-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spot: The Video Game FAQ NES 1990 Version: 1.0 BASICS =============================================================================== Use SELECT or the D-Pad to cycle between the options. Press START to select an option. During the game, use it to pause the game. During the game, use the A-Button to select and move Spot. Options: ```````` Under options you can select who is playing, a real person or CPU with the appropriate difficulty and what kind of timer they have. Press B to add and remove players. Press A to select the player type and difficulty and set the timer. Choose between No Timer, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds or 30 seconds. Difficulty ranges from 1 to 5, 5 being the hardest. Screen: ``````` ___________________ |xx|@ @ @ @ @ @ @|xx| ¯¯|@ @ @ @ @ @ @|¯¯ |@ @ @ @ @ @ @| |@ @ @ @ @ @ @| |@ @ @ @ @ @ @| __|@ @ @ @ @ @ @|__ |xx|@ @ @ @ @ @ @|xx| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The @ represent the panels on the board, which can of course be modified to be empty under Edit Mode. xx is the current number of Spots the player has on the board at the current time. If there are less than four players, they will not be displayed on all corners. Gameplay =============================================================================== The goal of Spot: ````````````````` The aim of the game is to have the most Spots on the board when there are no more moves left. You can either multiply enough of your color to take over the area, but also can surround some space to make it impossible for the other person to get there. However, it is possible to turn the opponents' Spots by moving one of yours next to it. The game is also finished when only one color remains on the board, in other words all other players have no more pieces left. Moving Spot: ```````````` Select the Spot you want to move around and then move to the desired position. You can move to anywhere exactly two spot away the current position in either direction, left, right, top, bottom and diagonally. You can also jump over yours or an opponents' piece. Multiplying Spot: ````````````````` To increase the number of Spots of your color, simply move one spot away from the current position. This includes left, right, top, bottom and diagonally. Instead of moving, the Spot will duplicate itself and you will end up with one extra piece on the board. Winning in Spot: ```````````````` You can start taking as many tiles by multiplying Spot. At the same time you want to watch out for the opponents movements on the board. Take over pieces if you get the chance, but don't fall for tricks top open up a strategic move. @@@ @x@# @@@ If # would be the opponent's piece, a jump to x would result in a massive advantage by gaining all the pieces surrounding it. Bonus: `````` Sometimes you get a bonus game that plays like a slot machine. Get 3 Spots or 3 Cherries in a row to move again. Edit Board: ``````````` You can edit the board to your liking by removing and adding panels on the board for more variety in gameplay. Use the A-Button to do so, and use the B- Button to get a pre-set board setting you can still choose to modify afterwards. Easter Egg =============================================================================== Directly from the GameFAQs Cheat Codes & Secrets Page: "Here's a neat little Easter Egg that was told to me by Graeme Devine, who co-wrote the game. Set all four players to AI level 5, and just sit back and let the Nes play against itself. Once the game is over, the ending cinema will display the credits instead of the usual ''(color) Wins!''" [Skrybe] =============================================================================== This guide is available for and to anyone who wishes to use the information on their site or in their own guide. Remember this was posted on GameFAQs first if you want to copy and credit anything. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-