Shoukoushi Ceddie (Famicom) Guide by E. Phelps, ver. 1.0 (aka LastBossKiller) - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Disclaimer === = = = - - - - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission by the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2015 E. Phelps ---Viewing This Document--- This document contains Japanese text. To view it correctly, set your browser or word processor to view "Shift-JIS" format. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, using the dropdown menu, go to View -> Encoding -> More -> Japanese (Shift-JIS). You could, instead, open this document with Microsoft Word, and it will ask you about the encoding automatically, allowing you to select Shift-JIS. - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ====== Intro ====== = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - Shoukoushi Ceddie is a Japanese only adventure game for the NES/Famicom. It is based on the classic novel Little Lord Fauntleroy in which a young boy, Cedric Errol, lives in poverty with his mother after the death of his father. When his uncles die, Cedric (or "Ceddie" as he is often called), inherits a fortune and the title of a British nobleman. Ceddie's wealthy grandfather is prejudiced against Americans and wants Ceddie to live apart from his American-born mother. This sets the stage for the NES/Famicom game. The title "Shoukoushi Ceddie" ("Little Lord Ceddie") is from a Japanese anime which is based on the novel. This game is fairly easy. It requires a lot of trial and error to figure out what to do, but you can't die or lose, so you would eventually win even without any Japanese knowledge. There are a couple confusing places where you could get stuck though, so this guide is here to help! Also, I provide the details of the story as you progress so you can enjoy it as if you could read the text. - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ===== Contents ===== = = = - - - - - - = = = ==================== = = = - - - Search words are given in square brackets []. 1. Story [sec1] 2. How to Play [sec2] 3. Walkthrough [sec3] a. Town 1: Dreamcote [sec3a] b. Traveling To Gradoe [sec3b] c. Town 2: Gradoe [sec3c] d. Town 3: Mikbam [sec3d] e. Town 4: Ruins [sec3e] f. Town 5: Warring Cities [sec3f] - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = ====== Story ====== = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - [sec1] Following the concept of the novel, Ceddie's grandfather, the earl, wants Ceddie to be raised as a refined nobleman, without the influence of his American-born mother. The earl loads Ceddie's mother onto a stage coach to take her away from him. You begin the game in a castle, which you proceed to escape in pursuit of the stage coach. - - - = = = ======================= = = = - - - - - - = = = ===== How to Play ===== = = = - - - - - - = = = ======================= = = = - - - [sec2] The game is simple. You go around talking to people in the doors or on the street, sometimes giving them items or playing your flute, until you have completed the correct sequence of events and saved the city. Then you move onto the next city and repeat. You can save your game by pressing "A" to open a menu, then select またあした ("Again tomorrow"). Select はい ("Yes") to confirm your save. But annoyingly, you will have to reset the game to continue playing since there's no "save and continue" option, it's only a "save and quit" option. The other menu options are はなす ("Talk"), which is used to talk to people and interact with objects, and フルート ("Flute"), which makes you play your flute. The menu options during conversations with people are variable. It is very easy to follow with some basic Japanese understanding or a language dictionary. - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Walkthrough === = = = - - - - - - = = = =================== = = = - - - [sec3] ---Town 1: Dreamcote-----------------------------------------------[sec3a]--- You start inside your home, which is a castle. There are two doors you can try to exit through. If you guess the "wrong" one, you will be confronted with a guy who wants to make you stay home and study. He will give you a quiz question. You have to answer it correct to get away from him. If you get it wrong, he will just ask you another one, and he'll keep asking questions until you get one right. There's no penalty for getting any wrong. These quizzes are a big theme of this game. If you went into the door with the quiz guy, then you'll appear back in the castle after getting a question right. You need to go into the door that does not have the quiz guy in order for you to escape the castle. Outside, you will see a small town. It has twelve doors. This layout will be repeated constantly throughout this game, and in order to reference which doors you should enter, I will use a chart that looks like this: 3 4 2 5 Top row of doors 1 6 9 A 8 B Bottom row of doors 7 C D "D" is the train station You're trying to find your missing mother, and if you enter most of these doors, you will have the following options: たずねる - "Ask". Then gives you a submenu of topics you can ask about. Right now, you can ask about: はは ("Mother") and ばしゃ ("Coach"). Coach here meaning a horse-drawn carriage. フルート - "Flute". Play music on your flute. さようなら - "Goodbye". Exit the building. Here's what to do in this town: (1) Enter door "D" and select the options たずねる ("Ask") -> ばしゃ ("Coach"). The man tells you the earl's coach is headed toward the city Gradoe (グラドーエ). (2) Enter door "9", the post office, and select たずねる ("Ask") -> グラドーエ ("Gradoe"). He says to go straight down the street next to the train station. (3) Speak to the boy wandering around outside the train station. He gives you the おためしけん ("Coupon") and says you should come to the grand opening of the Hungry Bear restaurant in Gradoe. You have now "completed" this town and are able to exit through the right side of the screen. ---Traveling To Gradoe---------------------------------------------[sec3b]--- Every time you complete a town, you will have to travel through these annoying screens where the quiz guys chase you around and make you answer quiz questions. You can press "B" to jump, which will allow you to jump over them sometimes, but it's pretty hard to time, so you'll probably be forced to answer a lot of quiz questions. Again, there's no punishment for answering a quiz question wrong, so you can keep tapping "A" and wait until you guess the right answer. After guessing right, you will be able to select the option にげる ("Run"), and you will be able to continue on your way. Sometimes, a quiz guy won't let you go until you answer three questions correctly. It is random and has nothing to do with if you answered any wrong. Also, very rarely the quiz guy will send you back to the starting castle, forcing you to travel all the way back to the current stage. Again, this is random and has nothing to do with if you answer questions wrong. Besides the quiz guy, there are some regular townspeople wandering around the screen. If you contact one, sometimes they will give you Sneakers (スニーカー). You don't have to do anything, you receive it automatically. There's nothing to be gained otherwise, so don't waste time asking them questions. To use the Sneakers, press "A" to bring up the menu, then select つかう ("Use") -> スニーカー ("Sneakers"). Your speed will be temporarily increased, helping you avoid the quiz guys. But the Sneakers disappear after one use and very quickly. You can get them multiple times, but only one pair at a time. Make your way all the way to the right until you reach the right side of the screen, where you can enter the next town. ---Town 2: Gradoe--------------------------------------------------[sec3c]--- Town layout: 1 2 7 8 C X X 3 6 9 B D "X" means there is no door here. X 4 5 A X E X X K L X X F G J M P Q X H I N O R S There seems to be a rat problem in this town. Here, you will have a few additional options during conversations: わらう ("Smile"), あまえる ("Act like a spoiled child"), かたをもみ ("Give shoulder rub"). Here's what to do to complete this town: (1) Go to door "5", the Hungry Bear restaurant, which you have the coupon for. He offers a list of foods to choose from. It doesn't matter which one you pick. After your meal, he will give you some Milk (ミルク). (2) Enter door "F" and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). The lady complains about how her cat's not feeling well. Select たずねる ("Ask") -> ねこ ("Cat"). She says her cat hasn't had any milk for awhile. Then choose わたす ("Give") -> ミルク ("Milk"). As thanks, she gives you the Pipe (ふえ), as in the kind that makes music. (3) Go to door "P", the bakery. Choose わらう ("Smile") and the baker asks you for a favor. He says he needs to deliver some bread, but he's so busy will you help? Say はい ("Yes") and you receive the Bread (パン). (4) Go to door "6" and you automatically give the lady the bread. (5) Go back to door "P" and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). The baker says you should ask Curtis, but you will need a certain scarf. He gives you the Scarf (スカーフ). (6) Go all the way to the left side of town where you'll see a horse-drawn carriage. Approach it and you'll speak with Curtis. Choose わたす ("Give") -> スカーフ ("Scarf"). Then choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says to ask Roonie at the train station. (7) Enter door "S", the train station at the far right side of town. When you enter, you get caught by a quiz guy. Just tap "A" until you give a satisfying answer and he'll go away. Next, you speak with Roonie. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says he lost an important pipe. Choose わたす ("Give") -> ふえ ("Pipe"). Then again choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says Brant knows something and that Brant's friend is near the restaurant. (8) Talk to a man that's standing outside, near door "5". Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> ブラント ("Brant"). He says he lives by the pharmacy. (9) Go to door "M". Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). The guy there asks if you'll help find the magistrate (だいかん). Say はい ("Yes"). (10) Go to door "K", the flower shop. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> だいかん ("Magistrate"). She asks if you'll deliver some flowers for her. Say はい ("Yes") and you get the Flowers (はな). (11) Go to door "C" and speak to the guard. He let's you in the magistrate's mansion to deliver the flowers. Inside, choose たずねる ("Ask") -> だいかん ("Magistrate") and she begs you to find him. (12) Go to door "N", the pharmacy. Choose かたをもむ ("Rub shoulders"), which puts her in a good mood. She then says you should visit the man who lives above the hotel since he may know something about the magistrate. (13) Go to door "4". The house will be empty. (14) Return to door "N" and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> おじいさん ("Old man"). She says to have patience and go call on him again. (15) Return to door "4". Keep entering and exiting until the man is home. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> だいかん ("Magistrate"). He'll give you a Lamp (ランプ) and tells you to blow your flute in the clock tower. (16) Go to door "2", the clock tower. Choose つかう ("Use") -> ランプ ("Lamp"). It says you see a door. Choose しらべる ("Search") -> ドア ("Door"). It says the door is locked. Choose フルート ("Flute") over and over again (it can take many times, but it's random) and an old man eventually appears. He asks if you want to explore the tower. Say はい ("Yes"). You get the Key (かぎ). Choose つかう ("Use") -> かぎ ("Key"). Inside, you find the magistrate at the top of a ladder, afraid to come down because of the rats. Choose フルート ("Flute") and the rats all gather around you. There's nothing you can do now, so choose さようなら ("Goodbye") to leave. (17) Enter door "F" and the lady will let you borrow her cat. (18) Return to door "2", the clock tower, and choose つかう ("Use") -> ねこ ("Cat"). The rats go scurrying away and the magistrate comes down. The townspeople all gather around you, music plays, and it takes a really long time for anything to happen. Then they all say their thanks. Your father appears, who must be a spirit since he's dead, and says a word or two of praise, and disappears. Someone says your mother was headed toward Mikbam (ミクバム). You're now able to exit the right side of the screen. You'll be on another path with quiz guys. Get almost all the way to the far right side of the screen. The entrance to the city is North over some grass and not obvious at all. You can find the path over the grass in the second upward arching part of the path from the right side of the screen. If a quiz guy sends you back to the starting castle, go to the train station and select きしゃにのる ("Ride the train") and then グラドーエ to return to Gradoe, saving you some time. Annoyingly, these trains only take you one way, and only to towns you have already visited. ---Town 3: Mikbam--------------------------------------------------[sec3d]--- Town layout: X 1 X 6 2 5 7 3 4 8 9 E F A D G B C The screen wraps around itself if you go all the way right or left. It's really a pretty small town. To enter some of the doors, you have to stand in line. To do so, just talk to the person at the back of the line and you'll automatically move forward and enter. People in this town are complaining about the ridiculously high taxes imposed by the magistrate. Here's what to do to complete this town: (1) Enter door "3". There is a woman with a wounded leg. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> けが ("Wound"). She asks if you'll go pick up some food for her. Say はい ("Yes"). (2) Enter door "G" and you get the Potato (じゃがいも). As you exit, a man approaches and demands you pay taxes for your restaurant visit. Choose わらう ("Smile") and he says he likes your face and lets you go this time. (3) Talk to the guard in front of door "6" and he will let you inside to meet the magistrate. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says she was headed West. As you exit the building, a boy approaches you and says that there is an old prison somewhere in town. (4) Go to door "E", the post office. You have to wait in line to enter. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> ろうや ("Prison"). He says they might know something at the hospital. (5) Go to door "A", the hospital, and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> ろうや ("Prison"). He says Bakkas, who lives by the bakery, might know something. (6) Go to door "5". Bakkas just says "eh?" to all your questions. Choose わらう ("Smile") and he says he likes you but he can't hear you. (7) Go to door "E", the post office, and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> バッカス ("Bakkas"). He says Bakkas is hard of hearing. (8) Return to door "5". Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> ろうや ("Prison"). This time you yell your question. He says Doyle's warehouse is on top of the prison. (9) Go to door "7". Choose フルート ("Flute") and you find hidden stairs. You automatically go down them, where you find the real magistrate. The other one is an imposter. He asks you to get him out of his prison cell. Choose つかう ("Use") -> かぎ ("Key"). The door opens, but your key breaks. You both exit, and as you get to the top of the stairs, the fake magistrate grabs you. The real one beats him up. The real magistrate then tells you to head Northwest from Dreamcote to find your mother. Your dad appears again to praise your bravery, then disappears again. Now you need to backtrack all the way back to Dreamcote, the first town in the game. You can't use the train to get there either. Once in Dreamcote, you will now be able to exit via the left side of the screen. Go North over the grass at the first upward arch in the path to get to another screen. Then exit the next screen via the left side to reach the next town. ---Town 4: Ruins---------------------------------------------------[sec3e]--- Town layout: 1 X 4 X X X X X 2 3 X 5 X 7 A B F G K L 6 8 X X E H J M X 9 C D X I N The buildings here are home to ghosts that run away when you try to talk to them. Here's what to do to complete this town: (1) Go up the second ladder at the top of the screen to reach a new screen full of trees. Walk around and occasionally a crow appears. Randomly, a crow appears and drops something. Select とる ("Take") to get the Charm (おまもり). (2) Go back to town and enter door "G", then exit. It suddenly becomes nighttime. You start crying and calling for your mom. Choose フルート ("Flute") and the spirit of a boy appears, named Carl. He asks you to play it again and you automatically do. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> カール ("Carl") and he tells you about how he and his mom died tragically. The boy leaves and another man appears. Talk to him and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says to ask the mayor. (3) Go to door "I" and meet the mayor. But he can't talk because of agonizing screams in the background. (4) Go to doors "8, E, G, H" and the spirits will move on to the afterlife after talking to you, but you have to play the フルート ("Flute") at one of these places to get the spirit soothed. (5) Go to door "I", Carl's house, and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> さけびごえ ("Scream"). He mumbles something about his mom, a black fruit, and crows. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> み ("Fruit"), but he has nothing more to say. (6) Go to door "K". Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> み ("Fruit"). She says Louis has the key, next to the locked stairs. (7) Go to door "D". The guy says he dropped the key. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> かぎ ("Key") and he says he dropped it in the well. (8) Go to the well at "L". Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> かぎ ("Key"). The frog says he'll get it for you if you can get him out of the well. (9) Go to door "9". The kid there remarks that he likes your charm. Choose わたす ("Give") -> おまもり ("Charm"). As you leave, he thanks you by giving you a Dog Chain (いぬのくさり). (10) Return to the well at "L". Choose つかう ("Use") -> くさり ("Chain"). You use it to hoist the frog out of the well. He gives you the Key (かぎ). (11) Go to the locked staircase next to "D". Press "A", then choose はなす ("Talk") to interact with it. Then choose つかう ("Use") -> かぎ ("Key") to unlock it. (12) Go up the unlocked stairs and go up the stairs above there that take you to the next screen above you. Approach the weird looking tree in the upper-left corner and a crow squawks at you. Choose とる ("Take") -> み ("Fruit"). You take the fruit and the crow claws you. When your blood hits the black fruit it turns gold. The crow freaks out and says he's gonna go tell the white crow. (13) Go back to town and enter Carl's house, door "I". Choose わたす ("Give") -> み ("Fruit"). Carl and his mom eat the fruit and are able to pass peacefully to the afterlife. The mayor asks you to give the fruit to the rest of the spirits. Say はい ("Yes"). (14) Go back to the stairs that were locked and talk to the man blocking them. Choose はなす ("Talk"), then はい ("Yes") and he gives you a Basket (かご) to help gather the fruit. (15) Go to the black fruit tree on the above screen and this time you will see the white crow. Choose はなす ("Talk") and he says he was changed into this form by a demon dragon. He then starts quizzing you. As usual, just tap "A" until you get enough questions right. This time you have to get 5 right. Then you will get the Black Fruit (まっくろなみ). (16) Play the フルート ("Flute") at doors "B" and "4" to send the ladies to the afterlife. (17) Go to doors "2, 7, C, D, K, M" and choose わたす ("Give") -> み ("Fruit") to send the spirits to the afterlife. (18) Visit the door in the lower-left corner of town, door "6", where you will find the mayor. Choose わたす ("Give") -> み ("Fruit") to give him some. Another man appears. Repeat the commands わたす ("Give") -> み ("Fruit") to give him some too. Say はい ("Yes") to his question. Re- enter the mayor's door and he will give you the Holy Water (せいすい). (19) You appear on the second floor of the building, next to a mirror in the upper-left corner of town. Choose はなす ("Talk") to interact with the mirror. Then choose つかう ("Use") -> せいすい ("Holy Water"). Stairs appear behind the mirror. Go up them. (20) You arrive in front of another building. Go into the upper-left door. After lightning flashes and trembling earth, a dragon appears. Choose はなす ("Talk") and you will demand your mother back. He threatens to eat you, then asks a question about if you would rather save a child or its mother. If you choose anything besides child, he just repeats the question. So choose こども ("Child"). He laughs and comes to eat you. You yell for your mom. Then choose フルート ("Flute"). The dragon begins to feel the love between mother and child through your beautiful song. He then lets you leave and says that your mother is not here, but try going further West. He then flies off to go find his own mother in the depths of the Earth. You appear on a path and thankfully there are no quiz guys yet. Your father praises you again and is intrigued by how your blood changed the black fruit to gold. Then he vanishes again. Walk a little farther and the white crow appears, now in his true form, a pigeon. Exit this screen via the left side. You will then be on another path, this time with quiz guys. Exit this screen via the path leading downward. On the next screen, go all the way left and exit the screen via the left side to enter the final town. ---Town 5: Warring Cities------------------------------------------[sec3f]--- Town layout: 1 X X X 6 X X "|" is dividing line X 3 X X 7 8 X between warring halves. X 2 4 5 X X 9 Doors farthest left, A X X E|F X X X X across the water, are not X C D X | X X H J X shown. X B X X | X G I X K This town is at war with the neighboring city, and a barricade divides the two. Here's what to do to complete this town: (1) Go to doors "5, 8, G, I, K" and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). The people here will yell that there's a war and run over to the dividing line on the left side of town. If you've talked to everybody, there should be four people and a cat on your side of the dividing line. (2) Go to door "H", the hospital, and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> はは ("Mother"). He says to ask at the hotel. (3) Go to door "J", the hotel. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> まち ("City") and she asks you to deliver a letter to someone at the prison. Say はい ("Yes"). (4) Go to door "6", the prison, and you automatically deliver the letter. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> まち ("City") and he begs you to end this war. He suggests speaking to the magistrate. (5) Talk to the guard in front of door "7" and he runs off to join the fight at the dividing line. Enter the door to meet the magistrate. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> わけ ("Situation"). He says the war is over the fact that the neighboring city's magistrate closed the water gate, shutting off this town's water supply. Choose はなす ("Talk") and you beg him to stop the war. He says only if the water gate is open. (6) Exit and re-enter the magistrate's house and he will be gone. You hear the voice of his daughter, Eve. She wants you to take her to the neighboring town to try to stop the war. Say はい ("Yes"). (7) Go to door "F" and the lady lets you cross the boundary now that Eve is with you. (8) In door "B", choose たずねる ("Ask") -> まち ("Town") and たずねる ("Ask") -> シンシア ("Shinshia") to gather information about the war. (9) Go to door "A" and say はい ("Yes") to ride a boat to the magistrate's castle. Unfortunately, you're not allowed to enter. (10) Go to door "1" and choose たずねる ("Ask") -> まち ("Town"). He asks you to take a picture of his lover in the neighboring town. Say はい ("Yes"). (11) Go to door "E" to cross the barrier. (12) Go to door "9" where you automatically take the lady's picture. She suggests having her lover show you around the castle. (13) Go to door "F" to cross the barrier. (14) Go to door "1". The man turns into a quiz guy and this time you have to get 7 answers right. Afterward, he takes you to the castle where you meet the magistrate. Choose たずねる ("Ask") -> わけ ("Situation"). He says he closed the water gate because the neighboring magistrate put up the barrier. Choose はなす ("Talk") and you beg him to stop the war. He refuses, but mentions something about his son in the hospital. (15) Go to door "3", the hospital, and the game ending begins. Ending: A scene commences in which you reunite the son and daughter of the magistrates, who are lovers. They go to the barrier and announce that their fathers need to stop this war. After some coercing, the water gate is opened and the barrier is removed. Suddenly, your mother's carriage arrives and you're reunited with her. Your grandfather, the earl, is touched by the scene and decides that he cannot separate the two of you. - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - - - - = = = === Conclusion === = = = - - - - - - = = = ================== = = = - - - I hope you found this guide useful. If you have information that you'd like to contribute or other suggestions for how the guide can be made better or if you find any mistakes, please send it to I will give you the proper credit for your help. Thanks to the NES FAQ Completion Project regulars for providing a fun environment for exploring old, obscure games!