ROCKMAN BATTLE & FIGHTERS for Neo Geo Pocket Color FAQ by LiquidCross cross (at) The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at v2.0 - April 11, 2002 Version History: v2.0 - D'oh! There was no Pumpkin boss strategy...but there is now. Plus, I updated the FAQ across the board, now that I finally have my own copy of the game. :) v1.5 - Added each character's special attack in the Controls section. v1.1 - Cleaned up a few minor errors. v1.0 - Alright! The FAQ's ready to go!!! As with most FAQs, this document contains SPOILERS! Don't read ahead if you don't want to ruin any plot details! What's in this FAQ? 1. Game Info 2. Characters 3. Controls 4. Player Selection 5. Menus/Translations 6. Suggested Order 7. Weaknesses 8. Attack Patterns 9. Weapon Descriptions 10. Helpers 11. Endings 12. Notes 13. Credits 14. Contact Info 15. Disclaimer 1. GAME INFO This is two games in one! RM:B&F contains ports of the arcade games "Rockman: The Power Battle" and "Rockman 2: The Power Fighters." Rather than going through pesky levels to get to the bosses, this game cuts right to the chase: it's ALL boss battles! After you beat each boss, the next boss in line will have more energy, then the next after him will have even get the idea. The last Robot Master you face will have a ton of energy...make sure you take him down fast! Luckily, after each fight, you'll gain some of your energy back as well. If you're killed, you can jump right back into the fight; plus, you can choose a different character if you wish. You've got infinite continues, so don't worry. 2. CHARACTERS ROCKMAN - Or as we know him, Mega Man. Originally designed as a lab assistant robot, he later took up fighting against the evil Dr. Wily. Rockman can adapt the special weapons of robots he defeats in battle. RUSH - Rockman's robotic dog companion. He can be summoned to help out in Power Fighters. EDDIE - Also known as "Flip-Top." A little robot that assists you in Power Fighters by summoning helpers. DR. LIGHT - The scientist who created Rockman, Blues, and Roll, as well as a few other robots (these were later corrupted by Dr. Wily). ROLL - Rockman's "sister." She's originally a housekeeping robot. BLUES (Proto Man) - Rockman's "brother." Characterized by his scarf and welding shield. BEAT - A mechanical bird that helps out Duo and Blues in Power Fighters. DUO - A mysterious robot from outer space, who arrives on Earth to fight evil. Check out the monstrous iron glove he sports! FORTE (Bass) - Rockman's evil counterpart. He's known for the "fins" on his head. GOSPEL (Treble) - Forte's robotic dog companion. He can be summoned to help out in Power Fighters. DR. WILY - Rockman's arch nemesis. Creator of most of the robot bosses, as well as Forte. 3. CONTROLS Joystick: Movement A: Fire (hold to charge); Accept menu selection B: Jump; Cancel menu selection Down + B: Slide/Dash Up + B: Super jump (Power Battle) Up + A: Special attack (Power Fighters) Option: Pause/Weapon Select In Power Fighters, each character has a different special attack: Rockman - Dragon Uppercut, just like Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter II! Blues - A short-range plasma blast attack. Forte - A forward crescent kick. Duo - Uppercut. 4. PLAYER SELECTION You can play as either Rockman, Blues, or Forte. If you're playing Power Fighters, you can also choose Duo; a weird, scaled-down version of Duo, I might add. Remember, he first appeared on a 32-bit game (MM8 for PSX and Saturn). 5. MENUS/TRANSLATIONS Yes, I know - almost all of the text for this game is in Japanese. Luckily, I've had a few pals (see CREDITS down below) help me translate. The first menu after pressing A on the title screen is Mode Select. Mode Select: - Choose from Power Battle or Power Fighters and start playing. <Database> - View the Robot Master database. As you beat bosses, new entries will appear. <Link> - Link to another NGPC to transfer database info. <Option> - Game option menu. <Clear> - Reinitializes the game's memory, clearing the database, scores, etc. Link Mode: Database... <Send> - Send information to another user. <Receive> - Receive information from another user. Option Mode: <Level> - Normal, Difficult, Easy <Time> - 99, Infinite, 30 <Button> - A = Shoot, B = Jump <Sound Test> <Auto Power Off> - Off/On Clear Mode: Resets game backup data. Do this? <Yes> <No> During the game, pressing Option will bring up the Pause/Weapon Select screen. Pause/Weapon Select screen: Pause <Weapon Select> - Press A to scroll through your available weapons. Select the one you want, then press Option again to return to the fight. <Return to Title Screen> 6. SUGGESTED ORDER Power Battle: You'll see a map screen with the cursor moving on its own from location to location. Press A to stop it over the location you want. There are 6 locations, set up in a hexagonal pattern. I'll number them, so you'll be able to figure out which Robot Master lies where: (1) (6) (2) (5) (3) (4) Mega Man 1-2: Guts Man (4) - Ice Man (3) - Heat Man (6) - Wood Man (2) - Cut Man (1) - Crash Man (5) Mega Man 3-6: Gemini Man (3) - Napalm Man (4) - Gyro Man (6) - Plant Man (2) - Dust Man (5) - Magnet Man (1) Mega Man 7: Freeze Man (3) - Slash Man (2) - Shade Man (1) - Turbo Man (4) - Cloud Man (6) - Junk Man (5) Power Fighters: No map screen here...just pick the robot you want to face. Stop Wily: Centaur Man - Gyro Man - Shadow Man - Bubble Man - Heat Man - Plant Man Rescue Roll: Elec Man - Dive Man - Slash Man - Cut Man - Shade Man - Stone Man Locate Parts: Air Man - Quick Man - Pharaoh Man - Gemini Man - Napalm Man - Guts Man 7. WEAKNESSES (Split up by game) <Rockman: The Power Battle> Boss Weakness Weapon Gained ========================================================= Mega Man 1-2: Guts Man Crash Bomb Super Arm Ice Man Super Arm Ice Slasher Heat Man Ice Slasher Atomic Fire Wood Man Atomic Fire Leaf Shield Cut Man Leaf Shield Rolling Cutter Crash Man Rolling Cutter Crash Bomb Yellow Devil Super Arm (none) Dr. Wily Rolling Cutter (none) Mega Man 3-6: Gemini Man Magnet Missile Gemini Laser Napalm Man Gemini Laser Napalm Bomb Gyro Man Napalm Bomb Gyro Attack Plant Man Gyro Attack Plant Barrier Dust Man Plant Barrier Dust Crasher Magnet Man Dust Crasher Magnet Missile Yellow Devil Gyro Attack (none) Dr. Wily Dust Crasher (none) Mega Man 7: Freeze Man Junk Shield Freeze Cracker Slash Man Freeze Cracker Slash Claw Shade Man Slash Claw Crash Noise Turbo Man Crash Noise Burning Wheel Cloud Man Burning Wheel Thunder Strike Junk Man Thunder Strike Junk Shield Pumpkin Thunder Strike (none) Dr. Wily Thunder Strike (none) <Rockman 2: The Power Fighters> Boss Weakness Weapon Gained ========================================================= Stop Wily: Centaur Man Gyro Attack Centaur Arrow Shadow Man Centaur Arrow Shadow Blade Bubble Man Shadow Blade Bubble Lead Heat Man Bubble Lead Atomic Fire Plant Man Atomic Fire Plant Barrier Gyro Man Plant Barrier Gyro Attack Bulldozer Centaur Arrow (none) Rescue Roll: Elec Man Power Stone Thunder Beam Dive Man Thunder Beam Dive Missile Slash Man Dive Missile Slash Claw Cut Man Slash Claw Rolling Cutter Shade Man Rolling Cutter Crush Noise Stone Man Crush Noise Power Stone Yellow Devil Thunder Beam (none) Locate Parts: Air Man Super Arm Air Shooter Quick Man Air Shooter Quick Boomerang Pharaoh Man Quick Boomerang Pharaoh Wave Gemini Man Pharaoh Wave Gemini Laser Napalm Man Gemini Laser Napalm Bomb Guts Man Napalm Bomb Super Arm Mechadragon Quick Boomerang (none) Dr. Wily (1st) Bubble Lead, Slash Claw, Super Arm (none) Dr. Wily (2nd) Arm Cannon (none) 8. ATTACK PATTERNS (Robot Masters are alphabetized; final bosses are listed at the end) NOTE: In Power Fighters, when a boss loses more than half of his energy, he'll "charge up" and vary his attacks! Air Man - He'll use the fan in his chest to blow you back while firing out small cyclones. Avoid them, and break him with the Super Arm. Bubble Man - You can be trapped in the big bubbles he fires, so blast them quickly. He's got little bubble bursts, but you can jump to dodge them. Slice him to bits with your Shadow Blade. Centaur Man - Completely different from his MM6 incarnation. He'll rush you a lot; just jump over him and use your Gyro Attack. Cloud Man - This floating annoyance will charge up with lightning, then fire it at you. Jump over his bolts, and remove him with the Burning Wheel. Crash Man - In this stage, use the vents on the walls to your advantage. Entering one will shoot you out on the top of the screen. Blast Crash Man with a Rolling Cutter, then escape into a vent to avoid his Crash Bomb attacks. Cut Man - He'll run back and forth, tossing his Rolling Cutters at you. Not too much variation. Use the Leaf Shield (Power Battle) or Slash Claw (Power Fighters) to put him in place. Dive Man - Electrify this guy with the Thunder Beam as much as possible. He'll fire heat seeking Dive Missiles at you, and also rush you. Dust Man - He'll cough up dust balls that burst when they get close. Jump over them. He'll also jump around the screen, and he may try to vacuum you in. Dodge him, and use the Plant Barrier. Elec Man - Power Stone's the way to go. Elec Man will throw electricity all over the place, including the floors, so be careful! Freeze Man - He's a joke. He'll run back and forth a lot, throw a Freeze Cracker at you that can freeze you in place, or he'll throw a ton of ice spikes up into the air. Get rid of him with the Junk Shield. Gemini Man - He'll split in two and run around the screen. Blast him with Magnet Missiles (Power Battle) or Pharaoh Wave (Power Fighters). After his power's down about halfway, he'll fire from both sides of the screen, merge back into one, and shoot you with his Gemini Laser. Guts Man - This big guy will toss big rocks at you. How stereotypical. At any rate, jump over the rocks (or shoot them), and jump over Guts Man when he rushes you. Finish him off with Crash Bombs (Power Battle) or Napalm Bombs (Power Fighters). Gyro Man - He can teleport, dive attack you, and throw out a ton of spinning blades. Jump over him, and drop him with Napalm Bombs (Power Battle) or Plant Barrier (Power Fighters). Heat Man - He'll either dive at you in flame mode, or shoot three fireballs at you. Avoid him, and hit him with the Ice Slasher (Power Battle) or Bubble Lead (Power Fighters) repeatedly. Ice Man - This jerk will toss out slow-moving Ice Slashers. Jump carefully to dodge them, and take the steam out of his stride with the Super Arm. Junk Man - What a joke. He'll jump from side to side, accumulating pieces of junk for his Junk Shield. Break the shield, and blast him with your Thunder Strike. Magnet Man - He'll jump to the top of the screen and fire numerous Magnet Missiles at you. Strike back with the Dust Crasher, and when he activates his magnetic field to draw you in, run or slide/dash in the opposite direction. Napalm Man - He's got a lot more bombs than in MM5. He'll either fire out missiles, toss out a few bombs, rush you, or fire trios of bombs into the air. Use the Gemini Laser (in both games) to take him down. Pharaoh Man - Another robot whose attack patterns have radically changed from his original game (in this case, MM4). He's got a shield, teleportation ability, a new plasma weapon, and he can summon little mummies to pester you. Send him back to the past with Quick Boomerangs. Plant Man - He'll protect himself with his Plant Barrier, then he'll toss it at you. He'll also create little duplicates of himself that'll stick in the ground and fire at you. Destroy them, and get rid of Plant Man with the Gyro Attack (Power Battle) or Atomic Fire (Power Fighters). Quick Man - Just like before, you can nail this guy in mid-air with the Air Shooter. You can also destroy his Quick Boomerangs! But be careful; he's faster, and jumps around a lot more. He can be tough. Shade Man - He'll fly around on the top of the screen, occasionally diving down. He'll also fire some projectiles. When he fires his Crash/Crush Noise, it'll bounce back, se be careful! The Slash Claw (Power Battle) or Rolling Cutter (Power Fighters) makes short work of him. Shadow Man - Jump. Throw Shadow Blades. Slide. Shuffle and repeat. Anyway, slap him around with the Centaur Arrow. He also wraps himself up in a scroll sometimes (a Ninja Scroll?). Halfway through, he'll break out a giant frog. Just slide under it and continue attacking. Watch out for the little frogs! Slash Man - Look, it's Wolverine! He'll jump and slash at you, or he'll climb a wall and dive-slash you. He may also drop capsules of liquid that will immobilize you. Remove this pest with the Freeze Cracker (Power Battle) or Dive Missiles (Power Fighters). Stone Man - His only new attack is that he can form walls where you're standing. Otherwise, he'll try to jump on you. Crush him with Crush Noise. Turbo Man - Charge up your Crash Noise to use on Turbo Man. Avoid his Burning Wheel as best you can, because it'll set you on fire! When he transforms into his car mode, wait a moment, then jump to dodge him. Wood Man - He's got his regular attacks from MM2 (dropping leaves, and throwing his Leaf Shield at you), but he can also turn into a log and roll around the screen. A regular charged shot can knock him out of it, though. Burn him away with Atomic Fire. Power Battle Final Bosses: Yellow Devil (Mega Man 1-2) - Our old pal the Rock Monster, who's appeared in countless Mega Man games, in various forms. As usual, aim for his eye. He'll float around and toss cubes at you, fire a laser out of his eye, or he'll melt into 9 pieces and reform on the opposite side. Dodge his pieces, and crush him with the Super Arm. Yellow Devil (Mega Man 3-6) - Our old pal the Rock Monster, who's appeared in countless Mega Man games, in various forms. As usual, aim for his eye. He's got a few different attacks. First, he'll bounce around slowly. Slide under him, if you can. Then, he'll split into two lil' Devils. One will hang around on the ceiling (the Gyro Attack works GREAT here), while the other will stay on the ground and fire at you, or jump over you and drop 3 fireballs, or melt into 3 pieces and rush you. Pumpkin (Mega Man 7) - You might recognize this annoyance from MM7. When the pumpkin opens up to shoot at you, blast it with the Thunder Strike. It'll also release bats and jump around the room; dodge the jumps, get rid of the bats, and continue your electrical attack to destry to the pumpkin. Dr. Wily (Mega Man 1-2) - He'll appear in his big spaceship...what a shock. Anyway, avoid the hands that he'll shoot at you, and peg him with the Rolling Cutter. After you destroy him once, he'll come back in a small ship, and either throw spiked balls or lightning at you. After you destroy this, he'll teleport between two tiny ships. Use your special weapons to get rid of him within 10 seconds to get a higher score (you still win, even if you don't manage to destroy him). Dr. Wily (Mega Man 3-6) - Same big ship as before. Anyway, avoid the hands that he'll shoot at you, and peg him with the Dust Crasher. After you destroy him once, he'll come back in a small ship, and either rush you or send out small skull projectiles. After you destroy this, he'll teleport between two tiny ships. Use your special weapons to get rid of him within 10 seconds to get a higher score (you still win, even if you don't manage to destroy him). Dr. Wily (Mega Man 7) - Same big ship as before. Anyway, avoid the hands that he'll shoot at you, and peg him with the Thunder Strike. After you destroy him once, he'll come back in a small ship, and XXX. After you destroy this, he'll teleport between two tiny ships. Use your special weapons to get rid of him within 10 seconds to get a higher score (you still win, even if you don't manage to destroy him). Power Fighters Final Bosses: Bulldozer - Yep, this is the same pushover you fight during the intro stage in MM7. Centaur Arrows work well. Jump over his saw blade, then don't move, because it'll circle right over your head. Watch out when he rushes you - you don't want to get crushed! Yellow Devil - Does this guy EVER leave?! Anyway, Thunder Beam shots to the eye are the key. He'll chuck blocks at you, and do his usual melt-into-many-pieces routine. Mechadragon - This guy was the boss for the 1st stage of Dr. Wily's fortress in MM2. He'll breathe fire at wherever you're standing, so sliding under him then sliding back will give you some time to jump up and hit him in the head with Quick Boomerangs. Dr. Wily (1st Form) - Keep your eyes on Wily himself; that's where you need to aim. Dodge the little dragons, and use Bubble Lead, Slash Claw, or Super Arm. Dr. Wily (2nd Form) - Same deal as his final form in Power Battle. Use Shadow Blade, Thunder Beam, or Air Shooter to pop Wily in his little ships. 9. WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS (Alphabetized for your convenience) Air Shooter - A cyclone flies out and up at an angle. Atomic Fire - Fireballs that travel along the ground for a little bit. Can be charged for a more powerful shot. Bubble Lead - A bubble that rolls along the ground. Burning Wheel - Fire out a flame wheel. Centaur Arrow - Orange arrows that travel forward and diagonally. Crash Bomb - A small bomb that sticks to walls, then detonates. If fired at a boss, it detonates on impact. Crash/Crush Noise - A sonic wave that bounces off walls. If you catch the reflected wave, you can fire it back out, and it'll be much more powerful! Dive Missile - Enemy-seeking missiles. Dust Crasher - A ball of dust and junk that bursts on impact. Freeze Cracker - Ice crystal projectiles that split when they hit a wall. Gemini Laser - A laser beam that bounces off walls. Gyro Attack - A spinning helicopter blade, that you can send up or down after you launch it. Ice Slasher - Ice spike projectiles. Junk Shield - A rotating shield made up of pieces of junk. Leaf Shield - A spinning shield of leaves, which can be thrown. Magnet Missile - Enemy seeking magnets, but they only seek on horizontal and vertical planes. Napalm Bomb - Just like tossing a grenade. Pharaoh Wave - A plasma attack that fires forward and backward. Plant Barrier - A spinning shield of flower petals. Right...this can also be thrown. Power Stone - A stone hand burrows along the ground, then sinks. Quick Boomerang - Medium range boomerangs. Rolling Cutter - A spinning scissor blade that acts like a boomerang. Shadow Blade - Be a ninja for a day! Well, not really, but you can throw a shuriken forward or diagonally. Slash Claw - Slash a robot apart Wolverine-style! A short range slashing attack. Super Arm - Toss a large boulder! Thunder Beam - Fry your enemies with lightning bolts! Thunder Strike - Fires out ball lightning. 10. HELPERS In Power Fighters, when your energy level gets low, Eddie will show up to give you a hand. He'll summon a helper for your character. The helper will disappear when their energy level runs down, and you cannot use special weapons when you have a helper onscreen. Here's what each helper does: Beat (Duo & Blues) - Temporary invincibility. Gospel (Forte) - When you release a charged shot, Gospel will powerdash across the screen. Rush (Rockman) - When you release a charged shot, Rush will powerdash across the screen. If you jump on Rush, you'll springboard off him (Rush Coil). 11. ENDINGS (SPOILER ALERT!) Power Battle: Rockman - The usual jive. Rockman saves the day, and celebrates with Dr. Light and Roll. Blues - The enigmatic Blues hangs out outside of Dr. Light's lab, and then he leaves. Again, nothing surprising. Forte - Dr. Wily's angry at his creation for ruining his plans. Forte explains that he's the most powerful robot on Earth, and that Dr. Wily need not make any new robots. Dr. Wily ignores him, and mentions that the new robot he's constructing is far more powerful than Forte or Rockman... Power Fighters: Rockman - Dr. Wily tells Rockman that they're both the same, since they both cause so much destruction. Dr. Light and crew try to lift Rockman's spirits, and Dr. Wily escapes in the background. D'oh! Blues - Dr. Light explains that something's wrong with Blues' internal systems. He wants to repair Blues, but Blues will have nothing to do with it. He knows that as a robot, he can be reprogrammed, so won't let anyone examine him, even his creator. Forte - The BEST ending! Again, Dr. Wily wonders why Forte keeps fighting him, and Forte tells him that he's the most powerful, and that no more robots are necessary. This time, however, Dr. Wily explains that Forte was modeled as closely after Rockman as possible. He also shows Forte the plans for the new robot he's building. This robot is none other than...Zero (from the MMX series)! Duo - Duo explains that he helped Rockman and Dr. Light because they helped him (play MM8 for details). He takes off, but promises to visit in the future. 12. NOTES - Finally, a non-X-series game that ties the two series together! Just like MMX4 and MMX5, we get another glimpse into the construction of Zero. - Duo is pretty slow. And since most of his attacks don't traverse the width of the screen, you may have a hard time fighting with him. But if you time his dashes just right, you can damage the enemy with the spikes on his shoulder! - Classic MM tunes are in this game, but they're all mixed up. Rarely does a boss' music match the actual boss you're fighting against! - Every now and then, the screen will dim after a boss fight, and a line of Japanese text will display across the screen. This just means you've added that boss to your Robot Database. - Secondary sprites (like helpers, smaller enemies, and some boss attacks) can be tough to see, due to scanlines. They appear very dim on the screen. 13. CREDITS - Many thanks go out to Capcom, both for producing this game, and for supporting the Neo Geo Pocket Color, one of the most underrated systems of all time! - Thanks to Robby1919 and Servbot#20 for translations! 14. CONTACT INFO Know something I don't? Found a secret you're dying to share? Let me know! I'll credit you in future versions of this FAQ. Just email me: cross (at) Be sure to place "Rockman: Battle & Fighters" in the subject line. Thanks! 15. DISCLAIMER Feel free to distribute or post this FAQ, but you MUST ask my permission first, reproduce it IN FULL, and give me credit for it. Reproducing/copying/posting sections of this FAQ is strictly prohibited. Rockman, Forte, Blues, Duo, and all associated materials are the property of Capcom.