Neo Geo Pocket/Dreamcast Link Guide --------------------------------------- 8/22/2000 Version 1.1 by Razorclaw X ( Introduction ------------ The Neo Geo Pocket Color, produced by SNK, has the unique ability to link-up with a home console system, in this case, the Sega Dreamcast. This allows programmers producing for both systems to add extra goodies for those who support their games. This guide covers: - King of Fighters: Dream Match '99 (Dreamcast) - King of Fighters R-2 (Neo Geo Pocket Color) - SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Milennium (Neo Geo Pocket Color) - Capcom Vs. SNK (forthcoming Dreamcast title) - King of Fighters '99: Evolution (Dreamcast) - King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise (Neo Geo Pocket Color) Version History --------------- - 1.1 Added information on KOF: Evolution and Battle de Paradise, as well as additional Capcom Vs. SNK information. - 1.0 First Release (6/14/2000) Basics ------ What you need: - Sega Dreamcast (hereafter: DC) - Neo Geo Pocket Color (hereafter: NGPC) - Neo Geo Pocket Dreamcast Link Cable (Sug. Retail: $29.99) - NGPC Linkable Game Cartridge (Price Varies) - DC Linkable Game In order to properly link the NGPC and DC make sure both systems are off. Plug in the large end of the cable into the back of the DC (in the serial port); make sure it is firmly in place. Place the smaller end of the cable into the NGPC; make sure it is firmly in place (it should snap together if you push it in enough). Now turn on the DC and the NGPC. Game Specifics -------------- 1. King of Fighters R-2 - King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999 2. King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise - King of Fighters '99: Evolution 3. SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium - Capcom Vs. SNK - King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999 ----------------------- 1. King of Fighters R-2 ----------------------- The Dreamcast link yields you skills for KOF R-2 and points for the picture gallery in King of Fighters: Dream Match '99. * KOF DM'99 Information can be transferred as follows: - Gallery mode points can be transferred (up to a maximum of 3800 points) to unlock all ten image galleries. This is completely useless as KOF'99 has been out for quite some time. - Points can be uploaded from KOF: DM'99 to KOF R-2 for each character you have achieved 100 points for. This is by far the more useful of the link functions, and the skills gained are given below: Character Skill --------- ----- Kyo Hot Blo Benimaru Sher1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Daimon Pro Pow Terry Legend Andy Mai1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Joe Anger1 Ryo Gored Robert Ryo1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Yuri Peace1 Leona Iori1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Ralf Powder Clark Thrower Athena Lullaby Kensou Athen1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Chin Tantrum Chizuru Healing Mai Duck King Fe Hart Kim Burn 1 Chang Fetters Choi Leona1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Yamazaki Guil1 Blue Mary Kasu1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Billy Terry1(Dreamcast-only Skill) Yashiro Mad Bop Shermie 12000 Chris Evilflu Iori Hype1 Mature Sai1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Vice Chris1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Heidern Rugal1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Takuma Yuri1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Saisyu Doom Heavy D! Hamma Lucky Yash1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) Brian Garg Rugal Bitter Shingo Kyo1 (Dreamcast-only Skill) --------------------------------------- 2. King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise --------------------------------------- Battle de Paradise is only available in Japanese and must be imported (along with KOF: Evolution). However, there is enough English text in the game such that it is a simple matter to link the two games together. * King of Fighters '99: Evolution Information can be transferred as follows: - DC to NGPC: This uploads ability points earned through KOF: Evolution (through Arcade mode, Time Attack, or either Survival modes). You can upload as many points as you wish. The result will unlock extra Strikers and game boards at certain levels. - NGPC to DC: Transfers Striker information to KOF: Evolution. This is the more important ability, as it unlocks Extra Strikers for free. You can download any character whenever you wish, including the exclusive characters, Gai and Syo, which are unlocked by game points in BdP. Strikers start at level 1, for both Justice and Dark versions, and gain levels according to the stars you accumulate in BdP. The higher level Striker you transfer to KOF: Evolution, the stronger, and more damage they do. ----------------- 3. SNK Vs. Capcom ----------------- SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium (hereafter: MOTM) has the ability to link up with two DC games: the home version of MOTM (which has yet to be released as of this writing) and The King of Fighters: Dream Match '99. * Capcom Vs. SNK Information can only be downloaded to the DC game; in this case it is the points earned from the Olympics mode. These points are used to buy hidden characters in Capcom Vs. SNK, and this may be a far faster alternative than accumulating the points in-game. * KOF DM'99 Information can be uploaded from DM'99. This gives you a set of Olympics points depending on a number of factors: - Characters in DM'99 who have accumulated 100 points may upload points to MOTM. Refer to a DM'99 FAQ for more details. - The character appearing in the linking screen determines how many points you get from a specific character. It is generated randomly from the available SNK characters in MOTM that originated from KOF. - You may only upload points for any given character ONCE. In other words, you have a maximum of 38 times per MOTM game cartridge to upload points. Most character points generate only 400 Olympics points, but if you match them with characters they are related to in MOTM the point value may increase or decrease-- ie. Kyo and Shingo, Terry and Terry, Ryo and Robert. Some possible character combinations are given below: * Kyo + Kyo + Benimaru + Daimon + Shingo + Saisyu - Iori-- Gives no points! - Chizuru-- Gives 100 points. * Iori (he's only good for Iori points) + Iori - Vice-- Gives 150 points - Mature-- Gives 150 points - Chizuru - Leona - Kyo-- Gives no points! * Terry + Terry + Andy + Joe + Mai + Mary - Kim-- Gives 380 points (what a rip) * Ryo + Ryo + Robert + Yuri + Takuma + King * Yuri + Yuri + Ryo + Robert + Takuma * Mai + Mai + Andy * Athena + Athena + Kensou + Chin * Leona + Leona + Ralf + Clark + Heidern Usually when uploading points for the character appearing in the linking screen will yield 700 Olympic points. In other cases think of character relationships in KOF when deciding who to upload points for which character (ie, it might not be a good idea to give Billy points to Terry. I ended up uploading Billy's points for Iori but I got 400 points anyway). This ability isn't terribly useful unless you have played DM'99 enough to get 100 points for every character (if you did it for KOF R-2 like I did) or you're looking for easy points to buy new supers. Whatever you do, don't upload Kyo's points when Iori is hosting the link and vice versa! :) Disclaimer ---------- Neo Geo Pocket, King of Fighters and characters belong to SNK. Dreamcast belongs to Sega. Capcom and characters belong to Capcom. This FAQ is copyrighted by the author and may be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete, unaltered, and unplagarized form. This FAQ may not be sold for monetary gain or be republished/ reproduced, in part or in whole, for any reason whatsoever, without the express permission of the author. Copyright 2000 Razorclaw X -- Razorclaw X (