Darkstar Ripclaw Presents... _______ _________ _ _______ _______ ( ____ \\__ __/( \ |\ /|( ____ \( ____ ) | ( \/ ) ( | ( | ) ( || ( \/| ( )| | (_____ | | | | | | | || (__ | (____)| (_____ ) | | | | ( ( ) )| __) | __) ) | | | | | \ \_/ / | ( | (\ ( /\____) |___) (___| (____/\\ / | (____/\| ) \ \__ |_______)\_______/(_______/ \_/ (_______/|/ \__/ _______ _______ _______ _ _______ ( ____ \( ___ )( ____ \( \ ( ____ \ | ( \/| ( ) || ( \/| ( | ( \/ | (__ | (___) || | | | | (__ | __) | ___ || | ____ | | | __) | ( | ( ) || | \_ )| | | ( | (____/\| ) ( || (___) || (____/\| (____/\ (_______/|/ \|(_______)(_______/(_______/ Table of Contents ----------------- Walkthrough a. Mission One: Snake In [M1SI] b. Mission Two: Explode Ammunition [M2EA] c. Mission Three: Chemistry Factory [M3CF] d. Mission Four: Destoyr Command Post [M4DC] How to Play a. Action Sequence [HTPA] b. Shoot-em-Up Sequence [HTPS] c. Other [HTPO] ------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ Silver Eagle is a game released on the NES as part of the Super Cartridge Version 7, which was itself only released in Asia. Gameplay-wise, Silver Eagle is actually two different games in one; during the first part of each of four missions, you have to go undercover into military bases in top- down action reminescent of Metal Gear, killing off enemies and laying down time-bombs. After you have destroyed the base, the second half of each mission occurs, in which you play as a fighter plane in a static-screen shoot-em-up and have to take down a boss. Despite my initial thoughts that this game was a hoax made up by odino in order to have some fun at the expense of some poor sap (read: me) who could not find a copy of the game on the internet, I did manage to get a working ROM in the end. To that end, I worked on this FAQ to help out with the NES FAQ Completion Project (http://faqs.retronintendo.com/). Cheers. ~Darkstar Ripclaw -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MISSION ONE: SNAKE IN -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [M1SI] _ _ ___ |R| |R| |RD | |4| |5| ¯¯¯| |_| |_| ___ ___| _| | |RC |--|RB | |R| | ¯¯¯ |¯¯¯ |3|---/ ___ _ _| |_| |R7 |-|R| |R| _ ___| _|¯¯¯ |9| |A| |R|-|R2 |--|R| |_| |_| |1| ¯¯¯ |6| ___| | |_| |_|--|R8 |---/ ¯¯¯ -------- ROOM ONE -------- Head right from the outset to flip the first eagle symbol, then head left to the opposite end of the screen for a second. Shoot the nearby crate to obtain the Machine Gun, then activate the third eagle symbol and head up. Go around the line of trees, and head down from the C-shaped wall and break open the crate underneath the lone tree for a speed power-up, which lets you move quicker. Head up the left side of the wall to lay one more time bomb, then head up slightly more and move right and into the next room. -------- ROOM TWO -------- Proceed slightly up and right from the entrance and flip the eagle head next to the tree, then destroy the box for a second speed power-up (which pile up) in as many screens. Head across the southern bridge, and break open the crate between two trees to obtain more ammo for your specialty weapons. Flip the remaining two eagle heads, break open the treasure chest for a bomb, and then head out through the _NORTH_ door. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Move left in here and go up in between the two walls for your first Eagle head. Head right, and backtrack through the miniature maze to get the second Eagle head. Continue on up and right, and break the three boxes here in short order for Ammo, a Machine Gun if you did not obtain it from earlier, and another bomb. Head up and left through the Stonehenge formation to flip all four eagle switches, then go to the left corner and grab the map from the treasure chest (so that if you look at it, the map provided at the start here may finally make sense). After, continue on through the north door. --------- ROOM FOUR --------- Be careful in here, as the patrolling guards will now begin to take more than one hit from your regular weapon to kill. This means that you either have to switch to an alternate weapon to one-shot hit them, or rapid-fire them until they fall (they will flinch, then take damage again as soon as their flinch status is gone, and will not be able to recover quick enough to shoot back in between your own shots). In any case, set off the nearby Eagle symbol, then head up and left to the end. Break open the two crates for a medical powder to heal one third of your life and an Ammo replenishment, then head right along the wall until you hit the end. Head down and right and break the crate for a Bulletproof Vest (which grants you temporary invincibility for one shot), flip the two eagle heads, then go left on the southern end, making sure to trigger the lone Eagle Switch in the small nook down here. Exit back into Room Three. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Head down slightly and go through the right door. --------- ROOM FIVE --------- This is probably one of the two most frustrating rooms in this level, thanks to the enemies in here; instead of patrolling guards, you have wandering wildlife (deer) that constantly run around and run into you, damaging you. They also take two hits to kill. My suggestion is to get three or four of them on- screen and use one of your bombs with the B button to cause an instant kill to all of them. In any case, go up the left side, and lay a time bomb at the eagle head near the end. Cross the bridge (this is usually a spot where you will get three+ enemies on screen to use your bomb), and head up the right side of the line of trees. Break open the two boxes for a machine gun (if you have not yet obtained one) and ammo replenishments. Head up and left, trigger the single eagle head, break open the box for another speed power-up, and then head into the upper-left corner to flip the last switch. Proceed down the line of trees, then go straight right, down to the bridge, and go all the way back to Room Two. -------- ROOM TWO -------- Take the right door. -------- ROOM SIX -------- Go down ever-so-slightly in this room and then right behind the L-Block of trees. Break open the two crates for a medical powder kit and a 3-minute time extension. Progress south, and then go right for a box with more ammunition in it. Flip the two eagle switches in plain sight, then go left and trigger two more eagle heads in the grove of trees. Proceed to the south-right corner and continue onto the next room. ---------- ROOM EIGHT ---------- Flip the eagle head in here, then go north and grab some ammo from the box. Head across the northern bridge to lay time-bombs on two more Eagle switches, then go south, and up and right through the middle of the trees to trigger the third. Break open the crate for a medical powder, then continue up through the north room. --------- ROOM NINE --------- Head left, go up, and then left across the bridge. Make your way up and right through the trees and garbage cans, and cross the right bridge. Flip the three switches here, and break open a crate snugged back in the lower-right for another bomb. Backtrack across the second bridge, then head north and go around counterclockwise to the upper-left corner. Take the door here. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- In here, get into the maze through the southern end, then go around counterclockwise to the door at the opposite side. Use a bomb if you have to to destroy the wildlife, but be warned that you will be coming back this way, so try not to use up all your bombs. -------- ROOM SIX -------- Take the left path and flip the single switch, then proceed to where the door is. Go right and south to the south-right corner, flipping the second switch on the way, and break open the crate for another speed power-up (if you have not lost a life yet, you should be moving fairly quickly by now). Make your way back into Room Seven. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- Head back through the maze until you reach Room Nine again. --------- ROOM NINE --------- Go south until you hit the bridge, then cross it and continue south and right. Move back into Room Eight. ---------- ROOM EIGHT ---------- Head right and down the south side, and continue on into the next room. ------ ROOM A ------ Proceed right and up into a small corner and flip the Eagle head here, and then head left to trigger another switch. Break open the two nearby crates for a machine gun (if you have not yet picked one up) and a medical powder. Head left and up to flip a switch, then head left to break open a crate with a Bulletproof Vest and another eagle head. Move up and then go to the opposite side. Grab the final eagle head in this room and break open the treasure chest for some ammo, then head north and off to the next area. ------ ROOM B ------ In this room, there are a bunch of minefields strewn about. Obviously, you do not want to run into then, but thanks to the sloppiness of the game, you usually will not see off-screen mines until you are right next to it. There are no alternate ways of destroying one such as using a bomb or using them. In any case, walk right VERY slowly, and walk north a few steps when you encounter the first mine. Continue right and up past the line of trees, and flip the eagle head. Continue right and down to run into four crates containing two ammo replenishments, a bomb, and a speed power-up. Backtrack to the front entrance now. Next, up and left. Set off the one eagle head in this area, then continue north and left through to the next area. ------ ROOM C ------ Break open the crate at the entrance for a Medical Powder, then head left across the bridge. Destroy another box in between the two pits for a Bulletproof Armor, then go up and flip the switch. Head left past the trees and trigger the last Eagle head next to the lone tree, then go back all the way to Room B. ------ ROOM B ------ Proceed to the room entrance leading to Room A (do not actually go there). Take the path slightly to your left that heads up, and through another minefield. At the end, enter the large door (if you are encountering a closed door, you did not set off all the switches in the level). ------ ROOM D ------ Watch the scene in here, and then you will get into the shoot-em-up portion of this level. ------ BOSS 1 ------ In order to defeat the boss, you need to shoot the the core unit, which is in the center of the base (you can tell where it is because it is right in front of the two orange panels). The core itself is fairly small, but you can tell where exactly it is that you are supposed to shoot because it will flash when hit. The area that you can shoot at and hit it is fairly liberal, as well. However, it will take a VERY VERY VERY large amount of hits to kill it; use up all your bombs on this thing as soon as you come in (preferably when it is in the middle of an attack session so that you can destroy the enemy's missiles/bullets as well), as they will cause a great deal of damage compared to your machine-gun or regular bullets. The first weapon that the base has is missiles that it can launch out, and it has two different formations that it can launch the missiles with. The first is with all six missiles being launched from left to right. Other times, however, it will launch seemingly at random areas. The second weapon the base uses is shooting out five green bullets. The formation that these bullets are shot out in usually depends on where your location is relative to the base. Below are all the formations that can be used; however, you can usually dodge them easily by simply moving to the side, as the bullets will spread out from each other by the time they get to the bottom of the screen. + + ++ ++ + + + + +++ +++ + + + + +++ + + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + +++ +++ + + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MISSION TWO: EXPLODE AMMUNITION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [M2EA] _______ _ | _ | |R| | |R| |___ ___ _ |3| | |8| |RC |-|RB |--|R| |_| | |_| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| |D| _| | | _ _| |_| |R| |___| |R| |R| |2| |R7 |-|6| |A| |_| ¯¯¯ |_| |_| ___| ___ ___| ___| |R1 |-|R4 |-|R5 |-----|R9 | ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ -------- ROOM ONE -------- From where you start, head right slightly and go up and destroy the two crates for an early speed power-up and machine gun. With some extra movement pace on your boots, head back to where you began, flip the two eagle heads, and then go through the northwest door into Room Two. -------- ROOM TWO -------- Head left and go up the long narrow stretch of hallway, then go right and back down again. Turn the corner at the end to break open four boxes for a Bazooka, ammunition, a bomb, and the area's map. Return to the entrance of the room, and proceed east and north. Go left ever-so-slightly, then head down and left to activate the four-pack of eagle heads. Continue north now, and onto the next area. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Progress east from the entrance of the room on the bottom side of the man-made river, and break open three treasure chests in short order for ammunition, another speed power-up, and a medical powder kit. Backtrack left, then go up and head right across the bridge. Lay time bombs on the three pairs of heads next to the machinery infrastructure, then head back to the start of the room. Backtrack until you hit Room One again. -------- ROOM ONE -------- Go down and right, and head through the small hallway. Grab the eagle head next to the missile before continuing on through the doorway. --------- ROOM FOUR --------- Move around the block clockwise and break the two boxes coming down for a machine gun and perforation bullet. Continue right and up to walk over two more eagle heads. Progressing right, take the bottom path to come to three more crates with a time extension and two bombs. Go back around counterclockwise, and go right again. --------- ROOM FIVE --------- Walk straight up into area six. -------- ROOM SIX -------- In here, you will start encountering giant robot enemies. As they take a lot of damage to kill from your regular gun (six shots), if you want to destroy them, you will have better luck using your machine gun, which has a one-hit kill. Of course, you can still always try dodging all the robots. I would not recommend taking the time to pick each of them off with your regular gun, as that simply wastes time that you are ill-able to lose. That having been said, go around and knock off all twelve eagle heads (four rows of three each). When you are done, exit out the northwest door to continue the mission. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- Move slightly down and left from the entrance into the center of the room. Inside a cubicle with a green tank, you should find a four-pack of switches. Trigger them, then step outside and go to the left wall to find three treasure chests containing a perforation bullet, ammunition, and time extension. IGNORE the southeast door - it simply leads to Room C, and is a secondary path there (you can access the full room if you go from Room B) that you will visit later anyways. With that mentioned, head up and set off the three symbols in between the six tanks, then continue up. ---------- ROOM EIGHT ---------- Grab the nearby eagle head, then go around clockwise to two boxes containing a bomb and speed power-up. Flip the switch next to the tank, then press north and into the left corner. Walk over the three eagle heads to lay timebombs down. Once you are done with this area, backtrack all the way to Room Five. --------- ROOM FIVE --------- Go north through the small corridor to lay a time bomb on the switch, then cross the bridge to your right. Quickly move over the eagle head here, and continue your way across a second bridge. Break open a stash of treasure chests for a speed power-up, a Bulletproof Vest, a medical powder kit, and three magazines of ammunition. --------- ROOM NINE --------- Quickly flip the switch near the entrance, then head north and go through the corridor to trigger the second. Head right and up, then head into the maze. Go around the maze counterclockwise, making sure to get one of the three eagle heads available here in the small nook, and then exit north into the next room once you complete the loop. ------ ROOM A ------ Once again, you will face off with giant killer robots of doom. Once again, I must recommend that you use your machine gun to avoid getting the crap beat out of you by an errant missile by killing the enemy first. Run around the room to set off all the switches, then continue north. ------ ROOM B ------ Proceed left and grab the two eagle heads in the area in front of the left doorway. Go into Room C. ------ ROOM C ------ The first three crates within visible sight will contain a Bazooka, another speed power-up, and some more ammunition. Press on going left, flipping all the switches, and grabbing a medical powder kit near the end. After you are finished in here, head back into Room B. ------ ROOM B ------ For your second time around in this room, go right, and then head up as soon as you can. Break the three crates in the upper-left corner for a machine gun, bazooka, and Bulletproof Vest. Continue right, and set off all three eagle heads (do not miss the one in the small niche), then move onwards and lay down timebombs on two more eagle heads in between the missiles. Break open the final pair of chests for a Medical Powder kit and an ammunition, and then head through the door. ------ ROOM D ------ Watch the scene in here, and then you shall get into the shoot-em-up portion of this level. ------ BOSS 2 ------ The boss actually moves around this time, meaning that you will have to bring in a run-and-gun style to actually hit it. Its lone weak point is the figurative 'eye' in the middle of the machine. Your opponent has two different attack styles, of which each involves separate and distinct movement patterns. For the first one, the boss shoots out two missiles from its sides, and then quickly thereafter shoots out three more missiles; one goes straight from its eye, and the other two go out diagonally from the sides. When you see the first set of missiles, make your way left or right and dodge both groups, then move back into position. While the boss is actually shooting the missiles, it will stay still, and will only move left and right in between. The second type of attack is slightly more devious. When the boss does a small semicircle loop going down and back to the middle in a counterclockwise motion, quickly abandon your position and get as far away from where you are as you can, as the boss will move to the bottom of the screen where you were; should you still be there, there is no room for you to maneuver to avoid damage. Right after that, the boss will move back and go off-screen, and then pepper down five missiles from the top of the screen, one at a time. When a missile hits, get out of the way, and stay far away, as the blast radius will be about a quarter of the screen in width, and the animation will go through four sets of explosions before finally being extinguished, after which the next missile will hit. However, once all the missiles are shot, you can expect the boss to always descend at the exact same spot on-screen; slightly to the left of the center top. Overall, just stay out of the way of the attacks and pepper the boss with your own bullets. DO NOT USE BOMBS, as you will want to save them up for the next mission (of which there will be few). You can, however, use any of your specialty weapons, then bring out the regular gun once your ammo has been depleted. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MISSION THREE: CHEMISTRY FACTORY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [M3CF] _ |R| _____|G| / |_| ________| ___ / |RF |----------|R7 |-\ _| ¯¯¯ _|¯¯¯ | |R|_________ |R| ___| |E| ___ |R| ___ |6| |R5 | |_| |RA |-|9|-|R8 | |_| ¯|¯ ___| ¯¯¯ |_| |¯¯¯ | | |RD |___________|_______|___| ¯¯¯ |R| |R| |R| |R| |R| |R| |C| |B| |1| |2| |3| |4| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| *NOTE: The door between Room 7 and Room 5 can only be opened from the Room 7 side. The door between Room E and Room 9 can only be opened from the Room E side. -------- ROOM ONE -------- From the start, head as right as you can, and then loop up the far right wall and go around counterclockwise to grab two eagle heads, and then left to break open two boxes for a Perforation Bullet and speed power-up. Head left into the maze again and head up slightly, then go left and down for the third eagle head. Double up back and go up. Of the three-way split of doors in here, go into the northern room. ---------- ROOM EIGHT ---------- Go right from the entrance and shoot open the four crates for a machine gun, perforation bullet, some more ammunition and a Bulletproof Vest. Continue right along the upside and go around clockwise to set off all five eagle heads, then go back to the entrance of the room. From here, head left, up, and through the upper-left door. --------- ROOM NINE --------- Proceed south, and then go left into the maze. Go to the opposite side of the maze, then head south and go up from the bottom center to flip an eagle switch. Head back to the actual center of the maze, then go up slightly. Trip the switch to the right side, then break open the three crates for a Medical Powder kit, time extension, and machine gun. Go left from where the time extension was, and head up to finish laying timebombs down on the last three eagle heads. After, exit the maze to the left side, and leave through the upper-left door. ------ ROOM A ------ This room here is fairly linear, although you may run into trouble with the hovering robots again back from Room Seven. Walk over the two Eagle Heads next to the tank, then progress onto the left side of the room. Here, trigger all six remaining switches next to the missiles, and then backtrack to Room One again. -------- ROOM ONE -------- You should now finally take the left door into Room B. ------ ROOM B ------ Grab the top four eagle heads next to the tanks in this room, then go down. You will have to confront a large handful of more robot enemies, so take them down with a bomb or specialty weapon. Walk over all the untouched eagle heads, then head back north and go out the left door into the next room. ------ ROOM C ------ Head down, go left a slight bit and then head up, breaking the crate for a time extension and flipping the switch. Head left some more, and then go down another long hallway. You should come to three eagle heads that are trapped in between two bolts of electricity. Wait for the electricity to retract, then quickly run in, flip the eagle head, and run back out. Repeat for the remaining two, then break open the nearby treasure chest for ammunition. Proceed up from the lower-right corner to trigger the remaining two switches in this area. With this done, backtrack a bit until you get to the upper-left corner, then head through the door here into the next room. ------ ROOM D ------ In this area, quickly walk down and go left to break open a four-pack of boxes for a bazooka, more ammunition, a speed power-up, and a medical powder kit. Head left across the water using the bridge to your north, quickly flip the eagle head near the end of the bridge, then go up and down while pressing on left for a remaining three switches. Head north again once you are done. ------ ROOM E ------ Go around and stop before the three panels in the wall. If any of them are flashing blue, do not press forward, as they will let out electricity. If all of them are white, then quickly run across the hallway. Once you make it over successfully, break open the crate for a Bulletproof Vest, and head right. You will be put into Room 9. Backtrack to Room One. -------- ROOM ONE -------- Back in here for the last time, head out the right doorway. -------- ROOM TWO -------- Go straight down to the southwest corner of the room, then move right and take the third up path from the left and break open the crate for a speed power-up. Go up the second road from the left and loop around to flip all four switches, then continue up and east to the doorway in the upper-right corner. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Much like the last mission, you will face off against robot drones gliding around the place. In order to take them out, you will need to employ the use of one of your special weapons or use a bomb. Otherwise, you can still just dodge them. In any case, lay your timebomb down on the head next to the two green missiles, then walk down to find a second eagle symbol. Head right across the bridge for a third symbol, then walk up for the fourth and last symbol. Once you are finished in here, exit out the upper right door. --------- ROOM FOUR --------- Head down and right to flip a three-pack of eagle heads, then go into the small niche and break open the four crates to obtain a speed power-up, Medical Power kit, Bulletproof Vest, and Perforation Bullet. Head south from here to the lower-left section of the room, grab two switches from the outset, and then continue on south and right for two more. Head right and north to come to four treasure chests. Shoot and destroy them for the Map, another speed power-up, a Bazooka, and a perforation bullet. Return to the top part of the room, then go right then up through the northern door. --------- ROOM FIVE --------- Proceed left from the entrance to this room, and then immediately go up and around to flip the switch when you can (the nearby door is only accessible from the opposite side). Head back down, then head left and around clockwise to come to two crates containing ammunition and a speed power-up. Continue up and left, then go down and flip the two eagle heads next to the missile, and break the box for a medical powder kit. Head back to the entrance of this room, then backtrack all the way to Room Three. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Backtrack across the bridge, and go through the northern door. -------- ROOM SIX -------- Once again, you may wish to use a bomb/specialty weapon. That said, go straight down and pick off the first eagle head next to the tank. Continue down, and then go left to grab the three at the very south mixed up with the boxes and machinery. Grab the last two on the southern half of the room amongst the tanks, then head up the left side. Set off two more eagle symbols below some missiles, then head up a room. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- In this room, you will need to quickly snipe off some new flying robots quickly, as there will be some in a good firing location in relation to the entrance. I highly recommend you use a bomb here if you still have one, as walking around to dodge any strat bullets can cause you to hit a minefield. Thankfully, unlike the room in level one with mines, this area is a lot more liberal in allowing you to see where the mines are beforehand. Not too much to give for walkthrough here. Grab the two north of the entrance, then head right into the middle of the minefield and walk over two more. Continue on and hit two more eagle heads in safer positions. Head into the right side of the room, and flip the lone eagle head. Backtrack to the left section, and go to the left door. ------ ROOM F ------ Continue left from the outset, and go down and loop around counterclockwise to get the eagle head. Go back into the lower-right corner, then head west until you come to three more eagle heads and ten crates. The crates contain a speed power-up, a machine gun, three packs ammunition, a medical powder kit, a bomb, a bazooka, another bomb, and a time extension. Flick the last two eagle heads next to the missiles, then head left and go out the left door into Room E. ------ ROOM E ------ Walk over the three visible eagle symbols in the mess of missiles while sniping off any of the bug drones, then head to the far right wall and go down. Walk left while none of the wall panels are shooting out fire, lay down your final timebomb, then head back a room. ------ ROOM F ------ In here, go to the center of the room and head up. ------ ROOM G ------ After your obligatory cutscene, get ready for a faceoff with another boss. ------ BOSS 3 ------ Although your opponent (a giant tank) moves around again like the last battle, it only moves left and right. In exchange, however, it is much more difficult to hit; the only two points on the tank that are capable of being damaged are the circles on the turrets (to the left of the guns), and there is a very conservative range for a bullet to hit it from. Additionally, the tank takes a great amount of damage to destroy (in the realm of ten to fifteen minutes to finish off). The tank's first attack is pretty basic, in which it spits out five pea-sized bullets from the front end of the tank. The bullets will always come out in the same formation; four of them lined up in a row, and a fifth bullet slightly ahead of the other four and located in the center. Like the first boss, as the bullets go down-screen, they begin to spread out. For the second attack, the tank will pause, and two waves of fire will emerge; one from each of its turret guns. This is relatively easy to dodge, as all you have to do is stay out of the way. The tank's final attack is probably its most devastating, as it will shoot two homing missiles out from its back side. The missiles actually home on you, and will not stop until they either hit you or detonate after a certain amount of time. You will want to stay out of the way all the time instead of trying to squeeze out through a close space, as the detonation has a large blast radius. However, you can actually shoot them down with your bullets to solve the problem. Overall, you should not have too much problem aside from the homing missiles. However, it WILL take quite a while to defeat the tank, so do not expect there to be a quick victory. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MISSION FOUR: DESTOYR COMMAND POST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [M4DC] Yes, it is actually spelt like that in-game. ___ |R4 | |¯¯¯ ___ |___ /--|R7 |----|R3 | | ¯¯|___ ¯¯¯| | |RB |-\___| _| _____|___|R2 | |R| | | |¯¯¯ |A| | ___| |___ |_| | |R5 |---|R1 | | | ¯¯¯| ¯¯¯| | | |_______| | \-----|R6 | | ___|¯¯¯ \----|R9 | ¯¯¯ There are a number of one-way doors in this level. All of them are listed below. This list is likely incomplete, however. R1 ---> R5 R5 ---> R6 R2 ---> R6 RA ---> R7 RB ---> R7 RB ---> R5 -------- ROOM ONE -------- Head as far right as you can from where you are, and then go up to flip the two eagle heads. Backtrack a bit, and then go and trigger the switch in the niche of the U-block. Head left from here, and go around clockwise to break open the two crates for a speed power-up and a Bazooka. With this done, go through the _LEFT_ door in the corner here. --------- ROOM FIVE --------- Go south in here, then head slightly left and go up into the center block. Flick the first eagle symbol, then continue on west to do the same to two other eagle heads. At the end, go south, left and up and then go through the left door. -------- ROOM SIX -------- Proceed right and up from the southeast corner to break open the four crates for 3 bombs and the area's map (however, the actual map only lists rooms one through four). Go up the hallway second from the right, and then go left, up and right when the walls are NOT spitting out fire to walk over a single symbol. Backtrack across the halls counterclockwise when there is no fire, and then go right, up and left past another four panels in the wall. Go up and activate all six of the switches, then head around counterclockwise to the left wall. Break open the two boxes for a perforation bullet and ammunition, then go through the right door in the northeast corner. --------- ROOM NINE --------- Head up the nearby passageway and destroy the treasure chest for a speed power-up, then move over the two eagle heads. Go back to the southern hallway and continue on west. Proceed up from the end and walk over the two eagle heads, then destroy the two crates in this area of yellow blocks for ammunition and a Medical Powder kit. Continue down and left, snatch up the last two eagle heads, then continue left. ------ ROOM A ------ Move straight south from the door to set off four switches until you hit the southeast corner. From here, go west and lay down your timebombs on the last two symbols, then backtrack to the upper-right corner of the room. Go down and left through the clockwise passageway, hitting off the last two eagle heads in this room, then continue up into the next area. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- Run around and snipe off all the snakes in this room so that they do not interfere with your business (the obstacles that you can see in this room are just obstacles - they will not injure you if you walk into them), then walk over the four eagle heads at the top. Ignore the bottom half of the room for now, and go through the right door. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Flick the switch near the bottom part of the room, then go up to the top part of the room. Cross the floor while the panels are not spitting out fire, then grab the three eagle heads in front of the barricaded door. Head across the northern bridge (just make your break for it when the blob enemies are not in the way), and break the four crates here for two ammunition magazines, a bomb and a speed power-up. Head back across the bridge, then take the southern bridge and head down a room. -------- ROOM TWO -------- Proceed south and left to break open the crate for a time extension. At the end of the water flow, take the northern path, and go left and down to take the door going west. ------ ROOM B ------ Walk over all four eagle heads in the southwest corner to trip them off and lay timebombs down automatically, then walk up and head across the hallway (make sure that the panels in the wall are not dispelling electricity while doing so). Continue your northwards ascension, while keeping a wary eye on the fire panels in the wall. Once you get to the brown floor tiles, destroy the three treasure chests for a Bazooka, Medical Powder Kit, and ammunition, then trip off the remaining two switches here and head up. ---------- ROOM SEVEN ---------- You will be returned to the room with the snakes. If you ignored the bottom half of the room earlier, destroy the two boxes for a medical powder kit, speed power-up, ammunition, and bomb. Remember to trip off the last pair of switches, then head out the right door again. ---------- ROOM THREE ---------- Head along the northern path in here, and take the now-open door. --------- ROOM FOUR --------- After the scene, you will have your final fight. ------ GUNDAM ------ Well, that is not its official name. I am just calling it that because it is a giant robot and I am a Gundam fan. In any case, the giant robot is able to maneuver around fairly freely, trotting left, right, up, down, diagonally, and being able to approach the front of the screen (where he can then damage you by rule of contact). Meanwhile, the Gundam's head is its weak point. The Gundam boss's first attack involves (just like two of the three bosses before him) shooting out pea-sized bullets, three from each fist. However, the bullets do not go straight down; one of each trio will go southwest, one will go straight south, and one will go southeast, so do NOT try to put yourself in a safe position by positioning yourself in between his fists. It WILL NOT WORK. Its second attack is the one you should be fairly wary of; it will stop in its tracks, just like its first attack, but instead of shooting out bullets, it will send a bolt of electricity down the screen from its head, and very quickly. For the most part, just take a cautious approach and get out of the way as soon as he stops; do not bother waiting to see if it is the electric attack or bullet attack. For some reason, during and for a couple of seconds after this attack, the Gundam's head is invulnerable. Your opponent's final attack involves it shooting two homing missiles out of its back. They will track you down until they are destroyed in one fashion or another just like Boss 3's homing missiles, and once again, they are destroyable by sniping them down. This is the final showdown, so use up all your remaining bombs and special ammunition. Go all out and take the win. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ACTION SEQUENCE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [HTPA] In each mission, you will have to infiltrate an enemy lair. Storyline- wise, what you are doing is laying down bombs that are timed to blow up up and destroy the lair. Gameplay-wise, what this means is that when walking around, you will see odd shapes on the ground shaped somewhat like the head of an eagle (hence why they are often referred to as "Eagle Heads" or "Eagle Symbols" in the walkthrough); you must walk over them. JUST walking over them will cause your on-screen icon to lay down a timebomb automatically. That is indeed all there is to doing it; just walk over it (and hence, when I say "lay down a timebomb", it means just walk over the damn thing). In the actual bases, there are several rooms that you have to visit, each of them connected to others by doorways. The maps provided at the start of each mission are in fact drawn from in-game maps that you can obtain in each level (with the exception of mission four, whose map only shows rooms one through four). When all of the eagle heads in a room have had time-bombs laid down on them, that room on the map will be solid. Your position is marked by a star, and the boss' position is marked by a circle, and is only marked when all the eagle heads have been activated in the whole lair. You can also find treasure chests lying around the place. These chests often contain very useful items, ranging from a power-up that permanently increases your speed until you die, to extra weapons, to the aforementioned maps. It should be noted, however, that once you lose a life, you lose *EVERYTHING*. You will start at the position you died at, but you will be a sluggish, bomb-less, special weapon-less player. Of course, there is also the matter of the enemies that litter the halls and passageways of each lair. Usually your foes are very stupid and will not bother tracking you down; however, if you are perfectly opposite from them either horizontally or vertically, they will often stop and turn around to shoot you. You have the choice of either shooting them back with your regular gun or special weapons (the latter of which uses up ammunition, which has a visible bar underneath your four different weapon types), or finding a detour to avoid fighting. Enemy placements, however, are NOT listed in this guide for two reasons; first of all, depending on what mode of difficulty you are playing (easy, medium, or hard), you could potentially have only a couple of enemies in a room, or the place could be packed. Additionally, every time you enter a room from a bordering room, the amount of enemies and where they are placed are, in fact, randomized themselves. As such, it is up to you to determine your course of action in taking down opponents. If you are hit by an enemy, you will flash red and blue for awhile, granting you temporary invincibility. Once all the eagle heads in the dungeon have been tripped, a door in the area will open to the last room (the door and room are always in a fixed location, as these are not randomly-generated dungeons). Once you find the door and head in (or use this walkthrough to go to where the door is), you will find the Silver Eagle fighter plane (hence the game's title) and progress into the shoot-em-up part. NOTE: Everything that you have at the end of a mission (amount of bombs, amount of lives, ammunition, etc. - the only exception is how many bars of life you have remaining) carries over into the boss battle, which itself carries over into the next mission. D-Pad - Move around Start - Brings up the map/Pauses game Select - Toggles between the four available weapons A - Shoots with your weapon B - Lets loose a bomb ITEMS ----- The following items can be obtained from the treasure chests in-game. A description of their appearance and what they do are supplied. Medical Kit - Restores one bar of your life. Represented by a first-aid kit with a red + sign on it. Bulletproof Vest - Grants you temporary invincibility for one attack. Represented by a white vest. Speed Power-Up - Allows you to move faster. I believe that the effects stop piling up after four of them, but I am not completely positive. It must also be noted that the effect DOES disappear once you lose a life, so this is the single greatest incentive to conserve your health. Represented by a boot. Ammunition - Replenishes your ammunition bar. Represented by a bullet (three silver ^'s stacked on top of one another). Machine Gun - Gives you a machine gun. If you already have a machine gun in your bullet, it will simply replenish your ammunition. Represented by an M shape. Perforation Bullet - Gives you a perforation bullet. If you already have a perforation bullet in your bullet, it will simply replenish your ammunition. Represented by an F shape. Bazooka - Gives you a bazooka. If you already have a bazooka in your bullet, it will simply replenish your ammunition. Represented by a B shape. Time Extension - Extends the amount of time you have remaining by three minutes. Represented by a circular clock. Map - Gives you a map of the area. Represented by two pieces of paper next to each other. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SHOOT-EM-UP SEQUENCE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [HTPS] If you have played any other shoot-em-up then, in a nutshell, you should probably know how to play Silver Eagle. You take control of a fighter plane that can shoot regular bullets, use three special weapons, and let loose bombs. You will always have a single mobile enemy (with the exception of the first boss, which is stationary) that will use any one out of two or three attacks in the intent of harming you. In order to win, you have to dodge enough of the strikes that come your way to keep at least one life, while moving around and dealing enough damage to the enemy by attacking it on its weak point to destroy it. In regards to the bombs, whenever you use them, any projectiles launched by the enemy that are currently on-screen will be instantly destroyed. Hence, if you are ROMing and in a tight spot where you cannot dodge an attack, just use a bomb if you have a spare to destroy the attack. NOTE: Everything that you have at the end of a boss fight (amount of bombs, amount of lives, ammunition, etc. - the only exception is how many bars of life you have remaining) carries over into the next mission. D-Pad - Move around Start - Pauses game Select - Toggles between the four available weapons A - Shoots with your weapon B - Lets loose a bomb -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OTHER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [HTPO] There are a few notes to make that did not fit into the previous two sections. In the game's option mode (accessed from the title screen), you can choose to change the difficulty, Player, and S. Weapon. The difficulty changes the game's difficulty (Easy, Normal and Hard), which alters amount of enemies in the action sequence and how many hits a boss will take before dying during the shoot-em-up sequence. The Player option (3, 5, 7) changes how many lives that you have. S. Weapon changes the number of bombs that you can carry at any one time (throughout the walkthrough, I refer to the S. Weapons as bombs, and your Bazooka, Perforation Bullets and Machine Guns as special weapons - do not confuse the two with the official terms). CREDITS A couple of credits to make thanks to; First off, adaml off of the GameFAQs FAQ Contributor Board, for providing me with a copy of the Silver Eagle ROM (because, you know, the common sense of Googling for it actually did not work. That shot down my elaborate prank theory of somebody making up the existence of this game just to make poor saps like me suffer while trying to find a copy of it). Secondly, odino, from the same location - he sent me a scan of the game manual, which helped me understand what exactly was going on in the game in better detail. Definitely without the manual to look at, the process of writing this FAQ would have been a bit more difficult to do. _______________________________________________________________________________ Need help with something that's not in this FAQ? Got a comment to make? Find something wrong in this FAQ, or else just want to contribute something extra? Email me at darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com if you need any of these things. Just a warning note; if I recognize a question as something being asked in this FAQ, it's not getting answered. ;;ff LLKK.. ..WW##ii tt####LL DD####DD ii########ii LL########LL ..WW########EE ff############;; ..KK############ff ii##############DD GG################;; ;;WW################jj LLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWW####################KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKLL.. ,,GG###############################################################ii ..EE###########################################################EEttttii,, ttKK######################################################WWLL;;,,;;jjffjj;; ..ttKK################################################KKtt::::::::ttjjjjff ..ttKK##########################################LL::::::::::::::::::LL ;;LLKK####################################jj ::ii;;;;;;..;;ii;; ii;; ;ttGGKK##############################GG::::::::;;,,;;;;.. ..iiii iiii .ii############################KKtt iiii ;;;;;; .tt##########################WWtt tttt ;;, ::DD########################WWii ;; ,;;;; .;;;;WW############EE##########WW.. ;i;; ii;;jj############ff..GG##########;; .. ;;ii....LL##########GG.. ;;KK########;; ii.. 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