=============================================================================== Tombs & Treasure Walk-Through v1.1 by Y0SHi (yoshi@bendnet.com) =============================================================================== Preface ------- This is one of the best "mystery/adventure" games ever created for the NES. It's very mysterious -- and in some instances, scary (take my advice: don't play this game alone, in the dark, especially if it's your first time playing it). There are two primary characters in the game; "the girl" and "the boy." I am generic because their names are defined by you, or the computer (if you choose not to enter any names). The computer-chosen names differ; it's almost random. The possibilities are (but are not limited to): Girl Boy ---- --- Tess Rick Celia Mark Susan Luis Elsie Tony Joy Mike Lucy Stew Nancy Mike In my case, Celia and Mark were chosen. Please correspond your characters names with mine. The Story-line ------------- June 10th: Professor Imes sets out for Chichen Itza with 7 men. June 22nd: One man disappears while studying El Castillo Pyramid. July 9th: Three men disappear while researching the Well of Sacrifice. July 14th: Professor Imes and 2 others vanish mysteriously while excavating the Ball Court. Only the guide returns. July 17th: The professor's notes and a few artifacts are found in the Well of Sacrifice. Professor Imes was an expert on Mayan writing. He read in an old book that the mythical Sun Key was hidden at Chichen Itza and set out to discover it. Professor Imes' daughter was a close friend. Since it was summer vacation, we decided to go to Mexico to solve the mystery of his disappearance. The Characters -------------- Anne: Professor Imes's secretary. She provides you enough information to get you started in the game. Remember everything she says, as you only have one chance to speak with her. Celia: Professor Imes's daughter. She's witty, as well as musically talented. Jose: Professor Imes's guide. He's the only one of the original 8 researchers (including the Processor) who hasn't disappeared. He provides very use- ful information, so be sure to write it down or remember every word. He's also very strong, being able to move things of great weight. But just who is he?? Mark: The primary character you control, who's also Celia's friend. An excellent fighter with great intelligence. The Items --------- Akbal Jewel: Found within the catacombs of the Ball Court; easy to take, but not without killing yourself in the process. It's a very important item, therefore it does need to be obtained. But how... Band-Aid: Not for healing wounds, but for fixing a musical instrument. Blue Block: A heavy, useless, blue stone... but is it so useless? Not in Castillo Pyramid... Blue Jewel: A jewel found within the forehead of a Jaguar in the Temple of Warriors. It should be used in conjunction with the "One-Eyed Mask," the "Sword," and the "Two-Eyed Mask." Crystal Key: Hidden in El Caracol, it can be used to open a glass coffin. Globe of Light: See "Silver Globe." Gold Stand: Found within a hidden room in Castillo Pyramid. It can be used to hold a "Golden Globe." Golden Globe: Hidden within the Court of Columns somewhere, it can be used in El Caracol upon a pedestal. Gold Mirror: A dirty mirror, which if cleaned, can be used to reflect light. Golden Pipes: See "Pan Pipes." Incense: Used with the "Silver Senser" to revive the dead. Iron Key: Found within a niche in the Temple of Warriors, it's use is to unlock a hidden keyhole in the High-Priest's Tomb. Iron Rod: See "Small Rod." Ixmol Jewel: Found in the "Nunnery," it's use is unknown, besides giving you your password when looked at. Large Flask: Found in the basement of Castillo Pyramid, it contains a magical liquid allowing a person to shrink, but only at a certain time of the day... Lighter: Used to light the "Incense." Magnetic Rod: See "Small Rod." Mosaic Tile: A light-green tile found upon the lid of the coffin in the High-Priest's Tomb. It can be used in Castillo Pyramid to open a new room. Notebook: Found amongst the Professor's gear; a semi-legible notebook which has clues to where the Professor's whereabouts are. One-Eyed Mask: A mask with one eye open, allowing jewels to be inserted to make an eye. With the right jewel, it can be worn to read hieroglyphics. Pan Pipes: Hidden within the water at the Well of Paradise, if fixed and played, can cause globes to become transparent. Red Jewel: Hidden underneath a pile of gold in Castillo Pyramid, it can be used with the "One-Eyed Mask," the "Sword," and the "Two- Eyed Mask." A priceless item, one which is VERY powerful. Ring of Itza: Obtained by examining a flask in Castillo Pyramid, it can dispel evil; it's also one of the two items which can be used to destroy Tentacula. Shallow Bowl: Found within a room in Castillo Pyramid, it is round, and can be joined with a magnetic rod to make a compass. Silver Globe: Easily obtained within Castillo Pyramid; it can be made trans- parent with the help of the "Pan Pipes," resulting in a secret shown within the Court of Columns. Silver Head: Hidden somewhere in the Court of Columns, it's a very useful item, allowing you to find a hidden room in Castillo Pyramid. I wonder where it goes... hmm... Silver Key: One of the few items found when the Professor's gear was ob- tained after his disappearance. Used within a hidden room in the Ball Court, it can unlock the Temple of the Sun. Silver Senser: Used to revive the dead. Small Flask: Same as the "Large Flask," except it revives your original condition, at any time. Small Rod: A small, magnetic, iron rod. It can be used to obtain items, or when used with the "Shallow Bowl," create a compass. Stone Handle: An item which should never be taken into your inventory, though it's function is very important; very hard to move, without the help of... Stone Pawl: Holds the door open in the Ball Court; if removed, a stone wall will fall, not allowing you into the depths of the Court it- self. It must be taken to be used in conjunction with the "Stone Handle," but when...? Sun Key: Locked within the Temple of the Sun; how'd they fit such a large key in such a small temple? And just how do you get it out? Hmm. Sun Necklace: Easily obtained in the Temple of Warriors; if cleaned, it can tell you the time of the day. A necessity. Sword: An ancient Mayan sword, found amongst the Professor's gear after he vanished. It should be used to fight Demons; it can also be upgraded to a more powerful sword by joining it with the "Red Jewel." Two-Eyed Mask: Similar to the "One-Eyed Mask," but has two sockets for jewels. But where can it be used...? Jose tells you sometime deep with- in the rooms of the Ball Court. The Demons ---------- Cadaver: An oddly-shaped Demon, with something on it's head which resem- bles antennae. El Slug: An oversized, sweaty, fat slug. Not very difficult, just very bulky. Use the Sword in combination with a jewel. Hornskull: Looks much like Cadaver, but is much easier to kill. Skorpor: A small, scorpion-like Demon. Just use the standard Sword on him, and he should die quickly. He's also the first Demon you encounter. Scareface: A red, shape-shifting Demon... A bit more difficult than Tezcat. Snake Master: Half snake, half human. He has no weaknesses, so just kick the crap out of him :-) Tentacula: The final boss of the game; a huge... well, no one's sure what he is. He has multiple tentacles, and is pretty tough to beat. He has two weaknesses: the Akbal Jewel, and the Ring of Itza. Be sure to use both on him before even attempting to kill him with the Blue Jewel connected to the Sword. Tezcat: A huge, red Demon with four arms and four swords. He has no weak- ness, besides a Sword joined with a Blue Jewel. Two-Beak: Looks much like an ostrich, but with two heads. No weaknesses. Venum: An ugly, purple snake. It's weakness seems to be the Akbal Jewel, so be sure to use it on him before you begin fighting him. You should make sure your Sword has the Blue Jewel connected to it after using the Akbal Jewel. The Walk-Thru ------------- 1) Go to Nunnery a) Take Ixmol Jewel 2) Go to High-Priest's Tomb a) Fight Skorpor b) Change to Jose c) Push on the wall d) Go into the new room e) Take Mosaic Tile f) Take One-Eyed Mask off of Skeleton g) Look at Skeleton h) Move Skeleton Head 3) Go to Castillo Pyramid a) Fight Two-Beak b) Go into Entrance c) Put Mosaic Tile in Hollow d) Take Globe of Light (Silver Globe) from Statue e) Smash Tall Flask a) Find/Take Ring of Itza f) Take Gold Mirror g) Take Gold Stand h) Take Shallow Bowl i) Look in Flask a) Find/Take Small Iron Rod j) Move Pile of Gold a) Find/Take Red Jewel b) Join Red Jewel and One-Eyed Mask k) Use the One-Eyed Mask l) Join the Red Jewel and the Sword 4) Go to Well of Paradise a) Wash the Gold Mirror a) Find/Take Pan Pipes b) Join Bandage and Pan Pipes --- At this point, your character should be Level 7. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 5) Go to El Caracol a) Fight Snake Master b) Put Silver Globe onto Pedestal c) Change to Celia d) Use Pan Pipes 6) Go to Court of Columns a) Fight El Slug b) Look at Column (lit with light) a) Smash Ground b) Take Golden Globe 7) Go to El Caracol a) Take Silver Globe b) Put Golden Globe onto Pedestal c) Change to Celia d) Use Pan Pipes 8) Go to Court of Columns a) Look at Column (lit with light) a) Smash Ground b) Take Silver Head 9) Go to Castillo Pyramid a) Go into Entrance b) Put Silver Head on Statue c) Go Downstairs d) Look at Stone Box a) Find/Take Incense e) Take Small Flask f) Take Large Flask 10) Go to El Caracol a) Take Golden Globe b) Change to Jose c) Push Pedestal d) Go Upstairs e) Put Golden Globe on Pedestal f) Wait until the light shines through the left window (Use "Wait" command) g) Look at Wall a) Smash Wall b) Find/Take Crystal Key c) Go Backwards h) Take Golden Globe i) Put Gold Stand on Pedestal j) Put Golden Globe on Gold Stand k) Change to Celia l) Wait until the light shines through the right window (Use "Wait" command) m) Use Pipes n) Look at Wall a) Smash Wall b) Take Silver Senser c) Go Backwards o) Take Gold Stand --- At this point, your character should be Level 11. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 11) Go to the Temple of Warriors a) Fight Cadaver b) Take Sun Necklace c) Take Blue Jewel (Jaguar's eye) a) Go out (e.g. don't fight the Jaguar) 12) Go to the Well of Paradise a) Wash the Sun Necklace 13) Go to the Temple of Warriors a) Wait until the circle at the top of the screen is red (dusk). The Jaguar will be gone at this point. 14) Go to the Temple of Warriors (again) a) Look at Hole a) Use Small Rod b) Find/Take Iron Key 15) Go to the Temple of Warriors (again!!) a) Wait until the circle at the top of the screen is some colour other than red. The Jaguar will be in the Temple at this point in time. b) Change to Celia c) Use Pan Pipes d) Take Blue Jewel e) Join the Blue Jewel and the Sword --- At this point, your character should be Level 17. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 16) Go to the Ball Court a) Fight Hornskull b) Go Forwards c) Take Blue Block 17) Go to the High-Priest's Tomb a) Go Right b) Look at Skeleton a) Move Skull b) Use Iron Key c) Go Downstairs d) Join the Small Rod and the Shallow Bowl (makes a compass) e) Use the Shallow Bowl (You should now be in Ball Court) f) Take the Akbal Jewel g) Go Left h) Go Backwards i) Take the Stone Pawl 18) Go to Castillo Pyramid a) Put the Blue Block in the Hollow b) Go Downstairs c) Put the Stone Pawl on the Cog d) Change to Jose e) Move the Stone Handle --- At this point, your character should be Level 19. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 19) Go to the Well of Sacrifice a) Go Downstairs (into the Well) b) Look at the Door (Venum will come out at this point). a) Use the Akbal Jewel b) Fight Venum c) Move the Right Statue d) Go Forwards e) Use the Gold Mirror e) Look at the Coffin f) Use the Crystal Key g) Take Two-Eyed Mask h) Go Backwards i) Go Forwards (You should now be in Castillo Pyramid) --- The music on the map screen changes at this point. Hurray! :-) --- 20) Go to the Well of Sacrifice a) Look at Jose b) Look at Jose again c) Go Backwards --- At this point, your character should be Level 21. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 21) Go to the High-Priest's Tomb a) Go Right b) Go Downstairs c) Use the Shallow Bowl (compass) d) Go Left (You should now be in the Ball Court) e) Go Forward f) Join the Red Jewel and the Two-Eyed Mask g) Join the Blue Jewel and the Two-Eyed Mask h) Push the White Block i) Join the Blue Jewel and the Sword j) Fight Tezcat k) Use the Large Flask (Jose will now turn into Scareface, a big red Demon) a) Use the Akbal Jewel b) Fight Scareface (After beating him, you will automatically obtain the Ring of Itza) l) Wait until the circle at the top of the screen is black m) Use the Large Flask n) Go Forwards o) Use the Silver Key p) Go Backwards q) Use the Small Flask r) Move the Temple s) Take the Sun Key --- At this point, your character should be Level 30. If you're not, a task was missed, therefore experience wasn't gained. --- 22) The Shrine of Tentacula a) Fight Tentacula a) Use the Akbal Jewel b) Join the Blue Jewel and the Sword c) Use the Ring of Itza b) Look at Celia c) Go Backwards d) Put the Senser on the floor e) Put the Incense inside the Senser f) Use the Lighter g) Use the Sun Key The Ending ---------- Now site back, and watch the dramatic ending to Tombs and Treasure. "But wait! Isn't there more?" Yes and no. There's no more to the game itself, but there is a hidden easter egg at the very end of the game where Celia and Mark are in a still-shot. After the credits roll past, and the game says "SEE YOU AGAIN IN ANOTHER GAME...", try using the following buttons to control Celia and Marks's eyes Key Action --- ------ Up Control Mark's left eye Left Control Mark's right eye Down Control Celia's right eye Right Control Celia's left eye Select Control Celia's mouth Hold down any of directional-pad buttons to execute the animation smoothly. ============================================================================== _EOF_