RPG Jinsei Game (Famicom) Guide by E. Phelps, ver. 1.1 (aka LastBossKiller) - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Disclaimer === = = = - - - - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission by the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2014 E. Phelps ---Viewing This Document--- This document contains Japanese text. To view it correctly, set your browser or word processor to view "Shift-JIS" format. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, using the dropdown menu, go to View -> Encoding -> More -> Japanese (Shift-JIS). You could, instead, open this document with Microsoft Word, and it will ask you about the encoding automatically, allowing you to select Shift-JIS. - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ====== Intro ====== = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - RPG Jinsei Game is a hybrid of a classic Dragon Warrior type RPG and Life the board game. You travel around a town and get into "random encounters" that aren't battles, but they are standard life occurences that require a yes or no decision (should I help this stray cat find it's owner?). When you face an important event in your profession, such as trying to write a manuscript when you're a manga writer, it is done in a turn-based RPG battle style. It seems a lot like you're attacking your manuscript, and when you drain it's HP to zero, you have successfully written a good one. It's a really fun idea, although it isn't implemented as well as one would hope. It's extremely easy, and gets very repetitive. But it is certainly worth a look if you're into quirky, old NES games. There are 6 different scenarios to choose from. Every time you finish one, it will be indicated on the character select screen as completed. You have to finish all 6, and then a hidden 7th one will be available. The game was released only in Japan, but I hope that you will be able to play it through with the help of this guide even if your Japanese isn't very good. - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ===== Contents ===== = = = - - - - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - Search words are given in square brackets []. 1. Characters [sec1] 2. How to Play [sec2] a. Overview b. Starting the Game c. Statistics d. Money e. Walking Menus f. Status Menu g. Random Encounters and the Roulette Wheel h. Locations i. Battles 3. Items 4. General Strategy to Win a Scenario 5. Scenario Walkthroughs a. Singer Scenario b. Photographer Scenario c. Detective Scenario d. Pro Wrestler Scenario e. Manga Artist Scenario f. Company President Scenario g. Final Scenario 6. Random Encounter List 7. Cheats - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Characters === = = = - - - - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - [sec1] You have the option to choose among 6 different characters to start the game. Each character can explore a different city and wants to master a different profession. In order to finish the game, you must complete all 6 character scenarios, and a special hidden seventh character will then become playable. The characters and the cities they explore are: Singer - Female. Cities: Fukuoka, Tokyo, America. Photographer - Female. Cities: England, Nepal (not cities, I know), Tokyo. Detective - Male. Cities: Sendai, Tokyo. Pro Wrestler - Male. Cities: Hiroshima, Tokyo. Manga Artist - Female. Cities: Nagoya, Tokyo. Company President - Male. Cities: Osaka, Tokyo. ????? - ?????. Cities: Sapporo, Tokyo. - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === How To Play === = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - [sec2] ============ [sec2a] ------------------------------= Overview =----------------------------------- ============ At the beginning of the game, you have to choose from 6 different scenarios. In each scenario, you control a character who has a different life goal. For example, one guy wants to be a detective. It is then your goal to make this guy a successful detective. To become successful at a particular job, you basically just visit a series of places and trigger events. Many of these events will take place in a typical RPG turn-based battle style. By winning the "battle", the character is successful at a particular event, such as apprehending a suspect. To successfully win the aforementioned battles, you have to raise your statistics to an acceptable level. You can do this in a variety of ways, which are detailed in the sections below. So the entirety of the game is essentially walking around a city and trying to find where to go next to trigger the next event. Generally, someone will tell you exactly where to go, so if you're proficient at Japanese, then you will be stuck only rarely. In the meantime, you must be padding your stats so that you're "strong" enough to face the next battle. The rest of the game is the "padding your stats" process. You can, for example, visit a gym to increase your strength, or go to the library to increase your wisdom. You might also need money, so you can take a temp. job to get some fast cash. As you walk around, you will also engage in "random encounters", just like in a typical RPG game. But instead of fighting monsters, you are faced with a life decision, such as "Should I eat a hamburger?" Making the correct decisions will generally increase your stats. ===================== [sec2b] --------------------------= Starting the Game =------------------------------ ===================== When you start the game, you will see the following menu options: はじめから - "From the beginning" 1のつづきから - "Continue 1". Continue the game from save file 1. 2のつづきから - "Continue 2" きろくをけす - "Delete record" After choosing to begin a new game, you are asked to enter your name. The name entering screen shows the Japanese "alphabet" with the following commands at the bottom of the screen: カタカナ - "Katakana". Changes the characters you entered to Katakana lettering. ひらがな - "Hiragana". Changes the characters you entered to Hiragana lettering. おわり - "End" It then asks if you are male (おとこ) or female (おんな). You are then asked to choose between the following six scenarios: かしゅになる - "To become a singer". けいじになる - "To become a detective". まんがかになる - "To become a manga artist". カメラマンになる - "To become a photographer". プロレスラーになる - "To become a pro wrestler". しゃちょうになる - "To become a company president". When you finish one of these scenarios, a face will be shown next to the profession to indicate that it has already been completed. After choosing the profession, you will be asked if this is the one you wanted, with the options はい ("yes") and いいえ ("no"). You are then asked to enter your character's name. ============== [sec2c] -------------------------------= Statistics =-------------------------------- ============== Your character has four statistics. They are: 知力 - Wisdom 体力 - Strength 信用 - Confidence うん - Luck These stats are only important during battles. During battle, you have attacks which are either "Wisdom" based, "Strength" based, "Confidence" based, or "Luck" based. For example, the current "battle" you are engaged in might be convincing someone to join your company. In this case, your attack might be "Confidence" based, since you are more convincing when you're confident. Your attack will have the confidence symbol (信) next to it to signify this. Then, to use the attack, you spend some of your confidence points. The enemy will also attack during battles, which drains your statistics each time you're hit. But, if the attack you want to use is confidence based, then it doesn't matter that you're losing points from your other stats, at least as far as the present battle is concerned. See the "Battles" section for more on this topic. Your stats are increased or decreased during decisions you make during "random encounters" while walking around town. They can also be increased for a fee by visiting certain locations, such as a gym or the library. Certain items will also increase your stats, and you will get a stat bonus every time you win a battle. The maximum value your stats can be is 999. ========= [sec2d] ---------------------------------= Money =----------------------------------- ========= You need money to use the gym, to read books at the library, to travel, and several other things in the game. Money is generally gained by taking a temporary job or by playing at the casino. You also gain a lot of money when you win a battle. Occasionally, you will need money to be able to trigger a key event, such as paying a fee to have your song recorded at a recording studio (during the singer scenario). The maximum value your money can be is so high you will never see it, unless you cheat. ================= [sec2e] -----------------------------= Walking Menus =------------------------------- ================= While walking around town, the following parameters are shown at the top of the screen: なまえ - "Name" もくひょう - "Goal" 知 - "Wisdom" 体 - "Strength" 信 - "Confidence" うん - "Luck" When walking around town, press "A" to bring up some menu options. They are: はなす - "Talk". Talk to a townsperson if you are facing one. どうぐ - "Tools". Use items. ライフ - "Life". Brings up the status menu. =============== [sec2f] ------------------------------= Status Menu =-------------------------------- =============== When you bring up the status menu, the following information will be displayed: In the top window, you see: なまえ - "Name" もくひょう - "Goal" せいべつ - "Gender" 知力 - "Wisdom" 体力 - "Strength" 信用 - "Confidence" うん - "Luck" しょじきん - "Money" In the bottom-left window is shown the items you are carrying. Press "A" to see more items if you have more. In the bottom-right window is shown your attacks. Press "A" to show more if you have more. The attack shown on the top is always your most recently gained one, which will be your strongest. ============================================ [sec2g] ----------------= Random Encounters and the Roulette Wheel =----------------- ============================================ While walking around town, you will often engage in "random encounters" like in a standard RPG. But in this game, instead of fighting monsters, you are faced with a life decision. Here's the text from an example encounter: エアロビクスの きょうしつがあります はいってみますか? Which says, "There's an aerobics classroom. Try entering?" You are always given the same options: はい - "Yes" いいえ - "No" どうぐ - "Tools" If you choose incorrectly, one of your stats will be decreased by a few points (2 to 4, generally). If you choose correctly, you will spin the roulette wheel for a chance to increase your stats. The "Tools" option allows you to use items to increase your stats, but you still have to make a decision. In the above question, the correct answer is obviously "yes". When you choose correctly, you will have the following options before spinning the roulette wheel: まわす - "Spin" どうぐ - "Tools" "Spin" begins the roulette spin, but "Tools" allows you to use items which can affect the wheel. For example, you can use a White Charm (しろのおまもり), which will allow you to move the wheel one space to the right or left after it's done spinning, so you can change the number you land on. Generally, the tools command is an unnecessary feature that I doubt you will take advantage of. When you spin the wheel, you can land on any number between 1 and 10. Certain numbers are "Lucky" and some are "Unlucky". Which numbers are lucky or unlucky changes every time you spin the wheel. For example, the outcomes you can get might look like the following text: 1。5 アンラッキー 9。10 ノーマル 3。7 だいラッキー 2。6 ラッキー 4。8 スーパーラッキー Here, you see an outcome, such as アンラッキー ("Unlucky"). The 1 and 5 next to it mean that you are "Unlucky" if you roll a 1 or a 5. Again, the numbers corresponding to "Unlucky" will change every time you spin the wheel. The possible outcomes are: アンラッキー - "Unlucky" ノーマル - "Normal" だいラッキー "Very Lucky" ラッキー - "Lucky" スーパーラッキー - "Super Lucky" If you get "Unlucky", then you will get no stat increase (there is no decrease either). If you get anything else, you will have a stat increase. Obviously, if you land on "Super Lucky", your stat increase will be larger than if you land on "Normal", but the difference isn't that big, so you just don't want to land on "Unlucky". A few more important things to note about these "random encounters": (1) The correct answers are consistent. So if you get the same question twice, you will already know the correct answer. A long list of the random encounter text in the game is given in the "Random Encounter Text" section at the end of this guide, so you can see which answers are correct for each question. (2) If you can read Japanese, then the correct answers are easy to guess. There aren't really trick questions. If the game says, "There's a stray cat. Help it find it's owner?" Then, obviously, say "yes". The only answers that are weird are when you see an ice cream shop and it asks if you want ice cream. Then, even though ice cream is bad for you, in the game it's good, so say "yes". Basically, all food is good for you. Well, unless it's canned juice. The game thinks that's gross, so don't drink that. And don't eat things that were dropped on the ground. (3) Even if you don't know Japanese, you can predict a lot of the answers based on the tone of the question. If there's a string of periods in the question (i.e. "..."), then the question probably has a negative tone to it, so say "no". (4) It's almost always good to go into a place. There are a lot of questions that say: "There's a blah blah. Go inside?" The phrase: はいってみますか? means "Go inside?", so if you memorize that, then you'll get a lot of questions that you can just say "yes" to without having to think. (5) The stat which a question effects is always the same. So, if you eat a hamburger, it will increase your strength stat. If you say "no" to eating it, your strength stat will decrease. (6) Sometimes a random encounter won't give a yes or no option. It will just be an automatic roulette wheel spin. These encounters either can gain you a lot more stats than usual, or they might decrease your stats a little bit. ============= [sec2h] -------------------------------= Locations =--------------------------------- ============= Many buildings in the game are marked by a sign over the door. These are locations which are available in every city and can be utilized to increase your stats, buy items, make money, etc. Here is a list of such locations. On the left is the sign you will see over the door to the building, and on the right is what is found inside. "HTL" - Hotel. The hotel is important since it's where you can save your game. The options available inside are: とまる - "Stay". For 10000 yen, you can stay the night, which causes all four of your stats to increase by 10 points. セーブ - "Save". Save your game. でる - "Exit" "AB" - A temporary job service place. Go here to make some quick money. You will gain 5000 yen, but your "Strength" stat will decrease by 5 points. "SHOP" - You can buy items here. See the "Items" section for descriptions of what each item does. "GYM" - A gym where you can pay money to increase your "Strength" statistic. The options are: ラクラクコース ("Casual Course") - Strength +10. Costs 1000 yen. ハードコース ("Hard Course") - Strength +25. Costs 5000 yen. ちょうハードコース ("Super Hard Course") - Strength +40. Costs 10000 yen. Smily Face - A classroom where they teach communication skills. Increase your "Confidence" statistic for a fee. The options are: しょたいめんコース ("First Impression Course") - Confidence +10. Costs 1000 yen. たいわコース ("Conversation Course") - Confidence +25. Costs 5000 yen. ろんじゅつコース ("Debate Course") - Confidence +40. Costs 10000 yen. "BOOK" - A library where you can pay money to increase your "Wisdom" statistic. The options are: マンガコース ("Manga Course") - Wisdom +10. Costs 1000 yen. ぶんがくコース ("Literature Course") - Wisdom +25. Costs 5000 yen. てつがくコース ("Philosophy Course") - Wisdom +40. Costs 10000 yen. "GAME" - A game hall where you can pay money to increase your "Luck" statistic. The options are: シューティングコース ("Shooting Course") - Luck +10. Costs 1000 yen. アクションコース ("Action Course") - Luck +25. Costs 5000 yen. キャッチゲームコース ("Catch Game Course") - Luck +40. Costs 10000 yen. "$" - Casino. Spin a roulette wheel and win or lose depending on the number you land on. You can bet up to 9990 yen. The effect of landing on each number is: 1 or 5 - Break even. Get your money back. 2 or 6 - Win 2 times your wager. 3 or 7 - Win 3 times your wager. 4 or 8 - Win 4 times your wager. 9 or 10 - Lose your wager. "ST" - Train station. If you have a Train Ticket, you can travel to a different town. "AIR" - Airport. If you have a Plane Ticket, you can travel to a different town. Unmarked building - There are numerous buildings in each town which have no sign. These can be important locations to trigger events that progress the story or they might be dialogues with people who give you hints of what to do next. Some buildings have an interior which you can explore. =========== [sec2i] --------------------------------= Battles =---------------------------------- =========== To finish a scenario, you will participate in several battles. During a battle, you will see the following menu options: ガンバル - "Persevere". This is your attack option. A subscreen will appear, showing you options of which attack you can use. どうぐ - "Tools". Use an item to increase your stats or affect the battle in some way. にげる - "Run". Escape from the battle. It always works and there is no punishment for doing this. Battles are not really physical battles, but they are more like important life events that you are engaging in, such as a debate or writing a manuscript. Your "enemy" has HP which you need to drain to zero to win the battle. Each turn, you can attack and drain this HP. During each turn, the enemy will also attack you and decrease points from one of your stats. Attacking costs you some points from one of your statistics. The statistic that decreases depends on which attack you use. Every attack has a type associated with it. For example, the detective starts with the attack: 知 ひらめき The first symbol (知) signifies that this attack is "Wisdom" type. It drains your wisdom when you use it. ひらめき ("Insight") is the name of the attack. Attacks can be "Strength" type (体), "Confidence" type (信), or "Luck" type (う). If the statistic you need in order to attack is drained to zero, the attack will then do zero or one point of damage. For example, the attack 知 ひらめき, just mentioned, drains 2 wisdom points every time you use it and might do around 8 or so damage to the enemy's HP. If you don't have any wisdom points, the attack will then usually do zero damage, but it might do 1 damage. It's painful to try to fight with no statistic points left over, so you should just reset and try the fight again later with higher statistics. There is a chance that you will get a critical hit when you attack, or you might miss. After winning a battle, you will spin the roulette wheel (which doesn't seem to matter very much as far as any outcome goes), then you will get an increase in all of your statistics, some money, and you will learn a new attack. Most importantly, the story will then progress forward. - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ====== Items ====== = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - [sec3] There are a number of key items that are needed to trigger events. These are described in the corresponding scenario walkthroughs in which they're needed. The items listed here are only those that are universal through all scenarios. Items which can be bought in any city (except Tokyo): あかのおまもり ("Red Charm") - Costs 2000 yen. Use before spinning the roulette wheel. Effect?? しろのおまもり ("White Charm") - Costs 2500 yen. Use before spinning the roulette wheel. Lets you move one space left or right after spinning ends, allowing you to change the outcome of the spin. ふつうのドリンク ("Ordinary Drink") - Costs 15000 yen. Luck +60 (must be used during battle or a random encounter). リポナミンZ ("Riponamin-Z") - Costs 30000 yen. All stats +45 (must be used during battle or a random encounter). Items which can be bought in Tokyo: あおのおまもり ("Blue Charm") - Costs 4000 yen. Use before spinning the roulette wheel. The roulette wheel spins twice. くろのおまもり ("Black Charm") - Costs 5000 yen. Use before spinning the roulette wheel. Lets you move up to two spaces left or right after spinning ends, allowing you to change the outcome of the spin. よくきくドリンク ("Effective Drink") - Costs 45000 yen. Body +120 (must be used during battle or a random encounter). リゲンサンG ("Rigensan-G") - Costs 60000 yen. All 4 stats +110 (must be used during battle or a random encounter). - - - = = = ====================================== = = = - - - - - - = = = = General Strategy to Win a Scenario = = = = - - - - - - = = = ====================================== = = = - - - [sec4] In this section, I will explain the general formula you should use to complete each scenario. If you want to figure things out on your own, then don't read this section. (1) Preparing for the first battle: You want to increase your stats so that you can win your first battle. To do so, first note the type of attack your character has. Open the status menu and look at the bottom-right window. Then, look at the first symbol shown to see what type of attack it is. Your goal is to get the corresponding stat number to around 100 or so, or higher. Don't worry about the other stats. (2) Cost efficient stat increase: The most cost efficient way to increase a stat is to go to the "BOOK" building if it's wisdom, go to a "GYM" if it's strength, go to the smily face building if it's confidence, or go to the "GAME" building if it's luck. Then, purchase the course that costs 1000 yen, which will increase the corresponding stat by 10. This is what you should do during the first stages of the game. (3) Getting money: You will quickly run out of money during step 2, above. To easily get a lot of money, you can go to the "AB" building and get 5000 yen, which will cause your strength stat to decrease by 5. But you can use the 5000 yen to visit the "GYM" and raise your strength stat by 50, so the exchange is very much in your favor. The odds of winning money in the casino, building marked "$", is also very much in your favor and can get you a lot of money quickly. The odds of winning money are 60%, and the odds of losing money are 20% (the other 20% is breaking even). You will make 2, 3, or 4 times your bet most of the time. Both the "AB" building and the casino are good options. You can always save your game then reload if somehow the casino doesn't work out in your favor. (4) Preparing for the second battle: After winning your first battle, your stats will be somewhat depleted. You will have a new attack, so open your stat menu and check what type of attack it is. Then increase the corresponding stat back to around 150 or so to get it high enough to win the next battle. At this point, you probably still want to rely on the methods presented in steps 2 and 3 above to accomplish this. (5) Preparing for the third battle: This is the same as step 4 above, except the stat you want to increase should be around 200 or so. (6) Preparing for the rest of the battles: After the third battle, you will probably have so much money that you can spend it less efficiently. It would take forever to increase your stats to 400 or so by doing step 2, so instead you can pay for the 10000 yen courses at those locations, which gets you less stat increases for the amount of money you're spending, but it will take you less time. Also, you can buy the items Riponamin-Z or Rigensan-G, which will increase all your stats by 45 or 110 points respectively, which is fast (time-efficient), but not cost- efficient. This is my preferred method to increase stats from this point on. Your stats should be around the same as the enemy's HP who you are about to battle, although more is always better. The enemy's HP for each of the 8 battles is 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 450, 550, and 700. (7) The final battle: The final battle (it's always the 8th battle) is a little unique, but the same in all the scenarios. Basically, the final boss is invincible and will deal huge damage to your stats (around 100 per turn). To remove the invincibility and make the enemy's attack weaker, you must use a certain item. You will have the item in your inventory at this time, so just use it and the fight will become easy. Which item it is depends on the scenario. - - - = = = =========================== = = = - - - - - - = = = == Scenario Walkthroughs == = = = - - - - - - = = = =========================== = = = - - - [sec5] Below are the events you must trigger to complete each scenario. For general strategies of acquiring stats and money, see the above section "General Strategy to Win a Scenario". =================== [sec5a] ---------------------------= Singer Scenario =------------------------------- =================== Starting attack: う うたう 1) Visit the Music School, located at the North end of town, toward the middle of the screen. There are two adjacent buildings there and it is the one on the right. Inside, talk to the lady in the upper-left corner who asks you to take the school entrance test, your first battle. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn 体 おどる. 2) Visit the Audition Hall, located in the Southwest corner of town. It has a blue roof. Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn 知 おしゃべり. 3) Buy a Salted Pollack (めんたいこ) from the "SHOP" for 8500 yen. 4) Visit the Production building, on the West side of town, slightly North of the Audition Hall. Talk to the guy in the lower-right corner of the screen who says you are the new singer for their productions. Talk to the guy in the upper-right corner and give him the Salted Pollack to learn that you need money for a "Campaign" and for recording. Talk to the guy in the upper-left corner says to go to the Studio for recording. 5) Visit the Studio, just North of the Production building. Pay 120000 yen to start the battle. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn う ほほえみ. 6) Return to the Production building. Talk to the guy in the lower-right corner. You are to embark on a "campaign". Says he'll give a present if you're successful. Talk to guy in upper-right corner to learn your campaign is singing at a department store. 7) Visit the Department Store, next to the "SHOP" at the South side of town. You need 200000 yen to start the battle. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn 体 とびはねる. 8) Return to the Production building. Talk to the guy in the lower-right corner to get the Mic (マイク). Talk to the other people here to learn that you need to go to the TV Station. 9) Visit the TV Station, at the East side of town, to the upper-right of a "BOOK" building. Talk to a lady standing in front of cameras to initiate the battle. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn う ウィンク. 10) Return to the Production building. Talk to the guy in the lower-right corner and receive the Plane Ticket (クーポンけん). You are to go to Tokyo. 11) Visit the "AIR" building, located in the Northeast corner of town. Pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 12) In Tokyo, visit the TV Station, located on the West edge of town, near the middle of the screen. Talk to the guy standing in front of the cameras. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. Learn 知 ジョーク. After battle, talk to people here. You are to sing in America. 13) Return to the "AIR" building. Pay 2000 yen and choose to go to America (アメリカ). 14) In America, visit the Recording Studio, located in the Northwest corner of America. They won't talk to you at first, but use the Mic. They will then require you to pay 400000 yen. Battle 7: Enemy 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. Learn う なげキッス. 15) Visit Mike's Office, South of the Recording Studio, just above the "GYM". Talk to guy in upper-right to learn you are to return to Tokyo. Talk to the guy in the upper-left to hear that you need to meet with a famous designer before leaving America. 16) Buy a Hamburger (ハンバーガー) for 3000 yen at the "SHOP". 17) Visit the Designer's House. From Mike's Office, head North, then East to find a row of four houses at the North edge of town. One has a blue roof and a guy walking in front of it. Inside, the designer says he's too busy for you. Use the Hamburger. He then asks for 600000 yen. Give it and receive the Lovely Costume (すてきないしょう). 18) Return to the "AIR" building and pay 2000 yen to return to Tokyo. 19) Go to the Dome Theater. Final Battle: Use the Lovely Costume to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ========================= [sec5b] -------------------------= Photographer Scenario =--------------------------- ========================= Starting attack: う ポケットカメラ. 1) Visit the Magazine Company, at the Southeast corner of town. Talk to the guy in the upper-right corner. He wants you to prove you can take a good picture by taking his. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn 信 しんじつ. He wants a picture of a UFO. Another guy here says to meet with a UFO researcher. 2) Visit UFO Research Facility, on the East side of town, almost directly East from hotel, but slightly more North. Talk to guy in the far right room. Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn う チャンス. 3) Return to Magazine Company. Talk to guy in upper-right corner to get Camera (カメラ). 4) Go to the "SHOP" and buy the Whiskey (ウィキー). 5) Enter a house just Northwest of the Magazine Company and give a man there the Whiskey to learn about UFO sightings in a building to the West. 6) Visit building with frequent UFO sightings, West from the hotel, just to the left of Big Ben. Inside, use the Camera. A UFO appears. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn 体 すばやいどうさ. Get UFO Photo (UFOのしゃしん). 7) Return to the Magazine Company. Use the UFO Photo. Now he wants a photo of an alien. Talk to guy in upper-left corner to hear that you should visit a biologist in Tokyo. He gives you a Plane Ticket (クーポンけん). 8) Go to the "AIR" building, West from the Magazine Company. Pay 2000 yen and choose to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 9) In Tokyo, go to the Biology Laboratory, in the Northeast corner of town. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn う ラッキーチャンス. 10) Return to the "AIR" building and pay 2000 yen to go to Nepal (ネパール). 11) Buy Nepal Tea (ネパールちゃ) for 5000 yen at the "SHOP". 12) Visit a lady in a house in the upper-left corner of town and use the Nepal Tea to get the Wood Carving (きぼり). 13) Visit the house to the lower-left of the Wood Carving lady. Use the Wood Carving. The guy says to take a guide to find the Yeti in the mountains. 14) Visit the house in the Northeast corner of town to see the Yeti. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn 知 せっしゃ. Get UMA Photo (UMAのしゃしん). 15) Return to "AIR" building and pay 2000 yen to return to England (イギリス). 16) Go to the Magazine Company and talk to the guy in the upper-right corner. Use the UMA Photo. Now he wants you to investigate Stonehenge. 17) Visit Stonehenge. To get there, go to the upper-right part of town to the grassy area, then head West. Inside, talk to the guy to have the boulder removed. Go up until you see the lithograph. Go up to it and use the Camera. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. Learn 信 ねつい. Get Lithograph (せきばん). Talk to guy near entrance and he says return to Magazine Company. 18) Return to Magazine Company. Talk to guy in upper-right corner. Use the Lithograph. Now he wants you to get a photo of Mount Everest in Nepal. 19) Return to the "AIR" building and pay 2000 yen to go to Nepal. 20) Buy Nepal Tea at the "SHOP" again. 21) See the same lady as previously, in the house at the upper-left corner of town. Use the Nepal Tea to receive the Charm (まよけのおまもり). 22) Go straight East to the house on the East end of town. Inside, a guide requires you to pay 200000 yen. Say yes and he will test your abilities first. Battle 7: Enemy - 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. Learn 体 げきしゃ. 23) Go all the way to the North edge of town and take the trail that leads to Mount Everest. Final Battle: Use the Charm to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ====================== [sec5c] ---------------------------= Detective Scenario =---------------------------- ====================== Starting attack: 知 ひらめき. 1) Take the state exam to become a cop, in a building located directly East from the hotel at the East edge of town. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn 信 はなしあい. 2) Visit the Police Academy, two blocks North of the state exam building. Talk to everyone here. 3) Visit the Police Station, North of the "GAME" building. Talk to guy near entrance to receive the Police Notebook (けいさつてちょう). Talk to guy in upper-right corner to learn there's a quarrel in a nearby pub. 4) Visit the Pub, just West of the Police Station. Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn 知 すいり. 5) Return to Police Station. Talk to all, learn about a corrupt merchant. 6) Visit Merchant, located a little Southwest from the Pub. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn 体 おう. 7) Return to Police Station. Talk to all. Hear about pickpocket at Department Store. 8) Visit Department Store, West of "AB" building. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn 体 かくとう. 9) Return to Police Station. Talk to upper-right guy. Says to patrol building for a cat burglar. 10) Go to the building in the Southwest corner of town. Inside, talk to the guy in the upper-left corner. The cat burglar appears. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn 知 けいじのカン. 11) Return to Police Station. Talk to guy in upper-left corner to get Passenger Ticket (じょうしゃけん). Says you need to go to Tokyo to take a promotion exam. 12) Go to "ST" (train station) building. pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 13) In Tokyo, take the promotion test. It's in a building which you can find by going one block North from the hotel, then going to the far left side of the screen. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. Learn 信 そうだん. You are now a detective. 14) Visit the Tokyo Police Station. Find it by going South from the hotel to the bottom of the screen and a little East. Inside, talk to the guy near the door and he says they have a suspect who won't confess. They want you to make him confess. Battle 7: Enemy - 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. Learn 信 せっとく. After battle, talk to the guy in the upper-right corner. He asks if you think you're a good cop. Say "yes" and get the Bullet-Proof Vest (ぼうだんチョッキ). He says there's been a recent string of murders back in Sendai. 15) Return to Sendai (せんだい) by paying 2000 yen at the "ST" (train station) building. 16) Buy the Fish Dish (ささかまぼこ) at the "SHOP" in Sendai for 3500 yen. 17) Go to a house to the upper-right of the "GAME" building and use the Fish Dish when talking to a guy there to learn that the murderer has been frequenting a mansion. 18) Visit the Mansion, a blue building in the Southeast corner of the screen. Here, talk to a guy in the upper-left corner of the screen. He says he'll tell you something good for 300000 yen. Use the Police Notebook and he freaks out because he sees you're a detective. Apprehend him! Final Battle: Use the Bullet-Proof Vest to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ========================= [sec5d] -------------------------= Pro Wrestler Scenario =--------------------------- ========================= Starting attack: 体 パンチ. 1) Visit a building in the lower-right corner of town. There are two buildings there, it's the one on the left. Here, you will take the test to be admitted into the pro wrestling gym. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn 体 おさえこみ. 2) Visit the Hiroshima Gym for your debut battle. It is in a building with a blue roof South of the hotel, below the "SHOP". Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn 知 かえしわざ. 3) Visit the Event Hall for your next battle. It is a building with a blue roof in the Southwest corner of town. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn 体 しめわざ. You are the Japanese wrestling champion! That was easy. 4) Visit the Citizen's Plaza for your next match. It is on the West edge of town, near the center of the map, and has a blue roof. The wrestler here wants to fix the match. Say no. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn 体 おおわざ. 5) Visit the Sports Center, in the Northeast corner of town, to fight your first world circuit match. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn 体 くうちゅうわざ. 6) Return to the gym in the Southeast corner of town where you fought your first battle. The guy there suggests training with a guru in a mountain cottage. 7) Buy the Steamed Bun (もみじまんじゅう) for 5000 yen at the "SHOP". 8) Visit the Mountain Cottage, a house in the Northwest corner of the map. The guy tells you to leave, but use the Steamed Bun to get him to agree to train you. He makes you fight a bear. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. Learn 体 あらわざ. Get Ring Shoes (リングシューズ). 9) Return again to the gym in the Southeast corner of town where you fought your first battle. The guy there says you received a fan letter from someone in a hospital in Tokyo and that you should visit. He gives you the Train Ticket (じょうしゃけん). 10) Go to the "ST" (train station) building in the Northeast corner of town and pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 11) In Tokyo, go to the Hospital, in the Southeast section of town. Inside, talk to a guy in the upper-right. He doesn't believe you're a pro wrestler, so use the Ring Shoes to prove you are. He gives you the Paper Crane (おりづる). Talk to the guy in the upper-left room here and he challenges you to a battle. Battle 7: Enemy - 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. 体 スペシャルわざ. 12) Visit the Central Hall for your final battle. It is a couple blocks West of the hotel, in a building with a blue roof, just to the left of the smily face building. Final Battle: Use the Paper Crane to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ========================= [sec5e] -------------------------= Manga Artist Scenario =--------------------------- ========================= Starting attack: 知 ふつうのアイデア. 1) Visit your house. Go East from the hotel. You will see a guard standing in front of a building. Your house is South from him. Talk to the lady inside and you will start writing some manga. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn う ひっさつのしあげ. Get Manuscript (げんこう). You suggest to yourself that you'd like to show your work to a magazine company in Tokyo. 2) Visit the house just below the hotel to get the Train Ticket (じょうしゃけん). 3) Go to the "ST" (train station) building, just North of the hotel. Pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 4) In Tokyo, visit the magazine company, in the Southeast section of town, to the East of two "BOOK" stores. You'll see a man that doesn't want to talk. Use the Manuscript. He likes it and gives you his Business Card (めいし). 5) Visit a lady in a building in the Southwest section of town. There's a guy walking around in front of the building. Inside, a lady doesn't want to talk, but use the Business Card. Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn 知 かわったアイデア. 6) Go to the "ST" (train station) building and pay 2000 yen to return to Nagoya (なごや). 7) In Nagoya, go to the house in the Southeast corner of town. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn 知 ゆかいなアイデア. 8) Visit the Manga Convention. It's in the building behind the guard who is North of your house. He will now let you through. Talk to everyone here. The lady in the upper-left corner will give you the Fanzine (どうじんし). 9) Visit Isami's House. It is on the West side of town, near the middle of the screen, and has a pink door. Inside, use the Fanzine. He will give you the Membership Badge (かいいんしょう), which allows you to rent movies at a rental place, and he wants you to go rent a video for him. 10) Visit the Video Rental place, which is in the Southwest corner of town. There are two buildings here, and it is the one on the right. Inside, use the Membership Card. Then say "yes" two times to receive the Video Tape (ビデオテープ). 11) Return to Isami's House. Use the Video Tape. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn 知 するどいかんさつ. 12) Return home and talk to the lady inside. 13) Go to the building just to the lower-left of your house. You have to Pay 50000 yen here in order to use their data collection service. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn 体 てつや. 14) Return home and go to the desk in the upper-right corner of the room. Try talking to the desk, then use the Manuscript, and you will begin working on your manuscript. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. 知 きばつなアイデア. 15) Visit the Cafe in the Southwest corner of town. Battle 7: Enemy - 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. Learn う いいわけ. Get Tea Drawing Paper (おちゃがし). 16) Buy the Uirou (ういろう) at the "SHOP" for 2800. 17) Visit a house to the Northwest of the "ST" (train station) building, where you will talk to a lady. Use the Uirou. 18) Visit the two houses South of the hotel. 19) Visit the Business Hotel, on the West end of town, South from Isami's house. Final Battle: Use the Tea Drawing Paper to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ============================== [sec5f] -----------------------= Company President Scenario =------------------------ ============================== Starting attack: 信 はなしあい. 1) Go to building just East of hotel to get a Letter of Introduction (しょうかいじょう). 2) Visit a company building by going East from the hotel to the far side of the screen, then go down to where the castle blocks your path. Then go left and enter the second door you see. Inside, talk to the guy in the lower-right corner. Use the Letter of Introduction during the conversation. He says he wants to test your character. Battle 1: Enemy - 100 HP. Reward: 50000 yen. Learn 知 きかく. 3) Visit the Bank, which is directly West from the company building you just entered. Inside, you get a loan for 10000000 yen. 4) Visit a house with a pink door directly South from the company building. You want him to become your employee. Battle 2: Enemy - 200 HP. Reward: 100000 yen. Learn 信 せつめい. 5) You need to buy a building. Go to the building just to the left of the castle. Battle 3: Enemy - 250 HP. Reward: 210000 yen. Learn 信 おだてる. You spend the 10000000 yen from the bank to buy the building. 6) You want to hire another employee who can get you good clients. Visit the building just to the left of the one you bought. It has a pink door. Battle 4: Enemy - 300 HP. Reward: 280000 yen. Learn 体 えいぎょう. 7) Return to the building you bought. You get a Business Card (めいし). 8) Buy the Octopus Dumplings (たこやき) at the "SHOP" for 2500 yen. 9) Go to the building South of yours that has a white door. Inside, talk to the guy in the upper-right corner. Use the Business Card. He says he wants his favorite dish. Talk to him again and use the Octopus Dumplings. Battle 5: Enemy - 400 HP. Reward: 310000 yen. Learn 信 よいしょ. Get 50000000 yen more. 10) Return to the Bank and you will pay back the loan of 10000000 yen. 11) You want to recruit another employee. Visit the building in the Southeast corner of town. Battle 6: Enemy - 450 HP. Reward: 370000 yen. Learn う いけんする. 12) Return to your building and get the Train Ticket (じょうしゃけん). 13) Go to the "ST" (train station) building and pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo (とうきょう). 14) In Tokyo, visit the Auction House in the Northwest corner of town. You are bidding on an actress' favorite lighter. Battle 7: Enemy - 550 HP. Reward: 420000 yen. Learn 知 プロジェクト. You pay 30000000 yen to get the Lighter (ライター). 15) Return to the "ST" (train station) building and pay 2000 yen to return to Osaka (おおさか). 16) Return to the building South of the building you bought. Inside, talk to the guy in the upper-right. He wants the Lighter, so say "yes". He gives you a Recommendation Letter (すいせんじょう) and 60000000 yen (strangely, you still have the Lighter). 17) Return to your building, where you hear of a good business possibility. 18) Go to the building in the Southwest corner of town. Final Battle: Use the Recommendation Letter to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario. ================== [sec5g] ----------------------------= Final Scenario =------------------------------- ================== When you've finished all 6 scenarios, on the character selection screen the game will ask if you want to continue. Say "yes", and you will begin a special 7th scenario. You are a person who was hit by a car and has lost his/her memory. The detective from the previous scenario appears, investigating who the person was who hit you. 1) In the hospital, talk to the lady in the upper-left corner to buy the Chocolate (チョコレート) for 3000 yen. Talk to the nearby little girl and give her the Chocolate. She will let you watch TV with her, where your character sees the lady from the singer scenario on TV. You remember that you got her autograph and that your name would be on the photo, so you remember your name. Surpise! It's "you", or at least the name you entered at the beginning of the game. Talk to the detective again and you get the Notebook (てちょう) that says Touzai University, in Tokyo, on it. Now you can leave the hospital. 2) Go West and enter the first building you see. It is a company building, with the guy from the company president scenario inside, in the upper-right corner. Talk to him and he gives you the Plane Ticket (クーポンけん) and 100000 yen. 3) Go to the "AIR" (airport) building in the Southeast corner of town and pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo. 4) Visit Touzai University, located on the North edge of town, with a little wall surrounding it. Inside, a guy near the entrance says only university people can enter. Use the Notebook and he will disappear. Talk to a lady in the far right room who knew you and says you had a temporary job at Life Magazine and they might know something about the person who hit you. 5) The Life Magazine building is East from the "ST" (train station) building. Inside, talk to everybody. The manga scenario and photographer scenario characters are here. The guy in the bottom-left room says he sent you to Sapporo to collect data about a famous elemtary school. He's angry that you never finished your task. Talk to the photographer again. You will now know an attack: 知 せっとく. Talk to the guy in the upper-right corner again. He wants a Kaminari Okoshi (かみなりおこし). 6) Go to the "SHOP" and buy a Kaminari Okoshi for 3200 yen. 7) Return to the Life Magazine building and talk to the guy in the upper- right corner. Give him the Kaminari Okoshi. He says the guy from the pro wrestler scenario is staying at a hotel in Sapporo. 8) Go to the "AIR" (airport) building and pay 2000 yen to return to Sapporo (さっぽろ). 9) The guard to the West will now let you pass to the rest of Sapporo. In the "SHOP", buy the Hair Crab (けがに) for 25000 yen. 10) Visit the Hotel (not the one you can save your game in, a different one), which is in the Southwest corner of town. There is a guy guarding the upper- right room. Talk to him and use the Hair Crab and he will let you pass. Talk to the wrestler. 11) Go back to the company building, South of the "AB" building, and talk to everyone. You will get the Letter of Introduction (しょうかいじょう). 12) Visit the Elementary School, on the East side of town. Talk to the guy inside and use the Letter of Introduction. He asks if you want to play with the kids, so say "yes". The door to the courtyard opens. Talk to the kid on the far left of the screen to get the Child's Composition (こどものさくぶん). 13) Go to the "AIR" (airport) building and pay 2000 yen to go to Tokyo. 14) Go to the Life Magazine building and talk to the guy in the lower-left corner. Final Battle: Use the Child's Composition to remove the enemy's invincibility. Enemy - 700 HP. Win to complete the scenario and finish the game! - - - = = = =========================== = = = - - - - - - = = = == Random Encounter List == = = = - - - - - - = = = =========================== = = = - - - [sec6] Here is a list of most (but probably not quite all) of the text that you will see during random encounters. For each one, the correct yes or no answer is given and what stat it will affect. The text is arranged in Japanese "alphabetical" order. To skip ahead to the dialogue you want, search for >#, where # is the Japanese Romaji letter your text starts with. For example, if your text starts with あ, which is "a" in Romaji, then search for >a to skip to the section you want. >a あ!おおきなにじがそらにかかっています なにかいいことがあるようなきがしませんか ? Yes - Luck あきかんがおちています ひろってゴミバコにすてますか? Yes - Confidence あくしつなちゅうしゃいはんのくるまを みつけた! まず うんてんしゅをさがすか Yes - Confidence あ!しんぶんのごうがいをくばっている! もらいますか? Yes - Wisdom あ!そらがだんだんとくもってきた よくないことがおこるようなきがしますか? No - Luck あ!そらにいちばんぼしがみえる!。。けど こんなことでついているとはおもえないよね No - Luck あ!そらにいちばんぼしがみえる! なにかいいことがあるようなきがしませんか ? Yes - Luck あ!そらににじがかかっている!。。けど こんなことでついているとはおもえないよね No - Luck あっ!いえがもえている!! だれか ひとをよびますか? Yes - Confidence あっ!いえがもえている!! ちかくにあったしょうかきでけせるかどうか やってみますか? Yes - Luck あっ!いえがもえている!! ゆうきをだして なかにいるひとをたすけに いきますか? Yes - Body あっ こどものてをはなれて ふうせんが きにちっかかってしまった! とびあがってとってあげますか? Yes - Body あっ ながれぼし! いそいでねがいごとをいいますか? Yes - Luck あ!ながれぼしがみえた! なにかいいことがあるようなきがしませんか ? Yes - Luck あ!ひこうせんがとんでいる! めったにみれないから うんがいいとおもわ ない? Yes - Luck あめがふってきました はしってたてもののなかにはいりますか? Yes - Body あれ?あしたはつばいのコミックが もううってるよ!こりゃついてるよね? Yes - Luck >i いてっ!よそみをしていてころんでしまった きょうはついてないとおもう? No - Luck >u うらないのやかたがあったけど。。。どうせ あたりっこないよねえ さっさととおりすぎますか? No - Luck うらないのやかたがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Luck >e えいがかんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom えいがスターのサインかいをやっています ならんでサインをもらいますか? Yes - Luck えいがのロケをやっています あ!にんきのタレントもいます しばらくみていきますか? Yes - Luck えきへのみちをきかれたけど うまくせつめ いできないのでしらないふりをしますか? No - Wisdom えきへのみちをきかれました おしえてあげますか? Yes - Wisdom えんかかしゅのコンサートをやってる! べんきょうのためにみておこうかな。。。 Yes - Luck エアロビクスの きょうしつがあります はいってみますか? Yes - Body >o おいしいアイスクリームやさんのまえに すごいぎょうれつができています ならんでたべていきますか? Yes - Body おいしいクレープやさんのまえに すごいぎょうれつができています ならんでたべていきますか? Yes - Body おいしいケーキやさんのまえに すごいぎょうれつができています ならんでたべていきますか? Yes - Body おいしいラーメンやさんのまえに すごいぎょうれつができています ならんでたべていきますか? Yes - Body おおさかいちうまいたこやきやにぎょうれつ ができてる!かってたべてみるか? Yes - Body おこのみやき10にんぶんたべたかたに おかねをあげますだと?やってやろうかな? Yes - Body おじいさんにみちをたずねられた いそがしいからさっさととおりすぎましょう No - Confidence おっ!ふりょうがくせいがけんかしているぜ えーい!ぜんいんまとめてぶっとばすか? Yes - Body おてらがありました ねがいごとをしても いいけど。。。どうせむだだよねえ やっぱりやめておきますか? No - Luck おなかがすいたけど。。。じかんがないから あさごはんをぬいてしまいますか? No - Body おなかがすいたけど。。。じかんがないから おひるごはんをぬいてしまいますか? No - Body おにぎりがおちています ひろってたべますか? No - Confidence おばあさんにみちをたずねられた いそがしいからさっさととおりすぎましょう No - Confidence おばあさんにみちをたずねられた おしえてあげますか? Yes - Confidence おもそうなにもつをもったひとがいます。 すこしもってあげますか? Yes - Body おもちゃのやすうりをやってるよ! なにかかっていく? Yes - Luck >ka 『かねのもうけかた』というほんをみつけた さっそくよんでみるか? Yes - Wisdom かめをいじめているこどもがいる! かめをたすけてあげますか? Yes - Confidence かわったおみやげを うっている! にほんのともだちに かっていこうかな? Yes - Luck かんジュースがおちています ひろってのみますか? No - Confidence >ga がいじんにはなしかけられた! がんばってえいごではなしてみますか? Yes - Wisdom がいじんにはなしかけられたけど えいごは にがてなのでわれってごまかしますか? No - Wisdom がいじんにみちをたずねられた おしえてあげますか? Yes - Confidence がいとうパフォーマンスをやってるよ! みていきますか? Yes - Luck >ki きっさてんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Body きょうどうぼきんを しています きふをしますか? Yes - Confidence きょうどうぼきんをしています むししてとおりすぎちゃえ! No - Confidence きょうはほんとにいいてんき!なにかいい ことがおこる。。。なんてわけないか? No - Luck >ku くるまがこしょうしてこまっているひとが います。うしろからおしてあげてもいいけ ど。。。つかれるからやめておきますか? No - Body くるまがこしょうしてこまっているひとが います うしろからおしてあげますか? Yes - Body くるまがこしょうしてこまっているひとが います なおしかたをおしえてあげますか? Yes - Wisdom くるまのショールームがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom クイズばんぐみのロケをやってる! ちしきをひろげるためにみていきたいけど いまはいそいでいるからとおりすぎますか? No - Wisdom クリーニングやをみつけました ふくをきれいにしていきますか? Yes - Confidence >gu ぐうぜんむかしのともだちにあった! ひさしぶりにはなしでもしていきますか? Yes: Roll (Luck) >ke けいじばんがあります よんでみますか? Yes - Wisdom けんけつをしています いそがしいからむししてとおりすぎましょう No - Confidence けがをしているひとがいます びょういんにでんわをしますか? Yes - Wisdom けんかのげんばをみつけた! とにかく やめさせるしかないな! Yes - Confidence けんかをしているひとをみつけた! とめにはいりますか? Yes - Confidence >ko こうえんをみつけた きれいなふんすいがあります やすんでいきますか? Yes - Luck こうえんのみつけた つかれたからベンチ でやすんでいきたいけど。。。やめておく? No - Body こうえんをみつけた てつぼうでもやろう かな。。。でもつかれるからやめておこうか No - Body こうえんをみつけた ひさしぶりにてつぼうでもやってみますか? Yes - Body こどもがいじめられています たすけてあげますか? Yes - Confidence こどもがいじめられているけど。。。 いそがしいからさっさととおりすぎましょう No - Confidence こどもがないています わけをきいてあげますか? Yes - Confidence こどもたちに『いっしょにあそぼう』と さそわれました ちょっとつかれてるから なぁ…やっぱりことわりますか? No - Body ころんだこどもがないています ちかづいて たすけてあげますか? Yes - Confidence こわいおにいさんにけんかをうられました じょうだんをいってにげますか? Yes - Wisdom コインランドリーがありました ふくをきれいにしていきますか? Yes - Confidence コンタクトレンズをおとしてこまっている ひとがいます いっしょにさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence コンビニエンスストアがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Luck >go ゴミがおちています ひろってゴミバコにすてますか? Yes - Confidence >sa サイフをおとしてこまっているひとがいます いっしょにさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence サウナがあった さいきんちょっとつかれ ぎみだからはいっていこうか でもじかん がないからやっぱりやめておきますか? No - Body サウナがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Body >shi しつないプールがあります ひとおよぎしていきますか? Yes - Body しんせいひんのジュースを むりょうでくばっています もらいますか? Yes - Luck しんぶんのごうがいをくばってるけど。。。 いそいでいるからむししていきますか? No - Wisdom >ji じしんだ! はしってたてもののなかにはいりますか? Yes - Body ジュースのじどうはんばいきがありました かっていきますか? Yes - Body ジョギングをしているひとがいます いっしょにはしってもいいけど。。。 うかれるからやっぱりやめておきますか? No - Body >su すいぞくかんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom すてねこがないています かいぬしをさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence >se せいじかのこうえんかいをやっています むずかしいはなしをきいてもわからないから むししてとおりすぎますか? No - Wisdom せいじのこうえんかいをやっています はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom せんきょのがいとうえんぜつをやっています きいていきますか? Yes - Wisdom >ta たからくじをうっています なんだか あたるようなきがする。。。 かってみますか? Yes - Luck たべものをわたしてきました。 みぎてでとりますか? Yes - Confidence タクシーをつかまえられないでこまっている ひとがいます てつだってあげますか? Yes - Confidence >chi ちゅうしゃいはんのくるまをみつけました ちゅういしますか? Yes - Confidence ちょっとかたがこってるから たいそうでも してからだをほぐそうか? でもいそいでい るからやっぱりやめておこうかな? No - Body チラシをもらったんだけど。。。。 ゴミバコがないからそこらへんにすてちゃえ No - Confidence >te てそううらないのおじさんがいるけど いまはいそいでいるからとおりすぎますか? No - Luck テニスコートをみーつけた!! ひとあせながしていったら? Yes - Body テレビドラマのロケをやっています あ!にんきのタレントもいます しばらくみていきますか? Yes - Luck >de デパートがあります はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom >to とこやさんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Confidence としょかんがあったけど。。。いまはいそが しいのではいらないでとおりすぎますか? No - Wisdom としょかんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom >do どうぶつえんがあります はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom >ni にほんじんのりょこうしゃを みつけた! はなしかけてみようかな。。。? Yes - Luck にほんにいる ともだちに てがみをかいて おくろうかな。。。。 Yes - Confidence にんそううらないをしているひとがいます うらなってもらいますか? Yes - Luck にんそううらないをしているひとがいるけど いまはいそいでいるからとおりすぎますか? No - Luck >no のみものをわたされました。のみますか? Yes - Body のらいぬがおっそってきた! はしってにげますか? Yes: Roll (Body) >ha はくぶつかんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom ハンバーガーショップがありました たべていきますか? Yes - Body >ba バッティングセンターがあるけど ちょっと つかれてるからきょうはやめておこうか? No - Body >pa パンやさんがありました かっていきますか? Yes - Body >bi びじゅつかんがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Wisdom ビラくばりをしています もらってよんでも いいけど。。。むししてとおりすぎますか? No - Wisdom >fu ふくびきをやっています さんかしてみますか? Yes - Luck ふるほんいちをやっている! のぞいていきますか? Yes - Wisdom >pu プラネタリウムがあります みていきますか? Yes - Wisdom >ho ほんやさんにあたらしいざっしがつんであり ます。ちょっとのぞいていきますか? Yes - Wisdom ほんやにあたらしいざっしがつんであるけど いそいでるからこんどよることにしますか? No - Wisdom >bo ボーリングじょうをみーつけた!! ひとあせながしていったら? Yes - Body ボクシングのしあいをやっています みていきますか? Yes - Luck >ma まいごのこいぬがないています かいぬしをさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence まいごのこどもがないている! おやをさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence まいごのねこがないています かいぬしをさがしてあげますか? Yes - Confidence >mi みちにまよったら うんよくにほんじんの ひとがいて しんせつにおしえてくれた ついてるよね? Yes - Luck >me めのまえにざっしがおちてるけど ひろって よむのはかっこわるいからむししますか? No - Wis めのまえにしゅうかんしがおちている! ひろってよみますか? Yes - Wisdom めのまえにしんぶんがおちている! ひろってよみますか? Yes - Wisdom めのまえにゆうかんしがおちている! ひろってよみますか? Yes - Wisdom めのまえにほんがおちています ひろってよみますか? Yes - Wisdom めのまえにほんがおちてるけど ひろって よむのはかっこわるいからむししますか? No - Wisdom >mo ものすっごいびじんにみちをきかれた ちょっとうれしいきぶんになりましたか? Yes - Luck モデルじむしょのひとにスカウトされちゃっ た!エヘヘ。。。あたしってやっぱり びじんだよね そうおもうでしょ? Yes - Luck >ya やきいもやさんをみつけた! かっていきますか? Yes - Body やたいで なにかたべものをうってます たべていますか? Yes - Body やっぱり がいこくごのべんきょうには がいこくにくるのが いちばんだよね そうおもうでしょ? Yes - Wisdom >yu ゆうえんちがありました あそんでいきますか? Yes - Luck ゆうめいなうらないしがいました! うらなってもらいますか? Yes - Luck ゆうめいなテレベタレントとすれちがった ついているとおもいませんか? Yes - Luck ゆうやけがとてもきれいです なにかいいことがあるようなきがしませんか ? Yes - Luck ようふくやがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Confidence >ru ルールルルー。。。うん! やっぱり レッスンのおかげでかくじつにうたがうまく なってる! そうおもうでしょ! Yes - Luck >re ラッキー! おいしいにほんりょうりの レストランをみつけた! はいってみようかな? Yes - Body レストランがありました はいってみますか? Yes - Body レンタルビデオやさんがあった なにかかりてみますか? Yes - Wisdom - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ====== Cheats ====== = = = - - - - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - [sec7] Here are some hex editor cheats to use in an emulator, contributed once again by hex-editing superstar doommaster1994. The first four digits are the address at which to change a hex value, and the ## represent the value you wish to change this to. These two values adjust "Wisdom": 0750 ## 0751 ## Set 0750 to E7 and 0751 to 03 to have 999 Wisdom. These two values adjust "Strength": 0752 ## 0753 ## Set 0752 to E7 and 0753 to 03 to have 999 Strength. These two values adjust "Confidence": 0754 ## 0755 ## Set 0754 to E7 and 0755 to 03 to have 999 Confidence. These two values adjust "Luck": 0756 ## 0757 ## Set 0756 to E7 and 0757 to 03 to have 999 Luck. Set this value to 00 and you will win all battles by attacking one time: 06A2 ## - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Conclusion === = = = - - - - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - I hope you found this guide useful. If you have information that you'd like to contribute or other suggestions for how the guide can be made better or if you find any mistakes, please send it to lastbosskiller@gmail.com. I will give you the proper credit for your help. Thanks to the NES FAQ Completion Project regulars for providing a fun environment for exploring old, obscure games! Thanks to doommaster1994 for contributing the cheats, and also for finding some pretty big errors in the guide that will make the playthrough a little easier for the rest of you.