*************************************** * The King of Fighters R2 (KoFR2) FAQ * * v1.05 December 7th, 1999 * * SNK - NeoGeo Pocket * * (C) The Lemming, 1999 * * * * thelemmings@hotmail.com * *************************************** Revisions----------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.05 January 1st, 2000 (Happy millenium!) * Changes made to SKILLS tables, thanks to Razorclaw X! * Corrected some mistakes in the SKILLS table myself. Feedback about which skills are hidden/rare or whatever is always very appreciated!! v1.01 December 13th,1999 (only few days away from "SNK vs. Capcom: MoM" release!) + Added Ryo's Ryuuko Ranbu SDM variation (which I forgot last time) Thanks to Sean Liebhard for pointing that out! + Added some lines about KoFR1 in the Secrets & Nifty things section v1.00 December 7th, 1999 First release This game is the NGPC conversion of SNK's popular "The King of Fighters'98: Dream match never ends" NeoGeo title, it is also the second conversion of a King of Fighters game to the hand held (the first one being KoFR1). It features 15 characters from the KoF saga, all of their moves, a RPG-like mode, 2 players link play, crystal clear graphics and, best of all, a gameplay left very similar to the original! In this FAQ I will not describe every possible combo, but it summarizes all the things I found playing this (great) game, mainly: undocumented special moves, secret options, skills, character strategies, endings... Some quotes have spelling mistakes, it's normal, the game also has them. If you've got any extra info, modifications, or just want to say hello, don't hesitate to mail me! Have fun! The Lemming(thelemmings@hotmail.com) Joystick movements ****************** QC - Quarter circle joystick movement QCF - Quarter circle forward (move the joystick down, diagonal down/forward then forward in a smooth motion) QCB - Quarter circle back, reversed QCF motion (from down to back) HCF - Half circle forward, move the joystick back, back/down, down, forward/down, forward in a smooth motion. HCB - Inverse HCF motion (from forward to back) DP - Dragon punch move, F, D, F/D (F, QCF works for some characters) (rv)DP - Reverse dragon punch (B, D, D/B) A+B - Simultaneous A and B press (tap) - Means tapping the button: just a simple, short button press. (long)- Means pressing the button, holding it for half a second or more, then releasing. U/B U U/F U=up \ | / \ | / Bk <---o---> F F=forward A is button A / | \ Bk=Back B is button B / | \ D/B D D/F D=down TABLE OF CONTENTS ***************** .How to Play .Characters and teams .Normal and special moves .Strategies .Ending .Making Mode .Skills list .Skills combinations/notes .Secrets & Nifty things .Terminology .Credits .Wish list .Legal Stuff How to play *********** KoFR2 plays alot like KoF97 or KoF98. If you haven't played them (shame on you :-) read on... When I'll refer to 'TV KoF' or 'TV version' it means the original NeoGeo version or PSX (eeessh), Saturn, Dreamcast... Always: ------- U Jump D Crouch F Walk forward Bk Walk back. If opponent is attacking, blocks (you CAN'T block and walk back simultaneously :-) A (tap ) Weak Punch \ A (long) Strong Punch / Using either (tap) or (long) changes the B (tap ) Weak Kick \ effect of special moves. B (long) Strong Kick / F+A/B (close) Throw. Some characters can perform aerial throws. With A Throws without exchanging sides, with B exchanges sides. A+B Knockdown move (knocks your opponent away) U+A+B Taunt (can be turned off in the options menu) Bk+A+B (while blocking) Knockdown counter F+A+B (while blocking) Fast evade Note: Some persons seem to have trouble executing special moves, here's a solution that I have found to work well. When executing a special move do the regular motion, and HOLD the last direction while pressing the requested button(s). For example QCF+A would actually translate to QCF (hold F)+A. Just before selecting your character(s), you will be asked to choose a mode, EXTRA(beginner) or ADVANCED(professional). I disagree with the 'beginner' or 'professional' annotations because both modes have their advantages and disadvantages, and none is easier than the other. Choose the one that fits your best! Extra Mode ---------- This mode is like the KoF96 system: - Manual POW bar charge by pressing (and keeping down) D+A+B - DMs can be executed at will when almost dead (life bar flashing yellow/white) or when POW bar is full. - A+B evades without moving forward or backward, and the evade movement can be followed with a punch or kick. - Tapping quickly F F hops forward, while tapping Bk Bk hops backward Advanced Mode ------------- This mode has been introduced in KoF97, and used again in KoF98: - Automatic POW bar charge. Your POW bar increases when doing a special move, hitting with a normal move or blocking - Unlike EXTRA mode, you can have more than 1 POW bar full at time. When one is full, it is represented by a glowing POW ball next to your POW bar and the next bar charges up - D+A+B activates MAX (more damaging hits), and uses 1 POW ball - DMs can only be performed when at least 1 POW ball is available - SDMs when MAX and 1 POW ball available - F+A+B Evades forward - Bk+A+B Evades backward - F F runs forward, Bk Bk hops back ================================================================================ ================================================================================ CHARACTERS AND TEAMS ================================================================================ ================================================================================ I'm sure it was a tough job for SNK to choose which fighters were going to join the KoFR2 tournament, and who would be who's teammate! KoFR2 characters have the same special moves as their TV counterparts, but sometimes with slight variations. There are many more character bios informations available around the net (for example you can check out Joe Palanca's KoF General Information FAQ) Note: For any character in the game, tapping A or B while standing can be cancelled into a special move. ======================================== Kusanagi Team ======================================== This is the first time that Shingo joins a team! He has teamed up with his mentor, Kyo and his mentor's mentor (and father)...Saisyu! It's a very offensive team and the moves are very similar from one member to another. None of the characters in this team have air throws. +--------------+ | Kyo Kusanagi | +--------------+ Style : Kusanagi Height : 181 cm Weight : 75 kg Birthday: December 12th Colors : Blue/Orange He's an impressive combo character, but he lacks long range attacks. When mastered, he becomes, imho, the most spectacular character of the game! --Moves-- Down+A (in air) Naraku Otoshi (knocks opponent on the ground) F+B Goufu You (2 hits, raises leg in the air, then down) --Special Moves-- DP+A 100 Shiki Oniyaki (2 hits, first blow counters) HCB+B 212 Shiki Kototuki You (dash forward, 2 hits grab) (rv)DP+B R.E.D. kick (Rainbow Energy Dynamite) (long range, knocks opponent on the ground works well against airborne opponents) HCF+B(+B again) 75 Shiki Kai (a double kick that sets up for a juggle) *follow with* (a nice combo) QCB, HCF+A 108 Shiki Orochinagi (if you've got a free POW ball of course :-) QCF+A (tap) 114 Shiki Ara Kami (long range, flame punch, counter) *follow with* HCB+A(hold A) 127 Shiki Yano Sabi (knocks down opponent) -A Extra hit punches opponent on the ground QCF+A (tap) 128 Shiki Kono Kizu (2 hits) -A 128 Shiki Yano Sabi (knocks down) -B 128 Shiki Nana Se (sliding standing kick) QCF+A (long) 115 Shiki Doku Kami (long range, flame punch) *follow with* HCB+A (hold) 401 Shiki Tumi Yomi (chains 115 with a shoulder DP) --Desperation Moves-- QCB, HCF + A (hold) 108 Shiki Orochinagi As long as you hold A, Kyo will evade backwards avoiding any high projectiles. Upon release of A, Kyo will dash forward with an impressive fury of flames! You can hold A 5 sec maximum. SDM variation: If opponent is too close he gets burnt and taken upwards. Release A when he falls back down for maximum damage! (50+% of the life bar) QCF, QCF + A Mu Shiki Throws a column of fire, then dashes forward for multiple punches. Use it as a counter move. Immediately follow with A to taunt. SDM variation: Same as normal but after dashes, performs Shiki Oniyaki. (the last hit, hurts badly!) Cannot taunt afterwards. Notes: His 100 Shiki Oniyaki (DP) can counter almost ANYTHING! If you have the right timing, you can even counter _any_ non projectile DMs. (for example, if performed at the right time, Kyo's 100 Shiki Oniyaki can counter Ryo's Ryu Ko Ranbu. Kyo will stay in his first blow position while Ryo combos (no damage), then he'll finish his flaming uppercut!) +-----------------+ | Saisyu Kusanagi | +-----------------+ Style : Kusanagi Height : 177 cm Weight : 69 kg Colors : Green/Orange Birthday: November 27th (hehe that's my birthday too ;-) While not as combo-able (but almost) and slower than Kyo, Saisyu has a large variety of special moves that certainly makes up for the rest! --Moves-- Bk+A(tap) Ge Shiki Atama Tsui (not too close or throws, or do or F +A(tap) " " " " it in a combo). Amazing combo starter! --Special Moves-- QCF+A 180 Shiki Yami Barai (ground fireball) QCB+A 702 Shiki En Juu (repeat 2x) *follow with* QCB+A for an extra hit. DP+A 100 Shiki Oniyaki (but doesn't counter like Kyo's) DP+B 110 Shiki Nata Guruma (dash + dragon punch/kick) HCB+B 427 Shiki Shin Ken (dash + punch/burn) good combo finisher. --Desperation Moves-- QCB, HCF + A (hold) 108 Shiki Orochinagi It's basically the same DM as Kyo. Hold A to hold the flames. SDM variation: You don't burn your opponent when he's close but instead his flames will go much farther. QCF, QCF + A 1027 Shiki Miyako Bougai Hits 3 times. SDM variation: 5 hits, auto air juggle if hit during the first 4 hits. Notes: Wether it spells Saisyu or Saishu no one is sure.. not even SNK! When you play 'Saisyu' is written (on top of the life bar, or in the WIN message). But during the end sequence it's spelled 'Saishu'. +---------------+ | Shingo Yabuki | +---------------+ Style : Kusanagi (tries to imitate) Height : 179 cm Weight : 69 kg Birthday: April 8th Colors : Blue/Green Mixed feelings about this character. Lots of people think he's just a slow, no range, no fire character that has nothing to do with the Kusanagis. I'd rather say that he's a character for experienced players since any missed move can result in serious counter damage from your opponent. He also has some of the most damaging specials. --Moves-- F+B Ge Shiki Goufu Kakkodake Perform it not too close to your opponent (or it will throw) and cancel immediately with a special move. F+A Hachi Tetsu (use the same way as Ge Shiki Gougu Kakkodake) Can be cancelled too, but faster! --Special Moves-- QCF+A Hyaku Juu Yon Shiki Aragami Mikansei Dashes forward for a single punch. I guess it's just a combo finisher. QCB+A Hiji Otoshi The most powerful counter of the game. Shingo blocks the incoming hit, then kicks back for amazing damage! If no counter, Shingo knocks down the opponent with his elbow. DP+A 100 Shiki Oniyaki Mikansei A one hit dragon punch that doesn't counter, but has quite a bit of damage. Shingo's best combo finisher. DP+B Shingo Kinsei Ore Shiki Katogi A 3 hit dragon punch that works ONLY if you're very close to your opponent. Does not work as a combo finisher after F+A or F+B. QCB+B 101 Shiki Oboro Guruma Mikansei Advancing multi kick. HCF+B Shingo kick Shingo's version of Kyo's R.E.D. Kick, but jumps a little bit lower. (See Kyo's R.E.D. Kick) --Desperation Moves-- QCF, QCF+A Ge Shiki Kake Hourin Dashes forward, and knocks down the opponent with one strong shoulder hit. SDM variation: Same as DM, but twice as much damage. QCB, HCF+A 4 hit auto combo. SDM variation: 7 hit auto combo. Notes: If you're a good player (or love Kasumi style gameplay) you can knock out your enemy with only Hiji Otoshi (QCB+A) which is, basically, an infinite DM damage-wise. +----------------------+ | Kusanagi Team Ending | +----------------------+ Saishu: Rugal can't win against my flame! Kyo : No way, geezer! My flames'll win! Shingo: Hey, you two! Don't forget me! Kyo : Get serious! ======================================== Super Babe Team ======================================== Can this be "Super Babe" without Mai? :-) This team is pretty well balanced and interesting. It has a counter character (Kasumi), an all around fighter (Athena), and an offensive character (Yuri). +----------------+ | Athena Asamiya | +----------------+ Style : Psychic powers Height : 163 cm Weight : 49 kg Birthday: March 14th Colors : Red/Blue Athena is the fastest character of the game. She also has very high jumps, a teleport move and really tough DMs! She lost some moves from TV versions. --Moves-- F+B Renkan tai (not too close or throws, kick combo starter) F+A/B Air throw --Special Moves-- QCB+A Psycho ball (a big, long range fireball) DP+A Psycho sword (a 7 hit dragon punch. Can be done in air) QCB+B Phoenix arrow (in air, diagonal/down dash, deadly) QCF+B Psychic teleport QCB+B (tap) Psycho reflector (shield, returns projectiles (except DM/SDMs ) --Desperation Moves-- HCB, HCB+A Shining Crystal Bit (can be done in air) *follow with* QCB+A (can hold) A blockable shield that protects Athena. But enemy can go through the shield with good timing. With following QCB+A you can hold a homing fireball. SDM variation: larger shield, more damaging. The fireball shocks and knocks down the enemy. QCF, QCF+B Phoenix Fang Arrow (in air only) Athena dashes diagonal/downwards many times. Has a high latency. SDM variation: More dashes. Notes: I don't like this character much, but that's totally personal as a lot of my friends seem to like her a lot! +---------------+ | Yuri Sakazaki | +---------------+ Style : Kyokugen style Height : 163 cm Weight : 49 kg Birthday: March 14th Colors : Purple/Green Capcom fans rejoice for this character has everything Capcom freaks long for. Hurricane-kicks, fireballs (well not THIS Yuri, but Yuri EX does), Sho-ryu reppa.. --Moves-- F+B En Yoku (dashing butt hit :-) --Special moves-- QCF+A Ko Ou Ken (the traditional Sakazaki fireball, no range, but large-sized) QCF+B Rai Ou Ken (Yuri jumps then hits during the fall down) QCB+A Yuri Chou Knuckle (1/2 sec. lag, then dash forward with a punch, goes through the whole screen if A (long)) QCB+B Yuri Chou Mawashi Geri Yuri spins forward kicking anything in the way, and describing a parabola, like Sakura's spinning kick from Street Fighter Zero. DP+A Yuri Chou Upper (a pretty weak dragon punch) DP+B Dashing Yuri Chou Upper (Yuri dashes forward and performs a dragon punch, long range) *follow with* DP+B quickly during the fall, for an extra hit. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Hien Rekkou Basically, this is Ken's Shoryou Reppa from Street Fighter. Yuri runs forward to perform 3 Yuri Chou Upper in a row for a 8 hit combo. SDM variation: 5 Yuri Chou Uppers, for a 14 hits combo. QCF, HCB+B Hien Houou Kyaku Runs all the length of the screen. If enemy is hit, performs a 14 hits auto combo with kicks. Good against jumping opponents. Nice after a missed combo from your opponent. SDM variation: 24 hits. F, HCF+A Haou Shoukou Ken Another Sakazaki tradition, the Haou Shoukou Ken is the mother of all projectiles! Long starting lag. Try to use against an opponent who has just started a jump. SDM variation: the Haou Shoukou Ken hits 5 times instead of just 1. Note: Check out EX Yuri, she's pretty cool too! +-------------+ | Kasumi Todo | +-------------+ Style : Todo style Height : 154 cm Weight : 45 kg Birthday: March 14th Colors : Blue/Red The ultimate counter character is back from '96! While not very offensive (short range, except for the energy wave), she can counter any normal move resulting in tremendous damage! Best of all, your opponent can only blame himself for a counter. A character for KoF experts! (spelling: h or not h at 'Todoh', that is the question) --Moves-- none in particular --Special moves-- QCF+A Kasane Ate (energy wave, works in air) QCB+A/B Senkou Sagashi (2 hits knockdown punches, counter) HCB+A Senkou Sagashi 2 (close) (4 hits knockdown punches, counter) HCF+A High counter (against jumping attacks) HCF+B Medium counter (against ground level attacks) --Desperation moves-- She's the only character to have only one DM/SDM. Where the heck is the super counter DM??? QCF, QCF+A/B (A/B can be held) Super Kasane Ate A blue wall of energy measuring half the screen when A is released. Good against jumping opponents. SDM variation: Red wall of energy, goes full screen. Note: She doesn't seem to have lots of moves, but her two special counters are worth training for! +------------------------+ | Super Babe Team Ending | +------------------------+ Athena: I thought we'd hat it! Lucky! Yuri : You're a hero! You'll be a star! Kasumi: I should sell my glossies, huh? Yuri : Hah! Right! ======================================== New S.T Team ======================================== Nothing to say about this team, except the fact that it is overwhelmingly powerful (ok I said something :-) +--------------+ | Ryo Sakazaki | +--------------+ Style : Kyokugen style Height : 179 cm Weight : 68 kg Birthday: August 2nd Colors : Orange/Blue Ryu, Ryo... hmmm :-) --Moves-- A Ryo's simplest punch is an excellent combo starter. (you can even perform Haou Shoukou Ken after it) F+A Hyouchuu Wari (attack must be blocked high, good against crouching opponents) --Special moves-- QCF+A Ko Ou Ken short range, large fireball DP+A Ko Hou, the standard and famous Ryu/Ken dragon punch QCB+A Mouko Raijin Gou A counter, Ryo dashes forward and uppercuts *cancellable with* DP+A For a Ko Hou, extra hit that knocks down. QCF+B Mouko Raijin Setsu, Ryo jumps for an airborn Hyouchuu Wari. QCB+B Hien Shippuu Kyaku, jumps and kicks 3x, through whole screen if B is held. HCF+A (close) Kyokugen-ryuu Renbu Ken, a 4 hit auto combo. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Tenchi Haou Ken A powerful, though blockable, punch. No range whatsoever, use in combos! SDM variation: More damage QCF, HCB+A Ryuuko Ranbu One of the best DM/SDM of the game. Ryo does a _long_ dashe then performs an _instantaneous_ 15 hits auto combo when he reaches the enemy. If you're fast enough, you can perform this DM after after any normal block. SDM variation: Same incredible instantaneous start, but 28 hits and Ko Hou finish. When Ryo's on a roll, he's on a roll... F, HCF+A Haou Shoukou Ken (same as Yuri) Another Sakazaki tradition, the Haou Shoukou Ken is the mother of all projectiles! Long starting lag. Try to use against an opponent who has just started a jump. SDM variation: the Haou Shoukou Ken hits 5 times instead of just 1. Notes: Just his Ryuuko Ranbu makes him worth playing! It is (too?) much faster than in the TV versions. Note that this DM as well as Hien Shippuu Kyaku (QCB+B) can be countered as one hit, by Kyo's uppercut. Try it to see what I mean :-) +--------------+ | Mai Shiranui | +--------------+ Style : Shiranui style Height : 164 cm Weight : 50 kg Birthday: January 1st Colors : Red/Green While less 'bouncy' than in TV KoF games, in R2 she keeps her speed, high jumps and flame combos! --Moves-- F+B Mai crouches, then kicks forward. Use for surprising opponent. F+A Crouches, and punches low D/F+B Benitsuru no Mai, Mai slides forward and performs a 2 kicks combo. --Special moves-- QCF+A Kachou Sen, Mai throws a fan (not fast enough imho) QCB+A Ryuu Enbu, a good combo finisher DP+A Hakuro no Mai, pretty useless auto combo DP+B Hishou Ryuu Enjin. A useful dragon punch, as it covers a lot of surface in front of Mai. HCF+B Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi, dash/punch combo. QCB+A (in air) Kuuchuu Musasabi no Mai, dashes diagonal down/forward very quickly for a headbutt. hold D then U+A (hold) Musasabi no Mai *follow with* Release A while in air to perform Kuuchuu Musasabi no Mai. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Suichou no Mai Mai throws a large fan that can hit three times. SDM variation: The fan is flaming, and causes more damage. QCB, HCF+B Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi DM version of Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi (HCB+B), hits 6 times. Mai is 'on fire'. Short lag when started. SDM variation: Hits 12 times QCB, QCB+A Houou no Mai Mai jumps and spins while falling down for a 6 hits combo. Use against jumping enemies. SDM variation: 12 hits. Notes: Try to follow anything with a Ryu Enbuu (QCB+A) and make good use of her deadliest DM, Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi (QCB, HCF+B) +--------------+ | Terry Bogard | +--------------+ Style : Martial Arts Height : 182 cm Weight : 77 kg Birthday: March 15th Colors : Red/Blue Terry is a very combo-oriented character. He's fast at chaining attacks and his Power Geyser DM rocks when countering any air attacks. --Moves-- F+A Back knuckle. 2 hits combo, cancellable into anything (powerful but tough to use). --Special moves-- QCF+A Power Wave. A ground fireball that doesn't go full screen but gets larger as it goes. QCB+A Burn Knuckle. Small lag, then Terry dashes forward, knuckles ahead. Good damage, use as a combo finisher as it is quite tough to use by itself. DP+A Rising Tackle. 7 hits dragon punch (with kicks). Good combo finisher, but not a great air defense. QCB+B Crack Shoot. Terry jumps for a 2 hits kick. Use as an air defense. DP+B Power Dunk. Hits opponent with his elbow (opponent launches) and punches him back on the ground. Slow, use as combo finisher. HCF+B Power Charge. Shoulder hit that launches the oppoent, *follow with* (not a real cancel) DP+A Rising Tackle QCF+A Power Wave. --Desperation moves-- QCB, D/B, F+A Power Geyser My favorite air counter, Terry punches the ground and tall (screen height) flame protects him from any jumping opponent before him. Also works against non blocking opponents on the ground. SDM variation: Three Power Geysers in a row (but not 3x the damage :-) if opponent is hit by one, he will get hit by the following ones. QCF, QCF+B High Angle Geyser Terry dashes forward performs a 3 hits comboPower Charge wannabe, launching the enemy, and follows with a Power Geyser It's not as good looking as the TV version, the power geyser comes out too late :-( This one is tougher to use. SDM variation: 5 hits combo to launch, and 5 Power Geysers to finish off! Notes: Try to combo his Back Knuckle (F+A) with a DM. +----------------------+ | New S.T. Team Ending | +----------------------+ Terry: I'll sink his dreams and ship! Mai : What a waste! Get his trasure! Ryo : And what about all the food! Terry: ...Food?... You're hopeless! ======================================== Orochi Team ======================================== This is the only team that was left unchanged from the KoF series. This team is popular among experienced KoF players since all members have really different controls. Yashiro is a powerful QC character, Shermie the best (and only) thrower of the game (where is Clark?), and Chris has the fastest specials of the game. +------------------+ | Yashiro Nanakase | +------------------+ Style : Original style Height : 190 cm Weight : 99 kg Birthday: December 31st Colors : Red/Green He has QC moves, but he sure doesn't play like a QC character! A very powerful (as in hits hard) character, with a popular sweep kick! --Moves-- F+A Regret Bash, high attack (similar to Ryo's Hyouchuu Wari), effective against crouching opponents. F+B (tap) Step Side Kick, just a simple, cancellable combo starter. --Special moves-- DP+A Upper Duel, 3 hit dragon punch QCB+B Sledgehammer an airborne Regret Bash that must be blocked high. HCB+A Missile Might Bash, 4 hit auto combo with punches HCF+A Jet counter, Yashiro 'teleports' forward for a punch. It is not really a counter, but it allows you to get past your opponent's attack. *follow with* QCF+A Jet counter still, for an extra hit --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A/B (can be held) Final Impact Reminds me of Ralf's Galactica Phantom :_( Yashiro charges, and delivers an impressive punch when A or B is released, it is blockable though. But if A/B is held for 3+ seconds, Yashiro will auto-deliver the punch, but this time it will be UNBLOCKABLE (and a lot more damaging). SDM variation: Still blockable if not held 3 seconds but more damage. QCF, HCB+A/B Million Bash Stream A 5 hit auto combo (much like Missile Might Bash). SDM variation: 7 hits Notes: Yashiro IS a combo character. Use Final Impact after having knocked down an enemy, or when opponent is on the other side of the screen (and hold the button as long as you can!). +---------+ | Shermie | +---------+ Style : Special suplex Height : 173 cm Weight : 68 kg Birthday: February 13th Colors : Pink/Dark blue Nothing but throws! Very powerful (an annoying for your opponent) when mastered! Plays kinda like Clark. Keep on evading... --Moves-- F+B Shermie Stand, a 2 hits kicks that hits high. Cannot be comboed :-( --Special moves-- QCF+B Shermie Cute, follows Shermie Spiral/Whip/Shoot, do the QCF using the same direction you used for the preceding move (don't mind which way the enemy is after the throw). DP+B Shermie Clutch, she jumps, if opponent is in air and gets caught, she throws him on the ground. Obviously against air attacks. *follow with* QCF+B Shermie Cute (cf. Shermie Cute) HCF+A (close) Shermie Spiral, her famous 'crotch' throw. *follow with* QCF+B Shermie Cute (cf. Shermie Cute) HCB+A (close) Shermie Whip, yet another throw. *follow with* QCF+B Shermie Cute (cf. Shermie Cute) HCF+B Shermie Shoot, she dashes forward (1/3 screen) if she connects, she throws. HCB+A (close) --Desperation moves-- HCF, HCF+A (close) Shermie Carnival 3 throws in a row. SDM variation: 4 throws followed by a Shermie Clutch. HCB, HCB+A (close) Shermie Flash One damaging throw. SDM variation: One throw, but keeps enemy on the ground for more damage. Notes: I like this character! She has an impressive arsenal of throws and is surprisingly fun to play. Try to constantly evade (F+A+B) using ADVANCED mode to get close to your opponent, then perform a special move. +-------+ | Chris | +-------+ Style : Original style Height : 160 cm Weight : 48 kg Birthday: May 3rd Colors : Cyan/Orange His teleport moves can prove very precious when surprising opponents, but if they are missed, you're in for quite a bit of damage. --Moves-- F+B Reverse Anchor Kick, 2 hits, high kicks. Much like Shermie. A (close) (don't know the name) 2 hits punch that can be cancelled D/F+B Carry Off Kick, a sliding kick. --Special moves-- QCF+A Slide Touch, fast teleporting punch that knocks down. DP+B Hunting Air, Chris' dragon punch is a kick, with high priority. QCF+B Scramble Dash, teleports. Like an evade but farther. QCF+B (in air) Glider Stamp, An air dash kick. DP+A Direction change. No damage, but you end up on the other side of your opponent. Try to immediately follow by a fast attack/special move to surprise. HCB+A Shooting Dancer Thrust. Chris dashes forward for 2 hits. It's basically a more damaging version of Slide Touch. HCB+B Shooting Dancer Step. Chris dashes forward for an elbow hit, then jumps and kicks. Leaves you in the air. Try to immediately follow with Glider Stamp (QCF+B) --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Chain Slide Touch Chris does 5 slides with punches. Use as a combo finisher, otherwise it's not really useful (too slow) SDM variation: 8 hit with energy aura around the punches. QCB, QCB+B Twister Drive 3 Hunting Airs, good against any jumping opponent. SDM variation: 2 Hunting Airs, but a 15 hit combo! Notes: Chris has fast moves, but is a slow moving character... Keep on changing sides with Direction Change (DP+A) and Scramble Dash (QCF+B) +--------------------+ | Orochi Team Ending | +--------------------+ Yashiro: Rugal screwed up when he met me. Shermie: You're so cool! Yashiro: I am, aren't I? Tough and a stud. Chris : Yashiro stinks! ======================================== Edit Members ======================================== The most popular characters are unteamed! But heck are they strong! +---------------+ | Leona Heidern | +---------------+ Style : Martial arts Height : 176 cm Weight : 65 kg Birthday: January 10th Colors : Green/Red Where's Ralf? Where's Clark? Where's Whip :-)? Leona has a very broad arsenal of special moves, from fireballs to air counter... A toughie! --Moves-- F+B Strike Arch, a high attack (that knocks down) F+A (in air) for an air throw --Special moves-- Hold back, then F+A Baltic Launcher A slow moving energy ball. If hits the opponent, you can follow with any normal attack. Special moves or DMs don't follow though. Hold back, then F+B Ground Saber, low dashing attack *follow with* F+B (keep holding F+B from Ground Saber) Gliding Buster Hold D, then F+A Moon Slasher, a very damaging instant attack. Good against air opponents. Hold D, then F+B X Caliber, Leona jumps, and tries to catch opponent's head. If so, strikes. Use Moon Slasher instead (Hold D, then F+A) if possible. Good against low projectile attacks. QCB+A Eye Slasher, Leona rolls back and throws her knife at enemy, then back (boomerang move). Kinda slow. QCB+B Earring Bomb. Leona throws her dynamite earring at the enemy. Long lag time at start. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Gravity Storm 3 hit auto combo (2 kicks and an air explosion). Use as combo finisher. SDM variation: 6 hits, more damaging (of course!) QCF, HCB+A (in air) V-Slasher While airborn, Leona dashes D/F. If connects, then V-slashes enemy. Good against air opponents. QCB, HCF+B Rebel Spark Leona dashes forward, plants a bomb on the enemy, and makes it explode. SDM variation: Leona turns berserk and RED, that's OROCHI LEONA!, plants a bomb on enemy, yells, then bomb explodes. That's one of my favorite DM. Leona is so cute when she moves her head yelling :-) Notes: I love her Rebel Spark SDM!! (Oh, am I repeating myself?) +-------------+ | Iori Yagami | +-------------+ Style : Yagami style Height : 182 cm Weight : 76 kg Birthday: March 25th Colors : Red/Purple While not as combo-able as Kyo or Terry, he has powerful specials. He's a bit too slow though (compared to his TV version). --Moves-- F+A (tap) Ge Shiki Yumebiki (can be cancelled or followed) *follow with* A Can be cancelled (must be done VERY quickly) F+B Ge Shiki Goufu In Shinigami, crescent high kicks, can be cancelled if not used as combo starter. Not that great. Back+B Ge Shiki Yuri Ori. Kicks in the opposite direction. You'll usually want to avoid that move by holding B everytime you want to kick. If you want to do that move, it's for surprising your opponent. --Special moves-- QCF+A 180 Shiki Yami Barai, sweeping fireball. DP+A 100 Shiki Oniyaki, 3 hit dragon punch, with low counter priority. (QCB+A)x3 207 Shiki Aoi Hana, Iori punches 3 times in a row. DP+B 303 Shiki Sou Kushi, jumps and slashes. Good against air attacks. *follow with* (that's more of a combo than a follow) (QCB+A)x3 207 Shiki Aoi Hana HCB+B 202 Shiki Kototsuki In, Iori dashes forward, pushes opponent on the ground and busts him. Good combo finisher. HCB, F+A Kuzu Kaze, an excellent, but very tough to use, combo starter. --Desperation moves-- QCF, HCB+A Forbidden 1201 Shiki Ya Otome Iori dashes low towards the opponent (screen-wide). On contact, performs an 8+1 hit combo (the last one isn't counted in the rush meter). Use as combo finisher. It has lost some of its usefulness (from the TV version) because it can no longer be used to dodge high projectiles. SDM variation: Iori turns to Orochi Iori (yes!), dashes towards the enemy, pushes him onto the ground and perform a 10 hit auto combo. Damages half a life bar (not as much as I would like :-() QCB, HCF+A/B (can be held) 180 Shiki Ya Sakazuki As long as you hold A/B, Iori holds a purple Orochi flame in his hand. Upon release of the button the flame will be released on the ground and a large column of Orochi fire will burst a 1/3 screen length from Iori. If the opponent is caught in the column, he will be or dizzied for 4 seconds, time during which he will lose life. You can start a combo when opponent is dizzy, but try to leave your enemy dizzy as long as possible since he loses life when he is dizzy (repeating myself). SDM variation: It's not 1 purple flame anymore, but 8 that go from from right in front of Iori to the other end of the screen. Notes: During his Forbidden 1201 Shiki Ya Otome (QCF, HCB+A) you can actually see blood spurting out of the victim (especially SDM). If you can place 180 Shiki Ya Sakazuki (QCB, HCF+A/B) and have free POW ball(s), activate MAX and follow with 1201 Shiki Ya Otome (QCF, HCB+A). (or don't activate MAX if you can't and just do the DM) +----------------+ | Rugal Berstein | +----------------+ Style : (don't know) Height : 197 cm Weight : 103 kg Birthday: Feb 10th He is the boss of the game, he's tough as heck, he can be invincible. In a word, Rugal. And not any Rugal, it's Omega Rugal, because 'normal' Rugal is not available in KoFR2... --Moves-- F+B (not too close or throws) Double Tomahawk, two hits kick (block high) --Special moves-- QCF+A (can hold A) Gravity Smash A large ball (full character height) of energy surrounds Rugal protecting him against anything, inluding Haou Shou Ko Ken. Upon release of the button (or auto-release after 3 sec) the ball will be sent forward. DP+B Dark Genocide A 3 hits dragon punch move (with kicks) that _hurts_ QCF+B Dark Barrier A projectile reflector (not DM/SDMs projectiles of course). HCB+A Vanishing Rush Rugal teleports forward (full screen length) and performs a 6 hits combo on non blocking/jumping enemy . --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Rugal Execution Dashes forward (3/4 screen) grabs foe and damages enemy (maybe punches, but doesn't record as a combo) SDM variation: Same but more damage QCF, QCF+B (close) Destruction Omega Grabs enemy and performs an 8 hit combo (punches, kicks and finishes off with a Dark Genocide. SDM variation: 15 hits QCF, HCB+A Gigatech Pressure Rugal dashes forward (ducking) full screen length. If opponent is not blocking, Rugal grabs him and smashes him against the edge of the screen with a huge red Orochi column (really good looking) SDM variation: Smashes foe twice (back and forth) Notes: You want to win for sure? Gravity Smash (QCF+A (can hold)), repeat. When performing the Dark Genocide move, KEEP the D/F direction when pressing B, otherwise you will perform Dark Barrier. ======================================== Awakened Orochi Team ======================================== Well it's not an 'official' team, but it sure deserves your full attention! This team plays very differently from the 'original' Orochi team, and is as (if not more) powerful than the original! Their techniques are (loosely) inspired from TV KoF's famous Hero Team. +----------------+ | Orochi Yashiro | +----------------+ Style : Throws, inspired by Goro Daimon Height : 190 cm Weight : 99 kg Birthday: December 31st An interesting character that has the most impressive throw of the game, as well as hard punches! --Moves-- F+A Baku, overhead attack F+B Bu, usual combo starter --Special moves-- QCB+A Kujiku Daichi, like Chris' Direction Change, but way harder to use HCF+A (close) Nigaru Daichi, hits, then throws. Hurts less than it looks tough. HCF+B (close) Odoru Daichi, dash forward and throws if dash touched. HCB, F+A (close) Musebu Daichi Yashiro grabs the enemy and throws him 4 times on the ground. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A (can hold) Hoeru Daichi Like original Yashiro, but with a blue energy beam. You're not left close to your opponent if you miss though. SDM variation: red energy beam. His following DMs are throws and cannot be blocked (but can be avoided, phew). HCB, HCB+A/B Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi Yashiro grabs the enemy for a 6 hit auto combo using Musebu Daichi SDM variation: 9 hit auto combo, with Orochi column finisher (neat). QCB, QCB+B Araburu Daichi Use when enemy is half screen away or in air. Yashiro jumps and grabs the enemy for a 3 hit combo (with the Orochi column as last hit. SDM variation: Yashiro goes wild (just check it out) Note: If you don't like long and painful throws, you'll hate Orochi Yashiro. +----------------+ | Orochi Shermie | +----------------+ Style : Shock, inspired by Benimaru Nikaido Height : 173 cm Weight : 68 kg Birthday: February 13th Well she doesn't play much like Benimaru but her electric attacks can be quite powerful when mastered. --Moves-- F+B Shermie Stand, a 2 hits kicks that hits high. --Special moves-- HCF+A/B Mugetsu no Raiun, Shermie blows a ball of electricity A (tap) Just in front B (tap) In the middle of the screen A (long) 3/4 of the length of the screen B (long) On the other side of the screen QCB+A Yatanagi no Muchi, two electrified punches (small range 1/4 screen) QCB+B Shajitsu no Odori, jumps forward for an electrified kick. Up to 5 hits combo. Useful against air attacks. QCF+B (in air) Raijin no Tsue, creates a wall of electric protection in air. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A (close) Ankoku Raikou Ken Creates a big electricity ball in front of her. Up to 5 hits. SDM variation: 8 hits. QCF, QCF+B Shukumei Gen'ei Shinshi Dashes forward, feet first and shocks opponent up to 3 times. SDM variation: 6 hits. Notes: Her Ankoku Raikou Ken (QCF, QCF+A) DM is like Benimaru's! +--------------+ | Orochi Chris | +--------------+ Style : Flames/Kusanagi, inspired by Kyo Kusanagi Height : 160 cm Weight : 48 kg Birthday: May 3rd It's like playing Kyo, but in a different way (so it's not like playing Kyo...). He cannot teleport anymore but his new moves certainly make up for that! --Moves-- F+B Jukei no Oni, 2 hits, high kicks. Much like Shermie. A (close) (don't know the name) 2 hits punch that can be cancelled D/F+B Setsudan no Koto, a sliding kick --Special moves-- QCF+A Taiyou o Iru Honoo, a fireball that doesn't it when opponent is close, neither when he is too far. If connect, 3 hits. DP+A Tsuki o Tsumu Honoo, an impressive 4 hits dragon punch. (not much damage despite its numerous hits) QCB+A Kagami o Hofuru Honoo, Chris jumps up and kick down with a ball of orochi energy. Use against air attacks. HCF+B (close) Shishi o Kamu Honoo, 4 hits auto combo. Can be used as an impressive combo finisher! --Desperation moves-- HCB, QCF+A (can be held) Ankoku Orochi Nagi See Kyo's 108 Shiki Orochinagi (same move). SDM variation: Unlike Kyo, it doesn't blow up a close opponent. QCF, QCF+A Daichi o Harau Gouka Orochi Chris dashes forward, surrounded by an energy aura. If connects, then you get a 3 hit combo! Amazing against air attacks because you're unvulnerable during this attack. If opponent blocks you're in trouble because you're left close to him. SDM variation: Instead of just going forth, he goes forth, back and forth again, releasing the aura half way through the last move. You're left a little farther away than in the DM. Notes: An interesting variation of Kyo gameplay. +-----------------------------+ | Awakened Orochi Team Ending | +-----------------------------+ (same ending as the original team) Yashiro: Rugal screwed up when he met me. Shermie: You're so cool! Yashiro: I am, aren't I? Tough and a stud. Chris : Yashiro stinks! ======================================== Special Members ======================================== I'm not gonna go indepth for all those modified characters, as they are a lot like their 'normal' counterparts. I'll just describe the differences (if special moves are not written, they're unchanged from the original version of the character). Note: Real Bout is the name of the 'new generation' 2D Fatal Fury games (except for "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" which seems to be starting yet another new saga all over again) +------------------+ | Ryo Sakazaki '94 | +------------------+ Colors: Cyan/Red --Special moves-- Loses his Mouko Raijin Gou (QCB+A) and Kyokugen-ryuu Renbu Ken (HCF+A) QCF+A Ko Ou Ken is now a long range (classic) fireball. F,B,F+A Zanretsu Ken if opponent is close when started he gets caught in a 13 hits combo (from the original Art of Fighting) --DM/SDMs-- Loses his Tenchi Haou Ken (QCB, QCB + A) DM. +----------------------+ | Yuri Sakazaki EX '94 | +----------------------+ Colors: Orange/Blue --Special moves modifications-- QCF+A Ko Ou Ken is now a long range, standard fireball. QCF+B Rai Ou Ken is now an airborne fireball. Holding B makes her jump higher. QCB+A creates a big sphere of energy in front of Yuri (protects her) QCB+B Lost! No more spinning kick.. DP+A Lost! Yuri Chou Upper DP+B Lost! Dashing Yuri Chou Upper --Modified Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Hien Rekkou This is no longer a "shouryu reppa" but rather Ryu's "Shin sho-ryu-ken" from Street Fighter 3. Yuri performs a very damaging 3 hits dragon punch. (most excellent combo finisher) SDM variation: Same move but amazingly damaging. +------------------+ | Kyo Kusanagi '94 | +------------------+ Colors: Green/Red --Special moves modifications-- QCF+A 180 Shiki Yami Barai The sweeping fireball (same as Iori's or Saisyu's) (rv)DP+B 101 Shiki Oboro Guruma The R.E.D. kick is replaced by a tornado kick that goes upwards. --Desperation moves-- Loses his Mu Shiki DM (QCF, QCF + A) +-----------------------+ |Real Bout Terry Bogard | +-----------------------+ --Special moves modifications-- QCF+A Power Wave now travels full screen (it is still a sweep fireball). Hold D, then U+A Rising Tackle is not performed by doing a dragon punch motion, but rather a hold motion (easier to combo imho). DP+B Lost! Power Dunk HCF+B Power Charge is replaced by Fire kick, which sweeps forward (1/2 screen) and launches the opponent in the air to set them up for a juggle. *follow with* (cool combos) Any special move Power Geyser (SDM Power Geysers work too!!) --Desperation moves-- QCB, D/B, F+A Power Geyser (QCB, HCF+A works too) Terry's traditional DM is also his only DM in this RB version. Lost! High Angle Geyser +------------------------+ | Real Bout Mai Shiranui | +------------------------+ --Special moves modifications-- DP+A Lost! Hakuro no Mai DP+B Lost! Hishou Ryuu Enjin (no more flaming dragon punch :-( HCB+B Koyo Sentori, Mai creates a "shield" with her fan that blocks any incoming attack. Good against air attacks. --Desperation moves-- QCF, QCF+A Suichou no Mai is replaced by Hana Arashi Mai dashes forward (1/2 screen) and performs some kind of strange dragon punch-like move for a 7 hit combo. SDM variation: 14 hits QCB, QCB+A Lost! Houou no Mai ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MAKING MODE ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Making is a brand new, NeoGeo Pocket exclusive, way of playing KoF. The goal is to fight your way (and very long way it is) through several stages to get all the skills. The format for this chapter is a _real_ FAQ format :-) What is a skill? ---------------- It is an item that, when equipped, modifies the way your character fights. For example the 'JUMP' skill allows your character to jump farther and faster. There are linked skills: they grow to another skill which is (usually) an enhanced version of the original. Some skills can grow up to 4 times! A making mode character can be equipped with two skills at once (reminds me of relics from Final Fantasy 6 :-) which allows for interesting combinations. Everytime you get a new skill, it will be added to your 'Skill list'. The goal of making mode is to get complete this list, that is to get all 210 skills! Some skills are tougher to find than others. There are normal skills, hidden, rare, ultra rare/Dreamcast skills. Why is it 'a long way'? ----------------------- It is very long/hard to complete making mode because there are 210 skills in total, and that you'll only get a new skill after finishing a stage. Clearing up a stage requires you to win several matches in a row with a single character. But there's another problem, having a skill once doesn't mean not getting it again another time. For example, if you already found 'OLD GUN' it doesn't mean the next time you play you won't get it again! This can get very frustrating when there are only a few skills left to find, you'll have the (justified) impression to get the same already-acquired skills over and over! I heard there was some kind of connection possible with.. --------------------------------------------------------- Yes! This is the mode where you can use your Dreamcast(DC) to transfer data to your NGP or vice versa. To exchange data, you'll need the DC game "The King of Fighters: Dream match '99" as well as the NeoGeo Pocket <-> Dreamcast link cable (which is not officially available in Europe as far as I know) When uploading your data NGP->DC you can easily unlock secret "KoF'99: Millenium Battle" preview pictures on your DC. Which is not that interesting anymore since the game is out (and it rocks!). Points to upload to the DC are obtained by clearing up making mode stages on the NGP. Unlocking pictures can also be achieved using only the DC, by having all characters at 100 points. Most interesting, is the option to transfer skills from your DC to the NGP. To transfer a skill you'll need to have 100 points for at least one character. When all 100 pts are available, 'UPLOAD' will be written next to your character's name. Choose UPLOAD in the menubar below, and choose DOWNLOAD on your NGP (which you will have previously linked of course :-). The skill corresponding to the selected DC character will be uploaded to your NGP and ready to use by your making character! Some skills are attainable only via this connection, while some are available both 'normally' and with the DC. Thus, if you don't have a DC, you can NOT have all the skills. Each DC character has one _and only one_ skill to upload. Another way to get skills is to trade skills with another KoFR2 player. There is a TRADE option in the VS menu if you want to do that. Tip: if you lack a skill that someone else has, and doesn't want to give up, just trade it for anything then trade it back. The skill will be added in your skills list as if you had earned it yourself (but will obviously not be available to equip since you gave it back!) Why are my DC characters' points going up SO SLOW?? --------------------------------------------------- You might wonder why some character's points go up faster than others. Well, actually, it's not character related. Here is the scoring scheme on the Dreamcast: Victory - 1 pt Victory with special move - 1 pt Perfect - 3 pts Victory in less than 10s - 20 pts Points are added together after a match. That is, if you get a perfect win with a special move as finisher you don't get 3 points, but 5 (3+1+1), because you WON with a SPECIAL ! Now you can get all your points quickly... (but it won't be as fun :-) How come I only have x<7 stages in making mode? ----------------------------------------------- To get new stages, you have to complete at least once every stage you currently have. How do I find the xxxx skill? ----------------------------- Great question. Here's the how the skill selection work after you've cleared a stage (from neogeo.co.jp): * Your chances of getting a HIDDEN skill are 4%. If you don't get a hidden skill, the percentage adds up to the next stage. So next time you clear a stage you'll get an 8% chance to have a HIDDEN skill, if you still don't get one, your chances will be 12% and so on. (therefore if you get 24 normal skills in a row, you're sure to get a HIDDEN skill on your 25th time) When you get a HIDDEN skill the probability is reset to 0%. The difficulty level does _not_ affect the 4% incrementation. * Everytime you clear a stage on HARD level you have a 6% chance to get a RARE skill. Unlike HIDDEN, the 6% don't add up from stage to stage. It's 6% everytime. On EASY level, it's not 6%, but 0%. (you can't get a RARE while playing on EASY difficulty) On NORMAL level, it's a 4% chance. It's too #@*! long! ------------------- Yes it is. It took me around 1200 cleared stages to collect all 210 skills! +=============+ | Skills list | +=============+ (the first COMPLETE English language skills list!) (I don't know if there's any Japanese version of such a list) Explanations ------------ * in ? column : Notes are available about this skill, see text below tables. * DC Char/move: names in are the names linked to the skill in DC KoF'DM99. * left of the skill's name is a letter: S - Normal skill \ H - Hidden skill / I'm not sure (far from that) if all R - Rare skill \ are right. Don't hesitate to email me if UR - Ultra Rare skill / I made a mistake/forgot something! D - Dreamcast only skill \ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 01 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | HARD2 | normal up | special up | HARD3 | | | | HARD3 | normal up | special up | | | | H | ORE WAP | normal up | hp max down | CHROME | | | | CHROME | normal up | hp max down | ORE BOP | | | | ORE BOP | normal up | hp max down | | | | S | HEAVY1 | special up | normal up | HEAVY2 | | | | HEAVY2 | special up | normal up | HEAVY3 | | | | HEAVY3 | special up | normal up | | | | ? | DOOM | special up | hp max down | KILLER | SAISYU K. | | | KILLER | special up | hp max down | HADES | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 02 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | HADES | special up | hp max down | | | | S | TECH1 | skill up | special up | TECH2 | | | | TECH2 | skill up | special up | TECH3 | | | | TECH3 | skill up | special up | | | | S | GORED | skill up | hp max down | SLAY | RYO Sakazaki | | | SLAY | skill up | hp max down | DRAGON | | | | DRAGON | skill up | hp max down | | | | S | SLAM1 | toss up | normal up | SLAM2 | | | | SLAM2 | toss up | normal up | SLAM3 | | | | SLAM3 | toss up | normal up | | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 03 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ H | PRO POW | toss up | hp max down | MASTER | Goro DAIMON | | | MASTER | toss up | hp max down | SUMO | | | | SUMO | toss up | hp max down | | | | R | BISON | critical up | counter up | ASURA | | | | ASURA | critical up | counter up | GRUNT | | | | GRUNT | critical up | counter up | | | | S | TITAN | pow charge+ | | ATOMIC | | | | ATOMIC | pow charge+ | | | | | S | TOPSTUF | gauge up | defense down | MELT | | | | MELT | gauge up | defense up | MAX | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 04 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | MAX | gauge: max | hp max up | | |*| S | STOCK UP|gauge lvl up | hp max up | STOCK2 | | | | STOCK2 |gauge lvl up | hp max up | | | | S | GAUGE |gauge lvl up | hp max up | GAUGE2 | | | | GAUGE2 |gauge lvl up | hp max up | | | | S | JUMP | jump up | speed up | BOOM | |*| ? | BOOM | hp max up | speed up | BUNNY | | | | BUNNY | hp max up | speed up | | | | S | DASH | speed up | jump up | XDASH | | | | XDASH | speed up | jump up | MDASH | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 05 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | MDASH | speed up | jump up | | | | S | RUSH1 | jump up | counter up | RUSH2 | | | | RUSH2 | jump up | counter up | RUSH3 | | | | RUSH3 | jump up | counter up | | | | S | MACH1 | speed up | normal up | MACH2 | | | | MACH2 | speed up | normal up | MACH3 | | | | MACH3 | speed up | normal up | | | | S | SHADOW | speed up | jump up | GALE | | | | GALE | speed up | jump up | BOUND | | | | BOUND | speed up | jump up | | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 06 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ S | BREAK | gd break up | gd pts up | SLIP | | | | SLIP | gd break up | gd pts up | CRUSH | | | | CRUSH | gd break up | gd pts up | | |*| ? | MADBOP | ko pts up | energy drain | CRUSHER | YASHIRO N. | | | CRUSHER | ko pts up | energy drain | DIEPOW | | | | DIEPOW |one punch ko | energy drain | | | | H | FEHART | faint down | defense up | IRONSOL | | | | IRONSOL | faint down | defense up | NOBILI | | | | NOBILI | faint down | defense up | | | | S | GREATG | gd pts up | defense up | SUPERG | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 07 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | SUPERG | gd pts up | defense up | PIPED | | | | PIPED | gd pts up | defense up | | | | H | SOLID | defense up | hp max down | | | | H | GARG | hp max up | defense up | |BRIAN Battler | | | HERO | hp max up | defense up | KING | | | | KING | hp max up | defense up | DUCE | | | | DUCE | hp max up | defense up | | | | S | TUFF | hp max up | toss up | MACHO | | | | MACHO | hp max up | toss up | LEO | | | | LEO | hp max up | toss up | | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 08 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ R | RES | liveagain | defense down | RES R | | | | RES R | liveagain | defense down | RES S | | | | RES S | liveagain | defense down | | |*| H | NIRV | sp ctrl easy| | | | | ? | BURN1 | normal up | jump down | BURN2 | KIM K. | | | BURN2 |all atk no gd| jump down | BURN3 | | | | BURN3 |all atk no gd| jump down | | | | R | GUIL1 | special up |all atk launch| GUIL2 | R. YAMAZAKI | | | GUIL2 |all atk nogd2|all atk launch| GUIL3 | | | | GUIL3 |all atk nogd2|all atk launch| | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 09 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ H | HAMMA |allatk launch|all status ch.| GIANT | HEAVY D | | | GIANT |allatk launch|all status ch.| DYNA | | | | DYNA |allatk launch|all status ch.| | | | R | DICER |allatk launch|all status ch.| TWISTER | | | | TWISTER |allatk launch|all status ch.| TAIFU | | | | TAIFU |allatk launch|all status ch.| | | | H | HOTBLO |all atk burn | special up | SEAR | KYO KUSANAGI | | | SEAR |all atk burn | special up | BLAZE | | | | BLAZE |all atk burn | special up | | |*| R | 12000 |all atk shock|all status ch.| 24000 | SHERMIE | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 10 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | 24000 |all atk shock|all status ch.| 36000 | | | | 36000 |all atk shock|all status ch.| | |*| S | THROWER |tss area sprd| normal down | DIMEN | CLARK Steel | | | DIMEN |tss area sprd| normal down | VACUUM | | | | VACUUM |tss area sprd| normal down | | | | R | MINCER | raz and... | raz and... | ORC SEE | | | | ORC SEE | raz and... | raz and... | AURA | | | | AURA | raz and... | raz and... | | |*| R | ANGER1 | raz and... |tss area narw | ANGER2 | JOE Higashi | | | ANGER2 | raz and... |tss area narw | ANGER3 | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 11 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | ANGER3 | raz and... |tss area narw | | | | R | PEACE1 | raz and... |tss area narw | PEACE2 |YURI Sakazaki | | | PEACE2 | raz and... |tss area narw | PEACE3 | | | | PEACE3 | raz and... |tss area narw | | | | H | HYPE1 | raz and... | special up | HYPE2 | IORI YAGAMI | | | HYPE2 | raz and... | special up | HYPE3 | | | | HYPE3 | raz and... | special up | | | | D | KYO1 | transform | | KYO2 | SHINGO Yabuki| | D | IORI1 | transform | | IORI2 |LEONA Heindern| D | TERRY1 | transform | | TERRY2 | BILLY Kane | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 12 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ D | RYO1 | transform | | RYO2 | ROBERT Garcia| | R | SHING1 | transform | | SHING2 | | | D | MAI1 | transform | | MAI2 | ANDY Bogard | | D | ATHEN1 | transform | | ATHEN2 | KENSOU (Sie) | | D | YURI1 | transform | | YURI2 | TAKUMA S. | | D | KASU1 | transform | | KASU2 | Blue MARY | | D | YASH1 | transform | | YASH2 | LUCKY Glauber| | D | SHER1 | transform | | SHER1 | BENIMARU N. | | D | CHRIS1 | transform | | CHRIS2 | MATURE | | D | SAI1 | transform | | SAI2 | VICE | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 13 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ R | ESSE |if it grew up| | BIO | | | | BIO |if it grew up| | HOROR | | | | HOROR | transform | defense up | | | | D | RUGAL1 | transform | | RUGAL2 | HEIDERN | | D | LEONA1 | transform | | LEONA2 | CHOI Bounge | | | KYO2 | transform | special up | KYO3 | | | | IORI2 | transform | special up | IORI3 | | | | TERRY2 | transform | special up | TERRY3 | | | | RYO2 | transform | special up | RYO3 | | | | SHING2 | transform | special up | SHING3 | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 14 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | MAI2 | transform | special up | MAI3 | | | | ATHEN2 | transform | special up | ATHEN3 | | | | YURI2 | transform | special up | YURI3 | | | | KASU2 | transform | special up | KASU3 | | | | YASH2 | transform | special up | YASH3 | | | | SHER2 | transform | special up | SHER3 | | | | CHRIS2 | transform | special up | CHRIS3 | | | | SAI2 | transform | special up | SAI3 | | | | RUGAL2 | transform | special up | RUGAL3 | | | | LEONA2 | transform | special up | LEONA3 | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 15 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | KYO3 | transform | special up | | | | | IORI3 | transform | special up | | | | | TERRY3 | transform | special up | | | | | RYO3 | transform | special up | | | | | SHING3 | transform | special up | | | | | MAI3 | transform | special up | | | | | ATHEN3 | transform | special up | | | | | YURI3 | transform | special up | | | | | KASU3 | transform | special up | | | | | YASH3 | transform | special up | | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 16 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | SHER3 | transform | special up | | | | | CHRIS3 | transform | special up | | | | | SAI3 | transform | special up | | | | | RUGAL3 | transform | special up | | | | | LEONA3 | transform | special up | | | | R | HEALING | restore hp | defense down | HOLY |CHIZURU Kagura|*| | HOLY | restore hp | defense down | RESTORE | | | | RESTORE | restore hp | defense down | | | | R | LULLABY |restore gauge| hp max down | ANTHEM |ATHENA Asamiya| | | ANTHEM |restore gauge| hp max down | BALM | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 17 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | BALM |restauregauge| hp max down | | | | R | CHAIN | hp restore | hp max down | CRAZY | | | | CRAZY | ultra up | special up | MADNESS | | | | MADNESS | ultra up | special up | BERSERK | | | | BERSERK | ultra up | special up | | |*| R | TANTRUM |if it grew up| | MACE | CHIN Gentsai | | | MACE | special up | | SACRE | | | | SACRE | special atk | | | QCF,HCB+A/B |*| R | LEGEND |if it grew up| hp max down | OROCHI | TERRY Bogard | | | OROCHI | special up | energy drain | CHARGE | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 18 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | CHARGE | special up | faint up | GODBEAM | | | | GODBEAM | move:mushiki| | | QCF,QCF+A/B |*| R | PITY |if it grew up| hp max down | HIPITY | | | | HIPITY |w:burn knuckl| | |Counter QCB+A |*| S | WASTE |if it grew up| energy drain | GUN | | | R | GUN |move:aragami | | | QCF+A | | H | GLOW |if it grew up| | POWSHOT | | | H | POWSHOT |oniyaki move | | | F,QCF+A | | H | JUNK |if it grew up| normal down | HATCHET | | | | HATCHET | move: 75 | | | HCB+A |*| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 19 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ R | POWDER |if it grew up| | BOMBER | RALF Jones | | | BOMBER | move:orochi | | | QCF,HCB+A |*| S | DUCK |if it grew up|toss area nrw | NINJA | MAI Shiranui | | | NINJA |critical move| normal down | | | | H | COWARD | speed up | hp max down | SLAYER | | | | SLAYER | one blow win| normal down | SOVERN | | | | SOVERN | one blow win| normal down | KAISER | | | | KAISER | one blow win| normal down | | | | H | BITTER |if it grew up| defense down | REALITY | RUGAL B. | | | REALITY |if it grew up| defense down | TOMORO | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 20 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ | TOMORO | counter x2 | | | | | R | KARMA | normal down | special down | NEGA | | | | NEGA |all mv contr | hp max down | | |*| R | FETTERS |if it grew up| | PATTERN | | | | PATTERN | critical up | | STEROID | CHANG Koehan | | | STEROID | critical up | faint up | GAIA | | | | GAIA | critical up | faint up | | | | R | EVILFLU | normal up | defense down | ANGLMOA | CHRIS | | | ANGLMOA |move: aragami| move: orochi | | |*| | VOID |if it grew up| | WASTE | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ 21 | Skill | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Grows to | DC Char/move |?| +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ H | WINGS |if it grew up| | JUMP UP | | | S | JUMP UP |triangle jump| speed up | | | | S | STR UP |allatk launch| normal up | | | | S | RECOVER | liveagain | defense down | | | | S | OLD GUN |move: aragami| | | QCF+A |*| UR | OMEGA | special up | skill up | | |*| S | HARD1 | normal up | special up | | | | S | WINLINE |edit your msg| | | | | S | INLINE |edit your msg| | | | | S | ENDLINE |edit your msg| | | | | +---------+-------------+--------------+------------+--------------+-+ What do these effects mean? --------------------------- Most are self-explanatory. If you find that some are not, email me I'll add them to the 'unclear effects' list: special up your special moves inflict more damage skill up this one I have no idea (email me if you know!) toss up your throws inflict more damage toss area xx modifies the distance from which you can throw gd pts xx affects how much damage you take faint xx how quickly you get dizzy sp control easy simplified special moves (only QCs..) liveagain an extra life! raz and... taunt (U+A+B) and... ultra up your DMs/SDMs are more damaging move: xx Gives you a new special move/DM. If your character already has a special/DM using that joy/button combination, it is replaced by the new move. Notes for some skills (in alphabetical order) --------------------- 12000/24000/36000 Shocks your enemy (and launches him) hurts alot, but you can't combo anymore. ANGLMOA Two not so interesting DMs. Keep your old ones. BERSERK With this skill you can kill your opponent with only one DM/SDM! Coupled with MAX, you can knock out your enemy in 2 seconds using the AI lag. BOMBER A grenade... sucks. CRUSH Your opponent cannot block! Use with MAX to become virtually unbeatable (and beat your opponent in a very short time) GODBEAM This is Orochi's DM from King of Fighters '97. Use with CRUSH to have an unblockable 10 hits combo. Hits from anywhere on the screen. HATCHET A 2 hits parabola trajectory projectile. Don't like it. HEALING/HOLY/RESTORE Your life goes up automatically. But not fast enough, even with the last evolution. HIPITY Counter depending on which character you use the move will be different. HOTBLO/SEAR/BLAZE Burn your opponent (he will launch though) This option is neat, it allows Iori too cast yellow flames! JUMP This one sucks bad, makes you jump all over the place! MAX This is a MUST. Using EXTRA mode you get infinite DMs. Using ADVANCED you get 3 pow balls and are always activated max (in other words you get 3 SDMs right from the start). Cool combinations: CRUSH or BERSERK MINCER/ORC SEE/AURA Taunt your opponent, and steal his life, cannot kill though. NEGA Does not grow. HP max down. Useless. OLD GUN Your character gets a big (as in BIG) gun out of nowhere and shoots the enemy. Doesn't work when too close, or too far. Old gun breaks after 3 stages. OMEGA This is an ultra rare skill that seems to be the rarest of all skills. I found it the first time around the 1000th cleared stage. I found it a second time around the 1150th (I think) cleared stage.. RES x If you get knocked out, you have one more chance. (the computer is annoying when he uses that skill) SACRE Gouki's Shun Goku Satsu, on your NGP! Breaking skills? As said just before, I have seen POWDER and OLD GUN break (disappear), but it seems that any other hidden or rare skill can break too (thanks Razorclaw X)! Looks like it happens _randomly_ and _very rarely_. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Secrets & Nifty things ================================================================================ ================================================================================ * To enable MAKING, SPARRING and DC modes, finish the game once on any difficulty level. To enable VS mode, you need to link two NGPs. * To get the hidden characters: While playing a SINGLE or TEAM KoF game, single characters might challenge you after the 1st or 2nd match (this character can be either a secret or a standard character). Then after the 4th match another character might challenge you. Finish the game, and the secret character you will have encountered will be added to you characters list. You can meet either 1 normal character, OR 1 normal + 1 secret. Hidden characters are: Awakened Orochi team members (Chris, Shermie, Yashiro) Real Bout characters (Terry, Mai) KoF'94/95 characters (Kyo, Yuri, Ryo) Boss (Rugal) Challengers are 100% random, single/team modes or difficulty level do not have any influence on which, or how many characters you will meet. * To easily knock out Rugal with Shingo corner Rugal, repeat 101 Shiki Oboro Guruma Mikansei (QCB+B) * By pressing the OPTION button during the MODE SELECT screen, you'll get an easy moves mode, allowing you to perform special attacks with only QCB/QCF movements. * The "all clear" record counter resets at about 370, then it restarts at 50. * To win easily (against any character) corner him/her and repeat advancing special moves (dragon punches, dash attacks) * The CPU's AI seems to take about 3 seconds to start up, time during which you can start attacking your CPU foe. But if you throw a projectile (fireball, fan...) the CPU will start fighting right away. * Finish the game quicky by going to SETUP on the title screen, then selecting LAST in the STAGE option. * After finishing the same stage several hundreds of times in making mode, it will become 'value-less'. That is, it will not increase the 'all clear' record anymore. * Special endings, (that is coherent ending dialogue) with the following teams: - Kyo/Iori/Terry (Stars team) * If you equip your character with two 'conflicting' skills, for example one gives you 'hp max' and the other 'hp max down', the bad effect will takeover. (in that example, it means you'll get the 'hp max down' effect) * Some characters have slightly more life than the others (about 3 pixels) they are: Ryo, Iori, Kyo, Yashiro and Saisyu. * You'll notice that the skill effect 'hp max' will give you so much life, it will go beyond the life bar, and even if you get hit, you can still get a perfect win. * If VS games run too slow using a link cable connection, turn off both NGPs, make sure the cable ends are fully inserted in the NGP female link plugs, and power both NGPs at the same time. * Turning 100% down the volume will let you play 3 times longer with your batteries than if sound is enabled! (ok ok, that's true for any NGP game) * The original soundtrack of this game is available, the references are: Title: King of Fighters R-1 & R-2 / SNK ~ Shinsekai Gakkyoku Zatsugidan Ref : PCCB-00381 Publ.: Pony Canyon / Scitron Label (from dashtaisen.com) * If you really like this game (which I know is true) and want to know more about the "Orochi" plot get "King of Fighters R1" (KoFR1, KoF'97's NGP conversion). It is monochrome (and older) but it plays 99% similar to KoFR2, and you get a lot of information concerning the "Orochi". Plus, you get Kim Kaphwan, Chizuru Kagura, Orochi Leona, Orochi Iori and Orochi itself as playable characters. Love it. Terminology used in this FAQ: ***************************** Critical- In KoFR2 I have only seen criticals with Shingo's special moves. It means that the move has achieved the maximum damage it can deliver. A critical also shortly freezes the match (1/2 sec). Cancel - Cancelling a move is performed by starting a new move even if your character has not finished his current action. Some moves were MADE to be cancelled in order perform combos. Such moves are also referred to as cancellers. Combo - (for combination) is a multi hit attack that cannot be blocked after the first successful hit. There are 3 types of combos: *An auto combo, where one special move hits multiple times (the best example is Ryo's Ryu Ko Ranbu DM) *A manual combo, which is performed by quickly chaining normal and special moves in a certain order (tougher). For example, jumping in and quickly tapping A then B performs a Rush 2 hit. *Juggles, see Juggle. You cannot start a combo with anything! But with this scheme: canceller/combo starter-> combo finisher Connect - A move connects when it hits an unblocking opponent. Counter - (event) Occurs when a player is hit while performing a special move. Counter - (move ) It is a special move that blocks an incoming attack and strikes back immediately without the opponent having any possibility to block. (see Kasumi) Critical- A hit is said critical when it causes the maximum damage it can deliver. Dreamcast- What?! You don't have one yet?!?! Dizzy - A character is dizzy after receiving numerous consecutive hits in a short time. You can't move, attack or block while dizzy. Happens rarely though. DM - Desperation move (very damaging) Dragon Punch - (from Street Fighter terminology) It is a special move that causes your character to jump upward and strike any attack coming from front or above. If missed, it leaves you open to attacks during the fallback. Juggle - Juggling occurs when you attack your opponent several times the air without him touching the ground between hits (it's a combo). KoF - The King of Fighters Latency - After performing a special move, your character is usually unable to move and is open to attacks for a short period of time. This delay is called latency. NGP/NGPC- NeoGeo Pocket/NeoGeo Pocket Color Priority- A move with high priority is a move that cancels an enemy's move. For example, a counter has very high priority, and a dragon punch has priority when attacking an air-kicking opponent. Rush - See Combo. SDM - Super Desperation move (more than very damaging :-) ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Credits ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Well I'd like to thank the following persons for their help during the making of this FAQ (In alphabetical order) Who am I? I'm 20 and a student in maths and computers at the University of Orsay (near Paris, France). I'm a huge KoF fan, or 2D fighting games in general. This is my first FAQ ever, so any comments are welcome! If you want me to write an "SNK vs. Capcom: Match of The Millenium" FAQ let me know! (why not? =) GameFAQs v1.00/ For allowing players around the world to know more about their favorite games! Gunsmith v1.00/ For his KoF99 FAQ (from which I took some move names) Joe Palanca v1.00/ For his "KoF: Tormented Battles" story FAQ. I recommend this FAQ to all true KoF fans Kao Megura v1.00/ For his KoF98 FAQ (from which I took some moves names), and for all his great work in general! Locke v1.00/ For motivating me to really discover KoF a a year ago (thanks!!), and improving the readability of this FAQ Mehdi Malekzandi v1.00/ For making the first SKILLS FAQ which inspired me to make my own KoFR2 FAQ Razorclaw X v1.05/ For finding out SKILLS types (hidden/rare...) and correcting mistakes in the skills table. If you've got trouble keeping an eye on what skills you have, why don't you print out the skills tables and check the skills as you get them ;-) RitalMan v1.00/ For finding DICER and MINCER, and allowing me to play vs games against him! Long live fighters man! Sean Liebhard v1.01/ For pointing out that I forgot Ryo's SDM variation of Ryuuko Ranbuu SNK v1.00/ For making the NGP/NGPC and KoF of course! PS: If anyone wants to send me an NGP, no problem! Mine is getting tired (my A button is passing out :-( ================================================================================ ================================================================================ WISH LIST ================================================================================ ================================================================================ For King of Fighters R3: - Shorter MAKING mode (not as random as KoFR2) - More characters! (why not use a 32M cart like SNK vs. Capcom MoM?) - Have at least either Clark or Ralf - Kim Kaphwan or Juhn Hoon, King or Blue Mary - Make the music continue between rounds (same wish for KoF'99MB DC) - Improve VS gameplay speed - Keep the cinematics (like in KoFR1) SNK: - Why do I feel like I'm the _ONLY_ guy who has a NGP in France? Come on SNK, promote your console on the old continent! Nintendo: - How about adding colors to the Gameboy Color? ================================================================================ ================================================================================ LEGAL STUFF ================================================================================ ================================================================================ This document can not be published, either partially or entirely, without my written agreement. This document is copyright 1999/2000,Luc Vo Van