=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAMICOM STAR WARS (1987) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Guide/Walkthrough V1.0 - Completed 6/19/03 Written and maintained by Adam Lamontagne Copyright ©2003 Adam Lamontagne (alamont1@maine.rr.com) An 8-bit Famicom game published by Namco ©1987. All trademarks owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. ©1987. All rights reserved. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TABLE OF CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. Revision History II. Introduction III. Story IV. Main Characters V. Controls VI. Icons VII. Walkthrough A. Stage 1...Tatooine 1. Moisture Farm 2. Sand Crawler 3. Guardian 4. Outside Sand Crawler B. Stage 2...Aboard the Falcon C. Stage 3...Planet of Doom 1. Caverns 2. Temple 3. Guardian 4. Find Obi-Wan 5. Temple Getaway D. Stage 4...In Search of C-3PO E. Stage 5...Water World 1. Go For a Swim 2. Guardian F. Stage 6...To the Death Star G. Stage 7...Inside the Death Star 1. Find the Princess 2. Garbage Masher and Escape 3. Guardian H. Stage 8...Fleeing the Death Star I. Stage 9...Hoth 1. Through the Cold 2. Whale Ride 3. Echo Base 4. Guardian J. Stage 10...Destination: Yavin K. Stage 11...On Yavin's Moon 1. The Rescue of Han 2. Yavin Escape 3. Stone Temple Pilot 4. Guardian L. Stage 12...Death Star Approach M. Stage 13...Assault on the Death Star N. Epilogue VIII. Game Enhancement IX. Help Wanted X. Disclaimer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. REVISION HISTORY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6/19/03: v1.0 -First version submitted to gamefaqs.com and vgstrategies.about.com -Finished the Walkthrough section. -Added Introduction section. -Added Story section. -Added Main Characters section. -Added Controls section. -Added info to Icons section. -Added Game Enhancement section. -Added Help Wanted section. 6/16/03: v0.5 -Finished Death Star portion of walkthrough. -Added info to Icons section. 6/13/03: v0.2 -Worked on a lot of the walkthrough (up to Death Star). -Added Disclaimer. -Added Icons section. [NOTE: All of my revisions up to 1.0 are based roughly on about what percentage of the FAQ/Walkthrough I think is completed. When I finish all the sections and consider the FAQ/Walkthrough complete, that will be version 1.0. Any small updates after that will raise the version 0.1 points and any major update that really shakes things up will raise the version 1.0 points.] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Many people outside of Japan do not know this game exists. Namco published it in 1987 for the Famicom and the game never got a US NES release. Instead we had to wait a few years for a different version of Star Wars which was released by JVC. The Namco version is a completely different game. This game only loosely follows the movie. I guess you could look at it as a "What would have happened if..." version of Star Wars. Not only is Luke's hair black (Han's is blond at one point too!), but you'll run into such oddities as Vader appearing in a Jawa Sand Crawler, having to rescue Han late in the game, though you've been flying his ship around, and also a little side visit to Hoth. The game is pretty difficult and unforgiving too. There are no continues, so once your lives are spent that is it. No passwords or battery back-up do not make things any easier. Your best bet is to play it on an emulator. Not only can you save your progress if you feel like taking a break, but there are some really difficult "Ninja Gaiden-esque" type jumps you have to make later in the game. All in all, I consider it a pretty solid game, especially considering it came out in 1987. Since the text is in Japanese, there are probably a few things I am missing out on, but I've pretty much figured out what you need to do to succeed in the game. As always, if you find anything I have left out or can even translate any of the dialogue between characters, I would greatly appreciate any and all info and will create a special "Acknowledgements" section just for you. =-=-=-=-=-= III. STORY =-=-=-=-=-= If you are not familiar with the Star Wars story you might as well crawl back under your rock. Though Episodes 1 & 2 have not nearly lived up to the original trilogy, Star Wars is probably the most familiar space story of all. Trekkies will probably refute this, but in my opinion I believe it to be true. If you want the full story to Star Wars, get the movie. If you want the story according to this game, just read through the walkthrough, as it goes off on several tangents, some of which have nothing to do with the movies. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. MAIN CHARACTERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LUKE SKYWALKER Contrary to popular belief, Luke did not achieve his fame as a member of 2 Live Crew. He is the son of Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader) and is the main character in this game. Even though he is blond, he died his hair black for the action sequences in this game. R2-D2 The little droid will be of great value to you in the game. Don't let his diminutive stature fool you...he's a life saver. BEN "OBI-WAN" KENOBI Luke's mentor. He will offer "assistance" during your battle with Vader. C-3PO He's a chatterbox and best friend of R2-D2. Don't overlook C-3PO's usefulness and knowledge of different forms of communication. PRINCESS LEIA You must rescue her from the Death Star. She is later revealed to be Luke's sister, though it's kind of sick to think he had a crush on her at one point. CHEWBACCA He owes Han Solo a life debt for saving him years ago and has since paid it off multiple times over, but chooses to stay with the smuggler out of friendship. As hairy as they come. HAN SOLO Everyones favorite smuggler. You get to fly around in his ship for most of the game...perhaps Lando Calrissian is actually piloting it. DARTH VADER You will fight many incarnations of Darth Vader throughout the game. He definitely makes his presence felt wherever you go. If you lose all your lives you get to hear his familiar breathing... =-=-=-=-=-= V. CONTROLS =-=-=-=-=-= CONTROLLER ----------------------- | | | + | | +++++ (*) (*) | | + B A | | D | ----------------------- ======================================== D: Directional Pad (Up,Down,Left,Right) B: Button B A: Button A START: Brings up the Sub Screen SELECT: No Use ======================================== Normal Stages: B: Swing Lightaber; Fire Blaster A: Jump Down: Climb down ladders; Crouch Up: Climb up ladders In the Water: B: Swing Lightsaber A: no use Millenium Falcon/X-Wing Stages: B: Fires Cannons A: Activates Shields =-=-=-=-= VI. ICONS =-=-=-=-= You can collect a maximum of 99 Diamonds Small Diamonds=1 Large Diamonds=2 King-Sized Diamonds=10 Press Start to bring up the subscreen. As you collect Diamonds you will be able to access special abilities from the subscreen. Collect 5 Diamonds and the FLEET ICON will appear. Select it to run faster. Collect 10 Diamonds and the HOURGLASS ICON will also appear. Select it to stop enemies for a limited time. Be warned that once you use an Icon your Diamond count goes back to 0 and you have to start collecting them all over again. DIAMONDS ICON ABILITY ======== ==== ======= 5 FLEET Luke runs faster 10 HOURGLASS Stops enemies for a limited time 15 LIGHTSABER Shoot lasers for a limited time 20 LIGHTNING Destroys enemies that are on the screen 25 BLUE SPHERE Makes you temporarily invincible 30 WINGS Hold down A to levitate 35 WARP This warps you backwards in the level Other ICONS you will earn along the way without having to collect Diamonds: ICON HOW ACQUIRED USE ==== ============ ======= R2-D2 Rescued from Sand Crawler In Garbage Masher OBI-WAN Rescued from Temple Against Vader in Death Star, Yavin C3PO Rescued from Water World To Get Past Guard on Ice Planet, Get a ride from a whale LEIA Rescued from Death Star Slow down the Wampa? CHEWIE Rescued from Hoth Opens a door on Yavin HAN SOLO Rescued on Yavin ??? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. WALKTHROUGH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [NOTE: The game is being played on PRO MISSION difficulty level] The following will help you make your way through the game. Playing through the first stage will lead you to believe that this is a pretty straight forward action game. Not quite. There are several areas where you have multiple paths to choose from. Follow this walkthrough and it will lead you straight to the end of the game. ===================== A. STAGE 1...Tatooine ===================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Moisture Farm -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You get the CUT SCENE of Luke watching R2-D2's holographic message from Princess Leia. The stage starts with Luke watching 2 Jawas lug R2-D2 away from your moisture farm. You must now chase after them. Move to the right, killing several small enemies to get small and large Diamonds, which will enable you to receive icons that bestow powers upon you (see ICONS section). Continue right, killing Tusken Raiders along the way. After you dispatch of them you are close to the Sandcrawler. Proceed slowly, as sinkholes will appear in the ground. After you jump over the 2nd sinkhole a Stormtrooper will appear. Wait until he shoots at you, then jump over his shot and the last sinkhole and quickly slash him down with your lightsaber. Move to the right and jump into the Sandcrawler. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Sandcrawler -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Start by killing the 2 small enemies, then take out the Stormtrooper at the top and go to the right to the next screen. Stay on the ledge and wait for the bird to come to you. Kill it, then drop down to the bottom and destroy the small enemy. You are safe from the cannon down here, so destroy the wall to the left and snatch up the 1-UP! Now stand behind the wall that is guarding you from the cannon's shots. Wait for the cannon to fire then jump the wall and stand right on the other side of it. Wait for the cannon to fire again, then jump over the shot and over to the ladder above the cannon, where it cannot harm you. Proceed up the ladder to the next screen where you... ...battle Darth Vader!?! Inside a Sandcrawler?? -=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Guardian -=-=-=-=-=-=- You find yourself in a small room with Vader. Don't worry, it isn't what you think. After a few words he will slowly come at you. Approach him and slash him with your light saber once to reveal his true form: a Scorpion. The Scorpion is really easy to beat. Just wait for it to get near you and hit it with your saber. About 4 hits will finish it off and reward you with a king-sized Diamond. With the Scorpion defeated, head to the left screen where R2 is being held in a force field by the Jawas. Slash the force field with your light saber to knock it down and enter to rescue R2. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. Outside Sand Crawler -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Once R2 is rescued and you are outside the Sand Crawler, you have a choice of traveling by Land Speeder or by foot. Land Speeder is definitely the way to go. You will see its ICON right outside the Sand Crawler. Grab it and you will instantly be in control of the Speeder. Enemies and their weapons will not hurt you while you are in the Speeder, but you must be sure to hit the A Button to jump over obstacles in the way. Proceed to the right, jumping over only a few obstacles and eventually you will reach the Mos Eisley Cantina, where you automatically board the Millenium Falcon and blast off into space (nothing like condensing things a bit here). ============================== B. Stage 2...Aboard the Falcon ============================== You are now at the helm of the Millenium Falcon. Obi-Wan Kenobi speaks to you (translation?) and you are off. The B Button fires your guns. The A Button activates your shields. You only have 3 shields, so only use them when the green globe that the TIE Fighters fire at you are about to hit you. The only thing of value I can offer you for this stage is to keep moving, avoid enemy firepower and pound away at the TIEs. Just keep pounding away and eventually enough time will pass and the TIE's will stop. You will approach a planet, which wasn't a scheduled stop for our heroes in the movie, but perhaps Lucas didn't show us everything... =========================== C. Stage 3...Planet of Doom =========================== -=-=-=-=-=- 1. Caverns -=-=-=-=-=- Start by killing the frog-like creatures, then the bird, then hop across a gap via platform and you will now have to climb upwards. Climb the first vine then dispose of the lizard. Then jump to the single block over on the left. From there, jump to the right and slash the weird looking grey block with your light saber while jumping. You should dispose of the block and land on that platform. Climb the vine and you will see a BLASTER ICON behind some blocks. Smash the blocks with your light saber and collect the ICON to now own a Blaster. [NOTE: You only have the Blaster for your current life. Once you die, you go back to the Light Saber] Shoot the blocks above where you got the Blaster and jump up on the block with the face in it. Skillfully work your way up and you will come out of the canyon. Go right and there will be a statue shooting fireballs at you. Stand on the ledge one level down from the statue and the moment it shoots jump up and run over to the ledge that is right above and in front of the statue. It cannot harm you here. Climb up a couple platforms and you will see a statue on the edge to the right, with a shooting statue to the right of it. Time your jump to land between the statues, duck the fireball and jump over on top of the shooting statue where it cannot harm you. Blast through the gray bricks to your right and continue upwards. Work your way up carefully, avoiding the shots from the wall cannons, making sure you stay in a safe place to study the cannons before you make your next move. When you reach the top, head to the right. Dispatch of the Stormtroopers as you go and continue right until you reach the Temple. -=-=-=-=-=- 2. Temple -=-=-=-=-=- Obi-Wan is being held captive in the Temple. Before capturing you must defeat the guardian of the Temple. Start by jumping across the gaps, avoiding fire from the mounted cannon on the wall, and move into the room on the right. In this room, drop down to the floor and shoot out the gray blocks. Watch the pattern of the rotating fireball and go shoot out the blocks on the other side of the ladder so you can pass to the right side of the screen (DO NOT go down the ladder yet). Work your way up to the top of the screen. At the top, stand under the gap in the ceiling and jump up into the next screen. Upon jumping into this screen, you should grab onto the ladder. There is an object flying around pretty fast that you want to avoid. Just stay on the ladder and eventually it will bound into the hole in the floor and disappear. Now work your way up the ladder, onto the moving platform, and over to the other ladder where you will climb up into the next room. There are 3 moving objects in this room. Disperse of them with the Blaster or lightsaber before you do anything else, then climb up the platforms and up the ladder into the room above. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Guardian -=-=-=-=-=-=- Again, it seems like Darth Vader is your nemesis here on this lousy planet. After saying a few words (translation?) he will come at you. Approach him right after he swings his lightsaber and give him a cut from yours. He will transform into a flying skeletal bird. The bird flies around the room pretty slow, so it is not too tough to dodge it. When it swoops down at you, get out of the way, then turn around and hack it with your lightsaber. At some point it will travel along the floor at you, so just jump out of your way and hack at it when it goes by. After hitting the bird 4 times it will blow up, surrendering the king-sized Diamond. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. Find Obi-Wan -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now that the Guardian is defeated, you can go rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. From the Guardian's room, head down into the room with the 3 flying objects, then down into the room below that with the ladders and flying platform. In this room, be careful not to land on the spikes. Rather than falling through the hole to the floor below, take the ladder down into the next room. In this room you will see that ladder at the bottom of the screen, surrounded by the rotating fireball. You DO NOT want to take the ladder this time either. Instead, go left, to the screen where the level started. This screen is pretty tricky. At the lower bottom left of the screen you will see a little alcove, just big enough for Luke to fit in. That is where you want to get to, so jump across the two platforms and down into the alcove. Now standing in the alcove, face to the right. You will see a ladder at the right of the screen, surrounded by blocks. If you haven't died and still have the Blaster you picked up earlier, you can just blast through all the sets of gray blocks that seperate you from the ladder. If you don't have the Blaster, there are 2 other ways. First, you can activate your LIGHTSABER ICON from the subscreen and use your lightsaber as a blaster, making short work of the gray blocks. That is the easiest way. Another way would be to levitate over to the gray blocks next to the ladder and cut them up, but you have to be really quick. The LIGHTSABER ICON is the way to go. Once you have all the gray blocks blasted out from between you and the ladder on the other side of the screen, jump your way over to the ladder, avoiding the fire from the wall cannon and down into the next room. In this room, knock out all the gray blocks that are in your way and jump into the gap between the spikes to get to the bottom of the screen. Go right into the next room. Obi-Wan!! When you enter, the gate lifts up because you dispatched of the Guardian earlier. Don't go lunging in for Obi-Wan quite yet. Shoot your Blaster or use your lightsaber on the force shield that surrounds ol' Ben, then get in there to get him out. You are reunited with your old pal! He will now show up as an ICON on your subscreen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Temple Getaway -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You are outside of the Temple now. Grab the Landspeeder Icon and hit the road. There are more hazards this time around with the landspeeder. You can still kill the stormtroopers, but now there are stormtroopers in landspeeders chasing you. If they touch you you lose the speeder, so don't dally too much. The first 2 objects you jump are spikes and blocks, which aren't too bad. After jumping the 2nd group, gain some speed, as you will have to make a super jump to get over a block in the middle of the screen. Now gain some more speed, as you will have to jump over 2 groups of rocks and spikes at the same time. After you clear these, let your speeder plow through a couple stormtroopers and plow into the stack of blocks you encounter. Defeat the lizards and bird that come at you, then jump and stand on the left side of the pile of gray blocks, specifically the 3rd block up from the bottom. If you want the 1-UP located under the pile, this is the time to activate your LIGHTSABER ICON, then shoot the row of gray blocks (5th row up from the bottom) so you will be able to drop down into the center of the blocks to get the 1-UP. Continue moving to the right, killing stormtroopers and other vermin and eventually you will enter a rock structure. From here you will blast off again in the Millenium Falcon. =============================== D. Stage 4...In Search of C-3PO =============================== C-3PO gives you a message (translation?) before you take off in the Falcon. This stage is identical to Stage 2. Just fly around, blasting TIE's and avoiding their shots and eventually you will find yourself heading to yet another planet. Not really much more to say here. ======================== E. Stage 5...Water World ======================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Go For a Swim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yeah, the boy from Tatooine must now swim. He seems to be a pretty good swimmer, considering he grew up on a planet with two suns. Perhaps this book is a take-off on Splinter of the Mind's Eye, where Luke could swim and Leia could not. Anyway, take the plunge into the water and work your way to the right. Stay toward the top of the screen, slashing any fish that get in your way. You will get to some spiked entry ways you have to swim through, but they aren't much trouble once you get the swim controls down. Swim all the way to the right, past more enemies and obstacles, and you will have to work your way down farther into the water. As you head down, proceed slowly, as squids shoot up at you from the bottom of the screen, making life difficult. Once you get past the squids, the blue fish come up at you. They come from the bottom of the screen pretty quick, with the first one coming from the left side, the second one from the right and the third one from the center. After these, keep going down avoiding more enemies, including a tight squeeze past more squid, and you will reach the bottom. Go right and you will reach 3 more of those big blue fish. Quickly get by them and head into the dwelling you find at the end of the path. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Guardian -=-=-=-=-=-=- Another guardian greets you. Could this actually be Vader this time? Swim at him and he will speak something to you (translate?). After he's done talking, he takes the same approach as the other Vader's took. This time you have to fight him while swimming, which is a bit awkward. Swim down to him, wait for him to thrust, than give him a slash of your own. He will turn into a Shark this time! The Shark is pretty tricky to beat, but with this strategy he should be a piece of cake. Swim down to the very bottom of the screen. If you are flat against the bottom, he cannot get to you at all. Now wait for him to approach. He will swim near you, then swim back up. Quickly follow him up and slash him in the tail as close as you can get without touching him. If you hit him just right, one slash will do him in. This is the only place you can hit him. If you try for his mouth you end up missing and he kills you. Swim out of the water to the right, where you will enter a room with a captive C3PO inside. Swing your weapon to remove the force field and enter to rescue 3PO. Upon rescuing him he will be rejoined with R2-D2 and you and your friends will leave the watery world in the Falcon. C-3PO will now show up as an ICON on your subscreen. ============================== F. Stage 6...To the Death Star ============================== Princess Leia greets you with a message when you get on the Falcon. Like the other Falcon stages, this one is pretty much the same, with the added exception of the Death Star being in the background. Again, blast as many fighters as you can while avoiding their firepower. After a bit of fighting you eventually make your descent into the Death Star. ================================== G. Stage 7...Inside the Death Star ================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Find the Princess -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This Stage is one big maze. There are many different ways you can go, but in order to pass through the barrier at the end you have to do two things: rescue Princess Leia and escape the Garbage Masher. You will also want to make sure your Diamond count is high. There is one area where you have to levitate across a shaft without any platforms. There is also another spot where it is very helpful to be able to zap the enemies in the room. If you are low on Diamonds, reenter rooms to kill enemies, as they regenerate each time you enter the room. The following will lead you through the Death Star correctly. Work your way to the right, killing a couple mouse droids and a stormtrooper, then exit the room. You will now be in a shaft room. Hop across the platforms and into the next room on the right. You will see 2 mouse droids to the right of the spikes when you enter the room. Carefully time your jump so you land just to the right of the spikes and quickly crouch down and hack the two droids (you can also Levitate to make it easier, but keep in mind you will need Diamonds at the end of the level). Now jump up and smash the top block of the column, then jump up on the column. Wait for the floating eyeball droid to get close, then dispatch of it. Before jumping over to the next column, know that it is almost impossible to make this jump normally. I advise levitating across, since you can find a spot to build up your Diamonds somewhere along the line. If you insist on jumping, get down off of the column to the left, the quickly get a running jump back up to the column then without stopping leap hard to the right. I've made the jump a couple times, but it is tough. When you get across these high columns, drop down to the floor, where Stormtroopers will greet you. Kill them and exit to the right. You are in another shaft. Jump across the platforms over to the right side of the shaft, but do not enter the next room. Instead you will want to fall down the shaft. Trust me. Fall down into the shaft, hugging the right side. You will fall 2 screens and land on the platform on the right. Instead of going into this room here (there is a Blaster, but you DO NOT want it) fall down the right side of the shaft AGAIN, falling downwards another 2 screens, where you will land on the right platform again. Now you can enter the room to the right. You will be in a room with what looks like an open doorway and a Stormtrooper coming at you. This is the Detention Level. The doorway is there for design, so run past it, taking out the Stormtrooper on the way. Right after it you will see what looks like a door with the number "11" on it. There are a bunch of these doors in this room. You must slash them open with your lightsaber (the Blaster won't work). DO NOT slash open the first 2 doors as you go, as they only lead to empty rooms with enemies. Go into the 3rd door if you want a 1-UP. The 4th door is the one you really want, as inside rests Princess Leia! Go touch her and you get a message on the screen (translation?). You are then dumped back outside the room. Work your way to the right and to a dead end? There is actually a grate there, so slash it open with your lightsaber and quickly jump in before the Stormtroopers catch up to you. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Garbage Masher and Escape -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You now find yourself in the Garbage Masher, aka the Trash Compactor. A creature (the Dianoga) will emerge out of the murk you are standing in. Quickly kill it. Now the walls will start closing in. There is only one thing you can do to avoid being crushed. Go to your subscreen and select the R2-D2 ICON. You will get a message from R2 (translation?) and the door will open, allowing for your escape. You are now in an empty room. You can only exit to the left, but as you exit continue to hold to the left as you enter the room as you will safely run by 3 orbs bouncing in the narrow corridor. Go left again into another shaft. [NOTE: This is where you have to start thinking about stocking up on Diamonds, as you will need to use some of your ICONS near the end of the level. If you find a room where you can easily kill an enemy and reenter to kill it again, do so when you can. You will want to stockpile your count up to 99 during the next 7 or 8 rooms] From this shaft you will drop down a screen, hugging the left wall, and land on a platform, then drop down 1 more screen, hugging the left wall, and enter the room on the left. In this room jump to avoid the Stormtroopers blaster fire, then cut them both down and enter the next room on the left. There will be an orb and a spark moving towards you. Time it so you jump in between the 2 of them as they approach, then exit to the left. In the next room there is an exit to the left and a ladder leading up. Climb the ladder up into the room above. Carefully get past the sparks and climb the next ladder up into the room above. In this room just avoid the spark and the floating eye droid and exit to the left. Another shaft. Notice the force barrier above you. If you had tried to jump down this shaft from above you would have been fried. In this shaft room you will fall down the left side of the shaft and land on the platform 1 screen down. Enter the room to the left. There are 2 columns in this room. Jump over to the leftmost column and wait for the floating eye droid to approach and destroy it. Now you will have to make a most difficult jump. There is another floating eye droid moving between the spikes and the wall. Wait for it to hit the spikes and start moving left. Right as it starts moving left make a high leap so you jump up and in between the droid and the spikes. It is tricky, but it works. Exit to the left. In this room are 4 orbs which are bouncing all over the place. You will want to find a safe place to hide until about 3 of them bounce out of the room. You'll notice 3 sets of blocks on the floor: a stack of 1, a stack of 2 and a stack of 3. Get in between the stack of 1 and the stack of 2 and crouch down. Now simply wait for the orbs to leave the room. Now you can get up to the ladder and climb into the next screen above. Your goal in the next room is the ladder. Knock out 2 of the blocks in the middle of the column on the right of the screen, then jump into the space you just created and up to the ladder, avoiding the floating eye droid in the process. In the next room there will be a moving platform and 2 orbs bouncing around. Stay on the ladder until one of the orbs exits the room. It is easier to make it up to the ladder with only one orb bouncing around. Jump up onto the moving platform and over to the ladder and up into the next room above. This room is tricky. You want to climb to the top of the ladder, but must avoid the Stormtrooper's blaster fire and the spark circling around. Stay on the ladder where you entered the room to get a sense of the pattern, then when you have an opening, quickly climb to the top. Smash the 2 blocks at the top, then when you have another opening, drop down and run out the door to the right. The room you just entered is a bitch. I recommend using a LIGHTNING ICON to zap the cannon and mouse droid, making the room easy to pass. Otherwise, you will be doing a lot of jumping around just to make it past the cannons. Exit the room to the right. Now you are in a shaft with no platforms to get you across. This is where you MUST use your WINGS ICON to get across. Activate it and maneuver across the chasm, avoiding the fire from the wall cannon, and enter the room to the right. This is another room where it is very important to use the LIGHTNING ICON so you can zap to of the objects in your way and only have to worry about the spark. If your Diamond count is too low, just stand on the bottom and watch the pattern of the enemies and hope you get lucky. Just know that you can kill the moving spikes with your lightsaber, but you cannot harm the sparks. Proceed up into the next room. You will be met immediately by a Stormtrooper in this room. Dodge its blast and do away with him. You can destroy these spikes for extra Diamonds if you want. Now move into the room on the left. A shaft with a force barrier above it must now be crossed. Jump over the platforms and over into the room on the left. In this room, quickly hop over the sparks on the floor and get over to the left before the cannons fire on you. Enter the room. Upon entering this room a gate automatically lifts up. If you had not rescued Princess Leia yet, the gate would stay down. Since you rescued her, proceed through and into the next room. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. GUARDIAN -=-=-=-=-=-=- It's Vader time! At this point in time in the movie is where Obi-Wan and Darth Vader dueled it out. In this Famicom game however, Luke gets the honors. Approach Vader like you have every other time, with caution. Wait for him to swing his saber, then quickly step in and slash at him with yours. The first time you hit him he will jump back. Instead of transforming into a creature, you are now fighting the real deal! Once you hit him once, none of your blows will affect him afterwards. This is when you must use the OBI-WAN ICON. Use it to get a message from Obi-Wan (translation?) and now your blows will mean something. Carefully step in after he swings and get in your own blow, quickly jumping away from him afterwards. Hit him 4 times (after talking to Obi-Wan) and Vader will be no more! You do not get a king-sized Diamond for defeating him, though I guess you should be happy for just escaping with your life. =================================== H. Stage 8...Fleeing the Death Star =================================== You now get a message from Chewbacca as you take off in the Millenium Falcon. Approach this stage as you did the other Millenium Falcon stages. This one is no different. When it is over you will land on an icy planet, which I believe to be Hoth. ================= I. Stage 9...Hoth ================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Through the Cold -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I figured at this point in the game you would be on Yavin preparing for the Death Star trench run. Not so in this game, as you take a detour to this icy planet. Work your way to the right until you reach the ledge. Before jumping across the ledge, jump out a bit and land back on the ledge you were standing on. Do this a couple times until a Stormtrooper appears on the opposite ledge. If you would have just jumped across you would have been fried by the Stormtrooper. Now you can see him and time your jump accordingly. Walk to this ledge and now you must make a few jumps onto dissolving platforms. Once you set foot on these platforms they disappear in about 2 seconds. There are also enemy birds that will be flying overhead, so here is the best way to cross these platforms. Jump onto the first block then quickly jump onto the second block. Wait about 1 second before jumping to the third block...if you jump right away you will bump into the bird. Delaying for 1 second lets the bird pass by just enough so you can make the leap safely to the third block. Now jump over to safety onto the stack of blocks. You will see a Landspeeder Icon underneath the blocks. Avoid it. Trust me, you will probably die if you jump in the speeder, as you are only in it for a few seconds and when you crash and leap out of it there is usually no place to land, so you plunge to your doom. Plus you need to Levitate to get to it, so just avoid it altogether. Passing through the narrow opening between the spikes at the top of the screen isn't as hard as it looks. Your head can actually touch the tip of the top spike and it will not register as a hit, so tap the button to jump through the aperture and continue on. Next you have to jump onto a series of ice platforms, but take your time. The jumps aren't too difficult and there are enemies to kill for Diamonds along the way. The hardest jump to make is the jump from the last icy platforms up to the ledge. You will be standing on a 4 block platform...actually, here is a diagram: C___________ A [*********** [] B [*********** [][][] [*********** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You start standing at Point A or Point B and you have to jump up to Point C. If you activate your FLEET ICON, which I highly recommend, you can make the ledge by leaping from Point A. If for some reason you squandered all your Diamonds, you can make the jump from leaping at the absolute last moment from Point B, but it is quite difficult to make it. On top of all this, when you land at Point C you have to jump IMMEDIATELY, as there is a Stormtrooper waiting to blast you. Now get ready to do some hopping. The next series of blocks you have to jump across are of the dissolving variety. You'll jump out to a single block and then have to act quickly to make it over the top of the next "block" of blocks. There is an enemy coming down from the top of the blocks to make things interesting, but if you make sure to jump up the second you land on a block to avoid falling down to the next block, you should make it over without a problem. If you feel comfortable on these blocks make sure to pick up the Blaster Icon along the way. After a couple more of the dissolving blocks you will reach a white platform the takes off to the right once you land on it. Ride it to the right then jump to another moving platform that takes you through a set of 3 enemies and to another ledge. Jump off to meet what looks like a purple Ewok holding a spear guarding the entrance to a cavern. Approach it and it will say something to you (translation?). If you try to touch it it will kill you instantly. Instead use your C-3PO ICON and C-3PO will say something to this adversary (translation?) and he will move out of the way to let you pass. You can now move on to the next section. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Whale Ride -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Move to the right, avoiding or killing 3 purple bats, until you reach the ledge. Now jump across the dissolving blocks to reach the other side. Once you reach the other side move to the right and you will come upon two cannons. Wait until they both fire then jump in front of them and destroy them both. Now slowly continue right until a flying Stormtrooper comes at you. Wait until he fires for the second time then jump up and kill him. Keep going, killing a ground Stormtrooper and a couple more flying Stormtroopers until you reach a block wall. Go up and over the wall, ignoring the blocks you can smash with your lightsaber, and continue right. You are now standing on a ledge overlooking the icy water of Hoth. There is a whale in the water, but jumping towards it will only lead to death. Instead, put the C-3PO ICON to use again. This will call the whale up out of the water. Hop onto the whale and take a ride across the frigid waters over to the landing on the other side. Enter the base. -=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Echo Base -=-=-=-=-=-=- Move right, jumping over the 4 fireballs. There is a Stormtrooper right after the 4th fireball, so be prepared to jump over the blaster fire and do in the Stormtrooper. Enter the room at the end. This is a great place to stock up on Diamonds, which you WILL need later on in the level. Go back left into the room you just left and quickly kill the Stormtrooper for the Diamond, then return back to the room on the right. Rinse and repeat until you accumulate 99 Diamonds. The rest of the walkthrough will assume that you are keeping your Diamond levels high, as you will need to perform some Levitations later in this level and each one (WINGS ICON) uses up 30 Diamonds. [REPEAT: It is IMPERATIVE that you gather AT LEAST 60 Diamonds for use later in the level] After leveling up check out the room you are in. You will see 4 dissolving blocks and 3 spikes hanging from the ceiling. As you jump onto a block, a spike will drop from the ceiling. Your goal isn't actually the ladder. You will want to hop onto the first dissolving block and let yourself fall straight down into the next room, hugging the left wall as you go. Make sure to hug the left wall as you want to land on some dissolving blocks on the next screen and quickly run left when you land to enter another room. Standing on the icy ledge wait until the 2 purple blobs jump near you and kill them before running across the dissolving row of blocks to the next screen. Here you will be on a screen with 2 dissolving blocks, 2 ice blocks and 2 purple bats flying around. Avoiding the bats, jump out to the first dissolving block and simply let yourself fall to the screen below. If you fell straight down you should have landed on an ice block. Move left to the ladder, avoiding the cannon fire, and climb down it. Climb down the ladder to stand on the ice block below it. Your goal is the opening on the upper right side of the screen. Quickly fall down to the dissolving blocks in between the 2 blobs, kill the one on the right, and make a running jump up to the opening on the right but DO NOT enter into the next screen yet. When you enter the next screen you will enter onto some dissolving blocks. Quickly jump over to the first dissolving block in the middle of the screen and let yourself fall straight down through it to the floor. Now time your jump just right to jump next to the Stormtrooper and do him in. Now either jump up onto the block (which I recommend) or try to jump under it to get over the spikes and exit to the right. In this room are 2 moving platforms. Just stand where you entered and watch the platforms move back and forth to get a feeling for them. Your goal is the ladder above. You definitely do not want to fall into the room below, as there are 4 fireballs that make life miserable for you. When you are ready, make the necessary jumps and climb up to the room above. This room is a pain. You want to enter the room to the left, but there is a fireball and some spikes that make things difficult. Watch the fireball's movements and the second it passes by you, quickly jump to the first dissolving block, then up and left to the second one (going under the fireball) and over the spikes to the left. Hopefully you are using an emulator and have save states available to you. Of course, if you have a ton of Diamonds you can just WING your way through the spikes to the left, but I don't recommend it, as you will need to that shortly. Enter the room to the left. -=-=-=-=-=- 4. Guardian -=-=-=-=-=- Ahh, Vader again! He says something to you (translation?) and moves towards you. Wait for him to swing his lightsaber then quickly move in for a hit of your own. He will turn into a Wampa! Now before you fight him, I believe using the LEIA ICON before battling the Wampa will slow him down a little bit. I can't prove it, but it did seem to slow him just a bit. Anyway, the Wampa has a pretty simple pattern. He will move towards you and jump. While he is moving towards you move away from him and when he jumps, quickly jump over him AFTER HE LANDS and take a swipe at his back. Make sure not to jump over him while he is still coming down from his jump or he will turn to face you as you land and kill you. Repeat this process about 4 times and you will get a King-sized Diamond for your troubles. Exit to the right. Now if you have at least 60 Diamonds like you should at this point, the rest of the level is a breeze. [NOTE: If you don't have at least 60 Diamonds, you will need to work your way all the way down and around to the room that I am about to describe, where you will find the exit] Standing in the room to the right of the Wampa's, you will see a small opening in the upper right corner surrounded by blocks. Use your WING ICON to levitate up to the blocks. Smash the smashable blocks then get ready to use the WING ICON a second time. Before using it, read this: the second you activate this time, you will have to hurry. Activate it and quickly fly up through the opening to the next screen above, then continue straight up to the next screen above that one and grab the ladder as soon as you can. The wall on the upper right will open to reveal an exit. Jump through it. It's Chewie!! Chewbacca is frozen in a block of ice. Jump over to him and carve away the blocks to rescue your furry friend and notice how he strangely kisses you... ================================ J. Stage 10...Destination: Yavin ================================ Yet another Millenium Falcon level. If you don't know what to do by now, I recommend the NES Sesame Street series of games by Hi-Tech Expressions. They should help you get a jump start not only in life but also in your video gaming career. Oh yeah, you also get a message from Han Solo, who you should have met by now, considering you have been flying his ship all over the galaxy... ============================= K. Stage 11...On Yavin's Moon ============================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. The Rescue of Han -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alright, you are now on one of Yavin's moons, where the rebel base was in A New Hope. Perhaps that trip to Hoth was a scouting mission for the future rebel base. Nah. I think the programmers were just having fun messing with the story line. Either way, you are finally at the final planet of the game. Again, I cannot stress enough the value of collecting Diamonds, especially for this level. You will need to use several of your ICONS, including the FLEET and BLUE SPHERE ICONS, as this level becomes insanely difficult. You start the level with a nice view of a Massassi Temple in the background. Work your way slowly to the right and when an enemy appears, let it come to you. Kill it and move on slowly. If you move too fast you will have too many enemies on the screen at once making life difficult, so ease your way through the first part of this level killing the enemies slowly as you go. Eventually you will reach a pillar with a cannon on top of it. It shoots down at you every few seconds, so keep an eye on it while dispatching of the enemys on the ground and in the air. Right before the 3rd pillar is a block wall 4 blocks high. You will want to get a running start to jump over it, timing it so you don't get blasted by the cannon in the process. Proceed cautiously and you will eventually enter a darkened area. Avoid the fireballs on the ground and move to the right, killing enemies. Keep going, disposing of enemys or running under the ones that jump high in the air and eventually you will reach 3 pillars of blocks, the middle one having an enemy on top of it. The best way through this is to use your LIGHTNING ICON to zap the enemy so you can safely jump up there. Otherwise you will need to make a perfectly timed jump and slash, trying not to land on the fireball moving around underneath you. Once past this section you will reach a pile of 3 blocks on the ground with another set of 3 blocks just above it in the air, with 2 of those blocks being blocks that can be smashed with your lightsaber. There is a space between the sets of blocks where you can stand...it looks like this: =================================== [*] [*] [#] A [#] [#] [#] =================================== [#] - Solid Block [*] - Smashable Block Now you can keep moving on to the right, but it will just loop back to this point. Here is what you do: First, kill any enemies that are in the area. Now stand on the blocks at "A". Jump up and to the right and turn back to smash the smashable blocks [*]. When you destroy these two blocks it will reveal a hidden door! Enter the door. You are in a room, which actually makes it look like you are in a tree. Here you will find some of the hardest jumps in the game. Since there are a lot of dissolving blocks you will be jumping on, you have to be quick. Here is how you will do it: From the block you start out on, jump to the dissolving block to the right and jump quickly again onto the block directly above it and rest for a bit. You will see a vine in the upper left part of the screen. You actually do not want to go for that...you can, but you will have to make a couple really tough jumps. If you stay cool and do the following, it will actually be a bit easier. Just keep in mind you have a full second to stand on the dissolving blocks, so don't panic. Here we go: -From the solid block, jump left to the dissolving block... -Jump up and left to the next dissolving block... -Jump up and right to the next dissolving block... -Jump up and right to the next dissolving block... -Jump up and left to the next dissolving block... -Jump over to the right to the column of dissolving blocks... -Make a high jump up and left to the solid column of blocks where you will get a Blaster Icon. There, that was the tough part. Now work your way up the remaining dissolving blocks, avoiding the enemy along the way, and up the vine to your old buddy Han! [NOTE: If for some reason along the way you stepped on a dissolving block and screwed up and now the block you need to step on is no longer available, feel free to use your WING ICON if you have the available Diamonds. Go up and touch Han and you will automatically spring him from his prison. His captors must have bleached out his hair. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Yavin Escape -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now you have to get out of here. This stage is a beast, with a virtual army of Stormtroopers coming at you. You should be armed with the Blaster at this point, so creep along until an enemy appears and blast it. You will have to jump over some gray quicksand on the ground after the first few enemys. When you have to make your first long jump, fire your Blaster at the peak of your jump to take out a flying Stormtrooper. You will then reach a cannon stuck to the bottom of a block. Shoot it and notice the incredibly difficult jump you will now have to make. You will have to activate your FLEET ICON to make the jump. Continue along and you will reach an area with a Blaster Icon and some lifts. You probably still have the Blaster Icon. If not, use another FLEET ICON to reach it then jump on the moving platform. Time your jump well to the second platform and now it looks like you are screwed. You have an incredibly long jump to make...you can't even see the blocks you have to land on, as they are off the screen. You can either use another FLEET ICON and make a running jump off of the platform when it is at its highest position or you can just use a WING ICON to levitate over to the platform if you have enough Diamonds. After you get past the quicksand area you will enter a brief forested dark area with a few jumping enemies, then the fun starts. Move slowly to the right until you blast your first Stormtrooper. Once you blast him, stop and activate your BLUE SPHERE ICON for invincibility and run like hell to the right and to the next section. [NOTE: if you did not have enough Diamonds to use the BLUE SPHERE ICON, just move along slowly, taking out the Stormtroopers one by one. It will be the flying Stormtroopers that give you the hardest time, as a couple of them are out of reach of your Blaster fire. Try to stand directly under the flying Stormtroopers, as they cannot hit you while you are under them. Good luck making it through this section without invincibility!] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Stone Temple Pilot -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You are greeted by a ceiling-mounted cannon. You can blast it if you get a running jump for height. As usual, proceed cautiously, taking one enemy at a time. When the corridor opens up you will climb some steps and then can take the high road or the low road. Take the high road, killing the flying enemy and avoiding the 2 boxed in enemies, and before jumping back down to the low road you will be able to shoot down the four 16 ton weights that are hanging from the ceiling. Quickly get to the bottom level and you will reach a column of blocks. Break through the blocks, avoiding the following Stormtroopers and you will reach a corridor with a couple cannons. Get by the cannons and enter the room to the right. This single room is VERY dangerous. You have 2 cannons shooting down at you, 2 fireballs on the floor moving at you and an enemy bouncing around the room. I suggest using an HOURGLASS ICON right away to at least stop the bouncing enemy. After doing this quickly go to your subscreen and activate the CHEWIE ICON. The door to the right will slide open and you can escape! You will be in a corridor room. Exit to the right to another room. Shoot the enemies and ceiling cannon and go right, killing a Stormtrooper. Move next to the block with the spike on it and wait for the Stormtrooper to come towards you then go back the other way. Make the tight jump through the spikes, tapping the jump button, then kill the Stormtrooper. Now jump into the area between the next sets of blocks with spikes on top of them. Here you will be safe from the cannon fire and can also, if you have the Blaster still, shoot out the blocks in the column to the right. After getting by the breakable block column, jump into the small area between the 2 spike patches and IMMEDIATELY shoot your Blaster to nail a Stormtrooper. Go right and there will be more blocks and spikes. You will see that you have the option of jumping through spikes on either the top or bottom of the screen. Opt for the bottom set. Before making the jump, activate the FLEET ICON and when you jump through just tap the A Button. Since you are moving faster you should get through the gap with ease. Continue right into Vader's chamber! -=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. Guardian -=-=-=-=-=-=- This Vader battle is an absolute pain. He doesn't transform, so like on the Death Star, you are battling the real deal. Wait until he takes a swing at you and then move in and slash him. Once you hit him you can no longer do any damage to him until you activate your OBI-WAN ICON. Now that you activate it, your blows will damage him. However.... Vader now shoots lasers out of his lightsaber. You will have to time your jumps over the lasers and slash at him when you land, then jump over the laser again, and slash again. When you hit him, jump up and backwards IMMEDIATELY to avoid his blow and laser fire. It is difficult at first, but once you know his pattern he is actually quite easy. He takes 4 hits after the initial pre-Obi-Wan prep talk hit, then leaves you a King-sized Diamond for your efforts. After beating Vader for the LAST TIME (!!!) head out into the room and then into another room where the Princess awaits. I'm guessing she was recaptured somewhere along the line :) Blond hair and all, she hugs Luke and you race off to your X-Wing. ================================= L. Stage 12...Death Star Approach ================================= Now you get to pilot an X-Wing, which controls exactly as the Falcon did. The control panel looks different, but it is just the same basic controls as every other Falcon stage you have played, plus the Death Star looms in the background. ======================================= M. Stage 13...Assault on the Death Star ======================================= Now on to the last stage, lucky #13. This stage is unlike any other in the game. You have 60 seconds to make it down the Death Star trench. Along the way you can grab "T" symbols which freeze the timer for a few seconds. Hold up to fly faster and hold down to slow down. You die if you crash into an enemy fighter or crash into a wall. The laser fire that comes from the top of the screen doesn't seem to do any damage to you, so don't worry about it. There are 6 checkpoints along the way to let you know that you are getting closer. If you lose all your lives or the timer runs out, sit back and watch the Death Star annihilate the planet Yavin. You don't want that, so here are some helpful hints to get you through the trench. Be sure not to fly too fast. I will tell you where all the "T" Icons are so you will not have to rush through too fast. I suggest pausing it and referring to the following guide as you go: -------------- FROM THE START: -------------- -From the start, stay on the left side of the trench until it narrows, then when you come out of the narrow passageway, the first "T" Icon will be on the right side. The trench will then narrow again. When you come out of this passageway veer to the left side of the trench for the next "T" Icon. Right after grabbing that Icon, veer to the right to get a third "T" Icon. -After zigging and zagging through a few narrow corridors, when you come into the open there will be a 1-UP Icon on the left side. Check Point #6 is right after this. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #6: -------------------- -Fly on the right side of the screen and you will hit another "T" Icon. Stay on the right as the trench will get split into 2 parts. Go through the narrow corridor and when you get dumped back into the open stay on the right side as the trench splits into 2 parts again. Stay on the right to collect another "T" Icon. -Slow down a bit after collecting that last "T" as you will be zigging from left to right to left to right and finally to the next check point. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #5: -------------------- -Go through a corridor, then stay to the left to avoid a wall on the right, then after passing the wall fly to the right for the next "T" Icon. -Stay on the right as the trench splits again, then slow down a bit and fly through the narrow passages. When it finally opens up, stay on the right side while you pass about 4 blocks, then get in the middle to fly through a tiny passageway. -After dodging a couple obstacle blocks, the passage really narrows, then spills out to the next check point. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #4: -------------------- -Stay towards the left side of the trench where you will fly over the next "T" Icon. The path then splits, so slow down and stay on the left side and you will immediately encounter an intersection where you must take the right fork...take the left route and you will crash into a wall. -When the passageway opens up move over to the left side of the trench and stay on that side for awhile until you approach the next "T" Icon. Right after you grab it, quickly fly to the right side and stay towards that side until you hit the next check point. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #3: -------------------- -Stay on the left side, fighting off TIE Fighters for a bit and eventually you will get the next "T" Icon. Immediately after that on the same side is another "T" Icon. The passageway will now narrow, so slow it down a bit then you will have to zig to the right to avoid a wall, then to the left to avoid a wall, then if you quickly cut back to the right you can pick up a 1-UP, but quickly get back to the left so you don't crash into the next wall. -The next check point is right after that. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #2: -------------------- -Almost there! Stay on the right side for a little bit until you pass by a few solo blocks in the center of the trench, then move over to the left side, as a wall will be approaching on the right. This wall is the first of walls that alternate right, left, right, left. After you pass that last wall on the left stay to the right side as the trench splits into 2. -Stay on the right through another split of the trench then veer to the left side, where you will enter a narrow passageway. Exiting the passageway brings you to the next check point. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #1: -------------------- -Stay in the middle and you will get a "T" Icon, then quickly get to the right or left side. Slow it down, as the trench really gets narrow. When it opens back up quickly get to the right or left again as it splits, then it will narrow again. -When the trench opens back up hit full throttle as there are no more obstacles (other than TIEs) until the last check point. -------------------- AFTER CHECK POINT #0: -------------------- -Once you hit this last check point you are pretty much on auto-pilot. Your X-Wing will line up in the middle of the screen and you can bank it left or right, but it will stay lined up in the middle. You will pass a few arrow markers and will automatically fire a Proton Torpedo into the exhaust port. =========== N. Epilogue =========== -Sit back and watch as the X-Wing and the Millenium Falcon race away from the exploding Death Star. -You are given a screen that says: PRO MISSION (assuming you beat it on Pro Mission) followed by some Japanese text. There are also 3 numbers highlighted in orange. I assume these numbers have something to do with what occured during gameplay, but I have no idea what. I have a screenshot available and would love to know what it says, so please email me at alamont1@maine.rr.com if you think you can translate it. -Han, Luke and Chewie walk down the aisle to receive their medals from Princess Leia and a nice little ending sequence ensues. Actually, poor Chewie gets denied a medal this time too...poor Wookiee. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VIII. GAME ENHANCEMENT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I have no idea if there are any built in secrets to this game. There might by some Japanese websites with codes and tricks for it, but I have not made the time to look. I have, however, made a few cheats of my own using FCE Ultra's cheat mode (will also work in other emus, like NESten, which support cheat searches. If you are familiar with this cheat mode, then you will understand the following: $007D: Infinite Shields in Falcon stages (freeze at value 3) $0145: Infinite Diamonds (freeze at 99) $018E: Invincible (Must Activate BLUE SPHERE ICON first; freeze at value 126) $0187: Infinite LIGHTSABER ICON shots (Must activate LIGHTSABER ICON first; freeze at value 9) $0170: Freeze Death Star Trench Timer (freeze at value 60) $0143: Unlimited X-Wings in Death Star Trench (freeze at value 5) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IX. HELP WANTED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is where I try and solicit help for the things I could not figure out. If anyone can provide me answers to the following or provide anything that I may have missed along the way, please email me at alamont1@maine.rr.com I need to know: -What the HAN SOLO ICON does? -What all the dialog is when you rescue characters or talk to Vader? -If there are any significant difference playing through the NOVICE MISSION? -What that ending screen says where the 3 different numbers are displayed? -If there are proper names for "Planet of Doom" or "Water World"...Alderaan perhaps?. -If there is any significant reason why you would have to use the WARP ICON, other than going back to get more Diamonds (though it uses 35 Diamonds to WARP)? -What exactly does the LEIA ICON do? -What are the names of the Guardians on each level? -Are there any Japanese sites that cover the game? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X. DISCLAIMER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Guide is not endorsed by Namco, Lucasfilm Ltd., Nintendo of America or Nintendo of Japan. The information contained within this document is provided without guarantee. All copyrights and trademarks are recognized. This FAQ may be reprinted, posted in newsgroups, or placed on web sites, as long as the proper credit is given to the author. The most recent version of this walkthrough can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com www.vgstrategies.about.com ©2003 Adam Lamontagne (alamont1@maine.rr.com)