Thunder Blaster Man (Rocman X) by RandyPandy and Da Hui ====================================================================== Table of Contents ====================================================================== I. Introduction II. Plot III. Character Abilities IV. Walkthrough 1. The City 2. The Ocean 3. The Sky 4. The Final Level V. Items VI. Hazards VII. Secrets and Glitches VIII. Copyright ====================================================================== Introduction ====================================================================== This game is, basically, a non-Capcom game that appears to be based very loosely on the original Rockman/MegaMan series. However, it has nothing to do with those games whatsoever, so don't complain about it not feeling like a traditional Rockman game. It was developed by a company called Sachen, not Capcom, so it is not an official game. However, there are copies floating around, and if you somehow get your hands on one, lucky you. Frankly, I'm surprised that Capcom didn't sue Sachen... Also, the terms I use here are not official. I was unable to get an instruction booklet for this game, so I will be referring to the items and the levels how I see fit. One more thing to say: there are, apparently, two versions of this game that have been released: the original Thunder Blaster Man, and Rocman X. The version I played for this guide is Rocman X, so there may be some differences between the two versions. ====================================================================== Plot ====================================================================== The game takes place in Gadem City. The city is getting ready to celebrate it's 100th anniversary, so the mayor is throwing a party. Attending the party is the mayor's daughter, Miss Lucy. Everybody is having lots of fun at the party. However, a mysterious figure breaks into the party, kidnaps Miss Lucy, and spirits her away. Television screens then began to display the face of Havel, the owner of the Paulang-Tang Organization. Yearly, he has been demanding a sum of $2 million from the city. Despite this, he decides to attack the city and kidnap Miss Lucy as a hostage. When the mayor is at a loss as to what to do, Thunder Blaster Man realizes what is going on, and decides to stop Havel and save Gadem City for good! ====================================================================== Character Abilities ====================================================================== Appearance: In a way, he does look like Rockman; he has the same dual-shaded blue clothing. His gloves are white. However, he has what appears to be a light blue boomerang on his helmet, and wears a dark blue cape. Basic Weapon: When you push the 'B' button, he will fling a boomerang, which will go partway across the screen and then return to him. You can fling the boomerang up, left, right, and while ducking. Just push and hold down the direction you want to fling it in and push 'B'. However, you can only fire one shot at a time, as you only have one boomerang, so don't fire haphazardly. Later, you can buy upgrades, such as the batarang. Press 'Select' to switch between the boomerang and the batarang. Charged Weapon: Push and hold the 'B' button to charge up. Then hold a direction on the D-Pad and let go of the 'B' button. He will do a flying punch. He will go in whatever direction you had him pointing, and you can also jump to increase his height and duck to place him close to the ground. Note that he is vulnerable while flying. Jump: Press the 'A' button to jump. His jump is average height. Duck: Press 'Down' on the D-Pad and he will duck. This can be used to avoid some enemies. Pause: Push 'Start' to pause the game and give yourself a temporary breather. If you just leave him standing there, he will look at you and tap his foot in impatience. Energy: He starts off with 16 units of energy. Once all of the energy is gone, he's dead. Lives: He starts off the game with one extra life, and before each boss, you have the option to buy more. Note that when you die and you have a credit left, you start off at the spot wher you died. Literally. You die in a spike pit, you start off in the spike pit. If you fall in a bottomless hole, you float out of the bottomless hole. ====================================================================== Walkthrough ====================================================================== The first three stages can be tackled in any order that you like. However, they must be completed before the final level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The City ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- |Round 1| ------- Move forward until you see two enemies - a scorpion and a bat. Staying a little far away from them, shoot both the scorpion and the bat until they are dead. Jump onto the ledges, killing the bat and the hopping enemy from the ledge before it, and then duck and shoot the scorpion on the next platform. Then charge up and fly to the next platform (the jump won't make it.) Shoot the two bats and (0.0) jump into the spikes. Quickly leap onto the ledges and shoot the bat before it hits you. On the next platform, you see a hopping enemy. If you jump down, chances are it will hit you several times. I have another solution. Stand on the edge where it is, jump above it, shoot DOWN, and then land where you jumped from. When you destroy it, jump down and quickly shoot the second hopping enemy coming towards you. Head forward, shoot the bat, charge up and fly past the scorpion and then shoot the hopping enemy. Head forward, dealing with more Hoppers (which is what I'll call the hopping enemies), until you reach the edge of the platform. If you keep heading foward, you'll find a robot that shoots three missiles at you. I don't think it can be destroyed, because I fired at it ten times and it still survived. Instead, head back until you see the ceiling become lower, charge up, jump, and fly foward past the robot. If you did it correctly, you shouldn't land in the spikes. These next three patforms collapse, so hop your way past them until you land on solid ground. Or you can fly your way past them by jumping to clear the highest one and then sending out a charge fly. Just be wary of the snails coming towards you. They take several hits to be destroyed, and can fall off the platforms. After passing the first snail, destroy the second one and then leap onto the little platforms to the next set of collapsing platform. Head forward, dodging the little flying enemies, and head to the opening at the very right to warp to the next round! ------- |Round 2| ------- Head forward and you'll see a dinosaur robot as well as two flying robots that home in on you. Destroy the flying robots, head as close as you can to the dinosaur robot, fly up and onto the platform. Keep going until you see a small flying robot. Quickly duck and fly through the narrow opening past some more robots. Move past the platforms, dodging or killing the robots, until you come across an open room with bird robots flying around. Go through the opening. Dispatch of the three Hoppers that try to ambush you. When you reach the pit of spikes with the collapsing platforms, cross care- fully as birds will try to ambush you. Go into the open room, and then out to find two Hoppers. Kill them. Head forward, dispatch the lone Hopper, and figure out the way to cross the spikes. (j/k) Charge up, hop until you are above the spikes, and fly through the opening. Immediately, shoot sboomerang up to dispatch the bomb and jump over the other one. Cross the gap and keep heading forward to the end of the hallway to finish the round - and go to the shop. Buy what you need/want, and exit. ---- |Boss| ---- After visiting the shop, boss time! This is a robot that has two main attacks; throwing lava and dashing across the room. Dodging the fire- balls are easy enough, but if you don't time your jumps, he may hit you on a return trip. Plus, he is only vulnerable when he is juggling his fireballs. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ocean ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- |Round 1| ------- Jump up the platforms to the right and you will see some blocks that hover over the spikes. Hop onto those until you don't see any more. Charge yourself up to fly to the right and you will stop on another platform. Right from where you land, charge up again and fly to the right. You will bash through some blocks and land on the ground. If you want, you can head to the bottom right and break the blocks for money. Whenever ready, charge up and fly straight up with your jet pack. Start to move straight to the top, get as high in this area as possible. Start to move to the left when you can and you will reach the street light monster. The lights flash from bottom to up and then it shoots a cannon up and the bombs drop. Just shoot the top a few times to kill it. Get to the highest platform to the left of it. When you are on the last platform, charge up and fly to the left. Quickly kill the street light monster there as well. Climb the platforms to the left and charge up to fly to the far left. Avoid the streetlight monster there as well. You should reach the upper left corner with this rocket blast. Jump and shoot your boomerang straight down to break the blocks as you smash your way to the bottom. I suggest breaking all of them and collecting the money along the way. Move to the right and kill the birds that shoot quickly. I suggest breaking all the blocks down here for some extra money as well. You will see a gap in the platforms in the ground. Fall in this gap and simply fall allthe way to the bottom of this hole to clear this round. ------- |Round 2| ------- Move to the left and bust the blocks for some extra money. When you reach the waterfall, fall down it. Try to fall off to the sides and hug the walls, you will have to go under the wall to land on the side platforms or you can fall down the middle and try to hit one in the middle. This lower part of the round can be very difficult and irritating. You will see a couple of holes in the wall of the background. A monster will pop out of these holes at random and shoot at you. Avoid the shots and try to kill them. There will also be fish that jump out of the water and try to jump into you, jump to avoid them. You can see the fish on the surface of the water before they jump. Just head to the left here and charge up to jump over the large holes. After a couple of jumps, you'll clear this round. ---- |Boss| ---- This boss seems annoying just because he seems to be invincible at times. You can only hurt him immediately after he lands or shoots. He only moves by jumping from one side to the other every now and then. He has two attacks. When he jumps, he will throw a bomb straight down and it will explode. When he lands, he will shoot a mortar up and then down towards you. That bomb that hits the ground will shoot a fire across the ground that you can just jump over. That's about all their is to this fight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sky ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- |Round 1| ------- Move to the right and jump to the middle platform to avoid the lower monster. Go to the right and break the blocks for money. Go back to the left side of the middle platform. Kill the monster on the top platform by charging up to jump really high up and shooting his head. Once he is dead, move to the right on the top platform. The bottom block here will have a health pick up if you need it. Jump across these platforms quickly because they will fall if you stay on it too long. This part is going to take you a long time. You will enter a room after the quick platforms where you have to fight a large defense system. There will be three sentry guns on the wall and a cannon along the ground. You have to destroy all the sentry guns which take what seems forever to kill while avoiding everything. Take your time and try to hang back as much as possible. After you destroy the three sentry guns, the cannon disappears. Just walk into the hole the cannon was at to clear this round. ------- |Round 2| ------- Move to the right and you will see a force field on the ground. You can stand on the block that is emitting the force field, so jump onto it. Jump onto the conveyor belt to the right and just walk across it. Charge up and launch yourself to the right at the right end of the conveyor belt. Avoid the sentry guns and fall down the hole to the right. Start to move to the left. The first force fields will always remain open so just jump through them. You have to time the jumps through the next force fields. Charge up and jump onto the higher platform to the left. Stay on the middle platform and destroy the sentry gun on it. Once it is destroyed, move to the left and charge up to shoot above the force field. Jump through the force fields to the right when they are off and break any blocks along the way for some extra money. When you reach the end, charge up to jump onto the conveyor belts. Keep climbing to the top of this area while killing the sentry guns along the way. When you reach force fields, get on the conveyor belt in the middle. Jump to the left so you are on the platform in between the left, vertical force field and the middle, horizontal force fields. Charge up and jump straight up to reach the higher platform. Move all the way to the left and charge up to jump past the force fields. The way to beat these guys at sentries is to shoot them from behind. They don't turn around in between shots so quickly hurry behind them when they are shooting to kill them. I suggest killing the first one and forgetting the rest since it gets too hard. After you kill the first, charge up in the middle and shoot up to the highest platform to the right. Charge up for the next jump and you will reach a pit. Just charge up and jump straight up to clear this round. ---- |Boss| ---- This boss isn't too complicated. You can shoot him whenever he's not doing anything. His attacks are to run across the screen, which you should just jump over him, rain triangles down from the top of the screen, and shoot a fireball, which you shoot also jump over. Other than that, just keep shooting him for an easy boss fight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Final Level ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- |Round 1| ------- You will be on Rocman X's motorcycle. There are a couple different enemies here. There will be a bomber that flies in from the left, drops a bomb, then flies off. You can destroy the bomb. Another is a small robot that will fly in from either the left or top of the screen. There are missiles that fly across the screen, all which you can destroy. There are also hover crafts that fly by, shoot some bullets at you, and fly off. Try not to stay too far to the left so you don't get hit by an enemy that sneaks up on you. After a while, you will see a fortress appear in the background. It will shoot out an orb that comes down from the top of the screen. Around this orb is four rotating balls which protect it. You have to shoot the center orb. It will move around the screen and stop for its attacks. The attacks it does is either shoot at you, make the diameter of the spinning balls bigger and spin around the screen, or just shoot the balls out in a straight line. They're random attacks, so there's no pattern. Just keep attacking the orb until it blows up. ------- |Round 2| ------- Move to the right and kill the two enemies that appear on the screen. Break the blocks for some money and charge up to jump onto the higher platform. Break the blocks up there as you continue to the right. Charge up and crouch at the wall to fly through the small opening. Kill the birds and fall down the next platform to the right. Charge up and jump to the right, let go of the charge just above the sachen sign. Quickly kill the birds here and fall down the platforms to the right. Break the blocks here for money and health. Kill the large enemy to the right and charge up to jump in between the mine and the platform to enter the cave. Jump onto the next platform to the right. Crouch and charge to the right to go just under the spikes. Go to the far bottom right and get past the sentries to clear this round. ------- |Round 3| ------- Move to the right and fall down the left side of this hole. Move to the left here, I suggest charging up on the higher blocks to reach the left side with ease. Fall down to the bottom of this hole and charge up to reach the right. Climb to the higher right platform and charge up to jump to the right. Just run off the screen over there to clear this stage. ---- |Boss| ---- This boss is kind of a pain because it's hard to hit him. He will always fly along the top of the screen. His only two attacks is to dive down to the bottom and try to hit you, or to throw bombs from the top of the screen in all directions. The bombs are pretty easy to avoid and if you stay in the corners, you won't get hurt by his dives. Just jump and hit him whenever you get a chance until he dies. ------- |Round 4| ------- Move to the left and kill the enemies in your path. Jump across the blocks across the spike and charge up to shoot off to the left over the last bit of spikes. Kill the next robot in the way and charge up to shoot over the next set of spikes. Don't try to jump to the first block because you won't make it. Fall down the hole at the end, start off to the right but head to the middle so you can land on the small train on the tracks. Crouch the whole time and keep shooting the low arrows that are shot at you. Avoid everything else. At the end of the track, jump onto the platform on the right and just move into the wall on the right to clear this round. ------- |Round 5| ------- Head to the right and kill the three bouncing enemies. Watch the bomb enemies fall and wait for them to blow up themselves. Charge up and jump up to reach the next high platform. Jump across the quick platforms to the right. At the end, charge up to jump onto the higher platform. Fall down these while avoiding the spikes as best as possible. Kill the turret to the left and move to the left. Climb these small platforms and break through the blocks as you keep going up. When you can't go any higher, go left and start to go down the platforms. At the lower part, charge up while crouching to fly to the left just above the spikes. Down here, just head to the left and you will clear this round. ---- |Boss| ---- This boss is pretty simple. The monster itself will just walk around side to side and every time he stops, he will shoot eye balls up and they will drop back down. You will notice that Havel is in the window on the top of the screen. All you have to do is jump below him and shoot straight up to hit him a couple of times. Once he is defeated, the monster will disappear. All you have to do is charge up and jump up to the Miss Lucy to save her and that's it! ====================================================================== Items ====================================================================== ----------- |Stage Items| ----------- Blocks: Blocks live up to their namesake here. You can stand on a block to gain more height, or you can destroy a block. Sometimes destroying a block will yield you a coin or other goodies. Sometimes they will give you nothing at all. Coins: The single coin given by blocks will usually yield five coins, and the coins given by enemies will usually yield three coins. Pill: You can find these when you defeat an enemy. Pick one up to recover two units of energy. Hearts: Every once in awhile, you will find a heart. These are hidden inside ordinary, usually hard-to reach blocks. (You have to exploit a glitch to find the one in the Sky level). These will recover four units of energy. ---------- |Shop Items| ---------- Before the boss stages, you can visit a shop to improve your abilities and health! The first row contains health items. The first one is a Pill, which refills a bit of your life. The second one is a Medical Kit, which refills all of your life. The third item is a Credit, which allows you to start a stage at the spot you died. These items are $50, $80, and $150, in that order. The second row contains items to upgrade your boomerang. The first one allows you to shoot up to three boomerangs. The second one will shoot three boomerangs at an angle, and the third one will shoot three boomerangs above one another. The latter two are the most useful of the three. These are $100, $200, and $250 respectively. The last row has the ultimate, awesome batarangs. These are possibly the best weapons in the game. They are much more powerful than the simple boomerang. However, these are the most expensive items of all. Respectively, they cost $500, $700, and $600. ====================================================================== Secrets and Glitches ====================================================================== Yes, there are glitches in this game, after all. It's a pirated game. Currently, there's only one glitch that I know of, which GameFAQs wouldn't accept so I'll put it here: Glitch 1: Walk on a bottomless pit. Do a charged shot across the pit (works best in the sky level), then fall into the pit without touching anything else. If done correctly, you will be able to walk on all of the bottomless pits in the level. Useful, eh? ====================================================================== Hazards ====================================================================== Any hazards that you encounter will drain some energy and give you a temporary invincibility. Use this invincibility wisely, and be very careful when facing these. Spikes: Sharp. Pointy. A staple in every game. If you don't know what these are, well... the only difference is that they don't kill you outright in this game, but they do drain four units of your energy. Bottomless Pits: Oh no, I'm going to die!!! ...I'm still falling? Bottomless pits are a staple in many games as well, and once you fall, you're gone for good. There's a bug in the Sky level that allows you to walk on a bottomless pit, though. Enemies (Physical Contact): Any physical contact with an enemy will drain four units of energy. Be careful and don't get smacked in the face by flying bats or something. Enemies (Projectile Weapons): These can do from anywhere from one to four units of damage, depending on the dangers and size of the enemy. Be very careful. ====================================================================== Copyright ====================================================================== This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 by RandyPandy, aka Shree Panda, and Frank Grochowski, aka Da Hui. This guide is only available for private, personal use and may not be replicated, duplicated, editted, altered, or modified in any way. The only sites allowed to host this FAQ are: and its affliates and its affliates If this guide is found anywhere else, please remove it as it would violate the copyright laws to keep it on. To contact us, use the following email address: randypandy13 (at) yahoo (dot) com frankthetank3388 (at) gmail (dot) com Thunder Blaster Man: FAQ/Walkthrough by RandyPandy