Princess Tomato In The Salad Kingdom Walkthrough By: "DTJAAAAMJS" E-Mail: Version: 12.0 Last Updated: 08/17/06 This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo game Princess Tomato In The Salad Kingdom, which was made by Hudsonsoft. It is a fun adventure game that is kind of like Return to Zork by Viacom New Media. I will tell you the quickest way possible to beat the game. I made up my own names for some of the areas, so do not be suprised if they do not have the same name in the game. I will put the walkthrough into several different sections. The sections are: -Characters -Level 1 -Level 2 -Level 3 -Level 4 -Level 5 -Level 6 -Level 7 -Level 8 -Level 9 I hope it helps you! :) Characters ---------- Sir Cucumber- He is the hero of the game. He is trying to save Princess Tomato and the Turnip Emblem from Minister Pumpkin. If he saves them, he will marry the Princess and rule the Kingdom. Princess Tomato- She is the Princess of the Salad Kingdom. She is the daughter of King Broccoli and Queen Endive III. She is also Prince Lettuce's sister. She was kidnapped by Minster Pumpkin. She has a star on her forehead. She sometimes disguises herself as an old lady. Percy- He is a baby persimmon that you meet on a road. He escaped from the Farmies. Once you help him, he will join you on your quest. He is not a good swimmer. Minister Pumpkin- He is the villain of the game. He betrayed King Broccoli by kidnapping Princess Tomato and stealing the Turnip Emblem. He plans to have his son marry the Princess. He controls the Farmies. He is also the Finger Wars champion. King Broccoli- He is the late King of the Salad Kingdom. A few days after Princess Tomato was kidnapped, he died. He promised Sir Cucumber that if he rescued Princess Tomato and retrieved the Turnip Emblem, he could have her hand in marriage and be the next king. Prince Lettuce- He is the Prince of the Salad Kingdom. He is the son of King Broccoli and Queen Endive. He is also Princess Tomato's brother. He is being held captive by the Farmies. Queen Endive III- She was the Queen of the Salad Kingdom. Nappa- He is being held captive by the Farmies in the Melon Patch. Cantalop- He is being held captive by the Farmies in the Melon Patch. Hon Dew- He is being held captive by the Farmies in the Melon Patch. Wat Mel- He is being held captive by the Farmies in the Melon Patch. Guard- He is guarding the entrance to Saladoria. He tends to fall asleep while on duty. Garlic Wanderer- He is a Wanderer that you meet in Saladoria. He wants coffee and donuts. Miss Peachy- She is the owner of the Deli in Saladoria. She is from the South. Lady Plum- She is the owner of the coffee shop in Saladoria. She does not have any donuts. Mister Chestnut- He is the owner of the electronics shop in Saladoria. He is also very loud. Miss Eggplant- She is the owner of the juice shop in Saladoria. She was once Miss Saladoria. Mister Pear- He is the owner of the antique shop in Saladoria. Mister Corn- He is an old man who is at the mountains in Saladoria. Mister Scallion- He is the barker at Cabaret Celery. He hands out packets of tissues. Miss Apricot- She is the head hostess at Cabaret Celery. Miss Lemon- She is the new hostess at Cabaret Celery. Banana Boy- He is the sinister waiter who works at Cabaret Celery. Tuity Fruit Trio- They are a group of students that sing at Cabaret Celery. They want to have a career in show business. Child- He is a hungry boy that you will meet in Orange Park. His father is the Soursop Wanderer. Soursop Wanderer- He was the former minister of the Salad Kingdom. He is also the leader of the Wanderers. Mister Fig- He is the owner of the Pharmacy in Saladoria. He helps the Resistance. Miss Cauliflower- She is selling flowers in Orange Park. Simon- He is the owner of the Bookshop. He has a thick German accent. Sprout- He is an inmate that shares your prison cell with you. He is a kid. Turnip- He is an inmate that shares your prison cell with you. He is a Resistance soldier. Potato- He is an inmate that shares your prison cell with you. He is uncooperative. Mushroom- He is an inmate that shares your prison cell with you. His body is soggy. Sergeant Pepper- He interrogates you while you are in jail. He turns red when he is very mad. Mole- He lives inside of a hole that is in the Melon Patch. He does not like sunlight. Mister Leek- He is the Forest Guard. He has lost his blue umbrella. Saladron- He is a monster that lives in the Parsley Forest. His body is shaped like a bottle while his arms are a knife and fork. Lisa- She is Princess Tomato's sister. She is a human. She lives at the Resistance Base in the Parsley Forest. She has a cute cushion that is shaped like a baby onion. General Cantaloupe- He is the leader of the Resistance. He is having a really bad headache. Major- He is a member of the Resistance. He is very fit. Captain- He is a member of the Resistance. He looks very cool. Sergeant- He is a member of the Resistance. He is serious. Chief- He is a member of the Resistance. Grapy- He is the storage guard at the Resistance Base. He loves grape juice. Village Chief- He is the chief of Peanut Village. Wife- She is the Village Chief's wife. Shroom- He is a boy in the Park at Peanut Village. Peaja- He is a boy in the Park at Peanut Village. His girlfriend is Peasha. Peasha- She is a girl in the Park at Peanut Village. Her boyfriend is Peaja. Carrot the Hermit- He is a hermit who lives in Peanut Village. His favorite food is squid and his favorite drink is clover juice. Uncle Peanut- He is the owner of the Store in Peanut Village. He looks nice and he is also friendly. Bananda- He is a monster that lives in a cave near Peanut Village. He has kidnapped the Village Chief's daughter. He is moves like a snake. He has a Dice-O-Matic. Nutty- She is the Village Chief's daughter. She is being held hostage by Bananda. Yam- He is on Main Street in Sopville. He is hungry. Asparagus- He is on Main Street in Sopville. He is thirsty. Squash- He is a Resistance member that is on Main Street in Sopville. George- He is a supporter of Minister Pumpkin who is sitting in the Bar. He is happy. Dan- He is a supporter of Minister Pumpkin who is sitting in the Bar. He is very happy. Radish Ron- He is a Resistance member that is in the Bar. He looks grumpy. People do not like him because they hate radishes. Clerk- He is working at the General Store in Sopville. He is always smiling. E.P.- He is a Wanderer who is on Pea Street. He sells information. He is also very greedy D.R.- He is a Wanderer who is on Pea Street. He hates Farmies and supports the Resistance. Old Lady- She is the wife of Carrot the Hermit. She lives in Sopville. Cat- It is sleeping at the Old Lady's House. Bartender- He serves drinks at the Bar in Sopville. Princess's Chamber Maid- She works for the Princess at the Castle. She is also a tomato. Orange- She is at the Castle. She is taking a shower when you meet her. Hall Guard- He is guarding the Second Hall in the Castle. He has very good hearing. Cabbage- He is in the Cell at the Castle. He does not think you are sincere about helping the prisoners. Lettuce- He is a dirty child who is in the Cell at the Castle. Garlic- He is in the Cell at the Castle. Bell Pepper- He is in the Cell at the Castle. He seems greedy. Lord White Leaf- He is in the Cell at the Castle. He is dehydrated. Eggplant Soldier- He is guarding the Main Hall. He is only second to Minister Pumpkin at Finger Wars. Percy compares the size of his temper and his head to General Noriega. Moma Monster- She is a member of the family of monsters that lives in the Basement Maze. Baby Monster- He is a young monster who lives in the Basement Maze. He is cute and innocent. Papa Monster- He is hiding in the Basement Maze. Carrot- She is celebrating your victory in Orange Park at towards the end of the adventure. Junior Pumpkin- He is Minister Pumpkin's son. He plans to marry the Princess so that he can rule the kingdom. Cherry Birds- They are birds that resemble cherries. They can be seen at the Fence. Fern Birds- They are birds that resemble ferns. They can be seen at Lake Quench. Octoberry- He is an octopus that resembles a strawberry. He is sometimes spotted in Saladoria and Sopville. Farmies- They are Minister Pumpkin's human minions. You will meet them in many different places. Police- They are guarding the prison. They all carry lanterns. Minister Pumpkin also controls them. Dice-O-Matics- Giant robots that are controlled by Minister Pumpkin. Level 1 ---------- Password for level 1- N/A You will be in the Field. The game will begin by telling you the story so far. You will also have 3 pieces of gold. First, MOVE forward. You will be in the Celery Forest. You will see a crying baby named Percy who is thirsty. MOVE forward again. You will be in Spinach Heights. MOVE right. You will be in Lake Quench. TAKE some water. MOVE back to Percy. GIVE the water to him and he will get better. TALK to him and he will tell you that he has escaped from the Farmies. He wants you to help him save his friends. LOOK at him and he will join you. MOVE back to Spinach Heights. MOVE left and you will be at the Fence. LOOK and you will see the Cherry Birds fly by. You should then CHECK the Bush. Percy will see Prince Lettuce. MOVE to the Bush. GIVE Prince Lettuce some water. TALK to him and he will tell you to help his friends by taking the Passage to the Melon Patch. MOVE back to the Fence. Then MOVE through the Passage. You will see Nappa, Cantalop, Hon Dew, and Wat Mel. GIVE them water. Now TALK to Cantalop to receive a pass to get into Saladoria. MOVE back to Spinach Heights. MOVE forward to the Entrance to Saladoria. USE the pass. The Guard will take it away from you because you do not look like the man on the pass. Choose PERCY and he will tell you that the Guard sometimes falls asleep. MOVE back to Spinach Heights. MOVE forward to the Entrance to Saladoria. The Guard will be fast asleep. MOVE forward again and you will be done with level 1! If you have any useless items, Percy will trip and drop them. Things to get- Flower (the Field), Spinach (Spinach Heights), Pass (the Melon Patch), Water (Lake Quench), and Gold (Lake Quench) Useless items- Flower, Spinach, and Water Places to visit- the Field, Celery Forest, Spinach Heights, Lake Quench, the Apple Statue, the Fence, the Bush, the Melon Patch, and the Entrance to Saladoria Optional- If you LOOK at Lake Quench, you will see the Fern Birds. You will then be able to CHECK their nest, which has another piece of gold for you to TAKE. While you are at Lake Quench, you can MOVE to the Apple Statue. It is a gray statue. You can also GIVE the flower that was at the Field if you decided to TAKE it. If you choose PERCY, he will pray and receive some information about Minister Pumpkin. If you LOOK when you are at Spinach Heights, you can TAKE some spinach. If you ever have too much stuff, Percy will let you know. You must then DUMP any useless items that you may have. This can happen in any chapter, so watch out! Level 2 ---------- Password for level 2- RZMSTXV You will start out in Orange Park. The Garlic Wanderer is sitting on the bench. First, CHECK the Fountain. You should then HIT it so that a Coin will pop out. TAKE the coin. Now, MOVE to Main Street. MOVE again to the Coffee Shop. When you are inside, BUY some coffee. Lady Plum will tell you that she does not have any donuts because of the Farmies. Now MOVE back to Orange Park. GIVE the coffee to the Garlic Wanderer. He will ask if you brought him a donut. TALK to him twice he will say that if you go to Cabaret Celery to get him a donut, he will tell you some information. MOVE back to Main Street and CHECK the strip. Percy will spot Cabaret Celery. Do not go there yet. MOVE to the Antique Shop. MOVE back outside and then MOVE back inside. TALK to Mister Pear twice and he will ask you to deliver a letter to Miss Peachy in the Deli. MOVE back to Orange Park. MOVE to the Deli. GIVE Miss Peachy the letter and she will give you a sandwich. Now MOVE back to the Antique Shop. TALK to Mister Pear two more times and he will exchange your gold for coins. Now MOVE back to Main Street and MOVE to Cabaret Celery. When you MOVE into Cabaret Celery, you will lose a coin. TALK to the waiter, Banana Boy, three times. He will tell you to meet someone in the Restroom. When you MOVE to the Restroom, Percy will give him one coin as a tip. When you arrive, you find no one. CHECK the trash twice and you will find a donut for the Garlic Wanderer. TAKE it and MOVE back to Orange Park. You will now notice that the Garlic Wanderer is gone. There is someone new sleeping on the bench and a little boy crying. GIVE the boy your sandwich. He will cheer up. Now TALK to the Wanderer. He will thank you for giving his son food. He is the Soursop Wanderer. TALK to him again and he will tell you his about himself and he will also tell you that the Resistance has a base in the Parsley Forest. When you are done talking to him, MOVE away and MOVE to the Mountains. Talk to Mister Corn two times. He will tell you that the leader of the Resistance is having a bad headache. You must bring some aspirin to the Resistance leader. Mister Corn will tell you to go to the Pharmacy. MOVE back to Celery Cabaret and PRAISE Mister Scallion. He will show you the way to the Pharmacy. MOVE to the Pharmacy. TALK to Mister Fig twice and he will give you some aspirin. Now MOVE back to Orange Park. Miss Cauliflower, the flower girl, will be there. BUY a flower from her. Now TALK to her twice and she will tell you about the Bookshop that is a contact point for the Resistance. MOVE to the Bookshop. Simon will be there. HIT him and he will leave. CHECK the counter and you will find a key. TAKE the key. Now MOVE back outside. When you try to do this, Percy tells you that the Farmies are here. They then capture you. If you had any useless items, Percy will tell you that the Farmies have stolen them. This is the end of level 2. Things to get- Sandwich (the Deli), Vase (the Antique Shop), Coin (Orange Park, the Antique Shop, the Bookshop), Clover (the Mountains), Coffee (the Coffee Shop), Grape Juice (the Juice Shop), Clover Juice (the Juice Shop), Key (the Bookshop), Aspirin (the Pharmacy), Donut (the Cabaret), Flower (Orange Park), Letter (the Antique Shop), and Tissue (Cabaret Celery) Useless items- Sandwich, Vase, Coffee, Flower, Tissue, and Clover Places to visit- Orange Park, the Deli, the Mountains, Main Street, the Coffee Shop, the Antique Shop, the Juice Shop, the Electronics Shop, the Bookshop, Cabaret Celery, the Pharmacy, and the Restroom Optional- If you need more coins, MOVE to the Mountains and CHECK the vicinity. You can now TAKE a clover. MOVE to the Antique Shop and GIVE it to Mister Pear. He will give you one coin. However, you can only do this after you have helped Mister Pear. You can buy a vase at the Antique Shop. You can buy grape and clover juice at the Juice Shop. The Electronics Shop has several things for sale. However, you cannot buy anything from the store. If you are lucky, you will see Octoberry when you are at Main Street. CHECK the street after you have spotted him to see a coin, which you can TAKE. If you want some tissues, go to Celery Cabaret and LOOK. You can now TAKE the tissues. Level 3 ---------- Password for level 3- PQZDPVWD7VV You will start this level in the Prison Cell. CHECK the inmates that are in the cell with you. They are Sprout, Turnip, Potato, and Mushroom. HIT the one named Potato. He will beg you to stop. TALK to him and he will give you a file. USE the file. As you are about to escape, an officer takes you to the Interrogation Room. You will be questioned by Sergeant Pepper. TALK to him three times. He will accuse you of being a member of the Resistance and he will also notice that Percy is holding the file. He will become angry and turn red with rage. GIVE him the file. He will then send you to the Torture Room. Water is filling up the chamber! Sergeant Pepper will also watch you suffer. CHECK the door three times. Then, HIT it twice. Sergeant Pepper will leave because he thinks that you cannot escape. HIT the door one more time. CHECK it again and Percy will see a keyhole. USE the key and MOVE out of the room. You will be at the Entrance to the Garlic Wanderer's Cell. LOOK at the jail cell twice. Percy will see someone inside. It is the Garlic Wanderer from Orange Park. GIVE him your donut and he will want to know if you still want information. Right now, he cannot remember it. MOVE to the right and you will be at the Entrance to Sergeant Pepper's Office. MOVE back to the Entrance to the Garlic Wanderer's Cell. TALK to him twice and he will give you a fake grenade. Now, MOVE back to the Entrance to Sergeant Pepper's Office. MOVE to the right again and you will be at the Entrance to the Closet. MOVE inside. TAKE the rope. MOVE back to the Entrance to Sergeant Pepper's Office. Choose to MOVE inside. Percy will warn you not to go in. Choose to MOVE inside again. This time you will go in. You will see Sergeant Pepper. USE the grenade to scare him. Now USE the rope to tie him up. MOVE back to the Closet. There will be a lantern inside. TAKE it. Now MOVE back to the Entrance to the Closet. MOVE to the Exit. You will see the police outside. Since they are all holding lanterns, you should blend in by holding yours. To do this, USE the lantern. Now you are free to MOVE out the gate. If you had anything useless, Percy will tell you that he has dropped them while he was escaping. Things to get- Water (the Torture Room), Rope (the Closet), File (the Prison Cell), Paper (the Closet), Bucket (the Closet), Key (the Torture Room), Grenade (the Entrance to the Garlic Wanderer's Cell), and Lantern (the Closet) Useless items- Water, Paper, Bucket, Grenade, and Lantern Places to visit- the Prison Cell, the Torture Room, the Closet, the Interrogation Room, Sergeant Pepper's Office, the Entrance to the Garlic Wanderer's Cell, the Entrance to Sergeant Pepper's Office, the Entrance to the Closet, and the Exit Optional- If you HIT the alarm at the Entrance to the Garlic Wanderer's Cell a few times, it will go off. After you MOVE three steps in any direction, you will be taken back to the Torture Room. To get out, CHECK the door and then CHECK the floor. You will see the key on the ground, so TAKE it and USE it to unlock the door. Level 4 ---------- Password for level 4- N7CWD%BCD%B You will once again be in Spinach Heights. First, MOVE to Lake Quench and TAKE some water. Then, CHECK the bush twice and you will find a blue umbrella, which belongs to Mister Leek. TAKE it. The Fern Birds will also fly by. Now, MOVE to the Melon Patch from level 1. Everyone but Wat Mel has been harvested by the Farmies! GIVE some water to Wat Mel. Now you should CHECK the third hole twice. You will go to the Mole Hole. USE the umbrella and Mole will come out of the ground. GIVE him some water and then TALK to him three times. He will tell you about Saladron, a monster who lives in the Parsley Forest. He as the Yam Medallion. He will give you the left half of some instructions that he found at the Big Tree. He does not know where the right half is. He will also say that you should go see the guardian of the Parsley Forest, Mister Leek. MOVE back to the Melon Patch. TALK to Wat Mel two times and he will tell you where Mister Leek lives. MOVE to Mister Leek's Shack. MOVE forward and you will be at the River. Percy cannot swim, so you cannot get across. You must find some water wings for him. MOVE back to Mister Leek's shack. Choose PERCY and he will see if anyone is home. Mister Leek will then come out of his house. TALK to him once and GIVE him the umbrella. He will reward you by giving you some water wings. Now, go back to the River and MOVE across it. You will encounter a Farmie! Choose to FIGHT him. You will play a game of Finger Wars, which is just like Rock-Paper-Scissors. Whoever wins must guess which direction the loser will look at. The Farmie will always look down, so use that to your advantage. After he is defeated, you will be in the Parsley Forest, which is a maze. I recommend getting the compass that is in the maze, even though it is optional. The steps to get it are in the Optional section for this level. I will now tell you what you should do to get through the maze. First, MOVE forward twice. Now turn right and MOVE forward six times. Now turn left and MOVE forward 11 times. Turn left once again and MOVE forward seven times. TAKE the tin can that is on the ground. Now, turn left twice and go forward seven times. Turn right and MOVE forward five times. Turn right again and MOVE forward four times. Turn right once more and MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward twice. Turn right and MOVE forward once. TAKE the shovel that is lying here. Turn left twice and MOVE forward once. Turn left and MOVE forward twice. Now turn left again and MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward two times. Finally, turn left here and MOVE forward three times to arrive at the Entrance to Saladron's Lair, which is a scary tree. USE the tin can and Percy will throw it inside, which awakens Saladron. FIGHT him. Always use scissors against him. When has been beaten, you can MOVE inside of his lair. CHECK the vicinity twice and you will see a mound of dirt on the ground. USE the shovel six times and you will see a medal. CHECK the medal, which is the Yam Medallion. TAKE it and MOVE back outside. You will see Mister Leek waiting for you. TALK to him and he will thank you for beating Saladron. He will now take you to the Resistance Base and give you some grape juice. Percy will lose your useless items when he goes through some bushes and the level will end. Things to get- Spinach (Spinach Heights), Water (Lake Quench), Umbrella (Lake Quench), Left Instructions (the Mole Hole), Water Wings (Mister Leek's Shack), Leaves (the Entrance to Saladron's Lair), Waste (the Entrance to Saladron's Lair), Compass (the Parsley Forest), Shovel (the Parsley Forest), Tin Can (the Parsley Forest), Gold (the Parsley Forest), Medal (Saladron's Lair), and Grape Juice (the Entrance to Saladron's Lair) Useless items- Spinach, Shovel, Leaves, Waste, and Water Places to visit- Spinach Heights, Lake Quench, the Apple Statue, the Fence, the Melon Patch, the Mole Hole, the River, the Farmie, Mister Leek's Shack, the Parsley Forest, the Entrance to Saladron's Lair, and Saladron's Lair Optional- When you LOOK at Spinach Heights, you can TAKE some spinach. The Apple Statue has changed colors. It is now red. If you choose PERCY, he will pray and find out Saladron's weakness. If you LOOK when you are at Mister Leek's Shack, you can see the Farmie walking around. There is a compass in the Parsley Forest. It will be useful later on in the game so I think that you should take it. There are five pouches lying around in the Parsley Forest. Three of them contain gold for you to TAKE! To get the first one, start at the entrance. MOVE forward twice. Turn right and MOVE forward two more times. Turn right and MOVE forward once. The pouch will be there for you to TAKE. To get the second pouch, start at the Entrance to Saladron's Lair. MOVE forward once and turn left. MOVE forward again and it will be there for you to TAKE. To get the third piece of gold, start at the Entrance to Saladron's Lair. MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward twice. Turn left and MOVE forward three times. Turn left again and MOVE forward once. Now you can TAKE the third piece of gold. Level 5 ---------- Password for level 5- PPZKQTVWXTXH-YR You will start out at the Entrance to the Resistance Base. MOVE into it and you will be in the Hall. MOVE forward and you will be at the Door to the Meeting Room. You will hear some people inside, so MOVE into the Meeting Room. There are four soldiers inside. USE the medal and TALK to them. You will then go see Lisa, who is the Princess's sister. GIVE her the aspirin so that she can cure the leader's headache. MOVE back to the Entrance to the Resistance Base. Then MOVE back to the Meeting Room. MOVE to Lisa and TALK to her. She will tell you that the leader of the Resistance, General Cantaloupe, would like to thank you. TALK to him and he will award you a crest. Now, MOVE back to the Entrance to the Resistance Base. LOOK and you will see some boxes. CHECK the boxes twice and Percy will notice a shiny object. CHECK the shiny object and you will see that it is a pendant. TAKE it and MOVE back to the Hall. MOVE to the right and you will be at the Door to Lisa's Room. MOVE into Lisa's Room and you will see Lisa. GIVE her the pendant, which belongs to her, and she will thank you. MOVE back to the Hall and MOVE to the left. You will end up at the Door to the Arms Room. GIVE your grape juice to the storage guard, Grapy. He will thank you and give you some clover juice. MOVE back to Lisa's Room and TALK to her. She will tell you that Grapy will now let you into the Arms Room. MOVE back to the Door to the Arms Room. MOVE into the Arms Room and LOOK. You will see many weapons inside. TAKE a nut bomb and MOVE back to the Meeting Room. LOOK at the soldiers, who are Major, Captain, Sergeant, and Chief. TALK to Chief and he will tell you that you should go after the monster called Bananda that lives near Peanut Village. Bananda has a Dice-O- Matic, which is a deadly weapon. MOVE back to the Entrance to the Resistance Base and MOVE to Peanut Village. Percy will tell you that he threw away your useless items. The level will now end. Things to get- Pendant (the Entrance to the Resistance Base), Clover Juice (the Door to the Arms Room), Nut Bomb (the Arms Room), and Black Bean (the Arms Room) Useless items- Black Bean Places to visit- the Entrance to the Resistance Base, the Hall, the Door to the Meeting Room, the Meeting Room, Lisa, General Cantaloupe, the Door to Lisa's Room, Lisa's Room, the Door to the Arms Room, and the Arms Room Optional- You can TAKE a black bean from the Arms Room after you LOOK at the weapons. Level 6 ---------- Password for level 6- DVZQMZ12345MYB796 You will start out at Carrot Plateau. MOVE forward and you will arrive at Peanut Village. The Village Chief and his Wife are crying because their daughter Nutty has been kidnapped by Bananda. TALK to the Village Chief and then TALK to his Wife. After that, TALK to the Village Chief and his Wife again. The Wife will tell you where the House is. CHECK the vicinity and you will spot the House and the Park. MOVE to the Park and CHECK the lawn to get a coin. LOOK and you will see Shroom, Peasha, and Peaja. TALK to Shroom and he will tell you about the Convenience Store. Then TALK to Peaja twice and he will tell you about Carrot the Hermit's Home. MOVE to the Convenience Store and BUY some squid from Uncle Peanut. MOVE back to the Park and MOVE to Carrot the Hermit's Home. GIVE him the squid. He will tell you that you should have Percy ask the Village Chief for a lamp. He also wants you to come back here after you have beaten Bananda. MOVE back to Peanut Village and MOVE to the House. TALK to the Village Chief and he will tell you about Bananda's Cave. MOVE back to Carrot Plateau and MOVE to the Entrance to Bananda's Cave. Try to MOVE inside. Percy will tell you to get a lamp. MOVE back to the House and choose PERCY. Percy will tell the Village Chief that you will save Nutty and he will let you borrow a lamp. MOVE back to the Entrance to Bananda's Cave. MOVE into Bananda's Cave and MOVE forward twice. You will see Bananda! USE the nut bomb to defeat him. You will not see Bananda's Remains. TAKE five pieces of Bananda's skin and you will find Nutty. TALK to her and she will come with you. Now turn left twice and MOVE forward two times. You will be at the Exit in Bananda's Cave. Nutty will say thank you and go home. MOVE to the House and TALK to the Village Chief. He will thank you by giving you a battery for Bananda's Dice-O-Matic. MOVE back to Carrot the Hermit's Home. GIVE him your clover juice and he will give you some medicine. Now, MOVE back to Bananda's Cave. From the entrance, follow my directions. MOVE forward twice. Turn left and MOVE forward two times. Turn right and MOVE forward two more times. Turn left and MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward two times. Turn left and MOVE forward three more times. Turn to the left and MOVE forward ten times. Now turn right and MOVE forward five times. Turn right once again and finally, MOVE forward five times. You will be at the Dice-O-Matic Entrance. USE the medal on the door to open it. MOVE into the Cockpit and USE the battery. Percy will try to find a place to put it. CHECK the vicinity and he will see the spot. USE the battery once again and he will put it in. Now HIT the lever twice. The Dice-O-Matic will now start and you will be in the Outdoors. MOVE forward three times. You will encounter some enemies in Dice-O-Matics! MOVE towards them and FIGHT them. They like to alternate between looking at the right and then the left. After they are defeated, Minister Pumpkin will appear in his Dice-O-Matic. FIGHT him. Look to the right, then the left, the right, and the right. If you still have not beaten him, restart the pattern from the beginning. After you win, Minister Pumpkin will escape and you will be at the Big Tree, which is where Mole found the left half of the instructions. However, the Dice-O-Matic is broken. CHECK the vicinity, the trunk, the branches, the leaves, and finally the roots. You will see some strange grass. TAKE the grass and then CHECK the ground. You will see the right half of the instruction that were given to you from Mole. TAKE the instructions and then CHECK them. They will tell you about a magical type of grass called Chameleon Grass. USE the grass that you have twice. It turns out to be Chameleon Grass! You will disguise yourself as Farmies and the level will end. Percy will drop your useless items when he is getting down from the tree. Things to get- Lamp (the House), Carrot (Carrot Plateau), Squid (the Convenience Store), Wordbook (the Convenience Store), Skin (Bananda's Cave), Battery (the House), Medicine (Carrot the Hermit's Home), Coin (the Park, the Convenience Store), Peanuts (the Convenience Store), and Broom (the Convenience Store) Useless items- Lamp, Carrot, Squid, Wordbook, Broom, Peanuts, and Skin Places to visit- Carrot Plateau, Peanut Village, the Park, the House, the Convenience Store, Carrot the Hermit's Home, the Entrance to Bananda's Cave, Bananda's Cave, the Exit in Bananda's Cave, Bananda, Bananda's Remains, Nutty, the Dice-O-Matic Entrance, the Cockpit, the Outdoors, and the Big Tree Optional- If you CHECK the vicinity two times at Carrot Plateau, you can TAKE a carrot. Bring these to the Convenience Store and GIVE them to Uncle Peanut. He will give you one coin each time you do this. If you BUY a wordbook from the Convenience Store, you can USE it at the Park to translate the characters on the Hudson Bee statue. You can BUY peanuts and a broom from the Convenience Store. There are five pouches of gold in Bananda's Cave. I will now tell you how to get all five of them. To find the first one, start at the entrance and MOVE forward twice. Turn left and MOVE forward two more steps. Turn right and MOVE forward two times. Now turn left and MOVE forward five times. Turn left and MOVE forward three times. Turn left once again and MOVE forward three times. TAKE the pouch to receive a piece of gold. To get the second piece, turn to the right twice and MOVE forward three times. Then turn right and MOVE forward three more times. Turn left here and MOVE forward three times. Now turn left, MOVE forward two times, and TAKE the pouch. To get the third piece, turn left twice and MOVE forward two times. Turn right and now MOVE forward twice. Turn left at this area and then MOVE forward two screens. TAKE this pouch to get the third piece. To get the fourth one, turn right twice and MOVE forward two times. Turn left and MOVE forward two times. Turn left once more and MOVE forward three times to get to the pouch of gold. TAKE it. Now, to get to the last piece of gold, you should turn right twice and MOVE forward three times. Turn left here and MOVE forward five times. Turn left once again and MOVE forward three times. Turn right at this location and MOVE forward twice. Turn left and MOVE forward three times. Make another left turn here and MOVE forward twice. Now turn right and MOVE forward four times. Turn right, MOVE forward four times, and turn left. MOVE forward seven more times and turn left. Finally, MOVE forward once and TAKE the gold. Level 7 ---------- Password for level 7- HF4JBKLMNP9JTSCNV You will start out on in Sopville. You are at Main Street. CHECK the vicinity to see Yam, Asparagus, and Squash hiding in the shadows. TALK to Squash and then USE the crest. TALK to him again and he will tell you to go to Pea Street. CHECK the shop on the right and you will see that it is the Bar. MOVE inside. CHECK the customers and you will see that they are George, Dan, and Radish Ron. TALK to George and TALK to Dan. TALK to Ron and USE the crest. MOVE out to Main Street and then MOVE to Pea Street. CHECK the wanderers, who are E.P. and D.R.. TALK to D.R. and USE the crest. TALK to him again and he will tell you about the Passage to the Castle and about the Old Lady. MOVE to the Old Lady's House. GIVE her your medicine. She will thank you. The next thing you should do is CHECK the ground. Percy will see a piece of gold for you to TAKE. MOVE to Pea Street and TALK to E.P.. GIVE him all of your gold and he will let you have a shovel. MOVE back to the Bar and TALK to George. Then TALK to Dan and TALK to Ron three times. MOVE out of the Bar and MOVE back inside. USE the crest and TALK to Ron twice to receive a key. Now MOVE back to the Old Lady's House. TALK to her twice and she will tell you the location of the Entrance of the Passage to the Castle. She will also say that Princess Tomato has a star on her forehead. MOVE back to Pea Street and MOVE to the Entrance of the Passage to the Castle. MOVE into the Passage to the Castle and MOVE forward, MOVE right, MOVE left, and then MOVE forward once more. You will at the Wall, even though you cannot see it. USE the shovel and you will make a hole. You can now see a door. MOVE through it. Percy will tell you that he dropped your useless items while he was going through the hole in the wall. The level is now completed. Things to get- Key (the Bar), Gold (the Old Lady's House), Coin (Main Street), Bread (the General Store), Juice (the General Store), Socks (the General Store), Shampoo (the General Store), Spices (the General Store), and Shovel (Pea Street) Useless items- Shovel, Juice, Socks, Shampoo, Spices, and Bread Places to visit- Main Street, Pea Street, the Bar, the General Store, the Old Lady's House, the Entrance of the Passage to the Castle, the Passage to the Castle, and the Wall Optional- If you CHECK the store on the left at Main Street, you can go to the General Store. You need coins to shop here. You can BUY some bread, juice, socks, shampoo, or spices. If you GIVE the bread to Yam and the juice to Asparagus, you can TALK to them for information. If you decide to MOVE back to the Bar after you have received the key from Radish Ron, he will not be there. George and Dan got into a fight with him. The Bartender is also present. Octoberry can be seen on Main Street. CHECK the ground after he comes by to see a coin that you can TAKE. Level 8 ---------- Password for level 8- NT1XQYZ1234MX76R2M You will be in the Storage Room. LOOK and then CHECK the vicinity. TAKE the pine tar and oil pot. LOOK again and you will see a chain and a mirror. TAKE the chain. MOVE out of the Storage Room and you will be in the First Hall. MOVE to the lower-right and you will be at the Locked Door. Try to MOVE inside. Then try to MOVE back. You will see the Princess's Chamber Maid peer out of the door. TALK to her once and she will tell you that the Princess is taking a bath. Now MOVE back to the First Hall. Now MOVE to the upper-left and you will be at the Bathroom Door. MOVE into the Bathroom and you will see someone taking a shower. HIT the shower and Orange will look at you. TALK to her and she will tell you that the Princess went for a walk at the Garden. Now MOVE back to the First Hall and MOVE to the upper-right to reach the Door to the Dark Room. USE the key to open it and MOVE into the Dark Room. LOOK and then CHECK the vicinity to see a desk. CHECK the desk and you will see a paper that you should CHECK. It's a letter from Junior Pumpkin to Minister Pumpkin! MOVE back to the First Hall. MOVE forward and you will be at the Second Hall. MOVE and choose turn left to arrive at the Garden. LOOK and then CHECK the pond. Percy will fall into the pond! USE the water wings to save his life. He will thank you and hand you an ornament that he found in the water. TAKE some water and MOVE back to the Second Hall. MOVE to the right. Before you can get there, Percy stops you. He shows you the Hall Guard. USE the ornament to have Percy throw it. Then USE the oil pot to make the Hall Guard slip. He will be knocked out. USE the chain to tie him up. You will then automatically go to the Cell Door. It is locked. CHECK the hallway, then LOOK and you will see some keys. TAKE them and USE them to unlock the door. MOVE into the Cell and USE the crest. LOOK and you will see Cabbage, Lettuce, Garlic, and Bell Pepper. Now LOOK again and you will see a barrel. CHECK it twice. Lord White Leaf is inside of it. GIVE him some water and then choose TALK to get near him. USE the crest and then TALK with him. He will tell you that Minister Pumpkin wants the Princess to marry his son, Junior Pumpkin. He also says that Junior Pumpkin is allergic caterpillars. You will then go back to the Cell. CHECK Lettuce and you will find a caterpillar on him. TAKE it and MOVE back to the Second Hall. MOVE to the lower-left door and you will be at the Maid's Door. MOVE through it and you will be in the Maid's Room. She is sleeping on the bed. CHECK the door on the right and MOVE through it. You will be in Princess Tomato's Room. LOOK and then MOVE through the exit. The exit only opens in one direction, so you will have to go back to the Maid's Room to get back to Princess Tomato's Room. You will arrive at the First Exit. MOVE to the Maid's Room. You will notice that she is gone. MOVE to Princess Tomato's Room. MOVE through the door on the right and you will end up in the Dressing Room. HIT the stool and Percy will notice that it is hollow. Now CHECK it twice. Percy will find the Princess's diary inside. CHECK it once and you will learn that the Princess has been disguising herself with makeup so that she will look ugly. MOVE through the exit that is in this area and you will be at the Second Exit. Once again, this door only opens in one direction. MOVE back to Princess Tomato's Room and you will see an old woman sitting on the bed. TALK to her and USE the crest when you are close to her. TALK to her three times. MOVE away and then TALK to her again. This time, GIVE her the Chameleon Grass when you are near her. She will reveal her true form, which is Princess Tomato! TALK to her twice and she will thank you. She will also tell you to defeat Minister Pumpkin. MOVE back to the Second Hall and MOVE forward. You will be at the Main Hall. The Eggplant Soldier is guarding a door. Choose FIGHT to get close to him. You must now FIGHT him. Remember that he always looks up. When he is defeated, MOVE through the door. You will be in the Throne Room. CHECK the door and MOVE through it. You will get to Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom. LOOK around and then CHECK the shelf. TAKE a book, CHECK it, and then CHECK the bed. It will mysteriously move! CHECK the stairs that are hidden under the bed and you will be pushed down the stairs by a stranger! You will be in the Darkness. MOVE forward once. You are now in the Basement Maze, which is the home of a family of monsters! I will now tell you the exact steps that you must take to reach the exit. Starting from the entrance, MOVE forward once, turn right, and MOVE forward two times. Turn right again and MOVE forward six times. Now turn right, MOVE forward eight times, turn right, MOVE forward six times, and turn left. MOVE forward five times to encounter the Baby Monster. Since he is young and innocent, you do not have to hurt him. Turn right twice and MOVE forward eight times. Turn right once more, MOVE forward three times, and then turn left. MOVE forward twice to see a hole in the ground, which is the First Hole. A voice will ask you if you have came from the Baby Monster. Turn right and MOVE forward six times to reach another hole, which is the Second Hole. This one will tell you that you are on the right track. Turn right and MOVE eight screens forward. Turn right and MOVE forward three times to reach the Third Hole. It will tell you to find the Papa Monster. Turn left, MOVE forward six times, turn left once again, and MOVE forward seven times to meet the Papa Monster. FIGHT him. He will always look to the left. After he is defeated, you will go through an opening that leads to Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom. LOOK at him to get near him and then choose to FIGHT him. I now tell you the pattern that you should use to defeat him. Start with paper, then go to paper, rock, scissors, rock, scissors, scissors, and finally paper. If you still have not won the battle, restart the pattern from the beginning. Once you have beaten him, you should TALK to him. He will tell you that he has given the Turnip Emblem to Junior Pumpkin. MOVE back to Princess Tomato's Room and TALK to her two times. She will tell you to escape with her by going to the Garden. MOVE to the Garden and MOVE through the exit to escape. Percy will turn you back into vegetables, which makes you drop you your useless items. Things to take- Oil Pot (the Storage Room), Pine Tar (the Storage Room), Chain (the Storage Room), Mirror (the Storage Room), Letter (the Dark Room), Gold (the Dark Room), Water (the Garden), Ornament (the Garden), Keys (the Cell Door), Caterpillar (the Cell), Clothes (the Throne Room), Tea (Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom), and Books (Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom) Useless items- Pine Tar, Chain, Mirror, Letter, Water, Keys, Clothes, Tea, and Books Places to visit- the Storage Room, the First Hall, the Mystery Door, the Locked Door , the Maid's Door, the Princess's Chamber Maid, the Door to the Dark Room, the Dark Room, the Bathroom Door, the Bathroom, Orange, the Second Hall, the Pond, the Hall Guard, the Cell Door, the Cell, Lord White Leaf, the Maid's Room, Princess Tomato's Room, the Dressing Room, the First Exit, the Second Exit, the Main Hall, the Eggplant Soldier, the Throne Room, Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom, the Darkness, the Basement Maze, and the Moma Monster, the Baby Monster, the Papa Monster, the First Hole, the Second Hole, and the Third Hole Optional- You can TAKE a mirror in the Storage Room if you TAKE the pine tar and then LOOK. You can TAKE a piece of gold if you search the third drawer in the Dark Room. GIVE it to Bell Pepper to find out Minister Pumpkin's strategy. You can TAKE a second chain in the Storage Room after you have used the first one. You can TAKE some clothes in the Throne Room. You can TAKE a cup of tea that is sitting on a table in Minister Pumpkin's Bedroom. The Moma Monster is in ten locations in the Basement Maze. If you meet her, you have to FIGHT. She always looks to the left. If you beat her she runs away. She reappears at the locations where you have beaten her, so do not think that you are safe. To find the first spot, start at the entrance. MOVE forward once, turn right, MOVE forward twice, turn right, MOVE forward four times, turn right, and MOVE forward to see her. To get to the second one, turn right twice and MOVE forward once. Turn right again and MOVE forward six times. Turn right and MOVE forward once to reach the second spot. Now, to get the third spot, turn left twice, MOVE forward once, turn right, and MOVE forward three times. Turn right and MOVE forward three more times. Turn right, MOVE forward once, and you see the Moma Monster. To get to the fourth area, turn right twice, MOVE forward once, turn right, and MOVE forward three times. Turn left here and MOVE forward once to reach the fourth spot. To get to the fifth location, turn right twice, MOVE forward once, turn left, MOVE forward twice, turn left, and MOVE forward once to see it. To get to the sixth spot, turn left twice, MOVE forward once, and turn left again. MOVE forward five times, turn left, and MOVE forward once to encounter the Moma Monster. To get to the seventh area, turn right twice and MOVE forward seven times. Turn left here, MOVE forward two times, turn right, and MOVE forward four times to meet her once again. To get to the eighth spot, turn right twice, MOVE forward once, turn left, MOVE forward twice, turn left, and MOVE forward three times. You will now see the Moma Monster. To get to the ninth location, turn right twice and MOVE forward three times. Turn left, MOVE forward two times, turn right, MOVE forward three times, and turn right. MOVE forward twice, turn left, MOVE forward two more times, turn left, and MOVE forward twice. You will be at the Moma Monster. To get to the final spot, turn right twice and MOVE forward two times. Turn left and MOVE forward four times. Turn left and MOVE forward twice to get to the final spot. Level 9 ---------- Password for level 9- T7FS%%BCDFGHSKJ5NK9 You will start out in Orange Park at a victory party. You will see General Cantaloupe, Lisa, Nutty, and Carrot. TALK to General Cantaloupe and Lisa and they will congratulate you. Suddenly, Junior Pumpkin appears and tries to capture Princess Tomato! Luckily, the Soursop Wanderer knocks him down. You must now FIGHT him. After he is defeated, he tells you that even though you may have saved the Princess, he still has the Turnip Emblem, which gives him the right to rule. USE the caterpillar on him to make him runaway with fright. He will drop the Turnip Emblem. You will learn that the kingdom has become a peaceful place for all vegetables to live. The Farmies have been set free to become honest carnivores. Sir Cucumber and Princess Tomato are also married. The credits will now appear on the screen. Congratulations! You have just finished the game. Things to take- N/A Useless items- N/A Places to visit- Orange Park and Junior Pumpkin Optional- You can fight Junior Pumpkin as many times as you want. Thanks ---------- Shout outs to the following people: Tiffany a/k/a J.C. Chasez (Shuh-zay NOT Cha-zez!), Julia a/k/a The Biggest Eskimo In Town, Andrew a/k/a Moo, Anthony a/k/a Ony, Alisha a/k/a Ali, Austin a/k/a The Baby Austin, Meghan a/k/a Basil, Ma, Da, Grandma, Grandpa, Oreo, Ong Noi, Ba Noi, Uncle Tam, Uncle Bao, Auntie Bay, Auntie Diu, Uncle Tony, Auntie Sau, Auntie Nam, Uncle Tri, Pico, Justin Randall, "Loud" Lou, Fred, Henry-D, Denniz, Lisa Werst, and last but certainly not least... I'd like to thank GameFAQs for posting this guide. If I forgot you...just because you'renot on this doesn't mean you're not in my heart! Version History ---------- 1.0- 03/01/00 I started this walkthrough 2.0- 03/03/00 I added information on level 2 and added more characters 3.0- 03/06/00 I added information on level 3 and some more characters 4.0- 03/18/00 I added most of the information for level 4 and some stuff about the characters in levels 4, 5, and 6 5.0- 03/19/00 I added more information on levels 4, 5, and 6, but I have only completed the basic walkthroughs 6.0- 03/20/00 I added most of the information on level 7 and 8, put in more characters, and I fixed up some other levels 7.0- 03/23/00 I finished the basic walkthrough and now I must go check on some of the optional things that can be done in the game 8.0- 03/25/00 I added the password for level 9 and I corrected some mistakes 9.0- 03/26/00 I corrected something in level 6 and I added something to the characters section 10.0- 03/28/00 I fixed some mistakes 11.0- 09/18/02 This will probably be my final revision 12.0- 08/17/06 Edited a few mistakes that have been around for a while Feel free to contact me if there are any mistakes or questions. This document Copyright 2000 "DTJAAAAMJS" I do not give my permission for this guide to be used for anything unless you have asked me. If you would like to use it, please contact me at Thank you.