The Goonies II (NES) FAQ/Walkthrough v3.0 Written by Rydain Darkstar Last Revised June 9, 2008 =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1) Introduction [INTRO] 2) Controls [CONTROLS] 3) Weapons, Items, and Other Power-Ups [ITEMS] 4) General Advice [ADVICE] 5) Walkthrough [WALKTHROUGH] 6) Revision History [REVISIONS] 7) Credits [CREDITS] 8) Legal Junk [LEGAL] =============================================================================== 1) Introduction [INTRO] =============================================================================== This is my first attempt at a walkthrough, borne from summer down time with favorite NES games that kept their fun factor over the years. I rewrote it during more recent interest in improving my FAQ writing. Whether you're stuck, looking for secrets, or reading through guides for games you enjoy, I hope this is useful. Or, at the very least, entertaining. =============================================================================== 2) Controls [CONTROLS] =============================================================================== Action Scenes (side-scrolling) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad LEFT and RIGHT move you in those directions. Press UP to enter doors, climb up vines and ladders, and use your auxiliary weapon (UP + B). DOWN allows you to duck and climb down. B Fires your primary weapon. UP + B triggers your auxiliary weapon. A The jump button. Underwater, use this to swim. Start Brings up the pause menu with a map and inventory. Here, you can change your primary weapon, auxiliary weapon, and equipped shoes. Select Pauses the game without the menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventure Scenes (first-person rooms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad Scrolls through menus. When using the GO command, press the direction of a door to enter it. B Switches between pages of items in the TOOLS menu. A Press to select a command. Depending on the command, you may be prompted to pick a tool or point at something using a hand cursor. After you've made your selection, press A again to finish. Start Cancels a command. Select Pauses the game. Not really important in this context. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Password Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad Press LEFT and RIGHT to scroll through the list of available characters. B Moves the cursor to the previous space. A Moves the cursor to the next space. Start When finished entering your password, place the cursor on END and press Start. =============================================================================== 3) Weapons, Items, and Other Power-Ups [ITEMS] =============================================================================== To find locations of items in the walkthrough, search for their uppercase name in brackets, e.g. [DEALYBOB] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yo-Yo Mikey's standard means of launching an offensive. Slingshot Comes with 40 bullets. You can pick this up in one of the rooms. Enemies occasionally drop them. Boomerang Found in a room in one of the ice caves. Very useful because of its long range and multi-directional aim. You can throw it down and diagonally but not straight up. Unfortunately, the boomerang usually gets eaten by a flying snake head on the bridge. Harpoon Used in the water areas. You can have two onscreen at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These will hurt you if you walk into the explosion. Each type of explosive can one-hit kill certain late game enemies that take a lot of punishment from your main weapons. Bomb If you don't know what a bomb does by now, you live in a box and need help. Anyway, bombs gets dropped where you're standing at the time, so get out of the way before they go boom. They can blow open hidden doors and be used underwater. One-hit KO's dragons, sword-wielding skeletons, and metallic hulk things. Molotov A firebomb launched at an angle, good for killing pesky cocktail critters on ledges below you. Won't work underwater. One-hit KO's both types of armored knights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clothes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mikey wears protective gear automatically. Helmet Nullifies damage from falling icicles. Waterproof Nullifies damage from contact with waterfalls and geysers. Coat Bulletproof Doesn't repel bullets, but it doubles your defense. Vest ________________________________________ Shoes are selectable in the pause menu, similarly to weapons. Normal Shoes Mikey's standard footwear. Nothing special. Jumping Shoes You can jump extra high with these. Hyper Shoes Speed you up considerably. Very useful! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used in the Adventure Scenes (rooms). Hammer Uncovers hidden doors, holes, and safes. Can also be used to smack people around if you're bored with fists. Candle Lights up dark rooms. Glasses Makes invisible doors, holes, and chests visible. Transceiver Receives messages from the other Goonies and even Konami. Diving Suit Lets you explore the funfunfun underwater worlds beyond the blue holes in the floor. Ladder Self-explanatory. Key If you stick it up your nose, it'll sing the Howdy Doody theme song. Sorry, all these obvious items put me in a smart-alecky mood. Use keys to unlock safes and free Goonies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found in the Adventure Scenes (rooms). Magic Locator Puts a dot on the map to mark where a Goonie is held captive. Key Holder Gives you 2 keys and increases your key-carrying capacity by 2. Bomb Box Gives you 5 bombs and increases your bomb-carrying capacity by 5. Fire Box Gives you 5 Molotov cocktails and increases your firebomb- carrying capacity by 5. 1-Up Extremely rare and only obtainable once - ever - because your password will remember that you picked them up. Considering that the game allows you to work your way through with passwords and unlimited continues, 1-Ups are more of a side note than anything else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refills Dropped by Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart Restores half a block of life. Key Gives you 3 keys. Bomb Gives you 3 bombs. Molotov Gives you 3 Molotov cocktails. cocktail Slingshot Gives you a fully stocked slingshot, whether you already had one or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power-Ups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goonie Each Goonie you save will add another bar to your health meter. Konamiman Found in various rooms throughout the game, he will refill your health for free every time you visit - unless you hit him. In that case, he won't ever help you again. His displeasure is even saved in your password. Laaaaaaame. =============================================================================== 4) General Advice [ADVICE] =============================================================================== Hit all the walls that face you in the room areas. Even if the wall has a door, it may contain hidden treasure. Likewise, use your glasses and hammer frequently to uncover hidden safes, doors, and holes in the floor or ceiling. Visible safes (ones you can see without the aid of implements) only hold clues. Like I needed to waste a key to learn that "It's fun to play the Goonies 2." The good stuff is in the hidden safes. Fratelli brothers chase you through some areas. Most shoot at you. Some wield bows. You can put them out of commission for a short while by hitting them twice. Late in the game you'll encounter Ma Fratelli, who lays bombs. It takes four hits to knock her over. In some areas are enemies that look like mini-Fratellis. They simply run at you, and they die from one hit. If you run low on anything, find a place where an enemy regenerates. Keep killing the enemy over and over until you're stocked up. Leave the music on when you play. You don't want to miss out on the instrumental version of the Cyndi Lauper Goonies song. =============================================================================== 5) Walkthrough [WALKTHROUGH] =============================================================================== This is my most efficient route through the game. When I refer to finding items in certain rooms, I'll usually leave it up to you to uncover them. I do include directions for one room that contains two commonly missed items. The background colors might be somewhat different on your screen, but they should give you a general idea of where you are. Here we go! ________________________________________ In the Beginning [WK_BEGINNING] The Orange Cave [WK_ORANGECAVE] Blunder Bridge and Beyond [WK_BRIDGE] The Green Cave [WK_GREENCAVE] Fun with Diving [WK_DIVING] The Brown House [WK_BROWNHOUSE] The Green House [WK_GREENHOUSE] The Volcano [WK_VOLCANO] The End [WK_END] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Beginning [WK_BEGINNING] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Hammer [ ] Fire Box [ ] Magic Locator [ ] Goonie [ ] Key Holder [ ] Bomb Box [ ] Slingshot ________________________________________ Head right and get the [HAMMER] from the first room. Continue right and go into the second door for a [KEY HOLDER]. At the end of this floor, you'll climb down into a gray basement. Downstairs, go left and into the first door you see. You can find a [MAGIC LOCATOR] in here. Cross over to a green basement. Head right a bit, down one level, and right across two moving platforms to reach a room with a [FIRE BOX]. Back in the green basement, climb up into a gray house area. There's a door on the left, but you can't do anything in that room yet. Go right to find a room with a [BOMB BOX] and [GOONIE]. After you've cleaned out this area, return to the gray basement. If you don't have a [SLINGSHOT] and want to remedy that situation, head to the door at the far left end of this floor to find one. As a special bonus, you'll also meet the Old Lady Who's In Trouble Without Glasses. Go down a floor. Head left and walk through the warp zone room, identified by the old man residing therein, to reach an orange cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Orange Cave [WK_ORANGECAVE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Transceiver [ ] Magic Locator [ ] Glasses [ ] Helmet [ ] Candle [ ] Key Ring [ ] Boomerang [ ] Goonie ________________________________________ Climb up the vine and go into the door next to the petroglyph. Hit the door ahead of you for the [TRANSCEIVER], then head right and smack the cranky old lady 5 times to score a [CANDLE]. Hammer or fist - your choice. I just wonder what on earth she means by "What do you do?" Walk straight back through this room to reach a white cave. Head all the way left and into the door for loads o' goodies: a [MAGIC LOCATOR], a [KEY RING], and [KONAMIMAN]. Hie thee back to the orange cave. Jump across the waterfalls to the left. Climb down the vine there to find a door leading to an icy cavern. In accordance with standard Nintendo logic, the floor is slippery, so watch your step. Head left, down, and right - avoiding falling icicles on the lower level - to another useful room. Pick up the [GLASSES] and [BOOMERANG] and take note of the water hole. You'll be coming back soon. Return to the orange cave. Climb up the vine and get the [HELMET] from the old lady in the room here. Now climb down and go all the way to the right until you see a door floating in midair. This leads to another ice area. Jump left across the moving platforms. (Kill the axe-wielding Eskimo with the boomerang, slingshot, or a couple of Molotov cocktails before you try to jump to the door, or he'll probably send you plummeting to your frosty death.) Rescue another [GOONIE] and get your butt out of that annoying cave before you go nucking futs. Back in the orange cave, head for the upper right corner of the area to reach a door leading to a white cavern. Go through here to Blunder Bridge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blunder Bridge and Beyond [WK_BRIDGE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Hyper Shoes [ ] Magic Locator ________________________________________ I like this area despite the bow-wielding Fratelli brothers and the even peskier silver snake heads that eat your boomerang. At least they don't damage you. The graphics are nifty and you get treated to the Cyndi Lauper song, too. ^_^ Before you go anywhere, plant a bomb near the rock wall on the left to uncover a secret room with the [HYPER SHOES]. You can get these later in the game, but you have more time to play with them if you pick them up now. It is possible to get through here without losing your boomerang if you're careful. Needless to say, do not wing your 'rang at the snake heads. Try to kill them as they come. If one appears under you, you're pretty much screwed. Oh well. At least the 'rang reappears in the room where you found it, so you can get a new one whenever. Anyhoo, get to the end of the bridge and climb down 2 screens into the lovely purple cave. This area of the game brings winged skeleton enemies. They take 12 main weapon hits to kill and do lots of damage if they touch you. To avoid these guys, keep a look out for smoke clouds that hover off the ground. Stand next to the cloud and run under the skeleton thing when it jumps. Oftentimes the skeletons will jump into a pit or in such a way that you can safely take them out with repeated yo-yo hits. They're not much of a threat if you're familiar with their patterns. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. There is a [MAGIC LOCATOR] in the first room. Go right until you see a vine heading up to the next screen. If you're low on energy, bypass the vine for now and jump on the moving platform to its right. Keep pressing UP and you'll find a hidden door with [KONAMIMAN]. (By the way, there's nothing interesting in the room below - just an old lady dispensing advice that you don't need.) Climb the vine, go right, and head through the door into the funky green cavern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Green Cave [WK_GREENCAVE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Diving Suit [ ] Waterproof Coat [ ] Key Holder [ ] Bomb Box [ ] Fire Box [ ] Goonie ________________________________________ Go left and climb down the vine. This part of the cave is linear. You don't have any choice but to go right, down one level, and left. Make sure to pick up a [DIVING SUIT] from the first room you see, a [BOMB BOX] from the second, and a [WATERPROOF COAT] from the last room. Return to the point where you climbed down into this area. You should see some water-spewing geysers to your left. Head right to find a vine leading upward. There's a [FIRE BOX] in the room on the platform below, but I usually get it on my way out. Climb! Up here, there isn't any place to go except to the left. You'll find a [KEY HOLDER] in the first room on this level and a [GOONIE] in the room all the way to the left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun with Diving [WK_DIVING] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1-Up [ ] Bomb Box [ ] Key Holder [ ] Ladder [ ] Goonie [ ] Jumping Shoes ________________________________________ Now it's time for a major hike - all the way back to the orange cave. Aw, quit complaining! I'll tell you a secret if you put on a happy face! Just after you arrive through the door from the white cavern, you'll see a platform that comes right up to the left edge of a rock wall underneath a waterfall. If you ride the platform to the wall and press UP, you'll find - you guessed it - another [KONAMIMAN]! Just make sure to hold LEFT when you exit the room so you don't fall down go boom. Remember when I told you to make a note of the water hole in the ice cave? Well...get back there and put on your diving suit, and you'll find yourself in one of the most fun areas of the game. There's nothing quite like swimming around harpooning vicious marine wildlife to catchy, cheerful music. You can get a [1-UP] by laying a bomb in the rock crevice located to the right of the entrance door. Don't drop off the bottom of the screen, or there will be one less Mikey in the world. Travel between levels via the orange tubes. Drop down the tube and head all the way left to find a really lucrative room. You'll get a [LADDER], a [BOMB BOX], and a [GOONIE] all in one shot! Sweeeeet! Go back up the tube, swim right, and go into the door. Snag a [KEY HOLDER] here as you cross over to the second part of this water cave. Jump into the first tube you see, and you're on the way to the room with a friendly fishman thingymacreature who gives you the [JUMPING SHOES]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Brown House [WK_BROWNHOUSE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Bomb Box [ ] Magic Locator [ ] Hyper Shoes [ ] Fire Box ________________________________________ I hope you're up for another hike. Cross Blunder Bridge again and climb down to the purple cave. Get yourself to the level where you found the door to the green cave. This time, go left and up. There's a huge pit here that can only be crossed with Jumping Shoes. The door on the other side contains a [BOMB BOX] and leads to a brown house area. Welcome to the late game. There are loads of enemies in these regions that take 16 to 20 primary weapon hits to kill. Until you pick up the Bulletproof Vest, these baddies will swipe an entire life bar every time they hit you. All of them are vulnerable to either bombs or Molotov cocktails. Use bombs on dragons, sword-wielding skeletons, and metallic hulk things. Use Molotov cocktails on armored knights. In the brown house area, head left to a ladder going down. Climb down a floor and go right to find a door. In this room, grab the [MAGIC LOCATOR] if you like and continue through to a brown basement. If you didn't get the [HYPER SHOES] from the secret room near the bridge, you'll find them in the room on the far right. (If you already have the shoes, the safe in that far right room will be empty.) Head all the way left, down a floor, and to the right until you see a door. Go through here to get to another basement. Walk to the left end of this level to find a room with a [FIRE BOX]. This area also contains the Amazing Nothing Room, i.e. the only room in the game with absolutely nothing in it. The door to this useless region is located on a small platform and guarded by a metallic hulk thing. Return to the brown basement and get to the upper righthand corner thereof. Climb up the ladder into a green house area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Green House [WK_GREENHOUSE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1-Up [ ] Goonie [ ] Bulletproof Vest ________________________________________ Climb up a level and go all the way to the left. You'll score the ultra- useful [BULLETPROOF VEST] in the room there. If you climb into the little enclosed area and drop a bomb against the righthand wall, you'll uncover a door leading to a [1-UP]. Get back to the floor below and head left. Duck into the first door you see to reach an underwater area. This water cave is pretty straightforward. You should be able to find the next [GOONIE] here with no problem. Return to the brown house area. The door in the upper lefthand corner of this region leads to...a volcano? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Volcano [WK_VOLCANO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Goonie ________________________________________ Yes. A volcano. It might not make sense, but at least it's straightforward. Enjoy the mad spiffy graphics as you dodge lava geysers, avoid dragons (or bomb them to hell and beyond), and rescue the last [GOONIE] behind the only door in this area. As you ride the horizontal platform beyond that point, keep pressing UP for a secret door with [KONAMIMAN]. The door at the end leads to some more rooms with assorted enemies and ultimately back to the gray house area near the beginning of the game. Remember when I said there was a door you couldn't do anything with right now? That's the one you just came through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End [WK_END] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Fire Box ________________________________________ You've rescued all six Goonies, so it's time to wrap this game up. Farm a key from enemies if you don't already have one, then return to the room waaaaaay back in the beginning where you got the Hammer. Climb into the ceiling hole to reach a funky attic. Unless you're into pointless old lady blather and useless clues, head for the door in the upper right corner. Watch out for Ma Fratelli along the way. This door takes you to another house area. Duck into the door on the left if you want a [FIRE BOX]. The door on the far right leads to a green house area which connects to a basement. Climb down the ladder set in the floor here. This is a Very Special Ladder that only appears after you've rescued all of the Goonies. Go into the top door unless you're simply dying to navigate a whole bunch of hidden doors just to hear another old lady talk about glasses. Now all you have to do is open a couple of doors...and you've found Annie, beaten the game, saved the day, et cetera. Honestly, you'd think they'd make the end of the game just an eensy bit more challenging. Sit back, chill out, and enjoy the ending. The graphics are pretty good for 1987 standards, but who thought to put in that demoralizing "game over" screen at the end? Sheesh! =============================================================================== 6) Revision History [REVISIONS] =============================================================================== v3.0 6/9/2008 - Added a Controls section. Reformatted the FAQ and rewrote some text. Added some indexing. Changed my email again. v2.0 7/2/2001 - Completely reformatted the FAQ, made a few minor edits, and changed my email address to one that I actually use. v1.1 8/11/1999 - Fixed the goofy line breaks and cleared up a couple of tidbits in the walkthrough. v1.0 7/30/1999 - Wrote the FAQ. Yay. =============================================================================== 7) Credits [CREDITS] =============================================================================== Some kind soul from for helping me with the location of the Transceiver many years ago. Dallas Scott and AstroBlue for their most excellent FAQ writing guide that inspired me to clean up the atrocious formatting of the v1.0 FAQ. ( tsr's NES archive ( for a Goonies II manual that I referenced for the controls section. =============================================================================== 8) Legal Junk [LEGAL] =============================================================================== This FAQ is copyright 2008 by Rydain Darkstar Feel free to pass it around, put it on your website, print it out for future reference (or kindling, toilet paper, or anything that floats your boat), et cetera, blah blah blah, whatever. Just don't sell it or take credit for any of my work expressed herein.