California Raisins: The Grape Escape Guide Section 1: Controls/Items/Enemies Section 2: Story Section 3: Juicery Section 4: Factory Section 5: Maize Maze Section 6: Grapevine Section 7: Sky High Records -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Controls/Items/Enemies Controls A = Jump B = Shoot Select = Moonwalk Left/Right = Left/Right Up = Climb Up Down = Climb Down Start = Pause Note: Climbing took a while to get a hang of for me. I realized that in order to climb you must be perfectly centered on a vine to climb it. Make sure you are centered or you will most likely fall. Items: Sun: The suns you collect are equivalent to energy. If the California Raisin touches any damaging but nonlethal object, then it loses 1 sun. Each sun you collect you gain one energy. If you touch an enemy you will lose 1 sun. Invincibility: These are shields with an "I" on them. They make you impervious to damage from damage from nonlethal objects. An enemy cannot hurt you but landing in a hole or grape juice will. Extra Raisin: These look like little California Raisins. They raise your Raisin meter which represents your lives. Music Notes: Collect these and each of them adds to your score at the end of the level. Each one is worth 100 points. Transforming Music Notes: Some music notes when shot at will change to a different power up. I have seen it turn into Invincibility, Music Notes, and Suns. You can tell these apart from regular music notes by the fact that when you shoot normal music notes, the shot will go right through it. The Transforming Music Notes when shot will destroy the shot. You will see what I mean soon enough. Raisin Blocks: These are blocks you can stand on and shoot. They sometimes hide items. They are sometimes enemies too. They look just like the block the little purple enemy turns into when you shoot or hit it. Golden Music Notes: The level bosses have these. When you defeat them you get one of them and you can no longer enter the level. Enemies: The Wild Bunch: The wild bunch are a bunch of green, (I'm guessing here) sour grapes. There are also some purple grapes too. For the sake of not knowing the enemies' names I will refer to almost all enemies as Wild Bunches. They are often wearing different costumes and such but they are recgonizable by their green color. You can defeat them by touching them or shooting them with grape juice. If you touch them you will lose 1 energy. Mad Mini Raisin: They look like little walking purple blocks. That's also essentially what they are. They are about half the size of you and square. If you shoot them or run into them they turn into a raisin block. Use this to your advantage. Shoot them when they are positioned below something then jump on top of them and collect the item. Bosses: There are 5 bosses in this game and 1 mini-boss. Each of them are mentioned in their appropriate walkthrough section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Story The game says, "We need your help! The California Raisins Band and all of their music has disappeared. We are afraid that they may have been kidnapped!!! It is rumored that the rival band, The Wild Bunch, has captured the Raisins and is holding them high atop the Grapevine in the Penthouse Studios of Sky High Records. Your mission is to find the four Golden Notes necessary to unlock the entrance to Sky High Records and return the Raisins and their music in time for their next concert..." So it seems that this means you must go to 4 different levels and defeat the 4 bosses of each to earn their Golden Music Notes. You must then go to Sky High Records and save the California Raisins. Good Luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2.5 Difficulty You have a difficult and normal mode available. This guide was written for normal mode. I have played a little bit of difficult and have noticed very few changes. This guide should be able to get you through difficult but it is not a garuntee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Juicery Screen 1: This screen has a vine to the right and a platform above you. On the platform is a sun. Shoot the Wild Bunch at the top and collect the sun. Next, climb down the vine to Screen 2. Screen 2: Jump off the top of the vine to the left and land in the top left alcove. Go to the extreme right of the top left alcove and shoot to the left. You should uncover a hidden music note. Collect it. Jump down to the middle right alcove. Go the extreme left of it and shoot to the right. You should uncover a hidden sun. Collect it. Then jump down and to the left to the bottom left alcove. Collect the visible music note then climb down to Screen 3. Screen 3: Jump to the top right alcove and collect the visible music note. Next jump to the middle right alcove and go the the extreme right and shoot left. You will uncover a hidden music note. Collect it. Jump down to the right and you should see a passage that continues past the screen. Go right and shoot the Wild Bunch approaching you. Keep going right until you reach a vine. Climb it and then jump onto the platform to the left. Jump to the next platform and follow it to the wall and shoot any Wild Bunch that may appear on your way. Collect the visible music note then climb up the vine leading up to Screen 4. Screen 4: Be Cautious on this screen. There are corks that hurt you flying from barrels on this screen. Carefully climb up to Screen 5. Screen 5: Nothing here but a Transforming Music Note. Collect the power up of choice then drop down past Screen 4 back to Screen 3. Screen 3 Revisited: Go to the right until you reach a vine going down. Don't cross over yet. Drop down to the lower level and walk to the edge of the hole with the vine. You should see a Mad Mini Raisin approaching. When it appears shoot at it and it should turn into a raisin block. Be careful not to walk to far left as the Mad Mini Raisin will respawn once it is off the screen. Cross over to the right side of the vine and stand atop the raisin block. Jump straight up from the raisin block and at the highest point of your jump shoot to the right. You should uncover a hidden music note. If you were slow and the raisin block disappeared go to the right of Screen 3 until you reach the wall then turn around. The Mad Mini Raisin respawns and you can try again. Once you collect the hidden music note go right and you should reach two vines. The left one is safe to climb. The right one has Wild Bunches falling from it. Climb up the left one to Screen 6. Screen 6: As soon as you enter this screen switch to the right vine. On screen 6 the left vine has falling Wild Bunches and the right one is safe. Collect the music note and then jump to the platform. Walk to the right and you will encounter a pair of vines once again. The right one drops Wild Bunches. Climb up the left one to Screen 7. Screen 7: You don't need to switch vines this time around. Climb up the left vine and collect the sun at the top. Then jump to the platform to the right. You should see stairs with three music notes. Collect the three then drop back down to Screen 6. Then go back down to screen 3 again. Screen 3 Again: Go to the left until you see a vine going to a lower screen. Grab a hold of this vine and climb down to Screen 8. Screen 8: Be wary. Don't jump off the vine because below you is a bottomless pit and you'll lose a life. While on the vine you will see two platform one to the right of you and one to the left. Jump onto the leftt one. Be careful below you are bottles of grape juice and all the tops are flying off. If one hits you you'll lose one energy. After you land on the left platform walk to the right. You'll see green tile with some reddish brick pieces. These reddish brick pieces are your platforms. Jump to the left using those small platforms like stepping stones. At the end is a sun. Collect it for one energy then turn around and grab a hold of the vine again. This time jump onto the right platform. Using the brick colored platforms as stepping stones cautiously cross the screen and collect the music note. Then go back to the vine and climb up to screen 3 once more. Screen 3 Final Visit: Go the the right to the vine in which you entered screen 3 by. Climb down it to Screen 9. Screen 9: This is the end of the vine. You should see a small blue arrow pointing down. Let go of the vine and fall past Screen 10 to Screen 11. Screen 10: Nothing here except you falling. Screen 11: You will land on a conveyor belt that moves to the right and a flying Wild Bunch should approach you from the right. Be ready for it and fire as it comes onto the screen. After killing it go to the left and stand on the nonmoving platform. Fire to the left and you will uncover a hidden music note. Collect it and be ready for another flying Wild Bunch. Go on the conveyor belt and jump onto another conveyor belt. Jump off this one onto a nonmoving platform. Jump to the next nonmoving platform and collect the visible music note. Jump to the third conveyor belt and you'll see a Transforming Music Notee atop another nonmoving platform. On the fourth conveyor belt there is a sun. Collect it. Jump onto another nonmoving platform and then onto a fifth conveyor belt. At the end of this there is another nonmoving platform. You should see a pipe to climb up and an extra life. I do not know how to collect this life. If you figure it out tell me. Anyhow, climb up the pipe to 12. Screen 12: To the left of the screen you will see a visible music note collect it. Watch out for falling juice it hurts you. Go right avoiding falling grape juice until you get to the wall. There is another Transforming Music Note. Choose what you want then climb up the pipe closest to the right wall to Screen 13. Screen 13: As soon as you enter the screen you'll see a sun. You see how to floor is purple? If you touch the purple floor you die automatically. So don't touch it. Collect the sun. Look to the left of you. Carefully jump pipes until you come to the left wall. Collect the music note. Next jump back down to Screen 12. Screen 12 Again: Go back to the right wall and climb up to Screen 13 again. Screen 13 Again: Enter screen 13 again and this time climb up the pipe second closest to the right wall then switch over to the pipe leading up out of the screen. Collect the visible music note then climb up to Screen 14. Screen 14: At the top in the top right alcove is a visible Invincibility. Collect it then while being careful to not touch the purple floor cross Screen 14 by jumping pipe to pipe to the left of the screen. After the floor turns to brick again, you'll see an Extra Raisin and a Sun. You can't reach either at the moment. Keep going left and you'll see a Wild Bunch drop down and you'll see a Mad Mini Raisin approaching. Shoot the Wild Bunch, and then collect the Extra Raisin. Go left and you'll see two vines. The left one drops Wild Bunches so be careful. Carefully climb the left vine and jump to collect the Sun. Then climb up the right vine to Screen 15. Screen 15: Jump off the vine to the right platform and go right. You'll see a 2x2 structure of raisin blocks. Shoot the top left block to uncover a music note. The other three hold nothing of any use to you. Collect the sun and then go to the right and you'll see two vines and a Music Note. The right vine drops Wild Bunches. Go on the right vine climb up, and then once you reach the left vine switch to it. Collect the Music Note and then climb to Screen 16. Screen 16: A Wild Bunch approaches from the left and one is about to fall on your head. Quickly switch to the right vine and wait for the Wild Bunch to walk off the ledge. Once it does jump onto the platform and walk to the left. Walk up the stairs and prepare yourself for a boss battle. Boss: Barrel Full of Grape Juice Man The Barrel Full of Grape Juice Man walks on a platform above your head dripping juice to land on you. Watch out! Each of the drops that hits you takes away two bars from your energy meter. You can't actually hit him but just shoot the platform he's standing on. If your hit connects you'll see a brick like object drop. It takes about 8 shots to win. Once you win you collect the Golden Music Note. Congratulations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Factory Screen 1: As soon as you enter the screen a Wild Bunch will approach from the right, be ready and shoot as it enters the screen. After defeating it, put your back to the left wall and fire to the right. You should uncover a hidden music note. Collect it. Go right and drop to the lower level. You'll see a Raisin Block. Shoot it and collect the sun you uncovered. Turn around and this time walk to the right via the upper platform. You should see a vine. Don't collect the Sun near the vine yet. You'll need it more later. Go down it and enter Screen 2. Screen 2: As you enter a Wild Bunch should be approaching from the left. These Wild Bunches wear white and have antennae. They take two hits to kill so be careful. Walk to the left while avoiding spikes popping out of the floor and Wild Bunches. In between the first and second spike there is a hidden sun. Jump and shoot to the left right before you cross the first spike to uncover it. Collect it and continue left. You'll get to a vine. Jump down and enter Screen 3. Screen 3: Not much here, a Wild Bunch, a Mad Mini Raisin and a hidden Music Note. The Music Note is all the way to the right of the screen. Walk to the right until you see the right wall then shoot right. You should uncover a note. Climb the vine and jump to get it. Then drop to Screen 4. Screen 4: Screen 4 is big. To your immediate left is a Transforming Music Note. Collect your desired powerup and then go right to collect a Music Note. Go back to the left and drop down the vine. Avoid or Destroy the Wild Bunch and move to the right. You'll see a 1x2 column of Raisin Blocks. The bottom one houses a Mad Mini Raisin, and the top one holds nothing. Don't bother shooting either jump over the column and continue to the right. You will soon see a Wild Bunch and a Mad Mini Raisin approaching. Defeat both and move to the right. You'll see a solitary Raisin Block. Shoot it and collect the Music Note. Backtrack to the left and climb up the vine that you passed by. Jump when directly under it and climb it avoiding the Mad Mini Raisin at the top. You will see a vine leading up as you go to the right. Ignore it for now and continue right. Eventually you'll get to a more open area with a Wild Bunch and two Music Notes. The one on the left is a normal Music Note, while the other one is a Transforming Music Note. Collect both and turn back left. You'll have to wait for a Mad Mini Raisin to fall to reach the vine heading back up to the upper platform. Once it falls shoot it and use it as a stepping stool to reach the vine. Go to the left and climb the vine I told you to ignore before. You will enter Screen 5. Screen 5: Climb the vine and go to the right. There is a spike coming out of the floor, a Wild Bunch, and a Raisin Block containing a Sun. Collect the Sun while avoiding damage, and continue right. Climb the vine to the upper platform and go left. You will see a Mad Mini Raisin. Shoot it and continue left. You'll reach a vine leading up that looks like you can't reach it. If you stand under it and jump, you should be able to reach it. If not, respawn the Mad Mini Raisin and use it as a stepping stool. Climb up to Screen 6. Screen 6: To the left of you is a Music Note. Collect it and get back on the vine. Climb to the top and get off to your right. There is a spike from the floor and ceiling to your right. Avoid it and continue right. Wild Bunches may spawn to be quick when you get to the vine at the end and climb up to Screen 1 Again. Screen 1 Again: Get off to the left but don't go anywhere. Shoot to the right and you'll uncover a Music Note. Collect it and continue to the left. A Wild Bunch should appraoch you from the right. Shoot it and continue to the left. Jump to the pipe to collect the Music Note above you. Then collect the Sun near the vine I told you to save. Go down the vine to Screen 2 Again. Screen 2 Again: Avoid damage and go to Screen 3 Again. Screen 3 Again: Avoid damage and go to Screen 4 Again. Screen 4 Again: Avoid damage and go to the right. Continue right until you see a rectangle on the wall that says Jelly Vat. Climb the vine to the right of that to enter Screen 7. Screen 7: Get off the vine on the lower platform to the left. Shoot to the right to uncover a Sun located on the vine. Collect it, and go back to the lower left platform and walk left. Collect another Sun and then turn around. Climb back up the vine and get off on the upper platform. Walk to the left and shoot any Wild Bunches that approach. Keep going left and stop before you fall into Grape Juice. There will be little moving platform coming out of the Grape Juice. Hitch a ride on one of them and go up to Screen 8. Screen 8: Stay on the platform and go to Screen 9. Screen 9: There is a passage to your left, jump into it. You will see a Music Note, collect it. Go to the right and avoid the Wild Bunches. The Raisin Block is just a Mad Mini Raisin in disguise. Climb down the vine at the right and enter Screen 8 Again. Screen 8 Again: Stand directly under the vine and jump. At the height of your jump shoot to the right and you'll uncover a hidden Music Note. Walk to the left and defeat the Wild Bunch. Collect the visible Music Note and return to Screen 9. Screen 9 Again: Go to the left and wait for a moving platform. Jump on and be taken to screen 10. Screen 10: Stay on the platform and go to Screen 11. Screen 11: The moving platform will rotate 90 degrees so jump up and towards the right before it rotates. You'll be on a convyor belt like platform. Watch out for Grape Bubbles coming out of the floor. They will damage you. Carefully make your way right and you'll see a vine with a Sun. Collect the sun and climb the vine to the upper platforms. It may look like you can't make the jump, but there is an invisible platform to the left of you. Just let go of the vine and move left. Avoid the bubble again and you'll see a Transforming Music Note at the end. I recommend you get Invincibility, but you don't have to. After collecting your powerup go the the left ledge and wait for a moving platform. Jump onto the platform. Keep changing platform without being hit by Wild Bunches and you'll eventually get to the other side. Collect the Music Note and move left. At the top of the vine is a Music Note. Collect it. Then at the bottom of the left wall is a hidden Music Note. Shoot at the corner and you'll uncover it. Collect it and move down to Screen 12. Screen 12: There is an Invincibility here. Collect it then run past the Wild Bunch and Steam to the right. You'll run past a Sun. Collect it if you want to risk it. There is another sun to your right as the Inviniciblity wears off. Collect that one. Right of that Sun there is an Extra Raisin and a Mad Mini Raisin. Collect the Extra Raisin and then lead the Mad Mini Raisin to the left. When it gets to the first vertical pipe shoot it. Use it as a stepping stool to get on to the upper platform and go right. Get ready for a Boss Battle. Boss: Kung Fu Banana Bandana There isn't much strategy here. Just rapidly fire at him. It won't take more than 5 seconds of rapidly firing to beat him. Collect the Golden Note. Congratulations! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: Maize Maze Screen 1: As soon as you enter the level jump and at the height of your jump shoot right. You should uncover a hidden Music Note. Collect it and head right. You'll get to a pool of water with vines and rocks. I recommend jumping from vine to vine. It's much easier than trying to cross via the rocks. Cross the water and get to the upper platforms at the end. Jump to the second one and shoot right. You'll uncover a hidden Music Note. Collect it and head right. You'll get to a pyramid shaped structure with a Music Note above and two Raisin Blocks. Grab the Music Note head left on the bottom platform. Collect the Sun you missed, and hea right again. When you reach the pyramid shaped structure. Shoot aboce the second step on the left side to uncover a hidden Music Note. Collect it and head right. Avoid the Wild Bunch. You'll see Raisin Blocks as you move. First a single one, then two, and lastly three. When you see the stack of three shoot the top one for a hidden Sun. Continue right. You will get to a malicious statue. Contine you to shoot its nose while avoiding the bullets flying from its eye. After breaking its nose, the mouth will open and you must walk in only to fall to Screen 2. Screen 2: Fall to Screen 3 Screen 3: Collect a Music Note and fall to Screen 4. Screen 4: Fall to Screen 5 Screen 5: Walk left until you can go to a passage underneath you. Walk right in that passage collecting a Music Note and a Sun. Avoid the falling rocks. After collecting the Sun head left again. Avoid any rolling boulders and climb the stairs. Walk through the wall at the top of the stairs and you'll end up on the other side. Continue to the left defeating Mad Mini Raisins, Birds, and Wild Bunches. You'll see a vine and underneath it a Raisin Block. Shoot the Raisin Block to uncover a Music Note. Collect the Music Note and head up the Vine to Screen 6. Screen 6: Climb to the top of the vine and let the Wild Bunch that approaches from the right fall down the hole. Ignore the two Raisin Blocks to your left and head right. Collect the visible Music Note while defeating Wild Bunches and continue right. You'll end at a vine and two alcoves. Jump into the upper alcove and walk through the wall. Avoid the spikes in this room and collect the Sun. Then continue right through the wall again. You'll end in a room with what appears to be 4 Music Notes. However, one of them is a Transforming Music Note. The third one from the top is a Transforming Music Note. Collect the 3 Music Notes and the 1 Transforming Music Note and turn around. Climb up the vine near the two alcoves to Screen 7. Screen 7: Continue climbing to Screen 8. Screen 8: Jump off the vine to the left. A boulder will be rolling towards you. Jump over it and continue left. Avoid the cieling spike and collect the Extra Raisin. Turn around and go back to the vine. Shoot the snake twice and go right. You will see a Raisin Block. The first one you see contains a Mad Mini Raisin. Continue right and you'll see a cieling spike near another Raisin Block. Shoot that Raisin Block for a Sun. Collect the Sun and continue right. You'll see a vine and the right wall. Standing on the lowest possible point shoot towards the right wall and you'll uncover a Sun. Collect it and go down the vine to Screen 7 Again. Screen 7 Again: Avoid the Birds, Wild Bunches, and Spikes as you head left. When you get to the vine leading to Screen 6 jump across the gap and continue left. You'll see a Mad Mini Raisin and a Music Note. Shoot the Mad Mini Raisin as it's under the Music Note and collect the Music Note. Continue left. You'll get to a vine near two alcoves. One alcove holds a snake. The other holds a Music Note. Collect the Music Note and shoot the snake twice. With the snake gone go in the top alcove and walk left through the wall. You'll enter a room with a Sun and a Transforming Music Note. Collect both and head back to the vine. Go down it and enter Screen 9. Screen 9: There's a Wild Bunch on the upper platform. Dispose of him and collect the Transforming Music Note on the upper platform. Go on the vine leading downwards and collect the visible Music Note. Standing where you collected the visible Music Note jump and shoot right. You should uncover a hidden Music Note. Collect it then go down the vine to Screen 10. Screen 10: Go right avoiding falling rocks. Collect the Extra Raisin and drop down the vine to Screen 11. Screen 11: As you land you'll see two Music Notes. Collect them then head left. Shoot an approaching Mad Mini Raisin, and continue left to collect 2 more Music Notes. Backtrack the the vine from Screen 10 and head right. Defeating Snakes and Wild Bunches and continuing right you'll get to an upper platform. Defeat the Wild Bunch on it then go on the platform to collect a Sun. Jump off the platform and go right for a Boss Battle. Boss: Corny Boss This Boss will throw corn at you for 2 damage a piece. Avoid it and keep shooting him. 15 hits later the Golden Music Note is yours! Congratulations! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6: Grapevine Screen 1: Turn around and shoot to uncover a Sun. You should see a Music Note to the right. Shoot aboce it to uncover a second Music Note. Collect both then go right. Shoot the Wild Bunches that approach. There will be a high Music Note. Shoot the Mad Mini Raisin that appraoches from the right of the screen when it is under the Music Note. Collect the Music Note then respawn the Mad Mini Raisin. This time shoot it when it is under the Sun. Collect the Su and go right. You'll see a 1x3 Raisin Block column. Shoot the top two Raisin Blocks for two Music Notes. The bottom one is a Mad Mini Raisin. Go right until you reach a Mad Mini Raisin. Shoot it then stand on it and shoot to the right to uncover a Music Note. Now you have to be tricky to reach the Sun above you. Go to the left onto the bottom step. Make sure that you get the Raisin Block off the screen. Once on the bottom step shoot the Wild Bunch that approaches from the right. OK, now the tricky part. While standing on the bottom step shoot to the right. As your Grape Juice Bullet is about to exit the screen from the right walk right. The Grape Juice Bullet should hit the respawned Mad Mini Raisin in mid air. You should now be able to collect the Sun. Go back to the right and climb up the vine to Screen 2. Screen 2: As soon as you enter be wary. There is a purple Wild Bunch approaching from the right. Jump onto the left platform as soon as you enter the screen and the Wild Bunch will fall down the hole. Jump across the hold and collect the two Music Notes. Keep going right and collect the Sun. Watch out for spikes coming out of the ceiling and continue right. You'll see a 1x2 column of Raisin Blocks. They don't contain anything at all. Collect the Music Note behind the column and then go to the vine. Collect the Music Note at the top of the vine and fall down to Screen 3. Screen 3: As soon as you land you will see a Music Note to your right. Collect it. Kill the Wild Bunch. Notice how right before the spikes on the floor the platform drops down a bit. Stand on the dropped down platform and fire to the right. You should uncover a hidden Music Note. There is another hidden Music Note right above that one. Standing on the same platform jump and shoot to uncover a second hidden Music Note. Jump over the spikes and turn the Mad Mini Raisin into a Raisin Block. Collect the Sun at the right end of Screen 3, and then go back to Screen 2. Screen 2 Again: Go back to the vine leading to Screen 1. This time instead of going right of the vine you must go left. Shoot the purple Wild Bunches that approach you and continue. You'll see a visible Music Note while heading to the left. Collect it and continue left. You'll get to a vine at the end of the screen. Climb up to Screen 4. Screen 4: You are now outside. Collect the Music Note directly above you and head right. You will find a Transforming Music Note a little farther right. It is on the brown line going vertically across the screen. Choose your desired powerup and continue. Be cautious now. There will be planes dropping unripened grapes at your head. You can manage to get in between the grapes you'll be safe. Collect the Music Note on the ground and continue to the right. Eventually you'll get to a Music Note. Collect it. You'll see a vine leading down. Climb down it back to Screen 2 Once More. Screen 2 Once More: Go to the left and avoid the spikes to collect an Extra Raisin. Go back up the vine to Screen 4 Again. Screen 4 Again: Above you is a vine leading up. Avoiding the Mad Mini Raisin, get to that vine and climb up to Screen 5. Screen 5: As you enter Screen 5 you will see a Raisin Block, a Transforming Music Note, and an Extra Raisin. The Raisin Block Contains a Mad Mini Raisin. Get the desired powerup from the Transforming Music Note and walk to the right until the Raisin Block is offscreen. As you walk right you'll see a Music Note. Collect it. Watch out for planes. Once the Raisin Block is offscreen go back to the left. Get level with the Raisin Block by standing on the platform attached to a vine farthest to the left. Jump and shoot the Raisin Block. The Mad Mini Raisin that comes out should walk to the right. As it lands shoot it again to turn it into a Raisin Block. Stand atop it and collect the Extra Raisin. Go right and jump across the clouds. You'll come across two Transforming Music Notes and eventually get to a large cloud with an Extra Raisin and a spike. Choose which two powerups you want then when you get to the large white cloud collect the Extra Raisin and go back to the moving purple cloud. Jump to the white cloud and then the next white cloud. The second white cloud from the purple one. Go to the left edge of this cloud and walk off to the left. You will fall to Screen 6 and pick up a Sun on the way down. Screen 6: You should land in the middle of Screen 6. When you land planes will be bombing you. Avoid them. Now to find a hidden Sun and Music Note, count the leaves from left to right starting at the brown vertical line you fell next to. The second and third leaves are lower than the first one. Get on the second leaf and jump. At the height of your jump shoot to the left to uncover a hidden Music Note. Now go to the fourth leaf. Its lower than the first, second, and third leaves. Jump and at the height of your jump shoot to the left to uncover a hidden Sun. Collect it and go to the right. At the right end of Screen 6 you'll see a Sun. Collect it and then jump down the hole to the Boss. Boss: The Foot Machine There will be rocks falling from the cieling. Avoid these rocks and keep shooting at the foot. Around 10 hits later the Golden Music Note is yours! Congratulations! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 7: Sky High Records After getting all 4 Golden Music Notes you are automatically sent here for the Final Boss. Screen 1: Go to the left and collect a visible Sun. Defeat Wild Bunches and climb a vine that leads to Screen 2. Screen 2: Avoid a spike and defeat Wild Bunches as you get ready for the Final Boss Battle. Go right and enter the Final Boss Battle. Final Boss Battle: The Extremely Wild Bunch This boss is actually one of the easier ones (Not that any of them were all that hard). You see that leaf at the right of the screen? Fire at if 15 times and the game is won! Congraturaisins! Time for a lame ending... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2003 Michael Barash All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.