Version 1.4 6/28/02 ?????? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Wagyan Land A Japanese Game Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2002 Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Story 003. Characters 004. Walkthrough 005. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game called Wagyan land. It's a Japanese game, and presumably only cam out in Japan. Since language is an important part of the game, you shouldn't try to play it unless you can read Japanese. Maybe you can get a translated version. You can e-mail me at, but make the subject blank so I know that it's not spam. If you want to use part of the guide for something, please ask first (website policy). Let's start the game! 002-Story ----------------------------------------------------------- You are a green thing, presumably a Wagyan. Wagyan land has been overrun with hideous monsters that can kill you quite easily! You'll have to stop that. 003-Characters ----------------------------------------------------------- Wagyan: You're the good guy. Old Wagyan: An old Wagyan. Dead Wagyan: A dead Wagyan (Wagyan's brother). Other Wagyans: Just a bunch of Wagyans. Enemies are sorted into two types, normals and bosses. Normals: Snail Bird Pig Worm thing Mole Mushroom Frog Owl Beach ball Spring Cane Shoe Flying Ball Spiked Cannonball Crab Octorock Fish Mosquito Pink Umbrella Bugger Missle Lobster Bug Bosses: Ominous Purple Mushroom Construction Worker Purple Fairy Crocodile Pink Crocodile Vulture Dr. Devil (final boss) 004-Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- You start off at the beginning of Wagyan land. It seems obvious that you'll have to get all the way across to the other side of Wagyan land. Stage one ---------- You start off at the port. Go right, and jump across the high platforms. You'll meet a snail. Now, every bad guy in Wagyan land kills you if you touch it, so avoid the snail and get the stuffed version of you. When you pick up a stuffed wagyan, your attack power is increased. Collect four to become invincible. Go right. Jump over the next snail and get another stuffed wagyan. Go right past it. A bird will try to fly at you. Press B while in midair to fire something at it. The bird will be stunned. It only lasts a while, so go past it and jump onto the platform. As soon as you're on the platform, start firing your thing. Go right, and two pigs will attack, but you should have gotten them with your firing. Keep going right. When you have to go down, you'll land near a worm thing. Go right past it. You'll meet a mole. Go past it to a springboard. Spring off the springboard right. You should get a stuffed wagyan on the way. If not, you messed up, and if you messed up, the mushroom will probably kill you. Go right. Jump over the worm thing's pit. Go right casually and get another stuffed wagyan. That's your fourth one! Now go right really fast, using your invincibility to kill all enemies in your way. Eventually, you'll meet three frogs. The frogs are guarding two paths. Take the upper path right out of this stage. Stage two --------- Go right. Jump across the snail's pit, and go to the river. Jump from platform to platform (don't fall in the water). Avoid the frog and get the stuffed wagyan. When you pass the river, go right. Fire before you jump over the pit. You'll stun a mushroom. Jump into the pit right of him and get the stuffed wagyan. Jump to the platform right of it, and stun the mushroom there. Right past it is a forest-like area. Go right (a mushroom is on the long run of stumps). Jump off the end of the run of stumps and get the stuffed wagyan. Go right (look out for the mushrooms). Right past the mushrooms is a stuffed wagyan. Get it to make four. Use your invincibility to quickly go as far right as possible (you'll have to jump off of the stumps). Eventually, you'll be stopped, and an ominous purple mushroom. He'll take you to a word chain game. There are a bunch of pictures of different things. The boss picks out one thing. Then the game begins. To play correctly, pay attention to the last letter of the word your opponent chooses (the game points it out). Then you want to find a word that begins with that letter. It goes on and on. However, there's a time limit. And when a picture is picked it cannot be picked again. You want to make it so that your opponent has no possible picture to choose so he can continue the game, and he'll go out. But he's trying to do the same to you. Since it's random each time, I can't give you a step-by-step solution. You'll just have to do it on your own! Here's an example of a word chain: Gorilla Oinker (can be a pig) Rat Trumpet (Bad guy dropped out) Beat the chain game to pass this stage. If you lose, you die. You also get another life if you win. Stage Three ----------- It appears that you are in a place with many stone blocks (Stonehenge?). Go right. Jump on the stone, and jump to the next stone (avoiding the beach ball). Get the stuffed wagyan while jumping to the next stone. The spring right of you will take a short jump, and then a big jump. Stun him when he does the big jump. Then fall down, get the stuffed wagyan, go right, and jump onto the stone there. Jump right (avoiding the beach ball). Walk across the top of the stone to avoid the cane. Jump off it onto another stone (avoid the beach ball). Jump to the next stone using timing so you don't get hit by the spring. Jump off this stone right (avoiding the beach ball). Fire while you're level with the stone right of you to stun a cane. Jump onto the stone and go right off it (not easy if the cane isn't stunned). Here's a tricky part. A spring is in front of the next stone. Stun the spring when it's about halfway between the top of the stone and the ground. Then jump off the ground onto the stunned spring, and off the spring onto the stone. Jump onto the stone right, avoiding the spring and the beach ball. Go right onto the stone there. Right of here are three springs in a row. Get past them however you can (if you're good, you can stun all three of them with one shot). Go onto the stone right of them. While avoiding the beach ball, get the stuffed waygan and get onto the platform right of you. Jump from platform to platform, and get the stuffed wagyan. That makes four of them! Go right as fast as you can, using your invincibility to its best. You should make it to the boss, a construction worker. The boss takes you to a board with a bunch of cards like last time. But instead of a word chain game like last time, it's the memory game. Everyone knows how to play the memory game, but if you don't, I'll explain. You flip two cards over, and try to get a match. If you get a match, you get to go again. If not, your opponent takes a turn. This continues until all the cards are gone. The person with the most matches wins. So just beat the guy at the memory game to beat the level. I don't know if this is different every game, but the middle two rows are each other going in opposite directions. Same with the other two rows. Here's the example: L O S T G A M E R R E M A G T S O L (the other row backwards). Beat this guy to get to the next stage. Stage Four ---------- Yay, a sliding level! Slide down the really cool slide to the right. You get a stuffed Wagyan. Jump off at the end onto another slide (jump to the higher one). Ride this slide right. You get a stuffed Wagyan. Jump off at the end (you get a stuffed wagyan) onto the other slides. Take the middle slide. When you get the stuffed wagyan, jump onto the highest slide and go right as fast as you can through the enemies (you're invinicible!) At the end of this slide, jump off and land on the lower slide. Ride it right through more enemies. Jump off this slide onto the lower platform (it's a slide that moves straight left/right like ground). About now your invincibility wears off. Go right to the edge of this platform. Two platforms are going around in a circle. Jump onto one of the platforms when it is at the left part of the circle, and off it when it is at the right part. Take the middle slide (you get a stuffed wagyan). Jump off the middle slide onto two more circle platforms. Jump off them onto more slides (get the stuffed wagyan in mid-jump). Take the top slide, and jump right off it onto two more circling platforms. Get the stuffed wagyan to make four. Invincible time again! Go right onto the higher slide and ride it right through all the enemies. Jump off it onto another slide (take the higher one) through more enemies. Jump off this slide onto more slides (the higher one). Don't worry, this is the last one. Ride it right, but jump off the tall bump (and only bump going up). Jump to the right and you avoid a spiked cannonball. Walk right to the boss. The boss is a purple fairy. She does a chain game with you. Beat her to pass to the next stage. Stage Five ---------- Hey, it looks like you're on a tropical island! Go right to meet some crabs. Get used to their weird way of moving, as you'll have to dodge it a lot. Go right past the crabs. Stun one of the crabs, and jump off the crab to get a stuffed wagyan. You'll run into a bunch of stumps with crabs on it. Stun the first crab. Keep stunning him until the second crab is pretty much in the same spot he is. Now go right past them (easier with both of them in the same spot). Jump off at the end of this platform. Go onto the stump. Jump up and stun the crab on the next stump. Jump onto the stunned crab, and right off that stump. Go right across the platform with two crabs. Jump onto the stump right off it, and off the stump to get a stuffed wagyan. On the stumps right of you here is an octorock. You know, from the Zelda games. Go past him. Go right past the two crabs. Walk right here. Worms fall out of the sky. If you keep walking, they miss you, but when the third one starts to fall, turn back left. When it hits the ground, jump right over it. Stun the crab here and jump off it to get a stuffed wagyan. Go right through the two crabs. Go right past it, and in a little while you get a stuffed wagyan. That's four! Well, you should know what to do here. Go as far right as you can. You'll cross over some water on your way. You can make it all the way to the boss, a crocodile. The crocodile challenges you to the word chain game. This time, your time is cut in half. Quickly beat the crocodile to get to the next stage. Stage Six --------- Well, you seem to be in a lake. You seem to be getting close to the edge of Wagyan land! Go right. Move towards the stuffed wagyan, but move back left to avoid a fish. When the fish is gone, get the wagyan. See the platform right of this one? When the crab is out of the way, jump to that platform. Wait for the fish to stop, and jump to the platform right of that one. Stun a fish in midair, and jump off it to get a stuffed wagyan. Once you get it, jump to the next platform. Go right over the crabs. Wait for the two fish at the end of this platform to leave before you jump to the next one. Land in the middle of the platform to avoid being hit by a fish. Jump right onto a platform with a worm. Jump right off that onto a platform with a crab. Wait for the two fish at the end of the platform to pass. Now you have to spring off the springboard right. You have to do a running jump, like in Super Mario Bros. Good luck. If you do make it, get the two stuffed Wagyans there. That makes four, which means you're invincible. Go right (you have to do another spring). Before your invincibility wears off, you should meet the boss, a pink crocodile. The pink crocodile challenges you to the memory game. Here's the chart of where the cards are (each letter represents a different card: ABCDEF GHIJKL LAIJFG HDEBCK Beat the pink crocodile (easy since you know the secret) to get to the next stage. You get seven extra lives if you get a perfect score (your opponent doesn't make any matches). Stage Seven ------------ Finally! You made it to Wagyan village! But where are the other wagyans? Go right and stun the shoe. Stun the cane, and jump off it onto the wagyan house (a pink house...that looks sick). Get the stuffed wagyan on the house. Wait on the house until the cane and shoe go away. Then go right. Jump over the spiked cannonball. Stun the cane and jump off it onto another house. Get the stuffed wagyan there, and head right. Go right here. Jump onto a house with some dirt right of it. Stand on the left part of this house, and fire right. You hit some invisible thing. Keep hitting it, and a portal opens. Jump in it. Hey, a hidden level! You're invincible now, so explore around and kill the enemies. As soon as your invincibility ends, you get sent back to Wagyan Village. Go right. As soon as the shoe shows up, jump onto the house behind you. Jump off the house (avoid the spring) onto the fence. Right of you are three springs. Do what you can to go right past them, but don't get the stuffed wagyan here (you'll find out why later). Go right through the simple area here (get the stuffed wagyan). You make it to Wagyan Rock (a big rock shaped like Wagyan). Another Wagyan (a yellow one with a beard) comes out to talk to you. The old Wagyan says, "You've done well Wagyan but you're too late. Our people were kidnapped. I'll give you our treasure. 'Super Wagyanator'. This may help you save the villagers. Will you accept it? Are you sure?" You can choose to accept it or not. If not, the old Wagyan says, "It will be hard, but I know you can make it...Go save our village." If you do get it, he says, "You truly are brave. But be careful. Go save our village." No matter what you do, you get sent to the next stage. Stage Eight ----------- Go left. Avoid the spiked cannonball, and jump onto the house. Get the stuffed wagyan there. That makes four! Go right as fast as you can. Take the upper path on your way to the next stage. Stage Nine ---------- You have to travel along a water-filled place to reach a graveyard. Maybe you'll meet the dead Wagyan's ghost there... Jump left. A bugger lands on the platform above you. It follows you around. Stand on the end of the platform you're on. When the bugger falls to get you, jump to where the bugger was. Get the stuffed wagyan. Look left. Wait until both the fishes have done two jumps, and then quickly jump left onto the platform there (quickly because the bugger is still on your tail). Jump to the platform left of you. Jump to the platform left of that (get the stuffed wagyan on your way). Land on the platform in midair. Quickly, jump onto the platform in midair right of you, and jump right off it. Try to land on the log (if you took to long, you miss). Ride the log left. Jump off the log onto a platform in midair. All this while, look out for the fish that jump twice. Go right, jumping from platform to platform (get the stuffed wagyan). A long way left, you'll find some tree stumps. Go left, and one has a stuffed wagyan. That makes four! Quickly go left as fast as you can. You can make it to the graveyard. In the graveyard, a tealish Wagyan ghost shows up. It says, " that you brother? After you left a lot happened. I have a treasure that might help you get to Dr. Devil... 'Wagyan Copter'. With it you can fly but can't attack. Will you take it? Are you sure?" Take the Wagyan copter. It will save you a LOT of trouble. Once you decide, you go to the next stage. Stage Ten --------- Well, this level isn't too much of a challenge with the Wagyan copter. You can stay at the top of the screen and go left the whole time to avoid being hit. All you have to do is duck down when a spiked cannonball or a missile comes at you. Simple as long as you have the copter. Past the two mosquitoes, you make it to the boss, a vulture. The vulture challenges you to the memory game. Here's the layout: AACDDF GHIJKC LJKHIF GBBLEE Beat the vulture to get to the next stage. Stage Eleven ------------ Well, you're on your way to get to the tree where Dr. Devil must be. However, the tree's mouth is way up high. So you're going to have to go up there by doing many tricky jumps straight up. Hard. Wait a can just use the Wagyan Copter! Yes! Simply fly straight up. At the end, enter the small hole in the tree's bark. Easy. Stage Twelve ------------ For some reason, you're falling down to the bottom of the tree (you're inside the tree, don't worry). You don't have to do anything to beat this stage (you can try to get the stuffed wagyans, but since there aren't any enemies, just get three). Stage Thirteen -------------- Uh oh, thirteen. Not a good number. And this is the last stage, too. Ominous. You'll need to go up to the top of the tree again. This time, you follow a different strategy. Here it goes. Step one: Go left. Step two: Go up. Step three: Go right. Step four: Go up. Step five: Repeat steps one through five. With the Wagyan Copter, this stage is easy. The only problem is that this level's so damn long. Along the way, you'll see the villagers, all trapped in cages. How cruel! At the end, you'll stop and it seems that the game has frozen. Then Wagyan closes his eyes and the evil Dr. Devil comes out. He laughs at your puny attempts to beat him. Dr. Devil challenges you to a memory game. Here's the format: ABCBAF GHCJKL HGFDLK JEIDIE After you beat him, Dr. Devil says, "Crap!" (I'm betting in Japanese he said shit). He makes up the excuse that it was just a practice round. Then he takes you on in a word chain game. This word chain game is like the other ones with a twist. When you continue the chain, a small bar appears left of you. Get enough bars so that they pass the line above them. Then beat the doctor. It's really hard. Well, beat the doctor to win the game. 005-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2002. If you want To use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)