-=KABOOM!=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Atari 2600 FAQ, Version 1.01 Created 5/12/2004 Last Updated 10/01/2005 By Carter12 (carter12.faqs@gmail.com) Copyright (c)2004-2005 Thomas Carter. All rights reserved. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The only site that can use this FAQ without asking is... http://www.gamefaqs.com ***IF YOU HAVE NOT ASKED, THAN DO NOT POST THIS WORK ON YOUR SITE*** If you do allow this work to be posted on your site, than please respect it and do not attempt to change it in any shape or form. Thankyou. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -TABLE OF CONTENTS- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Introduction 2. Copyright 3. Version History 4. Game Basics/Overview 5. Thanks and Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -1. INTRODUCTION- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hello and welcome to this FAQ on a classic favourite of mine, Kaboom!. This guide should hopefully be useful to people who want to play the game to its full advantage. Please note, that I am using the Activision Anthology for PlayStation 2 version, and hope that it is the same version used on the Atari 2600. If you spot any mistakes or would like to make a contribution to the FAQ, then please email me at (carter12.faqs@gmail.com), and please can you ensure that the subject is wither "Kaboom!" or "Kaboom! FAQ". Thank you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -2. COPYRIGHT- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ is Copyright 2004 Thomas Carter. All rights resevred. This document is protected by the International Copyright Law, and may not be re-transmitted in any form, in part or in whole at any time. This FAQ is for private use only and may not be used other wise, and by no means may it be sold for profit.At this time, the only legal host for this FAQ is www.GameFAQs.com. Any other form of media, including but not limited to websites, magazines, and periodicals are strictly forbidden from hosting this FAQ in any form without prior written approval from me. Any and all attempts at altering or stealing from this guide are blatant violations of the copyright. All violators can be prosecuted. If you know of any form of media who is hosting this guide illegally, please contact me with the information. Note that all credits to the creation of the guide can be found at the end of this FAQ, Section XII. This FAQ is sole property of me, Thomas Carter, and is all my intellectual property unless otherwise noted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -3.VERSION HISTORY- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.00 Created 5/12/2003 - All FAQ done Version 1.01 Created 10/01/2005 - Massive mistake, missed the version history out. - Chaned contact email. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -4.GAME BASICS/OVERVIEW- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Taken from the Game Manual - Prepare yourself for a supreme test of reflexes, coordination, and agility. You're about to face the world's most unpredictable and relentless "Mad Bomber." He hates losing as much as you love winning, So, to keep him frowning, take a minute to read over thses instructions. Then grab your buckets and bomb away! Basics ------ Game 1 - You vs. the Mad Bomber Game 2 - You and a friend, taking turns vs. the Mad Bomber. Controls -------- Joystick - Moving the stick to the left, moves your buckets to the left and moving your stick to the right moves the buckets to the right. Difficulty Levels ----------------- With the difficulty on deafult the buckets are full size. Pressing the Fire button will make the buckets half the size. This is recommmended for experienced players only though. Scoring ------- Each time a bomb is caught in your bucket, then this scores points. The point value of each bomb depends on how fast the bomb is falling and which group that bomb is in. There are 8 seperate groups of bombs, as shown below. Group 1 - 10 bombs, 1 point each (Group Score: 10, Cumulative Score: 10) Group 2 - 20 bombs, 2 points each (Group Score: 40, Cumulative Score: 50) Group 3 - 30 bombs, 3 points each (Group Score: 90, Cumulative Score: 140) Group 4 - 40 bombs, 4 points each (Group Score: 160, Cumulative Score: 300) Group 5 - 50 bombs, 5 points each (Group Score: 250, Cumulative Score 550) Group 6 - 75 bombs, 6 points each (Group Score: 450, Cumulative Score: 1000) Group 7 - 100 bombs, 7 points each (Group Score: 700, Cumulative Score: 1700) Group 8 - 150 bombs, 8 points each (Group Score: 1200, Cumulative Score: 2900) Bomb Group 8 is the highest levels. Once this level is reached, all bombs that follow will fall at the same rate of speed and are worth the same amount of points. When you miss a bomb, all bombs that are on screen will explode and you lose a bucket out of the 3 that you have to start with. The object of the game is to catch as many bombs as you can and get as close as possible to the 999,999 maximum points. Game Screen ----------- ________________________________ / S \ | | | M | S= Score |----------H---------------------| M= Mad Bombers Location | | H= Horizon (bombs fall from this point) | | O= Location of buckets | B | B= Area where bombs fall | | | | | | | O | | O | \_______________O________________/ Bascially, this game requires alot of practice and concentration. Do not throw the controller down when you lose, just take a breath, relax yourself, and get back into the game. Watch the location of Mad Bomber, and then you will know where the bombs are going to be dropped. The bombs do not have to fall directly into the top of the buckets. The bombs can hit the sides and still go in. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -5. THANKS AND CREDITS- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ell thats the end of this FAQ. I hope it comes in handy for many people. Cheers! Thanks ------ CJayc - For posting this guide. Many thanks! Atari - For making the 2600 Activision - For making the wonderful Kaboom! Matt Reynolds (Crazyreyn) - For his help and support on this FAQ. Massive thankyou to you! Cheers mate! -(http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/27600.html)- Crazyreyn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By Carter12 (carter12.faqs@gmail.com) Copyright (c)2004 Thomas Carter. All rights resevered. All trademarks and copyrights in this document belong to their respective owners. ***END OF DOCUMENT***