============================================================================== Snake's Revenge FAQ NES Version 1.0 Created by Sogetsu 2004 AD ============================================================================== _______ _ / _____/ ___ |/ / /____ __ _ __ / / _____ ____ /____ // | /// /\ / // /___ // __/ ______/ // /||/// /_\\ / /\\ /___/ _| | /_______//_/ |_//_/ \\/_/ \\/____//___/ ______ / __ / / /_/ / _____ _ _ _____ __ _ _____ _____ / _ __/ /___ /| | ///___ // | /// ___//___ / / / \\ /___/ | |///___/ / /||/// /_ //___/ /_/ \\/____/ |__//____//_/ |_//____//____/ \\ ============================================================================== Copyright Sogetsu 2004. This document is for private use only. This work may not be used for profits. This work may not be modified or plagiarized. ============================================================================== Contents: I - FAQ History II - Controls III - Weapons IV - Equipment V - Tips and Hints VI - Walkthrough VII - Password(s) VIII - Credits ============================================================================== I - FAQ History Version 1.0 - 09.04.2004 - First version ============================================================================== II - Controls Up - move up Down - move down Left - move left Right - move right B - punch, stab with knife A - fire currently equipped weapon, confirm command Select - bring up the menu, cancel command Start - start game, pause/resume game ============================================================================== III - Weapons Punch - the weakest weapon, regular guards need three hits to be killed. Sometimes enemies drop ammo and rations if killed with punch. Knife - you start with it. You can kill regular guards within one hit, but they don't drop stuff. Handgun - you start with it. Hndgun can fire one bullet at a time. A silencer may be attached to it. Shotgun - found in the second prison camp. It fires four bullets and has wide but short range. Grenade - hand grenades. You can throw two grenades at a time. A crosshair shows the place where a grenade will hit the ground. Mine - land mines. You can place three mines at a time. They explode if an enemy or you step on them. Mines disappear from the ground if you bring up the menu. Explosive - You can set one explosive at a time, and it explodes after a short while. It can damage you if you are too close. Explosives are used to blow up some walls (also in the side-scrolling stages). Explosives disappear if you bring up the menu. Machine Gun - it has wide range and continuous fire. Misile - remote control missiles. You can guide them with d-pad. You can't move while you controll missile. Claymore Mine - you can place one claymore mine at a time. Press A button when a mine is on the ground to fire it in the direction you face. Watch out not to hit yourself by these, they inflict quite qoode damage Flare - not really a weapon. Use flares to illuminate dark areas. ============================================================================== IV - Equipment Key Cards #1-#8 - use them to open doors. Armor Vest - when equipped, it reduces the damage you take. Food - rations restore your life. Truth Gas - use it on officers who claim that they don't know anything. Oxygen Tanks - allow you to breathe underwater. Mine Detector - allows you to discover positions of enemy mines. Powered Armor - allows you to push some heavy boulders. Optic Lens - allows you to see what is ahead without risking your life. X-Ray Lens - allows you to see walls that can be blown up. Hidden Mike - use it to decipher a message in the main base. Boots - with these, you can walk on electrified floor without taking damage. Night Site - allows you to see alarm lasers. Smoke Bomb - use it to blow up the door to the building with Metal Gear 2. Antenna - allows you to recieve calls in areas from the first prison camp onwards. Backpack - allows you to carry double amount of mines and missiles. Battery - replenishes battery power in your transciever. ============================================================================== V - Tips and Hints - Punch or knife? While you can kill most guards within one hit with your knife, it pays off to use your punch instead because enemies will drop ammo or rations sometimes. If you are short of rations and there is no place where you could find them, it is a good idea to keep reentering rooms with guards and hit them with punch. - Always stock up. When you rescue POWs or use truth gas on officers, your rank goes up. Higher rank means that you have more life and you can carry more items with you. If you find a place with rations, ammo, mines, etc. you can exit and reenter and the item will be there again. Make sure that you can always have maximum amount of stuff (if possible). - Take the advantage of the checkpoins. Whenever you get to a new place and die, you will usually start from the entrance of that place. It also applies to floors in buildings - entering and exiting elevators makes the game remember all your stuff you have when you exit an elevator. Sometimes it's a good idea to enter and exit an elevator after you complete some part of your mission - when you die you will not have to start over. Sometimes it pays off to die on purpose, for instance you get to a new place with one live bar and one ration. Instead of wasting your ration you can die and you will start over with full life and saved ration. (I hope this explanation isn't confusing) ============================================================================== VI - Walkthrough ------ Jungle ------ You start by landing in the jungle with your two companions, then the three of you run in different directions and Snake is left by himself. As soon as you're alone you get a call from the pilot with instructions that your mission is to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold and that you must get information from your co-workers. Head along the path (probably you'll be discovered and attacked by enemies, they will shoot at you so don't hesitate to use uoyr gun) until you get another call. This time it's bad news. You went into the enemy's air space and the pilot can't help you anymore. Head south, you'll find yourself at an intersection. Dodging the spotlights go west then south. Stock up with rations and go north as far as you can at the intersection this time andrescue the POW. Head south, east, twice north and then east and north to find the second POW. Rescue him and go back south three times. At the intersection go east and north, you'll find ammo and get a call from Johnwith instructions to hide at the main gate. Now go south, make sure you won't get noticed by the enemy, hug the south wall and go east. You'll get another call from John. He let the enemy caught him on purpose making you the way into the building. ------------------------ 1st Building - 1st floor ------------------------ NOTE: From this point of the game you'll have to use key cards to open doors so 'go to the room (#1)' or 'walk through the door (#3)' means that in order to get to the room or past the door you have to use the particular card, in this case card #1 and #3 respectively. Once in the building, go south two times and get KEY CARD #1 from the opened room. Now go back and once yo're on the other side of the wall, go east and to the room (#1). The POW inside will tell you about truth gas. Now go east twice and get KEY CARD #2 from the room (#1). Go back all the way to the starting point and past the door (#1). Behind the door to the west (#1) you'll appear back in the jungle. Grab the SILENCER and go back to the building. Go north (#2) and stock up with the TRUTH GAS. Now go north from the place where you found key card #2. In the room to the right (#2) you'll find a soldier. Use truth gas on him (equip it in the menu and talk to the soldier). Rescue the POW in the room to the left (#1) and go west and to the elevator. Take the elevator down. --------------------------------- 1st Building - 1st floor basement --------------------------------- Take the right path and follow it. In the room (#1) use truth gas on soldier. Go back to the elevator and take left path this time. In the bottom room (#2) you will find SUB-MACHINE GUN and in the top room (#1) you will find PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES. Take the right path leading north and get OXYGEN TANKS from the gas filled room (#1). Make sure that your life bar is full before you enter. Now go back and take left path. Go through the door (#1) and further north. From the room with cameras take the right path south and get AMMO and GRENADES from the room (#2). Now go east from the room with cameras. You will find yourself in a room with more cameras and an elevator. Take the elevator down. --------------------------------- 1st Building - 2nd floor basement --------------------------------- Before you proceed, make sure you have 6 rations. The upcoming boss fight will be pretty hard. Go through the door (#2) and you will enter a side-scrolling stage. Just go stright forward, eliminate guards and use your oxygen tanks to get past flooded parts of the corridor. Eventually you will appear in a boss room. You have to defeat five guys who charge at you. They are hard to dodge. As soon as you enter, equip machine gun and take one guy at a time. If you run out of ammo, use hand gun. And of course keep your life up. After you defeat the boss, go through the door. You will fin yourself in a room with two guards and an elevator. Take the elevator up. In the room where the door is blocked, use five explosives to destroy the blocks and use key card #2 to open the door. ---- Ship ---- Once outside the building, you get a call from Nick who tells you that John is being held hostage on the ship. Proceed north and get on the ship. On the ship first go west and get TRUTH GAS from the room (#2). Now go back and head east this time. Go through the door (#2) and rescue the POW in the room you see (#2). Now go east, you can stock up with GRENADES in the room to the east (#1) if you need to. Go north, in the room (#1) use truth gas on the officer. Now go west and through the door (#2). To the north there is a room with PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES, stock up with them as well as with truth gas and take the elevator which is situated near the starting point down one floor. Go east then north. You will get a call from the pilot. Go west and take the FLARE GUN from the room (#2). Go east twice, stock up with CLAYMORE MINES in the room to the south (#2) and prepare for the boss battle in the room to the north (#1). This battle is not as hard as the first one, you just have to run a lot. This time three guys sit in holes and throw grenades at you. Defeat them by their own weapon. Throw grenades at the middle guy and ether left or right one. Each guy needs 6 grenades. After you defeat two of them you should have three grenades left. Throw them at the remaining enemy and finish him with three claymore mines (you have to place them behind the barricades). When the boss is finished the door to the right will open. Get KEY CARD #3 and exit. Refill your claymore mines supply and go west and south. Grab the MINE DETECTOR from the room (#3) and go back on the deck of the ship. Go north and get FLARE BOMBS from the room (#2). Go back to the elevator and take it to the bottom floor. Go through the door (#3) and use the flare gun. Avoid the robots and go east. Use the flare gun again and enter the rrom (#3). Here use explosives on the cargo, after Snake escapes from the cargo room you get a call from the pilot who tells you to climb up the deck and use the radar. Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up! Once on the deck, look at the radar. It shows you the place where you have to run - it's the screen with the boss room. Once there, you are safe an you have accomplished the current mission, you have destroyed Metal Gear 1 that was in the ship. However there exists Metal Gear 2, your mission is not finished yet. ----------------- First prison camp ----------------- This place is full of mines, so equip your mine detector and head north three times. Take GRENADES and BATTERY from the room (#3) and head north. Stock up with REMOTE CONTROLL MISSILES and RATIONS in the room to the west (#1) and rescue the POW in the room to the north (#1). Go east and south and get EXPLOSIVES from the room (#2). If you go south and west, you will get a call from the pilot with a hint that there is a secret entrance on the ground. Go to the far north-east screen, stock up with OXYGEN TANKS in the room (#2) and destroy the most left yellow sand bags (or whatever it is) with remote missile. Watch out because when you destroy it, there will be a soldier poking out of the hole and launching missiles at you. Kill him with three missiles and enter the hole. Now you are in a side-scrolling area. Don't go left or you will end up on the screen where you get a call from the pilot next to the door you couldn't open. Go right. Blow up the walls that block the way with explosives (to use an explosive you have to equip your hand gun and fire while crawling). Watch out especially for the cameras and weird devices floating on the water. If you get caught, they will emitt electricity into the water, moreover there will be bombs falling from the roof, so be careful. When you exit the side-scrolling area, you will find yourself in a room with OXYGEN TANKS. Stock up with them and take the elevator up. You will get a call from John outside. Go north and get on the train to the left. ----- Train ----- As soon as you enter the train it will move and you will get a call from John. Watch out, he says there are no traps on the train, in fact it is full of them. Get through the first car by opening door by the key card #3 and avoiding electrified floor on the second and third screen. Between evere car you have to get through swaying coupler, if you fall of it you are dead. In the second car you get another call from John, who has already started to act suspicious and if you remember, one of the POWs you rescued warned you about John. In the room (#1) you will find some GRENADES. On the next screen do not enter the first door (#2) or you will get trapped inside and have to fight a hard enemy. In the second room (#1) you will find ammo, but wath out for the pitfall, hug the norther wall, so you won't die. On the third screen the room (#2) contains another enemy, so don't enter it. In the third car enter the first room (#3) and grab the X-RAY CAMERA. There is a room on the third screen but you can't open it yet. In the fourth car go past the electrified floor and rescue the POW in the room (#3) on the next screen. On the last screen there are two rooms. In the firs one (#3) there is KEY CARD #4 and a pitfall, you have to go along the southern wall to avoid it. In the second room (#1) there is an officer, but he won't tell you anything even if you use truth gas on him (looks like this one really doesn't know anything, lol). Now go back to the third car and open the door you couldn't open before using key card #4. First things first, there is a pitfall in the room, hug the northern wall to avoid it. Now untie the guy who looks like a POW. When you touch him he will take some of your health, and reveal that he isn't really John Turner, but a spy. Can you hear the boss theme? Prepare for a fight! The boss uses claymore mines and it hurts. The quickest way to kill him is to stay between the northern wall and the pitfall and throw grenades at the him. You will lose life so make sure that you are stocked up with rations to refill your life. When you beat the boss he will drop a POWERED ARMOR. Pick it up and get of the train by jumping off the coupler (Snake's Revenge paradox - you have to jump off the coupler, but if you try to walk into the pitfall you will die. Looks like they have the bottomless pits on the train.). ------------------ Second prison camp ------------------ Once outside the train, you get a call from Nick. Go north and take EXPLOSIVES from the room (#4). Go north again and take OXYGEN TANKS from the room. Now go south and west. Equip the powered armor and explosives. Push the boulder and set the explosives in the middle of the upper wall to make a passage. Rescue the POW in the room (#1) and go north. Kill the soldiers and blow up the small patch of the upper wall to the left. Go north and blow up the right wall. Go east and take the TELECOPE from the upper room (#2). Equip powered armor and push the lower boulder. Go south and rescue the POW in the room (#2). Go back and enter the room to the right (#3). Inside wait for a moving platform and go through the door to the left. Go north, take the SHOTGUN from the room (#4) and go back to the room with moving platforms. Now get to the upper right door (#3). Blow up two vertical walls and go south. Get CLAYMORE MINES from the left room (#4), you can't open the right room. Blow up the sandbags and enter another side-scrolling stage. Don't go left or you will go back to the screen with the sand bags, go right. It's good to crawl all the way. When you crawl, the guards can't see you and if you get caught they can't shoot you because they can only shoot stright forward! Past the side-scrolling stage there is an elevator leading to another section of the prison camp. Push the boulder with powered armor and go west. Here you get the first call from Jennifer who informs you that she is in the main base and has some important info for you. You can stock up with AMMUNITION in the room (#1). Go south, east, south, north and stock up with MINES in the room to the left (#2), the door to the right can't be opened. Blow up the upper left wall and go north. Enter another room with moving platforms (#3). Get to the bottom left door (#3), blow up the sandbags outside and jump into the hole to another side- scrolling stage. If you go left, you will end up on the screen with the room with mines so go right instead. Once outside open the other door (#4) and beat the boss - tank. To destroy the tank, you have to place 18 mines. This fight is hard because the tank can kill you within one shot from its cannon or by just simply running over you, but it can be very easy if you know what to do. Once you enter the tank area, go quickly to the narrow space between the rails on the bridge, turn left and when the tank arrives, start placing mines like crazy. Wait a couple of seconds and do the same on the next screen. If the tank is still alive, wait for it and finish it with mines. However, there is a little chance that the tank will shoot you, but fortunately you will start next to the tank area if you die. When the tank is destroyed, go north to the second building. ------------ 2nd Building ------------ From the entrance go east and north. Take TRUTH GAS from the room (#2) and go west. Get the INFRARED GOGGLES from the room (#2) and go back east and south and get into the elevator. Take the elevator up. Equip infrared goggles, get past the lasers and jump onto the carriage to get to the third building. ------------ 3rd Building ------------ Get past the lasers and take the elevator down. Go west and north and use truth gas on the officer in the room (#1). Go east and south and rescue the POW in the room (#3) then go north and take KEY CARD #6 and stock up with the ANTIDOTE in the room (#3). Now go back to the roof and jump onto another carriage. ------------ 4th building ------------ Again get past the lasers and take the elevator down. Go west and save the POW in the room (#2). Go north and east and get the HIGH SENSITIVITY ANTENNA from the room (#4). Use the bottom door in the room, go back to the roof and jump onto another carriage. ------------ 5th building ------------ This time there are no lasers. Open the door using key card #6. Go east and north, here you get a call from Jennifer. There is also a room here (#3), use truth gas on the officer inside. Go north and west and take the elevator down one floor. On the second floor go south and rescue the POW in the room (#4) but watch out for the pitfall, hug the southern wall to avoid it. Go east and stock up with EXPLOSIVES in the room (#1). Go north and stock up with OXYGEN TANKS in the room (#2) then go back to the elevator and take it down. Here go to the top door first and get past a side-scrolling stage. Equip x-ray lens to see the wall that can be blown up. Go north through the narrow path by the wall and go around to take the AMMO, KEY CARD #5 and BOOTS, don't go near the centre of the room because there are pitfalls. Stock up with ammo and go back to the room with the three doors. This time take the door to the left. Get past another horrible side-scrolling stage and equip your boots so that you will not take damake from the electrified floor. Take the elevator up. Go west, take the BULLET PROOF JACKET from the room (#5) then go north and get HIDDEN MICROPHONE from the room (#4) then go east and stock up with TRUTH GAS in the room (#5) and go back to the room with the three doors. Before you take the right door, go back and stock up with OXYGEN TANKS, you will need them. Get past the side-scrolling stage to the main base and take the elevator up one floor. ------------------------- The Main Base - 2nd floor ------------------------- Recieve the call from Jennifer and stock up with FLARES in the room (#6). Go south and use truth gas on the officer in the room (#5). Go south, then take the middle path and go north twice and stock up with GRENADES in the room (#4). Take the left path south, then go west and rescue the POW in the room (#2). Go south, watch out for the pitfall in the centre and get KEY CARD #7 from the room (#4). Don't go south or you will fall into the pitfall, go back to the elevator and take it up. ------------------------- The Main Base - 3rd floor ------------------------- Recieve the call from Jennifer and go west. Push the boulder using the powered armor and stock up with EXPLOSIVES in the room (#7) then go south. Watch out, this place is filled with pitfalls, use the flare gun or equip night vision goggles and go along the wall to the room (#4), inside go along the southrn wall to avoid the pitfall and rescue the POW. Now go east, but hug the southern wall, then turn north by the vertical crates and go east below the crates to the right. Here use the flare and go along the northern wall to the room (#2), where use truth gas on the officer. Now go to the northern wall and head south just by the left side of the crate to avoid the pitfalls. Enter the room with the moving platforms (#5) and go to the upper right door first. Here you can stock up with RATIONS and rescue the POW in the room (#2), hug the northern wall to avoid the pitfall. Now go to the bottom rught door then use key card #6 to get to the room filled with gas. Blow up the blocks and use key card #7 to open the door. Go west, there is a POW in the room (#4) but he explodes when you save him, so don't do that. Equip your boots and get past the electrified floor on the next screen. Keep going north (watch out for the poisonous spears - use antidote if you get hurt) and take BACKPACK and EXPLOSIVES from the room (#7). Go back to the screen with the room with exploding POW and use the x-ray lens to see the wall that can be blown up. Go north and do the same, then go to the room (#7). Inside use the hidden mike to learn about the weak spot of the commander. Exit the room then go west and follow the path to the elevator. Take the elevator down. ------------------------- The Main Base - 2nd floor ------------------------- Run all the way down through the rooms with statues that launch homing missiles at you and guys with claymores (equip your bullet-proof vest to reduce the damage) and to the east. There is an exploding POW in the room (#6). Go west and use key card #6 to open the door. Inside blow up the blocks and use key card (#1) to open the door. Go south, west and north taking the left path. Stock up with AMMUNITION and CLAYMORE MINES in the room (#7), go north and stock up with MINES in the room (#7) then go north to the elevator. Take the elevator to the fourth floor. ------------------------- The Main Base - 4th floor ------------------------- Go east, you get a call from Nick. Take the right path south and take the SMOKE BOMB from the room (#7). Go south then west and stock up with MISSILES in the room (#6). Now go east and take the left path north and go to the room (#4). Inside you will find KEY CARD #8 and dying Nick. Go back to the elevator an take it to the top floor. ------------------------- The Main Base - 5th floor ------------------------- Go east, then north and open the door. Now you will find yourself in the place where you will fight the last boss in a moment. Go west and use key card #3 to open the left door then use key card #4 to open the top door and use key card #5 to open the top door. First you have to fight Big Boss in his human form. Stuff him with lead (about 50 bullets) and he will change form. Now go back to the big room where I told you will fight the boss and place mines which he has to step on. Urfotunately, you can't use the same tactic as for the tank - if you place the mines uder him when he stays in the place, it will not work. And don't forget to equip bullet proof vest to reduce the damake taken. When the boss is dead, go to the room where you fought his human form and open the door on the right wall. Untie Jennifer and go through the top door. Jump onto a carriage. When you are on the next roof, recieve the call from the pilot and use the smoke bomb to get inside the building. Use key card #7 to open the door. Here, first take the middle path and follow it to the intersection, then take the left path. At the end use key card #8 to enter the room with Metal Gear 2 inside. To destroy it you have to launch missiles and lead them through the red narrow corridor and hit the yellow pulsating spot on Metal Gear 2. ============================================================================== VII - Password(s) Here's the final password for this game: 6!!DH K8#!! TB5W 94VD 7G9V MH.2 VXL8 1H You start at the beginningh of the 5th building with six stars and the following equipment: 170 Handgun 170 Machine Gun 27 Shotgun 22 Missile 22 Grenade 15 Claymore 20 Mine 20 Flare 20 Explosive Silencer Card #1-#8 X-Ray Lens Armor Vest Hidden Mike 10 Food Boots 03 Truth Gas Night Site 10 Antidote Smoke Bomb Mine Detector Antenna Powered Armor Backpack Optic Lens Battery ============================================================================== VIII - Credits God - The Creator of all, for everything Jesus Christ - my Lord and Saviour Nintendo - for FC/NES - one of the best game systems Konami - for the actual Metal Gear series Hideo Kojima - for excluding this game from the official series (LOL) ============================================================================== This document copyright Sogetsu © 2004