Spiritual Warfare NES Boss FAQ v1.1 by Stephen Maiorana (RoyalRanger) E-mail: RoyalRanger@safeplace.net AIM: RoyalRanger85 RoyalRanger's NES Site: http://www.geocities.com/nessite/ Last Update: 3-1-01 Update History: 3-1-01 - Updated E-mail and legal information. 12-21-00 - First version finished. ---------- CONTENTS ---------- Boss 1: Fight for Belt of Truth Boss 2: Fight for Breastplate of Righteousness Boss 3: Fight for Boots of the Gospel Boss 4: Fight for Helmet of Salvation Boss 5: Fight for Sword of the Spirit Boss 6: Fight for Shield of Faith Boss 7: Final Boss Final Notes --------------------------------- Boss 1: Fight for Belt of Truth --------------------------------- Location: Underground in the Park area. This guy will move all around the screen while hiding behind a rock and releasing demons at you. To defeat him, you have to hit him with a fruit when he pops his head up from behind the rock. It's easiest to do this when you blow away as many of the obstacles in the room as you possibly can with your vials(bombs). This clears up space so you have more room to try to hit the enemy. ------------------------------------------------ Boss 2: Fight for Breastplate of Righteousness ------------------------------------------------ Location: Behind a locked door in a building in the Downtown area. This guy will run around the screen while the maze-like blocks constantly keep changing. To defeat him, you must blow him up with three vials(bombs), not all at the same time necessarily. The best way to do this is to find one spot where the enemy runs by a lot. Stay there and lay a vial when he is nearby. As soon as he is next to the vial, shoot the vial with a fruit. Stay in the same spot and do this two more times to defeat him. --------------------------------------- Boss 3: Fight for Boots of the Gospel --------------------------------------- Location: Behind a locked door in the Warehouse area. This guy will run around the top of the screen and drop slowly descending bombs at you. These bomb will attempt to follow you back and forth as you move along the bottom of the screen To defeat this enemy, try to lead the bombs into the glowing parts of the wall by moving along the bottom of the screen as the bomb follows you. Continue to do this until the enemy runs away and doesn't come back. Use the newly-made path in the wall to get to the top of the screen, where the door is. If a piece of the path is blocked by part of the wall, use a vial to destroy it. Not all parts of the wall are destroyable; so if part of a wall in a path doesn't disappear, try to get up to the top another way. --------------------------------------- Boss 4: Fight for Helmet of Salvation --------------------------------------- Location: In a cave in the Forest area. Note - You need Samson's Jawbone to defeat this boss. Samson's jawbone can be found in the Shipyard area. This guy will have a line of ammunition to the side of the screen and will throw those cherry bombs at you one at a time. To defeat this boss, hit one of his bombs with Samson's Jawbone when he throws it at you. This will create a hole in the wall blocking the cherry bombs. Stay in the same spot. Keep hitting his cherry bombs with the jawbone when he throws the bombs at you. Eventually, the enemy's ammunition will run out and the guy will run away. --------------------------------------- Boss 5: Fight for Sword of the Spirit --------------------------------------- Location: In a hidden door in the Beach area. This guy will run around the top of the screen and drop balloons at you. Use your vials to find a ladder that leads to the next highest platform. Beware of the people running around shooting barrels; they can be destroyed by pushing a barrel into them. Use your vials to find a ladder leading to the next highest platform. Continue this until you are on the top platform, where you must try to hit the white-shirted enemy with a vial. The enemy will disappear and reappear on a different platform. Hit him with another vial. Do this one more time to make him disappear for good. Go to the door at the top of the screen. ----------------------------------- Boss 6: Fight for Shield of Faith ----------------------------------- Location: The Demon Stronghold in the Prison area. This enemy will be a demon flying around at the top of the screen. To defeat this guy, hit him with the sword to make him turn green and very quickly hit him again before the demon turns red again. The best way to do this is to climb the ladders to get to the top of the platform; when you are up there, position yourself as close to the center of the screen as possible without being in the way of the falling fire. It will now be easier to quickly shoot the demon twice with your sword. -------------------- Boss 7: Final Boss -------------------- Location: In the Demon Stronghold in the Prison area. This huge demon will be separated from you by a lava river. Watch out for the small demons this guy throws. Use your sword to temporarily stop this enemy's rock shield. When the big demon laughs, hit him with a fruit. Do this six more times to win. ------------- Final Notes ------------- This guide may be used for personal use ONLY. Do not alter this document in any way or post it on any other website without first attaining my permission. Do not sell or take credit for this document. If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail me at RoyalRanger@safeplace.net Copyright 2001 Stephen Maiorana