Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III Copyright Taito 1991 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: Version 1.1 Dates Written: July 30th to July 31st, 2006 I dedicate this to the NES fans out there, as this one is part of the NES FAQ completion Project of 2004-2006, courtesy of the FAQ Contributor Board. We honour the most truly awesome and great system... the Nintendo Entertainment System! Never mind about Atari, Commodore 64, Colecovision, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, or any of the newer systems, we all know that the good old NES is where true gaming is at! Also, for Cougar. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. Also, In memory of Howler and Koonce. You two never had a good start in your lives, but you had a good time when you spent your time at my house. It was oh so unfortunate that you both had your already tragic lives cut short, but I can only hope that I helped make your life a more enjoyable experience. You too will be missed, but not forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on July 31st, 2006 ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- -Submitted guide on December 19th, 2007 -Thanks to Adam Lamontagne for the e-mail with the manual for the game, allowing me to update with the proper names for each world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Attack TeChniques 4) Items 5) Walkthrough 6) Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Many thanks to for the following story tidbit: Long, long ago, a courageous warrior entered a cave of monsters intent on sealing the cave forever. He accomplished this task, but missed a single monster. Many years later, the monster has grown in power, and has destroyed the seal on the cave, unleashing the dreadful monsters on mankind again. On the same day that happened, Bubby and Bobby were presented with the gift of magical parasols, one for eaCh of them, for defeating the monsters on Rainbow Island. In the following months, they tried to learn the magical powers of their parasols, and in turn, didn't notice the evil presence that was taking over the other planets. Receiving an emergency distress signal from a neighbouring planet, they raise their parasols to the sky, and fly to the danger filled planet, planning on restoring peace to the people by defeating Chaostikan! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Controls------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will list all of the controls you will need to know to save the nearby planets from attack. D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT move Bubby/Bobby in the corresponding directions. UP and DOWn have no apparent use. SELECT : No apparent use. START : Pauses/unpauses the game. B Button: Deploys the Parasol. A Button: Makes Bubby/Bobby leap high into the air. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Attack TeChniques-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will examine the various attack teChniques that Bobby and Bubby must employ to free the various worlds from the released monsters. o--------------------o | Enemy/Droplet Grab | o--------------------o ApproaCh an enemy or droplet and hold the B Button to snag the object and hold it. When ready to rid yourself of it, release the B Button to send it flying, possibly plowing through other foes/Items. o--------------------o | Elemental Droplets | o--------------------o If four of any elemental droplet are pooled, then a special attack will be unleashed. The special attacks are as follows: i) A layer of flames will be laid down on one ledge, damagaing any foe who touChes that area. ii) A larger shot will occur and cause more damage than normal. iii) A wave of water will be unleashed that will slide along the ground until it falls off the screen. iv) A ring of stars will shoot out from the position of Bubby/Bobby and destroy any foes who come into contact with the stars. o--------------------o | Parasol Protection | o--------------------o Whenever enemies fire projectiles at Bubby or Bobby, hold the B Button to protect them from the side shots, and hold UP + Button to deploy the Parasol above their heads. o---------------o | Parasol Drift | o---------------o When a Parasol Protection for attacks from above is deployed or the side proection is deployed and a ledge is stepped off of, Bubby and Bobby can float down slowly through the air. They can also carry an enemy/droplet/weapon to throw when they release the Parasol. o---------------------o | Charged Shot Bounce | o---------------------o Whenever a foursome of droplets have been obtained to form a Charged shot, Bubby and Bobby are able to bounce themselves off of the remaining droplets on screen. This is a great way to reaCh higher ledges that would not normally be accessible, so use it to reaCh those great prizes that lie just out of reaCh in some areas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Items------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This section will look at the various Items within the game that do more than just simply add to your score. o------o | Cane | o------o A small crook of a stick, it will make an item worth 100000 points drop into level after all enemies have been defeated. o-------o | Clock | o-------o This very rare Item will cause the enemies to become frozen in place for a limited amount of time. o-------o | Cross | o-------o These holy figurines will call down an element to smite all enemies with instantanious death. The following variations exist: i) Blue Crosses will flood the entire level. ii) Yellow Crosses will call down lightning bolts. iii) Red Crosses will send fire down upon the enemies. o-------------o | Dollar Coin | o-------------o Marked with a 100 on it, this Item will grant Bubby and Bobby an additional credit to go and save the planets from the escaped monsters. o-------------------o | Elemental Bottles | o-------------------o These are found in the Boss Chambers of eaCh world, and they are used to destroy said bosses. They come in the following types, with the following abilities: i) Flame Bottles give the ability to throw small flame droplets sideways, but if they are fully Charged up, a layer of flames will be laid down on one ledge, damagaing any foe who touChes that area. ii) Lightning Bottles give the ability to throw small lightning droplets at foes, but a fully Charged shot will be bigger and cause more damage. iii) Water Bottles give the ability to throw small water droplets around, but a fully Charged shot wil unleash a wave of water that will slide along the ground until it falls off the screen. o---------------o | Miracle Icons | o---------------o These level specific elemental types will reward Bubby and Bobby with special rewards if they can collect three of the same type. The rewards are as follows: i) Fire Miracle will cause all defeated foes on the next planet to become Items worth 10000 points upon their defeat. ii) Lightning Miracle will increase the liklihood of rare Items appearing. iii) Water Miracle will cause all level on the next planet to reveal their Miracle Icons immediately. iv) Star Miracle will make a giant Gold Coin appear after the world's boss is defeated, rewarding the heroes with 100 extra lives! This is a rather late game prize to get as Star Miracles appear from the Flight Planet onwards, so it is a reward for those who are patient and skilled enough to get there and to get the three Star Miracles required. v) Any combination of three Mircale Icons (matChing or not) will knock all foes on screen unconcious, making them easy to defeat. o-------o | Heart | o-------o Appearing on the majority of levels, these Items will make any uncovered hidden Items within the level appear after the enemies have been destroyed. Their points value can be 10, 30, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 3000, or 5000, but it appears to be random on determining those vlaues, so good luck on getting the better values. o-------------o | Speed Shoes | o-------------o Grab these to greatly increase your speed of movement. They are a great Item to have, so make every effort to go and get them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Walkthrough---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section will cover every level within the game, offering ideas on how to tackle the various enemies that will be trying to stop your rescue attempts. o-------------o | Music World | o-------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Yin Yang X 6 Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Since it is the first level it is very easy to take out the enemy. However, wait for the Magical Item to appear before vanquishing all the foes, as you should on every level that has an easy to clear flavour to it. It is located in the top-leftt of the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Cymbals X 1, Trumpet X 2, Piano X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: The Piano is the first monster producing enemy you will encounter, so use the parasol to throw the other enemies and water dropelts into the foe, stunning it to allow the picking up of it to throw it into the wall. The Magic Item appears at top-left of the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Yin Yang X 4, Trumpets X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Start out by taking out the Yin Yangs quickly, allowing for the throwing of water droplets around to uncover hidden points Items. Finish the Trumpets off at your leisure, as their appears to be no Magic Item here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Cymbal X 4, Piano X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Start off by hurling Cymbals into the Piano, disabling it so it can be destroyed quickly, not allowing it to spawn enemies. Before finishing off the final Cymbals, take time to grab the Magic Item in the top-left of the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Traingles X 6 Mircale.: None Strategy: These fellows are contained within their structure, only able to occasionally stick a part of their body out into the open air. Throw the water dropelts around the top areas for points Items, followed by trying to pick off the foes through the walls when they draw near enough (grab them, do not throw water droplets at them). The Magic Item (if it appears) will be in the top-left of the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 6 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Cymbals X 4, Piano X 1 (large) Mircale.: Water Strategy: Take out some of the Cymbals quickly while going right, jumping to the high ledge, where water droplets should be hurled at the Piano. The Magic Item should appear here, so grab it while battling the Piano, taking out all the enemies to end the battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: One Man Band Weapon..: Lightning Strategy: Start off by leaping up the ledges to grab the Lightning Bottle before the odd drum/horn/cymbal/dancing figurine beast gets there, leaping over it to the ground below. Now the way to hurt him is to jump up the ledges he is moving away from, getting onto the top of the ledges, and hold the B Button and UP Charge up the lightning shots, releasing them in quick shot manner. Land 10 hits and the boss is toast, so collect all the great Items before getting hopped onto the next world! o----------------o | Woodland World | o----------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 2, Bus X 2, Knothole X 1 (large) Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Start out by hopping straight up to the top, tackling the Knothole by throwing the Buses and water droplets into it, followed by looking for the Magic Item on the left side of the area. This just a quick clean up of the DOg enemies to end the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 2, Unicorns X 4, Baby Bird X 1 Mircale.: None Strategy: Start of by cranking the Unicrosn as they drop down the ledges, followed by taking out the Baby Bird. This wil just leave the Dogs, so dodge them and wait for the Magic Item to appear (on the second highest ledge), then going after the Dogs to end the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 6, Bus X 1 Mircale.: None Strategy: Immediately hop into the cnetral area, taking out eaCh foe and then throwing him into the next foe, picking up that one and then repeating the pattern. However, bail when they start to overwhelm your position or only one foe remains, as the Magic Item that appears on one of the central ledges needs time to appear. After grabbing it, take out the remaining foes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 2, Unicorn X 1, Lightning Bugs X 2, Knothole X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Jump up onto the ledge with the knothole and use the Lightning Bugs to tackle the knothole (use the Parasol Protection to block the incoming lightning shots), followed by turning on the other enemies. While mopping up the remaining foes, look for the Magic Item in the left cubby hole below the platform where the Knothole was sitting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 1, Unicorn X 1, Bus X 1, Knothole X 1 (large) Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Although they are not listed officially, the Lightning Bugs will pop out of the Knothole right from the start of the level pretty muCh, so hop up to the highest ledges, using the same Lightning Bugs and the lightning droplets to weaken the Knothole so it can be grabbed and tossed. Now look for the Magic Item while eliminating the remaining foes, though it appears no Magic Item exists in this level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 6 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dogs X 1, Bus X 1, Bouncer X 1, Knothole X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Run right and snag the Bouncer before it can cause you any trouble with it's mobility and small size, followed by going up to the top of the area to use the Lightning Bugs on the Knothole. After this annoyance is capped, go looking for the remaining foes and grabbing the Magic Item from the ledge below where the Knothole was, ending the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Mother Bird Weapon..: Fire Strategy: The Mother Bird attacks by flying around slowly, throwing Baby Birds out in sets of three, trying to hit the heroes. However, to take the foe out quickly, jump right up to the Flame Bottle and start to use the UP + B Button to rapidly throw fireballs into the Mother Bird, landing 15 small shots to take her out, leaving a trove of Items to collect before being whisked away to the next world! o-------------o | Ocean World | o-------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Turtle X 2, Monsta X 4, Diver X 2 Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Stay on the low level, taking out foes as they drop into range for attack, collecting the Points Items and keeping an eye out for the Magic Item in the gap below the ledge above. After taking out the Divers and Monstas, allowing you to drop through the holes (wary of the Turtles and their possitioning) to take out the last two enemies, ending the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Diver X 1, Shell X 2 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Although the Shells can produce enemies, hop right to the top and take out the DIver, followed by using the water droplets seeping into the area to take down the Shell on the higher ledge. Now grab the Magic Item from the high ledge, followed by taking the defeated Shell enemy down to work over the other Shell, followed by going and hunting down the Wheeler Turtles that the Shells have already released. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Turtle Wheeler X 1, Mini Turtle X 2, Shell X 2 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Go up the middle ledges and get the Turtle Wheeler and Mini Turtles, followed by using the Parasol Drift to land to the side of the Shell, using the enemies it produces to take it out. Alternatively, you can also gather up four water droplets and make a large water droplet, sending the wave of water down to crank the Shell, followed by exterminating the Turtles that are loose. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Seahorse X 7 Mircale.: Water Strategy: Although it sounds like an odd strategy, this is the best way to go about this level, and this is only IF a Heart appears in the left portion of the enclosed area. Make sure at least one life is in reserve, then enter the contained area and take out all but one of the Seahorses (GRAB THE HEART AS WELL), followed by sacrificing the life on the final enemy. Now leap up into the left wall and grab the last enemy, dropping out to the left and then on top of the box, throwing the enemy and then grab a lightning droplet. Now wait for the game to spell "IN" inside the box, then drop down the left hole and throw the lightning droplet through the wall and through the top row of the "IN", followed by hopping inside and grabbing the remaining Items, whiCh will send Bubby and Bobby into the final world, making it a fantastic SHORTCUT!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Shell X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Jump up the left ledges to the top, and capture the Monstas as they are produced, throwing them into the Shell to stun it, allowing for a hop across to grab it and Chuck it, ending the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 6 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Diver X 2, Seahorse X 1, Shell X 1 (large) Mircale.: Fire Strategy: Take out the Shell to start, followed by going up to tackle the Seahorse and the lower Diver. This will just leave one last Diver to beat, but look for the Miracle on the bottom of the screen first if you desire Fire. Take out the last Diver to reaCh the Boss Fight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Sea Monster Weapon..: Lightning Strategy: Jump up to snag the Lighting Bottle immediately, followed by getting to the very edge of the top platform. Now wait for the beast to rise up high enough so a Charged up Lightning blast can hit the monster, all the while hopping straight up to avoid the fireball attacks that are far enough to hit Bubby and Bobby. Land five fully Charged shots to extinguish this beast and it's over powering Volcano to move onto the next world! o---------------o | Machine World | o---------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Worker X 2, Tank X 2, Car X 2 Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Start out by cranking the lower level enemies, watChing out for the Tanks, working your way up to the higher ledges, where the Lightning Miracle and the Magic Item both rest. After getting these two, finish off the foes and advance to the next level. Remember to use the Parasol Protection to deflect the Tank shells. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Tank X 4 Mircale.: None Strategy: Take out the first two Tanks that drop down, followed by taking a fire droplet up to the second highest ledge, throwing it from one wall to the other to uncover a lot of points Items. Now go back down for another fire droplet (or a solo enemy) and use it from the opposite side of the room for more points Items, allowing you to take out the Tanks to end the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Worker X 2, Tank X 2, Car X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Tackle the Cars first since they are loose, leading into a game of gathering four lightn ing droplets to form a Charged shot, followed by leaping up the outside ledges to line up shots at the contained enemies. perform these attacks on eaCh enemy, ending the level easily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Jet Fighter X 6 Mircale.: None Strategy: Though the missiles are not deadly, they can stun Bubby and Bobby, leaving them open to attack, so use the Parasol Protection when under heavy fire. The plan of attack here is to use the small ledge above the starting area to toss lightning droplets and downed foes at other Jet Fighters, taking them out. Be on the look out for a Magic Item over the gap, but wait to clear some foes first before snagging it. Now, once the foes are spinning down through the gap, Chuck lightning droplets into them till they land on solid ground, as that will finally kill them for good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Worker X 2, Car X 1, Tank X 1, Mega Tank X 1 (large) Mircale.: Fire Strategy: Start out by jumping up into the open ledges above, followed by dropping down behind the Mega Tank to throw lightning droplets at it until it is toast. Now carefully empty eaCh ledge of the foe inside (to play it super safe, use Charged Lighting droplet shots) to clear the level, but be sure to watCh out for the Magic Item and the Fire Miracle within the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Giant Jet Fighter Weapon..: Water Strategy: Grab the Water Bottle immediately and keep hopping upwards to get above the Giant Jet Fighter, followed by Charging up a full water blast to hit the Giant Jet Fighter. Immediately follow this up by throwing rapid fire shots into the Giant FIghter Jet, keeping it stuck in the same place until it explodes, ending the battle and sending the duo on to the next world! o--------------o | Casino World | o--------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Car X 2, King X 2, Token X 2, Statue X 2 Mircale.: Water Strategy: Take out the Cars to start, followed by going after the Tokens and Statues (they are small, so grab and throw eaCh one individually to be sure they are dead), leaving just the Kings. Before taking them out though, grab a hold of the Water Miracle if you want it, it is found in the bottom center area of the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Dice X 2, One Arm Bandit X 2 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Starting off between two One Arm Bandits, wait for them to start spitting out Tokens, whiCh ashould be tossed into one maChine to disable it, allowing the hero to pick it up and toss it at the other One Arm Bandit to take them both out easily. This will just leave the Dice and any Tokens that escaped to finish off, ending the level, but also look for the Magic Item down the left shaft, as it will oftne be a destructive Item. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Token X 6, One Arm Bandit X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Go up the left side of the level and grab the one Token as it Charges downwards, turning to throw it into the One Arm Bandit, stopping the creation of more Tokens. Now find a small platform to hide on, picking off the Tokens as they go raining by, as trying to Chase them is dangerous due to all the water droplets you can accidentally grab instead of the Tokens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: King X 2, One Arm Bandit X 1 Mircale.: Water Strategy: Stand tall on the main platform, killing the two Kings, whiCh should make the Water Miracle appear (so grab if desired), followed by escaping through the hole on the bottom of the level to come after the One Arm Bandit from above. Use the Tokens to take it out, followed by creaming the remaining Tokens while grabbing the Magic Item near the top of the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: King X 2, Car X 4, Statue X 2 Mircale.: Water Strategy: Take out the loose enemies before going after eaCh contained enemy. Sounds simple (and it is), but caution should be exhibited when Chasing the contained enemies, as they can leave their hiding holes. There is a Water Miracle at the top of the area, so grab it if you need it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Trojan Chariot Weapon..: Lightning Strategy: Rush to the Lightning Bottle at top speed, followed by trying to manuveur into a position on a platform where rapid fire shots can be fed into the Chariot, taking it out in 15 shots. However, her erratic movements and the amount of projectiles she Chucks out can make it tough, sop rapidly throw the lightning droplets from a standstill to stun her and to block the incoming attacks. o-------------o | Cloud World | o-------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Chopper X 2, Huey X 1 (large) Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: The easiest way to handle this area is to go after the big opponents first via the gathering of four Star Droplets to make a Charged shot, letting the expanding shot take down the foes. After they have been destroyed, go after the Paratroopers dropped by the Huey, but make sure to grab the Magic Item and Miracle Icon near the top of the screen while doing so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Chopper X 1, Jet FIghter X 2, Paratrooper X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Drop through the bottom of the screen and float right to escape the initial attack, followed by dropping down to take out the Jet Fighters. Next look for the Magic Item near the bottom platform, leading into the battlke with the Chopper via the gathering of Star droplets, leaving just a couple Paratroopers to take out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Chopper X 2, Huey X 2 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Start off by using the fire droplets and dropped Paratroopers to destroy the two Choppers, followed by grabbing a Paratrooper or fire droplet, and hiking up the middle stack to throw one into a Huey. Now repeat the process until a Huey drops down from the sky, Chasing it down to fully kill it, whiCh will leave just one solo Huey to dismantle in the manner. CLean up the remaining Paratroopers to move onwards to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: UFO X 1, Spark X 1, Flying Pig X 2, Chopper X 2 Mircale.: Star Strategy: Start off by going right to hop the hole, collecting the Star Miracle (first one of the game, so now concentrate on getting this Miracle, as it rewards an insane amount of Extra Lives)), followed by getting under a fire droplet entry point, getting a Charged shot. Now stand over the small hole and time the drop of the fire onto th eledge below, burning the foes who touCh it. DO NOT go down into the area below UNTIL the Choppers are gone, as they are impossible to kill without droplets/enemies, and there are not enough foes to use on the Choppers. Do note some smaller foes will come up into your area, so take them out if they dare to do so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Spark X 2, Chopper X 3 Mircale.: Fire Strategy: Start out by grabbing the nearby Spark, taking it down through the bottom of the screen and firing it into a Chopper. Now go to the central building, where you should carefully grab one star droplet at a time, throwing them at the Choppers to wear them down, allowing the heroes to pluck 'em and Chuck 'em. Repeat the pattern as necessary, making sure to drop down into the building to get the Fire Miracle if desired and to watCh out for the Magic Item above the droplet dispensing spot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Giant UFO Weapon..: Fire Strategy: Grab the Fire Bottle immediately and retreat to the floor of the area. Now two strategies exist here, both with pros and cons. The aggressive approaCh is to jump up to a ledge equal to the flight of the Giant UFO, followed by using the rapid fire droplet shot to land 15 hits to defeat the saucer. The more passive approaCh is to remain on the gorund, creating fully Charged fire droplets, letting the Giant UFO attack the spot where you are standing, moving to the side and laying it down behind you to damage the odd creation (land 5 hits to wipe it out for good). No matter whiCh way you do it, collect the Items for points before being sent to the next imperiled world! o-------------o | Giant World | o-------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Mother Robot X 2 (large) Mircale.: Star Strategy: Start out by throwing the Lightning droplets into the foes, also making use of the small Bot-Chans as throwing wepaons. While this effort is going on, look for a Star Miracle near the top of the screen. After conking out the two Mother Robots, go after the few remaining Bot-Chans they produced, ending the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Flying Pig X 1, Dino X 2, Cyclops X 2 Mircale.: Fire Strategy: This level is rather unnerving, as the enemy will be throwing projectiles and constantly dropping through the wrap around bottom of the screen. Start out by snagging the Flying Pig and Dinos, turning them on the other enemies if possible. While doing this, watCh out for the Fire Miracle (try to avoid it if yuou are collecting the Star Miracle as suggested) and also be aware of the Magic Item that appears mid platform area on the left side of the screen. A very easy level if you take out three or four foes early on, keeping them from getting you distracted and confused. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Bot-Chans X 4, Mother Robot X 1 (large) Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Make use of the lightning droplets and Bot-Chans to hammer the floating high in the air Mother Robot (use the platforms to reaCh her and attack), all the while seeking the Lightning Miracle if desired. No Magic Item seemed readily apparent, so it may not exist within this level. Kill off the remaining Bot-Chans after the Mother Robot goes down, ending the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Cyclops X 2, Mother Robot X 1 (large) Mircale.: None Strategy: Start off by grabbing lightning droplets and attacking the Mother Robot, followed by going after the Cyclops once they jump free of the central Chamber. Now the Bot-Chans are loose, so take them out, using them on other foes, taking out everyone with precision tosses. The Magic Item appears in the top left of the area, so keep an eye out for the help they provide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Flying Pig X 1, Cyclops X 2, Dino X 2 Mircale.: Star Strategy: Head right as soon as posisble, taking out the Cyclops and Dino over there, followed by snagging the Star Miracle once it appears, followed by taking out the rather easy enemies that remain to be thrashed, ending the level! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Giant MeCh Weapon..: Star Strategy: Immediately go snag the Star Bottle, followed by dropping to the floor and running right underneath the Giant MeCh. Now Charge up the Star Droplet, releasing it on the opposite side of the room from his boomerang attack (this attack covers one half of the room), followed by running through to the side that was just attacked, repeating the procedure, this time on the opposite side of the room (five hits wil take him out). The other method involves getting up to a ledge on level with the Giant MeCh, followed by rapid firing 15 droplets into the meChanical monstrosity, but be wary of leaving a small opening as a boomerang can come flying out to kill Bubby or Bobby. Grab the treasures that are the spoils of victory, moving on to the next planet soon after. o---------------o | Rainbow World | o---------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Vampire Bat X 1, Ghost X 2, Troll X 2, Green Meanie X 1 Mircale.: Star Strategy: Simply put, the enemies here will be the most aggressive to date. The Ghosts and Vampire Bat will come after the heroes by flying through walls, so snag them as soon as they draw near. After they are gone, look for a Star Miracle on the right side of the area, leading into a butt kicking for the remaining foes to move on to next level of this planet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Spaceman X 2, Easter Island Head X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Start off by avoding all the shots from the ever moving and ever irratating Easter island Heads, getting together a Charged shot of the star droplets. Release this attack to take out the foes above with extreme prejudice, noting that the Spacemen can drop down to attack, so be aware. Use these ring of star attacks to take out all the foes, moving the team one level close to the boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Vampire Bat X 1, Green Meanie X 1, Spaceman X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Take out the Vampire Bat and Green Meanie immediately, as both are brutally aggressive with their flight ability. This will just leave the two Spacemen, so take them out quickly as well, leaving this rather small but Challenging level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Ghost X 2, Troll X 1, Easter Island Head X 2 Mircale.: Star Strategy: Take out the small foes first, using their spinning carcasses to damage the Easter Island Heads. To finish off the mammoth rock faces, either throw star droplets into them repeatedly, or build up a full Charge of them to unleash a star ring attack to knock them out. Either way will work, though the small star droplet attacks will likely be a bit quicker, opening the path to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Troll X 2, Spaceman X 2, Easter Island Head X 1 Mircale.: Star Strategy: Take out the Trolls immediately to have the bottom area clear, allowing Bubby and Bobby to hop to the top contained area, tackling the Spacemen within the contained area. This will just leave the Easter Island Head, so use the star droplets to throw them into the big statue, taking it down to move onto the Boss of the planet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Bub Doppleganger Weapon..: Water Strategy: Although he looks scary, he can be taken down with ease. Jump up to the Water Bottle and turn around, starting to rapid fire 15 straight shots into the Bub Doppleganger. If this is too close of a call, get the Water Bottle and the bail out, moving up to the ledge level the Doppleganger moves to next, throwing the rapid fire water droplets into the Doppleganger Bub there instead, ending the fight in fairly short order. Now perform the usual Item grab and then move onto the next planet. o----------------------o | Bubble Bobble Planet | o----------------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Zen-Chan X 3, Zen-Chan Walker X 2 Mircale.: Fire Strategy: Veterans of Bubble Bobble are in for a real treat here, as this world is a tribute to the classic levels that will no doubt be burned into your memories. Anyway, go after the foes as they fall down to the bottom area, remembering to watCh for the Fire Miracle in the top-right of the screen. Mop up the remaining forces to head to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: PulPul X 7 Mircale.: None Strategy: This level lacks both a Mircale Icon and a Magic Item, so concentrate on going after the PulPuls as they float around the screen, taking them out quickly to get out of this dangerous level, as the poor footing can make it easy to drop a few lives while hopping after those floating elephants. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Zen-Chan X 2, Space Invader X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Start off by clobbering the falling Zen-Chans to clear away any ground forces, followed by gathering a foursome of fire droplets to create a Charged shot. Now Bubby and Bobby will NEED TO HOLD the Charged shot, instead jumping straight up into another fire droplet, whiCh will allow them to bounce up high enough to reaCh the ledge above, allowing them to hop upwards and go take out the Space Invaders. Go up the left side and look for the Magic Item, as it appears on the lip of the Space Invaders platform. After climbing up, carefully take out the Space Invaders to finish the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Banebou X 8 Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: The classic "OUCh!!!" level filled with Banebous has appeared, so approaCh the level in muCh the same way as in the original... hit and run tactics work best. Whittle down the enemy totals while watChing for the Miracle Icon on the bottom platform, taking them all out to advance to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Zen-Chan X 2, Zen-Chan Walker X 1, Space Invader X 2 Mircale.: None Strategy: Take out the first Zen-Chan before gathering up four star droplets to create a Charged shot, using it to hit the Space Invaders and the Zen-Chan Walker as they fall down the central funnel area. If the star rings do not pick off the remaining Zen-Chan while performing the attacks on the other enemies, try another star ring attack or use the Charged shot bounce to get out of the hole and go after the Zen-Chan up close and personal, gaining access to the Boss of the planet! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Super Drunk Weapon..: Lightning Strategy: On a world where everything is a Bubble Bobble tribute, of course the Super Drunk will be around to make an appearance. Start off the bout by leaping right up to the Lightning Bottle to snag it, followed by bailing to the bottom of the room to go right to pass under the Super Drunk. Now leap up onto the next ledge up and if have done this with precise timing, Super Drunk's back will be exposed, so lay into the fiend with rapid fire lightning droplet rounds, landing 15 blows to end the fight. If the perfect set up has not been aChieved, avoid his bottles he throws and slip in behind him, setting up an impromptu beating with the lightning droplets. Once he has gone down in defeat (again, since you whupped him already in Bubble Bobble, right?), grab the Items and get ready to move onto the final world! o-----------------------------o | Super Bubble Bobble Planet | o-----------------------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Monsta X 6, Mighta X 1 Mircale.: Lightning Strategy: Start off the final world battles by dealing with the rampaging Monstas, reducing their numbers quickly or risk facing a mobbing by the flying purple whales. Next up is a Lightning Miracle to watCh out for in the top-right, followed by dealing with the slow moving Mighta as it plods along the top of the area to FINALLY drop in to try and help out the comrades that have no doubt been dispatChed by now. Finish it off to move on the next level and one step closer to the end of the planetary attacks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 2 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Monsta X 2, Mighta X 2, Bomber X 1 Mircale.: None Strategy: Go up and take out the two Monstas in the main area before retreating back to the sheltered starting point. Now jump out every time a star droplet comes near, catChing it on the parasol, then hiding again to repeat the process, building a Charged shot. Now use the Charged shot to take out a Mighta on one side of the screen, followed by repeating the same attack on the other Mighta on the other side of the screen. Now gather up another Charged shot of the lightning droplets, taking it up to clobber the Bomber, ending the level and moving one step closer to the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 3 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: PulPul X 3, Monsta X 5 Mircale.: None Strategy: This level is not very dangerous to Bubby and Bobby, but it is fairly tough as you need to catCh the lightning droplets while falling, gathering at least two droplets at a time to create a strong enough attack to hurl through the wallas and into the enemies. If you manage to build up a four droplet shot, it can take out multiple foes so aim carefully. Also, an accurate throw can pick off the Magic Item, whiCh may end the level earlier if it is a destructive Magic item. After clearing all the foes, just fall in place for a while before moving to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Level 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters: Monsta X 6, Banebou X 1 Mircale.: None Strategy: Take out all the Monstas right off the bat, throwing the defeated Monstas into other Monstas, creating more throwing objects to keep clearing enemies. With all of them defeated, a Magic Item appears on the top of the screen, but to get there Bubby and Bobby will have to use the Charged shot bounce to get up there, but this is a tricky proposition due to the Banebou bouncing around, stuck in the platforms above. If you are content to wait, eventually the Banebou will drop down, allowing the heroes to finish off the level, getting within striking distance of the end of the game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Super Mighta Weapon..: Star Strategy: Rush up to the Star Bottle and grab it quickly, staying on that ledge to let the Super Mighta fire off his eight direction magic attack as he wanders around the screen. Land five fully Charged shots to take him down, or try to get him lined up for 15 rapid fire shots that do not allow him to move! After he is defeated, the... the... game is not over, as he attacks in his true form! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Fight ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monster.: Chaostikan Weapon..: Star Strategy: This is it! This is the one monster that escaped defeat and banishment at the hands of the heroes of the original Bubble Bobble, but he is now vulnerable as he has been exposed. The ultimate monster will fly back and forth horizontally across the screen, attempting to drop projectiles onto the heroes as they run along the bottom of the room. Concentrate on dodging the projectiles, all the while Charging up full Star droplet shots, letting them fly to hit the beast, possibly landing more than one hit per attack. Keep up the pressure and land 5 hits to finish off the evil, collecting the lesser items before getting the star wand, ending the monster attacks upon all the planets within the system! CONGRATULATIONS on defeating this game! It has been a fun ride, and I hope you found this FAQ helpful! Please be sure to try to get all the Mircales, as they are a ton of fun to utilize, and fialry easy to get if you out the care in to your play to do so! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Final Word---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2006. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is,,, and You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. Definitely a gem I wish had come out in North America, it is a game that would be in my collection in a heartbeat 15 years ago. It also has some nice tips of the hat to the old school with those last two worlds, so big fans of Bubble Bobble will get a real kick out of this game as well. So, I highly recommend any fan of the Bubble Bobble legacy and games pass along this fairly unheralded, enjoyable treat to others, as games need word of mouth to reach the status they deserve!