The Sunshine's Faq was last updated: 1999-12-18 FFFFFF A Q Q F A A Q Q FFFF AAAAA Q Q F A A Q \ Q F A A Q Q\ \ Sword Master Version 1.1 (First time it's updated. Check out updating changes for more info.) This document copyright Per Granbom(Sunshine) (-): Credits Table of contents: 1. Introduction A: History B: Controls C: Items n´magic D: Walkthru E: Enemyz F: Bosses G: Tips n´ help H: faq I: Credits I have the credits both on top and on bottom, because it's better that way because of you don't have to scroll down the whole document to see it. _________________________________________________________________________ (-):Credits _________________________________________________________________________ * To Nintendo for good systems(Snes, Dolphin) * To Konami for good games * To Square for the best games * To Jeff for the best site( * To Djellybean for his awesome work * To Smcfadden for cool stuff * To Activision for this game ________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction This faq is written by me, Per Granbom, called Sunshine otherwise. Excuse me for all grammar errors. Why did i write a faq with this game? Well, the main course is because I haven´t seen any other guide or faq with this game, so I thought I would do mankind a favor. (Not really, but I thought it would be nice doin' one) I don't think this is a really great game(why!!!!???!??!), but ok, better something,than nuthin'. Sword Master is a game on NES if you didn't figure that out. (Gee! Nes and this game, it is at least nine year old game we're talking about!) You got any questions, comments, wanna talk some, say something at my adress: or I would be grateful if you send me a mail. ------------------- UPDATING CHANGES ------------------- The changes I've done, since the original: * I tried to correct my language(found some spelling errors) * I changed the walkthrough, with text * I formatted it another way * I gave it a better look * I changed the enemy-list a bit, with a list of all enemies * I changed the legal section a bit * Added some more text where needed * Put credits both on top and bottom * And I tried to make it better all over. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A: History """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "A dark era has entered the kingdom. The king, has been calling you to his castle.He tells you that an evil wizard, has summoned an evil snakegod, named Vishnok and together they have created the most evil and dangerous creatures. These creatures have destroyed the land,plundered, stolen things, and killed for a long time now. King Aragon tells you, that only you,can save the country from total destruction and save the princess, that is hold inside Vishnok and the conjurers castle. As you stand on the mountain top, looking over Eledars kingdom, and see the dark castle, you remeber your mission. Can you do it? A long time ago, you stood here also. When you were here last time, you were young and unexperienced, now you have earned your skills from the hard battlefield underneath, when you were looking for your destiny. After that, you have been dragging in the country,on the wild fields. You have been risking your life, non countable times. This was your destiny. You have been the sword Master, the best warrior ever. You have conquered everything in your way. All the good troops have been defeated, all hope is on your shoulders.This is your destiny, you can´t fail now, or else, human kind is doomed_ _ _forever." ########################################################################### B: Controls ########################################################################### The controls are: "Left" on the big black moving button moves you to the left. "Right" moves you to the right. "Down" moves you down to sitting position. Can be used to duck and if you press any other moving button,you will move meanwhile you are in sitting position. You can also strike in sitting position. In sitting position , you can go thru narrows. "Up" moves your shield so you can protect yourself against arrows, needles, and other dangerous things. "A-button" makes you jump. If you jump, then you sometimes can jump again. Use this on maps that got long gaps. "B"-button will make you strike with your sword. If you press "up" on the control-pad, you will strike a harder and more damaging hit. To strike in other directions, move the control-pad. Use "B"-button also to use magic. "START"-button makes you stop the game at any time "SELECT"-button makes you choose your magic cape. =========================================================================== C: Items n´Magic =========================================================================== There ain't too many items in this game. But there are some magic, and a life- restoring drink. The life-restoring drink looks like a glas, full with red liquid. If you drink it, it will heal your wounds a little bit, 1-2 energy, it´s random. If you don't take the glas, it will disappear after a while. This is the only Item that I know in this game. The Life potion will appear when you kill a monster sometimes. That's why you should kill all enemies, you get life-potions, and experience. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Magic: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the nice king escaped from the castle, he lost his magic cane and the symbols. The cane can transform into the magic cape, and with this one you can create stronger spells. The wizard's creatures have the symbols and are planning to give this to their master. If you can defeat them, can the cane and the cape be reused and get used against the enemies. After you defeat the first blue soldier, you will obtain the cane, which makes you the oppportunity to get the cape. Later in the game, you will get more magics. To activate the magic, press "Select"-button and you will get the cape, and if you press "start"-button, you will stop the game and can choose which magic you want to use with the "right"-button. Press "B"-button to use the magic, and hold the button for a more powerful attack. You can pick up marks that will appear after you killed a boss, or a hard enemy, before you go to the other map.But beware, if you wait too long, you will walk to the next map, and miss it! There are 4 different magics. These are the magics: ---------- The cane ---------- The mark with a cane on will make the opportunity to shoot a bullet. If you hold the button, it will be a more damaging attack, but it costs more. ---------- The flash ---------- The mark with a big flash on, makes flashes. If you hold the "B"-button, it will glow, and a more damaging attack will come. But it takes more on your experience meter. ---------- The fire ---------- The mark with a fire shoots a fireball. ---------- The block ---------- The mark with a big block shoots bombs. If you hold the button, explosions will come over the whole screen. Takes more of your experience meter then. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" D: Walkthru """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Note this at level 7: save your experience so you have full when you'll meet the evil wizard. You'll need it.That does mean to kill not too many enemies so the experience starts from zero again. You better watch this. This walkthrough is basically build to get you through the game. The bosses are not included. If you meet a boss, I say maybe something like: kill the boss and continue. For more details check the "boss section E". Some maps are tougher than others. The game is basically build on 7 levels. I don't go into details, it won't be needed anyway. Ok, let´s get starting: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Level 1: The living dark forest """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" You start the game here, in a deep forest. Just walk on until you meet a enemy. Kill all the enemies you can find, it will increase your experience meter. Happenings: You meet some Bats. After that, a Skeleton will attack you. Try to hit him when the shield is not up. Head on until you face a Wolf. After the wolf, some bats try to suck your blood. After that, face another wolf. Meet a giant dude with club(giant gorak). After him, wolves will attack. And after that, the bats are back. Another wolf, another skeleton-warrior, some more bats and a wolf before you face..... The magic dude: He shoots something glimming against you. Jump over it and strike him then. Kill him and next level will appear. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Level 2: Outside the castle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: Face some Fire, defeat the creepy spirits, the ghouls, the next fire some more fireworms, some evil eyes, a Snake-knight(grey coulor) and you will get the cane and next level will appear. """"""""""""""""""""""" Level 3: The castle """"""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: You face some bats. After that you face a Zillasaur. When you defeated the Zillasaur, you face a Lizardman. And after that, a snake-knight(grey coulor) will fight you. Then some bats attack again. And after that, you'll face a magic dude: He shoots something glimming against you. Jump over it and strike him then. After that, some bats attack. And a lizardman try to stop you. And a magic dude with an axe: this guy is a little bit harder. He shoots glimming shit against you. Jump over it and hit him. Then he might bend down, and shoot something in up and down direction towards you. Jump back. Then continue hit him. Kill him and you will get the fire spell. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Level 4: Outside the castle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: Defeat some Fireworms, a firedragon. Jump over the gaps(if you fall down, you die 1 life). Defeat the firedragons, beware of the evil eyes. Jump over the gaps. Kill the firedragons, and you will come to a hard evil eye that is tricky to jump over. If you can't jump over it, so try to jump at it, when it is the longest down. Then it might fly away. But this is not happening every time. Try again if you fail. You face some Fire worms, a few fire dragons, and a devil Man.Jump up and hit him. He'll die and you get the spell explosion and next level. """""""""""""""""""""" Level 5: The castle """""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: Defeat the bats, and you face a magic dude with axe. Jump over the bullets and hit him. Pretty soon he'll give. Defeat the bats, and the slagan(soldier with morning star)just kill him. Some more bats fly past. Defeat the devil man, and head on. Some more bats, and you'll come to the boss. A dragon with diamond. Kill it and you will get the flash spell and get to next level. """"""""""""""""""""""" Level 6: The dungeons """"""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: Spears(wait for them to disappear and then go on). You face some slem . Head on and ironballs will fall down(avoid them). The ceiling drops down(avoid it). More ironballs. The ceiling. You'll face some slem. Some spars giant with axe. (The Viking. ) Jump near him, strike him, jump back when the axe is coming-kill him and you will get to next level """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Level 7(and last) The deepest place in castle """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Happenings: More bats, a skeleton, a lizardman, even more bats, a snake knight(grey colour)more bats, a giant with axe(the viking). And head on. More bats , a knight with magic from his sword.(golden knight). Jump over his fire and hit him. Face the silver knight. Jump over the needles and protect you from the needles from the sky with your shield. More bats, and face the evil wizard. Attack him with your sword, until you start getting little of power. (maybe 8) then go back and start firing fire. After, you face a fire sorcerer. Just jump over his fire and hit him. Now you face Vishnok! Go through in and hit the mirror. See boss sections. Now, wasn't that easy! Congratulations! Sit back and relaxe while you see the cinema scene(not much to see but……) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ E: enemyz + bosses $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ There're some bad guys also in this game. Here's description, tactics, and everything you need to know(and maybe some more). ---------------- Vampire-bats: ---------------- They got their home in the forest and in deep castles. These creatures do whatever they can to get some blood from your neck. Really easy to kick. ------------ Skeletons: ------------ The killed knights are reborn to challenge you. They throw their swords after you. Easy to kill, but they need some hits. --------- Wolves: --------- These evil wolves wander around in the forest for their food. Easily killed. --------------- Giant Gorak: --------------- He looks like a giant dude with a tree-club and are green coulored. He´s big, and he´s angry! A little harder to kick, but you'll make it. ----------------------- Fire-flying worms?!?: ----------------------- Well, I don't know what it really is, but don't it looks familiar? Well, these guys are wimps. --------- Ghouls: --------- Men that have been turned from Vishnok to ghouls. Easily kicked. ----------------- Creepy spirits: ----------------- One enemy that is crawling on the surface. Easily splashed! ----------------- Snake-knights: ----------------- These warriors defend some parts of the kingdom. Their skills are good, but they are killed quite easily. Jump to them-hit-and jump back. ------------- Evil Eyes: ------------- You can´t kill these! They just bounce back! You got to run away from them! ------------- Zillasaur: ------------- This enemy looks like a Actor from Jurassic Park. A giant dragon swings his tail against you. Quite easily. Jump to them-hit-jump back. ------------------ The lizard-men: ------------------ A man and a lizard in one form! These enemies origin is from an another dimension that the evil sorcerer brought. Just keep striking and they'll die. --------------- Fire-Dragon: --------------- A dragon with fire that flies in the sky. Watch out, or he will push you in a never-ending gap! --------- Slagan: --------- A big Soldier and one of Vishnoks best soldiers. He uses a morning star to kick you with. He´s not hard, but don't get cocky! ------------ The death: ------------ This guy carries on a schythe. Why? Don't ask me! Well, this guy you will meet many times in your journey. He can heal himself, so kill him fast, before he recovers. He's quite easily. Jump over the bullets and strike him. ----------- The fire: ----------- Living fire are dropping down to burn you! Easy. ------------ Devil-man: ------------ Looks like a devil with two horns, and wings, and a tail with a triangle on. I think he looks like the Diablo. Easy killed if you jump and hit him with the more damaging strike. Use your shield when he shoots needles. ---------------------------- The dragon with a diamond: ---------------------------- A dragon with a diamond. Just attack him, and he'll be killed. Quite easily.Jump to it-strike-jump back. --------------------- The golden knight: --------------------- A knight covered by golden coulor. Quite easy. Jump over his shots and strike. -------------- The vikings: -------------- Another kind of dudes from another dimension. They throw axes toward you, so be careful. Quite easily.Jump over the axe and strike. ----------------- Silver knight: ----------------- A knight in silver. Just go on to kill him. Quite easily. Jump over the bullets-strike-jump back. Use shield against needles from sky. ------------------- The evil Wizard: ------------------- Your worst enemy and he is obsessed by power. He got the most powerful spells and has a lot of energy. Use your magic, or else you will be killed by his flash. Tough guy. Tactics: When you start getting low energy(8) , quickly turn yourself into the sorcerer. Choose Fire and start firing the magic. When you fire, keep firing at him. And again, and again until he´s dead. You must have a lot of experience here because you can't reach him with your sword. He´s firing a light that pushes you back. I suggest you jump toward him so you don't get catched in the corner. This guy is, in my opinion, the toughest boss in the game. I hope you saved your lives and didn't died on the other maps, you'll need 'em here. There are still two bosses more, when you killed him. ------------------- The fire-wizard: ------------------- This fire-sparkling magus is tough. Use magic if you got any. But else just attack him with your sword and jump over his fire. ------------------------- Vishnok the snake-god: ------------------------- If you came this far, you really is a great warrior. Now you must defeat the most mortal of all to restore peace to the country. The kingdom is in your hands. A tough guy. Tactics: You will not have any experience left now(I didn't)so you must use your sword. It works even better,so why worry? He will shoot a light ball against you. Avoid it and go through the light that he turns on, when it is off, then ,fast attack the thing that looks like a mirror. Hit it with your strongest attack. It will be a light and his energy power will go down a little bit.(Up and b- button. The overhead hit). Then quickly jump back almost to the light when the flash is coming. The flash will disappear. Then do the same thing again and hit it. If you hit it while there is no mirror you won't hit him. This boss is quite easy if you can time the backjump and the hit. When you got it, you will kick him easily. Congratulations! Now you can watch the cinema scene and rest! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ F: Tips and Help @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. Kill as many of the bats and other enemies so you can increase your power- meter. Use the double-jumb to get to the heights so you can kill them. 2. Learn how the wolves run. 3. Jump to the enemy-strike-jump back does work often. 4. Try to go behind Vishnok to avoid his strikes. 5. Do double-jumps on the 4 level. 6. Down in the dungeons, wait for the spears to disappear, and then go on. Learn when you shall go. 7. Sometimes it is better to go beneath the eyes on the 4-level, than jump over them. 8. When you meet the lizards, attack them fast with the strong attack. 9. To kill Zillasaur( a green dragon) Jump and strike jump back. 10. Use your shield often. 11. Be careful when you jump from gaps to gaps. Use the double-jump. *************************************************************************** G: Faq *************************************************************************** Q: what happens if I don't take the symbol with magic? A: you don't get the magic for the rest until you reset the game! Q:Why is the game so easy? A:because you are a tv-game-freak! Q:Why did you buy this sucking game? A: Because I wanted an old, classic Nes game. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Credits: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * I guess Activision for making this game so I could make a faq *Jimi Hendrix that kept my mind go on * And all other faq writers. Keep working! * Marshmallow for a great guide on Zelda64. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This document was all done by Sunshine C Copyright Per Granbom