***************************************************************************** SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 3: Eiyuu Senki FAQ Viewable in Shift-JIS Format For the NES/Famicom Version 1.0 (Created 3/22/2010) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Unit Data 6. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (3/22/10): The first version. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 3 is a strategy game for the Famicom, based on the popular SD Gundam series. It is a standard turn-based game where you have to take over the opponent's base in order to win. You have many types of robot fighters at your disposal to achieve this goal. The interesting part about this game is the level of customization; before each game, you can set options such as how much money each player has, if they have a small/large amount of units on the battlefield right away, and if the players are human or computer controlled. There really is not a whole lot to the game aside from playing on the various maps, since the game ends when someone wins the match. However, it is a lot of fun, so I would definitely recommend this game! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Start: Start game Control Pad: Move cursor A: Select unit on map screen, attack in battle B: Cancel selection on map screen, attack in battle ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Starting Off ============ On the first screen after the title screen, you will be able to either start a new game or continue a previously saved game. You will then go to the map selection screen. Use the Control Pad to switch pages and navigate the list of 40 maps. There are four pages of maps; the first two use the SD Gundam (SDガンダム) units, the third page uses SD Sengokuden (SDせんごくでん) units, and the final page uses SD Gundam Gaiden (SDガンダムがいでん) units. The final two pages don't use money at all, so the units you start the match with are all you have, and you don't win any funds after each turn. After you select the map you wish to play on, you will go to the Game Settings screen, where you can tweak the various pre-game settings. You can choose if each side is controlled manually or with a computer (プレイヤー), whether or not you can use funds to produce new units (せいさん), level of difficulty (レベル), the number of soldiers initially deployed (ぐんのかず), initial amount of money (おかね) if applicable to the map you selected, and finally how many actions your units can make each turn (カマンド). The maximum amount of money you can have is 9950 PC. When you are ready, press Start to begin the game. ======== Gameplay ======== When the game begins, you will take turns controlling your individual units. You can move your units, attack your opponent, or buy new units at your base. Each group shown on the map has 5 units in it; some groups may be composed of the same unit, and others might have two types of units. If you select a unit on the map and press Select, you can cycle through that group to see the units contained within. If you press B, you will go to a listing of all of your currently deployed units, the composition of each group (each line is a new group), and any available bases where new units can be bought and sent out from (bases are near the top of the list as ガチャベース). In this game, units can be made from the bases with GB signs only. To buy a new unit, select the GB base on the map and use Left/Right to cycle the list of units you can buy on this map (not every type of unit is there to buy on every map). Press A to make your selection, and the unit will be deployed to the base. You can not move it until your next turn, however. You can only deploy one unit at a time from a single base. To control your units, simply move the cursor over to the unit you want and press A. Move the cursor to another space and press A to move the unit to that location. If the cursor is white, you can move there; if it is dark, you can not. Keep in mind that the various types of terrain you travel over may hinder progress across the maps. In short, you will get the most of your unit's movements by moving exclusively over flat stretches of land whenever possible. Try to strategize your movements to spend as little time going over tough terrain; it will be worth it in the long run! To attack an opposing unit, you move your unit onto the same space as the enemy. At that point, an RPG-style battle will unfold. Each side takes turns choosing an action command when it is their turn (こうげき - Distant Attack, かくとう - Close-Range Attack, ぼうぎょ - Defend, りだつ - Withdraw/Run Away). Each side has their five unit group, and the objective is to destroy the opposing units to remove that group from the battlefield altogether. As with any RPG game, the speediest units will move first/more often, and the strong units will have a bigger punch when attacking. If you have multiple units lined up on the battlefield map when you are approached by an enemy, the second group will line up to attack if the first group is defeated. Some units can use a long-range attack on the map screen in lieu of moving (the units with projectile attacks will have the option to move - 移動 , or attack from a distance - 攻撃). You will only get this option if a unit is within range of a long-range attack by the selected unit. Around the map, you will find various locations to take control of (by moving your unit onto them). Cities add 10 IC to your funds each round, while satellites add 20 IC. Each base you have gives an additional 30 IC. Neutral buildings are gray and do not benefit either side, but can be taken over by anyone. If you move your unit to an enemy city/satellite, you will take over control and its IC benefits will move to your side and subtract from the opponent. At the start of each turn, you will receive all of the IC earned by the places you have control over. Unless you set a specific amount before a match, you can move as many times as you have available options. In other words, if you can't move any other active units, your turn is over. You can also press Select to bring up the Turn menu, and select the left option. To save your game, press Start and select the left option. On both menus, the options are as follows: 決定 to make a decision, and 中止 to go back. The objective of the game is to take control of the opponent's main base (the G building). When you move your unit to the enemy base, you will have to defeat a powerful group of units. Once it is defeated, you have won the game! Press Start to go back to the title screen and select another map. ======== Map List ======== NOTE: My names for the maps are based on the Japanese names listed in the game. If you have a better translation, let me know. ========================================== SD Gundam - Land (SDガンダム ちじょうへん) ========================================== 1. Build the Ground Gundam? (ガンダムダイチニタテルカ?) Information: This is the first map, and it is a generic map to boot. The northern base is surrounded by a river which helps protect it in a sense. The rest of the map is a cityscape which allows for quick unit movements and little cover. 2. Virtue of Ramba Ral (ランバラルとっこう) Information: Here, you have to deal with a lot of desert terrain when approaching the opponent. The landscape is pretty wide open so the path to the opposing corners will be straightforward at least. The only thing is that movement will be slow on the desert, though you can take a back road through some forest spaces if you want. 3. Close Attack at Triple Dome (はくげきトリプルドム) Information: In this map, there is a lot of forest to pass through, but most of the area in between is flat land. There is a secondary base in the north-central area; if you can occupy it as 1P, you will have a huge advantage. Plan your unit movements to take advantage of the flat spaces, and you will move across the map with ease. 4. Woman Spy Infiltration (おんなスパイせんにゅう) Information: For this map, there is a huge body of water to the north that protects the 2P base. There are secondary bases near the water's edge, so if you can control those, you will be at a great advantage against the enemy. The land portion of the map is very mountainous, but the way to the water is not too far off. The hardest part is crossing the water, so water-based units are a must here! 5. White?! Gundam (しろい?! ガンダム) Information: This map is pretty wide open, with a small stream running through the middle of it. There are plenty of cities on each side, and secondary bases to take over. If you are 1P, you want to keep the base closest to the stream, or you will have trouble fending off your opponent. 6. Pocket Field's War (ポケットのなかのせんそう) Information: On this map, the main bases are surrounded by neutral secondary bases, so whoever occupies those will have a huge advantage. The 2P units are in the four corners in the water, but 1P starts off with the main land area pretty well covered. Success here depends on how quickly you get the secondary bases, and how quickly you can deploy enough powerful/mobile units. 7. Jaburo's Wind (ジャブローのかぜ) Information: The northern area of the map is a cityscape, with the south area being more wooded. There is a large river in the center area, where 2P can launch an attack from the water against 1P. Getting out of the city, movement will be slow, but if you can launch units from the secondary bases along the way, you will have a good advantage here. 8. Dakar's Light (ダカールのひ) Information: The northern area is full of cities, with a large desert to the west. The 2P units are more spread out in the city area but 1P is in the southeast corner all together. Movement along the east side will be easier for 1P, since crossing the desert may be a bit slower. 9. New Hong Kong (ニューホンコン) Information: Here, there is a large body of water to the southwest, with much of the remaining map in a city setting. Following the roads will allow for efficient unit movements, but do not underestimate the importance of the secondary bases, even though they are off the beaten path! 10. Kilimanjaro Battle (キリマンジャロこうぼうせん) Information: On this map, movement is limited due to the mountains, so following the roads is the only real way to go. 2P is more spread out, with water units to the east, but 1P is all stuck in the southeast corner. If you are 1P, moving the group forward in a cluster will be essential to overpower the opponent and make it to their base successfully! =========================================== SD Gundam - Space (SDガンダム うちゅうへん) =========================================== 1. New Type of Setting (ニュータイプぶたい) Information: For the first outer space map, you have plenty of empty space to move units quickly across. The middle area is full of bases to occupy, which is essential to raise funds to wage war against your opponent. That said, getting those bases quickly will determine how well you succeed here. 2. Lunar Sea War (ルナシーせんえき) Information: To the south, there is a large moon base with satellites, but the empty space area has a lot of bases around. Once again, it is necessary to occupy those bases in order to gain any sort of advantage on this map. Luckily, unit movements outside of the moon base section is not going to be affected adversely. You just need to get better units quickly in order to maintain your edge! 3. Capture of Solomon (ソロモンこうりゃくせん) Information: For this map, you start off in the corner of space, and 2P is situated in Solomon in the middle area. There are some secondary bases on the edges of the land, so getting those will be essential to advance your new units quickly. At least most of the map is empty space or flat land, so your movements will be quick and effective (so will your opponent's, though). 4. Fortified A Baoa Qu (ようさい ア・バオア・クー) Information: If you are 1P, you are going to be surrounded on two sides by 2P, which will be tough to get through. Cutting across the middle of the map will be your quickest bet to avoid many of the units positioned to the sides. If you gain a foothold on the land by occuping a secondary base, you will be in great shape to succeed. Be sure to occupy the bases in space as well, to contribute to your funds! 5. Rushing Through the Atmosphere (タイキケンとつにゅう) Information: Here, the earth is along the southern edge, and is divided by a couple of atmospheric layers. This layer severely hinders your unit movements, but at least the opposition starts off in the far corner of space. There are plenty of cities on the earth to occupy for extra money. It is very important to get some long-range units available to venture out into space, as well as occuping those satellite bases! 6. The Falling Colony (コロニーがおちるひ) Information: Out here, there is a large lunar landscape to the south, with empty space above it. That said, if you are 1P, you have a lot of land to cover in order to reach the far edge of space. Luckily, it is wide open, so once you get your better units set up, you can send them right out to battle the enemy. 7. Earth 0087 (ちきゅうけん 0087) Information: This map is interesting since there is a small "earth" in the northeast area, surrounded by one atmosphere layer. To the southwest is a small lunar base (akin to the Earth and Moon), where the opponent is. 1P has the edge since there are a lot of cities on the earth, with more opportunities to raise money and acquire better units. The toughest part will be getting through the atmosphere layer, since that basically wastes a turn per unit passing through it. 8. The Universe's Swirl (ウチュウのうず) Information: On this map, both sides have a patch of earth, surrounded by a thin atmosphere, in opposite sides of the map. There are many asteroids littering the empty space, and most of the action will occur in space. Once you break through to the opposition's earthly base, you will be able to really turn the tables in your favor! 9. Axis's Battle (アクシズのせんとう) Information: This map is very similar to the previous one, only with one side having a lunar base rather than earth. 1P has a small sliver of earth as their base in the corner, with empty space between you and 2P. There are plenty of bases in the area, and if you can take over the secondary bases on the lunar surface, you will have a huge advantage. If 2P gets to the southeast corner, you may have some trouble, though! 10. Char's Counter Attack (ぎゃくしゅうのシャア) Information: On this map, the earth area takes up most of the southwest quadrant, where 1P starts off. 2P is in a small lunar piece of land in the northeast corner. The biggest hindrance is the thick atmospheric layer dividing earth and space, so a lot of time will be wasted going through it alone. There are a lot of cities on the earth, and a few secondary bases which are helpful in making better units to more efficiently get into space! ============================== SD Sengokuden (SDせんごくでん) ============================== 1. First Battle of Musha Gundam (ういじんムシャガンダム) Information: This first Musha Gundam map is a short and simple one. The main feature dividing the sides is a wide bridge in the middle. Battles will commence very soon after the match begins, so be prepared! 2. Battle's Wasteland (たたかいのこうや) Information: This map is a wide open area of flat land, basically. There is very little protecting the bases from approaching units, so you need to be very vigilant and aggressive to come out on top here! 3. Being Washed Away (かわなかじま) Information: Here, a stream divides the two opponents, and slows down movement only slightly. The battlefield is large, with attackers coming from all sides (and vice versa), so you will certainly be kept quite busy if you do battle on this map. 4. Nagashino's Battle 2 (ながしののかっせん2) Information: Like the previous map, a small stream divides the two sides here. Other than that, there is nothing blocking units from moving clear across to the opposing base, so whittling down the opponent's units right from the start is very much necessary. 5. Invasion of Musha Gundam (しんげきムシャぐんだん) Information: Here, there is a wide open area in the middle, with narrow paths along the sides. Those side paths may come in handy for sneaking up on the enemy based in the center, since 1P is stuck in the bottom corners initially. The main benefit though, is that you can sneak up on 2P from the sides since they will likely focus on the middle path. 6. Surprise Attack! The Worried Plight (きしゅう!おけはざま) Information: Out here, the map is pretty wide open, with a bit more water flowing throughout. A good portion of the southeast area is blocked by mountains, but a narrow path to the side can aid in a surprise attack of your own! 7. Zakuto's Trap (ザクトのわな) Information: Here, you have a castle type of setting to do battle in. 1P starts off outside, and you will need to go pretty much room to room, clearing the opposing units and blocking their way forward. If you advance into the castle with enough force to knock out some units quickly, you will end up with a very good advantage. 8. Final Battle! Decisive Battle (けっせん!せきがはら) Information: This map is another wide and flat landscape, with no real shortcuts or side paths to take. There is a lot of space between both sides, but with fast unit movements, that can be cut down fast. It can get a bit hairy once you get to the other side where the battling is in closer quarters, but if you have some powerful units there to clean up, you will go very far! 9. A Baoa Qu Castle (ア・バオア・クーじょう) Information: You have another castle scene to get through here. 1P is in the northwest corner, conveniently in front of the only small opening into the castle. Inside the castle is nothing but space, with the opponent's base at the far end. You will want to quickly get all of your units (if you are 1P) into the castle first before proceeding, so there is very little bottlenecking later! 10. Faction's Death (さいごのしとう) Information: The final Musha Gundam map here is a large, flat area. The only real feature is the large stream across the middle of it all. However, once units get across it, the real battles will begin, so be ready! ==================================== SD Gundam Gaiden (SDガンダムがいでん) ==================================== 1. Black War's Hero (ヲクロあのゆうしゃ) Information: This narrow map provides a straightforward area for doing battle. The whole area is flat, which certainly allows for quick unit movements. It is meant to be a basic setup, so it should not be too difficult in any event. 2. Monster Gundam Encounter (そうぐうモンスターぐんだん) Information: This map has a few small rooms, protected by enemy units, in the central area. There are more units available to deal with, but it should be another simple battle if you are ready to get right down to it! 3. Battle of the Grasslands (だいそうげんのたたかい) Information: Here, you get to battle on another large section of flat grasslands. To the west is a body of water, with some 2P units on a small island; keep an eye on them if you are 1P! Otherwise, it is a straightforward path to the opposition. 4. Assault!! Imperial Castle (とつげき!!こうじょうせん) Information: On this map, there is a castle to the north with one way to enter it - by crossing the bridge to the south. The castle itself is one large room with two side rooms, all occupied by enemy units. If you are 1P, you can launch a true assault by sending all of your units in at once, giving 2P time to spread out and allowing you to isolate/destroy the opposing units! 5. Satan Gundam's Castle (サタンガンダムのしろ) Information: You will battle inside of the castle for this map. 1P will start in the bottom corners, with a single unit surrounded in the northwest. 2P and their Satan GD unit will be in the northern room. To infiltrate this castle, you will have to get through a strong front line, but it is quite doable for sure. Ganging up on 2P's front lines is your best bet to effectively win here. 6. Desert's Battle (さばくのせんとう) Information: Now, this is a map where the action gets right to the point! Both sides have their units lined up almost directly in front of each other, with only a couple of spaces in between. If you want to win on this map, you need to be aggressive in quickly taking out as many units as possible; ganging up on weak units tends to help in this case. 7. Coast of Gold (おうごんのきし) Information: On this map, there are three islands connected by narrow bridges, in a sort of N-shaped arrangement. If you are 1P, you start at the beginning and must battle your way across the islands (no shortcuts here!) to meet and defeat your opposing units. It is exciting and easier than you think, especially since the map's layout allows for a somewhat more leisurely battle, instead of everyone ganging up on you all at once. 8. Escaping the Storm (あらしをぬけて) Information: Here, there is another castle that needs to be cleared of enemy units. You start off as 1P in the southeast corner on a small sliver of land outside of the castle, but there are plenty of units inside waiting to do battle. It can be a tough fight due to the sheer amount of 2P units, but once you get past the initial front lines, you will be in a much better position to succeed! 9. Castle Progress (しろへすすめ) Information: This is a very lengthy map, mainly due to the fact that the paths inside the castle are quite winding. You need to get to the north end, where you will find stairs leading into the second layer, and so on. You can also advance on the left or right sides, with enemies on both. It is another leisurely sort of battle, since you reach your opponents in waves, but it can be quite a lengthy battle as a result, so be prepared for the long haul here! 10. The Giant of Legend (でんせつのきょじん) Information: For this final map, you have an open field and a high plateau with stronger units at the top. It can be tough if you are 1P, since your only way forward is through a very narrow set of steps at the east end. This requires a bit of patience and aggressive acting in order to win on this map. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Unit Data -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Not all units are available on every map. You will only have the option to create a given unit at your base(s) if you have the money to do so. The HP value is the amount of hit points that particular unit has. The MV value shows how many spaces the unit can move, assuming it is a flat area with no obstructions. Crossing over water, trees, and other terrain features may cost more spaces (for instance, some units spend 3 MV points for each space of water they cross over). The AP value is the attack power that unit has in battle. Also to note, the Union is the blue side, and Zion is the red side; each has their own set of units. ================= SD Gundam (Union) ================= Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- ジムII 22 12 4 ガンキャノン 26 14 4 ガンタンク 28 16 3 ガンダム 30 20 5 リックディアス 32 22 5 アレックス 34 22 5 ジェガン 35 25 5 メタス 38 24 6 Free movement GD・MK2 42 26 5 ディジェ 46 28 5 ヒャクシキ 48 30 5 Zガンダム 54 32 7 Free movement リガズィ 56 33 6 Free movement ZZガンダム 65 40 6 Free movement サラミス 70 10 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ホワイトベース 75 15 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ガルダ 80 14 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship νガンダム 80 50 7 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship アーガマ 85 16 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ラーディッシュ 95 20 6 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ================ SD Gundam (Zion) ================ Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- ザク 18 10 4 ハイゴック 20 11 4 Underwater unit グフ 22 12 4 ズゴックE 22 13 5 Underwater unit ドム 25 14 5 ゲルググ 27 16 5 ゾック 28 16 5 Underwater unit Gバルディβ 28 20 5 あかザク 30 18 5 ケンプファー 30 20 5 マラサイ 30 22 5 ガザC 30 24 5 あかズコック 34 21 6 ギラドーガ 34 26 5 ガルスJ 35 25 5 ハンブラビ 35 27 6 Free movement アッシマー 36 24 6 Free movement カプール 38 22 6 Underwater unit あかゲルググ 40 24 6 エルメス 40 25 7 Free movement, long-range attacker ギャプラン 40 26 6 Free movement あおドーガ 40 30 6 ズサ 42 28 8 メッサーラ 42 34 6 Free movement バウ 46 30 6 パラスアテネ 48 30 5 ジオング 50 32 7 Long-range attacker Bドッグ 58 36 6 Free movement キュベレイ 64 36 6 Long-range attacker ヤクトドーガ 68 38 6 Long-range attacker ジオ 68 40 6 ムサイ 70 10 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ユーコン 70 12 5 Long-range attacker, underwater unit, battleship サザビー 74 45 6 Long-range attacker クインマンサ 76 42 6 Long-range attacker グラブロ 80 14 6 Long-range attacker, underwater unit ザンジバル 80 16 5 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship ビグザム 85 25 4 Long-range attacker レウルーラ 90 20 6 Free movement, long-range attacker, battleship サイコガンダム 90 30 4 Free movement, long-range attacker αアジール 95 35 6 Long-range attacker ===================== SD Sengokuden (Union) ===================== Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- ぼうる 20 10 4 じむ 24 14 4 じえいがん 26 16 4 Long-range attacker ねも 28 18 4 Long-range attacker ひゃくしき 46 35 5 まあくつう 48 36 5 だぶるZ 50 33 6 Long-range attacker にう 52 38 7 Long-range attacker ぜいた 56 34 6 あれっくす 58 35 4 Long-range attacker のうまる 65 37 7 むしゃ 68 39 5 フクショウグン 72 39 5 さいこ 80 31 4 ショウGD 85 40 5 Dショウグン 98 40 0 ==================== SD Sengokuden (Zion) ==================== Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- ざこ 20 10 5 がざでい 25 16 4 どむ 28 18 5 ずごっく 30 20 4 Long-range attacker がずある 35 22 4 Long-range attacker はんぶらび 37 25 5 じおんぐ 44 24 6 じお 48 26 6 きゅべれい 52 27 6 Long-range attacker さざびー 56 28 5 しんざく 68 34 5 こんざく 69 32 5 こざく 70 35 5 ワカザクト 75 38 5 ヤミショウグン 83 40 5 Long-range attacker やみこうてい 99 40 0 ======================== SD Gundam Gaiden (Union) ======================== Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- ジム けん 20 14 4 ジム ゆみ 24 10 4 Long-range attacker ジム やり 26 18 4 けんしZ 48 25 5 ナイト セイラ 52 24 4 ぶとうかネモ 55 31 5 とうしZZ 58 26 5 ジムスナイパ 60 22 6 Long-range attacker ほうじゅつしν 64 30 6 Long-range attacker ナイト アムロ 65 23 5 ホワイトベース 68 26 7 Free movement, long-range attacker ガンタンク 70 24 4 Long-range attacker おうごんのキシ 75 34 6 ナイト シャア 78 32 7 ガンキャノン 80 32 4 ナイトGD 90 40 7 ======================= SD Gundam Gaiden (Zion) ======================= Unit Name HP AP MV Note --------- -- -- -- ---- Sアッザム 15 10 4 スケルトン-DG 20 12 4 ゴブリンZK 22 14 4 ファイターザク 24 16 4 タートルゴック 25 18 4 Underwater unit DRベビー 26 22 5 まどうしララア 32 32 4 Long-range attacker アッシマー 34 28 6 スコーピオンZ 38 28 4 ガイア 42 26 4 マッシュ 45 25 4 オルテガ 46 24 4 ジオング 62 30 5 メッサーラ 68 35 6 Long-range attacker サザビー 75 36 5 MUDゴーレム 80 25 4 サタンGD 85 35 4 Long-range attacker サイコゴーレム 99 40 4 ブラックDR 99 40 4 Long-range attacker ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=