8 right 6. Push B8 down all the way 7. Push H8 right once 8. Push G9 right 9. Push I9 right 10. Push H9 up all the way 11. Push E8 right all the way 12. Push H3 up once 13. Push G2 up 14. Push G4 up 15. Push G3 right all the way 16. Push G6 up twice 17. Push E6 right all the way Stage 60: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B #S *** # C # & * # D # * ##o # E # *# **## F # &# * # G # !# @*## H # &* *## I # o# o## J # ## ## K ######### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 12 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C4 down once 2. Push C8 right 3. Push E8 down all the way 4. Push H6 left 5. Push D4 down all the way 6. Push H5 right all the way 7. Push G7 right 8. Push E7 right 9. Push F8 up 10. Push H8 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push B4 right 2. Push C8 right 3. Push E8 down all the way 4. Push G7 right 5. Push G8 down all the way Stage 61: ````````` 1234567890$ A B C ### D ####o# E # * ## F ## # G ##@**# H # S # I ##### J K Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G5 up 2. Push G7 up 3. Push G6 right 4. Push E5 left all the way 5. Push F5 right 6. Push F6 up Stage 62: ````````` 1234567890$ A B !o! x!o !o C !!!o !! x D !! #@o # E !o ! # F @!!!o G o!! o! H !o!x! I !!! J !o #@o! K S ! o Number of Tiles: 34 Allowed Drops: 6 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push K4 right once 2. Push J4 up once 3. Push B5 down once 4. Push C0 left thrice 5. Push D7 up all the way 6. Push E8 right 7. Push J8 up all the way 8. Push I5 up all the way 9. Push F2 left once 10. Push F3 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push K4 right once 2. Push J4 up once 3. Push J5 up all the way 4. Push F2 right once 5. Push F3 up 6. Push J8 up once 7. Push I8 left twice 8. Push I6 up 9. Push C7 down twice 10. Push E7 left Stage 63: ````````` 1234567890$ A # # B #### # ## C # # # D ## ###o # E # ** ## ## F # %@ # *@ # G ## ## ** # H # o### ## I # # # # J #S # # # K #### #### Number of Tiles: 8 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push F3 up once 2. Push E3 right 3. Push D3 up 4. Push E4 down all the way 5. Push F9 down once 6. Push F8 left 7. Push G9 left 8. Push H9 down 9. Push G8 up all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push F3 up all the way 2. Push E4 right 3. Push F4 down all the way 4. Push F9 down once 5. Push F8 left 6. Push G9 left 7. Push H9 down 8. Push G8 up all the way Stage 64: ````````` 1234567890$ A B # C @ D o### ### E # # # # F && & && G # &&&&&&& # H # &&&&& # I # &&& # J # @ # K ### Number of Tiles: 21 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I7 up 2. Push I6 left 3. Push H6 up once 4. Push H5 left 5. Push G5 up 6. Push G4 left 7. Push F4 up 8. Push F5 right all the way 9. Push E6 up all the way 10. Push C1 down Stage 65: ````````` 1234567890$ A B #######o# C # **& # D # * ##@ # E # # *## F # *% ## G # o#* o H # @ !## I # ***o## J #S ### # K ######### Number of Tiles: 15 Allowed Drops: 11 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push I5 left all the way 2. Push H8 up all the way 3. Push C8 left once 4. Push D8 down twice 5. Push F6 down 6. Push C5 right all the way 7. Push C9 up 8. Push C6 right all the way 9. Push C9 up 10. Push C7 right all the way 11. Push C9 up 12. Push D4 up 13. Push C4 right all the way 14. Push C9 up 15. Push C8 right 16. Push C9 up 17. Push H8 up all the way 18. Push F7 left once 19. Push F6 down 20. Push H4 down once 21. Push I4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H4 down once 2. Push I4 right all the way 3. Push H8 up all the way 4. Push C8 left once 5. Push D8 down twice 6. Push F6 down 7. Push C4 right all the way 8. Push C9 up Stage 66: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######### C # * * # D # G* ** o E # * * * # F # *# *## G # *## *## H # *# #*## I # *# %o# J #S # ## K ###### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push E4 right twice 2. Push D5 up 3. Push C8 right once 4. Push D8 down once 5. Push J8 up once 6. Push I8 right 7. Push D8 left once 8. Push D7 down 9. Push D6 down 10. Push D4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push E4 right all the way 2. Push D5 up 3. Push D7 down 4. Push D4 right all the way Stage 67: ````````` 1234567890$ A #S o # B # *** # C ###*####### D G E * F ###*####### G # ****** # H # # # I # # # J # # # K # # Number of Tiles: 13 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B3 right all the way 2. Push C4 down once 3. Push D4 down once 4. Push E4 right/left all the way 5. Push F4 down all the way 6. Push G3 left 7. Push G5 right all the way 8. Push K4 right all the way 9. Push J4 up once 10. Push I4 up once 11. Push G4 right once 12. Push F4 up all the way 13. Push A4 right Stage 68: ````````` 1234567890$ A o !! #o B # @ #! C ! # # ! D # # # E # ## F # S# G # # # H ! # # I # # # J # ! ! K o # # o Number of Tiles: 9 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B9 up 2. Push C0 up 3. Push B5 down all the way 4. Push D5 left all the way 5. Push B3 down all the way 6. Push H2 down 7. Push H3 right all the way 8. Push H5 down all the way 9. Push J4 down 10. Push J5 right thrice 11. Push J8 up 12. Push I8 right all the way 13. Push I0 up all the way 14. Push F0 left all the way 15. Push F8 up all the way 16. Push C8 right all the way 19. Push C$ up all the way Stage 69: ````````` 1234567890$ A ##o## B # # C # ## D ## ## E # # F ## # G # * # H ##* # I #* # J #@ # K #S # Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push J6 up once 2. Push G6 left 3. Push F6 up four times 4. Push B6 right 5. Push I6 up thrice 6. Push E6 left 7. Push F6 up all the way Stage 70: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######### B # S # C ## @ ## D # ##### # E # &**** # F # *# # G # &# o # H # @# # I ### * #### J # # K ###### Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 2 No shortest solution, but you could leave out dropping a few random or point tiles and just dump them somewhere in a useless corner. You may also want to tweak this solve to increase your points. 1. Push C6 right all the way 2. Push C9 down four times 3. Push G9 left 4. Push E3 right all the way 5. Push E0 up 6. Push E9 up all the way 7. Push E6 right all the way 8. Push E9 down twice 9. Push G9 left 10. Push E8 right 11. Push E9 down twice 12. Push G9 left 13. Push I5 up 14. Push E5 left all the way 15. Push H5 up 16. Push E5 right all the way 17. Push E9 down twice 18. Push G9 left 19. Push G5 up 20. Push E5 right all the way 21. Push E9 down twice 22. Push G9 left Stage 71: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ### C ##### ## D # !o # E # ##* # F # # * # G #*@ # H #S* # # I ######## J K Number of Tiles: 5 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push H4 right 2. Push G4 up once 3. Push F7 right 4. Push F8 up once 5. Push E7 up all the way 6. Push D5 left all the way 7. Push F4 down once 8. Push G3 down 9. Push G4 right thrice 10. Push G7 up twice 11. Push E8 down all the way 12. Push E7 up 13. Push D7 left Stage 72: ````````` 1234567890$ A o o # B o o # C o o # o D o o # **** E @ @*# F #### S #### G @ & * o H # *# # I # *# # J # # * K # Number of Tiles: 13 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push G5 down once 2. Push G7 down once 3. Push G9 left all the way 4. Push I5 up once 5. Push G5 right all the way 6. Push H7 up once 7. Push G7 left twice 8. Push G5 down once 9. Push I5 up once 10. Push G5 right all the way 11. Push E5 up once 12. Push D5 down four times 13. Push I5 up once 14. Push G5 right all the way 15. Push E7 up thrice 16. Push B7 down five times 17. Push G7 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push G5 down once 2. Push G7 down 3. Push I5 up once 4. Push G5 right all the way 5. Push E5 up once 6. Push D5 down four times 7. Push I5 up once 8. Push G5 right all the way 9. Push E7 up thrice 10. Push B7 down five times 11. Push G7 right all the way Stage 73: ````````` 1234567890$ A ######## B # o& # C # #& # D # # &% # E #& # # F # &@# # G # &&# H #& ## I o### J # @& K # && Number of Tiles: 13 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G6 down 2. Push G5 left 3. Push F5 up 4. Push E4 up all the way 5. Push B7 right all the way 6. Push C7 down 7. Push D8 up once 8. Push D7 left 9. Push C8 left 10. Push C7 up 11. Push B7 left 12. Push K8 left 13. Push J8 up 14. Push J7 left all the way 15. Push J3 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push G6 down 2. Push G5 left 3. Push F5 up 4. Push E4 up all the way 5. Push B7 right all the way 6. Push K8 left 7. Push J8 up 8. Push J7 left all the way 9. Push J3 up Stage 74: ````````` 1234567890$ A o ### B S #!# # C # ! # D # !!! # E # !!!!! # F !!!!@!!!! G # !!!!! # H # !!! # I # # ! # J # #!# # K ## ## Number of Tiles: 29 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push B6 down 2. Push F2 right 3. Push K6 right all the way 4. Push F$ up all the way 5. Push C6 down 6. Push F3 right 7. Push F$ down all the way 8. Push K6 left all the way 9. Push J6 up twice 10. Push H5 up 11. Push G4 up 12. Push E4 right 13. Push F4 down all the way 14. Push F0 left once 15. Push F4 down 16. Push F9 left all the way 17. Push F1 up all the way Stage 75: ````````` 1234567890$ A &# B # @ # C ##&## D o# # ### E #### & o F o # # # G ####& # H o#& # ### I ###@#@ J # # K S &# Number of Tiles: 9 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push I8 up four times 2. Push B7 left all the way 3. Push B2 down all the way 4. Push D2 right all the way 5. Push I6 up four times 6. Push E6 down five times 7. Push C5 up all the way 8. Push E7 left all the way 9. Push F8 up once 10. Push J6 left all the way 11. Push E8 right 12. Push J2 up all the way 13. Push H2 right Stage 76: ````````` 1234567890$ A # # ## B # # C # ## D ### # # E # # # F # # ## G # # H ! #### I # J xxx# @ K !!!!o ! S Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 1 Quite sure this is also the shortest solve, although it may be possible to cut it down a few steps. 1. Push J0 up all the way 2. Push K6 left all the way 3. Push G0 left 4. Push G9 up all the way 5. Push D9 right 6. Push D0 up all the way 7. Push B0 left all the way 8. Push B6 down four times 9. Push F6 left 10. Push F5 up 11. Push E5 left all the way 12. Push E2 up twice 13. Push C2 down all the way 14. Push J6 down 15. Push J5 left once 16. Push K6 right 17. Push J2 right all the way 18. Push J6 down 19. Push J5 left once 20. Push K6 right 21. Push J3 right all the way 22. Push J6 down 23. Push J5 left once 24. Push K6 right 25. Push J4 right all the way 26. Push J6 down 27. Push J5 left once 28. Push K6 right Stage 77: ````````` 1234567890$ A ########### B # o # C #*** ***# D # *@** *## E # * *# * # F # * #*# * # G # * # o#% # H #S* # *# # I #***# *## J # ### # K ########### Number of Tiles: 23 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push C2 up 2. Push C3 right all the way 3. Push F3 right 4. Push E3 up once 5. Push D4 up all the way 6. Push C3 left 7. Push C8 down all the way 8. Push E9 right 9. Push F9 down once 10. Push H9 left all the way 11. Push H7 up 12. Push B4 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push C2 up 2. Push C3 right all the way 3. Push F3 right 4. Push E3 up once 5. Push D4 up all the way 6. Push C3 left 7. Push B4 right Stage 78: ````````` 1234567890$ A #o # o# B o! !o C ##!#!## D # @!@ # E # !@ @! # F # #! S !# # G # !@ @! # H # @!@ # I ##!#!## J o! !o K #o # o# Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 8 Goal Tiles: 8 There might be a better, more fluent solve to this level. It is quite long but after the start you will get the hang of how to solve this and it gets very repetitive. 1. Push H5 down once 2. Push G8 right 3. Push H7 left all the way 4. Push I7 down all the way 5. Push J0 up once 6. Push G0 up four times 7. Push B0 left twice 8. Push C0 up once 9. Push B0 left once 10. Push G9 right 11. Push G0 up all the way 12. Push J5 left once 13. Push J2 up once 14. Push G3 right all the way 15. Push G0 up all the way 16. Push G9 left five times 17. Push I9 up once 18. Push G4 right all the way 19. Push G0 up all the way 20. Push G9 left five times 21. Push H9 up once 22. Push G4 right all the way 23. Push G0 up all the way 24. Push G9 left five times 25. Push C5 down thrice 26. Push B2 down once 27. Push G4 right all the way 28. Push G0 up all the way 29. Push G9 left four times 30. Push C7 down thrice 31. Push G7 right all the way 32. Push G0 up all the way 33. Push E9 left once 34. Push E8 down 35. Push E3 right all the way 36. Push E0 up all the way 37. Push E8 right 38. Push E0 up all the way Stage 79: ````````` 1234567890$ A ########## B # # C # & & # D # &# &#o# E # &# o&# # F # &# &# # G # &&@S# # H # ### # I # # J ##### K Number of Tiles: 11 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G6 left once 2. Push G3 up 3. Push C3 right once 4. Push G3 up all the way 5. Push C3 right all the way 6. Push B3 right all the way 7. Push G5 left all the way 8. Push G3 up all the way 9. Push B3 right 10. Push D3 up 11. Push C3 right all the way 12. Push C6 down all the way Stage 80: ````````` 1234567890$ A ########### B ## # C # @!!@!!! # D # # # # # E # # # # # F # # # # # G # # o # # H # o##S##o # I # @ # J ## ## K ########### Number of Tiles: 8 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push C4 up 2. Push C5 right 3. Push B4 left 4. Push C7 down all the way 5. Push G7 left 6. Push C0 down all the way 7. Push I6 up all the way 8. Push C3 right twice 9. Push C5 down all the way 10. Push G5 right Stage 81: ````````` 1234567890$ A #### #### B * * @ * * C ##o*o## D # # # # E * * * * * F @# o #@ (<-Start at F6) G * * * * * H #@# I # # # # J # ***** # K ## ## Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push G6 left once 2. Push G8 right once 3. Push J8 left all the way 4. Push H6 up all the way 5. Push E8 up 6. Push E0 down once 7. Push G0 left four times 8. Push G6 up 9. Push E4 up 10. Push E2 down once 11. Push G2 right four times 12. Push H0 down 13. Push G6 up 14. Push B2 right four times 15. Push B6 down once 16. Push B0 left once 17. Push B7 down Stage 82: ````````` 1234567890$ A B o###o C #! !# D o#! # !#o E # ! ! # F # !@! # # G #o! ! o# H o#! # !#o I #! S !# J o###o K Number of Tiles: 15 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G7 up all the way 2. Push E4 left 3. Push F5 down once 4. Push F4 left 5. Push G5 up once 6. Push F5 right 7. Push F6 down 8. Push G6 right all the way Stage 83: ````````` 1234567890$ A & #o B & & &# C & ###& # D # &#o# &# E #&&#@#& # F # & # &# G ## ##& # H # && # &# I #& &# #@ J # && # & K #S # # Number of Tiles: 22 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push J4 up once 2. Push J3 left 3. Push H3 up once 4. Push H4 right 5. Push E5 up 6. Push F3 left 7. Push E3 up twice 8. Push C2 up once 9. Push A5 right all the way 10. Push C7 down once 11. Push D8 down thrice 12. Push G7 down all the way 13. Push J8 right all the way 14. Push I0 up all the way Stage 84: ````````` 1234567890$ A * # B ## *@ C *# # ***** D * #*#o# E #*# ** * F #* * o # # G # * * * H @*#* @ * I # # S * # J # * # K o * # *** o Number of Tiles: 31 Allowed Drops: 12 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push K7 right all the way 2. Push J7 up all the way 3. Push H9 left all the way 4. Push H7 up all the way 5. Push H4 up once 6. Push G3 right thrice 7. Push G7 up 8. Push D3 down 9. Push D1 up all the way 10. Push A5 right all the way 11. Push B6 down 12. Push B7 right thrice 13. Push C7 down twice 14. Push B0 left once 15. Push B9 down all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push K7 right all the way 2. Push J7 up all the way 3. Push H9 left all the way 4. Push H7 up all the way 5. Push H4 up once 6. Push G3 right thrice 7. Push G7 up 8. Push D3 down 9. Push D1 up all the way 10. Push A5 right all the way 11. Push B6 down 12. Push B7 right thrice 13. Push B0 left once 14. Push B9 down all the way Stage 85: ````````` 1234567890$ A o # o B *S#* ###### C *@#* D * # @ * E * ####### F * # * G * # * ##### H * ## @ I # o J #****** K * # Number of Tiles: 22 Allowed Drops: 13 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push C2 down all the way 2. Push K2 right all the way 3. Push J2 left 4. Push J1 up all the way 5. Push G5 left 6. Push F5 left 7. Push H8 left twice 8. Push H6 down once 9. Push I6 right all the way 10. Push J6 down 11. Push J8 down 12. Push J7 right 13. Push K8 right all the way 14. Push J8 up once 15. Push J9 up once 16. Push J0 up once 17. Push I8 right all the way 18. Push D$ down all the way 19. Push B4 down 20. Push D6 right four times 21. Push D0 up 22. Push C0 left all the way 23. Push C5 up all the way 24. Push A5 right all the way 25. Push Shortest Solve: 1. Push C2 down all the way 2. Push K2 right all the way 3. Push J2 left 4. Push J1 up all the way 5. Push G5 left 6. Push F5 left 7. Push H8 left twice 8. Push H6 down once 9. Push I6 right all the way 10. Push D$ down all the way 11. Push B4 down 12. Push D6 right four times 13. Push D0 up 14. Push C0 left all the way 15. Push C5 up all the way 16. Push A5 right all the way Stage 86: ````````` 1234567890$ A # ##### # B # * * # C # ##@## # D # # S # # E #@* # *@# F # * * * # G *#* H # # # I ##o## J # * * # K ## ## Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push F8 down 2. Push E0 up thrice 3. Push B0 down all the way 4. Push G0 left once 5. Push G9 down all the way 6. Push J9 left twice 7. Push J6 up 8. Push J7 left once 9. Push J6 up 10. Push F4 down 11. Push E2 up thrice 12. Push B2 down all the way 13. Push G2 right once 14. Push G3 down all the way 15. Push J3 right twice 16. Push J6 up 17. Push J5 right once 18. Push J6 up 19. Push A4 right all the way 20. Push C6 up 21. Push B9 up 22. Push B6 left all the way 23. Push B2 down all the way 24. Push G2 right once 25. Push G3 down all the way 26. Push J3 right thrice 27. Push J6 up Shortest Solve: 1. Push F8 down 2. Push E0 right thrice 3. Push B0 down all the way 4. Push G0 left once 5. Push G9 down all the way 6. Push J9 left thrice 7. Push J6 up 8. Push F4 down 9. Push E2 up thrice 10. Push B2 down all the way 11. Push G2 right once 12. Push G3 down all the way 13. Push J3 right thrice 14. Push J6 up 15. Push A4 right all the way 16. Push C6 up 17. Push B9 up 18. Push B6 left all the way 19. Push B2 down all the way 20. Push G2 right once 21. Push G3 down all the way 22. Push J3 right thrice 23. Push J6 up Stage 87: ````````` 1234567890$ A o o B # S # C # # # # D &# # # #& E # & & & # F # @& &@ # G # # # H o# & #o I & && && & J ###@### K Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push E6 down 2. Push E8 right 3. Push E4 left 4. Push F5 down all the way 5. Push I2 left 6. Push I0 left all the way 7. Push H6 left all the way 8. Push F8 down all the way 9. Push I8 right all the way 10. Push I$ up 11. Push J6 up 12. Push H6 right all the way 13. Push I6 up 14. Push H6 right all the way 15. Push H8 down 16. Push I8 right all the way 17. Push I$ up 18. Push F6 right all the way 19. Push F8 up all the way 20. Push F4 up once 21. Push E3 up all the way 22. Push E4 down once 23. Push F4 right all the way 24. Push F8 down all the way 25. Push I8 right all the way 26. Push I$ up Stage 88: ````````` 1234567890$ A o#S# o B * *#***** C *# # # D @ # E # # # F * # ##* G # # # H *# # # @ I *** # # J * @ # # K o #* *#o Number of Tiles: 20 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push B3 down once 2. Push C1 down all the way 3. Push C3 up all the way 4. Push C5 up 5. Push D5 left once 6. Push D4 left once 7. Push D3 up once 8. Push D3 up once 9. Push B3 left all the way 10. Push B1 up 11. Push J5 left all the way 12. Push I3 up 13. Push I2 left 14. Push J2 down 15. Push K2 left 16. Push B7 up 17. Push B8 up 18. Push B0 up 19. Push C9 left all the way 20. Push H8 right all the way 21. Push H $ down all the way Stage 89: ````````` 1234567890$ A S#o# #o# #o B *#*#*#*#*#* C o* *o& *o* D *#*#*#*#*#* E *o* *o* *o F *#*#!#*#!#* G o* *o! &o* H *#!#!#!#!#! I *o! *o! *o J *#*#*#!#*#@ K o* &o% !o Number of Tiles: 59 Allowed Drops: 22 Goal Tiles: 1 For the additional 12 tiles, simply dump anything in the top rows. 1. Push B2 down 2. Push B4 down all the way 3. Push G2 right all the way 4. Push H5 down twice 5. Push I6 right 6. Push I8 right twice 7. Push J9 down 8. Push J$ up Stage 90: ````````` 1234567890$ A B ######## C # # D #***** # E # * # F # ##*### G # S @# # H #* !# # I # @* # # J # # o# # K # ## # Number of Tiles: 12 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push D4 up 2. Push D5 up 3. Push D6 up 4. Push E7 right all the way 5. Push D7 up 6. Push D8 up 7. Push I6 down 8. Push H7 up all the way 9. Push D7 right all the way 10. Push E7 left once 11. Push F7 up once 12. Push E6 right 13. Push E7 down all the way 14. Push H4 down all the way 15. Push I5 right all the way 16. Push I7 down Stage 91: ````````` 1234567890$ A & o # B & ####### C & # D # &@& &&# E # S #& # F # # & & G # # & @ H # ###### # I #& J ######&&& K Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push A2 left 2. Push D2 left 3. Push C2 down 4. Push C1 down all the way 5. Push J9 up 6. Push J$ up 7. Push J0 left 8. Push G0 up 9. Push F$ up 10. Push G7 left 11. Push F7 left 12. Push D9 up 13. Push D5 down 14. Push D7 down all the way 15. Push D6 left all the way 16. Push D3 up all the way 17. Push A3 right all the way 18. Push F0 left all the way 19. Push F8 up all the way 20. Push D8 left all the way 21. Push D3 up all the way 22. Push A3 right all the way Stage 92: ````````` 1234567890$ A o B ##### ### C # * # o D # #@# o # E x# * # o F x#*#@# o # G x#S* # o H #*# # o # I # * # o J ##### ### K o Number of Tiles: 11 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push H3 down 2. Push F3 up all the way 3. Push F5 down twice 4. Push G4 left 5. Push G3 down 6. Push I6 left all the way 7. Push E6 left all the way 8. Push E3 up 9. Push C6 left all the way 10. Push D5 down once 11. Push E5 right all the way 12. Push E7 up all the way 13. Push A7 left all the way 14. Push E1 down all the way 15. Push H5 up once 16. Push G5 right all the way 17. Push G7 up all the way 18. Push A7 left all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push H3 down 2. Push F3 up all the way 3. Push F5 down twice 4. Push G4 left 5. Push G3 down 6. Push I6 left all the way 7. Push E6 left all the way 8. Push E3 up 9. Push C6 left all the way 10. Push D5 down once 11. Push E5 right all the way 12. Push E7 up all the way 13. Push A7 left all the way 14. Push H5 up once 15. Push G5 right all the way 16. Push G7 up all the way 17. Push A7 left all the way Stage 93: ````````` 1234567890$ A o o B *!****xxx C ********* D ********* E ********* F ********* G ********* H ********* I ********@# J #******** # K S Number of Tiles: 80 Allowed Drops: 8 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I0 up 2. Push I9 left 3. Push H9 up 4. Push H8 left 5. Push G8 up 6. Push G7 left 7. Push F7 up 8. Push F6 left 9. Push E6 up 10. Push E5 left 11. Push D5 up 12. Push D4 left 13. Push C4 up 14. Push C3 left 15. Push B3 up 16. Push B2 left 17. Push C2 down 18. Push D3 down 19. Push E4 down 20. Push F5 down 21. Push G6 down 22. Push H7 down 23. Push I8 down 24. Push J9 down 25. Push K9 left 26. Push A3 right seven times 27. Push B9 down twice 28. Push C0 right 29. Push I9 right 30. Push D0 down all the way 31. Push K0 right 32. Push J0 up all the way 33. Push H9 up all the way 34. Push F8 up 35. Push E7 up 36. Push D6 up 37. Push C5 up 38. Push B4 up 39. Push C3 up 40. Push G0 left twice 41. Push G8 up 42. Push F8 left twice 43. Push F6 up once 44. Push E6 left once 45. Push E5 up once 46. Push D5 left once 47. Push D4 up once 48. Push C4 left once 49. Push C3 up once 50. Push B3 left 51. Push B2 up 52. Push A2 left Stage 94: ````````` 1234567890$ A B C # # D # # E # o # F # # # G # S # H &&& #@# &&& I @ & @ J ## ## K ########### Number of Tiles: 10 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push H3 down all the way 2. Push I4 right once 3. Push H9 up 4. Push H0 up all the way 5. Push H$ up all the way 6. Push I8 right once 7. Push I9 up 8. Push H9 right once 9. Push H0 up all the way 10. Push B0 left four times 11. Push B6 down all the way 12. Push H6 down 13. Push J6 left all the way 14. Push I6 up once 15. Push I5 right four times 16. Push I9 up 17. Push H9 right once 18. Push H0 up all the way 19. Push B0 left four times 20. Push B6 down all the way 21. Push H6 down once 22. Push I6 right thrice 23. Push I9 up 24. Push H9 right once 25. Push H0 up all the way 26. Push B0 left four times 27. Push B6 down all the way Stage 95: ````````` 1234567890$ A # # B o o C ###*### D # @ @ # E #o# F *##*##* G * * @ * * H *# S #* I # * ### * # J # # K ####### Number of Tiles: 19 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push G6 left all the way 2. Push G8 right all the way 3. Push F9 up all the way 4. Push D7 left once 5. Push C6 down once 6. Push D5 right once 7. Push D6 down 8. Push F6 down once 9. Push G2 down all the way 10. Push G3 right thrice 11. Push G6 up all the way Stage 96: ````````` 1234567890$ A B # ######## C ********* D ##### * E #o **** ## F ####x G ### ### H * #@xx I # *###*o@# J #@*# *** K S # Number of Tiles: 27 Allowed Drops: 15 Goal Tiles: 3 I've only listed the shortest solve here, because the other one consists of having to shift the long row of tiles 'C' left and right and dumping one of them in the top left hole. It takes quite a while of repetitive moves, if you want the extra points then get shiftin'. 1. Push J4 up once 2. Push H2 right all the way 3. Push I4 down 4. Push J3 up all the way 5. Push H3 right 6. Push H4 up all the way 7. Push C2 right 8. Push C$ down 9. Push C0 left all the way 10. Push E8 left all the way 11. Push F9 down all the way 12. Push J9 down 13. Push J0 right 14. Push I0 up once 15. Push K9 left all the way 16. Push J8 right once 17. Push J9 up 18. Push H8 down once 19. Push I8 left all the way 20. Push I8 down once 21. Push J8 right once 22. Push J0 up Stage 97: ````````` 1234567890$ A ###&#&#&### B ## &&&&& ## C ##*& & &*## D ***@* E *@o * S@* F #** * **# G ###*****### H &##&###&##& I && && &&&& J & && & & & K & & & & Number of Tiles: 60 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push E$ down 2. Push D9 up 3. Push F6 left 4. Push C8 left all the way 5. Push D7 down once 6. Push D6 left once 7. Push E6 down 8. Push C4 up 9. Push E1 down 10. Push E2 right 11. Push E0 left all the way Stage 98: ````````` 1234567890$ A o o B ## ## C # @ # D # ***** # E # ***** # F @**S*** G # ***** # H # ***** # I # @ # J ## ## K o o Number of Tiles: 28 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push F5 left all the way 2. Push E6 up all the way 3. Push G6 down all the way 4. Push H5 left 5. Push I6 right all the way 6. Push H7 up 7. Push H8 right 8. Push G8 up 9. Push F9 up 10. Push K6 left all the way 11. Push F1 up all the way 12. Push A6 right all the way Stage 99: ````````` 1234567890$ A S%%%% # o B %%%% # %%% C %%% # %@% D %% @ #%%% E % # o F # ##%### G # # # % % H # % % % % I ## # #% % % J @ % # % @ K o % #% % o Number of Tiles: 40 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push A2 right 2. Push B2 down 3. Push B3 right 4. Push C3 down 5. Push D4 down once 6. Push H3 left 7. Push E4 down 8. Push F4 right 9. Push F5 up 10. Push J2 right once 11. Push J3 up thrice 12. Push G3 down all the way 13. Push K3 left once 14. Push H6 right twice 15. Push I7 down 16. Push J8 down 17. Push J0 right 18. Push H0 up 19. Push I$ down once 20. Push B$ left 21. Push C8 right 22. Push D0 up all the way 23. Push C9 left all the way 24. Push A8 up 25. Push B9 right 26. Push A0 right =============================================================================== 04.) EXTRA STAGES GZZ00 =============================================================================== When you finish the game, leave the Ending sequence running to return back to the main menu. Start a New Game or Continue with the 2nd option to access an additional 40 stages including story. Stage 1x: `````````` 1234567890$ A B ######## C #o! o # D # # &#@## E # # & # F # ## # # G # # S# H ### # ## I # ## J ##### K Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push D8 down 2. Push D6 up 3. Push E8 left all the way 4. Push C6 left once 5. Push E6 up all the way 6. Push C4 right Stage 2x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ##### B # # C # # D # &### E ##@ o# F # S# # G ##&& # H # # I # ## # J # # K ###### Number of Tiles: 4 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push G6 down 2. Push H6 right once 3. Push E6 up all the way 4. Push B6 right 5. Push C6 down all the way 6. Push H6 right 7. Push H8 down once 8. Push H7 right 9. Push I8 up all the way Stage 3x: `````````` 1234567890$ A B ##### C # ## D # ### E # # # F ##@ # S# G # !@ ## H # # ## I #o # J ###### K Number of Tiles: 3 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push G7 left once 2. Push G4 right once 3. Push F5 up twice 4. Push G7 left once 5. Push G6 down all the way 6. Push I6 left all the way 7. Push G5 right all the way 8. Push D5 down all the way 9. Push G5 right once 10. Push G6 down all the way 11. Push I6 left all the way Stage 4x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ### # B # @ # C # ## # # D # # #& # E # # &# # F # &So&# G # #### # H # @ # # I #o & # J # & ### K #### Number of Tiles: 8 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push E7 up once 2. Push B6 right twice 3. Push D9 up all the way 4. Push B8 left once 5. Push B7 down all the way 6. Push J6 right 7. Push I6 up 8. Push H6 left 9. Push F9 up twice 10. Push F7 left once 11. Push E7 down 12. Push F5 right once 13. Push H4 down Stage 5x: `````````` 1234567890$ A !o B !o C #***** # D #***** ### E #*@*** o # F #***** # # G #***** # # H #***** ### I #S**** # J ###### K Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: Goal Tiles: 1. Push H2 up all the way 2. Push H3 right 3. Push G3 up once 4. Push G4 right 5. Push F4 up once 6. Push F5 right 7. Push E5 up once 8. Push E6 right once 9. Push D6 up once 10. Push E7 down 11. Push A2 left 12. Push B3 down once 13. Push F3 left 14. Push F2 up all the way 15. Push C3 down once 16. Push G3 left 17. Push F3 up once 18. Push G2 down all the way 19. Push C3 down once 20. Push F3 right once 21. Push E3 up 22. Push F4 up 23. Push E4 right all the way Stage 6x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # B o *#* o C #@***@***@# D S E ######### F G #* # *# H o** * **o I #* # *# J ### K ####### Number of Tiles: 20 Allowed Drops: 18 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push H3 right all the way 2. Push G3 down once 3. Push G9 down once 4. Push H9 left all the way 5. Push I9 up once 6. Push I3 up once 7. Push G3 right all the way 8. Push C2 up once 9. Push C4 up once 10. Push C3 left 11. Push B2 left 12. Push C3 up once 13. Push B2 left 14. Push C8 up once 15. Push C0 up once 16. Push C9 right 17. Push B0 right 18. Push C0 up once 19. Push B0 right 20. Push B8 down once 21. Push B4 down once 22. Push C4 right all the way 23. Push C0 up once 24. Push C9 left all the way 25. Push B0 right 26. Push C2 up once 27. Push C3 right all the way 28. Push B2 left 29. Push C0 up once 30. Push C9 left once 31. Push C7 right all the way 32. Push C9 up once 33. Push B9 right all the way 34. Push C0 up once 35. Push B0 right Shortest Solve: 1. Push C2 up once 2. Push C3 up all the way 3. Push C4 up all the way 4. Push C5 up 5. Push C7 up 6. Push C8 up all the way 7. Push C9 up all the way 8. Push C0 up once 9. Push B0 right 10. Push C6 left all the way 11. Push B2 left 12. Push C2 up 13. Push B2 left Stage 7x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # # B o ! ! o C ## # ! # ## D * # # * E # # F o#o#*@x# #o G # # H * # # *x* I x # # J * * # * K S* * # * # Number of Tiles: 19 Allowed Drops: 11 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push J1 up all the way 2. Push K2 right all the way 3. Push J3 up all the way 4. Push I2 left 5. Push I1 up all the way 6. Push F6 up twice 7. Push D0 right 8. Push H$ down once 9. Push H9 down once 10. Push H0 right 11. Push I$ up all the way 12. Push K9 left all the way 13. Push J9 right once 14. Push J0 up twice 15. Push H0 right 16. Push I9 down once 17. Push J9 right once 18. Push J0 up once 19. Push I0 right 20. Push I$ up all the way 21. Push B5 right twice 22. Push C6 right 23. Push B8 left thrice 24. Push B5 up 25. Push D6 up all the way 26. Push C6 left once 27. Push D2 left 28. Push F5 up 29. Push E5 right once 30. Push E6 up all the way 31. Push D4 right thrice 32. Push F7 up 33. Push E7 left once 34. Push E6 up all the way 35. Push B8 left thrice 36. Push B4 right all the way Shortest Solve: 1. Push K2 right all the way 2. Push J3 up 3. Push F6 up twice 4. Push B5 right twice 5. Push C6 right 6. Push D6 up all the way 7. Push B8 left all the way Stage 8x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # B * * * * * C # # D #*###*###*# E # % # F % *@S@* * G # * # H #*###*###*# I o # # J * * * * * K o# # Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push F5 left once 2. Push G6 right 3. Push H6 down all the way 4. Push J6 right once 5. Push J7 down 6. Push J4 left all the way 7. Push J1 down 8. Push J2 down 9. Push H2 up twice 10. Push F3 up 11. Push F2 left 12. Push F1 up 13. Push J8 right all the way 14. Push H0 up twice 15. Push E0 right 16. Push F8 left once 17. Push D0 up all the way 18. Push B8 left twice 19. Push B5 up 20. Push B4 left all the way 21. Push D2 down thrice 22. Push G2 left 23. Push H2 down once (or down twice, right once, then down again, skipping 24) 24. Push I2 left 25. Push D6 down all the way 26. Push J6 left thrice 27. Push F4 left twice 28. Push I6 down 29. Push F2 down all the way 30. Push J3 down 31. Push J6 left thrice 32. Push J3 down 33. Push J2 right once 34. Push J3 down Stage 9x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ## B #### @## C # #& D # & & S E # # #& F # &@#@&& G # #& & H # !## & I # o# J #### ## K Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push D9 left thrice 2. Push F0 down all the way 3. Push E9 down 4. Push H9 left 5. Push D6 down once 6. Push D5 right all the way 7. Push D0 down once 8. Push H5 up all the way 9. Push F6 up all the way 10. Push C6 left all the way 11. Push D6 left all the way 12. Push F5 left 13. Push F7 up once 14. Push B9 down twice 15. Push D9 left thrice 16. Push D6 down all the way 17. Push G6 left once 18. Push G5 down all the way 19. Push I5 right all the way 20. Push E7 up once 21. Push D7 right thrice 22. Push D0 left four times 23. Push D6 down all the way 24. Push G6 left once 25. Push G5 down all the way 26. Push I5 right all the way 27. Push G9 up thrice 28. Push D9 left thrice 29. Push D6 down all the way 30. Push G6 left once 31. Push G5 down all the way 32. Push I5 right all the way Stage 10x: `````````` 1234567890$ A S* # ### B ** # @ # C # * ##o* D # * @ * E #* *# # F *# #### G @* #** # H ## #*#* o@# I @ * J o #*# #* K # Number of Tiles: 23 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 5 1. Push A2 right 2. Push B2 down once 3. Push D4 down 4. Push E5 down twice 5. Push D9 right all the way 6. Push D$ up all the way 7. Push C0 up 8. Push D7 right thrice 9. Push D0 up 10. Push C0 left 11. Push B7 left once 12. Push B6 down all the way 13. Push C5 left 14. Push D6 right four times 15. Push D0 up 16. Push C0 left 17. Push G7 down all the way 18. Push I0 left once 19. Push H0 down once 20. Push G8 right all the way 21. Push I0 left once 22. Push I8 up all the way 23. Push I9 left once 24. Push I8 up 25. Push H8 right 26. Push I3 left once 27. Push I2 right six times 28. Push I8 up 29. Push H8 right 30. Push G3 up 31. Push D3 left 32. Push H5 up all the way 33. Push F3 up 34. Push G2 right all the way 35. Push G5 down twice 36. Push I5 right thrice 37. Push I8 up 38. Push H8 right Stage 11x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ##### # B # ##### C ## # @ # D # #&### ## E ## #& ## F # @ #@### G # ### # # # H # o# ### I #####S # J # ##### K ##### Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: Goal Tiles: 1. Push C6 left 2. Push F3 right all the way 3. Push C5 down 4. Push F6 down all the way 5. Push F5 left twice 6. Push D5 down 7. Push F5 left once 8. Push E5 down 9. Push F3 right 10. Push F6 down all the way 11. Push F8 up 12. Push E8 left all the way 13. Push F5 left once 14. Push E5 down 15. Push F3 right 16. Push F6 down all the way Stage 12x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # # # # B #o* ** o# C ** # # @ * D *@ # # E **##S##*# F # ### # G #*## ##** H # # @* I * @ # # ** J #o ** *o# K # # # # # Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push D5 left all the way 2. Push E3 down once 3. Push E2 left 4. Push D2 up all the way 5. Push F3 right 6. Push G3 down all the way 7. Push J4 right twice 8. Push I4 left all the way 9. Push I2 down 10. Push H7 right twice 11. Push C8 right all the way 12. Push C0 up 13. Push E9 down all the way 14. Push I6 right all the way Stage 13x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ! o ! B # &o& # C ## # @ # D ## # # S E ## # &&& # F ## &#& G ## # #@# H ## # I ########### J K Number of Tiles: 11 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push A9 left once 2. Push B8 left 3. Push A5 left all the way 4. Push E6 right 5. Push F6 down all the way 6. Push E9 right 7. Push E8 left all the way 8. Push C7 up 9. Push E5 down 10. Push F5 right 11. Push E6 left 12. Push F6 down 13. Push E5 down 14. Push F5 left all the way 15. Push F3 down all the way 16. Push G8 up 17. Push E8 right 18. Push F8 up 19. Push F9 right 20. Push E9 up 21. Push E8 left all the way 22. Push E5 down 23. Push F5 left all the way 24. Push F3 up all the way 25. Push A3 right all the way Stage 14x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # # # # # B ### # # ### C # &&&&& # D ###&@&@&### E # &&&&& # F ###&&&&&### G # &&&&& # H ### # # ### I # # # # # # J # o # (<- Start at J6) K ########### Number of Tiles: 25 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push G4 up once 2. Push G5 right all the way 3. Push F6 up all the way 4. Push E5 left all the way 5. Push E7 right all the way 6. Push D8 up all the way 7. Push C7 left all the way 8. Push D4 up 9. Push D6 up 10. Push D7 down 11. Push E7 left once 12. Push E6 down all the way 13. Push D5 right twice 14. Push D7 down 15. Push E7 left once 16. Push E6 down all the way Stage 15x: `````````` 1234567890$ A o # B #* # ** C o* # #*## D *# #* # E *# # # F # *#** G # #****#o# H @o # *# I # *# o * J # # #**# K o @o# S Number of Tiles: 22 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push I0 left twice 2. Push F9 up once 3. Push C9 up all the way 4. Push B2 down twice 5. Push F2 right 6. Push G2 down all the way 7. Push H3 right 8. Push I3 down all the way 9. Push K6 right Stage 16x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ### ## B ## #### # C # # &# D # # @&&& E # # S&&& F # #### & G ## & # H # #&& # I # # @ # J # o&###o K ### ## Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: Goal Tiles: 1. Push E7 right once 2. Push D7 down 3. Push D8 right all the way 4. Push E9 down 5. Push E0 right 6. Push D0 up once 7. Push D6 right all the way 8. Push C0 down all the way 9. Push J0 left 10. Push G7 right 11. Push I7 left all the way 12. Push H6 down 13. Push J5 up 14. Push G5 right all the way 15. Push I5 up 16. Push I6 right 17. Push G5 left all the way 18. Push G3 down all the way 19. Push J3 right Stage 17x: `````````` 1234567890$ A & # B # # C #####o # D & & &#& # E && @S# &# F # #& #& # G # ##### &# H # # # & # I # # # &# J # # # @ # K # &# Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push E4 left all the way 2. Push D3 left all the way 3. Push A9 left all the way 4. Push E0 down all the way 5. Push E2 up all the way 6. Push E6 left all the way 7. Push J9 up all the way 8. Push E2 up all the way 9. Push B2 right all the way 10. Push B8 down 11. Push C8 right 12. Push C9 down all the way 13. Push E8 up 14. Push C8 right 15. Push C9 down all the way 16. Push D8 up 17. Push C8 left Stage 18x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ########### B # # C #*# @o#*# D # #* *# # E # @**#** # F # ***S*** # G # #*# # H # # # # I #*# @ #*# J # * * # K ########### Number of Tiles: 20 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push F5 left 2. Push E5 up all the way 3. Push C8 right 4. Push B5 left all the way 5. Push C5 up 6. Push G6 down twice 7. Push J5 right all the way 8. Push J2 up all the way 9. Push B5 left all the way 10. Push C5 up 11. Push B5 right all the way 12. Push E3 right 13. Push E5 up all the way 14. Push B5 right all the way 15. Push E4 right 16. Push F2 down all the way 17. Push F3 down all the way 18. Push E5 up twice 19. Push C5 right all the way 20. Push F7 right 21. Push E7 up all the way 22. Push B7 right 23. Push C7 up 24. Push I7 left once 25. Push I6 up all the way 26. Push F6 left thrice 27. Push F3 up once 28. Push E3 right all the way 29. Push E5 up twice 30. Push C5 right all the way Stage 19x: `````````` 1234567890$ A @o B C ## ## D # # E # # F ## &&& ## G # &&&&& # H # &&&&& # I # &&&&& # J # S # K ##### Number of Tiles: 19 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push I4 up 2. Push H4 right 3. Push I8 up 4. Push H9 up 5. Push H8 left all the way 6. Push G7 up 7. Push G6 left 8. Push F6 up all the way 9. Push A0 right Stage 20x: `````````` 1234567890$ A S B # # C # ### # D # @***@ # E #*# #*# F # * o *# G #*# #*# H # @***@ # I ### J # # K Number of Tiles: 16 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push D8 down once 2. Push D4 right once 3. Push H4 up twice 4. Push F3 right once 5. Push D8 left down 6. Push D4 down twice 7. Push F4 right all the way 8. Push F8 right 9. Push E8 down once 10. Push F0 down 11. Push F9 left once 12. Push H8 up twice 13. Push F8 left all the way Stage 21x: `````````` 1234567890$ A * # B ## *@ C *# # ***** D * #*#o# E #*# ** * F #* * # # # G # * * * H @*#* @ * I # # S * # J # * # K o * # *** o Number of Tiles: 31 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push I7 right 2. Push H7 up 3. Push G9 right all the way 4. Push H9 right 5. Push H0 down all the way 6. Push K7 right once 7. Push G7 left twice 8. Push H4 up 9. Push D3 down 10. Push H3 left all the way 11. Push G3 up once 12. Push K3 right 13. Push G5 left once 14. Push D3 down 15. Push H3 left 16. Push G3 up once 17. Push H2 down all the way 18. Push K2 left 19. Push E7 right once all the way 20. Push D3 down 21. Push C1 up all the way 22. Push A5 right all the way 23. Push B6 down 24. Push B7 right thrice 25. Push C7 down 26. Push E7 right 27. Push C$ down 28. Push C0 left 29. Push C7 down 30. Push B0 down 31. Push C0 left 32. Push C9 down Stage 22x: `````````` 1234567890$ A !o B ! # !!& C ! # # @ D !# ! ! #& E # #!#& F # !S& # G !#&#& H !# & ##o I ! # # & J &@& & & K ## & Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: Goal Tiles: 1. Push E6 up all the way 2. Push A3 left all the way 3. Push B2 left 4. Push D2 down twice 5. Push D5 right once 6. Push J2 up all the way 7. Push J4 left once 8. Push J3 down 9. Push K3 right all the way 10. Push G8 up all the way 11. Push I$ down all the way 12. Push J0 left six times 13. Push K9 left 14. Push J3 down 15. Push K3 right 16. Push J4 left once 17. Push J3 down 18. Push J2 right eight times 19. Push J0 up 20. Push I0 right 21. Push I$ up 22. Push B0 down once 23. Push E0 left 24. Push C0 down all the way (or C0 left, C0 down all the way skipping the next step and having to walk less instead) 25. Push G0 left all the way 26. Push G6 up twice 27. Push G8 up 28. Push F8 left twice 29. Push D6 down all the way 30. Push J6 right fourth times 31. Push J0 up 32. Push I0 right 33. Push I$ up Stage 23x: `````````` 1234567890$ A * * B * ##### * C * # @* D @ # E o#&&#&&# F # &&#&& # G # &&# & # H # & S&& # I # #@# # J # # K ##### Number of Tiles: 23 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push H7 right 2. Push H4 left 3. Push F7 up once 4. Push F8 right 5. Push G8 down all the way 6. Push H9 down 7. Push E8 up all the way 8. Push C8 left 9. Push B0 right 10. Push B$ down all the way 11. Push A9 left all the way 12. Push D2 down 13. Push C1 up 14. Push G4 up once 15. Push D4 left all the way 16. Push D1 down all the way 17. Push F4 up once 18. Push D4 left all the way 19. Push D1 down all the way 20. Push E4 up all the way 21. Push C4 left all the way 22. Push I6 up 23. Push H6 left all the way 24. Push H4 up four times 25. Push D4 left twice 26. Push B4 down 27. Push C0 down once 28. Push D0 left all the way 29. Push D8 down all the way 30. Push H8 left all the way 31. Push H4 up four times 32. Push D4 left twice 33. Push B4 down Stage 24x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # * # # B %*# *@* C ** S # D # @## # E o### @ #o F # # ## G @ # **# H # # * I # # # @* J * * # ** K #o #o Number of Tiles: 20 Allowed Drops: 6 Goal Tiles: 5 I don't think there is a way to solve this by getting the pig as the sixth tile, and it is easier to just take another tile that is blocking the way to solve the level quicker too. 1. Push C3 up 2. Push C2 left 3. Push C1 down all the way 4. Push B7 right all the way 5. Push B$ up 6. Push E6 left 7. Push G8 down once 8. Push G7 left 9. Push I8 right once 10. Push J7 up once 11. Push J2 right all the way 12. Push G2 right once 13. Push E5 up 14. Push G3 left once 15. Push G2 down thrice 16. Push J2 right all the way 17. Push I5 down once 18. Push C5 left all the way 19. Push C1 down all the way 20. Push D5 up 21. Push B9 down 22. Push C5 left all the way 23. Push C1 down all the way 24. Push C9 left 25. Push C8 down 26. Push B0 left once 27. Push B9 down once 28. Push C9 right once 29. Push C0 down all the way 30. Push E0 left 31. Push H8 down all the way 32. Push H9 right all the way 33. Push H$ down all the way 34. Push J0 left 35. Push I9 right 36. Push I0 down all the way Stage 25x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # * * * # B # # # # C ## ## D #* *# E *###* F # @* *@ # G # @*S*@ # H @*o*@ I ***# #*** J # *@* # K # # Number of Tiles: 28 Allowed Drops: 7 Goal Tiles: 7 1. Push F5 left all the way 2. Push E4 up 3. Push D3 down once 4. Push D4 right thrice 5. Push A8 right all the way 6. Push D9 up once 7. Push D7 right all the way 8. Push D9 up all the way 9. Push F4 down 10. Push I3 up all the way 11. Push J4 right once 12. Push G5 left twice 13. Push G3 down once 14. Push H3 up thrice 15. Push E3 left all the way 16. Push I4 up once 17. Push G4 right twice 18. Push G6 down 19. Push H4 up once 20. Push G4 right twice 21. Push G6 down 22. Push F2 down all the way 23. Push H2 right twice 24. Push H4 up once 25. Push G4 right twice 26. Push G6 down 27. Push J8 left all the way 28. Push J3 up all the way 29. Push J6 left 30. Push J3 up all the way 31. Push J4 right twice 32. Push J6 up all the way 33. Push G8 left twice 34. Push G6 down 35. Push I8 up 36. Push G8 left twice 37. Push G6 down 38. Push E8 down once 39. Push G8 left twice 40. Push G6 down Stage 26x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # B # # C #&&&# D & # &&& # & E #&&&&&&&# F &#&&&@&&&#& G #&&@&@&&# H # &&& # I ##*## J * * * K # ##o## # Number of Tiles: 37 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push E6 up all the way 2. Push D5 left 3. Push C5 up all the way 4. Push B6 right twice 5. Push D$ down all the way 6. Push J9 down 7. Push D1 down all the way 8. Push J3 down 9. Push J6 right all the way 10. Push J0 down 11. Push G6 down once 12. Push J6 left all the way 13. Push J2 down 14. Push H6 down once 15. Push J6 right all the way 16. Push I6 down once 17. Push J6 left all the way 18. Push C6 up 19. Push B8 left all the way 20. Push B2 down all the way 21. Push B3 left 22. Push B2 down 23. Push C2 left 24. Push H5 left 25. Push H7 right 26. Push G5 up all the way 27. Push B5 left all the way 28. Push B2 down 29. Push D5 up 30. Push B5 left twice 31. Push B3 down 32. Push A6 left all the way 33. Push C5 up once 34. Push B5 right once 35. Push B6 down all the way 36. Push G7 up all the way 37. Push A7 right all the way 38. Push B7 right all the way 39. Push E7 up all the way 40. Push A7 right all the way 41. Push B7 right all the way 42. Push C7 up once 43. Push B7 left once 44. Push B6 down all the way Stage 27x: `````````` 1234567890$ A * B ******@*** C #*****# D #* #***# *# E # #o# # F # *S* * # G ## # ## H # @#@ # I ## # ## J ##### K Number of Tiles: 25 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push F6 right twice 2. Push F9 up once 3. Push F8 left all the way 4. Push D0 up all the way 5. Push E9 down all the way 6. Push A0 left all the way 7. Push E6 up 8. Push B0 up 9. Push A0 left all the way 10. Push C6 up 11. Push B9 left 12. Push A6 left 13. Push B6 down all the way 14. Push B7 right twice 15. Push B0 up 16. Push A0 left twice 17. Push B9 right all the way 18. Push B$ up 19. Push H7 up all the way 20. Push F7 right twice 21. Push F9 up once 22. Push E9 right 23. Push E0 up thrice 24. Push B0 left all the way 25. Push B6 down all the way 26. Push H5 up all the way 27. Push F5 right four times 28. Push F9 up once 29. Push E9 right 30. Push E0 up thrice 31. Push B0 left all the way 32. Push B6 down all the way Stage 28x: `````````` 1234567890$ A *S* B * * * C *** # # *** D # # E *# * #* F @# *#* #* G # *** # H ##*****## I #o#*****#o# J #@ # K # # Number of Tiles: 32 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push A5 left once 2. Push A4 right all the way 3. Push C1 down all the way 4. Push C2 right 5. Push C3 up once 6. Push B2 right all the way 7. Push F2 up all the way 8. Push H8 down all the way 9. Push E6 right all the way 10. Push H4 down once 11. Push G5 right 12. Push H5 right 13. Push I5 down once 14. Push I6 right 15. Push J2 up 16. Push J4 right all the way 17. Push F5 down all the way 18. Push B2 right four times 19. Push B6 down all the way 20. Push E6 left once 21. Push E5 down all the way 22. Push J5 left all the way 23. Push J2 up Stage 29x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ## ## B # & #&# & # C # && && # D # o # E # # F # # @ # # G # &#& # H # # @ # # I # && S && # J # & & # K ####### Number of Tiles: 17 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push G5 up 2. Push I3 down 3. Push I4 right all the way 4. Push J5 right all the way 5. Push G7 up 6. Push F7 left 7. Push F4 down 8. Push G4 right 9. Push F6 left 10. Push C3 right all the way 11. Push F4 down 12. Push F5 right all the way 13. Push G5 down all the way 14. Push G4 left all the way 15. Push G2 up thrice 16. Push D2 right 17. Push D3 up 18. Push C3 right all the way 19. Push B6 down once 20. Push C6 up once 21. Push H6 left 22. Push H5 up all the way 23. Push F5 left 24. Push F4 down 25. Push G4 left all the way 26. Push G2 up thrice 27. Push D2 right 28. Push D3 up 29. Push C3 right all the way 30. Push B6 down Stage 30x: `````````` 1234567890$ A #### B # * # C @ * # # D # # # # E # * # # F ## *# # #* G ###**o H @**# ###** I # # * J S# @ # K # * Number of Tiles: 14 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push K6 right all the way 2. Push H$ up twice 3. Push H0 down all the way 4. Push I8 left 5. Push J7 right twice 6. Push J9 up 7. Push I9 right once 8. Push I0 up all the way 9. Push G0 left all the way 10. Push E4 left all the way 11. Push B4 right all the way 12. Push B8 down 13. Push C8 left 14. Push C7 down all the way 15. Push C4 right 16. Push C5 up 17. Push B5 right all the way 18. Push B8 down 19. Push C8 left 20. Push C7 down 21. Push C2 right all the way 22. Push C5 up 23. Push B5 right all the way 24. Push B8 down 25. Push C8 right all the way 26. Push E$ down all the way 27. Push C0 down 28. Push D0 left 29. Push D9 down all the way 30. Push G9 left all the way 31. Push H4 up 32. Push E4 left 33. Push F4 down all the way 34. Push E3 up all the way 35. Push I4 left 36. Push H4 up all the way 37. Push E4 left 38. Push E3 up all the way 39. Push H2 right 40. Push H4 up all the way 41. Push E4 left 42. Push E3 up all the way 43. Push C3 left all the way 44. Push H3 right 45. Push H4 up all the way 46. Push E4 left 47. Push E3 up all the way 48. Push C3 right all the way 49. Push C5 up 50. Push B5 right all the way 54. Push B8 down 55. Push C8 right all the way 56. Push C0 down 57. Push D0 left 58. Push D9 down all the way 59. Push G9 left all the way Stage 31x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ######### S B # C **** # * D ### #@ E # ##*# o# F # # @** # G # ##*# H # # #*## I # # # J # # #o K # ### Number of Tiles: 11 Allowed Drops: 2 Goal Tiles: 2 1. Push D0 down 2. Push C9 right all the way 3. Push C$ down all the way 4. Push C5 left 5. Push C1 up 6. Push C6 up 7. Push C4 right 8. Push B6 right all the way 9. Push C6 up 10. Push B6 left all the way 11. Push C5 right 12. Push C6 up 13. Push B6 left all the way 14. Push B$ down all the way 15. Push F7 left 16. Push F4 down all the way 17. Push J4 left all the way 18. Push J2 up all the way 19. Push C2 right all the way 20. Push C6 up 21. Push C9 left 22. Push B6 right four times 23. Push B0 down all the way Stage 32x: `````````` 1234567890$ A * ** # o B *S* # #**# C * * # D * * # ** E *# #o #@ ## F # # G #*# # * H #@ ## # *@* I * #o#* J # # ## K # ** Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push C2 down 2. Push D3 down once 3. Push C4 up 4. Push E3 up all the way 5. Push E1 up all the way 6. Push D2 right all the way 7. Push D8 right all the way 8. Push B9 down once 9. Push C9 left 10. Push E8 up once 11. Push D8 right 12. Push I4 left all the way 13. Push H2 up 14. Push F2 right all the way 15. Push F5 down 16. Push G5 left 17. Push G2 up 18. Push F2 right all the way 19. Push F5 up 20. Push D9 up twice 21. Push B8 down once 22. Push B9 up 23. Push A9 right 24. Push K6 right thrice 25. Push K0 left all the way 26. Push H$ up all the way 27. Push G0 left 28. Push H0 down all the way 29. Push J0 left all the way 30. Push J8 up Stage 33x: `````````` 1234567890$ A o# * * B * @# ##o@# C #* *# @ D # * #* # E # # * *# * F * # # *S G # * *# * H # # # I ##*# @#* J @* # * * # K # # # Number of Tiles: 24 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 5 1. Push G$ down all the way 2. Push F0 up 3. Push G8 down 4. Push G5 left once 5. Push F3 up all the way 6. Push C7 right twice 7. Push D8 down once 8. Push C9 up 9. Push A0 right 10. Push E$ down all the way 11. Push B0 down 12. Push F8 up once 13. Push C0 left once 14. Push D8 down once 15. Push C9 up 16. Push E8 up all the way 17. Push C8 right all the way 18. Push D8 up 19. Push C8 right all the way 20. Push A8 right all the way 21. Push B4 down 22. Push B3 left 23. Push C3 down once 24. Push D4 left 25. Push D3 down once 26. Push E6 up all the way 27. Push A6 right all the way 28. Push C4 down 29. Push D4 right all the way 31. Push D6 down once 32. Push E6 right all the way 33. Push E8 up all the way 34. Push C8 right 35. Push C9 up 36. Push H8 right 37. Push I7 down 38. Push K7 right 39. Push J7 up all the way 40. Push G7 right 41. Push G8 up all the way 42. Push C8 right 43. Push C9 up 44. Push G4 left 45. Push G3 up all the way 46. Push J2 right 47. Push J4 up all the way 48. Push G4 left 49. Push G3 up all the way 50. Push J3 right 51. Push J4 up all the way 52. Push G4 right all the way 53. Push G8 up all the way 54. Push C8 right 55. Push C9 up Stage 34x: `````````` 1234567890$ A o # & B # # #o & C & # ## D # #% # ! E @## @ #@# F &o# S# G ## & # H ## # I # #& o J %!&# &@ # K ## &% # Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push E0 up all the way 2. Push E7 left once 3. Push A0 left all the way 4. Push B0 down once 5. Push B9 right once 6. Push D0 left once 7. Push C0 up 8. Push A0 left 9. Push B0 up 10. Push D9 right once 11. Push D0 up all the way 12. Push B0 left all the way 13. Push J4 down 14. Push J3 left 15. Push J1 up all the way 16. Push F3 left all the way 17. Push E2 up all the way 18. Push C3 up once 19. Push C2 right 20. Push C3 up 21. Push A3 right once 22. Push B3 up 23. Push A4 left once 24. Push D5 down 25. Push E6 down twice 26. Push K9 left 27. Push J9 up twice 28. Push H9 right all the way 29. Push H$ down 30. Push G9 down all the way 31. Push G5 right all the way 32. Push G9 down once 33. Push G8 left 34. Push H9 right all the way 35. Push H$ down Stage 35x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ##### B o#* *** *#o C #@# D * # # * E # # # F #@ # # @# G o #@ S # H # *## # I * # @ J ***# **# # K # o Number of Tiles: Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 5 1. Push F0 up all the way 2. Push B9 down all the way 3. Push C0 left once 4. Push D0 up 5. Push C9 right 6. Push C$ down once 7. Push C0 left once 8. Push D$ up all the way 9. Push C9 right all the way 10. Push C$ down all the way 11. Push I6 left twice 12. Push J3 up all the way 13. Push J2 down 14. Push J1 down 15. Push F2 up all the way 16. Push B3 down all the way 17. Push C2 right once 18. Push D2 up 19. Push C3 left 20. Push C1 down once 21. Push C2 right once 22. Push D1 up all the way 23. Push C3 left all the way 24. Push C1 down all the way 25. Push I4 left once 26. Push G4 down 27. Push I4 left once 28. Push H4 down 29. Push I6 left all the way 30. Push I1 up all the way 31. Push I0 left 32. Push I9 down all the way 33. Push K9 left 34. Push B7 left all the way 35. Push B3 down 36. Push B4 right once 37. Push C3 left all the way 38. Push B6 left once 39. Push C6 up 40. Push B4 right all the way 41. Push B9 down 42. Push B8 left 43. Push C9 right all the way 44. Push C$ up all the way Stage 36x: `````````` 1234567890$ A * o# #o B #@ # # C * *#* D ## # # @ # E * # * # F # * #### G # * H * * # @**# I # *# # *@ J *# * o K o# # S Number of Tiles: 21 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 5 1. Push J8 left 2. Push I8 up 3. Push I9 right once 4. Push E7 right once 5. Push C7 up all the way 6. Push H0 down once 7. Push H9 once 8. Push H8 right all the way 9. Push I9 right 10. Push D8 right all the way 11. Push E8 left once 12. Push D$ up 13. Push D0 left twice 14. Push E9 left once 15. Push E8 right once 16. Push E9 up 17. Push B9 left once 18. Push C9 up 19. Push B8 right 20. Push B0 up 21. Push E7 right once 22. Push C5 left once 23. Push A3 left once 24. Push B3 down twice 25. Push G5 down all the way 26. Push F4 up 27. Push E3 up all the way 28. Push A2 right twice 29. Push H2 right all the way 30. Push K5 right all the way 31. Push H5 down all the way 32. Push H4 left all the way 33. Push I3 down 34. Push J3 left once 35. Push J2 down 36. Push I3 up 37. Push H3 left 38. Push H2 down all the way 39. Push G8 left all the way 40. Push G4 down 41. Push H4 left all the way 42. Push H2 down all the way Stage 37x: `````````` 1234567890$ A # # B &@&# #&@& C # # D ###&### E # !!! # F # &!S!& # G &#!!!#& H # # o # # I #@# J # & &&& & # K ### # ### Number of Tiles: 25 Allowed Drops: 3 Goal Tiles: 3 1. Push E6 up all the way 2. Push E5 left 3. Push E7 right 4. Push F5 down 5. Push F4 left all the way 6. Push F7 down 7. Push F8 right all the way 8. Push D4 up 9. Push D8 up 10. Push G3 down once 11. Push J3 right once 12. Push J4 down 13. Push H3 down once 14. Push I3 right 15. Push G9 down once 16. Push J9 left once 17. Push J8 down 18. Push H9 down once 19. Push I9 left 20. Push J7 left twice 21. Push I6 up 22. Push G6 up twice 23. Push E6 left 24. Push F0 up twice 25. Push D0 down all the way 26. Push G0 left 27. Push G9 down all the way 28. Push J9 left once 29. Push B0 down all the way 30. Push G0 left 31. Push G9 down all the way 32. Push J3 right all the way 33. Push F2 up twice 34. Push D2 down all the way 35. Push G2 right 36. Push G3 down all the way 37. Push J3 right 38. Push B2 down all the way 39. Push G2 right 40. Push G3 down all the way 41. Push B3 left once 42. Push B2 down all the way 43. Push G2 right 44. Push G3 up 45. Push F3 right thrice 46. Push F6 down all the way 47. Push A9 right once 48. Push G9 left 49. Push G8 up 50. Push F8 left thrice 51. Push F6 down all the way Stage 38x: `````````` 1234567890$ A ## * * ## B ## * * * ## C *## ##* D ## ## E # *o* # F ##* # *## G # @ # H ## ## I *## ##* J ## *** ## K ## *S* ## Number of Tiles: 18 Allowed Drops: 1 Goal Tiles: 1 1. Push K5 left once 2. Push K7 right all the way 3. Push J7 left all the way 4. Push I9 up once 5. Push C9 up all the way 6. Push B8 left once 7. Push A7 left all the way 8. Push B6 right once 9. Push E5 left all the way 10. Push G5 right thrice 11. Push B8 left all the way 12. Push E7 right twice 13. Push E9 down once 14. Push G9 right 15. Push I9 up thrice 16. Push E9 left all the way Stage 39x: `````````` 1234567890$ A S *# # B **#@* # * C ## *** @ D ## # # ## E # # * F # # G #@ *# * H * ##*###o I o# # * # J * # @*** K # # * Number of Tiles: 25 Allowed Drops: 4 Goal Tiles: 4 1. Push C2 right twice 2. Push G4 down once 3. Push H3 down once 4. Push J2 right all the way 5. Push I3 up once 6. Push J4 down 7. Push G2 up once 8. Push H4 down once 9. Push H3 right 10. Push F2 down all the way 11. Push I4 up once 12. Push H2 right 13. Push H3 down all the way 14. Push J3 left all the way 15. Push J1 up 16. Push G4 down all the way 17. Push E9 right all the way 18. Push C9 up once 19. Push C8 left twice 20. Push B5 down twice 21. Push C4 left 22. Push C6 right once 23. Push C7 down 24. Push B6 right 25. Push B7 up 26. Push E5 up once 27. Push C5 right once 28. Push D5 up all the way 29. Push C6 left once 30. Push C5 down all the way 31. Push F5 right all the way 32. Push G0 left thrice 33. Push F8 down 34. Push G7 right all the way 35. Push G$ down 36. Push G0 left thrice 37. Push B9 down once 38. Push C9 left four times 39. Push C5 down all the way 40. Push F5 right all the way 41. Push F8 down 42. Push G7 right all the way 43. Push G$ down 44. Push K7 left 45. Push J7 up all the way 46. Push J0 left once 47. Push J9 up 47. Push J8 up 48. Push G7 left 49. Push H7 down all the way 50. Push J7 right all the way 51. Push J$ up all the way Stage 40x: `````````` 1234567890$ A % ## B %o% %% #% C # # % % D @% # %# E %# @## # #o F #@ # @ %# G # % # % H o # S # # I # # % # J # %@ % K # o # o# Number of Tiles: 22 Allowed Drops: 5 Goal Tiles: 5 1. Push I7 right 2. Push J0 right 3. Push G9 left 4. Push D9 up all the way 5. Push A9 right all the way 6. Push B9 up 7. Push A9 right all the way 8. Push C0 left once 9. Push C9 down all the way 10. Push C8 right once 11. Push C9 up all the way 12. Push G5 up 13. Push E1 up all the way 14. Push B3 up 15. Push B5 right 16. Push B7 up 17. Push B6 left twice 18. Push E4 down 19. Push D3 up all the way 20. Push G4 left all the way 21. Push G2 down once 22. Push H2 left 23. Push F4 down 24. Push J6 left once 25. Push J4 up 26. Push J5 right all the way 27. Push G4 left all the way 28. Push G2 down once 29. Push H2 left 30. Push J0 down 31. Push F8 right 32. Push F9 up thrice 33. Push C9 right all the way 34. Push C$ down all the way 35. Push B3 right all the way 36. Push D2 right once 37. Push D3 up all the way 38. Push B3 left Now you are finally all done with this game! =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release (1st of November 2007) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Jaleco and NMK for the game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=