TetraStar - The Fighter Game Text By Da Kaptin dakaptinman@yahoo.com Copyright by Da Kaptin, 10/26/2002. This work may not be reproduced, in full or in part, without permission from the author. This work may not be sold or profited from in any way. THIS MEANS if I catch anyone doing something with this FAQ without my permission, I will have them punished TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW! Table of Contents I. Introduction II. English Patch III. Game Text IV. Thanks I. Dude, what's your problem? Didn't you already make a walkthrough for this game? Yes, I already made a walkthrough for this game. So what's it to you? If you're thinking that, then why the heck are you reading this? Is it because you want to understand this game's text? Then what's YOUR problem, dude? II. Where can I get the english patch? Good question. Get it here: http://www.zophar.net/ Click the patch link in the translation section. (It's near the bottom.) P.S. You will need a patcher to play the english version of this game. The best I have ever seen is IPSWin. It's too easy to use. Go get it! II. Game Text Introduction In 2089 AD... Man's probe Prometheous encounters the Baal Empire. The Baal provide an interstellar network over 40 million lightyears long. Earth became intergalactic. Then... The treacherous Baal want our planet! General Nelson, the Resistance needs military support! Despite our differences, I agree. We'll develop a ship just in case. Yet in 2090 Earth and Baal constructed a lunar warp gate. In 2091... The gate might just be for transport, but... Well, have faith in the resistance, pilot... For a time there was peace. Looks like the Tetrastar Project is cancelled and we're restationed... It was an honor to serve you. Don't forget old Omega. Keep in touch with this communicator. A month later Baal broke the alliance and invaded... 2) FMV #1 Baal failed to take New York but they did not give up... The gate kept them supplied. General Nelson, the Baal might have a base on the other side. The Tetrastar and I can destroy it. I'm sure you can but... I have some bad news. Omega was captured. Without the NavBot you can't warp. You must save Omega! The Baal will transport him soon, but I can track his communicator. Then I'm appointing you to lead the rescue mission. Godspeed! Stage 2 Text That must be Omega! He must be inside! I'll have to grab him. FMV #2 Hey Omega! You alright? Yeah, but watch where you shoot, huh? But thanks. I'll set up the Wide Blasters and Homing Missiles. Capsules will power them. Stage 2 Text (cont.) There's the warp gate to their base located on planet Ilvadez. Get ready to warp! [stage plays] Hurry! It's closing! [stage plays] That was close! Be careful! FMV #3 We're near Ilvadaz. Omega, scan the warp exit path. 146 ships in orbit... maybe we can warp directly onto the planet? Risky but let's do it! Stage 3 Text Let's search their base! FMV #4 Look how expansive the Baal Empire is! Here's the homeplanet! Fozales... The data says their super computer Belzegal is located there! It's close so we don't need to warp, and this holographizer will cloak us! Let's cloak the ship as a Baal ship!! Maybe we can sneak on Fozales! A novel idea! How about this ship? [FMV plays] Hologram on! Yes! Perfect! Hope it works... Stage 4 Text Hologram on! If you shoot too early... Don't shoot! We're cloaked! [stage plays] That's a memory capsule from Belzegal! Using that capsule on the Tetrastar will give us some new weapons! Belzegal! Is that new weapon ready? Yup. Bio Cannon online! That's Belzegal! What do I shoot Omega? Hit the lower ball bearings! Liftoff! FMV #5 The empire's finished.... What will you do now, Omega? I want to live on Earth... with humans. Don't worry! We'll be heroes back home! Wait! Look on the radar! What are those ships? Transports I think... Oh no. They're carrying uranium! Let's follow! Switch to afterburners! FMV #6 Look Omega! It's a warp gate! But where are those ships heading? Look at all the warp convoys! It's a huge operation! Maybe the Baal leader is on the other side? Let's scan... On Balgous, true home to the Baal, is their bio-computer leader, Belzegal, using uranium for power. Why is this puny ship destroying my armada? I will end this now! Nothing must interupt my flow of uranium any longer! The time for launch is close... All defenses! Destroy the invading ship! Execute... Execute... Let's go Omega! Rodger! Afterburners on! Stage 6 Text Transports!! [stage plays] We got 115 ships! [stage plays] Lasers won't do it! [stage plays] Alert! FMV #7 (Survive Boss) Balgous! We're almost there! FMV #7 (Captured by Boss) It's taken control! And entering! You're a robot! Like me! But why are- We robots are just tools... Execute human! Look out!! Omega!! Hang in there... Omega!!! Th-The Bio Cannon!! Okay! Omega! Why'd you do it... No time to talk... We'll exit the warp gate soon... Don't worry... I've inputted all my nav data... So you can go on... Goodbye... D****t! Omega you b*****d hang in there! Omega! Omega!! Capsule launched... Farewell Omega... They'll pay! Balgous! We settle this now! Stage 7 Text I am the real Belzegal! Welcome to Balgous... but you're too late! I am completed and the final countdown has begun... I am a bio-computer built by the Balgous 12000 years old... To serve my creators I have continually grown... But now I cover the planet... to survive... I must expand. Therefore I shall self-destruct this planet and spread across the galaxy to harnass energy! The destruction of Fozales was merely a test of my power! [stage plays] I must admit that you have impressed me, but it is futile. You will only live if you choose to join me... But you won't... [stage plays] Error... Error... You fool! 12000 years of data all lost! Why? What have you done!? You will pay!! Grawaaahh!! Final FMV This is the Tetrastar. Belzegal is destroyed and Balgous is annihilated. Returning home... Great work! The Baal're already retreating! [w/ Omega] You did great too, Omega. Thanks, sir, I'm speechless! [w/o Omega] By the way, how's Omega? I don't see him... He... He died saving my life... I see... III. Thanks Da Kaptin --- For staying up all hours of the night writing this FAQ. Zophar's Domain --- For posting the english patch for this game. Nintendo --- For producing many great games. Disco/Taito Corp --- For making this great game and the Sonic Blast Man series. GameFAQs --- For putting this on their site.