Version 1.3 7/13/02 ||| ||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||| ||| ||| ||| King of Kings Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2002 Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Story 003. Walkthrough 004. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game called King of Kings. It's a game based off of the bible. Actually it's one of a few games based off the bible. Please don't ask me. You can email me at, but make the subject blank so I know that it's not spam. If you want to use part of this guide for something, ask me first. 002-Story ----------------------------------------------------------- The manual didn't have a story. They did have this holy stuff: Do you know the King of Kings? Have you entered into a relationship with the living Savior? Jesus said; "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any may hear My voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and sup with him, and he with Me." Rev 3:20 To know Him, you must confess with your mouth, and believe with your heart that He is Lord. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9,10 He loves you and wants to enter into a covenant with you. Won't you receive Him into your heart today? Simply pray out loud: Lord, I believe that You died for my sins and rose again from the dead. Forgive me for my sins. Come into my life and be Lord over me. From this day forward I give my life to You. Thank You for my salvation, in Jesus' name! Amen. 003-Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- You can choose either the hard or easy way to beat this game. Since the ending is the same, I recommend the easy way. When Jesus was born, three wise men (kings) saw a great big star and followed it straight to Jesus. They came bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold. You have to help the wise men get to Jesus. Level One --------- You're the camel the wise men rode. You have to do all the work. Press B to spit, and A to jump a distance that no camel could jump. Jump and then walk right. Get the three gifts. Keep going right. At the top of a small hill is some rock and another gift. Approach the rock. A lizard pops out. Avoid it, get the gift, and continue right. The hillside goes down. Jump to the stone in midair (spit at the bird) and get the two gifts there. Continue right. Get the three gifts and the scroll. When you get a scroll, you get a bible-related question. Scrolls also make up your life meter. Answer the question to get another scroll. Just pull out a bible and you get the questions down easily (they're easy without a bible, too). The questions are random, so I can't help you there. Walk right. Another lizard attacks. Avoid it and go down the slope. While on the slope, jump right off it onto the tall rock. Jump right from rock to rock and collect the four gifts. Jump off at the end. Go right. Look at the ground. Jump over the yellow-shaped thing, and continue right. Jump over the green thing (it's a cactus that pops out to harm unsuspecting travelers. Getting hit wouldn't be wise, would it? From here go right and you pick up four bottles and a scroll. From there, just walk right to the end of this level. You get bonuses based on how many gifts you got and how many scroll questions you answered correctly. Level Two --------- Get the grapes. You can pick up a fruit and spit it out with select to attack. You can only use one fruit at a time. Go right. Get the five gifts. Jump on the rock in midair, and jump right onto the normal ground while not being hit by the cactus. Continue right (jump over the rock) and you reach a scroll. Once you get the scroll, go back left and jump on the rock. Jump off it onto more rock, and off that onto a cliff. Go right past the porcupine (it sends its quills flying at you, which is really mean). Get the five gifts and keep going right. This part can be tricky. You need to go right across the rocks here. See the rocks on the ceiling? They fall down on you, so you'll either have to go really fast or dodge. Jump over the cactus at the end of the rocks. Go right to another scroll. Continue right and you'll see more stone platforms. Get to the big one above you for two gifts and a scroll. Get to the one right of it for a scroll. Once you got what you want, go right across the stones. It's another one of the long rock things. However, the rock thing has a bunch of gaps in it. Jump across the gaps (getting gifts all the while). At the end is a fox. When you hit it, it flies at you, so jump once you hit it. Hit it three times and go right to beat this level. Level Three ----------- Hey, you've got a new wise man. Walk right to a scroll. Keep going right past it (a scorpion attacks) and jump to the platform with the grapes. Go left from here by jumping from platform to platform. Get the gifts and go down to the normal ground. Go back right to platform with the grapes. As you go right from here, a pillar flies and attacks you. Jump over it and keep going right. Jump over the gap and get the scroll. Jump back left over the gap onto two blocks. They take you to a platform you can't reach by jumping. Get the gift and jump to the platform with the scorpion. Get the gift and pass him by. Go right down this platform and get the four gifts. Jump over the gap. Get the scroll on the pillar. Go right, and get the gift. Jump over the gap and the bird. Get the gift by the stairs. Now get the four gifts right of here (two below the platform, two above). Get the three gifts on this platform. Jump to the platform right of you and get the three gifts there. Get the two gifts on the next platform, and you can also get a scroll at the bottom of it. Go right to the last platform. Get all five gifts and walk right to beat the level. The bonus is big due to the thirty gifts you got. Level Four ---------- You can get the grapes here. Jump to the platform right of you with a scroll and an apple. Get the five gifts on the platform right of this one. Jump onto the platform right of you, and off that onto another platform right of you. Jump to the platform right of that, and to the platform right of that. From here you can take two paths, go up and finish the level that way, or go down and finish it that way. I chose going down. Go right. Jump off this platform to the one in midair, and right off it to another platform. Get the scroll. Jump off this platform to another one. Follow it along, getting the gifts and the scrolls. Off this platform are a bunch of platforms that move up and down. Jump from platform to platform right. You make it to the end. Level Five ----------- Hey, you're the third wise man now. This level is easy. All you have to do is go right, jumping from platform to platform. Doing a running jump (hold B and then A) ensures you land on the platform you're aiming for. You do this many times to beat the level. Level Six --------- Now you're in a pyramid. For three kings, you guys certainly have been given the screw-over when it comes to traveling. Go right and get the scroll. Continue right. At the first gap, jump from platform to platform right. At the next two gaps, jump on the logs, which take you over their respective gaps. At the next log, get the scroll before jumping on it. Then ride the log up to another level. Jump off it left. Go left through this surprisingly simple area (look out for the rats). At the end are a bunch of platforms in midair. Follow the platforms up as high as they go and continue right. No enemies here. At the gap, jump from rock to rock right. Then simply walk right to beat the level. Level Seven ------------ Hey, you're at an oasis, with plenty of ducks and fish. Go right here. Jump over the ducks and get to the lower platform. Get the five gifts here and continue right. You have to jump over a gap. Do this when the fish is not in your way. Jump as soon as you land to avoid a duck. You have to jump from platform to platform right to get to the top of a waterfall. Avoid the fish who get in your way the whole time. Get the easy scrolls here. You have a boss. A big gorilla. He shoots stuff into the pit below him. Try jumping from the left edge of the pit, firing in midair, and jumping back to the ledge when you land. After many hits, the gorilla dies. But that's not the end of the level. From here, jump from platform to platform right across a waterfall. A duck is on the normal ground you finish on, so jump to avoid it. Get the scroll, and jump to the platform right of this one. Go right here, picking up the scrolls and the gifts. There's only one bad guy you meet on the way. You'll make it to the end of this level. Level Eight ----------- Well, they made the last level easy for you. You can get the tomato. Jump to the platform with the scroll, and off it over the small gap. Jump over the next small gap to the platform with a snake. Jump off it to the next platform quickly before the snake comes out and decides to attack. Get the tree gifts and walk right across this platform. Avoid the scorpion. Get the scroll. Jump off it to another platform. Get the three gifts above it, and the scroll right of the gifts. Jump right off this high platform (it looks like you may fall in a gap, but you do not no matter what). Get the three gifts. At the end of this platform, jump to the small pillar. Jump off it onto another pillar, and off it onto normal ground. This is the last platform. Get the gifts you find (you can't reach the scrolls). Walk right to see the ending. The normal giving out of bonuses after a level ensues. Then it says, "Congratulations! You just beat the game!" And then you see a nativity scene. Awww, baby Jesus is so cute! 004-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2002. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)