TetraStar - The Fighter Walkthrough By Da Kaptin dakaptinman@yahoo.com Copyright by Da Kaptin, 3/29/2002. This work may not be reproduced, in full or in part, without permission from the author. This work may not be sold or profited from in any way. THIS MEANS if I catch anyone doing something with this FAQ without my permission, I will have them punished TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW! Version Notes 0.0001 ?/??/1999 - I found this game. I always thought about writing an FAQ for it but I never got around to it. 0.10 3/29/2002 - I finally decided to write an FAQ for this great game. Added Title, Copyright, Version Notes, Table of Contents, 5 "W"s of Contacting Me, Introduction, Storyline - From What I Can Understand, Controls, Special Weapons, Special Thanks, and completed Stage 1 and MOVIETIME #1. Quite a lot for one night, huh? 0.20 3/30/2002 - Finished Stage 2 & 3 and MOVIETIME 2 & 3. 0.25 3/30/2002 - Finished Stage 4. 0.32 4/3/2002 - Almost finished Stage 5. (Had it not been for my mother pestering me about hogging the phone line I would have finished it.) 0.45 4/3/2002 - Finished Stage 5 & 6 and MOVIETIME 5. 0.50 4/4/2002 - Finished Stage 7 and MOVIETIME 6. 0.60 4/4/2002 - Finished Stage 8 and MOVIETIME 7. 0.75 4/4/2002 - Almost finished Stage 9. 0.80 4/6/2002 - I FINALLY BEAT THE FINAL BOSS! It took a good while, but I beat him. WHAT FUN! I am soooo happy. Anyway, I finished Stage 9. 0.99 10/26/2002 - I finally found a frikin' english patch for this game. For once, I can actually understand what the freak those people are saying. Table of Contents I. 5 "W"s of Contacting Me II. Introduction III. Characters IV. Storyline V. Controls VI. Special Weapons VII. Walkthrough VIII. Cheats IX. Needful Things X. Special Thanks I. 5 "W"s of Contacting Me Who can contact me? Anyone with a valid question that isn't answered in this FAQ can email me. If you don't give me polite e-mail (don't fuss at me for 'obvious' things I'm missing), I won't give you a reply. What can you contact me about? See the Who section. If your question is answered in this FAQ, PLEASE don't send it. It will be ignored. Oh, and one other thing. If your wondering, I don't know a lick of Japanese, so don't ask about what their saying. I just watch the picture show. When can you contact me? If you have an urgent question, e-mail me between Monday and Friday. Otherwise, contact me anytime. Where can you contact me? You can e-mail me at dakaptinman@yahoo.com. Or chat with dakaptinman on Yahoo! Messenger. Why would you want to contact me? I really can't answer that. You know why you want to contact me. So do it. Although I doubt anyone will. II. Introduction This is one of my favorite games for the NES! I'd never heard of it until I found it in a place that shall remain nameless. (I was just getting all games that had fighter or star.) I've loved this ever since. Unfortunately, I lost this game someplace, so I lost my knack for it. But, anyway, I'd like for everyone in the world to know about this game. This is a 3D shoot-em-up game with a colorful scrolling ground. It's kind of like the space fights on Star Wars. (Just imagine the Tetra Star as the X-Wing.) If you don't like shoot-em-ups you will hate this game. Similarly, if you don't like Star Wars, you will hate this game. But, if you like shoot-em-ups and Star Wars you will love this game. This game is totally in Japanese, except for the line "OK" about midway through the game. So I can only follow the pictures. If anyone can help me with the Japanese translation, I would be much obliged. Found an english patch here: http://www.zophar.net/ Click the patch link in the translation section. (It's near the bottom.) P.S. You will need a patcher to play the english version of this game. The best I have ever seen is IPSWin. It's too easy to use. Go get it! III. Characters You - You are pilot, controller of the Tetra Star. Literally. In the game text, your name is "Pilot"! General Nelson - The person who first offers military assistance to the resistance, and guides you through the basics of the storyline. Omega - He's the R2D2 of this game. From what I can tell he's an alien robot. He looks very similar to Snoopy. He makes the facial expressions of Snoopy. Is he the Snoopy of the Future? IV. Storyline - improvised In 2089 AD... Man's probe Prometheous encounters the Baal Empire. The Baal provide an interstellar network over 40 million lightyears long. Earth became intergalactic. Then the Resistance, a group formed to fight the Baal, and the military join forces to develop the Tetrastar. Yet in 2090 Earth and Baal constructed a lunar warp gate. In 2091 you, the test pilot of the Tetrastar, and an alien robot named Omega become fast friends. You are troubled about the warp gate, but Omega believes that the Resistance knows best. For a time there was peace. You and Omega are restationed and split apart. Omega gives you a communicator so your friendship is not broken. A month later Baal broke the alliance and invaded... V. Controls Control Pad - Moves the Tetrastar around the screen. B button - Fires your normal weapon. A button - Fires one of your four special weapons. Start - Pauses Game. Select - Tabs through special weapons. VI. Special Weapons WID - Wide Blaster. Spread Bomb. AAM - Air-to-Air Missle. Very fast. Homing. Try it out for yourself. NAP - Napalm Bomb. Stupid name for this weapon cuz it doesn't spread. BIO - Bio Cannon. THE strongest weapon on the game. Charges. Save for bosses. VII. Walkthrough The biggest thing to remember in this game: Don't get hit by the pink 8s! Also, grab all the transparent circle things that come to the front of the screen. They're powerups. Stage 1 - Save NYC Stage 1 starts where the intro ends. Four circle ships destroy the Statue of Liberty. Then four triangle ships come from the left. Then the right three times. Then the left four times. Then the right once. Then the music will change. Two rows of circle ships will try to attack the buildings twice. Destroy the ships in the front to blow up the rows quickly. Then five robot-like ships will come down from the top of the screen. Shoot the middle one and don't run into the ships when they come in close. Then two more rows of circle ships will attack. Then five robot-like ships will fall in a column right in the middle of the screen. Destroy the ones on the bottom and the rest will start to fall down, kind of like Tetris. They do this four times. Then another set of circle ships attack. Then five more robot-like ships will float down from the top. Again, destroy the middle one and don't get hit or run into them. They do this four times. Then guess what happens? Another set of circle ships attacks. Then the triangle ships attack in eights. Then another set of circle ships attack. Then another set of triangle ships attacks. Then the stage ends. YAY! Stage 2 - To the Warp Gate, heros! The first thing that happens is a bunch of pentagon-shaped ships attack you. They attack in twos. Their formation is one ship circles the other and then they swich. If you shoot a set before they get into their formation, one goes gliding off the screen. If, when they get into their formation, you shoot the outside one, the middle one will bounce off the screen. If you shoot the middle one, the outside one will glide off the screen. The pentagon ships attack for quite a while, so there's no need to map when and where they come in. However, you will know when their attack ends when two ships come rushing in and try to shoot you. They come in from the left. Try to kill them before they can shoot. After they attack, twelve top-like ships attack. They fly into the screen, then come back and go into a circle formation. They will start spinning clockwise whilst shooting at you. After they attack, another set of twelve top ships attack. They come in spinning like the pentagon ships, then fly to the very back of the screen and go into a circle formation. When you shoot one of them, the other ships close the gap. After you destroy them, hook-like ships will start to attack. They attack in sixes. They spin like a gyro. While they attack you, the Baal will be shooting homing missiles at you. Destroy them. The hook ships and the missle launchers will attack for quite a while, too. Their attack ends when twelve hook ships attack you. They will try to ram into you, but they will only ram the sides of the screen. Destroy them quickly. After they attack, you will have to fly through an obstacle course. You cannot destroy any of the obstacles, but you can get extra points by shooting them. The course starts with spinning Ping-Pong sticks. When you get through these, they start coming from the outside of the screen and get to the middle, making a runway. The runway starts straight, turns right, turns left, then spreads back out. If you're a good pilot, you can go to the left side when the runway turns right, and to the right side when it turns left. After you get through this, you come to the boss fight. BOSS FIGHT - Getaway Vehicle Not really a boss fight. Shoot it down. Grab the egg. Congratulations! You've rescued Omega! Now, back to the stage... All you have to do is destroy as many of the distant ships as you can. The more you destroy, the less that can attack your crew. Stage 3 - To Ilvadez! At the beginning of this stage, three worm-like ships attack you one at a time. Destroy them quickly. Then a bunch of triangle ships attack you from the middle. Then pink tripod-like ships attack you in fours. They come from the left and right, stop in front of you, then go up and off the screen. Then a few more triangle ships attack you. The music changes. The scenery begins to change. Then R2D2-like ships will fly under you. Destroy them for points. You're now entering another obstacle course. These are long Ping-Pong sticks that bounce lightning bolts. This is the order you fly through them: Middle, Bottom, Top, Bottom, Top Middle. After you get through this, a lot of UFO-like ships attack you. They do this for quite a while, so there's no reason going over where they attack from. After you get through their attack, a bunch of gray triangle ships fly over you. Then the boss appears. BOSS FIGHT - Base shield (Metal Head) Well, that's what this thing looks like. A big metal head. He only has one attack. When he first appears, you can't attack him. So don't use any of your weapons. (You can shoot him with the normal weapon for extra points.) He moves left, then right, then back to the middle. Then he opens up. Shoot the middle of that engine-like thing with your normal weapon. Normally, he shoots pink missiles at you, but this should destroy them. If it doesn't, shoot them down or just avoid them. Now wait for him to open up again and do the same thing. He should have to open once more before he blows up. That ends the stage. YAY! Stage 4 - Time to Destroy Supercomputer Belzegal NOTE: In this stage, you can either follow what I say or don't shoot anything at all. Well, you'll have to shoot some stuff near the end of the stage when an alarm goes off. You'll hear it when it happens. If you want to follow the storyline, don't shoot anything 'till the alarm. When you enter this stage, the Tetra Star begins to sparkle as it changes into the TIE fighter. You fight as it in this stage. The first enemies that attack you are TIE fighters. There are three in the middle, two at the top, and two at the bottom. After you destroy them, a portal opens, and more TIE fighters come out. Just sit in front of the portal and blow them away. This happens twice. Then you have to go through another obstacle course. These orange boxes will close in on you if you're anywhere near their middle. Stay at the top and don't be in the way of one of the four pieces of the square. After you get through the boxes, four triangle ships attack you. When you destroy these, TIE fighters start coming in from the right and left on what look like those old bathtub stoppers broken in half. Four come in from the right, then from the left. Then five come from the right, then the left. (You'll probably notice that while you're progressing through this stage, you keep panning down to a structure with four tall posts and a building with a pink roof (Belzegal).) After this a bunch of triangle ships attack you. Then cone-like ships attack you in threes. This happens twice. Then cylinder-like ships attack you. If you don't destroy them quickly, they either shoot a rock or a little windmill ship. Four come in from the left. Then cone ships attack from behind you. Two come in from the outside, then the middle, then the outside, then the middle. Then the cone and cylinder ships attack at the same time, cylinder ships on top. Two sets of cylinder and cone ships attack. Then cylinder ships attack from behind you, first from the outside left, then the inside left, then the inside right, then the outside right. Then five cone ships start hopping up from the ground, from the inside left or right to the middle. Then a couple more triangle ships attack. Then orange bowtie-like ships attack you in a clock formation. Destroy them all to get a powerup. Then shoot down the ship that's carrying something. Take the powerup it gives you. Then a couple of triangle ships attack you. Then you'll see a ship going from the bottom of the screen to the top. SHOOT IT DOWN, otherwise it becomes invincible. This ship gives you a memory capsule from Belzegal, giving you the BIO. A bunch of transport ships start to fly towards Belzegal. You then start losing your TIE fighter. Don't worry, it's a part of the game. Now it's time to fight the boss. BOSS FIGHT - Belzegal This is a pretty easy boss. All you have to do is shoot the orbs that float around it, avoid the brownish rock-things it shoots at you, and destroy the TIE fighters it launches. It will only launch four TIE fighters at a time, and it will only shoot two rock-things at a time. After you shoot down all the orbs, just shoot at the building and it will be destroyed. Watch for the last orb it shoots at you, though! Moving on... A bowtie ship will fly from behind you into the back of the screen. TIE fighters follow it's path, and when it reaches the right side, a lot of them will SPEED into the screen. Shoot down the bowtie fighter. You get a powerup from it. Get it quickly, because after you destroy it, another bunch of TIE fighters speed into the middle of the screen. Another bowtie ship will fly into the screen. TIE fighters will follow it's path, too. Destroy the bowtie ship quickly because the TIE fighters come in bulk and are very annoying to destroy. End of the stage. YAY! Stage 5 - Destroy the Transports or KILL THE BREAD!!!!! In this stage, don't really worry about shooting any other ships other than the transports. The ships that make a clock formation will not shoot you until they start to leave the screen. Their aim is off, too. You only need to shoot about two or three, so you can get a powerup. But focus on the transports. (The transports don't shoot at you either, but they give you lots of points.) After the first wave of transports, bowtie ships come from behind you, spinning clockwise, with five in an inner ring and five in an outer ring. They come back towards you rather quickly. Then when they come back out, one comes from the left or right side of the screen, either from the top or the bottom. Avoid these at all costs! Touching it will kill you. Destroy these ships as quickly as you possibly can! After you get through these, destroy the next wave of transports. They come in arrow formations. They will only come in fives here, at least for most of it. Now, when the transports start coming near (they only come in four positions: Far, Middle, Near, and Very Near), little top ships attack you. Worry about killing these instead of the transports. (They DO shoot at you.) The top ships attack in twos twice, then in fours twice. Then purple ships will start coming from behind you in a triangle formation. You can't destroy them. Three come out. Then a set of green ships come out. You can destroy these. A little circle thing comes together in the middle of the four sets of triangle formations. Destroy at least one green ship before they start moving. Destroy the rest quickly. After this, the transports come in far, middle, and near at the same time. Now it's time for the boss fight. BOSS FIGHT - Pink Fortune Tellers Not an easy boss. There are thirteen of these things. They open up one of their corners like you open up those paper fortune tellers. Each corner has a little hole. This hole will shoot at you. You have to shoot the hole to break it and make the corner stay open. When you destroy all four corners, you destroy the ship. However, the fortune tellers shoot at you very often and more than one at a time. Make sure you don't catch a cramp, because you will be shooting quite a bit. Destroy these ships as quickly and as accurately as possible. Your special weapons are useless in this fight. Destroy the bosses and you beat the stage. (Phew! What a hard stage.) Stage 6 - To Balgous and the real Belzegal! Kinda neat how they have the stage twisting, huh? Anyway, this stage starts off with colorful cone-like ships twisting the way the warp does. About twelve do this. Then those ships come in from the back of the screen accompanied by the transports, and followed by two cone ships. Very easy points. They do this four times, first from the top, then from the bottom, then from the top twice. Then three sets of four transports come rushing past you, followed by three sets of much slower transports. Then the cone ships and the transports attack at both the top and the bottom. They are followed by four sets of four transports. Then the transports and the cone ships attack from the top and bottom again, followed by four sets of four transports which are immediately followed by the cone ships at the top and bottom. Then something at the bottom of the screen says something about 115. (Translation PLEASE!) Then ten triangle ships attack you. They have a LOT of armour on, though! It takes many shots to take them down. Do it quickly, because even though they're just triangle ships, they can be lethal when they have so much armour. Then the music changes, and a six-pointed star comes toward you. (Don't worry about it; it can't hurt you.) Guess what comes next? An obstacle course! This one has triangles! It's pretty easy to get through. When you get through it, you get to the boss fight. BOSS FIGHT - Baal Attack Formation This fight is HARD. A BUNCH of orange ships attack you. Quite viciously, I must say. If you are good (and I mean 5-year veteran good) you can get through this stage with Omega in tact. If it's your first time playing, give this fight a shot, but don't expect to win. Here's the best way I know to win this fight... 1. Avoid all ships that fly towards you AT ALL COSTS! 2. Keep your eyes open for bullets. You'll find them all over the screen. 3. Begin this fight with the AAMs. Fire them ALL off. I mean EVERY LAST ONE! 4. Switch to the BIOs. Charge it until the charge indicator starts spinning around you. Then fire it at the largest group of orange ships you can find. Continue this strategy until you win the fight. Stage 7 - The Crystal Planet Balgous This stage starts off saying that you have no special weapons. However, it changes to say that you have unlimited special weapons! Switch to the AAM and get ready to PARTY! Airplane ships start this stage. Destroy the first two sets with your normal weapon. (If you can push A and B at the same time really fast, you should do that.) Then don't do anything but shoot your AAMs. After you get through this, you go through yet another obstacle course. This one is a breeze, so I won't say what's in it. Then when you get through that, one triangle ships attacks, then you get to fight a bunch of worm ships. Then three triangle ships attack. Then you go through another obstacle course, like the one on stage 5. Then a green version of that green invincible ship attacks. Then little gray boxes attack you. They can run into you, other than that I don't know how they can attack you. Then something attacks you. I say something because I can't see it. I don't know what it looks like. Then an orange thing appears. Just attack it with AAMs and it will go away. Then that something attacks you again. Then the screen starts darkens. Guess what time it is? BOSS FIGHT - True Belzegal When he appears, you can only see the top little bit of him. Orange TIE fighters are attacking you. Then a long platform-thing comes up from him. Keep shooting AAMs at the TIE fighters. He'll get up in a few seconds. Then a bunch of transports start flying toward him. Again, use your AAMs. Then, when he gets up, a little red eye apears in the middle of him (that orange part of him). That is the one thing you can attack on this whole boss. Each of the seven parts of him (the six glass globes on the sides and the orange thing in the middle) must be destroyed. Each one also has a different attack. (In case you're wondering, his middle is invincible until you destroy three of his parts.) Here are the attacks: HINT: Don't use ANYTHING but BIOs. Charge them and make an accurate hit. Middle: Charges and fires three pink meteor-things at you. When you destroy three of his parts, he will fire a LOT of these at you. Top: Fires pink rings at you (they home in on you). Top Right: Fires normal (figure 8) shots. Bottom Right: Launches the orange ships that attacked you at the end of the last stage. Bottom: Pulls you down to the bottom of the screen (Magnet). Bottom Left: Shoots normal shots. Can also divert AAMs. Top Left: Shoots the orange block things that you saw earlier in this stage. When you destroy all of his parts, he blows up and starts falling to the ground. After he hits the ground the whole place starts falling apart. Then you boost off. End of stage. YAAAY!!!!!!! THE END! VIII. Cheats As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game (regular, Game Genie, or anything else). If you know any PLEASE inform me. IX. Needful Things 1. I want a copy of this game. I have only played this game on NESticle and RockNES. I will pay ($25+) for this game. Please help me out. 2. If somebody out there has a Neo-Geo cartridge or CD system (with controllers) I would pay $250+ for it. I have not been able to find it ANYWHERE! 3. Neo-Geo games. Especially Waku Waku 7... $75+ 4. Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES). 'Nuff said. $75. X. Special Thanks Da Kaptin --- For staying up all hours of the night starting this FAQ. Edge --- For the copyright on his Final Fantasy 1 walkthrough. Nintendo --- For producing many great games. Disco/Taito Corp --- For making this great game and the Sonic Blast Man series. GameFAQs --- For putting this on their site.