Sweet Home Enemy and Item List By Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com) Version 1.1 ************************************************************************* Index: 1.- File History. 2.- Introduction. 3.- About this file. 4.- Enemy List. 5.- Enemy Attack List. 6.- Item List. 7.- Credits. 8.- Legal Stuff. ************************************************************************* 1.- File History. -0.1 Start of the file. (02/10/2001, 16:22) -1.0 First released version. (02/10/2001, 20:33) (This is what I call a good use of an evening) -1.1 Changed my email (10/29/2002) ************************************************************************* 2.- Introduction. Sweet Home was a game released by Capcom in 1989 in the Famicom, the japanese version of the NES. It is believed to be based in "Suito Homo", or "Sweet Home", an horror movie starring Juzo Itami, who was known for his problems with the Yakuza more than for his acting abilities. (As something pretty cool, he's credited as "director" in the game. Quite a funny thing from Capcom). I don't know much from the movie, though it seems to be another apparition movie, which attacked the world during the whole eighties, I'm not precisely a fan of these kinds of movies. The game is an adventure-RPG with an Survival Horror theme. The RPG part of the game is quite a surprise for a NES game, as well as the adventure bit. The same goes for the survival horror part. It's hard to find a game for an 8-bit system that could actually keep you nervous, and, trust me, this game does it pretty well. Sometimes I wish it hasn't been so cheesy (Some enemies are downright dissapointing on their work to scare), but it's a good game. This is an enemy list. For a full walktrough, check Deathspork's. For a very nice help file, Chris Klimas' is the choice. ************************************************************************* 3.- About this file. This file is better view in a graphics configuration of 800 X 600. Though now I wonder if anyone actually works on something less. I've decided to write an enemy list just to complement the other guides. I think it would be a waste of time to write another walktrough, Deathspork has done an excelent job with it. Besides, is my first enemy list ^_^. I always wanted to write one. I expect to fill in the weapons, but I haven't quite figured out their power. Wait for them on a next version. I'm currently writing an spanish full guide (Walktrough, items), which will be available in gamefaqs.com if it isn't already. ************************************************************************* 4.- Enemy List. (In Alphabetic order) LEGEND: ______________________ | | | (Name of the monster) | |_______________________| DESC: What it looks like. HP: Ammount of Hit Points before it goes down. EXP: Ammount of EXPerience it gives after killed. ATTACKS: Moves it uses in battle. Every attack is explained in section 5. LOCATION: Place where you'll find it. NOTES: (If given the need) Anything else you may need to know about it. a) Normal enemies. _______ | | | ARMOR | |_______| DESC: An empty, medieval-style armor. HP: 180 EXP: 42 ATTACKS: Hit. LOCATION: Second Floor (first area and the area with the two armors) NOTES: This enemy is actually a walking armor in the overhead view. Touch it and you will have to fight it. It is advisable to avoid until later. ______ | | | BANE | |______| DESC: An strange floating head with several lights (Purple). HP: 150 EXP: 40 ATTACKS: Shoot Fire, Flash. LOCATION: Second Floor (area with the two armors), Courtyard, Garden. NOTES: - ______ | | | BATS | |______| DESC: Three black bats. HP: 34 EXP: 4 ATTACKS: Attack, Bite. LOCATION: First floor (Fireplace room). NOTES: This enemy is actually a flying bat in the overhead view. Touch it and you will have to fight it. Also, is vulnerable to the lighter and the camera. ________ | | | CORPSE | |________| DESC: A head and two hands sticking out of the ground, continually vomiting green liquid (red). HP: 145 EXP: 57 ATTACKS: Bite, Spit Poison, Glare. LOCATION: Lake. I think they appear also in the Courtyard, but I'm not actually sure. NOTES: - ___________ | | | EVIL DOLL | |___________| DESC: A little doll with white face, and a pink dress. HP: 5 EXP: 1 ATTACKS: Lunge, Glare. LOCATION: First floor (first area, and mostly all over the place) NOTES: - _______ | | | GHOST | |_______| DESC: An apparition, with an skull, white robe, and red hair. HP: 520 EXP: 135 ATTACKS: Shoot Fire, Flash, Attack, Blow Wind. LOCATION: Caves. NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Camera. _______ | | | GHOUL | |_______| DESC: Humanoid being, with brown scales, and red ripped clothes. HP: 340 EXP: 62 ATTACKS: Swing, Glare. LOCATION: Lake, Basement. NOTES: There are two kinds of ghouls. This is the one which is standing, and is the weakest one of the pair. _______ | | | GHOUL | |_______| DESC: Humanoid being, with green scales, orange ripped clothes. Seems to be hanging from the ceiling, and lacks an arm. HP: 550 EXP: 105 ATTACKS: Swing, Bite, Glare. LOCATION: Sanctuary, Caves. NOTES: There are two kinds of ghouls. This is the one upside down, and is the strongest of the pair. _______ | | | GIANT | |_______| DESC: Humanoid being wielding a curve sword (brown) HP: 530 EXP: 107 ATTACKS: Slice, Ooze Pus, Blow Wind. LOCATION: Caves. NOTES: - _______ | | | GRAVE | |_______| DESC: A head and two hands sticking out of the ground, continually vomiting green liquid (green). HP: 80 EXP: 13 ATTACKS: Swing, Swipe, Spit Poison. LOCATION: Garden, Courtyard. NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Pipe. _______ | | | HOUND | |_______| DESC: Red dog, jumping towards the player. HP: 105 EXP: 30 ATTACKS: Swing, Bite. LOCATION: Courtyard, Garden, Second Floor (Area with the two armors) NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Mallet. ________ | | | KNIGHT | |________| DESC: An empty, medieval-style armor, slightly clearer than the ARMOR. HP: 500 EXP: 82 ATTACKS: Hit, Blow Wind, Flash. LOCATION: Sanctuary. NOTES: - ________ | | | MADMAN | |________| DESC: A man, wearing a green t-shirt. When he attacks reveals his face, with half his face showing his skull. HP: 300 EXP: 60 ATTACKS: Hit, Glare. LOCATION: Basement. NOTES: - ______ | | | MAN! | |______| DESC: A man, wearing a red t-shirt. When he attacks reveals his face, with half his face showing his skull. HP: 130 EXP: 35 ATTACKS: Hit, Attack. LOCATION: Second Floor (area with the two armors). NOTES: This thing scared me ^_^. ________ | | | MANIAC | |________| DESC: Humanoid wielding a curve sword (red). HP: 220 EXP: 50 ATTACKS: Slice, Ooze Pus. LOCATION: Courtyard, Lake. NOTES: - ________ | | | MIRROR | |________| DESC: An spectre wearing a shirt, trapped in a mirror. HP: 130 EXP: 24 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Courtyard. NOTES: This enemy is actually one of the many mirrors in the courtyard. Every mirror holds an enemy, which attacks you when you pass next to it. You can break them with the Mallet. Furthermore, this enemy is also vulnerable when in battle to the Mallet. __________ | | | SKELETON | |__________| DESC: An skeleton, with green rags. HP: 320 EXP: 90 ATTACKS: Hit, Flash, Blow Wind. LOCATION: Basement, Sanctuary. NOTES: This enemy looks indentical as the skeletons who gives you messages. This one isn't friendly, however, is quite a tough adversary. Also, this enemy is vulnerable to the Mallet. _______ | | | SKULL | |_______| DESC: An really hard to understand skull, which reveals an snake when it performs an attack. HP: 40 EXP: 10 ATTACKS: Bite, Bite (yes, two differents "bite"). LOCATION: Second floor all over the place, Garden. NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Lighter. The two bites are different, one does damage, the other poisons. This adds extra challenge to these enemies. ______ | | | WALL | |______| DESC: A face that seem stuck in a brick wall. HP: 120 EXP: 27 ATTACKS: Attack, Attack (Yes, two different "attack") LOCATION: Second floor (Area with the diary) NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Mallet. The two attacks are different, one does damage, the other scares. This adds extra challenge to these enemies. ______ | | | WISP | |______| DESC: An strange floating head with several lights (red). HP: 8 EXP: 2 ATTACKS: Shoot Fire, Flash. LOCATION: First floor, all over the place. NOTES: - ______ | | | WOLF | |______| DESC: Grey dog, jumping towards the player. HP: 500 EXP: 78 ATTACKS: Lunge, Bite. LOCATION: Sanctuary, Projector room. NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Mallet. _______ | | | WORMS | |_______| DESC: A cluster of many (and I mean it) orange worms. HP: 25 EXP: 6 ATTACKS: Lunge, Attack. LOCATION: First floor (first area). NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the lighter. ________ | | | WRAITH | |________| DESC: A flaming, purple spirit. HP: 335 EXP: 70 ATTACKS: Attack, Blow Wind. LOCATION: Basement. NOTES: This enemy is vulnerable to the Camera. ________ | | | ZOMBIE | |________| DESC: The upper part of a man, wearing a green t-shirt. HP: 60 EXP: 17 ATTACKS: Swing, Swipe. LOCATION: Second floor. NOTES: This enemy looks indentical to the Zombies which gives you messages. This isn't friendly, however. It's quite a tough adversary. You are most likely to see a friendly zombie first than a hostile one. Also, this enemy is vulnerable to the Pipe. b) Copycats: (These are the copies you may find in the final area of the game. These enemies are a real challenge to beat. If you thought that a Giant was hard, wait until Taro gives you an evil look with his Camera -_^ ) _______ | | | AKIKO | |_______| DESC: A young woman, wearing a white hat. HP: 420 EXP: 160 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Final area. NOTES: - _______ | | | ASUKA | |_______| DESC: A mature woman, wearing a purple dress. HP: 420 EXP: 180 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Final area. NOTES: - _____ | | | EMI | |_____| DESC: A young girl, with short brown hair and purple shirt. HP: 420 EXP: 190 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Final area. NOTES: My God... This girl's a real bitch to beat. However, she isn't in the main path to beat the maze (thanks Capcom). I haven't the slightest idea of why the hell is she so tough, but she's the toughest of the bunch. _______ | | | KAZUO | |_______| DESC: A man wearing a grey switch and a brown tie. HP: 420 EXP: 150 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Final area. NOTES: - ______ | | | TARO | |______| DESC: A man wearing a black and pink jacket, and holding a Camera. HP: 420 EXP: 170 ATTACKS: Attack, Flash. LOCATION: Final Area. NOTES: - c)Mamiya: Mamiya is an special case. You must exorcise her. You will need four items to beat her, the TOOL, DIARY, PHOTO and the COFFIN. She will attack you as well as to say several things. You will have to attack her as well, so don't doubt to send your most powerful characters. ________ | | | MAMIYA | |________| DESC: First is a woman with a pink dress, later transforms into a monster with a grotesque back, and red hair. HP: Methinks she has over 1500 HPs "available", though she doesn't dies even if you keep attacking her until Hell freezes. EXP: N/A ATTACKS: She doesn't has names for her attacks, she does over 110 HP of damage per hit. LOCATION: Final Area. NOTES: To beat her, attack her until she shouts "I WILL KILL YOU ALL". There, use the Tool. Keep attacking until she says "Go away". When she complains, Pray. She will transform to a monster. Attack her until the screen flashes. There, use the Diary, and Pray with at least 50 points. Keep attacking, when the screen flashes, use the Coffin, pray with 80 points. She will be defeated. ************************************************************************* 5.- Enemy Attack List. ATTACK: Depending on the enemy, either damages, stuns (Ghost, Man), scares (Wall) or poisons (Worms) a character. FLASH: Depending on the enemy, either damages or causes several status ailments. (Only the Ghost's damages) HIT: Damages a character. BITE: Depending on the enemy, either damages (Corpse), or poisons (Both severe and normal poison). LUNGE: Damages a character. BLOW WING: Transports a character to a random place in the manor. SWING: Damages a character. SPIT POISON: Poisons a character (Both severe and normal poison). GLARE: Freezes or curses a character. OOZE PUS: Curses a character. SHOOT FIRE: Damages a Character. SWIPE: Stuns an enemy. SLICE: Damages a character. ************************************************************************* 6.- Item List. a) Character specific items: These items cannot be exchanged at all. KEY (Emi): This key opens most doors in the manor. Door which cannot be opened with this key will require an special key to open, or it simply won't open from that side. +KIT (Akiko): This removes all status ailments to a character. Is the most important item in the game. VACUUM (Asuka): This removes shattered glass from the floor or dust from a frescon. LIGHTER (Kazuo): This item burns ropes, lights candles, and damages certain enemies (look in the enemies list for info about it). CAMERA (Taro): This item reveals hidden info on frescoes, and damages certain enemies. b)Other items: (In alphabetic order) LEGEND ________________ | | | (Name of item) | |________________| LOCATION: Place(s) where you can find the item. USE: Use of the item. #: Quantity of the total items available in the game. Useful if you need to free up space in the inventary, and need to know which items are disposable. If it has an asterisk (*), it means that it dissapears after one use. _______ | | | ARMOR | (Armor Spear) |_______| LOCATION: Courtyard. USE: Use it on the armor next to the window to access the Garden. #: 1 ____ | | | AX | |____| LOCATION: Lake. USE: Use it to chop the wood blocking the way in the Lake. #: 1 _____________ | | | BLUE CANDLE | |_____________| LOCATION: Sanctuary, Courtyard. USE: Use it on the three statues in the Sactuary, and light them. Pray and you will be able to reach the Final Area and beat Mamiya. #: 3 _______ | | | BOOTS | |_______| LOCATION: Second floor (north), Courtyard. USE: Use it and you will be able to walk over the green stuff without getting stuck. #: 2 _____ | | | BOW | |_____| LOCATION: Courtyard, Sactuary. USE: Shoot it at wooden stacks to cross chasms. Longer reach than the rope. DOES NOT RESCUES CHARACTERS FROM THE SAND TRAPS IN THE CAVES. #: 3 _______ | | | BROOM | |_______| LOCATION: East wing of the manor, Courtyard, Sanctuary. USE: A replacement to Asuka's vacuum. You will need one of these if she dies. #: 3 ________ | | | CAMERA | |________| LOCATION: First floor (Behind a wall of boulders, you will need the Mallet to reach it), Courtyard, Sanctuary. USE: Replacement to Taro's Camera. You will need one of these if he dies. #: 3 ________ | | | COFFIN | |________| LOCATION: Caves. USE: You will need this to exorcise Mamiya. #: 1 _______ | | | DIARY | |_______| LOCATION: Second floor (north). USE: You will read it to know more about Mamiya (You need the Diary key to do it, however, which you don't get until the last quarter of the game). Also, you will need this to exorcise Mamiya. #: 1 _______ | | | DIARY | (Diary Key) |_______| LOCATION: Basement. USE: Use it on the Diary to read it. #: 1 * _______ | | | DRESS | |_______| LOCATION: Sanctuary, hidden in Mamiya's room, on her bed. USE: Recovers your pray points with each use. #: 1 _________ | | | F LIGHT | (Flashlight) |_________| LOCATION: East wing of the Manor. USE: Dissapears the "mysterious shadows" (Black walls with red rays on it), and lets you thru. #: 1 ________ | | | FIRE X | (Fire extinguisher) |________| LOCATION: East Wing of the Manor, Courtyard, Basement, Second floor (north). USE: Dissapears fire from a whole room. Doesn't works with the fire in the Basement (Unfortunately). #: 6 * _____ | | | GAS | (Gas can) |_____| LOCATION: Garden. USE: Starts up the electric generator. #: 1 _____ | | | GEM | |_____| LOCATION: Basement. USE: Dissapears the fire in the basement. #: 1 * ________ | | | GLOVES | |________| LOCATION: Courtyard, Lake. USE: After one use, you won't get damaged by the thorns in the Lake. #: 2 ______ | | | GOLD | (Gold Key) |______| LOCATION: Sanctuary. USE: Opens doors which Emi's key can't. #: 1 ______ | | | IRON | (Iron Key) |______| LOCATION: Courtyard. USE: Opens doors which Emi's Key can't. #: 1 ______ | | | JADE | (Jade Ring) |______| LOCATION: Sanctuary. USE: Equip this and the Ruby Ring to get pass the servant. #: 1 ________ | | | LADDER | |________| LOCATION: Second floor (north). USE: Use it on the two wooden stacks in the second floor to access a new area. #: 1 * _____ | | | LOG | |_____| LOCATION: Second floor, Courtyard. USE: Use them on the Lake to create bridges. #: 5 * _____ | | | LOW | |_____| LOCATION: Lake. You need to use the Shovel in the rock tower. USE: Opens doors which Emi's key can't. #: 1 ________ | | | MALLET | |________| LOCATION: Second Floor, Caves, Courtyard, Garden USE: Use it to smash boulders and mirrors. Also damages quite a good number of enemies. #: 4 _________ | | | MATCHES | |_________| LOCATION: East wing of the manor, Sanctuary, Courtyard. USE: A Replacement to Kazuo's lighter. You will need one of these if he dies. #: 3 ______ | | | PAIL | |______| LOCATION: Courtyard (on the "kitchen"). USE: Fill it with special water to destroy an statue. #: 1 _______ | | | PHOTO | |_______| LOCATION: Courtyard. USE: You will need this to exorcise Mamiya. #: 1 ______ | | | PICK | |______| LOCATION: Second floor (North), Sanctuary, Courtyard. USE: With this you can avoid sliding on moving water or ice. #: 5 NOTE: There are waaaaaaay too many of these. That's weird. You won't need 5 picks to beat the game. _______ | | | PILLS | |_______| LOCATION: First floor (Behind a wall of boulders, you will need the Mallet to get it), Sanctuary, Courtyard. USE: A Replacement to Akiko's +Kit. You will need one of these if she dies. #: 3 ______ | | | PIPE | |______| LOCATION: Courtyard. USE: Besides damaging certain enemies, I don't believe it has any use. I thought it was dummied out of the game, but it's there, even when it's useless. #: 2 ________ | | | PULLEY | |________| LOCATION: Sanctuary, inside a room, hidden in the southeast corner. Myself haven't found it, but it has been reported. I thought it was one of the dummy items. USE: To walk twice as fast. #: 1 ______ | | | ROPE | |______| LOCATION: Second floor, Courtyard, Sanctuary, Garden, Caves. USE: Shoot it at a wooden stack to cross chasms. Also, it can rescue characters from the sand traps in the Caves. #: 5 ______ | | | RUBY | (Ruby Ring) |______| LOCATION: Sanctuary. USE: Equip this and the Jade Ring to pass the servant. #: 1 ________ | | | SHOVEL | |________| LOCATION: Lake. USE: To dig up the Low Key. Also give it to the "man" on the Basement to stop the fire. #: 1 _______ | | | SLIDE | |_______| LOCATION: First floor, Caves. (There are two in the first floor, but one of them is in an special area- I can't recall where ;P) USE: Use all three of them on the projector to progress. #: 3 _______ | | | TONIC | |_______| LOCATION: Many places. There is at least one on nearly every area in the Manor. USE: Refills your party HP and pray points. If it's used on a battle when all five characters are fighting, it recovers all HP and pray points for the whole group. #: 21 ______ | | | TOOL | |______| LOCATION: Courtyard. USE: To access the Basement. You will need this to exorcise Mamiya. #: 1 _____ | | | TWO | (Two Keys) |_____| LOCATION: Sanctuary. USE: Opens doors which Emi's Key can't. #: 1 (one pair ^_^) _____ | | | WAX | (Wax Candle) |_____| LOCATION: First floor, Second floor. USE: Lights an area where it is dark. Even if you change parties, it will remain lit- Strangely, it only works for the party holding it. #: 2 ______ | | | WIRE | |______| LOCATION: First floor, Courtyard, Sanctuary. USE: A replacement for Emi's Key. You will need one of these if she dies. #: 3 NOTE: It's beyond me how can you open a door with a wire, which really screwed my inventory for a good time. Don't let it bother you. ______ | | | WOOD | (Normal Wood) |______| LOCATION: First floor, Second floor, Basement, East Wing of the manor. USE: Use it to cross small gaps. It breaks after a few times, so be careful. #: 11 * ______ | | | WOOD | (Blue Wood) |______| LOCATION: First Floor, East wing of the Manor. USE: Use it to cross small gaps. It breaks eventually, I guess, though I haven't experienced it personally. #: 2 c) Dummied Items: All these items were found trough hacking: I don't know if you can find them in normal play. I don't think so, either. LEGEND ____________________ | | | (Name of the item) | |____________________| DESCRIPTION: What it looks like. PROBABLE USE: What it could be used for. This is a guess. _______ | | | FLASH | |_______| DESCRIPTION: Looks like a Flashlight. PROBABLE USE: Since there are many enemies who use this attack, probably it was a way for the characters to use that move. Probably, also, this is the item the enemies use. _____ | | | BOX | |_____| DESCRIPTION: A half opened box. PROBABLE USE: Probably, it was used to keep items, and it was probably removed because of making the game too easy (Half of the time you die just backtracking for an item you left like an idiot two hours ago in some room you can't recall). ______ | | | DIRK | |______| DESCRIPTION: Looks like a normal knife. PROBABLE USE: A removed weapon? I know I found another knife I couldn't use (I think it was called a "Shiv") But I think it was my fault :P. ________ | | | MAGNET | |________| DESCRIPTION: Looks like a two sided magnet. PROBABLE USE: VERY Unknown. I haven't the faintest clue about it. _______ | | | TORCH | |_______| DESCRIPTION: Looks like a lit torch. (Duh) PROBABLE USE: Probably it was a better version of the Wax Candle. It could be used to damage enemies, as well. ************************************************************************* 7.- Credits. - RPGclassics.com was my main source of info during my first time playing. They deserve my discovery of this excelent game. - To Skrybe (skrybezero@yahoo.com) for his guide which showed me how to hack the inventory. Find it at gamefaqs.com. - To Gaijin Production and Suicidal Translation for translating the room. (Though changing the "quit" menu would be a great idea, you know?) - To CjayC for publishing this and my other guides. - To me, for being alive and being a cool guy ^_^. - And to you, for reading and making good use of this file. ************************************************************************* 8.- Legal Stuff. This file is owned by Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com) You MAY distribute, print, read, show to your friends or enemies this guide freely, AS LONG as you credit Lord Zero as the author, keep the copyright on it, and is used for non-profit purposes. You MAY NOT change ANYTHING on this guide, adding or taking anything out of it, including banners, links, or anything else. You MAY NOT distribute this guide on any non-electronic media. All I ask from you if you wish to publish this guide on your site, is to keep it updated, and to notificate me of your URL. All Rights Reserved. Anything not mentioned on this text can be discussed via email to the address below. Copyright 2001-2002 By Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com). The last version can always be found in gamefaqs.com. __ / \ \||/ ______ ______ |||| <_____ \ <_____ \ |||| ____ __________________________\ \______\ \__||||______ / \ \ / Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com) / |||| / / /| \ /\ < --------------------------------< ||||/ / / | < @ \__________________________ ______ \_||||_/_/__| / \/ _____/ / _____/ / |||| \_/__/ <______/ <______/ |||| |||| /||\ \__/