______ __ __ _ / ____/ _____ _______ __/ /_/ /_ (_)___ ____ _ ____ _____ / __/ | | / / _ \/ ___/ / / / __/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ ___/ / /___ | |/ / __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_____/ |___/\___/_/ \__, /\__/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, / \____/_/ /____/ /____/ _ __ __ __ _ / | / /___ / /_/ /_ (_)___ ____ _ / |/ / __ \/ __/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ / /| / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ |_/\____/\__/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, / /____/ James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing Walkthrough (PS2) Copyright 2004 fst249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.20 Main FAQ is posted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.25 Added some weapons, Added slightly to gadget section, Added hints and tips, Added to walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.30 Added ASCII text at top, Inserted a level into walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.33 Added FastNFurious' Platinum walkthrough for An Old Friend, added to hints and tips, fixed up Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.34 Added one level to walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.36 Added GPS map section and added to unlockables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.39 Added to walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.41 Added to Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.42 Added to Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.50 Added to Walkthrough, Unlockables, search method, and updated Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.51 Added to walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.55 Added to wlakthrough and Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.58 Added to walkthrough and Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.68 Added to walkthrough and Unlockables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== -----------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Controls A. On foot B. Driving 3. Weapons 4. Gadgets 5. Using your GPS map (in a vehicle) 6. Mission Walkthrough 7. Multiplayer 8. Hints and Tips 9. Unlockables 10. Frequently Asked Questions 11. Credits 12. Contact Info 13. Legal Info =============================================================================== ---------------------Search for specific level in the FAQ---------------------- =============================================================================== To avoid spoilers, if you only need help on one level then hit Ctrl F and copy and paste any of the following into the box: Prelude: Ground Zero Training Level: MI6 Training Mission 1: A Long Way Down Mission 2: Train Chase Mission 3: An Old Friend Mission 4: Sandstorm Mission 5: Serena St. Germaine Mission 6: Vertigo Mission 7: The Ruined Tower Mission 8: Death of an Agent Mission 9: A Show of Force Mission 10: Mardi Gras Mayhem Mission 11: The Kiss Kiss Club Underworld (11 gold medals required to unlock) Mission 12: Death's Door Mission 13: Battle in the Big Easy Mission 14: Faded Splendor =============================================================================== ------------------------------1. Introduction---------------------------------- =============================================================================== Welcome to the world of James Bond, where you become the best secret agent in the world. However, though you may be a great spy, but this is one of the tough est missions you will ever come across. All of your skills as an agent will be required, especially and most importantly stealth. You know the drill Bond, any mistake you make could be your last regardless of how good you are. You are now known as 007. Remember this is a mission where you either get everything or nothing. Good luck on your upcoming mission 007. =============================================================================== --------------------------------2. Controls------------------------------------ =============================================================================== For those that don't have manuals: A. On foot: Left analog: move D button up: next gadget D button down: Next weapon D button up/down: Sniper zooming (only when aiming with the sniper rifle) D button left or right: Inventory/bond sense X: Action Square/Triangle: Punch left/right 0: Dive and roll L1: Lock on target/next target/Sniper Scope R1: Shoot L2: Crouch R2: Wall hug (putting your back to a wall when you're near one) R2: Turn around (when using rappel gun) R3: Reset camera Start: pause game (what's new here?) Select: Activate Thermovision goggles B. Driving: Left analog stick: Steer Left Analog Stick up/down: Gain altitude (helicopter) Right Analog Stick Up/down: Accelerate/brake Right Analog Stick Up/down: Raise/lower cannon (Tank) Right Analog Stick Right/left: Rotate Cannon (Tank) D button Up: Change Camera X: Accelerate X + left analog stick down: Wheelie (Motorcycle) Square: Brake/reverse 0: Handbrake 0: 180-degree spin (rail mission) 0 + X: Burnout (Motorcycle) Triangle: Enter/Exit vehicle in designated areas Triangle: Action (on foot) L1: Activate Gadget L1: Action Slide (Motorcycle) L1: Self-Destruct (RC car) R1: Fire Weapon L2: Look Back R2: Next Weapon R3: Center Turret (non-rail tank) Select: Toggle GPS map Start: Pause game =============================================================================== --------------------------------3. Weapons------------------------------------- =============================================================================== P99: A pistol that is the most rapid fire single shot pistol out of all of them, a silencer can also be attached so that you don't alarm other enemies when shooting into a crowd, though it fails when against several enemies because of its lack of machine gun like fire. You'll probably be equipped with this on most missions. AK74: Quite like an AK47 it's a rifle like machine gun and has very rapid fire. Ammo is easy to come by because most enemies carry AK74's. Desert Eagle: Not as rapid fire as the P99, but much more powerful. Useful for taking out a lone, yet powerful enemy. The reason you shouldn't use it in crowds is because it's so loud. SPAS12: A shotgun that can kill enemies in one shot if you hit them solidly and from a short distance. Very bad for taking out crowds due to the fact that it's a single shot slow fire gun. MP5K: The lowest powered yet most rapid-fire machine gun. SIG552: Almost as rapid-fire as the MP5K, but a lot more powerful. Very good for taking out enemies in large crowds especially if you're a good marksman AT-420: A Rocket launcher explosive weapon best used for taking out small very powerful crowds in one shot. =============================================================================== ---------------------------------4. Gadgets------------------------------------ =============================================================================== Rappel Gun: Can be used on smooth surfaces for getting to a higher (as in altitude) of a level. This will be used many times throughout your mission Coin Grenades: appear to be coins, but have a much more powerful force behind them. There are three different types: A. Explosive Damages all enemies in the explosion B. Strobe: Blinds enemies for a certain amount of time C. EMP: Disables electronic equipment in the area Sleeper Dart Gun: Shoots darts at your enemies, they can be neutralized in one hit. This may be useful against powerful guards Q-Spider: A small spider that can be used to scout for enemies ahead or get into small places that you can't. It is only silent while moving slowly. Thermovision goggles: Let's you see the heat signatures of enemies, best used in the dark RC car (driving only): helps you get to places where you can't drive up to the front door Network Tap: Special Darts that allow you to access certain technologic equipment. Nano Suit: Makes you invisible, one of the primary keys to stealth, which is the most important skill you must use, so don't move to fast or you will become visible. There is a battery on this suit so use it wisely. =============================================================================== ---------------------------5. Using your GPS Map------------------------------- =============================================================================== For those that are having trouble following this map, I will provide a key and a little information about it. A GPS wire is installed on a vehicle in order to track that vehicle and give a layout of an area to the person at headquarters or wherever the map is installed. The map obviously has some kind of electronic connection to the vehicle allowing messages to be reported to the driver if they have any kind of communication device. It could also just be intended to keep track of a vehicle to prevent it from being stolen. In this case it's used to relay the driver information from MI-6 headquarters (shhh, don't tell Diavolo). If there are two dots right next to each other, not moving, and your on a road, avoid them at all costs. Chances are it's two indestructible tanks sitting right next to each other. Nothing good can come out of that. Here is a key to some of the things you'll see on the map: White thick line: A main highway that usually has quite a bit of traffic White thin line: A side road that isn't jammed with traffic Black space: Either an area that is off the map or a solid wall. Simply put you can't drive into a black space. Large blue and white circle: That is where you complete your objective, just follow the arrow pointing towards it, but keep an eye on the road also. Small yellow and orange dot: This represents an enemy, avoid going in these areas if you can, but if you can't then make sure they don't have reinforcements. Blue line: Indicates a river Crossed white lines: Indicates train tracks =============================================================================== ---------------------------6. Mission Walkthrough------------------------------ =============================================================================== Difficulty Key: 0: all you have to do is watch to beat the level *: Impossible to lose to very easy **: Fairly easy: Could take a couple tries ***: Medium: will probably take more than one try ****: Hard: will take some time *****: Extremely Hard: Could take all day Please note that this difficulty scale may be higher or lower than you expect, but it's just a general scale to get a fair idea of how hard a level will be. Walkthrough: This walkthrough is written under the normal difficulty, which would be agent, if you would like to sumbit guides for 00 Agent or Platinum Walkthroughs see section 12: Contact Info. ==================== Prelude: Ground Zero ==================== Degree of Difficulty: ** Bond Moments: 1 out of 2 that I know of Objectives: 1. Get a nuclear device 2. Get a rocket launcher 3. Destroy the Hover Jet 4. Escape through wall First just follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen (you should now be against a pillar) and keep shooting the guys until about 4 are dead. Then get off the pillar and go slightly (maybe a couple inches) to your right and crouch behind the rail. Shoot them until 4 more guys die, then go back behind the pillar. Once you're behind it again take out the guy hiding behind 2 crates. Now go to your right and go straight until you reach the stairs, which should be to your left (if you turn 180 degrees then its to your right). Go down the stairs and go straight. Go between the crates and pick up as much ammo as you can find then pick up the briefcase to complete your first objective. A cutscene will show a guy with a rocket launcher enter a balcony above and another guy hide behind a wall in the doorway to your left. Quickly crouch behind the nearest solid crate, (wooden ones can be blown up) but don't get too far away from the guy with the rocket launcher. You should be able to machine gun him without taking much, if any damage. Then go to the right of the crate and take out the machine gunner in the doorway, which should now be either dead ahead or at a slightly diagonal angle depending on the crate you chose. If he comes out and hides behind a crate, go to your previous position and take him out when he pops his head up and be patient! When he dies go towards the balcony where the guy with the rocket launcher once stood. When you get there, rappel up the ledge and get onto the balcony for a Bond Moment. Pick up the body armor if you've taken any damage then a rocket launcher right next to it, get what appears to be another launcher, but is just ammo to make sure you don't run out too fast to complete your second objective. Go to the next room, once you get there a cutscene will show a jet rising up. The jet will start shooting missiles and machine gun fire from it rapidly so take cover behind the solid wall next to the first window. The jet can be blown up in 4 shots from the rocket launcher, but only shoot two from that wall. Then dive towards the solid wall next to the second window and fire two more shots to complete your third objective. A cutscene will show 2 tanks rising from under the floor. Hide behind the second solid wall again and shoot two rockets at the tank to your right, Boom it's in pieces! Then go back to the first solid wall and crouch behind it. Shoot 2 rockets at the tank to your left, if you have less than 2rockets left then just machine gun the tank until it comes apart. Go back to where the rocket launcher was and pick up another, but instead of rappelling down, go down the stairs, when you get to the bottom of that set go left down another set and hug the wall to your left before revealing yourself in the doorway. Kill as many guys as possible, but eventually you'll need to come out and crouch behind a crate to your right. Kill a guy or two and run (dive if you need to) into the corner directly to your right, crouch behind the crate and pick up the body armor if you've taken any damage. Shoot in the corner directly ahead of yours aiming for the double-barreled tank-like implanted machine gun with two rocket launcher shots. Then just kill everyone else in the area, but still maintain your cover until everyone is dead. Then just go back to where you started the mission and you've completed the mission. ============================ Training Level: MI6 Training ============================ Degree of difficulty: * Bond Moments: None Objectives: 1.Hand to hand combat 2. Rappel Gun 3. Attacking enemies while crouching 4. Shooting items by using Bond Sense 5. Using wall hug as cover 6. Using a sniper rifle 7. Using the Q-spider 8. Exiting the training level Just follow the instructions given to you by M and Q. You shouldn't need to be taken through this level by me since your pretty much taken through it by M and Q. ========================== Mission 1: A Long Way Down ========================== Degree of Difficulty: ** Bond Moments: 2 that I know of Objectives: 1. Drop Explosive into vent 2. Rappel off building ledge 3. Shut off Flame Vents 4. Find Doctor Nadonova You start on your rappel gun at the top of a building. Just rappel down as quickly as possible, you will take a very small amount of damage, but not much to be a factor. Go quickly to your left and hug the wall, kill the guy that is using the computer. Then quickly go into the room and go straight and stop just before the wall on the right ends. Hit the switch to your right to gas a few enemies and get a Bond Moment. Now turn around and kill anyone if they've entered the room. Now crouch behind the computer and kill the guy's behind the wall. When they're dead, duck behind the other side of the computer and take out the other guys, shoot the gas barrels if you need to take out more than one at a time. Now run straight ahead and turn right after passing the gas switch. Then go straight until you reach a round item that has gas coming out of it. Walk up to that and hit X to complete your first objective. A cutscene will show the inside of the building you're on blowing up. Run and dive straight towards the opening in the rock wall and rappel down to complete your second objective. Don't go very far down though make sure you stay near the top so that flames don't burn you when the enemies rappel down. Once the 3 enemies rappel down (be patient they take a few seconds to come down) I recommend using a machine gun on them. Rappel down to your far right, you should be on a gray landing. Go get the armor to the left (to your right if you turn around). Now rappel up the side of the wall, but before you get to the top turn around and wait for a guy to rappel down. As soon as you see him begin shooting until he's dead. Then rappel down to get his ammo and rappel back up, only this time go all the way up. Quickly get behind the right side of the wall that is directly in front of you. Take out the two guys, take out the one coming towards you first, then the one behind the crate. Now go to the end of the room the two guys were in and shoot the wall out if it hasn't been shot out already. Two guys on rappel guns will appear, take them out as quickly as possible. Now rappel down the ledge where the wall you shot out used to be. Hug the wall that you rappelled down and go left. Take out the guy around the corner, leave your cover if you need to. Now leave the wall and go left (form having your right shoulder to the wall) and rappel down the ledge. Get the armor if you need it, go right and rappel down the next ledge. When you get to the bottom hug the middle wall and take out the guys to your left, first the one in the open, then the one behind the crate. Now move to your left and hit the switch for another Bond Moment. Then turn right and kill the guy being gassed. Wsit for the gas to stop coming through the vents, then take another right. You should see a tiny red flashing square. Walk up to it and hit X to complete your third objective and shut off the flame vents. Quickly turn around and hug the middle wall again, only this time you're on the other side. Move to your left and take out the guy with the rocket launcher and the guy rappelling down (you may have to wait a few seconds for him to come down). Now move to your right and take out the guy running towards you. Go back to where you rappelled down, but go through the doorway to your left instead of rappelling up. Hug the wall to your left, move right still hugging the wall, and take out 3 guys in the area, they're probably running from crate to crate. When they're dead leave your wall cover and crouch behind the nearest crate to your left and take out the fourth and final guy. Go straight, then take a left. Now walk out into the opening and rappel down the ledge. To avoid fire and gas keep to your far left, you shouldn't have to worry about it if you're health is at least one quarter full. When you get to the bottom your mission is complete. ====================== Mission 2: Train Chase ====================== Degree of Difficulty: ** Bond Moments: 2/3 that I've found Objectives: 1. Find Doctor Nadonova 2. Catch up to the train 3. Get Underneath the train You start in a helicopter pad-like area. Go straight, when you reach the rail to your left is your cloaked Porsche Cayenne, take it if you want, but I recommend going to the right and this walkthrough is based on going to the right. When you get to the room, you'll see a motorcycle to your left. Hop on and follow the path. When you reach fire just go through it quickly and it won't hurt you. Break through the building and follow the trail on your GPS map. Then follow the railroad tracks when you reach them. When you see the gap in the tracks, just fall through and follow the path below, but be careful of attacking motorcyclists, just veer side to side to avoid as many bullets as possible. Soon there will be a large jump, take out the helicopter and hit the jump, when you get to the bottom there will be a few armed jeeps and two attacking motorcyclists. Go straight on the dirt road (if you go right on the pavement you'll have to deal with the jeeps) and take out the cyclists, ignore the jeeps because they won't follow you. Soon you'll see another jump with a helicopter at the top. Take it out before you reach the jump for a Bond Moment. A few seconds later you'll see a pole falling due to a hit from a missile. Keep to your left and hit the ramp (if you miss you'll lose time working your way around the fallen poles). When you hit the ramp angle yourself slightly diagonally to the right so you don't run into the wall. Now just keep to your right, you'll see a landscape in the middle of the course go to the far right of it and stay on the far right. Hit the ramp that should be dead ahead (if it's not then its on the right) for a Bond Moment and to complete an objective. When you reach the top two more motorcyclists will attack you, so take them out as quickly as possible. Now set your sights on the train. Take out the guard in the back of the train and stick to the back of the train like glue. Eventually there will be a slope allowing your bike to slide underneath the train. Now a cutscene will appear to show you falling through a hole in a bridge, don't hit the reset button it's only your bike, then it will show you getting into the train, and your mission and objectives are complete. ======================== Mission 3: An Old Friend ======================== Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments: 4/4 (I found all of them) Objectives: 1. Destroy 5 missile launch computers 2. Destroy last missile launch computer 3. Defeat Jaws 4. Find Doctor Nadonova You start crouching behind a crate with three guards in the room. The guard on the far right should be walking towards you. As soon as he turns his head, sneak up behind the guard on the far left and subdue him (walk up to him crouching and hit triangle and square at the same time, this button command should be at the bottom of your screen). Now sneak up on the guy in the middle and subdue him. Walk to the other side of the computers and wait for the third guard to check on the guard in the middle. When he crouches down, sneak up on him and subdue him. Now take out a gun and search around for computers using Bond Sense. Take out four of them to complete your first objective. Now strafe right (from crate you started at) and go straight towards the door. Go through the first door to pick up a Bond Moment. Crouch before you enter the second door and go through. Quickly go right sneak up behind the guard at the desk and subdue him. I you need the armor, pick it up, but keep cover behind the wooden desk. When you see another guard in the other section of the room on the left walking away from you sneak up behind him and subdue him. He will probably go to the other side of the missiles, but don't take a shortcut. When he's subdued go out the door behind the missiles for a Bond Moment, then go through the second door. Wait behind the first set of crates for the guard on the left to walk away, come back towards you, and then as soon as he turns his head, sneak up on him and subdue him. Now turn your body to the left and make a right. Then go straight, strafe right, go straight, and wait right before you go through the gap in the left side of the crates, don't show yourself! Wait for the guard to walk towards you, when he does retreat to the area where the first guard in the car died, but make sure the guard that was coming towards you is still visible. When he turns his head come out, sneak up behind him and subdue him. Now go through the door, which should either be in front of you or to the right of you for a Bond Moment. Go through the second door and sneak up behind the first guard you see on the left, who should be walking away form you and subdue him. Now there is a guard in front of you using a computer paying no attention to you whatsoever. Don't let that make you leave your stealthy crouch because he can still hear you if you do. Sneak up behind him and give him the old subdue sandwich. Now shoot the computer that he was using to complete your second objective. Exit through the door, which should be in front of you for your final Bond Moment. Turn on your thermovision goggles before you enter the second door. Now go through the door, perform a wall hug on the tank in front of you, and take out a gun. One guard will run and hide behind a wall, while the other stays in the open. Kill the on in the open, the one in the corner will appear to come back, but that is really someone else, so kill him. Now leave your cover and shoot in to the corner to your left where the guard is, if he comes out, it makes things much better for you. Once all three guards die go through the door at the end of the compartment and walk towards the second. A cutscene will show Jaws throwing you through a glass wall. When the cutscene is over, you must fight Jaws. Back up to your left and go behind a pole. Jaws will take rip two poles out of their places and throw them at you creating an electric flow in their places. As long as your behind the pole behind you and to your left, his madness won't affect you. Now go confront him with a few fists and knock him into one electric flow, but back away as soon as you see him in the electricity. Then do the same again, if he attempts to attack you dive out of the way. Once you beat him into the electricity the second time, then you not only complete objectives three and four, but your mission as well. =========================================================== Platinum Walkthrough for An Old Friend: (from FastNFurious) =========================================================== In the first car, wait for the walking guard to turn away and then sneak up on and kill the first two guards. When the walking guard discovers one of the bodies, target his head with the silenced P99. Make sure you have a clear shot, then take it. Once he's down, complete the task of destroying the computers with the P99. Once done, keep the silencer on the P99 and walk into the second car. In the second car, sneak behind the empty station and STAY THERE. Target the guard walking in the middle. Be sure to aim for his head. You now have two options - one is to wait until his buddy walking around the missile meets him and leaves before you snipe him, out of sight of the stationary guard, whom you're across from. The other is to snipe him as soon as he's out of sight of the stationary guard. In either case, once he's down, target the standing guard and hit him with a head shot. Now wait. The final guard will run up to either body before investigating. Target his head quickly and fire. Collect their weapons and move into the third car. In the third car, bum rush the first guard you see and silently take him down. Then, use the gap in the crates to spot his buddy. Find him and wait for him to turn away, then bum rush him and take him down. DO NOT SHOOT IN THIS CAR. Collect their weapons and head for the fourth car, but bring up your silenced P99 before entering. In the fourth car, target the head of the guard walking away on your left and fire, then wall hug the middle divider and move to the right. Target the head of the guard walking towards you and fire. Once they are both down, you can easily sneak up on the guard at the computer console and silently take him down. *WARNING: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT* Once this car is cleared, do the following things. Load the Sig 552 with a full clip, then do the same for the Desert Eagle. Bring the Sig 552 back into your hands, then turn on your thermovision by hitting Select. Now walk into the final car. In the final car, you'll have to be quick, or you'll lose your shot at platinum here. Immediately target and shoot the first guard, then wait just a second, since a second may follow. After that, wall hug the crates and let them come to you. There are five guards to kill here - the trick is to be QUICK on the Lock-On button and nail them before they nail you. Don't waste shots - you shouldn't run out of Sig ammo, but on the off chance you do, switch to the Desert Eagle and don't stop shooting until the target drops. With some skill and a little luck, you can clear this car and complete the Platinum requirement. Don't worry about Jaws - once you run into him, the Platinum objective is fulfilled, so you can just focus on killing him. Damage incurred during the boss fight does not count against you. Neither does dying, since it starts you at the beginning of the boss fight again. ==================== Mission 4: Sandstorm ==================== Degree of Difficulty: ** Bond Moments: 3/3 (I found all of them) Objectives: 1. Catch up to the general's helicopter 2. Eliminate the general After the opening cutscene you will be piloting the helicopter, you saw James and Katya get into. Just follow the river and around the first bend is your first enemy, take him out and make sure to conserve your missiles throughout the entire mission, you will need them later. Soon Q will talk about flares, when he does so you'll be approaching enemies so hit the L1 button to use them to evade missiles, then take out the enemies with bombs or missiles. Continue with this process until you reach a waterfall. Turn left and gain altitude until you reach the edge of the cliff. Now take out the bridge for a few ships to fall into the water and a Bond Moment. Continue following down the river, taking out enemies as you go. When you reach a boat with a helicopter in front of it, take out both of them and part of the cliff should become falling boulders. Just keep on going to down the path. When you reach the ruins, slow down a bit so you can navigate over and under the old, destroyed buildings. When you exit, just a bit farther will finally get you to the general's helicopter to complete your first objective. Don't shoot any missiles at the general, (remember what I said about conserving) just use flares to evade his own missiles. Watch out for fire bursting through the stone walls in the temple. If you manage to avoid this fire then you'll be awarded a Bond Moment. Pursue the general until a cutscene shows him going into his defensive shield. Here is where missile conservation pays off because it is difficult to do this with bombs. Two missiles are good enough to take out one pillar of the shield. There are four pillars so you should fire eight missiles total and then the shield will collapse. Once that collapses, two more missiles on the general's helicopter and he will go down and rest in peace with the sharks. Mission complete, so now all you have to do is watch the ending cutscene before you go to the next level. ============== MI-6 Interlude ============== Bond Moments: 0/0 Degree of Difficulty: 0 Objectives: None Sit back and watch Q give a few new gadgets to you and tells you about each one. ============================== Mission 5: Serena St. Germaine ============================== Degree of Difficulty: **** Bond Moments: 0/2 Objectives: 1. Locate Serena St. Germaine 2. Intercept Patrol Jeep 3. Locate and Enter 003's hideout 4. Get to the hotel Americano 5. Avoid Enemy Patrols 6. Lose the Patrols (only if they see you) 7. Avoid or Eliminate Enemy Patrols 8. Reach the base of Mountain Fortress To begin with, you'll be chasing a jeep into the village. Change your weapon to missiles (if you don't have them equipped already) and fire two at the jeep to complete your first objective. Follow the dirt road until you reach a dirt ramp on the left. Slow down and after you get through the left curve or over the ramp go to the left, between the steep hills with trees on them. Now drive straight down the road and in a short period of time you'll see a cutscene of a ramp unfolding. You'll now be aimed straight at it, so simply drive over it and you'll see a hut sized building to your right. Park the Cayenne in the blue and white circle, then get out of the vehicle. Walk up to the door of the building and open it. cutscene will play and then you better get back in the vehicle. Drive back over the ramp and go to your left. Follow the path until a cutscene plays and M is saying you're not advised to engaage the local patrols. Listento her and pull a U-turn. Follow the GPS map until you see two yellow dots, one moving away and one moving towards you. If you stay back far enough and wait for the one coming toward you to pass, then you should be okay. Now gun it and take a hard right. When you reach the circle, go to the left side of it, and take the first left when you get to it. Apply the Q cloak and take your second left and then first right. When you reach the two patrol jeeps with the barricades in between them, drive through the barricades. Your cloak will disengage, so reapply it until you come around the next bend, then disengage it. Follow the twisty road until you reach the turn before the first intersection. Wait for all patrol jeeps to pass on the map, then drive around the bend and take the first right. Take the first left, apply the cloak, and then take the second right. Now drive as fast as possible and eventually you'll see a cutscene showing Serena getting into the Cayenne with you to help find your way to 003's hideout. By the way, you'll complete a few objectives as well. Even with Serena helping you, she can be a little slow on giving directions, so take your first right and blow up the jeep taking cover, you'll see it underneath a roof. Now take your first right and first left (it would be fastest to cut this diagonally. Take your first left and destroy the jeep. Eventually, you'll approach another jeep, so blow that up also (use the Q-cloak if you need it) then continue on. Pursue the path until you reach the intersection, take out the jeep that is driving by. Take a left, then a right immediately after. Listen to Serena and drive straight through the circle taking out the jeep within it. Apply your cloak before you reach the other side of the circle, then drive by the jeep unseen. When you round two bends, it's safe to disengage the Q cloak. Follow the road until you see two enemies on your GPS map, simply apply the cloak, drive by round the bend, then it's up to you whether you disengage the cloak yet. If you are the type of person who likes to drive fast and/or reckless, then disengage the cloak and drive by the tank to your right. If you're slow and/or conservative, then apply the cloak, after a couple seconds it's okay to disengage the cloak. Now just follow the road until you reach a set of barricades and a cutscene of an approaching tank will play. Go slightly to the left of the rocks in front of you and purposely fall off the cliff. Don't worry about dying a cutscene will show you landing hard and bouncing into the air. Continue quickly and carefully up the rock hill. Soon you'll come to a cliff, but if you're driving fast enough you can turn the hill into a ramp and land cleanly on the other side. When you reach the top of the hill and hear M talking about not being able to enter the front gates, look to your left. Eventually you'll see black and yellow barricades. Drive through them and about two seconds later your mission will be complete and a cutscene will play. ================== Mission 6: Vertigo ================== Bond Moments: 2/4 Degree of Difficulty: *** Objectives: 1. Get to top of cliff 2. Retrieve Agent 003's uplink device. 3. Destroy signal jamming antenna 4. Install the uplink device on a junction box You start in an elevator so just sit tight and wait until you reach the top. When you reach the top of the elevator crouch. Go to your right, then to your left and you'll see a shortcut on the along the wall on the right side. Enter while crouching and go to the end of the wall. When the wall on left turns diagonally perform a wall hug on it and move to the far right. Now wait for the guard to come and two bullets from the P99 will do him in. Leave your cover and go down the hall towards the area you killed the first guard in. When you get to the end of the hall, crouch, move diagonally to your right, and crouch behind a mine cart. If a guard comes early then catch him off guard with a few bullets, if he doesn't then he will come around the corner and you can really give him a surprise. Do not leave your cover, another guard will round the corner aware of you, so take him out before he gets behind the mine cart. One more guard will do the same thing as the previous one, so just repeat the same procedure. Now remain crouching, but leave your cover. Continue and go all the way (180 degrees) around the mine cart and remain to your left. When you get around you should be facing a wall, but if you see a long hall then go to your left. Now hug the wall, move to the far right and take out the guard. Proceed cautiously down that hall in case you haven't killed everyone. When you get to the end of the hall, go to the left, change your weapon to the AK-74 and rappel up to the next floor. Immediately kill the guard diving off the boxes down to the floor, then another guard will come after you from the right. Kill the guard that comes from the right before he can take cover. Now crouch and move straight until the wall appears to be farther in on the right. Hug that portion of the wall, move to the left and take out the guard behind the crate down the hall. As you are attempting this, two guards will rappel down the wall at the end of the hall, once the guard behind the crate is dead, these two guards can be dealt with. They'll probably still be in the open when the guard behind the crate is dead because they come after you, so give them the royal treatment. Go to the area where you killed the first guard and pick up some ammo. Now when you exit that area, go to the left down the long hall. As you approach the crate where the third guard on this floor died, go to the right into the area that appears to be under construction and into the elevator to complete an objective. Exit the construction area and go right. Rappel up to the third floor, wait for a guard to rappel down the wall in the right hand corner, when he does don't let him fire a shot and take him down. Go to your left and get the armor if you need it. Then go to the right or if you went to get the armor, turn around and rappel up to the next level. When you reach the top be careful because there is a guard with a rocket launcher, simply go to the right and crouch behind a mine cart to avoid the explosions. Move ahead to the next mine cart, you'll be within shooting range so shower him with bullets until he goes down. Now push the cart in front of you by hitting the X button, if it doesn't move, then you're probably on the wrong side. Now go to the left, then the right and down the hall, but stop when you reach the window to your right. Hug the first pillar to your left, if you're in the correct location then you should see an opening with two guards on foot and one rappelling guard in it to your right. Take out the two guards on foot, and then enter the small area to take out the rappelling guard. Turn around and go to your left, rappel down the ledge to enter a fairly eerie room. Now move into the dark hall and turn on the thermovision goggles. Crouch and walk down the hall. When you the wall ends, if you look to the right, you should see a diagonal section of the wall. Hug this wall and move to the far left. A guard will come around the corner, so shoot him, leave your cover and go to the right around the corner, enter the hall and hug the wall on the left. Now move to the far right and kill the guard around the corner. Go around the corner and pick up the MP5K ammo. Look to the diagonal left, you should see a box with a weapon on it. It just happens to be an AT-420 so pick it up. As M said it looks like a trap so don't expect a free run back. Go to the right around the corner, then go down the hall and to the left, hug the wall that is farthest in and move to the far right. Wait a couple seconds and a guard will come around the corner, so immediately kill him. Soon after another guard will come as well so give him the same treatment. Now round the corner, hug the diagonal section of the wall to your left, and move to the far right. At the end of the hall a guard will enter, so kill him before he can even get near you. Proceed down the hall and go to the left. Now deactivate your thermovision and rappel back up. Go down the hall, take the left-right (diagonal right) corner where the mine carts are, and go to the end of the hall to find body armor if you need it. Now go back down the hall, take the left-right corner and look for the room on the left. Enter the room, go into bond sense, and look at the floor. Lock onto the wooden board and shoot it out. Take out a Q-spider and send it under the board. Look to the left, eventually a gap will appear for it to go into. After it goes through the second gap, send it to the left and up the ramp, but not too fast because you'll need to come to an abrupt stop at the top, take two rights, and go up another ramp. Then comes another double right and a ramp, only this time you won't need to stop quick, when you get to the top of this ramp go to the left through the gap, then left again and down a ramp. Slow down and go to the right, then to the left into the gap. Go up the ramp and slowly to the right. Now move into the room, go to the right, and open the door for a Bond Moment. Just let the guards crunch the spider and you'll be back to yourself again. Rappel up the side to the next floor. Quickly hug the wall on the left and take out your AT-420. Look around the corner and you should see two guards on a platform with an antenna above. Aim the At-420 at the antenna and fire to take out both guards. Shoot it again, the antenna will fall, and an objective will be completed. Switch to a normal gun and hug the wall that should be dead ahead after you leave the other one. Take out all three guards then leave your cover and look towards the platform again. Another guard should be there so kill him. Go down to the end of the hall and enter the next hall with a sidestep to the left. Go to the end of the next hall and rappel up, take out the guard in front of you, then take out two more when the come around the corner. Grab the body armor on the left of the hallway if you need it. Go around the corner to the end of the hall, arm yourself with the AT-420, and rappel up to the top level. Immediately fire at one guard, then another, one of the shots should take out two guards at once. On the right side of the room will be five boxes, two stacked in the back and three stacked in the front. Go to the two in the back and hit the X button to get the uplink device and complete an objective. Turn around and rappel back down, but don't expect a free pass back. Quickly kill the first guard at the bottom then kill the two rappelling guards to the right and continue down the hall. Go around the corner to the left, go to the end of the hall, and rappel down. More guards lurk in this hall, so run and dive for the first mine cart on the right, and then crouch behind it. Take out the two guards in the open, run and dive for the mine cart on the left, and take out the guard behind the wall (he may come out). Move forward down the hall, sidestep to the left to go into another hall, and go down that hall until you reach the first door on the left. Enter this room, go to the big white box slightly to the right diagonal, and install the uplink by hitting X to complete an objective. Turn around and take out the guard behind you if there is one, then enter the room to your left and you'll see what the Q-spider gave you access to: a whole load of armor and weapons. Take all you need and exit both rooms with left turns. Go to the end of the hall, sidestep to the left, and rappel down. Go to your right and down the hall. Hug the wall dead ahead to take out the closest guards, then exit your cover and crouch behind the mine carts to take out guards at a distance. You will encounter about six guards total in this hall. Go all the way to the end of the hallway and shoot out the board on the left if it hasn't been shot out already. Enter the opening and pick up the armor if needed, then turn around, go down the hall a little, and rappel down the nearest opening, which is to the right. Go to the left and rappel down that opening. Take cover behind boxes on the right and take out as many guards as possible. One is above you, a couple are in the open, one comes from a room to your left, and one hides behind the wall to the right. Once they're dead, exit your cover, go into the room to your left and you'll see the elevator. Enter the elevator and hit the X button, you have finally completed all objectives and the mission! =========================== Mission 7: The Ruined Tower =========================== Bond Moments: 2/4 Degree of Difficulty: *** Objectives: 1. Find 003 2. Infiltrate Ruin You start crouched behind a wall inside of what appears to be an unfinished elevator. Silence your P99 through Bond sense and shoot the guy in the head coming towards you. You'll hear the barn door open and a guard will enter to check on his now dead buddy. When he leans over his friend kill him as quickly as possible and don't let him take cover. Remaining crouched so you're unheard leave the elevator with a sidestep to the left. Go straight and almost to the end of them room collecting the first guards ammo in the process. Then take a left into the room and get the ammo the SIG-552 off the table to your right. Leave your crouching stance, turn around, and go straight until you reach the barn door on your left. Go into the open enough for the guards to see you, but run back to where you started and crouch behind the low metal piece in the elevator. Be patient and wait for the guards to come. Kill the first two guards that come, then go into Bond sense, and shoot the propane tank in the upper left-hand corner of the building to attract more guards' attention. If none come, then leave your cover and kill the guard outside the barn door from inside the barn. After you've killed 3 guards run out the barn door and got to the right. Now run to the wall and go behind the building. Back track to your left, then right. Look for the door to the building on the right (the point of doing this is to bring out another guard). Go to the left where the wall with a hole in it is and crouch behind that spot. There will be a guard directly across from you behind another rock wall. Shoot him when he pops his head up until he dies. Leave the building to go get his ammo. Turn around and go to the wall again, but this time go on the left side of the building and rappel up for a Bond Moment. When you get to the top the guard in the room to your right will begin ton attack you so kill him as quickly as possible. Go into the room to get his ammo, body armor if you need it, and to your left on the table is a Dragunov sniper rifle. Switch to the Dragonov and exit the room. Be on the watch for a guard carrying a rocket launcher. If you look straight across to your left you'll see an opening, the rocket launcher guard should be there, line up the crosshairs and shoot him before he cooks you. Now crouch behind the ledge to your left. One guard should be in the rock building to the left diagonal. Shoot him with the sniper when he pops his head up and search for the second guard. If you can't find him then rappel down the ledge you came up from and go towards the rock structure diagonally to your right. Hug the wall on the right and move left until you have a clear view. Eventually 3 or 4 guards will come out (depending on whether or not you killed one or two guards from above). When all of them are dead, get the armor in the barn where you started if you need it. Just walk straight in and you should find it, if not continue on straight down the path where the guards were. When you reach the top of the slope, go around the corner to the right, and walk until you hear a noise. When you hear this noise go back to the middle of the corner and hug the wall. Watch for a guard to come from the left first, after you kill him another will be farther away on the right. A third guard will come from the left after a few more seconds. If your short on ammo go to the right and get that guard's ammo, come back, go to the left of the corner, and collect the other two guards' ammo. When you reach the top of the stairs look to your left and you should see train tracks and a double door. Follow the train tracks toward the double door and stop when you see a large brown wooden structure to your right. Walk up to the structure and rappel up it. When you reach the top go left and stay on the right side. Walk down the stairs and hug the rock wall that should be straight ahead. First kill the rappelling guard, and then kill the guard behind the crate when he sticks his head up. Now walk towards him, but go to the left instead of going to get his ammo. Hug the wall on the left when it sharply turns diagonally 45 degrees. Move as far as possible to the right without leaving cover. Three guards should be visible two in dark suits and one in a slightly lighter suit, one may hide for a few seconds, but he'll eventually come out if you're patient giving you clear shots at 3 guards. Go behind the rock where the second guard in this area died and collect his ammo. Go back towards the diagonal wall, but this time go straight towards where the others were attacking. Stay on the left side and keep walking until you reach the rock structure and crouch behind it. Three guards will come running out into new hiding places. Kill the one hiding behind the stones on the far left first, when he dies look to your left, there is building with an opening in the middle, complete with a guard that has a death wish. When he dies the third guard will probably come out before long making an easy target. Take a left and go straight until you reach an opening to your left. Enter this room and go straight until you reach the second right hand turn, walk up to it and take the sniper. Crouch and snipe the rocket launcher guard that is either straight ahead or to your right diagonal. Now take the first left-hand turn and hug the wall dead ahead. Move to the far right, take out the rappelling guard and then one other guard will appear so kill him also. Leave your cover, go straight a short ways, and hug the wall to the left. Hit L1 and you should lock on to a guard with a lower ground disadvantage, take him out when he becomes visible. Do the same to a second guard down there. Now leave your cover and go back to the right. Go straight until you reach the next right. Then go down the hall type area with door like openings and take another right. Stay on the right, stop when you reach the small rock structure and crouch down behind it. Send your Q-spider up the stairs, you should notice a ramp to your left when you reach the top of the stairs. Send the spider up this ramp and take a left when you reach then end of this strip of grass you'll be awarded a Bond Moment. If you need armor go to your left and eventually you'll stumble upon it. Now send the spider back and go back to the entrance where the Sniper rifle was. Go underneath the stone arch and to the right. If you need armor go straight and take the second right. If not then take your first left and go down the stairs. When you reach the bottom of the stairs go right and towards the Elevator type thing and hit the switch on the right. A crate will fall crating a hole in the floor for you to drop down into. Crouch down and hit the switch to your left to move the cart forward. Stay behind the car, but keep moving with it. The first guard you'll come across is to your diagonal left or to your right (depending on how fast your reflexes are). When he's dead follow the cart straight ahead, The next guard is right before the mine cart turns near the building to your right. Another guard may attack you from the area you came so go back out and shoot him if he's there. Now follow the train tracks in the opposite direction the cart was coming. Eventually on your right you'll see a set of stairs, go up and to the right. Just go straight to the wall near the wooden structure where you rappelled up earlier is. Wait a few minutes and a rappelling guard will appear, take him out before he reaches the surface. Wait a couple seconds and another guard will do the same thing so just repeat the process. Now go to your left onto the thing that looks like a run down roof and jump off. Go to your left then into Bond sense when you reach the double doors. Take out a gun, lock on to the dynamite in front of the doors keeping your distance, and blast out the doors. Just enter through the area you blasted out and your mission is complete. ============================ Mission 8: Death of an Agent ============================ Bond Moments: 0/6 Degree of Difficulty: *** Objectives: 1. Reach 003 before he dies 2. Find another way off the cliff 3. Locate exit to Catacombs 4. Catch Serena Start out by going straight around the corners while crouched down, peering through the glass to your right at all times. When you see a guard through the glass, take out the SIG 552 and shoot all 3 guards as quickly as possible. Collect their ammo and eventually you'll see a staircase, as soon as you reach it take out the guard at the bottom. Get his ammo, go down the second flight of stairs and to the right when you reach the bottom. Then you'll see a cutscene of 003 dying. Immediately after that a guard will attack you from your left, so quickly regain your bearings and take him out. Crouch down and move towards the area where the guard is that you just killed. Turn right, and then go down the hall staying on the right behind the wooden crate. Attack the guard behind the next crate with a few bullets and continue on to the next crate, which is on the left. A guard is behind the crate to your right so shoot him as soon as he pops out. Now go to the left of that crate and down the stairs, but as soon as you reach the bottom, hug the wall on the left, move to the right, and take out the immediate threat (the guard). Now go down the staircase where he was and hut the narrow strip of wall in front of you on the right. Move to the left and take out the guard behind the stone wall as soon as he emerges. Wait for about 15-30 seconds and 2 more guards will come out from behind the stone wall (if they don't then make some noise) and shoot them both. Then make noise and yet another 2 guards will attempt to attack you, make sure you prevent them. Continue making noise by leaving your cover, running in a circle, then take cover again, and another 2 guards will come out. When all 8 guards are finally dead, go straight (or to the right where there is body armor on a table) and go up the stairs. Go to the right, then straight to the end, right again, and down the stairs. Turn left and go straight, but stick to the right side where the wall is. Now veer in between the overturned mine cart and the broken stone wall. Another guard will be straight ahead slightly to the left behind in the stone doorway so immediately pull the trigger on him. Go to the right side of the doorway and aim at the guard on the stairs hit L1 to lock on and find him easier. Go through the doorway and to the right diagonally, you should see some body armor between a mine cart and a crate if you need it. If you don't need armor then turn around and go back through the doorway, but instead of going straight, go left and through the other doorway. When you drop down activate the thermovision goggles. I recommend remaining crouched the whole way through the dark. Take the first right and hug the wall on the right. Now move to the far left and take out the guard. Then leave your cover, backtrack to the beginning, go straight to the wall and hug it. If there is a guard down the hall then kill him, if not go back to the spot where you killed the first guard and take out the two guards in that room, then go down the hall that you previously looked down and there will be a guard behind the first opening to the left. When he is dead, continue on down to the end of the hall and take a left. Go straight remaining on the left side and crouch behind the crate as a guard comes out giving you the advantage to kill. Go straight to the end of the hall, hug the wall, look to the right, and fire at the guard. If he doesn't die he'll go behind a crate so hug the wall to your right and fire around the corner. Go through the narrow opening on the left after going towards the crate. Turn left twice. Go straight until you reach the first opening to your left, hug the narrow wall straight ahead, fire a shot making the guard leave his cover and kill him down the hall. Go straight to the end of that hall, hug the wall, move right and kill the guard. Now enter the room and take the first left, which isn't very far away, in that room on the stone shelf you will see conveniently located body armor. Now exit the room and turn left, as soon as you get in the hall hug the wall to your left and kill the two guards down the hall. Two other guards will also attempt an assault if you make noise and are patient, but keeping your awareness should prevent losing too much health. Now take your first left, then your first right and you'll stumble upon two pillars with a staircase in the middle. Proceed with caution towards the staircase. As soon as you get there fire up at the guard. When He's dead walk up the stairs and deactivate your thermovision goggles. Walk straight ahead and you'll eventually see a lever on a round object (can't miss it) hit X and you'll open a door at the end of the hall to a bunch of guards. As they pour in, crouch behind the first crate to your left and open-fire. It is a good idea to hit the lock on button in order to find guards behind doors. You might also want to move from crate to crate (crouched) to get a closer shot. Once this seemingly endless affair is over, walk through the door and you'll be at a save point. Just follow the railroad tacks to the edge of the cliff and you’ll see a cutscene. Immediately jump off when the cutscene is over. While shooting anyone in the way follow this path and you should reach Serena in time. First go to the far left, and then take a sharp right to the opening. Next, Go between the platforms and to the left of the platform in the middle. Go to the right of the rock and to the left of the platform. Go very far left from the grass with the fence in it and go to the right of the rock. Then continue through the openings to the right diagonally, then go to the left of the 1st platform. Now straight for a little while, then to get past the next obstacle go left, then right, around the platform. Next go to the far left around the bridge, the key is to move left just before you pass the platform on the right. Then go right, around the rock. Then go to the far right. You need to shoot at the guards and eventually you'll get to her. Maybe you can catch her before you reach the last turn. Now your mission is complete. ========================== Mission 9: A Show of Force ========================== Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments: 5/5 Objectives: 1. Get Serena safely to 003's hideout 2. Reach the extraction point You obviously start out in a tank that is driven by Serena. Your job is to use the weapons. First aim your tank's machine gun to the left and blow up the first jeep to get a Bond Moment. Another jeep will come at you and stop to your right, use the machine gun on that one too. After Serena cuts through the trees, you will see a helicopter come at you while firing, once it gets behind you it will go around a rock and appear to your left (if you're looking back). You can use the machine gun or cannon to eliminate the copter. Now point your machine gun straight ahead and get ready to resist an ambush of grenade launcher and machine gun fire, but it's not as bad as it sounds. Just before Serena turns the corner point the gun to the left slightly and take out any guards on the right side in one area, then turn it to the left and do the same thing, make sure you take out barrels in the process. Do the same thing back and forth one more time. Now waiting for you at the end of the road are two jeeps right next to each other. Play it conservatively and use the machine gun or aggressively with the cannon, but make sure you have at the very least 20 shots for the cannon left or you'll be in trouble. As Serena rounds the corner, aim your machine gun towards the barrels slightly to the right and fire at them to take out two guards with rocket launchers at once to obtain a Bond Moment. Serena will run over a few shelves so when you get up the hill take your machine gun out. Just ignore the enemy’s big truck going by, as it will not turn around, The first enemies are to the left and a jeep will be in front of you so take out the guards first then the jeep. Another jeep will eventually appear behind you, so either hit circle to wheel the gun around quick, take aim, and fire a away. Once the jeep is destroyed hit R2 to switch to the tank cannon. After the cutscene, fire on the tank that is on the other side of the fountain with the tank cannon. It should take 3 solid hits to put the tank away, then hit the jeep that is behind you with two solid shots and Serena will leave the circular road and go down another road. You will then hear James tell her to wait because of the guards on the bridge that looks like a building straight ahead. Fire one shot with the tank cannon right at the clock to knock the bridge and the guards down. Serena will go up two hills. As she goes up the second one you'll see a helicopter. It's very hard to destroy with either weapon so I just recommend firing at it with the machine gun. As James says, "Go right." You'll see a jeep in front of you, just open fire on it as usual. Just after that you'll see an approaching tank. The tank can be destroyed with the machine gun so fire away. After the tank is destroyed, aim your machine gun ahead again and point it slightly to the right where two guards with rocket launchers are lurking and fire. Now switch weapons to the tank cannon to prepare for a small but powerful ambush from tanks and a helicopter as soon as the gas pumps come into view take aim at one, but don't fire. A cutscene will play with M telling you to shoot the gas tanks. Obviously it would be wise to obey her because you not only destroy everything at once, but you also get a Bond Moment. Another cutscene will play, then listen to Q walk up to the motorcycle which should be in plain site and press triangle to get on it. Go straight and slightly to the right up and over the bridge. Once you're over the bridge, turn right and follow the road. When you get over the first hill you'll see a jeep, just fire rockets at it until it's destroyed. Then you'll see motorcycles ahead. As soon as the cyclists come into view look to your left a ramp should be on the left after you round the first right hand corner. Go up that ramp and drive through the trees on the opposite side. Follow the path ignoring the cyclists to get a Bond Moment and a much quicker way to the airport. As soon as you approach the gate of the airport Go to the far right over a ramp to get the final Bond Moment. Now the airplane should be in plain view, eventually a door in the back (like a ramp) will open. Just drive towards it while firing at enemies and when it lowers drive up it to complete the mission. ============== MI-6 Interlude ============== Degree of Difficulty: 0 Bond Moments: 0/0 Objectives: None Sit back and enjoy the old formula of Q and Bond going at it while he gives you new gadgets and upgrades. ============================= Mission 10: Mardi Gras Mayhem ============================= Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments 4/4 Objectives: -Avoid Civilian Casualties (you will fail if you don't) 1. Rendezvous with NSA Agent 2. Steal transport truck 3. Infiltrate Compound 4. Place the tracking device on the truck 5. Stop the Henchman 6. Get to the Kiss Kiss Club When you first get started you are driving your Aston Martin that Q returned to you. Listen to what M says in the cutscene and then get going. Take the very first right turn you see and then take the next left turn. Now follow the road until you get to the end of it, then take a right. Follow this road until you see a gray wall with a black fence on it and brush behind the fence. Keep driving until you see an opening to your right, then turn into it and park the car where the blue and white light is. Now watch the cutscene and listen to it carefully as you have now completed objective one. Back out of the parking lot doing a 180 in the process. Now exit the park and hang a right. Follow this road until you see an area to your left with a park bench and brick road. Turn on to the brick road and follow it over a statue to receive your first Bond Moment. Eventually you will land in a small, but long building. When you get to the end of it and break out just keep driving straight to break through a gate and drop down even lower. Drive down this road until you reach a building or a fence, then turn right. Follow the road until you see a parking lot to the left. Turn into it and park in the blue light again. Now hit triangle to get out of the vehicle, but do not get in the truck yet. Go to the back of the truck on the left side and hit triangle to open the bay door. Now get back into the car and drive into the back of the truck, the bay door will close, you will be driving the truck, completed objective two, and received Bond Moment number two. Leave the parking lot by performing a 180 and turning left to get back on the road you were on. Follow this road and continue pursuing this road, eventually you will come to a fork in the road. At the fork just continue going straight. Simply keep following the road and don't take any turns at intersections until a cutscene plays showing a guard allowing you access to the compound completing objective three. In front of you you'll see a large building with barricades in front of it. Drive up to the building and go through it. You will see another blue light area to park the truck. Go into it, park the truck, and get out of the truck. You will then see another truck to the right of you. Walk over to it and go to the back of the truck, but remain on the left side. Now hit the triangle button to put the tracking device on the truck completing objective four. Now watch the cutscene and you'll see a limo drive off at the end of it. Go back to the truck you stole and open the bay door again to allow the Aston Martin back out. Hop into the Aston Martin and prepare for a quick departure. Back out of the parking space to the left. Now gun it and go straight out the door in front of you. Take a right when you get to the end of the short strip of road. You should see a metal bridge directly in front of you and a tanker at a distance. To the right of the tanker are barricades and a ramp to a tunnel. Drive up this ramp and through the tunnel for a Bond Moment. Pay attention to the color of the glass you break through when you land. Diagonally to your left you will see the same color of glass so drive through it and turn right, then immediately follow it up with a left. You should catch up to the limo on the same road. Change your weapon to the elctromagnet and when the limo is in range fire it. When you hit the limo with it get in front of it and dump the whole load of oil slick down right in front of it by hitting L1 completing objective five and Bond Moment 4. Now sit back for a short period of time to enjoy a cutscene. This is a tough Area to call because you could end up at in so many different areas, so from the first last intersection on the road where you should have first spotted the limo you turn left at that intersection. Follow this road to the end and turn right. When you reach the end of this road turn left. You will then come to another intersection where you should take a left. Follow this road to the last intersection and take a left at it. Now you will need to follow it up with consecutive right hand turns. You will see a very inviting blue light area to park your car in which completes your sixth and final objective. Now you have yet another completed mission. ============================== Mission 11: The Kiss Kiss Club ============================== Degree of diffculty: **** (a *** for stealth experts) Bond Moments: 3/3 Objectives: 1. Enter Kiss Kiss Club 2. Find Mya before her song ends 3. Retrieve security access card 4. Rescue Mya You will start off in the middle of the night (following up your previous mission) surrounded by stone buildings. If you try to enter through the door then it will show you on camera and a guard telling you to beat it, so you will need to find an alternate entrance. Get to the alternate entrance by walking straight, from the starting location for about 2 seconds, then look up and to the right. In the right hand corner of that area is an open window. Take out your rappel gun and rappel up into the room above. Once you have a view of the whole room you should see a lady on a bed talking, give her a massage for a Bond Moment and then quickly exit out the door and to the left completing objective one, but hug the wall on the left side before exposing yourself around the corner. Now watch around the corner and eventually you will see a guard come through the door. Hold your fire and wait until he turns his back to look at a picture. When his back is turned leave the wall, crouch down, sneak up behind him, and subdue him by hitting the triangle button. Remain crouched and go through the door. You will see a staircase on the right and a hallway on the left, while crouched, walk down the hallway to the left of the staircase and near the end of the wall on the left. Before you round the corner activate your Nano Suit, round the corner, and subdue the guard closest to you. Then immediately deactivate the Nano Suit and sneak up behind the guard by the computers to subdue him. Now hit X by the computers to activate a computer operated door. Take out your P99, go back to the area where the staircase was and wait at the top of it for an unsuspecting guard (you may need to leave your crouching position and make some noise without shooting). The alarm will then go off, but the foe who should be your primary concern is near the starting point, so go back through the door and hug the wall to your right. Peek around the corner and open fire on him. Now go back down the stairs, hug the wall on the right side when you get near the bottom of the staircase. Creep to the end of it and fire on the visible guard. Leave the wall, go to the left behind the table, and grab the body armor if you need it. Then go to the end of the hallway and to the left. You will see a door that you must go through to complete objective two. A cutscene will play when you go through the door. Immediately after the cutscene you'll be crouched behind a wooden bar and wood is not indestructible. Dive roll to the left by hitting circle and you should see a lever at the end of the bar, hit X to drop a metal thing from the ceiling killing three guards at once and collecting a Bond Moment. Don't feel safe yet though because there is still one other guard on the same side of the room as you, make it so you're the lone wolf on the lower level. Now move to your right and look up diagonally to your left. Another guard will be standing tall so shoot him down as well. Then move to the other side of the room and look up in the opposite direction. Yet another guard is standing on the platform above, shoot him off for a Bond Moment. Make your way to the right of the room after collecting ammo. Now walk straight until you see an opening to your right. This opening is an elevator so get in it and hit X to go up for more firefights. When you get to the top, sneak off to the left and a guard will come around the corner quite quick so shoot him down before he even gets a chance to look at you. Now turn around and hug the second brick pillar on the left. An executioner guard will come around the corner, but make quick work of him with the SPAS 12. A guard can be seen hiding crouching below a window opening, with a guard in the corner nearest to you and a guard in the far corner (you can see both corners). First shoot the guard under the window as he is the easiest target. Then target the guard in the far corner, he should be easy to gun down because your location is strategic. Then the guard in the near corner is the toughest to shoot because you may need to lure him out by running up to the corner forcing him to leave his cover so he can target you again. Shoot him down before he has a chance to look at you. Hug the wall right side of the door opening where the hinges would be if there actually was a door there. Look around the corner and a guard will be shooting at you from behind a table. Dive and roll into a crouch behind the table with the computer on it. Take out your MP5K, target the guard and shoot him, you might need to manually aim here so that the bullets will actually hit him, so just move the cursor up a little and killing him won't be too hard. Now go through the other arch doorway entering a hall on the opposite side of the elevator. Walk down the hall, a guard may begin shooting at you, as you near the brick wall he will head around the way you came so turn around and prepare to kill. Turn back around and take out your SPAS 12 or if you out of ammunition, then take out the Desert Eagle. Go around the corner where the brick wall is and hug the wall to your right. Scoot to the end of the wall and peer into the room. Move the right analog stick to the right and your should see a guard sitting at a laptop. Quickly enter the room and shoot him, one shot should be plenty good enough to kill him. Now walk over to the area he was in, pick up his MP5K rounds and the body armor on the shelf. Go to the front of the desk and hit X to pick up the keycard completing objective 3. Change your weapon to the MP5K and exit the room to the right. Take one other right and then reenter the elevator that is now on your left. Hit the X button to descend and prepare for a war. Quickly crouch behind the bar and take on about 6 excecutioner guards. Their weakness is that they must take you on at close range, take as many as you can out from a distance and if they draw in on you then smack them in the head with a gun. From the elevator go straight for about a second and then turn right, you will see an open area, enter the area. Now turn to the left and you will see a door that requires a keycard. Go up to the door and push X to gain access. An executioner guard will come after you with a cane as usual, he will be followed by a guard with a gun, take them both out quickly and enter the room. Turn right as soon as you walk in, you will see an area that appears to be a closed archway. Walk up to it and hug the wall on the left, a guard can be seen hugging the wall on the opposite side, it is your job to target him and make sure he doesn't see another minute of sunlight (manually aim a little to the left). Enter through the archway that has opened and hug the wall on the right before rounding the corner where the guard you just killed was. Another guard can be seen around the corner so give him the same treatment only the manual aiming will be needed to be opposite of the previous target. Now go around the corner where the first guard was and wait for an executioner guard to come after you. Shoot him down quickly otherwise you will pay a heavy price. Now go around the corner and walk out the door to complete the mission. Objective four can not be completed during this mission, as it is a carry over objective. ============================================== Underworld (11 gold medals required to unlock) ============================================== Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments: 0/0 Objectives: 1. Rescue Mya When you first start out you will be facing a few boxes, not that it matters, but what does matter is that you hug the wall to your right immediately and move as far as you can go to the left without leaving the wall. Then leave the wall, crouch down, and move to the box nearest you around the corner. A guard will be sitting behind a table and will get up. Shoot him before he has a chance to do anything to you. Walk over to where the guard was, collect his ammo, and look at the shelf by the door. On the end of the shelf that is closest to the door there is a skeleton key, hit X to pick it up, and hug the wall on the right, by the door. When the door opens you will see a guard behind a corner shooting at you, but do not worry about him for the time being as an executioner guard will come around the corner, shoot him down with four shots from your P99 before he can even get near you, then worry about the guard around the corner, you might want to manually aim to the right a little targeting his arm or he may peek around the corner so you would be targeting his body. When they are both dead enter the room through the door, but do not completely enter the room where you killed the second guard because you may be prone to an enemy behind a gate. Take out your Q spider, send it into the room and to the left. You will see a hole for it to the right. Send it into the hole and around the corner. When you get it around the corner you will see a guard sitting in a chair, send the spider to the right of him and detonate it blowing up the barrels opening a hole in the wall large enough for you to walk through, but make sure you do it quickly or the guard will crush the spider. Quickly walk up to the left side of the hole and hug the wall on the left. Quickly target the first guard and kill him before he can take cover. Many other guards will come after you, try to kill them before they can take any form of cover besides what they already have. Remember to be patient and wait for them, also I believe there are about ten guards will come to you, eventually you may need to leave your cover and collect ammo. Just walk into the room (crouched of course, we don't need stray bullets hitting you) and to the right in a diagonal way and you will probably see several rounds of ammo laying on the ground, pick it all up and then turn left (go to the right and to the other end of the room if you need armor). Now walk all the way to the end of the pipe and to the wall on the other side. Go straight and you should see a staircase to your right. Hug the wall next to the door on the left side and kill the guard hiding behind the box by going into Bond Sense, targeting the propane tanks next to the box, and firing a single shot. Dive into the room by hitting circle and hide behind the shelf to the right of where the propane tanks were. Go into Bond Sense again and target the propane tanks on the center shelf and fire upon them to kill the guard hiding behind the shelf. Cautiously proceed to the towards the next room, when you reach the thick wooden pillar a guard will come out from behind it so take him off guard. Move to the right and hug the wooden area to the right. A guard will be hiding behind the wall on the opposite side and another hiding behind the area where the counter is. The one behind the wall may leave his cover, if he does, then take full advantage. Fire a couple rounds behind the counter and yet another guard will appear. This lures one guard out from behind the counter the other guard that is behind the counter will move more towards you. Take advantage of the situation and kill both of them with ease, you may be able to lure out the first guard as well. Now go around the corner and into the room, turn right and go straight until you see the opening to the left. Walk into this opening and you will see a door to your left that leads to the area where the counter is. If you are one of those curious people then enter through the door and have a look around inside, though another guard or two may surprise you. Then leave the counter area, got to the left, and go out the door. Hug the left pillar and take out an executioner guard quickly, then go collect the body armor which should be quite visible and run out the door to complete the mission, the objective once again, must be carried over to the next mission. ======================== Mission 12: Death's Door ======================== Degree of Difficulty: **** Bond Moments: 4/6 Objectives: 1. Rescue Mya 2. Find a way into the crematorium 3. Gain entry to run-down building 4. Retreive skeleton key in bell tower. 5. Destroy security box to open gate As you start the mission walk up the stairs and hug the concrete wall to your left. Move to the end, take out the visible guard, then after about a second you will see a second guard running away from you, shoot him before he can take cover. Then leave your cover, walk perfectly straight, and when you hit the concrete wall hug it. Move to the right and a guard will come after you immediately, shoot him before he can do anything, then wait for a fourth guard to come around the corner, shoot him as well, and then the coast will be clear to go through the gates. After you go through the gates, turn left, walk over the bridge, and crouch behind the stone structure. As soon as you hear the loud noise of thunder a guard will dive out of a wooden window on a building to your left. Shoot him first as he does not have any form of protection. Move to the far right of the stone structure, you will see a guard hiding behind the corner of the building where you shot the first guard. Shoot this guard, then move to your far left and a guard will be hiding behind a stone structure diagonally to your right, if you take a while killing the first guard then he may leave his hiding place, either way he is a living target. Move towards the door of the building, when you get close to it, you will see it break. Target the guard that shot it out immediately and fire. There will be another guard that dives into his position so take advantage of this and kill both of them quickly. Walk into the building and go to the right, there is a Q Spider hole, but do not go in there unless you really need body armor because you may need the armor later, when you do enter you get a Bond Moment though. Then behind the boxes you will find a very inviting sniper rifle. Now exit the building and run to the left towards the stone structure where the second guard was to get his ammo, then reenter the building and go to your right, but remain behind the boxes. If the wooden window in front of you has not been broken yet, then shoot it out by aiming for the high point and then the middle, but be careful because there is a sniper on a nearby roof. The roof should be the highest visible point that you can see and the guard is on the left side of the roof. Take out your own sniper, remain behind the boxes in a position where you can see him, but he can't see you. Activate the scope, zoom in, and wipe him out. Go near the door, but stay on the left and target the upper portion of the tower to your right, move slowly to the right until the guard is about halfway into your crosshairs, then fire on him, while he is still trying to figure out a way to fire at you with the angle that he has. Now exit the building and go left. Collect any ammo you may have missed then turn right. Switch to a different weapon, anything other than the sniper is fine. Hug the first pillar you see on the right, immediately aim and fire at the guard to the left. If you wait a second guard may come out into the open so if he does, take him out as well. If he hides, then go the right of the pillar and hug the wall that is straight ahead. He will be on your left behind the stone structure, but he may jump into the open. Turn the camera with the right analog stick so that it is facing the direction Bond is facing. If you need the body armor to your right pretty badly then don't be afraid to take it especially if you didn't send your spider into the hole earlier. Don't be afraid to do that when you need the armor though. Move back toward the pillar, but don't go to it, stay on the left now, and go towards the gate. Hug the pillar in front of you and a guard should come out for you to shoot. There is a second guard taking cover behind that stone structure to your left, but don't worry too much about him until he leaves his cover, then he has become dog meat for you. If you are shot from behind at before you can get to the second guard in this spot, then go back towards that building where you took out the snipers, but instead of going to it, shoot him as soon as you see him from behind the wall. Now go back to the point at which you were making forward progress and go all the way to the end of that aisle. Be on the lookout for a guard before you get there though. Wait a few seconds to make sure you got everyone. Then turn left when you see stairs, but don't show yourself directly in front of the stairs. Instead hug the wall just to the left of the stairs and take out the guard to the right. Wait a second and another guard should come around the corner who is easy to pick off. Go up the first flight of stairs cautiously as you always should. Crouch and go up the four or five remaining stairs. M will tell you that Agent Starling is running out of time, but this should not concern you too much. Follow the concrete path and turn left. Hug the wall and go down the stairs. You will probably see the guard when your at the top, but stay against the wall and shoot him when you are at the bottom. Turn right, there should be a gate to the left at the end of the hall and a door to the right go to the door and try to open it. Q will give you a message and a new objective. You will have to go back up the stairs to take out yet another guard. Go back to the gate you were just near and take out a sniper on the balcony of the building that you just saw in the cutscene. Go back and another sniper will appear so go back to that gate again and shoot him off the building. Now go to that building, which you have already been at. Another guard will appear on the balcony, but just shoot him off from where you are this time. Go back to the bottom of the stairs where that large tower is that you shot off the second sniper. Take out your rappel gun and go to the top to retrieve the skeleton key completing objective four. There is also sniper ammo up there and body armor if you need it, If your health is half or less, you probably ought to take it. Go to the opening in the tower, but don't rappel down because you have some work to do. One guard is in the open so pick him off quickly. There are two or three others, but don't worry about them now, just rappel down. A cutscene will play showing two rocket launchers. Don't worry about them just rappel to the bottom and crouch. There is a guard straight ahead taking cover behind the pillar that is behind the stone structure. If you have enough health, which you should if you took that armor, then you can clean him out from the open, but be careful because there is another guard that may come out of hiding who is an easier target and should be your priority. Proceed straight ahead, but when you get to that stone wall on the left hug it and fire over the wall because there should be a guard there. Go toward that run-down building again, but watch the door because two guards will come out. Don't panic and take them out one at a time. There is another guard across the bridge where you started hiding behind that wall to your right. It would be wise to add him to your kill total. Now enter the run-down building, go to the door on the left and open it. Activate thermovision and you will see a guard right in front of you that is easy to pick off and another on the balcony above you. Take him out as well, then move straight and take a right. You should see stairs, if you don't then you're in the wrong room. Proceed slowly up the stairs, but a guard will come rolling to view before you get up the first four stairs. Now turn right and proceed with caution up the large set of stairs. Another guard should come into view before you reach the top so shoot him. When you're on about the sixth step from the top turn right and fire at the guard over the small wall. When he is gone it's safe to go to the top. Once you're around the corner you will see doors that look like large windows. Enter through the far door, which is the only unlocked one. There is body armor inside the building in the opposite corner of where you are if you want that. When you are outside on the balcony, deactivate thermovision and fire and the two guards below you, one to the left and one straight ahead. When they are dead, aim your sniper straight ahead over the wooden door at the door with the designs on it. Then move it a little to the right and your crosshairs should be lined up with the security box. Fire the rifle to complete for a Bond Moment and completion of objective five. Now change weapons, activate thermovision, and go into the building. There will be a guard on the opposite side of where you are, but he should not be much of a problem. Proceed back down the stairs and out of the building where you can deactivate thermovision. Be prepared to shoot a guard on the way out though. Go to the right and take out at least three of the four guards on the other side of the gate to your left. One is in the open, another behind a statue, the third behind a wall on top of the stairs, and the fourth is on top of the stairs hidden from view. Go back toward the tower where the skeleton key was, proceed toward it until a guard in wide open territory comes out and pretty much asks you to kill him. Go up the stairs and down them on the other side. Turn right toward the wooden gate that you opened and go through it. Walk up to the big door and enter. Walk down the stairs and turn left, but be prepared for a battle after the cutscene. Your job is to keep the conveyer off by flipping the switch in the middle of the room when the Jean La Rouge turns it on. You also must kill him before Mya gets to the inferno. Go into Bond sense and shoot at objects that are near La Rouge for a faster victory and perhaps bond moments. To get the two Bond Moments you have to shoot the flamethrower thing one side, which is hard to see and it doesn't look like anything is there, but Bond Sense will reveal it. The same goes for the flamethrowing sprinkler type thing on the ceiling on the other side. If you're shooting at objects it should only take about for or five object shots and one gunshot to finish La Rouge off easily. Plus there is a lot of armor lying on the sides so the mission is not as hard as it seems. ================================== Mission 13: Battle in the Big Easy ================================== Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments: 2/3 Objectives: 1. Take Mya to Bond's lair 2. Allow Mya to defuse bomb 3. Destroy the compound 4. Locate access point for RC car 5. Us laser on fuel access panel 6. Deliver Mya to her apartment When you start this mission you will see a cutscene where you and Mya get into a limo together so that means you will be driving the limo. When you first start wait about a second after you pass the first intersection and a car will begin shooting at you. Use your smoke screen for the Bond Moment and continue on. You will hear a message from M saying that there is a bomb in the limo that is triggered by speed so don't slow down. That does not mean that you can't slow down a little to get into corners, but if you're at a reduced speed for a certain amount of time the limo will blow up and you will fail. Follow that road and shortly you will be greeted by two stopped cars with guys shooting at you from the sunroof. Just drive in between them and turn right as that is the only way to go. Then take a left on to the road, which seems to be the only one not connected to anything, but be careful because there is a civilian car on the left of that road. Just go around it to the right and you shouldn't lose any health. Follow that road until there appears to be grass on the left. An enemy car will come flying out across the road to the right side. Start going left before it comes out and remain to the left of the car and you should avoid running into it. Proceed a little farther and when you see a road to your right, be careful because another car will come across the road. This time stay on the right side in order to clear the car. When you see a park to your right cut through there diagonally. You will come to a fork in the road with a building in the middle. Take the right side and you should be approaching your destination. Take the left, you probably have about 5-10 seconds left to defuse the bomb so instead of facing the destination to the left keep traveling the road and go around the destination until the bomb is defused. Once the bomb is defused, enter the lair and drive all the way down the hall until a cutscene plays showing you and Mya hopping into the faster, better armed Aston Martin. You should have completed the first two objectives by now. Now drive out of the lair and you will be greeted once again by an enemy car that will fire at you. Just fire a missile at him and he will be finished, then hang a right. Go to the end of the road and over the concrete, you will see another enemy. Once again missiles are the easy way out. Then turn right when you can't go straight any farther. Do not leave this road until you're at your destination. You will encounter another enemy, but the mini-map will point him out before he can see you and missiles are friendly to you again. When you see him you will see a right turn, but don't be tempted to explore. Continue straight ahead until you come to the gate entrance near the destination go through it and go to the blue crystal structure in front of you. Deploy the RC car by pressing the triangle button. Look to the left of the garage door, you should see a pipe. This is where you need to send the RC car. When you get to the top of the pipe keep going, the RC car will not be destroyed if you fall of ledges. Go straight until a cutscene plays showing two guards and a gas chamber sort of thing. Drive the edge, but don't go off of it, you will notice that the RC car has a lock on the gas chamber. Fire the laser at it until it opens up and the two guards are gone, which will be confirmed by a cutscene. Then drive off the edge and go straight. Take your first left, turn left again, turn right, then right again and begin building speed for the ramp ahead, do not stop until you have a lock on the fuel access panel. Then fire the laser at it and a cutscene will show the whole compound exploding. You will receive a Bond Moment if you only used one RC car. Then you will be placed back on the roads in your Aston Martin. Follow the road until you come across an enemy car, take him out with missiles, if you miss anyone don't be afraid to use oil slick by pressing L1. There are two more enemy cars ahead of that one, which missiles can be used on yet again. Continue on that road and be prepared for an enemy car to pop out where you need to turn left, that is your first left after the last enemy you destroyed. Use a missile or two on him and take the left turn. Continue on that road and two more enemy cars will appear that you want to take out with missiles. If you have missed any, they will follow you and you should try to use the oil slick on them. Take the first right after you pass the spot where your enemies were or where they are if you're unlucky, then take your first left, you can go up the stairs and out the window if you want or just take the normal left. Then follow the road to the blue crystal, nail the brakes and you've completed the mission. ========================== Mission 14: Faded Splendor ========================== Degree of Difficulty: **** Bond Moments: 0/3 Objectives: 1. FIND YAYAKOV'S LAIR 2. Disable the door switches When you first start this mission, you will see two guards talking to each other, a wall in front of you, and a sniper to your right. I would suggest that you do not grab the sniper first, but that is up to you. Now hug the wall, move all the way to the left, lock on either guy (I usually take out the one on the right first). Then aim for his head and fire, then quickly aim at the other guard because there is a sniper up above to your left that is desperately trying to take you down. Once both of them are dead, aim for the sniper above you to the left and take him out. In the process, another guard will jump over the wooden wall to the right, which is already in full view. When the sniper is dead, that guard should be just finishing his roll so fire at him before he can take aim. Now I would advise grabbing the sniper to your right and leaving your cover. Enter the room where you killed the guards and collect ammo. You may hear a sniper go off, but do not worry about it because you can kill him later and he will not shoot you. Collect the guards' ammo and go into the next room to your left (from the starting point). Pass both couches and look to the left. There is a Q Spider hole there. Send the spider into the hole and travel to the end of the tunnel where there is body armor if you need it, if not then save it for later, but turn right and you will see a guard. Move the spider quickly at him and detonate it, now you have one less guard to worry about. Now go back to where the sniper was, but do not stop there, go to the right corner of the room. Take out your rappel gun and use the rappel point up there to get up. When you get to the top, aim your gun to the left before you even have a view of the guard and take him down before he can let off a round. Proceed in that direction with caution. Hug the wall to the right and move to the left, there is a guard waiting on the right near the end of the hallway. There will also be a guard to your left before you finish killing the guard at the end of the hallway. Take him out immediately after you take the other guard out. Then go to the left where the second guard was and go into the room to the right. A guard will come up the stairs before you get there, but while he is in motion, take aim and fire. When everyone is dead you can go back to where you rappelled up, to your left are a couple of wooden planks blocking the way, but to the right is a wooded area, and you should see a ramp that you can send your Q spider down. Once you get on the mantel, move slowly towards the middle so that the guard does not destroy the spider, then detonate the spider in the middle of the mantle. The guard may survive, but if you were in the right spot a hidden door opens and you get a Bond Moment. Then go back to where the guard was down the hallway if you want body armor. Go to the end of the hall and go through the doorway to the left to grab the armor. Then return to the stairs and go down them, before you get to the bottom a guard will dive out at you from the room to your left. Wait for him to complete his roll, then take him out. Now take his ammo and go straight out the door in front of you. Walk up to the railing and quickly enter Bond Sense. Choose a gun and look up, you should see a chandelier, but look at the ceiling where it is hanging from. The red target will show that you can lock on to it, which you should do, then fire at it for a Bond Moment that kills the guards below you. Next go left and down the large staircase, then go to the right. You will be likely to see a doorway with a staircase right in front of you, when you see it go right again behind the pillars. Now you should see another doorway, this time go in it, grab the battery for your Nano suit, get the body armor if you need it, and flip the switch to your left, which is indicated by a red glow. Then hug the wall on the same side as the doorway and move all the way to the right. If you want to run out into the open with your Nano suit and risk the battery dying, then go ahead, but if not then stay put. There is a guard hiding behind the pillar that is farthest from you, if you wait a guard will dive behind the table on the right. This is the easiest guard to nail when he sticks his head up so you should shoot him first. Then you will notice a guard in front of the one that is the farthest away who will be sticking his head out at times so he should be the second to go. After you shoot him the guard behind the farthest pillar may come out into the open, but even if he does not he will still stick his head out so he should be the third one down. Dive to the other side of the doorway, hug that wall, and the final guard may check on one of his friends, which would be the perfect time to strike, but even if he doesn't an open war with one guard gives you the advantage if you are quick on the draw. Collect the ammo and go to the other side of the staircase where you will see a doorway that looks much like the first. Enter this doorway, grab the battery for the Nano suit, and flip the switch to complete the objective. Then hug the wall by the open window on the left side. Aim for the railing above you first to take out the two snipers, one at a time. Then take out the two guards behind the tables, and one of the two hiding behind the pillars. The other one is harder to hit from this spot. Leave your cover and walk straight, but be ready for when that guard comes out of hiding because once again, you will need to be quick on the draw. Collect the ammo and go to the right, up the smaller staircase, there is body armor to the right of the staircase if you want it. Once you are on top of the staircase, enter the room to your right and hug the wall near the doorway to your left. There are two guards in the room at the other end of the hall. They can both be taken out from your current position. Walk up to this room and shoot the third guard who you could not see from a distance. Continue to the left, then enter the doorway to the right, here you will see a staircase in front of you and another doorway to the right. Enter the doorway to the right and collect the ammo, but remain facing the door because a guard who came up the stairs will be after you, but he is no problem if he does not catch you off guard. Exit the room, but do not go too far, a second guard will be approaching you, but once again he is no problem to take out. Go back into the room and go through that hidden doorway you found earlier to your left. Collect everything you want and need, then approach the staircase slowly because there is a sniper above you to the left. When you can see part of one of his legs and one of his arms, take out your own sniper, aim for any visible part of his body, and shoot him. Switch back to a different weapon and go down the first flight of stairs on to the landing. Then hug the wall to the right and move to the left until you reach a doorway. When you get there quickly dispose of the four guards. There is a battery and body armor between the two computers in the room, which you can grab if you need them. Then proceed back up the stairs on to the landing and look to the left. You will see a wooded wall, which there is a rappel point on top of. Rappel up to the top and hug the first wooden structure to your right. Then look in the doorway that is straight ahead and you will find two guards, the one on the left can be taken out easily when he pokes his head out. To hammer the one on the right you have to walk out into the open, you should probably crouch, and walk toward him until he comes out of hiding, then shoot him down. Walk into the room where the guards where, get their ammo, and take the body armor if you do not have full health because you are almost done, but you still have a battle to fight. Enter the room to the right and rappel down the opening to your left. When you get to the bottom crouch and get behind something. If anyone enters the room your in, then take them out first, then aim for the guards in the other room through the doorway, but stay in your hiding spot. There are four that are taking cover behind walls. Whoever pokes their head out first dies first or if they leave their cover, even for a second, you can shoot them dead quickly. When all five guards are dead you can enter the room and walk as far to the right as possible to complete the mission. ================================= Mission 15: The Machinery of Evil ================================= Degree of Difficulty: *** Bond Moments: 3/3 Objectives: 1. DEFEAT YAYAKOV 2. Destroy all 4 processing chambers 3. Destroy transformer cores In this mission you will probably lose a lot of health unless you use all the cover that you can find. It is actually a short mission, but the number of enemies that shoot at you from cover makes it seem like it takes forever. You start in the room where you ended the previous mission. You will be facing towards the left corner in the room, there is an SPAS 12 to the left of the door and body armor in the back of the room behind you. Grab the SPAS 12, but only take the body armor if you absolutely need it. Then go through the door, watch the cutscene, and prepare for the fight that ensues. Move to the right so that you get just behind the railing, but you can still target the guards. The easiest one is behind the railing on the left side at the end of the walkway. He is probably the easiest to take out, so when his head pokes out, shoot him. However, if any guards come into the open, while you are trying to shoot those that are in cover, then take out the guards in the open first. If you are inaccurate on one guard, then one or two will come into the open before you hit the first guard. If you are quick, you can take all four of the guards out in the same manner that you took out the first. The last guard on the left behind the machine may require you to leave your cover, scare him out of hiding, and shoot him down. From the start, go to the round machines and turn left. You should see a door at the end of the walkway, walk towards it, but before you get to it, you will notice a small staircase on your left and a door at the bottom. Go through this door at look to your left. You will see electricity flowing, if you do not, then you will in a couple of seconds. Walk up next to the electricity, but do not get too close or you will pay a fine price. Wait for it to flow, then as soon as it stops go to the other side. Yayakov may say, "Get him away from the machines." If he does, then two guards will come after you, but they can both be taken out in the open. One is a big guy with a cane and the other is wearing a light gray suit, just be aware of them. They will probably find you before you get past the flowing electricity. When you do get past it, there is SIG ammo to the left of the keyboard and body armor on the right side of the room. Take this even if your health is nearly full because once you leave the room you cannot get back in. Now walk up to the keyboard and press X to destroy the first machine. Exit past the electricity the same way as before and exit through the door. Walk up the stairs and crouch behind the railing in the same fashion that you did at the beginning. You will notice a few guards coming towards you. One is wearing black and blue clothes. This guard will probably run straight for you, so take him out first. Then look for targets at the end of the hallway, there are two guards in suits and one tough guard with a cane. They are all prone to your shots because they are in the open. There is another guard in a suit that is hiding to the left behind one of those round machines. Take him out when he pokes his head out. If you here a noise and see something rise up, then more guards will come at you, but they will run into the open and will only seek cover if they see you before you shoot them. Shoot them down before they see you and seek to destroy the next machine. Proceed back to the start and two guards may come out, a big guy with a cane, and a guy in a suit. Take them out in an open battle. Now go back towards the machines, but this time go past the machines and turn right. Then take your next left. You should see another staircase with a door at the bottom. Enter through the door and you will see a doorway to your right, go through the doorway and you will see two large objects that are triangular shaped. There is body armor on the other side, which you should take if you lost any health. There is also SPAS 12 ammo to the right of the keyboard. Now push X next to the keyboard to destroy the second machine. You will see two guards through the window, but you cannot shoot them and they cannot shoot you through the window. Now exit the room, crouch, go up the staircase and be prepared to meet the guard with the cane. Open fire on him and remain crouched behind the railing at the top of the staircase. Then fire at the guard on the far left that is taking cover. Finally take out the two hiding in the vicinity of the round machines. From where you destroyed the last machine, stay on the right, go past the machines, you should be able to see Yaykov to your right without anything obstructing your view. Then go right and you should see a staircase with a door at the bottom again. Go through this door and turn left through the doorway. Get the body armor on the right side of the machine and the SPAS 12 ammo on the left side if you have room for it. Then press X next to the keyboard to destroy the third machine. You must exit this room quickly or you will be electrocuted. Go down the stairs (if you go up then you will be shocked). Dive toward the wall on your left, hug it, and then move all the way to the right. There is a guard taking cover to your right behind another wall. Try to get a lock on him, but if you cannot and he starts shooting at you, another guard will come after you from the left side. You may need to leave cover to take him out before he hits you. If you wait long enough that first guard will leave his cover and run into the open along with two others. Shoot them down quickly, but only take one at a time. Now you can leave your cover, but do not take their ammo yet. Go to the left and hug the wall that is on the right side of the gap. Move to the left and quickly enter Bond Sense. You will see two guards, but do not lock on them. Look in the middle and you will see something else that you can lock on to. Shoot that for a Bond Moment and steam will come out that stuns both guards. Now you must shoot them down and it is funny because they cannot do anything to you. Now grab all the ammo you want and head back to the staircase that you entered the lower area from, but do not go upstairs. Instead of turning left up the staircase, turn right and go left towards the objects that look like red poles. When you get up next to one, go into Bond Sense, lock on it, and shoot it out. Do the same for the other one, walk in, and grab the rocket launcher for a Bond Moment. Go out the other side and walk straight on the left side of the pillars. Take your first left and first right. You will see a ramp that goes down, flat, and up. There is a guard waiting at the other side. Shoot him down and walk on to the flat part of the ramp. Look to the right and look down, you should see a Q spider hole. Send your Q spider into the hole and follow the path until you get to a point where you can see a ramp, but it looks like you may fall down if you go that way. Do not worry about that. Go down the ramp and turn right. Your next right is the entrance to an elevator, make sure it is there before you send the spider in, if it is not there then wait for it. When you reach the top, exit the elevator and turn left. You will notice an opening on the right. Follow the path all the way into the room for the Bond Moment and at the top of the ramp turn right. Send the spider towards the doorway, you will notice circuitry on the right side. Detonate the spider next to the circuitry and the door will open. Once you have finished with the spider, proceed up the ramp, take a right and you will see a large staircase. Go up the staircase and turn right towards the round machines. This time turn right, but stay in front of the machines, you will see a door at the end of the hall, but before it to your right is another one of those small staircases with a door at the bottom. Then go through the doorway to your right. There is SPAS 12 ammo next to the keyboard if you want it. When you are done destroy the final machine by pressing X next to the keyboard. Then exit the room and hug the wall right after the exit. Shoot the first guard dead quickly. Then go up the small staircase and use your rocket launcher (if you want to take out the other three guards quickly. Then walk over to the round machines and go into Bond Sense. Target one transformer core and shoot it until it blows up. Repeat the same process on the second and watch a cutscene of Yayakov. You have completed the mission. ==================================== Mission 16: The Pontchartrain Bridge ==================================== Degree of Difficulty: ** Bond Moments: 4/4 Objectives: 1. Disable Jaws Tanker 2. Avoid civilian casualties (not an objective, but you will fail if you do not) This is one of the shortest missions in the game and perhaps one of the easiest if you are good at avoiding traffic. Avoiding the traffic comes with practice and time put into a driving portion of a game or a driving game. There is no walkthrough that can get you past every single vehicle on the map. Also note that the drivers of opposing vehicles will try to match your speed, if you stop, they will stop. The only way to have a different speed than them is to go as fast as possible because your motorcycle's top speed is faster than their top speed. You begin the mission on your Triumph Daytona 600 motorcycle. To your right is a path and to your left is a wooden bridge. Go left and take the bridge. When you are across the bridge, if you keep going straight you will fall into shallow water, but this is what you should do. Do not slow your momentum and take the curve at a high speed. When you get around the curve and see noting, but a ramp and a fence, hit the ramp at full speed to jump over the gate for a Bond Moment. Now there is a path to your left and a path to your right, the path on the left will allow you to go straight, but if you go on the right side path, you need to take your next right. When you see a wooden building fire two rockets at it to kill all four guards (you only need to press shoot once) and earn a Bond Moment. Now just follow the trail to the road. When you first get on the road you will see a two large overhanging signs. At the second one there seems to be vehicles blocking the road so stay on the right to bust through the gate. A little after the gate you will approach an area where you can switch to the other said of the road (I will refer to it as an intersection). At the first intersection there are two guards on motorcycles. You can use rockets on them if you want, but the quickest way to eliminate them is to attempt to catch them and use your flamethrower on them. Once those two guards are gone, you will probably be approaching the second intersection. A little after the second intersection there will be two more motorcyclists for you to take out in the manner of your choice. When they are gone, or even if they are not, when you get to the third intersection stay on the left side. You should see a ramp that you should align yourself with and keep your speed high. You will break through a gate, go up a ramp, if you have a lower speed you will land on the near ramp, either if your speed is high or low you will probably land on the far ramp eventually. Make sure you stick the landing on the other side of the road coming off that ramp and avoid traffic. You will receive a Bond Moment just before you land. Take a right at the next intersection, then of course, a left and you will be greeted by two vehicles with guys that shoot at you eventually. Take them out and continue down the road trying your hardest to avoid traffic, but keep your speed up the whole time. Drive until you see a cutscene of Jaws' tanker ram another tanker, which spins out, takes out another vehicle, and blocks the road. Just before the intersection press L1 and move the left analog stick to the left. Now watch yourself slide underneath the tanker while one of your enemies crashes into it and blows up. Right after that you will see two trucks and Jaws' tanker. Take the trucks out first, but use whatever weapon that will take you the least amount of time (I would advise rockets, but if you are out then the flamethrower). Then go up to Jaws' tanker with your flamethrower, pull alongside and shoot it once, he will try to put you into the guardrail. You will lose some speed so you will have to catch the tanker again and repeat that again. He will once again, pin you to the wall and you will lose speed, but his health meter should be almost empty. Q will be counting down the mileage for Jaws to get to the city, if you get to zero you obviously fail. However, you should be at no less than two miles by this point. Try to catch Jaws again and use the flamethrower again, if you do or if he hits another vehicle, a cutscene will play showing Jaws' tanker crash through the guardrail into the water. That is the end of the mission. ============== MI-6 Interlude ============== Degree of Difficulty: 0 Bond Moments: 0/0 Objectives: None Watch other members of MI-6 talk about how Yaykov and Nadanova use the nanobots. They talk about how platinum is the only thing that can not be destroyed by the nanobots because it prevents them from destroying each other. Then watch as you receive a grenade upgrade from Q, which happens to be an EMP grenade. This grenade disables electronic equipment. =============================================================================== -------------------------------7. Multiplayer---------------------------------- =============================================================================== Cooperative: Team up with your friends to take on challenging AI. This is what makes EoN unique, you and your friends will need to open doors together defuse bombs and complete objectives. Always remember together we stand and divided we fall, that is how it works here. Race: Just like cooperative only it's a race against the clock as well. This adds to the difficulty of co-op play Scramble: This time you're on your own against the AI, though your friends will be playing at the same time, but don't look at them as friends or you could end up with a bullet in your head, they can kill you, you can kill them and anyone can kill the AI. Arena: The normal Multiplayer game where up to four players slug it out together without the AI. =============================================================================== -----------------------------8. Hints and Tips--------------------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Use all types of cover to your advantage and use any trick you have up your sleeve without hesitation 2. Never run out into the open unless you know what's out there 3. Be careful hiding behind wooden crates, they can be destroyed 4. The most powerful guns aren't always the best 5. Stealth is the key to many missions 6. When driving use the break because running into things decreases your health 7. If there is an extremely powerful guard, shoot him with the sleeper dart and he's out cold in one hit 8. If you walk into a crowd of several enemies by accident, throw a strobe grenade, take cover, and take out your enemies 9. Use Bond Sense as a defensive weapon. By using it often you can look around you, and lock on to an enemy planning a surprise attack without being killed 10. Listen to what your enemies say. If they say, "Get that guy!" or "Let's see what you've got!" then you know they're nearby and not dead. If they say, "What was that" while they're whispering, then they heard you and don't know where you are, so just be careful and move slowly. If you hear them say, "Fire in the hole!" Get out of the spot you're in because they just threw a grenade. 11. When you move while your crouching, you move silently 12. Hit the start button for hints and Bond Moments =============================================================================== -------------------------------9. Unlockables---------------------------------- =============================================================================== Production Stills 1: 1 Gold Medal Production Stills 2: 2 Gold Medals Production Stills 3: 3 Gold Medals Production Stills 4: 4 Gold Medals Production Stills 5: 5 Gold Medals Helicopter Weapon Upgrade (allows you to shoot 2 missiles at once): 6 Gold Medals Production Stills 6: 7 Gold Medals Serena: 8 Gold Medals Production Stills 7: 9 Gold Medals Tank Weapon Upgrade: 10 Gold Medals Underworld Mission: 11 Gold Medals Cayenne Weapon Upgrade: 12 Gold Medals Production Stills 8: 13 Gold Medals Mya: 14 Gold Medals =============================================================================== -----------------------10. Frequently Asked Questions-------------------------- =============================================================================== Q: How is the auto aim on this game? A: The auto aim is a bit shaking, so sometimes you'll need to manually adjust it so that you can hit an enemy squarely. Q: What does EoN stand for? A: It is the abbreviation for Everything or Nothing. Q: Why do I die when I'm concealed behind a crate? A: Its probably because your behind a wooden crate and wooden crates can be blown apart or shot apart for that matter Q: Is this game as good as Goldeneye? A: It all depends on personal opinion. However, most people will say that Goldeneye's multiplayer is much better. I also believe that the majority feel that Goldeneye is better. Q: How do I get platinum medals? A: After getting a gold medal on agent or 00 Agent and if you played on agent, beating the mission on 00 Agent, the platinum objective should be unlocked. Just complete the objective and you'll walk away with a platinum medal, then again maybe you'll still be holding the controller in your hands. Q: How is the difficulty A: It depends on your 007 experience. If you're experienced then you should probably go with 00 Agent because it's quite hard, but if you're inexperienced then you could find Agent quite challenging. Q: Is Multiplayer mode worth playing? A: You bet it is! With co-op online and offline, scramble, and arena it will have you and you're friends busy for hours. Q: I am right next to a wall, I have fired my rappel gun about twenty times, but I still cannot rappel up for some reason. What do I do. A: Back up a little bit, you are too close to the wall. The only other problem you may have is that there are not any rappel points where you are standing. =============================================================================== --------------------------------11. Credits------------------------------------ =============================================================================== Thanks to GameFAQs for posting this FAQ Thanks to FastNFurious for allowing me to use a Platinum Medal Walkthrough for the mission An Old Friend =============================================================================== ------------------------------12. Contact Info--------------------------------- =============================================================================== You can contact me through the Message boards or email, my email address is extrememoder@yahoo.com, if you have sent something to the email address that was posted previously then there is no need to resend it, I just take a while to get through all my email. If you would like to help me on this FAQ then just contact me through email or the message boards in the James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing forum for the Playstation 2. Also please do not ask me for cooperative help, I probably know less than you do because I rarely have someone to play the game with. I will accept Platinum walkthroughs, 00 Agent guides, Bond Moments, corrections, and more. You will receive credit for your work if I have your permission to use it. =============================================================================== -------------------------------13. Legal Info---------------------------------- =============================================================================== This FAQ is protected by Copyright the only site I give permission to use this FAQ is GameFAQs and its affiliates. This FAQ is meant for your personal use only and is not to be used for anything else. If you post this FAQ on another site or anywhere for anything other than personal use without my consent is a violation of copyright. Any and all violators will be prosecuted.