___ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____/ _ \_/ \_/ __\| |/ /__/ \/ |__/ \ ___/ \/ /__ \ / |/ /| [] | |__ | \ / | / __ \ / /_/ \/ \ \____/ \____/|_|\_\/_/\/|_|/_/ \_\/_/\_/ /__/\__\ _________/ \ ___________/ \_____/ Battle & Fighters FAQ (I know, I'm not very good at this ASCII stuff) B y Q u i c k M a n Version 1.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents 1) Introduction a. Intro Statement b. Version c. Info. Needed 2) Basic Facts a. Controls b. Character info. c. Menu 3) Rockman: The Power Battle a. Story b. Info. 1-2 c. Info. 3-6 d. Info. 7 e. Endings (Major Spoilers) 4) Rockman 2: The Power Fighters a. Story b. Info. Capture Wily c. Info. Rescue Roll d. Info. Find Neo-Parts 5) E-mail me 6) Credits and Disclaimers a. Credits b. Disclaimer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) Introduction A. Intro Statement Hey and welcome to the World of MegaMan! As you already know, I'm Quick Man. This is my first Faq. Since I am a big Megaman fan, I decided to make a Faq for one of the Megaman games. I decided to make it for RockMan: Battle & Fighters. But why RockMan: Battle & Fighters? Two simple reasons. 1.No one has never made a Faq for this game. 2. This game is 2 games in 1. B. Version 10/7/01 V.1.0- My first Faq ever! C. Info. Needed - Rock Man 2: The Power Fighters endings. - Strategies against the bosses. - More Info. on the bosses and their moves. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2) Basic Facts A. Controls Here I will tell you controls UL Up UR Left Right A (Shoot) B (Jump) Options (Pause/Weapon Switch) DL Down DR A + B + Options (Reset) Jump + Jump Near a wall (Wall Jump) B. Character Info. Here I will tell you info. on the good guys. MegaMan/RockMan: If you don't know who this guy is you aren't human! This is the main character. In this game he is the average person with no highs or lows Background: He was created by Dr. Thomas Light with the assistance of Dr. Albert Wily. He was originally supposed to be a Robot programmed to act like a 10-12 year old boy (Rock). But then one day Dr. Wily grew jelous of Dr. Light and stole his original robots (CutMan, GutsMan, ElecMan, IceMan, FireMan, & BombMan) and put them under his control to destroy. Dr. Light had no choice and converted Rock into a War Machine, and from then on was known as MegaMan. MegaMan had a unique ability, to steal other robot's powers when defeated. He has thwarted Dr. Wily's plan for world conquest many times. And throughout time he has aquired many new skills like the sliding ability and the Megabuster. He also had some of Dr. Light's other inventions assisting him like Rush the Robo- dog and Eddie/FlipTop. Appearances: All the MegaMan games and Marvel vs. Capcom 1-2 Stats. Power: Average Speed: Average Defense: Average Jump: Average Range: Good Moves. Plasma Shot: Press A. Megaman shoots weak little beams. Could shoot up to 4 at a time. Mid-Charge Shot: Hold A for 1 second and let go. Has double the power of a Plasma Shot and more range. Charge Shot: Hold A for 2 seconds and let go. Has triple the power of a Plasma shot and more range. Rock/Mega Buster: (Must have Low energy) Hold A for 4 seconds and let go. Has very high power and high range. Slide: Hold Down and press B. Useful to dodge projectiles. Rock Upper: (Power Fighters only) Hold A for two seconds , hold up and let go of A. Similar to Ken's (From Street Fighter obviously) Sho Ryu Ken. Has very good power but close ranged. Helper: (Power Fighters only) Let me tell you a little bit about helpers. In some battles, if you have low energy or die and continue, Eddie will come in and give you a ball. If you get the ball, a helper will come in and assist you. Helpers have a limit of time though. Different characters have different helpers. MegaMan's happens to be none other than Rush. Rush's Abilities. Rush Coil: If you get near Rush, he will bounce you up high into the air. This could be annoying because sometimes you don't want to get bouced up and Rush gets in you're way. Rush Jet Attack: Perform the Charge Shot, Rock Buster, or Rock Upper and then Rush will perform this move. He becomes his Rush Jet form and homes at the closest enemy. Pretty strong. ProtoMan/Blues: He is MegaMan's "Older Brother". He has more horizontal range than MegaMan. For some reason most people favor him the most. Background: He was also created by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily. He was a prototype of Megaman. One day he mysteriously disappeared and was lost. A few years later Dr. Wily found him and tricked him into thinking that MegaMan was bad. Later Proto Man realized that it was Wily who was bad and helped MegaMan since. Appearances: MegaMan 3-8, MegaMan 3-5 (GameBoy), MegaMan Soccer, RockMan & Forte, MegaMan: Battle & Chase, and MegaMan: Battle Network. Stats. Power: Average Speed: Very Good Defense: Below Average (Just because he has a shield doesn't mean he has high Def) Jump: Average Range: Very good. Moves. Plasma Shot: Press A. Same as MegaMan's but with more range. Mid-Blues Break: Hold A for 1 second and let go. Same as MegaMan's Mid-Charge Shot but with more range. Blues Break: Hold A for 2 seconds and let go. Same as MegaMan's Charge Shot but a lot more range. Blues Strike: (Must have Low energy) Hold A for 4 seconds and let go. Same as MegaMan's Rock Buster, but slightly stronger. Dash: Hold Down and Press B. ProtoMan puts his shield in front of him and dashes (The shield doesn't block him). He dashes extremely fast. Pretty cool. Big Bang Strike: (Power Fighters only) Hold A for 2 seconds , hold up, and let go of A. ProtoMan shoots a large close ranged blast. Powerful. Helper: Beat Beat's Ability Beat Shield: ProtoMan gets surrounded by a shield and can't be damaged. Wastes fast though. Bass/Forte: He is an enemy of MegaMan. He is good in power, jump, and range but not as fast as the others. Unlike ProtoMan, he has good vertical range. Background: He was created by Dr. Wily as a copy of MegaMan. He even created a Robo-canine assistant for him, Treble/Gospel, to take place of Rush. He was defeated by MegaMan before and wants to prove that he is the strongest robot by defeating MegaMan. But for now he wants to defeat Wily's robots to show that he is all Wily needs to take over the world. Appearances: MegaMan 7-8, MegaMan: Battle & Chase, RockMan & Forte, and MegaMan: Battle Network. Stats. Power: Good Speed: A bit below average Defense: A bit below average Jump: Good Range: Very Good Moves Plasma Shot: Press A. The same as everyone else except more vertical range and power. Mid-Forte Blast: Hold A for 1 second and let go. The same as everyone else's Mid-Blast but more vertical range and power. Forte Blast: Hold A for 2 seconds. Bass blasts a big shot with good power and range. Mega Forte Blast: (Must have low energy) Hold A for 4 seconds and let go. Bass shoots a large blast with good power and range. Jet Boost: Hold down and press B. Bass boosts a bit off the ground frontward. Not good. Air Jet Boost: (Power Fighters Only) Hold down and press B in the air. Bass boosts frontward in the air. Good. Crescent Kick: (Power Fighters Only) Hold A for 2 seconds, hold up and let go of A. Similar to Guile's (from Street Fighter) somersault. Descent in damage. Helper: Treble/Gospel Treble's Abilities Mouth Blast: When you shoot he shoots. His blasts are as powerful as Mid- Forte Blast. Gospel Tackle: Do Forte Blast/Mega Forte Blast or Crescent kick and Treble will dash at high speed. You may aim it depending on which move you use. If you do Forte Blast/Mega-Forte Blast Treble will dash forward. If you do Crescent kick Treble will dash Diaganally upward. Pretty cool. Duo: (Power Fighters only) He is the most powerful, but the slowest in the game. He has the least range. Background: He was sent to search and destroy all evil energy. His creator and origin is unknown. Stats. Power: Very Good Speed: Below Average Defense: Very Good Jump: Good Range: Below Average Appearances: MegaMan 8, MegaMan: Battle & Chase. Moves Plasma punch: Press A. Duo Shoots a fist-like beam, but disappears in front of him. Mid-Charge Punch: Hold A for 1 second. Duo shoots a bigger fist-like beam with twice the range of Plasma Punch and more power. Charged Punch: Hold A for 2 seconds, then let go. Duo shoots a bigger fist- like beam with 3 times the range of Plasma Punch and more power. Mega Punch: (Must have low energy) Hold A for 4 seconds, then let go. Duo Shoots a large fist-like beam with very high power and more range. Shoulder Tackle: Hold Down and press B. Duo Dashes forward shoulder-first and damages enemies, instantly knocking down a boss. Power Uppercut: Duo does an uppercut with high power but extremely low in range. If you hit a boss with it you pop them up. You could then easily do a combo on them. This is what I usually do. Do the Power uppercut an then when the boss is popped up and about to land do Shoulder Tackle. Very damaging. Helper: Beat Beat's Ability Beat Shield: The same as ProtoMan. I honestly think Capcom could of done better like Tango comes out instead of repeating Beat. C. Menu Game Select- You get to choose between RockMan: The Power Battle or RockMan 2: The Power Fighters. Robot Data: Sometimes when you defeat a boss you will get Data from them. To view their data simply highlight the picture of them and press A. Dr. Light will tell you a brief description about them. Save Game: This is to obviously save. Game Options: You could change difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard), change controls, and listen to music. Load Game: This is to obviously load. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3) RockMan: The Power Battle In this game you get to choose from 1 of three sets of bosses. Either robot masters from: MegaMan 1-2 (Easy) MegaMan 3-6 (Normal) MegaMan 7 (Hard) The stage select is like Roulette. Their are six levels to choose from. (This is set in clockwise order) The Tower, Wily Land, The Artic Area, The High Way, The Abandoned Factory, or the Sky Palace. A. Story It is the year 20XX. Wily sent some of his most powerful robots to run ammuck on the city. MegaMan is ordered to stop Wily and his menacing robots at any cost. ProtoMan feels that he must help MegaMan. Bass just wants to show Wily that he is the best robot an that there is no need for Wily to build more. B. Info 1-2 Here I will tell you what bosses you face and info. on the bosses. Recommended Order: Guts Man, Ice Man, Heat Man, Wood Man, Cut Man, Crash/Clash Man Robot Master: Guts Man Stage: The High Way Attacks: Super Arm (Tossing Small Rock), Super Arm (Crumbling large rock), Super Arm (Tossing large Rock), Charge. Attack Pattern: He will jump around and stop to either throw a rock, or charge at you. Try to stay near a wall incase he comes charging at you. Shoot at him when he's jumping. Weakness: Crash/Clash Bomb Weapon Received: Super Arm- a rock gets shot out and if it hits the floor or wall, it will crumble. It's powerful. You could shoot up to 2 at a time. Robot Master: Ice Man Stage: Artic Area Attacks: Ice Slasher, Ice Storm Attack Pattern: He will usually stay in the corner shooting a lot of Ice Slashers. He is rather easy. You just go up to him and shoot one Super Arm at a time so that you'll never let him get up. Watch out for Ice Storm, it freezes you instantly. Weakness: Super Arm Weapon Received: Ice Slasher- Small, weak but fast ice picks come shooting out. Could shoot up to 3 at a time. Robot Master: Heat Man Stage: Sky Palace Attacks: Atomic Fire, Duo Fire Ball, Heat Charge Attack Pattern: He usually throws 1 large atomic fire along with 2 smaller ones. He will then look around and do heat charge. Don't rely on your Ice Slashers that much. He hardly ever does the Duo Fire Ball. Weakness: Ice Slasher Weapon Received: Atomic Fire- A fire ball shoots out and when it hits the ground it will become a flame pillar. Could be charged up, but wastes more weapon energy like that. Robot Master: Wood Man Stage: Wily Land Attacks: Leaf Shield, Leaf Rain, Log Roll. Attack Pattern: He will first do Leaf Shield. He is invulnerable while this. Then while Leaf Shield on he will do the Leaf Rain. He will then shoot the Leaf Shield. He will start jumping around. After his third jump he will perform the Log Roll. He has two different ones. Either he heads for you or he spins around the screen wildly. This is what I suggest you do. Make sure you are at the wall at the right. If he does the aiming Log roll, quickly shoot a charged up Atomic Fire at the wall. If he runs into the pillar,it will take out 1/3 of his energy! Weakness: Atomic Fire Weapon Received: Leaf Sheild- Four Leaf missiles surround you. It isn't really a shield though, but you could go up to an enemy and it will do damage. It takes eight hits. You could also shoot it at any direction you want. It does more damage when shot out. Robot Master: Cut Man Stage: Tower Attacks: Rolling Cutter Attack Pattern: He will shoot from 1 to 4 Rolling Cutters and jump around. Get the Leaf Shield to do seven hit and then shoot it. Weakness: Leaf Shield Weapon Received: Rolling Cutter- Scissor like boomerangs are shot. Could shoot up to 3. If you don't damage anything it will refill. Robot Master: Crash/Clash Man Stage: Abandoned Factory Attacks: Crash Bomb Attack Pattern: He will jump in the air and shoot Crash Bombs or run and shoot. Don't shoot you rolling cutters untill he has 1/3 of his energy taken out. Weakness: Rolling Cutter Weapon Received: Crash/Clash Bomb- A drill shaped bomb that when it hits the floor, it explodes. Boss: Yellow Devil Stage: Wily's Tower 1 Attacks: Cube Blob, Arm Vacuum, Eye Laser, Blob Shoot, Reform Attack Pattern: He will jump around. He usually does the blob shoot then reform. Then after reforming he will usually do the Eye Laser. The Cube Blob gets really annoying. Don't get near him or he'll do the Arm Vacuum. Weakness: Super Arm Boss: Dr. Wily Form 1 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Finger Poke Attack Pattern: Wily's hands will block him from anything so get good aim. The Finger Poke is easily escapable. He will then jump around a couple of times. I suggest you use the Crash Bomb on him. When he is about to land, shoot it and it will do great damage. Save up the Rolling Cutter for later. Weakness: Rolling Cutter Boss: Dr. Wily Form 2 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Lightning Strike, Duo Buzz Saw Attack Pattern: If you stay at one corner he will dash at you. His lightning strike is pretty easy to escape. Use Atomic Fire on him when he's dashing down at you. Weakness: Rolling Cutter Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Teleport Attack Pattern: He will teleport from one machine to another. Shoot Rolling Cutter at both machines to ensure that you will hit him. You have a short time limit to beat him. If time runs out, he will run away. Weakness: Rolling Cutter C. Info. 3-6 Recommended Order: Gyro Man, Plant Man, Dust Man, Magnet Man, Gemini Man, Napalm Man Robot Master: Gyro Man Stage: Sky Palace Attacks: Gyro Attack, Gyro Tackle, Gyro Teleport Attack Pattern: He starts off by shooting Gyro Attacks. If he goes all the way to the side he is ready to do the Gyro tackle. If you knock him off too much with charged up attacks, he will start to teleport. Weakness: Napalm Bomb Weapon Received: Gyro Attack- Pretty slow. You could aim it any time to go up or down. Could only shoot 1 at a time. Robot Master: Plant Man Stage: Wily Land Attacks: Plant Barrier, Plasma Shot, Plant Sprout Attack Pattern: He'll start off right away by doin Plant Barrier. He'll then jump to the side and shoot the Plant Barrier at you. He will run around a lot after that. He will barely shoot plasma shots. He usually uses Plant Sprout after the second Plant Barrier. Don't rely too much on Gyro Attack. Weakness: Gyro Attack Weapon Received: Plant Barrier- The same as Leaf Shield, but instead flower petals surround you. Robot Master: Dust Man Stage: Abandoned Factory Attacks: Vacuum, Dust Crusher Attack Patterns: He usually jumps and then does a random attack. He could be pretty easy. Weakness: Plant Barrier Weapon Received: Dust Crusher- A cube of junk that spreads out when it hits the wall or a person. Could only shoot 1 at a time. Robot Master: Magnet Man Stage: Tower Attacks: Magnet Missile, Magnetic Field, Teleport Attack Pattern: Usually he will jump and use Magnet missile and jump a couple of times and then Magnetic Field. Weakness: Dust Crusher Weapon Received: Magnet Missile- Like Gyro Attack but it aims itself and is weaker. Could shoot up to 3 at a time. Robot Master: Gemini Man Stage: Artic Area Attacks: Gemini Split, Gemini Laser, Gemini Split Attack Attack Pattern: He will first do Gemini Split, and run around in circular pattern. After you take off about 2/3 of his energy, he will run away cowardly and shoot a Gemini Laser if not he will do the Gemini split attack. Weakness: Magnet Missile Weapon Received: Gemini Laser: A thin beam that reflects off walls, floors, and ceilings. It reflects 5 times, then it just goes away. You could shoot 2 at a time. Robot Master: Napalm Man Stage: The High Way Attacks: Napalm Bomb, Semi-Homing missiles, Rocket Launcher, Power Dash Attack Pattern: He usually start off with Power Dash, then starts using the Rocket Launcher. If you get too near him he will usually do Napalm Bomb. He does Semi-Homing missiles at random. Weakness: Gemini Laser Receive: Napalm Bomb- It bounces three times and then explodes. The higher you are, the higher you bounce. Could shoot up to 2. Boss: Yellow Devil Stage: Wily's Tower 1 Attacks: Mini-Blob Shoot, Plasma Shot, Attack Pattern: At first, he will just jump around. Damage him until he has 1/3 energy taken off, then he will split into 3 mini-forms of him. 1 fights and the other two walk on the ceiling. He usually jumps around. Half of the time he will do his other moves. Take out a certain amount of damage on him and one of the other two come. Then he will reform and just jump around. Weakness: Gyro Attack Boss: Dr. Wily Form 1 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Finger Poke Attack Pattern: Same as the first. He defends more though. Weakness: Dust Crusher Boss: Dr. Wily Form 2 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Lightning Strike, Duo Buzz Saw Attack Pattern: Same as the first. Weakness: Dust Crusher Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Teleport Attack Pattern: Same as the first. Weakness: Dust Crusher D. Info 7 Recommended order: Shade Man, Turbo Man, Cloud Man, Junk Man, Freeze Man, Slash Man Robot Master: Shade Man Stage: Tower Attacks: Bat Dive, Dark Stare, Crash Noise, Super Crash Noise Attack Pattern: He will start off by flying and then he does the Bat Dive. He will then stop flying and then he will do 2 Dark Stares and Crash Noises. The Crash Noises will reflect off the wall and then he will absorb it and do two Super Crash Noise.The pattern repeats itself. Weakness: Slash Claw Weapon Received: Crash Noise- A sonic wave that could reflect from a wall. If you touch it when reflected, you will absorb it's power and shoot a more powerful sonic wave. Robot Master: Turbo Man Stage: The High Way Attacks: Burning Wheel, Turbo Crasher, Air absorb Attack Pattern: He will start off by using Burning Wheel. He will then do 2 Turbo Crasher attacks. After that, he will do the Air Absorber. The pattern repeats itself. Weakness: Crash Noise Weapon Received: Burning Wheel- A flaming wheel will surround you. In about 2 seconds it will fire out. Not very strong. Robot Master: Cloud Man Stage: Sky Palace Attacks: Thunder Strike, Storm Attack Patterns: He will first do Thunder Strike, then he will do Storm and while the storm is going, he will shoot 2 more Thunder Strikes. The Storm will then stop and he will be moving across the screen. Weakness: Burning Wheel Weapon Received: Thunder Strike- A bolt of lightning that when in contact to an enemy, will split into 2 smaller bolts. Could shoot 2 at a time. Robot Master: Junk Man Stage: The Abandoned Factory Attacks: Energy Blast, Junk Block, Junk Rain, Junk Shield Attack Pattern: He usually starts off by jumping over you and shooting an Energy Blast. He then usually does the junk block. From then on the pattern is random. Hardly ever would he do Junk Shield or Junk Rain. Weakness: Thunder Strike Weapon Received: Junk Shield: Piles of robotic junk will surround you. It also takes 8 hits but instead of shooting the barrier out straight, it spreads out. Robot Master: Freeze Man Stage: The Artic Area Attacks: Freeze Cracker, Frost Spikes Attack Pattern: Most of the battle he will be running around. He will sometimes jump up and shoot a Freeze Cracker, or stop and do Frost Spikes. Weakness: Junk Shield Weapon Received: Freeze Cracker- A giant Snowflake that could be aimed straight, Diagnally upwards, or diagnally downward. If it hits the floor, a wall, or the ceiling, it will split up into 5 small snow flakes. Robot Master: Slash Man Stage: Wily Land Attacks: Slash Claw, Claw Dive, Fruit Toss Attack Pattern: It's completely random. Don't rely on the Freeze Cracker. Weakness: Freeze Cracker Weapon Receved: Slash Claw- A small slash comes out with very little range. It could be charged up for more range and a lot more power. Boss: Pumkin Bot (I don't know the true name. If anyone knows what his real name, E-mail it.) Stage: Wily's Tower 1 Attacks: Seed Shot, Super Seed Shot, Batton Summon. Attack Pattern: He will usually fly around. He will then open the mouth and you will see a smaller pumkin inside of him and will spit a couple of Seed shots or Super Seed Shots. He will sometimes summon Battons. Weakness: Thunder Strike Boss: Dr. Wily Form 1 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Finger Poke Attack Pattern: Same as the first. He defends a lot more. Weakness: Slash Claw Boss: Dr. Wily Form 2 Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Lightning Strike, Duo Buzz Saw Attack Pattern: Same as the first. Weakness: Slash Claw Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Stage: Wily's Tower 2 Attacks: Teleport Attack Pattern: Same as the first. Weakness: Slash Claw E. Endings (Major Spoilers) Here I will tell you all the endings for Rock Man: The Power Battle. If you haven't seen the ending and wish not to see it just skip this section. The endings are the same no matter what mission you choose. Also the endings are the same even if you defeat Wily's final form or not. Note: These endings were taken from the Asian Version of Rock Man: The Power Battle. Mega Man's ending Roll: Welcome back Megaman. Glad to see you made it. Mega Man: Yeah. But Dr. Wily got away again. Dr. Light: Megaman, I'm so glad you came back in one piece. Mega Man: Even so, if things don't change, the battle against Dr. Wily will never end. Dr. Light: It's just as you said but, this time we learned what robots need. Auto: Yeah, a hero like me, right? Dr. Light: Well... Not quite. Mega Man: What exactly do we robots need? Dr. Light: Like humans, the robot has to determine what is right and what is wrong by itself. Robots are not supposed to hurt humans. We need to research more on A.I program. Mega Man: When will there be world peace? Dr. Light: That will be up to us. Proto Man's Ending: Narrator: Protoman... who is he? Protoman, Dr. Light's first ever built robot just before completion ran away and vanished. He appears to Megaman from time to time and mysteriously disappears. Is he a friend or foe? Where is he off to? Nobody knows. Bass's Ending: Dr. Wily: Noo...! My laboratory! Bass, what are you doing!? Bass: Now you know that I am the strongest. There's no need for you to make any more junk robots. Dr. Wily: The strongest huh? You've been beaten by Megaman before. Bass: I underestimated him that time. But I will conquer him this time! Dr. Wily: Yeah right. You can battle Megaman all you want. The robot that I'm making right now will blow the both of you away. Bass: Ha! All you make is junk. Do what you want. Dr. Wily: Wait. Wait Bass. Don't leave me here! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4) Rockman 2: The Power Fighters There are many similarities and differences from this game compared to Rock Man The Power Battle. One difference is that the games are not ordered by Robot Masters from different Mega Man games, but by different missions. Another difference is that you have special moves in which you need to motion buttons. Another difference is that Duo is a character to play as. Other differences are the Robot Masters you face. Also you have partners to help you. Something else to take note is that it gets all flashy if you use the right weakness on a boss. Another thing is that sometimes when you hit a boss, small items come out (Point Spheres, Weapon Energy Pellets, and Energy Pellets). Also bosses have last resort moves when in low energy. And finally, when you defeat a boss, all these energy pellets, point spheres, and other items will come out, including the weapon you get from the boss you just defeated. You have a certain amount of time to get the items. Also you get special abilities for each missions. Note: The faster you beat the bosses, the faster you will get your special abilities. Mission Select: Capture Wily (Easy) Ability: Power Up Rescue Roll (Normal) Ability: Weapon Up Find Neo-Parts (Hard) Ability: Jump Up The Stage Select is finally normal. It isn't a Roulette. You get to choose a stage on your own. A. Story Dr. Wily has kidnapped Roll and stole Dr. Light's Neo-Parts, parts for a new invention of Dr. Light. It is up to Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass to stop Dr. Wily, rescue Roll, and get the Neo-Parts back. They are accompanied by an old friend, Duo, who also wants to help. B. Info. Capture Wily Weakness Order: Bubble Man, Heat Man, Plant Man, Gyro Man, Centaur Man, Shadow Man Robot Master: Bubble Man Attacks: Bubble shot, Block. Last Resorts: Bubble Lead Bubble Bomb Attack Pattern: He will at the beginning swim around, shooting a couple of Bubble shots. When you drain him to low energy, he will shoot Bubble bombs and hardly ever Bubble Lead. Weakness: Shadow Blade Weapon Received: Bubble Lead- A large bubble travels throgh the ground. Could shoot up to 2 at a time. Robot Master: Heat Man Attacks: Atomic Fire, Block. Last Resorts: Duo Fire Ball, Heat Charge Attack Pattern: He will jump around a couple of times and shoot Atomic Fire. When he is at low energy, he will mostly do the Heat charge. Weakness: Bubble Lead Weapon Received: Atomic Fire- Very different from the first. When it hits the ground, it will start to travel on the ground. It could still be charged up. Robot Master: Plant Man Attacks: Plasma Shot, Rapid Shots, Plant Sprout. Last Resort: Plant Barrier Attack Pattern: He will start annoying you with the Rapid Shots and Plasma Shot. A couple of times he will use Plant Sprout. When he is at low energy, he will use Plant Barrier a lot, giving you a smaller chance of hurting him. Weakness: Atomic Fire Weapon Received: Plant Barrier- The same as in Power Battle. Robot Master: Gyro Man Attacks: Gyro Attack, Gyro Tackle (Up or to the side), Gyro Teleport. Attack Pattern: He will usually Fly around, shooting a couple of Gyro Attacks. If you get too close to him, he will do the Gyro Tackle. A couple of times he will do Gyro Teleport. As a Last Resort he will shoot more Gyro Attacks at a time. Weakness: Plant Barrier Weapon Recieved: Gyro Attack- About the same as in Power Battle except you could shoot 2 at a time. Robot Master: Centaur Man Attacks: Centaur Arrows, Summon Blaster, Tackle, Energy Shield. Last Resorts: Scythe Slash, Scythe Charge. Attack Pattern: He will first summon the Blaster. He will start to use his Centaur Arrows and will start to tackle. If you shoot him too much, he will start to use his energy shield. As a last resort, he uses a scythe. He will start slashing around with it and charge with his Scythe in front of him. Weakness: Gyro Attack Weapon Received: Centaur Arrows- Energy made arrows that could be aimed straight or diaganally up. Robot Master: Shadow Man Attacks: Shadow Blade, Shurikens, Shadow Ninjitsu, Slide Kick. Last Resorts: Summon Giant Kero, Mecha Keros, Fire Breath. Attack Pattern: He will run and jump around shooting a couple of Shadow Blades. He will usually run up to you and use Slide Kick. Hardly he will use the Shurikens. His last resort is that he summons a giant robotic... frog? He will ride on it and smaller frogs will come out of the Giant Kero's mouth. Sometimes the Giant Kero will do a Fire Breath attack. Weakness: Centaur Arrows Weapon Received: Shadow Blade- Big blades that could be aimed any direction. Could shoot up to 3 at a time. Special Ability: Power Up- Your Power highers. Your Special Moves also change! Rock Upper: It now moves a bit more horizontally. Big Bang Strike: Not Sure. I think it's unblockable. Please E-mail me if you know. Double Crescent Kick: Charge A for 2 seconds, hold up, let go of A and press A again. Bass will do 2 Crescent Kicks. The first kick will knock down a boss, though. But if you hit them with the second kick, wou will see how great of a power it has! Super Punch Combo: Charge A for 2 seconds, hold up, let go of A and press A again. Duo will first do a punch and then an uppercut. It's too powerful! Boss: Mad Grinder Attacks: Mouth Blast, Wheel Crush, Grinding Saw. Last Resort: Crushing Charge. Attack Pattern: He will usually do Mouth Blast when you jump. Sometimes he will use his Grinding Saw. Most of the time he will use his Wheel Crush. He doesn't use his Last Resort much. He will usually fly over you and land on you. Weakness: Centaur Arrows Boss: Dr. Wily Skull Rider Attacks: Energy Beam, Mini Dragon, Cannon Blast, Summon Blaster. Last Resort: Skull Bombs Attack Pattern: He will rely mostly on the Energy Blast. Sometimes he will use his cannon blast. He summons the Mini-Dragon usually when he is about to get in his last resort. When he is in low energy, he wil use the Skull Bombs, very powerful bombs. Weakness: Bubble Lead Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Attacks: Teleport Attack Pattern: He will teleport around. There is a small time limit to beat him. He teleports faster and faster. If you don't beat him, he will try to fly away, but then his machine malfunctions. He is easier in my opinion than the Final boss in Power Battle. Weakness: Bubble Lead C. Info. Rescue Roll Weakness Order: Cut Man, Shade Man, Stone Man, Elec Man, Dive Man, Slash Man Robot Master: Cut Man Attacks: Rolling Cutter. Last Resorts: Cut-in, Summon Bird Drillers, Bouncing Blasts, Spike Traps Attack Pattern: At first he will just throw Rolling Cutters. When he is in low energy, he will rely on the Cut-in attack. Sometimes when he does his Cut-in attack, some Bird Drillers come out. He also does Bouncing Blasts and Spike Traps after his Cut-in attack. Weakness: Slash Claw Weapon Received: Rolling Cutter- The same as in Power Battle. Robot Master: Shade Man Attacks: Crash Noise, Bat Dive, Dark Stare, Crash Noise. Last Resort: Batton Summon Attack Pattern: Just about the same as in Power Battle. He will first fly around doing a couple of Bat Dives and then he will land and do 2 Dark Stares and 2 Crash Noises. The Bat Dive is different because when Shade Man catches you, he will start to drain your energy. And the Dark Stare petrifies you. When he is in low energy, he will really annoy you with the Batton Summon. Weakness: Rolling Cutter Weapon Received: Crash Noise- The same as in Power Battle, except you could shoot 2 at a time. Robot Master: Stone Man Attacks: Stone Crush. Last Resorts: Power Stone, Giant Fist Attack Pattern: At first he will rely on Stone Crush. When he is in low energy, he will start to use Power Stone. Hardly ever he will do the Giant Fist, but if he does I must warn you of it's great power. Weakness: Crash Noise Weapon Received: Power Stone- A fist-like stone that travels on the ground. Could shoot up to 2. Robot Master: Elec Man Attacks: Thunder Beam, Summon Thundroid. Last Resort: Thunder Bolt Attack Patttern: At first he will summon the Thundroid. He will then shoot Thunder Beams while on the ground or while jumping. When in low energy, he will start to use Thunder Bolt, a bigger and more powerful Thunder Beam. Weakness: Power Stone Weapon Received: Thunder Beam- A lightning beam shoots forward while 2 smaller lightning bolts move vertically. Could shoot only 1 at a time. Robot Master: Dive Man Attacks: Dive Attack, Dive Missile, Aqua Mines. Last Resort: Diving Drill Attack Pattern: He will swim around and use some Dive Missiles. When on the ground he will do some Dive Attacks or Aqua Mines. When he is at low energy, he will rely on Diving Drill. Weakness: Thunder Beam Weapon Received: Dive Missile- A missile that tracks down an enemy. Could shoot up to 2 at a time. Robot Master: Slash Man Attacks: Slash Claw, Berserk Roll, Fruit Toss. Last Resort: Dive Claw Attack Pattern: He will sometimes jump in front of you and use Slash Claw. If not, he will go all the way to the right wall and use the Berserk Roll. He won't do the Fruit Toss much. He will rely on his Last Resort attack, Diving Claw, a lot. Weakness: Dive Missile Weapon Received: Slash Claw- The character motions his hand to make a small, but powerful slash. You may use it rapidly. Special Ability: Weapon Up- Your Weapon energy doubles! Boss: Yellow Devil Attacks: Cube Blob, Arm Vacuum, Blob Shoot, Reform. Last Resort: Rapid Fire, Eye Laser Attack Pattern: The same as in Power Battle, except he relies on his last resorts most. Weakness: Thunder Beam Boss: Dr. Wily Skull Rider Attacks: Energy Beam, Mini Dragon, Cannon Blast, Summon Blaster. Last Resort: Skull Bombs Attack Pattern: The same as the first one. Weakness: Slash Claw Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Attacks: Teleport Attack Pattern: The same as the first. Weakness: Slash Claw D. Info. Find Neo-Parts Weakness Order: Pharaoh Man, Gemini Man, Napalm Man, Guts Man, Air Man, Quick Man Robot Master: Pharaoh Man Attacks: Pharaoh Wave, Summon Mummies, Pharaoh Shot, Eye Shield, Reflect Shot. Attack Pattern: He will usually jump up in the air and shoot a couple of Pharaoh Shots. Sometimes he will use Pharaoh Wave. Sometimes he will jump in a corner, take out his Eye Shield, and wait for you to shoot him. If yo shoot his shield, it will counter and send out a reflect shot. For a Last Resort, Pharaoh Man flies. Weakness: Quick Boomerang Weapon Received: Pharaoh Wave- Two large, powerful blasts get shot to each side. A very cool weapon. Robot Master: Gemini Man Attacks: Split Form, Plasma Shot. Last Resorts: Gemini Laser, Summon Bird Drillers Attack Pattern: He will first do Split Form and run around. If you try to blast him, he will shoot a plasma shot. His Last Resort attacks could be very annoying if he does them all in one time. Weakness: Pharaoh Wave Weapon Received: Gemini Laser- The same as in Power Battle. Robot Master: Napalm Man Attacks: Napalm Bomb, Semi-Homing missiles, Rocket Launcher. Last Resort: Power Dash Attack Pattern: He will usually start off by driving around, then he will stop and shoot his Rocket Launcher or Semi-Homing Missiles. He always shoots 2 Napalm Bombs at a time. When in low energy, he will annoy you with the Power Dash. Weakness: Gemini Laser Weapon Received: Napalm Bomb- Same as in Power Battle. Robot Master: Guts Man Attacks: Super Arm (Tossing Small Rock), Super Arm (Crumbling large rock), Super Arm (Tossing large Rock), Charge. Last Resort: Earth Quake. Attack Pattern: He's a lot harder in this one since the crumbling rocks are bigger. He has about the same pattern as in Power Battle. When in low energy, he will do the Earth Quake attack, and then one of the Super Arm attacks. Weakness: Napalm Bomb Weapon Received: Super Arm- Same as in Power Battle. Robot Master: Air Man Attacks: Air Shooter, Tornadoe Baku. Last Resort: Summon Bird Attack Pattern: He will first shoot many Air Shooters and then blow them to you with Tornadoe Baku. His Last Resort is to summon a bird that has an egg, and the egg will hatch with all these smaller birds that will home at you. Also when in low energy, he shoots more Air Shooters. Weakness: Super Arm Weapon Received: Air Shooter- A small tornadoe that goes up. Could shoot 3 at a time. Robot Master: Quick Man Attacks: Quick Boomerang, Speed Run, Quick Tackle. Last Resort: Super Quick Tackle Attack Pattern: He will annoy you with a lot of Quick Boomerangs. He will sometimes do Speed Run to dodge moves. When he is in low energy, he will jump to a wall and do the Super Quick Tackle, a fast and powerful attack. Weakness: Air Shooter Weapon Received: Quick Boomerang- Like Rolling Cutter, but stronger and faster, but sometimes when it's coming back at you, it may miss and won't refill your weapon energy. Could shoot 3 at a time. Special Ability: Jump Up- Hold Up and press B. You will jump about 3 times higher. It's like having Rush, but you bounce up when you want! Boss: Mecha Dragon Attacks: Fire Ball, Fire Breath, Ram. Last Resort: Summon Mini Dragon Attack Pattern: At first it will do a couple of fire balls or Fire Breaths. It won't ram much. The last resort attack, Mini Dragon, is a small dragon that shoots little fire balls. Weakness: Quick Boomerang Boss: Dr. Wily Skull Rider Attacks: Energy Beam, Mini Dragon, Cannon Blast, Summon Blaster. Last Resort: Skull Bombs Attack Pattern: The same as the rest. Weakness: Super Arm Boss: Dr. Wily Final Form Attacks: Teleport. Attack Pattern: The same as the rest. E. Endings Actually, I don't know any of them. If you know the endings word for word, please E-mail me. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5) E-Mail me If you wish to E-Mail me, please let it be only for these reasons: 1. You know something about this game I don't 2. You want something added to my FAQ 3. You want to post this FAQ up in your Website 4. You want to give a comment about my FAQ. No harsh ones. My FAQ isn't that bad. 5. You know someone who copied off my work without proper credits, edited my work, and/or redistributed my work for a profit. Here is my E-Mail address: Quickman 13@aol.com or Shadow man2099@aol.com or you can use AIM to tell me some stuff. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6) Credits and Disclaimers A. Credits I wanna give credit to... Capcom for making such a great game SNK for making Neo-Geo Pocket Game FAQS for allowing me to post this at there site www.gamefaqs.com Me for making this FAQ and you for taking your time to read this FAQ. B. Disclaimer This FAQ is copyright 2001-2002 Quick Man. You could copy off my work as long as you give credit to me. Do post it in your web site without my permission. If you do ask permission to post it in your website, I don't want you to change it in any way.Do not redistribute this FAQ in your own name. Do not sell it, or make a profit out of this FAQ. If you know anyone that copied, edited, and/or redistributed my work, please contact me right away. Rock Man: Battle & Fighters is a trade mark of Capcom co., ltd. Rock Man: The Power Battle is a trade mark of Capcom co., ltd. Rock Man 2: The Power Fighters is a trade mark of Capcom co., ltd. Rock Man/Mega Man, Blues/Proto Man, and any other related Mega Man characters are registered trade marks of Capcom co., ltd. I am in no way affiliated with Capcom, the people who work at Capcom, or the creators of this game.