___ - ---___- ,, _-_- |\ (' || || /, _ \\ (( || ||/\\ _-_ || _-_ / \\ _-_ \\/\\ / \\ (( || || || || \\ ~|| || \\ || || || \\ || || || || (( // || || ||/ || ||/ || || ||/ || || || || -____- \\ |/ \\,/ ( -__, \\,/ \\_-| \\,/ \\ \\ \\/ _/ / \ '----` /\ -__ /\\ || || \\ ' /'\\ =||= /||__|| ,._-_ \\ \\/\\ _-_ _-_ || || || \||__|| || || || || || || \\ || || || || |, || || || || || ||/ \\,/ \\, _-||-_/ \\, \\ \\ \\ \\,/ \\,/ || _ - - _- ,, , )- ) _ || ' _ || )___) < \, || \\ < \, \\/\\ =||= ~)___) /-|| || || /-|| || || || ) ) (( || || || (( || || || || /-_/ \/\\ \\ \\ \/\\ \\ \\ \\, Walkthrough written and maintained by Adam Lamontagne (alamont1@maine.rr.com) A Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) PAL-only game by Ocean 1992. 1992 King Features Syndicate-All Rights Reserved NES-PX-FRA Version 1.7 completed 3/8/02 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Table of Contents% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I. Revision History II. Intro III. Story IV. Controls V. Status Display VI. Walkthrough VII. Finale VIII. Disclaimer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %I. Revision History% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3/8/02: v1.7 -Added my current email address. -Made a few cosmetic changes. -Added a site where this FAQ can be posted. -Reorganized the Table of Contents. 6/28/00: v1.6 -Changed the ascii art title 5/12/00: v1.5 -Finally got ahold of the manual (actually, a complete copy of the game w/ box and manual!) and changed the Story section. -Added a Controls section. -Added a Status Display section. 3/2/00: v1.1 -Added ascii art title. -Changed e-mail address. -Revised Table of Contents and Disclaimer sections. -Added Revision History section. 3/1/99: v1.0 -Complete version. [NOTE: All of my revisions up to 1.0 are based roughly on about what percentage of the FAQ/Walkthrough I think is completed. When I finish all the sections and consider the FAQ/Walkthrough complete, that will be version 1.0. Any small updates after that will raise the version 0.1 points and any major update that really shakes things up will raise the version 1.0 points.] %%%%%%%%%%% %II. INTRO% %%%%%%%%%%% I'd never heard of this game until some time in early '98. I'd been an NES fanatic for over 10 years, finishing every NES game I could get my hands on and compiling NES game lists on the internet since '95. I knew of every NES game out there, and even ones that weren't. Getting my first NES/Famicom adapter, I was able to play games that were only released in Japan that never made it to the states, like Cosmic Epsilon, Konami World and Gradius 2. Then came the emulators. In a blinding flash I had access to over a thousand games, hundreds of which I'd never even heard of. After playing tons of these I finally stumbled across one that only vaguely sounded familiar, The Legend of Prince Valiant. I'd heard about it from a guy on the NES mailing list and figured I'd give it a try. Being a fan of the whole King Arthur period, I was instantly a fan of the game. The Legend of Prince Valiant is an NES UK-only release...I'm pretty sure it never came out in Japan. It is by Ocean, who made some pretty lousy 8-bit movie adaptations, but they seemed to hit it just right with this game. The difficulty level of the game seems rather higher than normal, but it's one of those games where a pattern can be memorized, so a serious gamer can systematically beat this game if they give it a certain amount of time and effort. It is a side scrolling game, but changes to a first person view for a couple of levels. One of these levels is like Operation Wolf, where you gun down bandits and thieves with your bow and arrow a la Robin Hood. Another first person level has you controlling a ship's cannons and firing them at other ships crossing your field of view. These levels, while not necessary, give the game another dimension and add to its quest-like flavor. Chances are you will have a hard time finding a copy of this game, even on eBay, unless you live in the UK, and even then it's probably a good find. Download the ROM (destroying it within 24 hours, of course :)) and make full use of the save game feature to explore the game in full. This game definitely deserved some time in the lime light. If anybody knows of a website with a review or screen shots for this game, point me in that direction. %%%%%%%%%%%% %III. Story% %%%%%%%%%%%% [Taken directly from the manual] Not satisfied with being a Prince, Valiant want to become a knight. Only King Arthur can bestow this honour, to any who prove themselves worthy by deed. He must find the legendary Viking Ring of Peace and take it to Arthur's palace at Camelot. The quest begins in treacherous marshland, where every step is potentially lethal. Armed with a mere crossbow, the prince must fight his way through a vast forest, inhabited by cut-throats [sic] and thieves, down into the underground caverns, through the deadly maze to the ring's resting place. Now he must cross the stormy sea and battle the hostile viking armada to reach Camelot. Arthur's Hall lies beyond the labyrinthine maze of corridors and passageways...will Prince Valiant make it and fulfil [sic] his dream of knighthood? %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %IV. Controls% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Since the action in this game takes on different perspectives throughout the different stages, I figured I'd include this section to explain which buttons do what in each level. --------------------------------------- | | | _ NINTENDO CONTROLLER | | _| |_ | | |_ D _| __ __ __ __ | | |_| |__| |__| /B \ /A \ | | SE ST \__/ \__/ | | | --------------------------------------- D - CONTROL PAD SE - SELECT BUTTON ST - START BUTTON B - B BUTTON A - A BUTTON LEVELS 1, 3, & 5 A - Jump B - Throw dagger RIGHT - Run right LEFT - Run left DOWN - Duck/Exit room through door UP - Enter room through door START - Pause SELECT - Change options while in pause mode LEVEL 2 A - Fire arrows CONTROL PAD - Press Up, Down, Left or Right to move in that direction START - Pause SELECT - Change options while in pause mode LEVEL 4 A - Fire cannon B+LEFT - Move one cannon to the left B+RIGHT - Move one cannon to the right LEFT - Fine adjust cannon left RIGHT - Fine adjust cannon right UP - Move cross-hairs up DOWN - Move cross-hairs down CONTROLS DURING PAUSE MODE A+B - Quit game START - Continue game SELECT - Change options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %V. Status Display% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% At the bottom of the gameplay screen is a status bar. It contains the following: SCORE Points are awarded for defeating baddies and collecting tokens, objects and bonuses. ENERGY Displayed in bar-form. Whenever Valiant is hit by arrows, spears or baddies the energy bar will go down as his energy is depleted. LIVES Indicates the number of lives remaining and is displayed in the middle of the status line. TOKENS Collect and use these to gain extra points, lives and energy. The amount collected is registered in the Display. TIME Displays time remaining to complete the current level. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %VI. Walkthrough% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following will lead you through each level of the game. Some levels only need a little explanation and guidance, while a couple of them are twisting labyrinths that require some attention to detail. The stuff in quotes at the beginning of each level in the walkthrough comes directly from the beginning of the level in the game. It sort of sets the tone for the level and lets you know what you are getting into. Enjoy. =-=-=-= Level 1 =-=-=-= The Marsh "Valiant encounters a marsh, which he knows he must cross if he is to realize his dream of finding Camelot." "But the path across seems broken and in places uncrossable." "Valiant must cross the marsh any way he can using safe areas." "This marsh is inhabited by a large monster which he must encounter and destroy in order to continue on his Quest for Camelot." The first level is pretty straight forward. Start by shooting the first 2 vagrants that come at you and move right. You will see gray lines in your path which are trap doors, so leap over these. Enemies come at you throughout this level, so be sure to shoot the moment you land and also watch your back. This game requires lots of jumping skills, so you might want to familiarize yourself with the controls a bit at the beginning before delving into the game. When encountering a standing archer, duck and wait for the arrow to fly by, then shoot. You can't shoot from a crouching position. Jump over a kneeling archer's arrows. After defeating certain enemies, several things items may appear. Tokens appear most frequently. Every 20 Tokens you collect will reward you with an extra life. Collecting an "E" will give you more energy, while a "T" will add a minute to your timer. Both of these are valued commodities, so scrounge up all the "E" and "T" icons you can find. At the broken grey bridge, the stone in the water rises and falls, so time your jump onto it and quickly off of it before you fall in the deadly marsh water. Another broken bridge along the way can only be crossed by swinging on a vine. You'll be vine swinging throughout the game, so get used to it, releasing yourself at the height of your swing to get more distance. To avoid archers shooting at you from the woods, try to get under them a little to the right or left (not directly under) and when they fire straight down, make a break for it before they shoot again. Note that some enemies that run at you can be jumped over, but try to only do it when you know you won't be able to kill them with one shot and you are in a pinch. Don't try to rush through the level or you will be systematically slaughtered by the Marsh's inhabitants. SERPENT MINI-BOSS At the end of the second section of the Marsh, you'll encounter a Serpent mini-boss. Stand on the left side of the screen and fire at it when it rises from the water, while leaping over the fireballs it spews at you. Sometimes it fires 3 or 4 fireballs in a row, so be alert. It won't take much to finish him off, so plug away. The third marsh section is tricky. Just time your jumps and avoid enemies and their arrows. Learn your enemy's patterns! You'll encounter a couple large Bats in the middle of this section. They try to knock you off the rock platforms. When you hit one it knocks them back a bit, so try to finish them off quick (about 7-8 shots) while avoiding them if they come too close. WINGED DEMON At the end of this section you will encounter Level 1's boss, some kind of Winged Red Demon who flutters around spitting fireballs at you. Just blast him while ducking or jumping over his shots. He takes quite a bit of damage but will eventually go down. The CROSSBOW will be your reward for defeating him. On to Level 2! =-=-=-= Level 2 =-=-=-= The Forest "After a short rest, Valiant must continue onto the next stage of his journey." "This involves crossing through a large forest armed with a crossbow he took from a robber who attacked him in the marsh." "The forest is inhabited by a host of evil cut-throats, all with a common aim." "To rob Valiant." "Progress through the forest will be most successful in short bursts; crossing open areas then taking cover behind a tree." "Valiant must emerge safely from the forest to go onto the next stage." This is the Operation Wolf style first-person stage I mentioned. Robbers will be hiding behind trees and will step out to take a shot at you. Be quick aiming the cross hairs then blast 'em. If you miss an enemy and he pops back behind the tree, he usually pops back out at the same place. The screen will stop scrolling if there are too many enemies on the screen that you haven't killed. It's a pretty straight forward level, where you shoot anything that moves and hope you have enough energy to make it through. You won't make it through on the first try (unless using the save game feature on an emulator), so try and memorize where enemies are going to pop out from. Shoot the "E" and "T" icons when they appear to get the extra energy and time. Good luck! =-=-=-= Level 3 =-=-=-= The Viking "Valiant has discovered the skeleton of a man who, judging by his dress, must have been a Viking." "On closer inspection Valiant sees an arrow lodged in the man's armour which, being inquisitive, Valiant tries to draw free." "On doing so the ground beneath his feet opens up and he plunges into a cave deep below." "Valiant soon discovers someone, in fact many people, have been there before him, as a maze of wooden bridges and platforms have been built, extending far out of sight." "It soon becomes apparent that the platforms are in fact an intricate maze with some deadly built-in booby-traps to hinder his movements rather than aid them." "Valiant is a natural athlete and his talents will be needed if he is to escape with his life." This level starts you out on a screen with a door in the middle, a skeleton to the left of the door and the Viking Ring to the right of the door. The Viking Ring is your goal, so why not just run over and get it to move on? Here's why: You'll automatically inspect the skeleton, which triggers a trap that plunges you into a cave below. You spend the rest of this level trying to get back up to this area to get the Viking Ring. This is the most confusing level of the game, but I will ease the pain and lead you through the cave so you don't have to waste valuable time wandering around aimlessly. I suggest reading ahead before going anywhere, as you can get lost or killed very easily. When you land underground, jump onto the vine to the left and position yourself on the middle step. Crouch down and shoot the moving disk to the right, which opens the gate. Quickly swing back over and run past the gate before it shuts. Work your way to the right until you get to a swinging blade. By ducking under it, it will swing over you harmlessly. Inch your way past it by ducking and moving until you are at the edge of the platform. Before jumping to the next platform, be sure to avoid the saw blade in the floors, which will kill you instantly. Now run past the first 2 doors you see and head up the ladder to enter the 3rd door. From here, drop down to the bottom of the screen and head to the right. Enter the door at the top of the ramp. You're now in the Dagger Room. Avoid falling rocks and the ghost at the last moment before jumping over to get the Dagger (the ghost reappears very quickly after you "kill" it). Press "down" to obtain the Dagger and get out of the room by exiting the door you came in. Head back left and ride the platform then take the vine to get between the 2 doors. Enter the top door by pushing "up." Upon entering this room, duck immediately and remain crouched (arrows will pass overhead) until the vine swings toward you for the 3rd time. Quickly grab it, swing across and run to enter the door. From the door, go left and climb the 2nd ladder and stand on the platform facing right. Now shoot the moving disk to open a gate farther along the way. Don't hit the beehive or you're screwed as bees keep pouring out of it and attacking. Fire once right when the disk is at its lowest point. Once you hit the disk, run to the left and past the raised gate before it comes crashing down. Continue left. You'll come upon a lift. You can take the upper path to a "T" symbol, but be careful of the saw in the floor. The upper path is a dead end, so unless you need more time, take the lower path. Go all the way to the left and enter the door. Things get tricky on this screen. You don't want to disturb the beehive, so instead of jumping over to the next platform, run across. Your momentum will carry you safely over. If you need the "E" for energy, lightly tap the jump button. You DO NOT want bees chasing you here. Notice the springboard on the floor. It took me awhile to figure it out, but here's what you do to get up to the platform in the air. Stand on the springboard and jump straight up. A second before landing back on the springboard, jump again. You'll go a little higher this time. Continue this a few times until you are high enough to reach the platform. It may take awhile, but you have to master this to move on. Now climb the ladder to get to... THE BEAR!! The best way to defeat the Bear is to stand in the middle of the screen and hack away with the knife. Hit & run tactics don't work well, as he will damage you no matter what, so just keep slashing away until his life meter runs out. He'll run away (no bear meat for you...I hear it's greasy anyway) and you'll be back on the ladder you just climbed. Head back to the left and out the door by the beehive. From here, go right past the lift and over the gate and enter the door on the platform to the right of the gate. From here, run left down the ramp. Blocks will fall from the ceiling and barrels will pursue you down the ramp. Avoid these and enter the door you come to. Go left past the swinging barrel (duck & move, duck & move) and climb the ladder to enter the door. On this screen you want to swing on the vine across the chasm to your left. Be careful of the catapult flinging rocks at you. Jump over the snake after jumping off the vine and enter the door. This small room is dangerous. Move across to the other door while avoiding the swinging barrel, falling barrels and arrows (duck to avoid the arrows). Enter the door quickly. Another springboard :) Use it to proceed right. Collect 2 Tokens and a "T" then climb the ladder. Fresh air!! Jump on the boat. Carefully ride the boat across to the dock. If you stand on the far left side of the boat the rocks SHOULDN'T hurt you (they didn't the 2 times I crossed, but they might fall randomly, so be prepared to dodge'em). You'll come across two 1-Ton weights hanging from above. You need to get these moving to activate the vine swing to your right. Stand under the right one and head-butt it a few times to get it moving. Head-butt the left one when it comes down, then back to the right one. Now keep head-butting the right one to get the weight moving really fast until you hear a noise. Now run to the right and swing across on the vine. Climb down the ladder. You're back in the room with the springboard. Go through that door. Now you're back in the swinging barrel room. Go out the left door. Shoot the snake off the ledge, then vine swing over to the door and enter it. Head right past the swinging barrel (remember, the barrel will kill you with one hit, so be careful). Don't crouch on the ground directly under the barrel for too long or you'll fall through. Climb the ladder and go through the door. Remember this difficult area? Head right while jumping over the barrels and avoiding falling blocks. Go past the first door you get to and enter the second one, but be careful of the spider above the door. Get close to the door to make it come down, then when it's moving back up, enter the door. In this small room, shoot the moving disk on your left to raise the gate, then enter the door. You're now back at the beginning of the level right past where you fell through the hole. Enter the next door on the right (the one at the bottom of the ladder). Run down the ramp, jumping over the barrels that are rolling after you and enter the door. Upon coming out of the door, quickly jump onto the ladder to avoid the saw blade in the floor. Only climb half way up the ladder until an arrow comes out from the right of the screen, then proceed left. Swing across with the vine, then ride the lift up to the door and enter. Come out the door and head left to the moving disk. Crouching on the middle platform, shoot the disk and quickly run to the right past the raised gate. Swing across 5 vines (jumping from vine to vine at their highest point) and land on the platform with the door. Quickly avoid the falling block above the platform and enter the door. From here, work your way to the right past vines, collapsing bridges and a swinging sickle. Be ready to move quickly once you enter the door, as a block crashes down on you immediately. Head to the left and shoot the treasure chest to collect a bunch of Tokens. Head up the ladder to find... THE VIKING! I basically used the same blunt strategy I used against the Bear. Repeatedly slash at the Viking. He gets in more damage than the Bear did and may even kill you first if you begin the battle low on energy, but you can wear him down quicker if you are both at even strength. After disposing of him you'll appear back near the ladder. Head to the right past the door where you came in (watch for the falling rock again). This is one of the hardest areas of the game, as arrows fly at you and barrels roll at you. The ceiling is low here and you can only jump over barrels if you are under the openings in the ceiling. Proceed cautiously to the door. In the next room, quickly enter the door before the beehive empties out. If these last few rooms weren't hard enough, you have a reappearing ghost, flying daggers and vine swinging to deal with in this next one. Go right past all of this and enter the door. Collect the "T" and "E" in the next room and enter the next door. Carefully avoid all the saw blades in this room and exit. Avoid the snake and ghost in the next room and swing up to the door. Now quickly run to the left past all the bees and enter the door at the end. Upon coming out of the door, shoot the snake off the ledge and collect the Tokens and extra time. Exit through the door. When you come out the door, quickly sprint to the left until you get to the ladder, avoiding the barrel. Climb it and head back right. Swing across via the vine and continue right, jumping another barrel (they come from above). You'll come to another chest. Shoot it and collect the Tokens, then enter the door. Before swinging across the chasm, shoot the snake off the ledge on the other side so you don't have to deal with it when you land on that ledge. Swing across and climb the ladder to finally exit the caves! You'll appear outside the cave door to the right of the skeleton where you fell through the ground at the very beginning of the level. You'll automatically pick up the Viking Ring and proceed to Level 4! =-=-=-= Level 4 =-=-=-= The Sea Battle "Now, with the Viking ring in his possession, Valiant is more determined than ever to reach Camelot and fulfill his dream of becoming a Knight." "His journey now involves a treacherous sea crossing. The voyage is a rough one. Valiant's ship is set upon by both elements, and a band of hostile sea-going Vikings." "The young Prince realizes that there is no chance of out-running this evil armada, hence a fierce sea battle ensues." This stage is somewhat like Level 2, but instead of shooting arrows at thieves, you control cannons on a ship. You will control a battery of six cannons. To select between the one you want to use, hold down the B button and move left or right to the cannon of choice. Press the A button to fire a cannon. You'll see 2 white lines, one on the left of the screen and one on the right. Moving these by pressing up or down will determine how far the cannonball will travel. If you fire at a ship and miss, notice where the cannonball splashes in the water in relation to the ship, then make an adjustment and fire again. Some ships take a couple hits to destroy. You can tell you hit a ship in 2 ways: (1) it will blow up or (2) the cannonball will make a small red explosion when it hits. The key to this level is not letting your cannons get hit by enemy fire. Once all your cannons are taken out you lose a life and have to start over. Keep plugging away until the enemy meter is full but be sure not to waste too much ammo, as the supply is limited. Once you destroy enough ships to fill the enemy meter, you will move on to Level 5. =-=-=-= Level 5 =-=-=-= Camelot "Valiant wakes up one morning to the sound of mighty hoofbeats approaching the castle-keep." "He Quickly stands to witness an incredible vision of a Knight with the emblem of Camelot on his shield galloping past him." "Certain that this is the way to King Arthur's castle, he follows the Knight." "Soon he is standing in front of one of the most splendid spectacles on earth...Camelot!" "However, his entrance is not met with the grandeur he expected." "When he shows the guard at the gate the Viking ring and announces his mission to speak with King Arthur, he is immediately escorted to a dungeon." You start off this level with an archer in your face. Blast him and move to the right. Take the upper platform and jump across the moving platform over to a green door. In this room your goal is the Key located under the platform you're standing on when you enter. Dispose of the guards, jump down to grab the Key, and go back up to exit they way you came in. This is the first of several Keys that you need to acquire on this level to gain access to locked doors. I'll lead you right through this level so you you'll never have to deal with any unpassable areas. From the door, move right, swing across the vine and enter the green door. When you come out the door, drop down a couple of platforms to enter the orange door. Upon entering this room you'll have a few guards to deal with. Learn their patterns so you can dispose of them without losing much energy. Work your way to the left, swinging across several vines. Be sure to dispose of the archer quickly when you land. Continue left and enter the gray door. In this room, quickly shoot the moving disk to raise the gate above you. Once the gate rises, jump up to the second platform and jump high onto the ladder before a log rolls out at you. Hurry past the raised gate and climb up the ladder out of the dungeon area. Now you're out of the dungeon! Climb up the ladder to the top. Head to the right. You will see a gray doorway beneath you and another doorway on the upper right platform. Go through the upper right one. Upon entering the next room you can either go up through another door or go left. Go left for now. Avoid the swinging spiked ball by ducking and moving a few times. Continue all the way left to a door and enter it (an E symbol will be below it at the bottom of the ladder). Work your way to the right, ride a platform up to the top level, and head back to the left. You will see a ladder sticking out of the floor. Climb down it to enter another room. A Key is in this room. Watch the pattern of the rising floor grates for a couple seconds then go get the Key. The second you grab the Key a net comes down on you, so hurry and jump onto the ledge of the platform with the grates. Exit the room. From the ladder, drop down to the gray door where you came in and exit. From here, head to the right. After the swinging spiked ball, press up to enter the green door. Quickly shoot the attacker to the left and head that way. Climb the ladder to the top and go right. Swinging across the 3 vines will bring you to an area with several Tokens and another Key! Collect the Key and go back to the left and through the door you came in. Now, go through the gray door right in front of you. You're back near the beginning of the level. If you need more Tokens, head to the right where you will eventually come to a room with about 10 or so. Otherwise, drop down to the bottom and enter the gray door to the left. You are now in a room full of floor grates. From the platform you are standing on when you enter, fall off the right side of it, but hold to the left as you are falling so you don't land on the grate. Move to the left, jump over the floor grate and quickly move in front of the red springboard before the spider web falls on you. Use the springboard like the ones in level 2 to get up to the platform. Enter the door up there. From here, go left, ride the orange platform down, and head over to the door on the right and enter it. Now you can either go left or right. Head left, climb the ladder (eliminating the guard at the top) and continue left to the door. A Key is in this room. Carefully take out the guards and fetch the Key. Exit the way you came in. Now go back to the right. Continue past the green door. You'll have 3 sets of swinging spiked balls to get past. Get by them, swing over to the ladder and climb up and enter the door. Move to the right, but be careful as logs will appear rolling behind you. Be careful of the orange trap door in the floor. Jump over it, climb the ladder and enter the orange door. In here, start by swinging over to the moving platform. Continue right past the guard with the spear and climb up the ladder to... ...another part of the castle (with an orange background). You'll see a doorway on a platform above you and a rope swing. Ignore the door and swing across to the right, being careful of the rolling logs where you'll land. Continue to the right and climb down the second ladder to enter the gray door. Here is the lair of the gray puppy. It is probably a Wolf or something, but those people at Ocean Soft managed to turn what is really a savage killing machine into what looks like a loveable little dog. At any rate, it's guarding a Key right below you. Instead of taking on this ravenous beast, go left until you get to a Bone that just happens to be lying in your path. Grab it and head back to the gray menace. As you approach it you'll automatically drop the Bone, causing the Wolf to race past you for the Bone and disappear. You can now safely grab the Key. Now head left again, but climb the ladder to get on the upper level. You will go by a blue door (on the level beneath you), confront another guard, then climb down the ladder to the orange door. In this room you will see a Potion on the platform above you. Use the rope swings and ride the lift to retrieve it, then exit the way you came in. This will end up being the item you need to finish the game! Now work your way over to the blue door you passed earlier by climbing a ladder, taking on a guard and climbing down another ladder to get to the door. Enter it. You've seen this room before. Climb the ladder up to the door directly above you and enter it. In this room you want to climb the staircase up to the orange door. You can make a run for the door, but you'll probably have to jump over an arrow shot at you from the archer on the left platform and squeeze through the door before making contact with the guard on the right, but you can do it. Quickly enter the door to confront.... MERLIN!! The famed wizard of yore is the final obstacle in your path to a meeting with the fabled King Arthur. Remember that Potion you grabbed? You'll automatically use it here. Merlin will shoot something, no doubt magical, at you from across the chasm that seperates you from him. Whatever it is that he shoots at you will hit the Potion instead, causing a bridge to form to allow you to cross over (if you didn't have the Potion here, Merlin really makes quick work of you). Run across the bridge to find...Merlin waiting for you! Relax. He's harmless now, unless of course you take a potshot at him which will just piss him off and result in instant death for you. Just run past him and climb down the ladder to the door. Behind the door you will find... THE KING & QUEEN!! SPOILER...DO NOT READ ON IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %%%%%%%%%%%%% %VII. FINALE% %%%%%%%%%%%%% Your mission is finally accomplished. No grueling hit-point draining battle to the death with a final boss, just a quick joust with a wizard and your off to your future in Camelot. The ending dialogue reads: "Congratulations!" "King Arthur is impressed and astounded at the way Valiant braved and bested dungeon, traps and the snares of Knights and guards alike. He therefore grants the young Prince permission to enter a training programme in preparation for becoming a Knight of the Round Table." "You have helped Valiant complete his quest for Camelot." "And now," "The Legend Begins..." You then get to enter your name into a high scores screen...which promptly resets because of a lack of battery to save it. This is definitely a game which requires skill and quick reflexes to get through. The programmers made a game that definitely rewards patient players, yet may have turned off the majority of gamers with many different "instant death" situations and traps to memorize. My admiration goes out to whoever stuck it out through this game and beat it without cheating ;) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %VIII. Disclaimer% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This walkthrough is not endorsed by Ocean Soft, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Europe or affiliates. The information contained within this document is provided without guarantee. All copyrights and trademarks are recognized. This walkthrough may be reprinted, posted in newsgroups, or placed on web sites, as long as the proper credit is given to the author. The most recent version of this walkthrough can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com www.vgstrategies.about.com (C)1999,2000,2002 Adam Lamontagne (alamont1@maine.rr.com)