______ _______ _____ __ _______ _ _ __ __ | ____| |__ __| | _ | | \ |__ __| | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | \/ | | |____ | | | |_| | | |\ \ | | | | | | | |\ /| | |____ | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | | | | | |/ / | | | | | | | | | | ____| | | | | | | | | / __| |__ | |_| | | | | | |______| |_| |_| |_| |__/ |_______| |_____| |_| |_| ______ __ __ ______ __ _ _______ ______ | ____| \ \ / / | ____| | \ | | |__ __| | ____| | | \ \ / / | | | \ | | | | | | | |__ \ \ / / | |__ | |\ \ | | | | | |____ | __| \ \ / / | __| | | \ \ | | | | |____ | | | \ \/ / | | | | \ \| | | | | | | |____ \ / | |____ | | \ | | | ____| | |______| \/ |______| |_| \__| |_| |______| ____________________________ |POWER PAD |______| SIDE B| | | |--( 1)--( 2)----( 3)--( 4)--| | | |----------------------------| | | |--( 5)--( 6)----( 7)--( 8)--| | | |----------------------------| | | |--( 9)--(10)----(11)--(12)--| | | |____________________________| Copyright Nintendo 1988 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: briansulpher@hotmail.com Version 1.0 Dates Written: March 24th to March 25th, 2006 I dedicate this to the NES fans out there, as this one is part of the NES FAQ completion Project of 2004-2006, courtesy of the FAQ Contributor Board. We honour the most truly awesome and great system... the Nintendo Entertainment System! Never mind about Atari, Commodore 64, Colecovision, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, or any of the newer systems, we all know that the good old NES is where true gaming is at! Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 25th, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) 100 M Dash 3) Long Jump 4) 110 M Hurdles 5) Triple Jump 6) Tournament 7) Olympics 8) Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Introduction--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Known to most as the third part of the 3-in-1 cart, called World Class Track Meet (paired with Dunk Hunt/Super Mario Brothers), you would think that this cart is of no important significance. However, if you are collector of NES carts, this one cart is very important and valuable, as it insanely rare. yes, people pay hundreds of dollars for this one, despite the fact that the exact same game is available in a 3 games in 1, which sells used for at most 10 dollars (typically)! So, I decided since some crazies out there may actually play this after they pay all that money, plus it had no coverage on the individual cart listing, here is a FAQ, offering all the legit and cheating tactics to bring home the gold! As for the FAQ, the controls for the four events will be covered from the Player One perspective, so just transfer the controls to the Red Buttons beside the Blue Buttons indicated for each portion of an event where head-to-head competition occurs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------100 M Dash--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will look at the premier event of the track, the 100 M Dash! Nothing on display here but pure speed, so go out there and set a new record! o-----------o | Objective | o-----------o Get from the start line to the finish line in as short of time as possible. Remember to wait for the starting gun, as two mistarts will mean a disqualification (or DQ for short), resulting in an automatic loss. o----------o | Controls | o----------o Running: Since this is the only thing to do, rapidly step up and down on the 1-2 pads, moving the runner forward. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) Pound those feet up and down as fast as possible, continuing until the race reaches the finish line. ii) If you are not against cheating, the following methods are all fairly easy ways to increase the effectiveness of your performance: -Have a chair or wall to lean a against/onto, as it will lower the center of gravity for your running, meaning more energy will go into the steps (more energy = faster feet) instead of your balance. -Although not as effective as the method listed above, using the old fashioned alternating two hand slap will also result in a slightly better time. -When racing against a friend/foe, the sneaky method of pushing the opponent off the pad can work. However, they can quickly return the favour, or intercept your attack and make you step off the pad instead, so be wary of overusing/mistiming this technique. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Long Jump--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will look at the combination of speed and accuracy, the Long Jump! Use the speed to get enough power to make the launch through the air last for a long period of time. o-----------o | Objective | o-----------o Run down the small pathway, building up speed to get near the jumping board, at which point the athlete should take to the air, seeing how far they can fly before hitting the ground. The furthest jump away from the jumping board is the winner. o----------o | Controls | o----------o Running: Rapidly step up and down on the 1-2 pads, moving the runner forward. Jumping: When the jumping board draws near, leap into the air to make the athlete take off into the virtual air. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) Run like a demon at the beginning of the event, jumping as close to the jumping board as possible. The more speed built up means the athlete will fly further and faster, though the air time of the leap depends upon the air time of your actual leap. ii) To increase the effectiveness of your runs in this event, try the following underhanded tactics: -Jump off of the Power Pad, watching the athlete on screen to see when he is close to descending to the ground. At this point, leap back onto the 1-2 Pads, completing the jump. Note that this technique can be tricky due to the sometimes tough requirement of getting both feet squarely back onto the two small pads. -Similar to the trick above, this one requires the back of a solid chair to lean onto when taking off for the leap. Where this works slightly better than just leaping clear of the Power Pad is that the "hovering" by using the chair back allows for lowering of the feet directly downwards to the pad, as opposed to the sideways leap, which is far less accurate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------110 M Hurdles------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Speed is important, but so is the timing... welcome to the hybrid event that is the 110 M Hurdles! Power is required to get the necessary speed to navigate the open track portions, while the timing is required to get over the strategically placed hurdles. o-----------o | Objective | o-----------o Get from the start line to the finish line in as short of time as possible. Along the way, jump the hurdles that bar the way, not losing any speed in the process. Remember to wait for the starting gun, as two mistarts will mean a disqualification (or DQ for short), resulting in an automatic loss. o----------o | Controls | o----------o Running: Rapidly step up and down on the 1-2 pads, moving the runner forward. Jumping: As each hurdle appears, leap upwards to pass over it, landing back on the 1-2 pads to continue the race. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) This event requires coordination and speed, being able to sprint the small strips of track between each hurdle, leaping into the air to clear the hurdles, and finishing with a strong sprint to the finish. Try to have the leap into the air to be just long enough to get over the hurdle, as less time in the air means more time on the ground to run at top speed. ii) Although it is not quite as fast as performing the event properly, running at top speed the whole way during the race, bashing through the hurdles, can work nicely as well. However, if you are not extremely fast, this method will end in a loss, more often than not. iii) If you are not against cheating, the following methods are all fairly easy ways to increase the effectiveness of your performance: -Have a chair or wall to lean a against/onto, as it will lower the center of gravity for your running, meaning more energy will go into the steps (more energy = faster feet) instead of your balance. -When racing against a friend/foe, the sneaky method of pushing the opponent off the pad can work. However, they can quickly return the favour, or intercept your attack and make you step off the pad instead, so be wary of overusing/mistiming this technique. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Triple Jump-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section will look at the combination of speed and accuracy, the Triple Jump! Use the speed to get enough power to make the launch through the air last for a long period of time, followed by two more harrowing leaps to go even further. o-----------o | Objective | o-----------o Run down the small pathway, building up speed to get near the jumping board, at which point the athlete should take to the air, seeing how far they can fly before hitting the ground. Upon landing, leap once more, followed by a final third leap to reach the end of the jump. The furthest jump away from the jumping board is the winner. o----------o | Controls | o----------o Running: Rapidly step up and down on the 1-2 pads, moving the runner forward. Jumping: When the jumping board draws near, leap into the air to make the athlete take off into the virtual air. Upon landing, repeat the jumping performance, repeating it one fins time upon landing from the second jump, finishing the event. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) Run as fast as humanly possible, leaping straight upwards when the jumping board appears on screen, followed by performing two more leaps after each landing. Simple enough, but the faster coming into the initial jump, the further the athlete will fly on the leap. The last two leaps benefit from perfect timing, taking off as soon as the athlete lands, transferring the most energy from the momentum thus far, traveling further than if a small delay occurs (loss of momentum). ii) To increase the effectiveness of your runs in this event, try the following underhanded tactics: -Jump off of the Power Pad, watching the athlete on screen to see when he is close to descending to the ground. At this point, leap back onto the 1-2 Pads, completing the first jump, followed by repeating the pattern for the next two leaps. Note that this technique can be tricky due to the sometimes tough requirement of getting both feet squarely back onto the two small pads. -Similar to the trick above, this one requires the back of a solid chair to lean onto when taking off for each leap. Where this works slightly better than just leaping clear of the Power Pad is that the "hovering" by using the chair back allows for lowering of the feet directly downwards to the pad, as opposed to the sideways leap, which is far less accurate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Tournament--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This section will take a look at the single player, head-to-head competition that pits you versus 6 cyber athletes in the 100 M Dash and the 110 M Hurdles. o----------------o | The Opposition | o----------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Turtle ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: Let's have a race. Prize......: Bronze Medal Difficulty.: 1/10 Turtle is pathetic... seriously, a one-legged player could likely beat this guy, and the game requires that two pads be pressed to get the athlete on screen to take off running. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bear ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: It's my turn now. Prize......: Silver Medal Difficulty.: 2/10 A small improvement upon Turtle (and I do mean very small), Bear will actually put up a brief struggle early on... till you get really moving and he is left in the dust. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Horse ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: I am really fast. Prize......: Gold Medal Difficulty.: 3.5/10 Horse is the first truly decent athlete that you will face, requiring consistent speed from you. However, he is still too slow to truly challenge you, but he is an indication of the improving competition ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Rabbit ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: Can you beat me? Prize......: Bronze Trophy Difficulty.: 5/10 Rabbit will bust out some pretty good speed, though his 100 M Dash is not overpowering. However, he is weak at the 110 M Hurdles, often plowing into multiple hurdles, making him vulnerable there despite his reasonably good speed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bobcat ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: Can you keep with me? Prize......: Silver Trophy Difficulty.: 8/10 An extreme jump in difficulty, Bobcat has a much improved speed base to call upon, though he is not unbeatable at the 100 M Dash. No, his true strength lies in the 110 M Hurdles, where he will rarely hit a hurdle, meaning that you too will have to be near flawless to have a shot at beating him to the finish line. No longer can you just plow through each hurdle, as this method is too unreliable and costs too much speed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Cheetah ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote......: If you beat me, you're the best. Prize......: Gold Trophy Difficulty.: 9.5/10 The final opponent, Cheetah has such blistering speed that only all out effort in the 100 M Dash will keep him in second. The 110 M Hurdles will be the true test of your skills, as Cheetah will not mess up on the hurdle leaping, maintaining his speed the entire way through the race. This means to take the Gold Trophy, you will need to be fast and accurate in your leaps, so best forget about the running through the hurdles technique. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) For the first four racers, running at all out speed should be enough to achieve victory. ii) For the final two racers, running at all out speed will not work in the 110 M Hurdles, so better get good at hopping the track obstructions in practice rounds beforehand. iii) Sometimes it is better to take a one minute break to recover before taking on the next opponent, as getting too tired on easier opponents could be enough to give the advantage to the faster opponents in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Olympics---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) This section will take a look at the Olympics mode. o-------------o | What Is It? | o-------------o This mode is scored by rating the performance of each athlete (from as low as one athlete to as high as six athletes) over the four events. The highest possible score for every event is 1000 points, with it being possible for more than one athlete to score 1000 points. The winner is determined by whoever scores the highest combined score, meaning that a well-rounded player is more likely to take the Gold than one who is really good at one particular event. o------------o | Strategies | o------------o i) Since it is only human versus human interaction, only a few methods will work... none of them very sportsmanlike and nice: -When racing against a friend/foe, the sneaky method of pushing the opponent off the pad can work. However, they can quickly return the favour, or intercept your attack and make you step off the pad instead, so be wary of overusing/mistiming this technique. -Trash talking can also be a very effective method of disrupting an opponent. By talking a continual stream of dialogue to a target, some people will be so bothered by it that they will lose their concentration and mess up. -If talking trash is not your thing, then perhaps the odd yell or sudden noise will be more your thing. Sometimes a player will lose their focus if disrupted a loud or unexpected noise, costing them some valuable speed or timing. This can be a significant difference in the overall point totals, so it can work well. -Although this one is just downright outside the fair competition goal of anything bearing the name "Olympics", shutting off the TV screen during a finesse event (like the Long Jump or Triple Jump) can make a player foul, jump too early, or just lose so much momentum that they will perform poorly in their attempt. This method is just so vile that it is not recommended at all, but take the risk if you want to really tick off your friends! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Final Word--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2006. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is www.gamefaqs.com, www.ign.com, www.retronintendo.com, and www.honestgamers.com. You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at briansulpher@hotmail.com. You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address.