Ys: A Walkthrough by "Sethan" (simon_kereminde@yahoo.com) Version: 1.00 Introduction Well, having found the game of Ys III: Wanderers from Ys for the SNES system I became a bit engrossed with finding the first two games. After finding them, I realized the game was as cryptic in places as the old Dragon Warrior game. Fortunately, there was GameFAQs now and I could look up a FAQ. No offense to any out there who did make up a partial FAQ, but . . . I was somewhat shocked to see none at all which covered the area past the first dungeon. Well darnit, I had slogged my way through most of the game so far and bullied my way through the last dungeon. I'd make a FAQ! Then came the horrible truth: I had no idea how to map the game, and there was really only a vague way to give directions in certain parts (the Mines, and the Tower). That, and I took a shortcut to power and levelled myself to the maximum level so the enemies past the opening of the Mines are vaguely determined to be 'strong enough to kill you'. Well, what's it all about? Well, it's hard to say, but from what I can gather, you are Adol, a young adventurer who is travelling through this town and looking to make a name for himself. There are rumors of powerful monsters abroad, and the fortuneteller is looking for someone to recover the lost Books of Ys. The story unfolds slowly, but this FAQ is unlikely to be useful for spoiling the story. I'm spoiling the game's challenges instead :) Trust me, though, you will have your mind occupied with staying alive for most of the game. That's quite enough, no? I do apologize for the incomplete nature of this Walkthrough, because I simply could not do any better in some places. However, by the time you reach the areas the Walkthrough get vague about you should be able to figure out on your own what you need to . . . if it's extremely difficult, I noted the solution which worked for me in the text. The usual RPG rules apply: 1: Save often. Ys is another of those games in which YOU WILL DIE A LOT. Get used to it, and remember not to try what killed you the second time around. 2: Buy the best equipment you can afford, but always try to 'trade up' evenly. Having a mighty Talwar does you no good if enemies also kill you in one hit. 3: Explore all areas thoroughly. In the Mines, for instance, you can easily miss treasure chests which are EXCEPTIONALLY good to have; the Healing Ring is one of those, the Silver Armor VERY IMPORTANT, and other treasures key to completing the game. 4: Keep a healing potion on you at all times. This is a lifesaver, but it's too bad you cannot use it on boss fights. 5: Talk around. Regardless of how stupid it sounds, people know things. People are more than willing to tell you things they know and think you should too. This is usually mixed in with the people who know nothing and just talk to talk. Don't worry, you should just talk with everyone regardless. The Walkthrough 1: The Sapphire Ring First off, you should check around town; you'll hear about a One-eyed man named Donis who is slacking off work, and about Pim having picked up a Sapphire Ring. This is your first quest, so to speak. Go to Pim's Shop and buy the ring off him for 1000g. Trust in your good deeds, for now. Now go to the bar, where you can talk around with some of the people in the city. Talk with the Loner and he reveals he's Donis, and he lost his ring. Not to worry, you've found it! He rewards you with his life savings, 1500g. Now aren't you glad you were a nice guy? Take your reward to the Armor and Weapon shops to buy your gear. Your money is tight, so purchase just a Short Sword, and Chain Mail. Now it's time to follow up on rumors that the fortune-teller Sara is seeking a swordsman to help her out. However, you will need a shield to get her to believe you are a real warrior. Time to go hunting. North of the city are the Minea Plains, which are where you will hunt for a while. Attack Ogres, as they are weakest and less likely to kill you in one hit. Level up some and collect enough gold to buy the Small Shield (700g). Stay away from the more powerful Goblins until you become strong enough to hurt them good. Fighting is difficult for those not familiar with the idea of no attack button. You must run INTO the monster to attack it, and if your Strength is not high enough you will merely knock it backwards. For best results, attack from the sides or back, you will do more damage. The same remains true for monsters, so NEVER give your back to a monster. They will do a lot of damage that way. Be aware allowing a monster to run into you while trying to attack it will hurt you. 2: Sara's Errand Sara has an interesting tale to tell to a properly attired warrior. She talks about the Books of Ys, and charges you with going to Zepic to look up her aunt Jeva. Return to her and affirm you heard her speak of Ys and she will give you a Crystal to show you the way. Now is the time to explore and level up yet some more. Spend some time killing Goblins and Ogres on the plains and gaining money. You should try to gain at least level 3 before going on with the game. Upgrade your equipment if you can afford it, but definitely make it a point to pick up a Heal Potion from the clinic in the city. In Zepic you hear about a thief, Dogi, gone missing near the Darm Tower. Also, it appears some poets have gone missing, which is strange enough to have a couple people talking about it. Jeva is glad to see you and implores you to head to the Solomon Shrine with her key to retrieve a Book of Ys. The village Chief also has an errand for you if you want to look into it. 3: The Stolen Silver The chief wishes to know if you can keep a secret. Say yes and he'll give you the dirty truth: the silver bells which are the town's prized possession have been taken. He believes the culprits are the den of thieves in the northern mountains. So, the path is clearer, and you head north into the mountains. And you will likely meet a grisly death from the Brigands if you are not careful. These blue meanies will swarm you if you do not take care to avoid large groups. Not only that, these things are far more powerful than the Goblins. If you feel confident enough, spend some time cutting down Brigands to level up. You'll find the Shine easily, as it is difficult to miss. Here in the foyer you can rest up safe from the Brigands; I recommend you do so repeatedly until you have leveled up to Level 8. Go back and purchase a Long Sword or Plate Mail to help you fight. After that, head out east. Over in the eastern area, you'll see chain bridges connecting islands of stone. On these are Brigands, which you must be able to fight to pass through. Level 4 should be high enough to fight them, level 5 is a good level to milk them for experience. Keep going, and you will reach a T junction which goes off the side of the screen. Do not change screens yet, as that is a warp back to the far left side of the area. Instead, head north to the cavern and talk with the thieves' master. He insists he has not seen the Bells, and remarks some of their own silver objects have gone missing. So, who would be taking it, if not the thieves? Interesting, no? It's time to see what's inside the Shrine. 4: The Solomon Shrine, First Trip First off, if you have not gotten your Strength above 60, don't enter here yet. You'll just come to a bad end. Secondly, you must have both the Shrine Key and the Crystal to show you the way into the Shrine proper. There is a glowing statue in the foyer; touch it to move on to the next floor. Here there are no enemies, which is good, but a maze of doors, which can be bad. A locked chest may be found west of the teleporter. You won't have the key yet, so move on and discover a valuable Ruby to the east. Hang onto it, or head back and sell it to Pim for a fair chunk of gold (1200g). The door in the northwestern corner leads to a boss fight with the Fire Magus. This guy will hurt you badly with his fireballs, so do your level best to avoid them while walking through him to attack (yes, through him). Eventually you will kill him and net yourself passage through to the next area. Here, you will discover the monsters are MUCH harder than before, and require a Strength greater than that you used to kill the Magus to even scratch. Skeltons and Spiders are what you first meet, and they pack a whallop. You should be able to hurt both of them if you could hurt the Fire Magus. The Fire Beetles are the worst culprit, untouchable until you gain three levels (or can afford the Talwar). Suck it up and level, because you will thank yourself for it later on. Head back to the first floor to rest and recover. Scour the area and discover the sights and landmarks of the Shrine. There's a locked prison grate you will need to open, as there is a lovely lady trapped behind those bars. In a chest somewhere nearby you will also discover a Treasure Box Key (three guesses what this is used for). There's a set of stairs leading downward on the west side of the level, which ends in a battle with a Fire Beetle. Go no further unless you can fight them and kill them, as they are the most prevalent monster in this area. Along the southern edge are two doors, one of which will lead you to the Prison Key. Take this back and rescue the girl imprisioned there; she will introduce herself as Feena and tell you to meet her at Jeva's house. You get 500 experience for rescuing her, which might just allow you to raise a level. Next to where you found the Prison Key is another door which will lead you to another area of the level, where you will find two chests. One chest contains the Mask of Eyes. This item is almost worthless right now, as it hides enemies from your sight, but turns everything into shades of grey. Funny . . . but stuff it back into your pack, Adol, until you can discover the true power it has. In the other, closer to the exit into the third floor are the Silver Bells missing from Zepic. Wonderful! This is another glaring reason to turn about and start solving some of your quests. I heartily recommend raising your level to about 13, and purchasing the Reflex and Talwar before proceeding. After this level you are going to meet Lyus and other terrible monsters which will make you cry if you are under 13th level. While you are at it, plunder the locked box you no doubt have the key for now. The Ring Mail will keep you alive longer, as it effectively halves the damage you take from enemies. 7: The Shrine, Returned Strange note: The Mask of Eyes still shows enemies on this level! Here is the top level of the tower, and you are going to be challenged by the strong monsters here. Lyus are the most prevalent, red-haired beasties which I recommend be tackled with a 'hit and run' style attack. Also up here are Floating Heads which are weaker but rarer to find, and Blue Knights. Blue Knights are found closer to the Dragon Worm's lair, so be warned they are tough to actually beat. The first trick is to find the two keys you're going to need. The Marble Key and the Ivory Key. You'll find the Ivory Key to the west of your entrance, and the next area you need to reach is marked by two glowing statues. Take the one on the right, and find the Marble Key. I don't have a clue exactly what either one is used for other than allowing you to advance. Now it's time to go searching through a teleporter maze. Head to the southwestern corner of the level to a glowing statue in an alcove. Take it through to another area where you will find a Necklace you can sell to Pim if you like (500g). Another few statues later you'll reach a long hall with Blue Knights patrolling it and two statues at the bottom. Off to the right of it is the Silver Shield. This is the best shield until the last areas of the game, and it puts the Large Shield to shame. Take the statue on the right and when you reappear simply touch the same one again. You come out in a small reception area with torches and Blue Knights rushing you. Fight through them to the end of the long hallway, making sure to stay healthy as you do. At the end is a big golden door which will open at your touch, and the entry to the Dragon Worm's lair. The Dragon Worm is a tough battle, and it's extremely difficult to face because of it's speed. Attack only the tail end, and stay clear of the rest of it; it hurts when it hits you. When you slay it, the Book of Toba is given to you and you are left to fight your way out of the Shrine. 9: Return to Sara, or: What Do I Have to Kill to Get a Clue? Taking the book to Jeva means some clues about a metal called Cleria and how it was mined in old times. You're still not told much more about the books or Ys, so it's time to go look for more. Sara might know something, so it's time to go back and see what she has to say. Alas, someone in a black mantle has gotten there first! All these happenings attributed to some guy in a shimmering black mantle begin to point to someone really evil and really nasty standing in your way . . . too bad the help is too vague to be of much use. However, Sara's friend was keeping a book for her, which turns out to be the Book of Hadal! That's two down and four to go. Without much more to go on, it's time to explore again. You may have found a few more bridges west of Zepic, and an area with Wolves running wild. They may have even killed you once before, which is why you are going to go back there and beat them up instead to see what's down there. You'll find two things which draw your attention: a large tree which must be the Roda Tree, and a clearing with four brown statues in it. The statues teleport you, but from all appearances you don't get moved all that far. But touch the one in the bottom right corner and you are moved to another area! Follow the statues to a spring in the northwestern area of the Plains and meet Frea, the guardian of this spring. She lost her Staff, but thinks it's somewhere in the city. Well, how do you search the entire city for it? Look for a likely place someone ditched the Staff and you'll find it. Apply usual video-game logic . . . That's right, the wells. One of them has the Staff of Sarana in it, so you should return it straightaway! Frea thanks you and hands you the Flute of Light, saying you can keep the Staff since it's power is depleted. She tells you to search out a place surrounded by trees. That should be somewhat simple, except there are a lot of areas surrounded by trees! Wander around some with the Staff east of the river, and you will find a grove of trees closed off by a thin walk and blocked by a single tree. With the Flute of Light, it will move aside so you can enter. Here, the trees will speak to you and empower the Staff of Sarana. Now it can alter the course of water, or something like that . . . So what to do with it now? Travel further north to a pond blocking the path; the Staff will dry up the water so you can pass through. The two caves here seem to be the Mines you were told about, except one of them is sealed off and the other is too dark to see far. 10: The Riddle of the Plaque and the Sealed Mines All right, now you're inside the mines with a feeble torch and no sense of direction. Never fear, I'm going to take you through the dark for the first time. Worm your way south and to the west and you should eventually find a plaque on the wall with a riddle on it. There are also two Heal Potions stuck in the other two corners of the mine. "Enter the decayed gate, then the protecting hand's gate, and finally the attacking hand's gate." It's very cryptic, but all you have to go on for now. Three gates; where was the last place you saw gates? That's right, there were some back in the city! Once you get there, though, you'll find no less than five gates! However are you going to find out which are the ones you need? This walkthrough is here to help, never fear! First, take the gate with no handle on it (the Decaying Hand), then the one on your right when you re-emerge, and the one on the far left when you come back. You'll be whisked to the city walls if you did it right. A voice will tell you that he has been waiting for you, and will unseal the Mines for you. Joy of joys, now you have a clear destination! However, because of the dangerous nature of the beasts in the Sealed Mines, and the fact you will not find a pit stop to heal in without a lot of help and a good memory . . . it's time to go visit the third floor of the Solomon Shrine again to level up. Get at least to level 20, because it will save you some aggrivation in the long run. If you prefer, instead you can work levels on the first floor of the Sealed Mines, close to where you can rest. Either way, level yourself up so that the monsters won't eat you alive in one fell stroke. The monsters inside will kill the underequipped, so if you have not bought Reflex yet, now is the time! Invisible Men are a pain to see coming, since they cannot be spotted with the casual glance and the small sight radius. Red Worms are not too threatening, but can still hurt you a good bit. Just about any other monster down here are going to kill you if you are not aware of them, so PLEASE keep an eye out. The first floor holds a lot of monsters, the Silver Armor, and the Timer Ring. Frankly, the Ring is only good for when you are confronted with fast creatures, as it does not work at all on the bosses. The Armor is a must, and it can be found near the southern edge of the mines. However, once you find it you are close to the next area. Head directly south. This area with the bridge is a good place to rest and heal up. Once you have done so, head back out and begin training on the monsters until you gain a couple levels. This really is in the best interest of your health, believe me. The next area holds a Heal Potion in plain sight, but just along the south wall is the arch you need to walk through; it's barely visible in the torch radius. Through there is the next area you must reach. The next floor holds what you are really looking for: the Heal Ring and the Roda Seed. All of them are going to be difficult to find right away, but you should be able to find them with some careful searching. Down here are the 'Munchers', who resemble small bags with mouths. They are relatively harmless as they are slow and easy to avoid, but can hurt if allowed to swarm you. You will also find what appears to be a Baby Dragon in the other segments of the mine, a white winged thing. Nearby one of these creatures is where the Heal Ring can be found. You'll eventually reach another bridged pit, where you can see a chest on a ledge you can't reach. On the other side of the pit is where you need to go, and a twisting passage will lead you to the chest, where the Roda Seed is waiting for you. By now, you should have reached maximum level; if not, go on and get it anyway and return to the city. It's time to see what this Roda Seed does. No, don't go any further in the Mines until you check out the Seed; trust me that it is a side trip well worth it. 11: The Roda Trees, and the Lost Sword A small interlude takes you back to the city, where you may restock and listen to the tales in the bar. Garik will tell you of a Roda Nut, but not the seed. So what now? Luckily you know where the Roda Tree is, so it's time to go find it. After running over anything in your way, as you are now Godly in regards to Ogres and Goblins, the Tree will quietly inform you there is a sword buried at the roots of it's younger brother. You've seen one other Roda Tree, right? Go back to it, through the Statue-teleports, and look at the bottom of it. The Silver Sword is now yours! This is an important step, as this weapon outstrips the Talwar by a good deal and will serve you well until the end of the game. Enough of this interlude, it's time to go Mine-delving again for whatever else lies down there. 12: Back to the Mines: The Darm Key Back at the lower levels, you should find a room with a large brige in it, after some searching about. Go through it, and begin exploring deeper into the mines. You're certain to reach what appears to be a partially flooded level, complete with stronger monsters. Be warned there is only one thing down here you need: The Darm Key. Searching the flooded level is difficult as it becomes hard to see where you are going; there is a Heal Potion somewhere on this floor, and the entrance to the Vampire's room. [I'm not entirely sure yet of how to describe reaching either of them.] The Vampire is difficult to fight, as the swarm of bats can HURT you, and he reforms at no particularly set location. However, you can avoid the bats since they take off in diagonal directions when he unforms and come back to form a set pattern when he reforms. Strike him then, but be careful to avoid being hit by the bats yourself! When you kill him, the Book of Dabby is yours. 17: Darm Tower Well, now you have the Darm Key, are clad entirely in Silver which was being stolen from across the region, and three Books of Ys. Where do you go from here? First, burn some excess money you may have on buying out the Armor and Weapons stores. Trust me, it will be good you did. How about the thieves' den, to try to reach the tower itself? The leader of the thieves says Jeva, his mother, told him you were going into the tower for a book and to be careful. The ground floor of the tower is inhabited by Zombies who are slow, stupid, but strong. Deal with them before heading up the tower. Take the corridor to the right, and head up at the first door. The treasure room continuously spawns Zombies, so don't hang around. Plunder the treasure boxes and get out: there are TWO Heal Potions, a Wing, and the Evil Ring. You may want to come back for the Heal Potions later, but DON'T put on the Evil Ring, it will kill you right off. The far right door will take you to a hall with Slimes on the floor; you can see a room in the north you can't reach, but putting on the Mask of Eyes reveals a doorway. Go in if you like, but you'll just find an old man who lost his magic Idol. Pass on through and upwards, the next level being little more than a passage through to a higher floor. This floor splits again, to an area with Blue Demons and another staircase. The Blue Demons are guarding two treasure boxes containing Heal Potions, which you shouldn't need, so pass it by and go on up. Suddenly you are struck down by a teleportation spell and dumped into a cell with a strange man who claims to be Luta, the missing poet. Walk around in the cell until a man bursts through the corner wall of the cell and lets you out. It is none other than Dogi, the supposedly-dead thief! He hands you an Idol and tells you some guy was looking for it. Notice as well, your silver items are all missing, which means it's back to substandard gear. Head back to the hall where the Slimes were and don your Mask of Eyes. Give the Idol to the man, who will give you an object to ward off the evil magic of the tower: the Blue Necklace. Now you can pass through the trap you fell for before. On the floor beyond the trap you will rediscover the Silver Shield along with tougher monsters to get in your way. Slash through them to the next floor, which splits. Take the east branch and head up a floor, where you can find a treasure box with your Silver Sword in it. Rearm yourself with the weapon and go back down to fight off the fell Great Mantis. The Mantis tosses three claw-like projetiles which track you on the vertical axis while following it on the horizontal. Okay, maybe you can't 'see' it, but you will understand when you see it for yourself. The battle is tough but you should be able to do it with patience and careful movements. After killing it, go through the door in the back of the room to find the Book of Mesa and the Hammer. 18: The Corridor of Winds, and the Mirrors It's time to go on up, with the Book of Mesa in hand. The floor beyond your Silver Sword's chest has several pillars all over the place and two exits; one of which leads to the poet, Luta, who tells you to go on ahead. You'll reach a blue-walled corridor where the music changes and you start taking damage as you walk. This is not good! Dash to the right until you find a door and talk with the old man inside; he's stuck here the same as you are, but knows how to stop the demonic music. You need to break the pillar pumping the air through the corridor! Take the Hammer out and head downstairs to the room with many pillars. Whack at them all while dodging the monsters until one shatters, then head back upstairs. With the evil music gone, you can progress onward. You'll find Dogi again, who will remark you need a Rod which looks much like your Crystal to proceed on. Well now, that sort of makes it difficult, since you haven't seen one yet! However, you will find two floors with mirrors all over it (no wonder Pim was sold out!) but nothing you can do here will help you; pass through upwards to another T-junction infested with Mantis Warriors. Take the right side to find a tower with a chest holding the Rod you need to use the mirrors. Head back down to the mirrors and be prepared for one aggrivating time getting through them! Head right from the stairs up and south through one of the arches; go all the way through to the mirror in the farthest room and take it. After you reappear, head north and touch that mirror. From there, head north and you'll see a room with two mirrors side by side. Take the one on the left (any other mirror will make you start all over again) and step up to the wall emblem; it's an elevator! Ride the elevator down and get off at the bottom. More mirrors, and a lot more aggrivating backtrackings. Head down and work your way through the mirrors until you find a treasure box which contains your Silver Armor. Take note of the large mirror which seems to do nothing but glitter ominously. Grab your silver armor, don it, and leave through the mirror. 19: The Ifrit Head back up to where the path split, and you'll find another door to a boss room. The Ifrit is much more dangerous than the Great Mantis, but you can defeat him after you learn his pattern. In the room beyond you will find the Book of Jemma and the Battle Shield. It's time to start backtracking yet again, heading back down to the room of pillars just before the Corridor of Winds. Take the other staircase which leads to Luta and have a chat with him. It turns out he is a descendent of Jemma, and gives you the Blue Amulet you need to go on past the sealed doors. Turn about and head all the way back up the tower. You'll reach a door barred by 'an evil presence'. Well, you can play that game! Put on the Evil Ring (it's safe now) and walk into the door. You'll cross to another small tower where the poet Lair is waiting. She informs you of the existence of Dark Fact, and that his mantle can only be pierced by a sword made of Cleria. Hmmm. Keep going up until you reach a junction; one path leads to the Battle Armor the other continues up the tower. Head off to pick up the armor (You'll need it!) and then turn about and continue up the tower. You'll pass a chest holding the Flame Sword, the most powerful blade in the game, and then find yet one more level with mirrors in it. Stumbling about up here are Guards of Fact, who are clad in long blue cloaks, and Red Demons, who are slow but can still hurt. Turn right and go through the mirror there. You'll emerge in the middle of a large room; ignore the other mirrors and head to the east, then south. Enter that mirror and emerge in a room with two large pillars with mirrors in them. Take the mirror on the right [it should be the one you appeared in front of] to reach a boss room . . . and begin the fight immediately! 20: The Evil Mask, and the Evil Unmasked Without a doubt, much more aggrivating than the final boss. The Mask will reform around a red eyeball, and chase you around the room before it splits apart and the pieces bounce off the walls. Hit only the eyeball, since anything else will hurt you. Above all, have patience! Eventually the mask will dissolve and you can pass on through to the last room. Through here you reach the summit of the tower, which is a large room with a platform in the center. touch the teleporter tile to meet your nemesis . . . the man in the shimmering black mantle. He gloats for a while about you having found the Books of Ys for him (all of them? You only have five . . . unless the sixth is in his hands!) and how he plans to take Feena as his mistress. We can't allow that! Whip out your sword made of Cleria (you do know what they mean now right?) and strap on the armor of the same metal. With it you should handily be able to defeat Dark Fact, if you can avoid the meteors he throws down onto the field. After you rip him to shreds, he leaves behind the Mirror of Fact, and you hear eerie laugher somewhere else in the tower . . . you're not through yet, Adol! It's time to backtrack, where might the Mirror be of use? Well, there was the larger mirror down in the maze of mirrors which glittered ominously. Sure! Once you touch it with the Mirror of Fact, you are warped outside the tower to a ladder going up to the rooftop. Climb up there, and draw Cleria . . . it's time to put an end to this nonsense once and for all! Inside the rooftop room awaits another man in a black mantle. He warns you that learning the secret of Ys means you have to die now, and names himself Fact. Step up and notice his attack pattern is much like Dark Fact's, except he leaves a trail of blue fire behind him as well. Wrapped in your Cleria, though, it seems to have little effect unless you deliberately stand in it for long. Make Fact eat his words and you'll discover the last Book of Ys . . . the Book of Fact. 21: Aftermath, or No Rest For the Hero Take the teleporter tile back to Zepic, and enter Jeva's house. She'll read the lost chapter of Ys and finally understand why the Books were important. Adol is given the power to put the world at peace with the six books in hand, yet what does that mean? Why do the chapters seem to be remarkably clueless as far as can be read? The answers await Adol in the next adventure . . . I can only hope. "As the morning sun rose, the light outlined the tower. Birds sang freely, and the evil vanished like the tide. Adol felt at peace after finishing his journey. The history of Ys. written in the books, came to his mind. Soon, the goddesses appeared. The faces were vague, but Adol felt he knew them well. When he looked down, he saw Jeva's house. He remembered Feena, and thought about how he would tell her everything that happened. Dazzling light flowed from nowhere and covered Adol. The light seemed to celebrate his victory. And Adol's new Adventure began . . ." The scene shows Darm Tower, rising into the sky . . . and a floating island with buildings on it, as the finale plays out. Perhaps . . . that is where Adol is going? Appendix A: Equipment Short Sword The Short Sword is very useful for fighting and daily use. 500g, Raises STR 5 points. Long Sword The Long Sword is Rosetti's finest work. 2000g, Raises STR 15 points. Talwar The Talwar is very rare. It comes from a far east country. 5000g, Raises STR 25 points. Silver Sword Found in the Sealed Mines. Raises STR 40 points. Flame Sword Found in Darm Tower. Raises STR 55 points. [May increase higher, but when I found it, my level was maxed so my STR hit 255 when I equipped it.] Chain Mail Chain Mail is light and airy. 400g, Raises DEF 5 points. Plate Mail Plate Mail is heavy, but very durable. 2000g, Raises DEF 15 points. Reflex Reflex is said to be the lightest armor. 5000g, Raises DEF 25 points. Silver Armor Found in the Sealed Mine. Raises DEF 35 points. Battle Armor Found in Dara Tower. Raises DEF 50 points. Small Shield The Small Shield is good for beginners. 700g, Raises Def 5 points. Middle Shield The Middle Shield is very strong. 2000g, Raises Def 15 points. Large Shield The Large Shield is strong, but a little heavy. 6000g, Raises Def 25 points. Silver Shield Found in Solomon Shrine. Raises DEF 35 points. Battle Shield Found in Darm Tower. Raises DEF 50 points. Power Ring Recieved from the Zemic Mayor for returning the Silver Bells. Doubles the damage you do to enemies. Ring Mail Found in a locked chest in the Solomon Shrine. Halves all damage taken from enemies. Timer Ring Found in the Sealed Mines. Slows time down. Heal Ring Found in the Sealed Mines. Gradually heals you, whenever it is worn. This healing is faster than natural healing, so use it whenever you need to recover. Evil Ring Found in the Darm Tower. Until the right time, putting it on will kill you automatically. Use it to break the evil seal found on the upper floors of the tower. Books of Ys The objects of your quest, you will recieve them after vanquishing bosses. The first book you will lay your hands on will be given to you, two more must be hunted down out in the world, and the last three await you in Darm Tower. Hadal The metal Cleria, found in the mountains of Ys, brought prosperity. Solomon Shrine is a symbol of this. Then, disaster struck. Jemma The goddesses disappeared when the demons appeared. They were never seen again. A blue medallion has been passed down in Jemma's family for many ages. It has the power to break the demons' curse. Dabby In the disaster of Ys, lava blew from the underground and burned the fields. We had to flee. Somehow Cleria is the cause. We sealed it underground. It unsealed, disaster will return. Mesa We finally retreated to Solomon Shrine. The demons were coming close. We decided to leave at that time, hoping to return someday. Toba Ys is kept by two goddesses and six priests. The goddesses represent Ys and our way of life. Fact In the morning glow, the attacks stopped. I don't know why, but I'm grateful that it is over. Ys' power is sealed here. He who finds the 6 books will gain this power and lead us to peace. Appendix B: Adol's Levels Levels Experience HP Str/Def 1 0 20 10/10 2 100 30 15/12 3 200 40 20/14 4 300 50 25/16 5 500 60 50/18 6 700 70 55/20 7 1000 80 60/22 8 1300 90 65/24 9 1700 100 70/26 10 2100 110 80/28 11 2600 120 85/30 12 3100 130 90/32 13 3700 140 95/34 14 4300 150 100/36 15 5000 160 110/38 16 5800 170 115/40 17 6800 180 120/50 18 8000 190 19 200 20 210 21 220 22 230 23 240 24 65535 255 200/155 Appendix C: Monster Stats (Incomplete) While I was easily able to get the information earlier on in the game on what monster gave what up, and how strong you needed to be to hurt them, the last two dungeons were so annoying I simply maxed my level and slashed through them. Without needing to buy armor or weapons I didn't pay attention to Gold and maxed that out as well. So, sadly, I have no real information on what you're exactly facing at the Darm Tower and Sealed Mines. Minea Plains Ogre 2xp 15hp 6gp Goblin 3xp 20hp 10gp >10 Str to harm Wolf 1xp 30hp 14gp >20 Str to harm Mountains Brigand 5xp 50hp 14gp >20 Str to harm Solomon Shrine Fire Magus 100xp 100hp 100gp >60 Str to harm Skeleton 40xp 50hp 50gp >65 Str to harm Spider 50xp 50hp 60gp >70 Str to harm Fire Beetle 60xp 50hp 70gp >100 Str to harm Lyus 80xp 100hp 120gp >115 Str to harm Blue Knight 60xp ???hp 140gp >60 Str to harm Floating Head 70xp 100hp 100gp >105 Str to harm Dragon Worm ???xp ???hp ???gp >60 Str to harm Sealed Mines Invisible Man 240xp 170hp 690gp >120 Str to harm Red Worm 280xp 170hp 280gp >125 Str to harm Spore Fungus 200xp 170hp 200gp >105 Str to harm Muncher 320xp 190hp 200gp >125 Str to harm Walking Flame ???xp ???hp ???gp >150 Str to harm Slime ???xp ???hp ???gp >150 Str to harm Serpent Warrior ???xp 190hp ???gp >150 Str to harm Baby Dragon ???xp 190hp ???gp >150 Str to harm Vampire ???xp 255hp ???gp >120 Str to harm Darm Tower Zombie Darm Slime Blue Demon Great Mantis Mantis Warrior Ifrit Guard of Fact Red Demon Evil Mask